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Author Topic: Let's Play Fall from Heaven 2 (Civ IV): CONTINUED IN NEW THREAD  (Read 25604 times)


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Re: Let's Play Fall from Heaven 2 (RifE): Ch4 - Of Elves and Dwarves
« Reply #90 on: January 27, 2012, 02:07:52 pm »

While I'd prefer [3], breaking the game in unexpected ways sounds very... dwarfy. If the game is likely to break in hilarious ways, go with [2]. Otherwise [3].
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Re: Let's Play Fall from Heaven 2 (RifE): Ch4 - Of Elves and Dwarves
« Reply #91 on: January 27, 2012, 05:19:53 pm »

If it was me playing? 3, absolutely.

But I don't mind sticking with the current system. I don't know what I'm missing so it doesn't bother me in the least that we're a bit slow. And since it's you playing and giving us the condensed updates, it's not like us viewers are going to suffer the snailpace as much. On the other hand, breaking games is fun.

If you're going to tally, count me in with #3, but know that I don't really care which way this LP goes, as long as it goes.


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Re: Let's Play Fall from Heaven 2 (RifE): Ch4 - Of Elves and Dwarves
« Reply #92 on: January 27, 2012, 05:38:15 pm »

I vote for #1, as long games are fun games and so far the turns have been exciting enough. If things take longer then just take longer turns.
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Re: Let's Play Fall from Heaven 2 (RifE): Ch4 - Of Elves and Dwarves
« Reply #93 on: January 28, 2012, 09:45:06 pm »



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Re: Let's Play Fall from Heaven 2: Ch.5 - Who're you gonna call?
« Reply #94 on: January 29, 2012, 06:13:13 pm »

[~♫] Chapter 5: Who're you gonna call?
In which the Grigori have 99 problems, but a Lich ain't one.

Turning their attention to the undead problem, the adventuring party head toward a pass at the north end of the valley. A bear threatens the pass, and the Scout takes the opportunity to wrestle with him.

Spoiler: BattleLog: (click to show/hide)

Emerging from the valley, the party searches the land for the likely source of their undead problem. Before long, Geordan and the others stumble upon a curious hillside barrow. Old boulders smoothed by time, and carved with curious runes dot the ground, along with large blue crystals that seem to shine with their own light. So transfixed are they all that the hail of arrows buzzing through the air go unnoticed, until they begin to rain down among them! While the others move to take cover, Geordan takes an arrow to the knee, but storms the hill undeterred to where a band of Skeletal Archers are fortified.

Spoiler: BattleLog: (click to show/hide)

From the top of the hill, the party survey the area for other lairs. Biggs and Wedge head Northwest to investigate an old fortress, while Geordan, the Scout, and the Warrior stay behind to explore the Barrows.

The tunnels leading into the barrow hill are cold and damp, the interior only faintly lit by the same strange crystals found on the surface. The Scout wades through a pool of black water to cross to a deeper part of the barrows... and cries out in pain as something sharp pierces into his foot! He and the others return to the surface and inspect the wound. The cut is jagged, and a burning rash of skin far darker than a bruise should be has begun to spread from it. Fearing infection or poison, he tries to clean the wound and apply a tourniquet, but the rash continues to spread.

By the next morning the Scout has grown very ill, and elects to stay in camp while the others delve deeper. They take care when crossing the flooded passage, and eventually reach a gloomy stairway that leads deeper into the Barrow. After their descent, the tunnels wind to a curious crystal-lined archway, with a wide, glowing vault beyond it. Crystals line every wall of the vault, and seem to hum and glow brighter as they approach the archway. The air begins to crackle with static, as a shimmering ball of light gathers under the archway before them. Curious, the Warrior reaches out to it, but before Geordan can move to stop him the ball expands into a bright rift, which swallows him up and disappears with a snap, followed by a tremendous rumbling. Seeing no sign of him below, Geordan hurries to the surface only to find the Scout with his back to the wall, feebly shouting about an attack. A horde of waterlogged Zombies emerge, swollen and dripping from barrows all around their camp, and shamble up the hill. Geordan draws his blade and shield, and stands to face them alone.

Meanwhile, Biggs and Wedge take some time to fully explore the Fort. They find a treasure horde, no doubt pillaged from the nearby city ruins, containing 136 gold worth of loot! After much celebration, and bagging everything they can carry, they find a locked room. Making short work of the wooden door, they find a room with a partially collapsed floor, leading down into an underground passageway. The tunnel walls are lined with burial alcoves; it appears to be an old catacomb, perhaps connected to the nearby barrow. Halfway through their exploration, a thunderous sound rumbles down the passage, followed by a strange tingling in the air. As the Dwarves turn to flee the tunnel, the bones of those buried in the catacomb walls shamble to their feet, clutching rusted swords!

Spoiler: BattleLog: Fort Fight (click to show/hide)

After the battle ends the Dwarves rejoin the others at the Barrow, and learn of the Warrior's disappearance. Taking him for dead, they raise a toast in honor of the fallen, and return once more to the Barrow. Winding their way back down to the massive crystal vault, the Dwarves and Geordan find a sealed stone doorway carved with the symbol of Arawn at the far end. As they approach the door, a rumbling roar is heard, followed by a flash of firey light scattered among the crystals on the wall. A massive Red Drake uncoils itself from the base of a crystal and attacks, pursuing them to the surface, while breathing fire and ash!

Burned, but not deterred, Geordan, Biggs, and Wedge return to the Barrow one last time, approaching the sealed door in the far side of the crystal chamber. The door slides into the ground at their approach, revealing a dark chamber wherein a robed figure stands before an Altar to Arawn, God of Death. When the figure turns toward them, its eyes resolve themselves into glowing pits, its features tightly drawn and corpselike.

Spoiler: AdventureLog (click to show/hide)

Intoning ancient necromantic spells, the Lich summons three skeletons forth to attack the party, before conjuring a ball of blue flames into a withered hand. The weakened and wounded adventurers join in a last desperate battle against them!

Spoiler: BattleLog: Lich Fight (click to show/hide)

With the Lich and his minions destroyed, and the threat of undead ended for now, the weary heroes make their journey back to 12th Bay. Geordan and his companions share tales of their harrowing adventures, with the newly-confirmed Dragonslayer taking most of the fame for himself. Though they mourn the loss of one of their brave Warriors, the people name Geordan the champion of the Grigori, and celebrate their victory over the undead!

I think everyone will be able to rest easier now that the dead are back to being dead. With that resolved, I thought it was time to turn our attentions to some domestic matters. Recent breakthroughs in mining technology have revealed both Gold and Copper ore deposits near 12th Bay, as well as Gem deposits on the coast to the East. All in all, this is great news!

Also, it's been more than a year since we first settled 12th Bay, and with refugees coming in from all corners as the world thaws, the town has grown about as large as local food can support. I think it's time we considered founding a few new settlements. New settlements will expand our cultural borders, and give us access to new resources... but we need to be sure there is enough land around them to develop, enough food and materials for them to grow, and settle strategically strong locations, in the event that the Svartalfar or someone else sees fit to attack us.

There are a few locations I've been considering nearby, each with different benefits and risks. We will probably be able to settle 2 or so before the rest of the ice melts, so you don't have to just pick 1 area. Also, if any of you have other ideas I'd be happy to hear them as well, but for your consideration...

Settling the Bay's Mouth:
- Pros: A well-protected area that provides fish and coastal trade, for easy food and commerce.
- Cons: It lacks much land to develop, weakening potential production, and may compete with 12th Bay for land.

Settling the Coastal City Ruins:
- Pros: Provides wild pigs and deer, and has both ocean access and land to develop.
- Cons: Lack of fresh water and deeply frozen terrain makes agriculture harder.

Settling the Woods:
- Pros: Provides spices and salt, and lots of land with a river, hills, and forests for decent food and production potential.
- Cons: It lacks ocean access, and it's distance from 12th Bay makes it harder to defend.

Settling near or on the Old Fortress:
- Pros: Strategically strong location, with plenty of food and ocean access.
- Cons: Only provides copper ore if crowded close to 12th Bay. Otherwise, it replaces the Fort.

Settling the Valley:
- Pros: Well-defended location providing Mushrooms, Gems, and Deer, and ocean access if built south of the mountains.
- Cons: Close proximity to the Svartalfar Fort, with limited land to develop due to mountains and ocean.

Status - Week 80:
The Grigori Tribe

Spoiler: Event History (click to show/hide)

Geordan (Dragon-Slayer):    9, 13.8, 1 (Resting)
**Abilities: Healing Salve, Adventurer, Courage, Dragon Slaying, Drill I, Magic Resistance, March, Shield of Faith
Biggs (Dwarf Axeman):       1, 4.0, 1 (Resting)
**Abilities: Dwarf, Mountaineer
Wedge (Dwarf Axeman):       1, 4.0, 1 (Resting)
**Abilities: Dwarf, Mountaineer
Scout:                      8, 2.8, 2 (Resting)
**Abilities: Hunter, Plagued, Spirit Guide
Auriel (Angel):             4, 7.2, 1 (Guarding 12th Bay)
**Abilities: Angel, Drill II
Warrior:                    1, 3.0, 1 (Guarding 12th Bay)

The Fallen:
Warrior:                    4, 5.4, 1 (Telefragged Turn 65)
« Last Edit: January 29, 2012, 07:26:51 pm by Solifuge »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Fall from Heaven 2: Ch.5 - Who're you gonna call?
« Reply #95 on: January 29, 2012, 07:06:03 pm »

Either the coast or the city.
It's a long way to the top if you want dank memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Fall from Heaven 2: Ch.5 - Who're you gonna call?
« Reply #96 on: January 29, 2012, 07:07:10 pm »

Valley or Fortress
It's FEF, not FEOF


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Re: Let's Play Fall from Heaven 2: Ch.5 - Who're you gonna call?
« Reply #97 on: January 29, 2012, 07:18:13 pm »

P.S. You can probably start submitting name ideas too.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Fall from Heaven 2: Ch.5 - Who're you gonna call?
« Reply #98 on: January 29, 2012, 07:25:00 pm »

I say either the ruins or the fortress. Flip a coin for it. Heads, fortress, tails, ruins.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Fall from Heaven 2: Ch.5 - Who're you gonna call?
« Reply #99 on: January 29, 2012, 07:44:08 pm »

P.S. You can probably start submitting name ideas too.
I vote wherever we decide to settle, we name it as if it is one of the other potential spots. ex: The Twice-lived City for the bay settlement.
It's a long way to the top if you want dank memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's Play Fall from Heaven 2: Ch.5 - Who're you gonna call?
« Reply #100 on: January 29, 2012, 08:26:10 pm »

I vote wherever we decide to settle, we name it as if it is one of the other potential spots. ex: The Twice-lived City for the bay settlement.
Seconding this. Perversity amuses me.
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Re: Let's Play Fall from Heaven 2: Ch.5 - Who're you gonna call?
« Reply #101 on: January 29, 2012, 09:22:29 pm »

I think we should leave the fort as is, as it's a very good strategic location for a fort. Place the city on the opposite coast or by the woods.


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Re: Let's Play Fall from Heaven 2: Ch.5 - Who're you gonna call?
« Reply #102 on: January 29, 2012, 11:21:01 pm »

city and fort
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone

Delta Foxtrot

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Re: Let's Play Fall from Heaven 2: Ch.5 - Who're you gonna call?
« Reply #103 on: January 30, 2012, 01:08:08 am »

Cool lich. Settle the fort to protect our eastern border. Secondary expansion site will be the woods up north.


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Re: Let's Play Fall from Heaven 2: Ch.5 - Who're you gonna call?
« Reply #104 on: January 30, 2012, 09:19:04 am »

Will building the city in the fort completely destroy it? I haven't played any Civ games. The area around the fort is a nice place to settle, but the fort should be preserved for defense. The woods also looks like a nice place to expand, but you don't want to over-extend.

I think you should settle around the fort first. Settle the woods when both of your towns are better established, and settle the ruined city once it's soil thaws so that you may better defend the woods settlement.
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