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Topics - Magmacube_tr

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General Discussion / How would SCP Foundation contain Bay12?
« on: May 12, 2024, 06:10:39 pm »
Imagine that Bay12 was some sort of otherworldly location, with us living in it. How would SCPF deal with us?

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Bay12 Space Adventure! (Joins Open)
« on: April 25, 2024, 01:23:22 pm »
You are on a spaceship. Your mission is to chart planets and moons, find and trade space garbage and cool items and fight various enemies if they appear.

You get XP by charting regions and defeating enemies. When you level up, your base HP increases and you get a skill point to improve one of your 5 stats by one notch. Those stats are attack (AT), defense (DF), agility (AG), accuracy (AC) and exploration (EX).

Attack is your base damage. Defense is how much damage you can deflect. Agility is your chance to dodge an attack. Accuracy is your chance to hit your target. Exploration is your chance to find more and higher quality items. Each of these stats go up to a maximum of 5 and start at 1, and you can go up to a maximum of level 20.

There are 11 world types and 3 world sizes that apply to terrestrial worlds. Small worlds have 2, medium worlds have 3 and large worlds have 4 regions that can be individually explored. Gas giants can be explored and only have 1 region.

Spoiler: World Types (click to show/hide)

You can do 3 actions per turn, which include moving to and from the ship, charting or moving between regions and initiating battles. Battles are done within a round. If you die, you are out the rest of that turn and respawn at the ship in the next one.

Ship does not moves unless all players are inside the ship. It does not lands, and moves between destinations instantly.

You start without any gear and must first find it by exploring worlds. You don't need air to breathe or talk or hear so no spacesuits. Otherwise, you are free to be whatever you wish.

Pick a name and write a short description for your character and you are good to go.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

DF Suggestions / Fanmade [RELIGION] tokens
« on: April 23, 2024, 07:25:42 pm »
What about an [OBJECT:RELIGION]? Or splitting the current religion mechanics into tags for the same customisation options for entities and creatures? I am excluding cults that worship megabeasts and demons and the like, as those should be handled separately. I am talking about mythological figures here.

You can add any tags you think would be fitting in the replies.

My tags below;

RELIGION•nameWorks the same way as CREATURE or ENTITY headers. Defines a religion.
CREATES_WEREBEAST_CURSESMakes the divine figures of this belief system capable of cursing people to be werebeasts. Does nothing if the belief system has no gods.
CREATES_VAMPIRE_CURSESMakes the divine figures of this belief system capabke of cursing people to become vampires. Does nothing if there are no gods in the belief system.
DEITY_NATURE•typeDenotes what the deities are like, essentially. Has 2 valid entries. A belief system can have both of them.

SPHERE: Literally the spheres themselves. They have no descriptions, and no names. Adherents of this belief system literally worship mountains or the caverns or justice. These figures are not limited by the tokens;


They are not counted as gods, and therefore do not curse people or make deals with demons.

GOD: Divine figures with names, unique persons and spheres they are associated with. Spheres associated change with the entities RELIGION_SPHERE and SPHERE_ALIGNMENT tags.
How many unique divine figures this belief system can have. Goes from 0 to 25. Making both 1 will produce monotheistic religions that worships nothing else. Making both 0 will mean no unique divine figures, and any mentions of such will be vague, such as "a god".
Determines the range of how many spheres a divine figure can have. Making both 0 means gods with no spheres and worshippers that just revere them instead of meditating on anything.
DEITY_FORM•typeHas 5 valid entries. A belief system can have multiple of them.

ANIMAL: Divine figures can be depicted as animals from the said civilisations homeland.
HYBRID: Divine figures can be depicted as animal hybrids of the civilisations race, such as a dwarf with a lions head, or a human with bat wings.
PERSON: Divine figures can be depicted as the race of the civilisation.
EMBODIMENT: Divine figures can be depicted as personifications of their spheres, such as beings made of fire or plant matter.
ABSTRACT: Divine figures have no depictions of themselves and instead are depicted through their effects on the world, such a rain deity depicted through the rain they make.
Defaults to "god:gods:god", "goddess:goddesses:goddess" and "deity:deities:deity", respectively. Allows the divine figures to be referred to as anything, such as "force", "spirit" or "aspect". Not including one or two of them means figures having only the included pronouns. Including none means exclusively genderless deities.
GODS_TIED_TO•typeHas 2 valid entries. A belief system can have both of them. A belief system that doesn't has this token do not have deities its deities bound to locations.

BIOME: Divine figures of this belief system are bound to and associated with certain terrain. A civilisations home biome always takes presedence.
SITE: Divine figures are associated with and are the tutelary gods of certain sites that the civilisation holds. Only the sites established by the said civilisation can be held, and the first site of the civilisation always takes presedence.
GODS_MAKE_PACTS_WITH_DEMONSMakes it so that divine figures of this belief system makes pacts with demons and make vaults to hide the slabs that bind the demons to the above world. Does not works with SPHERE gods.
MAKES_ANGELSDecides if the divine figures have procedurally angels to their name. If not, the vaults will be defended by traps instead.
CREATES_DIVINE_METALMakes it so that divine figures create procedural metal types. If not added, defaults to steel.

DF Suggestions / Improvements to creatures with [SLOW_LEARNER] tag
« on: March 26, 2024, 08:36:45 pm »
I modded a creature that would go with dwarves as trolls go with goblins. A dumber client race based on troglodytes. But I found out that the game doesn't really accomodates for that. There are some issues.

1: While able to take jobs, get assigned labors, and learn skills at half the rate a civilised creature does, a slow learners current task is not displayed at the units screen, always being "no job" no matter what.

2: Slow learners are ineligible for military tasks. They can't be assigned into squads.

3: They desire clothes and housing and get very irritated when they don't have them, even though they were just fine with being naked and unhoused minutes before being made members of the fort. I can understand animal folk or other sapient wildlife demanding those upon being civilised. But these are clearly meant to be just very smart animals, as they are livestock.

In summary, slow learners seem to be uncomfortably stuck between the categories of citizen and livestock, and that hurt how they play. They could either be made fully functional as smart livestock, or uplifted into fully fledged, dumber folk.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Conquer the Constellation (5/5) (Turn 3)
« on: March 15, 2024, 11:16:04 pm »
You play as a space empire, colonise planets, manage resources, manufacture ships, and defeat your enemies.

You start from one of the five starting systems' large habitable planets. You choose which. Be warned, however, that they aren't all the same. Each planet and moon has one of three sizes; large, medium, and small, capable of supporting 3, 2 and 1 buildings respectively.

Each planet type has unique features. Habitable worlds can support populations, or lava worlds have pure alloy deposits.
You can act as much as your resources allow you each turn. But things like travelling or researching takes time that varies with the amount of tech you have.


Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Ship Types

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Planet Types
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

To join, choose a starting system. Then, choose a distinct color that isn't black, gray or white.

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Life on Tazinides | (Turn 3) | (6/10 Players)
« on: February 12, 2024, 06:39:08 pm »
♪♫ Well here we are again ♫♪
♪♫ It's always such a pleasure ♫♪

Yeaaaaaaa... I am abandoning my previous games. Some stuff happened that made me drop them, and I kinda want a fresh restart to this whole thing. Sorry to dissappoint.

So, what is it this time? It is an game about evolution of course! But this time, things are very different. I've been designing a new one since yesterday, and I think it looks good.

You play as evolutionary lineages of faunal organisms, like the previous one, and plants are NPC's. But this time, there is an actual map, with systematic, predictable rules. Changing biomes and climates and moving continents every turn and all. I will explain it all shortly. The two sections below are not essential knowledge to play the game. You can play on your own intuition as well

Spoiler: The Map(s) (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Biomes (click to show/hide)

How to Play
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

...Aaaaaaaand that should be it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will be posting turn 0 soon.

  • Crystalizedmire
  • Maximum Spin
  • A_Curious_Cat
  • A Canadian Kitten
  • Strongpoint
  • FiveBalesOfHay
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...

List of Turns
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Creative Projects / Magma's weird and zany text generators
« on: November 08, 2023, 04:54:26 pm »
I wanted make a thread for these procedural generators I've been intermittently working on. I like writing them up, and I would really like it if you checked them out and gave some feedback. (You can peek in with the edit button on top if you want to see the nifty stuff inside.)

Astropedia: The catalogue of all worlds. By far the largest of them background-wise, and will probably stay largest forever. It is the product of about 2 and a half years of spontaneous hyperfixations followed by being forgotten about for 6 months.

1800+ 2000+ 2300+ lines and counting with every new text, subsystem, list and devnote. Pure brute force code. Cargo cult HTML. Unadulterated chaos.

Code: (devlog) [Select]
            -Fixed: Gas giant atmospheric properties not showing up.
            -Extensive internal changes.
            -Added: Dead worlds classified with their atmospheric compositions (venusian, martian, titanean)
            -Extensive internal changes. Planet templates modularised. Planet generation selection has been refined.
            -Added: Dedicated "Orbital System" tab for all planets.
            -Added: Dedicated "Chemical Composition" tab for gas giants.
            -Added: Uninhabitable worlds now come in all sorts of different climates.
            -Added: Dwarf Planets.
            -Added: "Civilisation Status" tab for all terrestrial bodies.
            -Change: More varied and specific habitable biome selection. Wetness is now a much more divergent variable.
            -Added: "Habitable World" selection that generates both habitable planets and moons. I dunno why it *should* exist, but I *wanted* it to, so it does.
            -Change: "Random World" selection moved to the top of the list. Now it is the default, as opposed to "Habitable Planet".
            -Internal improvements. Single selection and some smaller lists are now shortened.
            -Added: Colony goverment types.
            -Added: Improvements to native civilisation generation.
            -Fixed: Chaotic atmospheric features not showing up.
            -Fixed: Various typos.
            -Added: Specific references to moons, planets and dwarf planets. No more repetitive this and that world only.
            -Added: Seed-Based world generation option. Each filter has its own seed array, so for a seed to work, you need to remember which one you enabled.
            -Added: Download button. Gives you a file of the generator that you can use offline.
            -Added: Generator description.
            -Fixed: Typos and punctuation errors.
            -Fixed: The long standing invisible white text.
            -Added: Improvements to the geological activity level of terrestrial bodies. Now there will be an explanation of the activity level on lithosphere data section depending on the level.
            -Added: Chance for volcanoes to be cryovolcanoes on cold uninhabitable terrestrial worlds.
            -Fixed: Cryovolcanoes not showing up.
            -Major improvements to the orbital times of planets. They now abide by a bit more stricter logic.
            -Some minor improvements to orbital infos.
            -Known Issue: Detail moons in planet bios are still defying logic.
            -Substantial internal improvements to habitable world climate, native civilisation, and planetary settlement generation subsystems. They take much less space now.
            -Added: More fleshed out and variable native civilisation descriptions. From early stone age to modern age.
            -Known issue: A bit of informative spice was lost when habitable climate generation was shrunken down.
            -Internal improvements to atmospheric feature selection.
            -Capital letter lists destroyed; functionally replaced by .upperCase form.
            -Habitable planet biome humidity selection modularised. Shrunk to 1/5 its previous size and its humidity referalls are slightly better. Line count went down to below 2500 as a result.
            -Info flavor on uninhabitable regions of habitable worlds regained.
            -New habitable climate type. Extreme is when life only exists at poles or the equator. Only occurs on hot or very cold planets.
            -Two more plugins added, generator status plugin and copy text plugin.
            -Increased the spice a bit on hydrosphere and world summary generation.
            -Improved world name generation. Shrunk it down 1/3 its previous size.
            -"Improved" orbital distance generation. Now 4 times smaller and works, but at much more limited capacity. Dynamic odds aren't cooperative. Line count below 2400 now.
            -Shrunk moon distance generation down half its size.
            -Metal element list was moved to own generator entirely, now functions as import. Line count below 2300.
            -Realised that above change breaks dependent picks (.evaluateItem, .selectOne, etc.) Had to revert it. Line count is +2300 again. Got two nifty little generators from that, though.
            -Shrunk lithosperic feature generation down to 1/3 its previous size. Also added spice.
            -Added a bunch of insignificant spice to various places.
            -Added a new stage of advancement for primitive natives, the interplanetary civilisation option.
            -Tried to add dynamic odds into planet orbit generation again. Failed. It works, but it also doesn't????
            -Improved planetary ring generation a bit.
            -Changed the font size of the planetary description. It is smaller now, which should help with overral readability.
            -Shrunk the name code addition selection.
            -Changed the background image, removed the rocket.
            -Added some more spice.

The Deity Forge: It is a simple generator that makes up random divine figures of various alignments and assigns them portfolios.

Code: (devlog) [Select]
            -Added: Deity origins.
            -Fixed: Repeating portfolios

Emre's Consonant Phonetics Practice: A small quiz-like "generator" that gives you consonant letters to analyse.

Unlikely to ever get another update.

Code: (devlog) [Select]
Change: Turned the answers from text boxes into checkboxes for improved ease of use.

Metallic and nonmetallic element generators: Results of a failed experiment. Useful for a potential {import:NAME}.

Star System Chart Generator: A generator that procedurally generates solar system charts. 21 different planet types. The world placement is based on real planetary system dynamics.

Code: [Select]
.           -Initial release.

21/02/2024 - 05/03/2024 (forums were down)
            -Added neptunoids
            -Added lava worlds
            -Added iceshell worlds
            -Added tundra worlds
            -Added desert worlds
            -Added superhabitable worlds
            -Added 2 more orbitals
            -Tweaked planet colors to better reflect their types stand out from the black background.
            -Tweaked planet and moon sizes. Lunar-sized habitable, noxious, hycean and ocean moons no longer generate.
            -Added icy and rocky planetary rings
            -Added icy and rocky asteroid belts
            -Added generation using seed
            -Improved seed generation by making it so that the generator won't generate a new system everytime one typed
            -Added planetary guide
            -Changed how moons generate. Gas giants can now have large terrestrial planet-sized moons
            -Added 3 more orbitals
            -Added dwarf planets
            -Added 3 more world types (Proto-earth, water giant, antarctic)

General Discussion / Describe yourself in 3 words
« on: October 29, 2023, 04:54:35 pm »
Hairy Forest Creature

I got inspired by that gnome village game that died earlier. So I decided to make my own, but with a twist.

You play as a group of Shellfolk. They are as follows.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

For short, you play as sapient, carnivorous, walnut aliens with googly eyes, an anglerfish lure between those eyes and many electric and venomous tentacles that act as both arms and legs. You are quite small; only 30 centimeters or so in diameter. You are in late neolithic, which means you can craft weapons and clothes made of stone and leather.

Your objective is to survive.

You can do 3 things per turn. No dice will be rolled for mundane stuff like walking, eating or talking, but it will for things like hunting, foraging.

You join in by making Shellsona a character. You can name and describe it however you wish. It will not have an effect on gameplay.

Okay, you are good to go. People may join at any time as newcomers to the tribe, and you may get NPC migrants as well. You can order them around to do stuff without spending your own actions.

I will post the first turn once 3 people come in. Don't post any actions yet.

DF Modding / I have a problem with my custom race.
« on: August 26, 2023, 11:43:18 am »
Their existence crashes the game at worldgen sometime after the first century. It has no set date. I had the crash as soon as 109 to as late as 144. I have no idea what may be the problem. I think it is in their entity raws. Did I use the [CULL_SYMBOL] wrong?

Code: [Select]
[PERMITTED_JOB:FURNACE_OPERATOR] -- gives them metal from ore for the time being

I am going to include the creature raw just in case.

Code: [Select]
[DESCRIPTION:A ferocious, small theropod-like rodent that is the embodiment of all things wrong.]
[PREFSTRING:unhinged nature]
        [PREFSTRING:misplaced cuteness]
  [ATTACK_SKILL:STANCE_STRIKE] Uses the kicking skill.

DF Modding / How to give dwarves troglodyte servants?
« on: August 25, 2023, 06:43:08 pm »
I want dwarves to have troglodytes in the same way that goblins have trolls.

But how?

General Discussion / Out of these 25, wich 2 r u?
« on: August 25, 2023, 06:25:56 pm »

Just comment on where you fall in.

Personally, I am Chaotic Moral.

You know what is going on. Though there is some very important new stuff as well, so pay attention.

But just in case you have no idea what this stupid cube is rambling about again, or care to see the new stuff in detail;

Spoiler: Here, have at it. (click to show/hide)

Changes and Other Useful Mentions
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


The List of Players
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The List of Turns
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Forum Games and Roleplaying / Competitive Evolution Mini!
« on: June 30, 2023, 07:38:32 pm »
Premise is simple.

You play as evolutionary lineages. You ensure continued existence by speciating. If you have no more species left, you die. There is no sealife. All of you are terrestrial animals and start from a common ancestor.

There are islands. Each island is a single biome composed of a variable and changing number of tiles, ranging from 1 to 10. Each tile can hold up to two herbivorous, one carnivorous, and one omnivorous species. New islands will rise from the ocean, expand, then slowly sink back into the waters.

You each have 5 actions you can take. Speciation is without roll, but outcompeting another species is done with two d5 dice rolls, one for attacker and one for the defender. Changing niches is also without dice, but it is strictly linear. A herbivore lineage first has to become an omnivore to become a carnivore. You also roll for jumps between islands, though there are modifiers for distance and size of the island for accounting the island dispersal effect. The distance determines the dice number, and size determines the roll amount.

There are some evolutionary adaptations you can choose from that can give you bonuses on rolls. You cannot remove these once you adopt them, and all new species descended from a species with an adaptation will inherit it. Don't forget to always have unadapted generalists, lest you get stuck. Adopting one costs an action point.

1: Specialised Herbivore: (Can only be adopted by herbivores)
   Pros: Gains +1 in outcompetition dice.
   Cons: Cannot change niche.

2: Specialised Carnivore: (Can only be adopted by carnivores)
   Pros: Gains +1 in outcompetition dice.
   Cons: Cannot change niche.

3: Large:
    Pros: +1 in outcompetition dice
    Cons: -5 in dispersion dice

4: Small:
    Pros: +5 in dispersion dice
    Cons: -1 in outcompetition dice

There is also a chance your species may gain or lose random, inheritable signifiers with no effect on gameplay. This is for the sake of distinguishing between different lineages and giving them character.

There are no teams. It is a battle royale.



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