Bay 12 Games Forum

Dwarf Fortress => DF Dwarf Mode Discussion => Topic started by: Crossroads Inc. on April 27, 2012, 10:22:07 am

Title: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 27, 2012, 10:22:07 am
What is this post about?

This post is a form of a succession fortress,
But instead of instantly going to fortress mode we have a few special goals

First, the world is only 10 years old, this means that nothing has really happened.
So going to fortress mode the engravings and crafts will be very boring.
But, as stated before we will not first go to fortress mode but adventure mode instead.
This means that we will be the heroes, all the engravings and crafts will be about our adventures. We the goal is to get to the valley of the dwarfs, and when we get there you must retire.
Then we repeat this till there are 7 dwarfs, then and only then shall we start the fortress, making it the first fort at ‘the dawn of time’

                              new turn list and dwarfing                           
we are building a capital for all the dwarfs.
we want a waterfall, massive towers, walls on epic proportion, we want to claim the caverns, built bedrooms in the magma, tame the magma, build temples to our gods,
this includes golden statues, studded with iron thrones, crafted by legend craftsmanship and whatever that god likes.
whatever you think belongs in a dwarven capital, we are building the mountain homes, so if you join you must contribute to it.....or you know keeping it alive cause we have 165 dwarfs walking around and we all know what 1 insane dwarf can do.

Phase 1: getting to the 'valley' completed
starting save (
Hero 1: Orky_Boss: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (; save ( dead by carp (
Hero 2: Reudh: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 6 (; save ( dead by dingo
Hero 3: Ubiq: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (; save (
Hero 4: uggi: 1 (; save ( dead by goblin
Hero 5: corai: 1 (; skipped
Hero 6: Fen: 1 (, 2 (; save ( dead by boogeymen
Hero 7: Torrasque666: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (; save ( dead by starvation
Hero 8: melkor: 1 (; save ( success
Hero 9: Phones: 1 (, 2 (; save ( dead by goblin
Hero 10: corai: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (; save ( dead by starvation
Hero 11:Orky_Boss: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (, 10 (, 11 (, 12 (, 13 (, 14 ( succes
Hero 12: Readh: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (, 10 (, 11 (, 12 (, 13 (, 14 (, 15 (, 16 (, 17 (,  18 (, 19 (, 20 (; save ( succes
Hero13: uggi: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (, 10 (, 11 (, 12 (, 13 (, 14 (, 15 (, 16 (, 17 (, 18 (, 19 (, 20 (, 21 (; save ( success
Hero14: HugoLuman: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (, 10 (; save ( success
Hero15: Crossroads Inc.: 1 (; save ( success

Phase 2: building the fort ongoing
Year 1: Crossroads Inc.: 1 (
Year 2: Ubiq: 1 (; save (
Year 3: Melkor: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (; save (
Year 4:Orky_Boss:   skipped (
Year 5:Reudh:skipped (
Year 6:Uggi: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (; save (
Year 7:HugoLuman: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (, 10 (, 11 (, 12 (, 13 (, 14 (, 15 (, 16 (, 17 (, 18 (, 19 (, 20 (, 21 (, 22 (, 23 (, 24 (, 25 (; save (
Year 8: Reudh
Year 9: lich180
Year 10: Immortal-D
Year 11: krenshala

There is a bit of confusion as i looked at people that had been dwarfed.
Since we were in adventure mode the original 7 aren’t set with a nickname in therapist.
But they do have a nickname but it’s in the game so if you dwarf somebody make sure your don’t override a adventure nickname.
People for dwarfing: green=dwarfed  white=waiting to be dwarfed
Nish koltulon=ubiq
Lord reudh II=reudh
Uggi II=uggi
B. Strain
Mr. Cat
Torrasque II
ColdBones sword/mechanic
Immortal-D combo of skills
Dishmab (axe dwarf) =kesperan

DESTINATION! the Fortress of "Silversects' Waaaaaay down south.
( (

Ok... So this came to me last night.

We go on and on about trying to gen MASSIVE worlds with thousands of years of history, 500, 1000, 2000! With huge legends and great epic tales.


What has anyone done the reverse? Gen a new HUGE world, and start playing from YEAR ONE.
That would mean super low population.
Super High Titan and mega beast population.
And it would mean each Dwarf is "the first of their kind"

No kids yet, no epic warriors, no time for anything. So EVERYTHING is new and from scracth.

So.. Who would be on bored for something like this?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: rtg593 on April 27, 2012, 10:23:38 am
I do 50 and 5 yr embarks as a matter of course... Never tried year 1. Hmm. Cool. I would be, on "bored." ;)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: blue sam3 on April 27, 2012, 10:25:13 am
Oh god the baby-migrants.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 27, 2012, 10:27:16 am
LOL Missed that...

But yeah, I thought of this after finding an old map that evidently I started playing on year 36.
Every single Dwarf had "He/She was the first of thier kind" In fact EVERY race on the planet had that tag.  I remember being savaged by several titans. A dragon, a hydra, etc.

I am thinking of starting a succession fort under the idea of
 "The Gods have JUST finished making the world... Now what happens?"
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: NRDL on April 27, 2012, 10:28:46 am

Also, a succession/community for of this would be AWESOME.

It's like making the first(?) dwarven settlement, the first true fortress ( other than the Mountainhome, if there is that ). 
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: rtg593 on April 27, 2012, 10:31:27 am
As a bonus, instant saves. I find once I gen past 50 years, saves start taking nearly a minute. I don't even consider going past 500.

Current fort 125 years, just shy of 2 minutes per seasonal autosave. I might abandon for that reason alone.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Madventurer on April 27, 2012, 10:32:35 am
Also, a succession/community for of this would be AWESOME.

Madventurer approves. When do we start?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: floundericiousWA on April 27, 2012, 11:50:58 am
Also, a succession/community for of this would be AWESOME.

Madventurer approves. When do we start? midnight, in a grove of tower caps, at midnight of the next moonless eve...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Callista on April 27, 2012, 11:57:38 am
I've done that. It's how I learned how to combat megabeasts and the like. It was fun. Also, !FUN!.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 27, 2012, 12:05:25 pm
Also, a succession/community for of this would be AWESOME.

Madventurer approves. When do we start? midnight, in a grove of tower caps, at midnight of the next moonless eve...

As soon as I get home from work I shall gen a world.
Untill then, taking suggestions on "altering" settings.
More Titans? Less?
Way higher civ rate? Smaller?
Mods? Or Vanilla?

I am thinking of using "Emabark anywhere" to embark on a Dwarven settlement, even though they dont exist in game.  The "Plot" of this will be to quite really Found dwarven civilization.  We shall be it's first warriors, its first Kings
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: wierd on April 27, 2012, 12:13:09 pm
The issue with embarking on year 1 is that there aren't many dwarves in the world.

This means that if you have too much !!fun!!, you can make them extinct.

Also, you will get countless floor engravings of cheese, because there aren't any legends to depict.

(embarked on year 1 several times in the past)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Loud Whispers on April 27, 2012, 12:15:54 pm
I always believed embarking on year 1 to be impossible, how would this work?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: wierd on April 27, 2012, 12:17:24 pm
Entities are placed on year 1.  You set the worldgen end at "1" in the advanced options.

After that, just embark as usual.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Loud Whispers on April 27, 2012, 12:22:49 pm
The minimum is year 2
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 27, 2012, 12:23:21 pm
The issue with embarking on year 1 is that there aren't many dwarves in the world.

This means that if you have too much !!fun!!, you can make them extinct.
Would vastly increasing starting opulation help on this?
Should we include other races?
Why I was wondering if I should include any mods.
If this turns into a sucession game, which is my plan, we want to kee it simple.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lielac on April 27, 2012, 12:24:53 pm
The minimum is year- dammit Loud Whispers. Also, the fort always starts + a year from whatever you genned, so even if you managed to finagle the advanced options into only genning 1 year you'd still start on 1st Granite year 2, which isn't nearly as epic as 1st Granite year 1.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: wierd on April 27, 2012, 12:26:10 pm
Ahh... not that a single measly year of worldgen spinning is gonna do much for the "not many dwarves" and "you will only engrave cheese" problems.

Increasing entity populations might help, but will also increase the !!fun!!.

Remember, goblins need to make evil goblin babies too. Such a young world would have much less goblinite.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on April 27, 2012, 12:45:18 pm
I've done this quite a few times before; it really limits your embark options since the choices are restricted to the biome of the only existing city. More importantly, the early nature of the civilization means that a disproportionate amount of your historical figures are weremigrants/vampires so be prepared for waves of Friendly Migrants that camp out on the map edge. This can also mean that migrant waves take months or entire seasons since the next dwarf won't appear until Friendly McWerevole moves off the edge, which can take a while. Multiple weremigrants stretch out the process forever,
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: GavJ on April 27, 2012, 12:52:39 pm
I've done this quite a few times before; it really limits your embark options since the choices are restricted to the biome of the only existing city. More importantly, the early nature of the civilization means that a disproportionate amount of your historical figures are weremigrants/vampires so be prepared for waves of Friendly Migrants that camp out on the map edge. This can also mean that migrant waves take months or entire seasons since the next dwarf won't appear until Friendly McWerevole moves off the edge, which can take a while. Multiple weremigrants stretch out the process forever,

Uhh...Kill them?  Why would you suffer such beasts to live and clog up your migrant pipes?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: EpsilonSigma on April 27, 2012, 12:59:12 pm
I usually start at the 5th year, simply because with the number of events that being happening at 125+ my PC slows down to near-standstill and it takes about 15 minutes to reach the highest number of years passed. It's also great to know that the majority of the history of that world, if you ever use it again, was partly your own doing :)

Is it possible to start from year 1 (or 2). I can never hit stop fast enough to get below 4 when it starts making years.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lielac on April 27, 2012, 01:36:20 pm
I usually start at the 5th year, simply because with the number of events that being happening at 125+ my PC slows down to near-standstill and it takes about 15 minutes to reach the highest number of years passed. It's also great to know that the majority of the history of that world, if you ever use it again, was partly your own doing :)

Is it possible to start from year 1 (or 2). I can never hit stop fast enough to get below 4 when it starts making years.

With advanced worldgen parameters it's possible to have the world only gen 2 years (the minimum), so you'd start on 1st Granite 3. If you have really fast fingers you might be able to manage so it only gens 1 and you can start on 1st Granite 2.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: GavJ on April 27, 2012, 01:41:32 pm
Erm, posted in the wrong thread.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: wierd on April 27, 2012, 01:43:52 pm
Impossible criteria.

No trade and no initial equip means you have no tools to get raw materials.

Needs at least 1 pick.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Psieye on April 27, 2012, 02:29:00 pm
I'm surprised this is considered a novel idea. This was the ONLY way I played until v0.34.x (for reasons I'll explain below).

Ahh... not that a single measly year of worldgen spinning is gonna do much for the "not many dwarves" and "you will only engrave cheese" problems.
The latter is a failure to pick a suitable engraver with 'high tradition' personality and starting the engrave spam too early. By the time you've levelled up a tiny handful of engravers to legendary, you should have had some invader kills or masterworks and you are practically guaranteed to have had some administrative events (mayor elections, commander appointments, the founding of your fort).

For extra spice, make an adventurer in the dawn of time world first and go on an epic massacre crusade. THEN start your fort in the region where your adventurer made the most mess. You will now (with traditionalist engravers) get nice memorials to your awesome adventurer.

Alternatively, go mod the raws (or grab something pre-made like Dig Deeper Gold) to have a lot more possibilities for artwork, like "treasure heap", "burning wagon" and "bloodied elf skull".

More importantly, the early nature of the civilization means that a disproportionate amount of your historical figures are weremigrants/vampires so be prepared for waves of Friendly Migrants that camp out on the map edge.
Wrong. This is the DAWN OF TIME. There hasn't been any time for necromancers, vampires and werebeasts to be 'appointed' by curse or whatnot. They don't get created when the world is born (unlike megabeasts and forgotten beasts). They are made by converting historical figures - this takes time. This is why if you want lots of these sorts of horrors, the optimal worldgen length is about 100 years.

The issue with embarking on year 1 is that there aren't many dwarves in the world.
Before v0.34.x this was irrelevant (I never had problems of running out of migrants) but now that the game cares about historical figures it's different. Back then, migrants and invaders were simply spawned out of thin air so long as entities could reach you. Indeed, for most goblins they're still pulled out of thin air because they weren't important enough to actually get recorded as historical figures but I suspect a proper population pool is consulted when they spawn.

I should run another Year 2 fort in DF2012 some time and see how it goes.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 27, 2012, 02:54:21 pm
Ok, here is one of the reasons I see a lot of 'Fun' in this..

These Dwarves.. This is the dawn of time.
These Dwarves don't yet know that Elves are Hippie bastards.
They don't yet now that they should smash things with Hammers, or cut with Axes
These Dwarves have not even gone into the underowlrd yet! Just think, when we dig down it will be the First time a Dwarf has EVER gone int othe underworld!.

These are.. Cave Dwarves!
Primitive and tribal!

As such, I endorse the "Adventurer" Idea.
Before we start a Fort, we should have a round of Mighty Warriors to make a few early legends
I propose We start on Year 5, and the first 5 years filled with as many mighty warriors as possible.

Any takers?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Taffer on April 27, 2012, 03:25:08 pm
Not sure if I'm interested in participating, but y'all have me intrigued enough with early histories to start a new world. Year 5 is early enough for me.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: wierd on April 27, 2012, 03:30:12 pm
I prefer my "second creation to redeem world" embark.

I recently made a post with the worldgen data, but in a nutshell:

Dwarves are savagely exterminated by goblins and elves by year 50.
(Ie, COMPLETELY extinct!)

Savagry is at maximum gennable settings.
Volcano count is at max setting
Titans and megabeasts >100
Secret types >100
1 cavern layer
Low max elevation

1050 spins of the merrygoround.

The great god armok returns from his hangover, and is deeply displeased at the destruction of his favored race.

He wiggles his hoary beard, and around 20 dwarves appear from the aether!

They are thus commanded:


And so, the first of the new dwarves strike the earth, cut off, alone, and by now creatures only spoken of as myth and legend, in their divine mission to remake the earth in their likeness.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: davros on April 27, 2012, 05:43:30 pm
This is going to be the most epic thing ever. I want in.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on April 27, 2012, 05:46:22 pm
I'll make a new civ if you want, see if I cant make a TRUE rival of the first dwarves.

Meaning that they will most certainly make goblins emo on-sight.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: wierd on April 27, 2012, 05:52:57 pm
Let me dig out the world gen params again.

I recently genned a world that would meet your criteria.

Dwarves were literally extinct after 50 years.  In just a few I will edit this post with seed and worldgen info from legends mode, and a map picture suggesting where to embark for optimal fun.

You might need to ignore certain rejections though.  Warning: the world is abnormally savage.

I can confirm the 2 initial migrants thing as being what happens with .34.02. (when the world was genned) That's what I have going right now.  Plans are to rebuild dwarven civilization from the ashes, build a massive megastructure, and breed dwarves like crazy, then switch to adv mode with dfhack to keep the fortress intact.  I should then be anle to retire the adventurer, and start a new fortress in that world with a thriving mountainhome to trade with.

Ok, Here's the the worldgen parameters:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

and here is a map showing civs at year 60, to give you an idea of where to embark:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

This will put you on the overlapping territories of goblins, humans, elves, and kobolds.
The most scorpion is the goblin civ. It has 3 demons in charge according to legends. Your gen may vary.


Letting it spin all 1050 years may take awhile though.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Niyazov on April 27, 2012, 06:22:33 pm
You gonna do an empty wagon - no skills embark? Woodcutting, hunting  and plant gathering for the first two seasons and then trade for a pick?

Also I think with short worldgens you may not get high-quality-modifier goods in the caravans or dwarves with high skills, but I suppose you'll find out!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on April 27, 2012, 08:12:29 pm
Uhh...Kill them?  Why would you suffer such beasts to live and clog up your migrant pipes?

Sending the military after them reminds the formerly Friendly weremigrant of its status as a monstrous, untrappable killing machine, which is bad when one of them is a fairly high level Miner (as in the picture below) and an amazing annoyance in those instances when one of them is a Hunter. I could drop a constructed floor on them, but they have a tendency to scatter when my dwarves get near them. They move back towards their origin point, but in loose groups that move around much more frequently. If I only injure some of them, that would turn them against me and that's a real nuisance in a fort where you have almost as many weremigrants as inhabitants or more if your first four or five waves consist of four or five weremigrants each. As is, they just hang around the map corner and choke off more immigrants, which isn't a bad thing early on.

Wrong. This is the DAWN OF TIME. There hasn't been any time for necromancers, vampires and werebeasts to be 'appointed' by curse or whatnot. They don't get created when the world is born (unlike megabeasts and forgotten beasts). They are made by converting historical figures - this takes time. This is why if you want lots of these sorts of horrors, the optimal worldgen length is about 100 years.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 27, 2012, 08:57:43 pm
People People!

Here is currently plan.
I will be generating a world using vanilla version.
world gen will end a year 10.
Thats 10 years for "Stuff" to happen.
After that, I will be inviting people to adventure the wild new world.
You can adventure for up to a half a year before you must retire.
The more Epic your life the better.

After that we will BEGIN!
Cave Dwarves at the Dawn Of TIME!!![/i]
initial skills WILL be allowed but nothing beyond the rank of Novice.

Embark points reduced to only a 1000.

I am going to gen a few words for testing and then pick one to post in about 30min
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 27, 2012, 09:49:01 pm
Is everyone going to live for half a year? Or are we choosing one guy to be Mr. Epic?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 27, 2012, 09:52:42 pm
Right now I am hoping to take turns.  PLay for half a year (or less), save game, upload, and someone else picks up.
Hoping to have seven people play in total before starting Fort, so we have a history of Seven Brave might warriors.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on April 27, 2012, 09:54:01 pm
I want to be your first soldier. Male.

Now move this to community games.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 27, 2012, 09:56:25 pm
I'll be second. How long do we have to take our turn? Note that I am not that good a DF player, so if I end up taking a turn, I might send the whole thing tumbling down.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 27, 2012, 10:16:34 pm
I am not used to adventuring myself. I am thinking of one week "Real" time so as to not bog down play..

Also BEHOLD! I give you Licevaathira, The Legendary Plane
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
A mighty name for our world.
A world ringed by Mighty mountains.
I think Armok has blessed us.

I have uncovered man "Interesting" features so far.
For one, something I have called "The Cradle of Dwarf-cvilization"
A tiny mountain valley leading to one of the starting Dwarf Civs.
Its name? The Bronze Tower

I am liking this land!!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 27, 2012, 10:25:37 pm
Good. We could potentially embark in that valley, do a 3x8 fort. Also make sense so the caravan and migrants don't have to travel far. And we can set up a great wall to block off the valley from intruders! Sure, we'd still have to worry about people travelling through the mountains, but those that could traverse such lands and still be a formidable sieging army would be pretty badass. That or the invaders could fly.

Still, just an idea. We can still embark in the middle of nowhere if you like.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on April 27, 2012, 10:35:04 pm
Embark on that mountain-home using Embark Anywhere.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 27, 2012, 10:43:10 pm
Ok, here are thus far my favorite spots for a starting for
(AFTER of course we have our 7 mighty Warriors)

Spot One:
The Valley of the Dwarves:
This spot has MASSIVE cliffs, and it could span one side of the valley to the other.  a good spot for building a Mighty city.

Spot Two:
The Desolate Volcano:
In a grassland area, 30+ tall cliffs, in the middle of nowhere, tempting.

Spot Three:
The Overgrown Volcano:
This one is even better.  In the middle of a dense forested area, a 30+ tall volcano.
On the one hand, mountain home in middle of Forrest is creepy.  On other hand. MAGMA

This last one isn't a spot so much as something freaky:
AND It is on a glacier too! Seriously, flat ice, and suddenly VOLCANO.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on April 27, 2012, 10:45:23 pm
It is required cave/near the first-home in my opinion, I doubt your 7 warriors knows anything of the world yet. So they would stay in there canyon.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 27, 2012, 11:02:04 pm
It is required cave/near the first-home in my opinion, I doubt your 7 warriors knows anything of the world yet. So they would stay in there canyon.

No. We will explore the strange lands beyond, meet new races, find beasts to slay, or explore the mountains to find a home.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 27, 2012, 11:19:04 pm
But in Adventurer, start location is random.
you could start anywhere.
Our goal should be to work to Getting to the valley!

EDIT: fffffucccckkkkkk
This may not be such a perfect world, I did a test embark, and found chalk, tons of coal...
But almost NO ore! dug all the way to the Magma sea and ALL I found was tin ore.
I even set mineral scarcity to 1000, there should be TONS of ore!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on April 27, 2012, 11:22:51 pm
Lower is more! You make ore not-existant!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 27, 2012, 11:28:16 pm
default is 2500 i set to 1000, should that not make more?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lielac on April 28, 2012, 12:30:06 am

‼Science‼ on advanced world-gen parameters for mineral scarcity in v0.31 (still applicable in DF2012) shows that the abundance doesn't really start ramping up until the number gets below 1000. Try 500, that might be better while not as crazy-abundant as 100.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 28, 2012, 06:48:34 am
Hmm, If I posted the world gen, is it possible to change the mineral levels after the fact?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on April 28, 2012, 06:50:00 am
Cant change the gen after.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 28, 2012, 07:45:28 am
Well, you'll just need to start genning more worlds. Sorry. That valley looked nice, though...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 28, 2012, 09:31:38 am
Ok I think I found another good world with High minerals on it.
There was a Dwarf that killed a Hydra in year SIX, so I have high hopes of this!

Sadly not found another "Valley of Dwarves" like the last one, but some spots do look good.
Found a 30+ tall Volcano right on the border of a Sinister region that has raining Putrid Sludge, and a beefy River with Alligators and CARP.

Unfortunately won't be able to post screencaps till I get home from work in a  few hours.
In the mean time I WILL Post the world gen for others who want to look for good spots.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

EDIT: For those following, the current plan goes as follows.
FIRST we find a spot for the fortress. Preferably near one of the Dwarf starting civs.
Once we have the spot we goto Adventure mod. The "mission" will basically be, where ever you start in the world, you will fight your way as near as possible to our fort spot and Retire.
once all Seven players have made it, we will start the fort proper.

Right now need about 5 more people to sign up as adventurers.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 28, 2012, 09:34:51 am
I notice you are using 0.34.06 instead of 0.34.07...

Oh well, I can deal with a few bugs not fixed. You'll have to give us the entire Df folder, since some of us already updated to .07 and deleted the .06.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 28, 2012, 09:37:36 am
Don't worry, I can zip up the whole folder if needed, not an issue.
For those interested just let me know if you still have a copy of 34.06
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on April 28, 2012, 01:34:54 pm
Why not just generate the same world with altered Mineral Scarcity?

700 to 850 gives a range similar to d40 by the way.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 28, 2012, 04:17:17 pm
Someone said you can't redo a world gen.
If you can, I posted the worldgen for the first world at the top, If you want to try to redo it with higher minerals let me know of results!!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lielac on April 28, 2012, 04:44:32 pm
I think it should be possible to have everything identical except the mineral scarcity if you use the same seeds, which it looks like you did. I'd make sure of that myself with that world, except I'm on a netbook and while my forts run OK on it I do use pocket worlds and DF froze up the last time I tried genning a large region.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on April 28, 2012, 04:56:40 pm
Someone said you can't redo a world gen.
If you can, I posted the worldgen for the first world at the top, If you want to try to redo it with higher minerals let me know of results!!!

I do this all the time so I can tell you from firsthand knowledge that it'll work; so long as the seeds are the same, you can change things to your heart's content and still get the exact same world.

Civilizations will have different names, symbols, and history if you change things underground such as adding plants or altering mineral scarcity, but they almost always start in the same location.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 28, 2012, 05:06:25 pm
considering we are only doing 10years worth of history. I doubt that will change much.
Would it change starting locations? It would be nice if we could preserve the "Valley Of the Dwarves" we have planned.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on April 28, 2012, 05:31:08 pm
When I gen the world, I got a J shaped valley in the Bronze Towers with the inner portion of the crossbar being occupied by the Mountainhome of the Work of Mosses, which is just to the west of the junction of Herobeans the Spotted Forest and the Spurting Twines.

Mineral scarcity was dropped to 700 by the way for that gen.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 28, 2012, 06:36:35 pm
Armok bless you!
Sounds almost exactly like what I got.
Can you post some screenshots?
Or upload the file to DFFD?

If it is like the original, and we do have plenty of minerals. I will begin hosting it immediately and we can begin,,,

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on April 28, 2012, 07:01:53 pm
Slow internet connection so here's a screenshot instead.


The first is The Valley of the Dwarves. The second is the twin glacier volcanoes you mentioned. The third is another set of twin volcanos, which are sinister, and are surrounded by flat land. The one on the right had the volcano down far enough that you can embark with it in a corner and the rest of the map as a calm flatland. The local evil rain is dwarf blood... well, at least it was on mine.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 28, 2012, 07:26:19 pm
Not Exactly the same. but we still have a starting Civ in "The Valley of the Dwarf."
Let me know when you get a chance to upload it to the archives.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 29, 2012, 11:37:19 am
Ok so the map is almost finished!
Who wants to be one of the brave adventurers to make a legend of themselves at THE DAWN OF TIME!!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 29, 2012, 11:47:22 am

What Teir must I be? Hero or Demigod? Peasent is idiotic.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 29, 2012, 11:52:53 am
Hero works, there wont be any demigods yet.
Once the map is uploaded, your mission is, wherever you start, to fight your way to "The Valley of the Dwarves" and retire at the mountain home there.
Once we have 5 to 7 people do this, the game will start up proper.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 29, 2012, 12:08:12 pm
Alright. So I'll either be Human (Not outsider, since they don't get a map) or dwarf...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on April 29, 2012, 01:20:49 pm
Making adventurers and trying to get to a specific locale on the map to start a dawn-of-time fort? Sounds awesome, I'll give it a shot.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 29, 2012, 02:47:32 pm
Making adventurers and trying to get to a specific locale on the map to start a dawn-of-time fort? Sounds awesome, I'll give it a shot.

The "Plot" is that the starting warriors are the First Dwarves Ever to found a civlization.
When the seven get together at the same spot, they shall be the seven to found the First Great Dwarven Civilization "AT THE DAWN OF TIME"

I shall put you down for one of the seven... As soon as the map gets loaded.
Ubiq generated it, but I have not heard back from him :/
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on April 29, 2012, 03:38:30 pm
posting to follow
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on April 29, 2012, 03:46:36 pm
Making adventurers and trying to get to a specific locale on the map to start a dawn-of-time fort? Sounds awesome, I'll give it a shot.

The "Plot" is that the starting warriors are the First Dwarves Ever to found a civlization.
When the seven get together at the same spot, they shall be the seven to found the First Great Dwarven Civilization "AT THE DAWN OF TIME"

I shall put you down for one of the seven... As soon as the map gets loaded.
Ubiq generated it, but I have not heard back from him :/

aaah, alright. I hope we hear back from him. The map looks great.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Graebeard on April 29, 2012, 04:03:14 pm
This looks very interesting.  PTW.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on April 29, 2012, 05:52:51 pm
I'll have it online in a little while.

As a side-effect of regenning it in vanilla .06 versus the modded version I usually use, the local dwarven civ has moved to the southernmost tip of The Bronze Towers rather than taking up prime real estate in the Valley of the Dwarves.

In the meantime, check this 4x4 site just to the east of The Valley of the Dwarves:


The Sinister Tropical Broadleaf (local rain - elf blood) and Serene Swamp have any number of connecting sites, but this is the only one I found that includes all three. A test embark had nine hippos by the way.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 29, 2012, 07:04:21 pm
Downloaded the game, and I am now setting up my character. My profile will be posted seperate of this.

EDIT: I'm looking at the valley of the dwarves, and there isn't a dwarven civilization there. I'm not sure if I didn't download everything I needed to, or if something happened...

Pic, or it didn't happen.


Full size image:
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 29, 2012, 07:06:35 pm
ORKY_BOSS Shall be the first Dwarf Legend!
So let it be written!

We look forward to you coming to rest in the Valley of the Dwarves!
Update us upon what mighty adventures you shall have along the way!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 29, 2012, 07:12:54 pm
Reposting since an edit doesn't activate the 'new' notification.

I'm looking at the valley of the dwarves, and there isn't a dwarven civilization there. I'm not sure if I didn't download everything I needed to, or if something happened...

Pic, or it didn't happen.


Full size image:
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 29, 2012, 07:15:36 pm

Ubiq posted a pic earlier that clearly showed a Dwarven city at the entrance ot the valley...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 29, 2012, 07:16:31 pm
Ubiq. What was the name of the Civ that was at the entrance? The Bronze Towers was the name of the mountains.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 29, 2012, 07:17:21 pm
As a side-effect of regenning it in vanilla .06 versus the modded version I usually use, the local dwarven civ has moved to the southernmost tip of The Bronze Towers rather than taking up prime real estate in the Valley of the Dwarves.

Sh*t. Oh well. The thing still looks like this:


So it's like a bunker.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 29, 2012, 07:36:53 pm
People, I present, "Orky Firebolts of Death". Yes, I made the name myself. Sue me.




Question. Should I be able to fast travel, or should I walk everywhere?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: keyreper on April 29, 2012, 07:54:57 pm
im going to give this challange a try. ill post pics or someting
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on April 29, 2012, 08:00:38 pm
Quote from: Orky_Boss
Question. Should I be able to fast travel, or should I walk everywhere?

I'd walk at least until you get your Observer skill high enough to avoid potential ambushes or animal attacks. I made an Adventurer just to look around a bit and ran right into a pack of twenty/thirty dingos.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 29, 2012, 08:54:16 pm
im going to give this challange a try. ill post pics or someting

Will have to wait turn, the point will be to build up a mini history of legends, so we can't have two people playing the map at once,

Orky! So did you get a version with a Dwarf Civ at the Valley finally?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 30, 2012, 06:22:43 am
im going to give this challange a try. ill post pics or someting

Will have to wait turn, the point will be to build up a mini history of legends, so we can't have two people playing the map at once,

Orky! So did you get a version with a Dwarf Civ at the Valley finally?
As a side-effect of regenning it in vanilla .06 versus the modded version I usually use, the local dwarven civ has moved to the southernmost tip of The Bronze Towers rather than taking up prime real estate in the Valley of the Dwarves.

Sh*t. Oh well. The thing still looks like this:


So it's like a bunker.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on April 30, 2012, 06:37:35 am
I'd love a go as The Second Legend.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 30, 2012, 07:37:20 am
AH missed that.
OK So that then is our Legends destination.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on April 30, 2012, 07:50:09 am
So, is this going to end up as a yearly succession game? And if so, do you have the starting 7? Because if not I'd like to get in on this.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: ASCIt on April 30, 2012, 09:15:35 am
Interesting. I'll have to check this out. I tend to start early myself, but I'm too lazy to into advanced worldgen and set the starting year myself, so I usually settle for 5 years.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 30, 2012, 09:57:17 am
So, is this going to end up as a yearly succession game? And if so, do you have the starting 7? Because if not I'd like to get in on this.
Starting seven will (according to plot) will be the first Seven Legendary Warriors who are making their way to the starting Mountainhome. Once the seven adventures have all made it, we will then found the true mountain home in the 'Valley of the Dwarves'

So far we have:
Orky_Boss, who has started up as the first Warrior.
and Ubiq, if he wants one of the spots.
So currently there are four open spots for one of the starts Dwarves.  After that it would go to a normal yearly succession.

If you pick a spot, you will need to make sure you pick from the same civ (The Watchful Rags) as therest of. Orky posted a screen cap of it early on so you can see where all seven are heading.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on April 30, 2012, 11:08:54 am
I'll take a spot on the list of The First Adventurers. Let's make the Legends history a bit less barren!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 30, 2012, 03:39:53 pm
9th of Malacite, 10

   Today is the day I set out on my journey. To be honest, I shivering, and now because it was cold or anything, in fact it was pretty warm. I shivered because this was the first time I'd travel away from my home, the mountains. True, I was on a pilgramige to another mountainhome, but the flat plains just seemed alien.

   Before setting out, I checked at the last minute if anyone felt like joining me in my adventure to 'The Watchful Rags', but only a lasher stood up. Well, at least the bogeymen wouldn't come after me.
   I'm not sure why, but I felt I needed to make the world a little safer in my pilgramige, and after checking me map, I was surprised to see a cave right in my way! I guess I could slay whatever hid in those dark caverns.

As we walked, we suddenly came across a river. I looked at the map to see if we could bypass it, but no dice.

Human Lasher: Uhh, you sure this is a good idea? I'm not really a swimmer...

Orky Firebolts: Stop being such an elf! You'll do fine. The current isn't even going that fast!

*A piece of balsa wood flashes by*

Human Lasher: Whatever you say...

Diving into the water, that water was faster than I expected, but I was more or less okay, although the same couldn't be said for the lasher. He simply floundered around a bit, then drowned. Not that he would've been that useful, since this was a pilgramige for Armok, not some tree-hugging elf god. In hindsight, I could've taken his armor, but as long as I stayed low, I wouldn't have to worry about getting hit.

After practicing my swimming for a bit, I came out of the water to see a group of rhinos. Luckily they hadn't spotted me, so I layed on the ground, aimed my bismuth bronze crossbow, and fired.


Hitting him in the front right leg, I smiled as the rhinosaurous looked around in confusion. Another shot, a third shot. The rhinosaurus came down, and I continued to fire at the beast, but the wriggling thing was much harder to hit than I thought. Eventually I thought "F*ck it." and got out of hiding, running up to the crippled rhinosauros and slashed the beast up with my copper dagger, deciding my crossbow wouldn't be a good melee weapon.

eventually the thing bled to death, and after butchering it for it's meat I covered some more ground before becoming drowsy during the night. I lit a campfire, layed down, and went to sleep.

All in all, it wasn't all that eventful of a day, and I hope tomorrow will be more fun.

Page 1 of Orky Firebolt's Journal.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 30, 2012, 04:21:33 pm
Page 300 of "Stupid Adventurer Deaths". #5647

Now there was a dwarf named Orky Firebolt who was on a pilgramige to 'The Watchful Rags' with no reason other than because Destiny said so. Only a day had passed when...


...he was pulled into the water by a group of carp facefirst. He managed to drag himself out of the water, but the carp still managed to rip at his flesh at the edge of the water, and he quickly bled to death.

"So what's the moral of the story, uncle Urist?"

Well, never walk right by a river that you are not sure has carp of not, and if you are, then you should do your best to keep your journey as far away from that deathtrap as possible.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 30, 2012, 04:37:31 pm
Alright. Anybody got a website or something to suggest me to upload the map on? I haven't done a Let's play before...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 30, 2012, 05:38:31 pm
Well hell THAT Was fast :(
Death by carp...

You know Orky, given this world... You may the FIRST Dwarf to ever be killed by Carp!
Perhaps there is glory in your death?

For the map, Zip it and load it to DFFD
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on April 30, 2012, 05:57:03 pm
Damnit, apparently I had once made an account on it, but I never activated it, and I don't see the activation email...

Sh*t. I'll see if I can make a new account, and I'll use that one...

No dice... Let's see if my parents will let me use their email...

EDIT: Nevermind. Using Mediafire. Here's the file:
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 30, 2012, 06:47:31 pm
Reudh is up next then it would seem, hopefully he can live a bit longer :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on April 30, 2012, 08:17:14 pm
I believe I will take that spot by the way.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 30, 2012, 08:30:30 pm
Good to hear :)
Since the goal is to Get seven people ALIVE to the mountain home, we made more
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on April 30, 2012, 08:31:57 pm
Were suppose to take a adventurer to the mountainhome then retire?

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on April 30, 2012, 10:00:28 pm
Alright, I'm in. Looks like I'll actually get in on a succession fort for once.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TheCoolSideofthePIllow on April 30, 2012, 10:50:09 pm
You mean you can start later than 1?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on April 30, 2012, 10:58:04 pm
Friendly reminder: succession games go under community stories.

Also, used to do this all the time! Earliest you can embark is year 2 though.

EDIT: Only saw first page when I posted this, sorry!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on April 30, 2012, 11:01:20 pm
Do we have to wait for our turn to adventure? Or can we just start up whenever? Cuz I'm going now.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on May 01, 2012, 01:29:18 am
perhaps you should edit the first post to put in a turn list.

also ad me to the list
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 01, 2012, 02:12:38 am
Downloading the world now. (I've got an active DFFD account so I can upload it there when I'm done.)

Before I start: Orky, your killer:

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 01, 2012, 02:43:28 am
Spoiler: Skills and Attributes (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Name and Skills (click to show/hide)

Day One of the life of Lord Reudh Noblebattle the Ageless Nightmare of Apes:

I awoke to find myself in a human town. Filthy creatures. I also appear to have a silver battle axe. Curses. I hope to acquire a new weapon soon.

To that end, I met a young human called Kes Pessalcone, or Kes Renownrinsed. He seemed pleased to see someone other than the raft of farmers that inhabit this hovel. He's coming with me; to die or to accompany me, I don't know.

I hope to head south west to the mountainhome. ((Is it southwest?))
No one seems to need service of me; it's almost enough to drive a dwarf mad.

So I head with Kes west out of the town. We see some buzzards, so I throw stones at them while Kes sits back and smiles. He's alright, for a human.
I couldn't seem to hit them until I figured out I could arc my stones up in the air- with one shot I hit the pathetic bird in the guts, making it sick. It fell to the ground where I chopped its wing off.

Kes and I have dinner tonight.

By the time I picked up the buzzard's meat, Kes espied two snapping turtles and chased after them. His copper greataxe really is amazing- with two shots he got both of them. I may as well stock up on the meat.

I think that Kes and I are going to make a formidable duo. Over a feast of turtle tripe and buzzard meat, I told him that he is now to be known as "Kes Renownedrinsed", the Not Bad Ape.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 01, 2012, 04:00:41 am
Day Three of the life of Lord Reudh Noblebattle, the Ageless Nightmare of Apes:

I'm getting rather thirsty. My water has frozen solid, and Kes and I are searching for animals so that we may drink their blood.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no vampire. But blood contains water, and it quenches my thirst, no matter how repulsive it is drinking groundhog blood off my battleaxe.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 01, 2012, 04:15:17 am
Day Four in the life of Lord Reudh Noblebattle

Kes and I found no animals. But, we did find the river, and I hopped in to drink some water. Kes fell in and floundered around for a while before pulling himself out, silly ape.

We managed to get ourselves stranded on the wrong side of the river, and so we're looking around for a way to get to the other side, so we can finally start our quest to find Akath Clashesfin, whoever that is... I just got told to go get them and kill them.

Hey, whatever works.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 01, 2012, 04:42:15 am
Day five in the life of Lord Reudh Noblebattle

We awoke to find blasted giant dingoes! Three. Kes luckily awoke to face one, and suffered a few bites. I lost my left hand to one, and hence my axe, but two of the dingoes fled after Kes managed to cut its head open and I stuck my shield in its brain. I'm looking for my axe now.

I found my axe, and we're fleeing...

Kes must've taken some serious injuries, and it seems like he can't stand up for very long before falling down. This is not good. I'm going to try to find a were so I can regenerate my arm.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 01, 2012, 04:46:45 am
Day six in the life of Lord Reudh Noblebattle

Blast. They found us.

They got Kes. They got Kes.

I'm not going to be a legend...

The giant dingo bites the Not Bad Ape in the skull, smashing the skull, tearing the brain and jamming the skull through the brain!
The Not Bad Ape has been struck down.
The giant dingo bites You in the skull, tearing the brain!
You have been knocked unconscious.

You have been struck down.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 01, 2012, 05:03:35 am
Blast, blast and double blast. (
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 01, 2012, 05:22:19 am
You are up next matie!
Lets see some survivability!

TURN PAGE added to front page!
Anyone wanting to know what turn you are on, or who is up next please check there!

Also... ok ok , looks like we need a Mod to move this to Community.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on May 01, 2012, 06:02:32 am
Would it be possible for me to try again? If not, could I at least be on the list of overseers?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 01, 2012, 06:06:05 am
SInce we basically HAVE to keep going till we get Seven dwarves Alive to the mountain hall, you will indeed get another chance :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 01, 2012, 06:32:09 am
Aye, same here. We'll need to cut a fair few beasties down to even stand a chance of making it to the mountainhome...

If it weren't for those blasted dingoes i'd still be going.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lavenders2 on May 01, 2012, 06:32:50 am
Never done this before, but have been needing something to get me to play DF for a while. I think I may have just found it...
I'm in. It's time to create a civilization of legend!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: DarkWolfXV on May 01, 2012, 07:31:43 am
I always went for year 30 and just play it.
Now i play 150 summin for more varied engravings.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on May 01, 2012, 07:32:22 am
Welp, lots of dying going on in here. I hope I'm luckier when it comes around to my go.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on May 01, 2012, 06:28:53 pm
Sign me in! I suck at adventuring, so it will probably be a very short turn.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 01, 2012, 06:42:12 pm
Well Ubiq is next in line, we shall see how he fares.
You know I also forgot, I[/i] should have a turn as well, but I should wait for those that already signed up first :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on May 01, 2012, 07:10:41 pm
Is it ok if I take a few practice runs while I wait for my turn? I'm still kinda unused to Adventure.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 01, 2012, 07:49:11 pm
Sure go ahead.. in fact that may be encouraged.
You may want to practice on a random generated map.

We wouldn't want you doing something Awesome and Epic on the map, and then not have it be able to be recorded :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 02, 2012, 12:36:00 am
Things are keeping on if rather slowly. I'm currently walking across a mountain range alone after my idiot sidekicks went storming off after yaks or mountain goats. The first was a female pikeman and the latter was a male crossbowman. The three of us had one real adventure before parting; we headed for a lair with the intention of killing whatever was inside and spending a night in a location where they wouldn't wander off after some animal. Turned out it was a giant, Stazpo by name. The crossbowman wound up getting credit for the kill as the giant bled to death from a gutshot despite the fact that I had spent several turns stabbing him in the head and the pikewoman and I brought him down.

Since I am now without companions and have absolutely no shot of getting more, I'm sticking to the mountains as much as possible to avoid being attacked by bogeymen.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 02, 2012, 07:55:30 am
Holy crap! sounds like you are already having an Epic Journal.
AND you seem still alive!

My advice "Save" often as possible ;)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 02, 2012, 04:52:08 pm
One problem that I face is that my dwarf only has a speed of 1010ish despite having a High Agility. Since this is vanilla, attributes do not increase from activities like sneaking, throwing, or swimming. I can't recall if they increase from fighting or not, but I don't think that they do.  So I'm stuck with a speed that guarantees instant death in the event of an encounter with bogeymen since I will not be able to outrun them. I've had enough adventurters die at their wretched hands to know that. Yet another reminder of how much I hate skill rust as an utterly unworkable concept that adds nothing to gameplay but only detracts.

Such an encounter is probable as well; I checked a map to see where the Scholarly Fingers are located and I had the fortune to start on the upper righthand corner of the map when my destination is the lower lefthand corner. After I leave the safety of the Scholarly Fingers, there's a rather long portion before I can reach the safety of the sea or a city. There's also a lair or cave closer than either, but I don't know what is in it.

It'll be a while yet either way as I have to finish crossing the range and then make my way downwards. My predecessors have taught me the value of staying away from rivers as much as possible and I'll primarily stick to going back into the mountains to sleep until I get to the southernmost tip. I'm not sure as to what I'll do after that. I might try sleeping until a few hours before dawn and then sneak as far as I can towards the lair/city/sea until dawn breaks and I can travel safely again. Again, bogeymen are instant death as I cannot possibly outrun them with this dwarf. I suppose I could try lighting campfires around me in the event that night catches me before I make it to safety, but that seems to be a hit or miss proposition from what I've seen. Sometimes the campfires remain lit and sometimes they go out for no good reason.


As I travel south, I pass a "cave", which is a spot on the surface occupied by two helmet snakes. The site of the cave entrance is a valley carved through with a brook so it is bugged. I kill them with rocks and continue south; I return to the mountains mountains to sleep and cross the rivers when they are brooks to avoid possible incidents. Oddly enough, after one night of slumber, I return to the swamp and get a combat message involving an owl and a sturgeon. The sturgeon won and swam off so I help myself to its victim's carcass. I arrived at the southernmost point of the Scholarly Fingers and encountered a new difficulty. It is cold enough that fresh water is hard to find and having only one waterskin means that the bulk of my time is spent in various levels of thirst. I kill a goat in bloody fashion but somehow do so without creating blood or getting any on my blade. Bah. I eventually manage to find a source of water and return to the staging ground. From here, I head to the nearest cave by waiting until an hour or so before dawn and sneaking until dawn. Had a brief scare when a chinchilla decloaked me; sadly, they're too small to be butchered and I once again can't get any blood. I made it to a nearby ravine and began sneaking again. Dawn soon breaks and I make a run for the cave. I cross a frozen river, quick travel to the next one that has to be covered, and finally discover running water. I fill my waterskin and move on.

The cave is an actual cave that drops several levels down. I explore a few levels down just to see if there are any moles or anything lurking about, but find nothing. I pass the night near the cave entrance and set out once more. I reach the hamlet, but there are no buildings anywhere. I flee in a blind panic towards the city and run across a Cathedral, which I sleep inside figuring that it would count as indoors. Either it does, or I lucked out as I don't encounter any monsters. I have a brief chat with the priest or flicker, who is not impressed by news of the death of Stazpo, and head southeast to the fortress. I recruit two guards, a Pikeman and a Swordsman, and head out for adventure. We make our way over to a nearby lair and charge in. Despite my stabbing it in the head about a half dozen times, it's the Pikeman who gets credit for killing the Cyclops. Oh, well. I return to the city to sell the items found in the cave. Sadly, the only shops are uninhabited and waiting around doesn't help. So I purchase some food from the marketplace and start looking around. I really want another waterskin to help alleviate the problems of thirst, but no luck.

Turns out that a keep was five or six steps away from the lower corner of the Cathedral that I could have spent the night in without worrying. Bah. I look around a bit and head back to the fortress to recruit some more soldiers in case one of these idiots takes off after a horse or something. I also talk to the law-giver (APE SHALL NEVER KILL APE.) since I was told to by the guy I brought the prickleberries and wild strawberries from. He tells me to kill a Giant Cave Spider for him so I go and recruit another swordsman, an axewoman, another pikeman, and a bowwoman. I'm hoping that the bowwoman kills it from a distance while it keeps shooting web at the melee fighters. I'll also huck some rocks at it as well. I'm not getting close as I don't have a cap or helm like these guys and a webbing will almost certainly be fatal as a result. If I had a bronze helm or better, I wouldn't care as it'll just raise my Armor User levels trying to bite through it, but not this way.

There's a goblin camp nearby, but I'm not going near that on the chance that they have lashers or crossbows. Same for the lair to the north as it has a hydra according to the locals. The GCS is to the west, which is the way I have to head anyway. Well, provided that I can get across all those rivers without these guys drowning.


Scratch that, there are a lot of rivers in that area than I thought and I don't want to risk losing any of my escort. According to the locals, there are a lot of horses in the area and those are one of the most dangerous animals that you can encounter thanks to their kicks. Oddly enough, that cave I visited is supposed to be the home of Sprayflies the carp. There is also a kobold group in the area, which is worrisome thanks to their habit of spamming bowmen in ambushes. I might have been lucky in deciding not to go further down as the only cave I see is the previously mentioned one.


As I said, I bypass the cave with the GCS and head southwest. There is a narrow strip of land that cuts between peninsulas. I immediately lose one swordsman, who charges off in a random direction and never reappears. Twit. I don't even know what he was chasing. I continue down the ithmus and emerge into the large plains between the seas. Dingo swarm happens and we slaughter the lot with no problems or injuries. We cross a stream and I lose three people. I don't think they drowned, they just didn't show up again. I still have the axe and bow women though.

Fast travelling is interrupted twice in a row by my ability to predict dingo swarms. The first one is defeated without incident, though we no longer have any arrows. The second one gravely injures my axewoman, who doesn't quick travel along with us. My dwarf is scarred up badly and I fear dearly, but almost all of the injuries heal up after quick travelling. I now am a mass of scars and still have damage to the fat and skin of my hands. Lord, I hope I'm able to retire before infection sets in.

My sole remaining companion and I flail around in the wilderness until we run across a town and fortress on the Quest Map and make a beeline for it. We're from too far away for the cyclops to count for anything so I can only recruit a single axeman. On the upside, I find a bunch of shields in the keep that I acquire and equip as well as a nickel flask. FINALLY. We set off again and head southwest towards the Bronze Towers. Tragedy strikes when we cross a river as both escorts disappear. I start quick travelling in a blind panic to the west as I am thoroughly certain that I'm screwed and blunder right into a human town that I had no idea existed just as night falls. I encounter a general, which I haven't seen in a human hamlet in a long time, and get an idea of the surrounding area. Rattlesnakes in the desert. Bleh. I recruit a bowman and learn from him that a nearby area has foul blendecs, which is tops on my list to avoid, and he also mentions a blessed area. I'm not certain, but that might even be the evil forest/serene swamp combo I mentioned so I must be reasonably close to The Valley of the Dwarves. Nobody has mentioned the Bronze Towers though so that must still be a ways off.

Next I will head for the hamlet nearby where their lawgiver apparently is to see if I can find another Pikeman or melee specialist as that bowman won't be much help against a bunch of dingos. I don't think this civ even has a fortress or town as it appears to be just two hamlets right next to each other. I haven't explored any of the surrounding area yet though as it is night.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 03, 2012, 07:40:53 am
Ubiq that is Bucking EPIC so far!

No screenshots of these amazing moments?
Sounds Armok is really on your side, quite a few moments where Death is certain and you find a town in the nick of time.

Considereing we are 10years in, HUmans must REALLY build fast :P
I really hope you are able to heal up a bit, I would stay in town till you are sure you are able to stave off infection. (if that is even possible)

You really seem to know what you are doing, sounds like you may be the first to make it to the mountain home.
Try and take some screenshots to compare to the world map and we can see how close you are.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 03, 2012, 12:38:32 pm
It's actually a different human civ each time and they're spread roughly the same distance apart from each other. Only the last group was a real surprise as I had been looking around for the others in the Quest Map or in Legends Mode and had no idea how close I was to safety until I ran right into it. Since I have the original version of this world, I check it every so often to see how far away, it was while looking for the Scholarly Fingers that I found the town where I recruited the replacements for my first comrades. I could see the cave from the Quest map at the southernmost point, but not the sea or human civ.

Far as survival goes, two things have been critical here. Maintaining companions when not in a bogeyman-safe zone and avoiding confrontations as much as possible.  I find out where bandit camps are and steer clear of them; same for kobold caves. I go out of my way to cross brooks instead of streams or rivers or attempt to ford them at night to see if they freeze, which seems remarkably common until you get to the lowest portion of the map. The two biggest risks I've taken are venturing into the lairs of the giant, cyclops, and the most recent one and that's primarily just so we can all rest in safety. If I didn't have companions, I wouldn't have done any of those.

Far as screenshots go, I'll have a few next time.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 04, 2012, 02:07:08 am
I promised a screenshot, did I not?

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 04, 2012, 05:29:16 am
Bloody Hellz!
That map is one of the most epic things I have ever seen Ubiq!
You are truly a Legendary Dwarf for this!

THe amount of time you spent actually WALKING, not fast traveling is mind boggling.
In turns to come I hope many speak of your amazing deeds.

OH! once you retire, whoever is next should post a screencap of your entry in the LEGENDS files.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Phones on May 04, 2012, 10:33:51 am
Totally want to give this a shot, sign me up
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 04, 2012, 12:11:02 pm
Ok, with Phones, that is 10 so far, plus me (I will be the last to go)
I think i'll close the list for now, just to see how the others do.  If we have more deaths, we may ask for more again, if not and we get 6 more to the mountain home, we will start up Fortress mode and begin succesion fort.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 04, 2012, 01:35:08 pm

Nish is a Legendary+1 Crutchwalker or better thanks to hiking across the Bronze Towers.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 04, 2012, 06:02:48 pm
Downloaded the file and took a look at it in Legend Viewer.
it really is a bloody shame that your one companion got credit for that cyclops kill.
Also, apparently you get points for being the first to climb a mountain peak. never knew that before.

FEN is next on the list, hopefully he will learn form your success :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 05, 2012, 06:10:35 pm
While we wait, here's a few more facts about Nish's journey.

He began on the 12th of Galena in the year 10 and finished on the 8th of Timber of the same year so it lasted for eighty days, which amuses me greatly.  It wasn't completely around the world since it has a defined edge that you can't go past (I checked as I was close to the edge anyway), but good enough.

The journey took him across 275 region tiles, which is 4,400 embark tiles, or roughly 211,200 steps.  If a step is roughly a yard, then Nish's Journey was roughly 190 miles long.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 05, 2012, 07:11:51 pm
Ok that is bloody impressive, not just the size, but because it makes me wonder if anyone has actually worked out how big the "worlds" are in Dwarf Fortress. Still 80days going almost 200 miles, thats actually... Slow...
Still a lot of that was over mountain, REAL Mountains, so that slows things down a LOT.

Not heard back from FEN yet, not sure how long to wait.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 05, 2012, 08:55:51 pm
Still 80days going almost 200 miles, thats actually... Slow...

120 miles actually. I worked it out properly and then typed in the wrong number. On the other hand, Nish is short even by dwarf standards so it might be fair to multiply distances by 1.5 where he is concerned.

Probably a week of that was spent going back and forth in the region around Whimtakes; I spent a few days near the southern tip of the Scholarly Fingers trying to find water and a few more going out to Ator's lair and heading back for reinforcements. Then there was all that time spent looking around the Romantic Empire, which added another two or three days.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 06, 2012, 01:52:05 am
I spent my turn wandering in the wilds around Ubiq's starting point. :3

Friggin' giant dingoes.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 06, 2012, 02:40:16 am
Orky either started in the same area as we did or in the civ on just the other side of the Scholarly Fingers since Sprayflies was in that area as well. It'd be nice if somebody started in Dendwelling as they could make it to the Bronze Towers in a single day and spend a few more headed south towards Silverysect rather than having to hike all the way from the other side of the world.

I think I saw exactly two giant animals during the entire trip; a Giant Grasshopper and a Giant Louse. Outside of keas or yaks luring off or killing my sidekicks (the yaks, not the keas though I was treated to a fight between a kea and an alligator once), the only wild animals I was really bothered by were dingos, an anaconda, wolverine men, and a sea lamprey of all things that I encountered while trying to figure out a place to cross over the major river that cuts The Romantic Empire in half. The sea lamprey carved Nish up pretty badly actually, but quick travelling as soon as I got away from the river took care of that. Only the dingoes managed to inflict any lasting wounds, which is odd since the lamprey did a lot more damage with nothing to show for it ultimately.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 06, 2012, 02:45:32 am
Kes and Reudh ripped through some turtles. We encountered nothing but animals. We also killed buzzards, and a single kea at one stage.

Then, after sleeping surrounded by campfires for protection in the open (in a square around Kes and Reudh), the campfires burnt out and giant dingoes just about swallowed Kes whole, and ripped Reudh's arm off.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 06, 2012, 06:10:28 am
Well if I don't hear from FEN by Monday, I think we will skip his turn (for now) and go to Corai

Reudh, I'd study up on Ubiqs success, you may get another turn after all :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 06, 2012, 06:29:44 am
We started in a hamlet... Forgot the name, but I know it was something like Riddleriddles or something repeating.

And I look forward to attempt no. 2.

I'd also like a turn as overseer of the fort when that comes to it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on May 06, 2012, 08:07:46 am
Ubiq, I'd like to thank you so much for that detailed story and especially the survival tips! I never knew how to avoid the bogeymen before. So I just had to try it out, loaded up the save, and then managed to survive several days by camping in the mountains and caves!

I started around the same area as you did and then more or less followed your route. Even found the remains of the helmet snakes, I think. I then lost a foot to a giant bat in a cave and then dragged myself to nearest human town, Evenedlions, to search for a crutch. On the way there I got ambushed by a pack of dingos but amazingly managed to kill them all, thanks to martial trance. I reached the town when it was already dark. Explored the town the next day and found nothing but fruits for sale. Found the cathedral and the keep next to it. Explored the upper levels of the keep, found no crutches, so I went downstairs, opened a door and got jumped by a bunch of kobolds! I think I managed to kill two swordskobolds while being pincushioned by the kobold bowmen. I had like 8-10 arrows sticking in me when I finally suffocated. Why do humans allow a kobold camp to exist in their keep's basement?

Anyway, thanks to those tips I survived for days, covered about 1/4 of the trip you made and got over 30 kills. I just might have a chance to reach the mountainhomes when it's actually my turn. Saying this aloud, I probably get killed by a groundhog in the first day :p

Also, Legends Viewer is a must once you learn how to use it. Makes navigating around a lot easier.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 06, 2012, 09:46:39 am
Bloody hell, its a shame to waste such an epic story, even if you didn't make it.

I know your turn isn't for a while and we were waiting on Fen, but he has been a no show. Whoever does go next, I am tempted to use your save just so your mighty deeds are not lost forever.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on May 06, 2012, 02:38:24 pm
That's fine by me, just say if you need the save.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on May 06, 2012, 02:46:22 pm
Since I am up, wheres the save?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 06, 2012, 02:53:57 pm
Should be up in a bit.
Also a note for you, and all others...

Remember to document your travels!
Screenshots are your friend.  If you find yourself in some epic battle or come across some grand sight, make sure to post pics so it may be immortalized!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on May 06, 2012, 03:24:30 pm
All righty then, here you go: (
Didn't know that I would end up jumping in line, so I'm sorry everybody! Note: I played on 0.34.07.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 06, 2012, 08:47:36 pm
Ubiq, I'd like to thank you so much for that detailed story and especially the survival tips! I never knew how to avoid the bogeymen before. So I just had to try it out, loaded up the save, and then managed to survive several days by camping in the mountains and caves!

Bogeyman don't appear in glaciers, tundras, or sea biomes either. Beaches are probably the safest location you can sleep in since they fall under the sea biome and relatively few threatening animals spawn within it that can actually attack you on the shore as the bulk of them tend to keep their distance. Mountains have relatively few animals to worry about as well; Giant Eagles are your main worry, but are rather rare. If anything, the main thing you have to worry about in mountains is getting your skull caved in by a yak that you ran into because you weren't paying attention.

The others have very few animals possible so your chances of getting a dangerous one like a polar bear or giant lynx are much greater. Still far less dangerous than an encounter with boogeymen though.

I would suggest swimming across lakes and seas in the event that you're stuck out in the middle of nowhere without companions, but the fact that rivers and streams freeze overnight means that you can expect the same from oceans.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on May 06, 2012, 09:23:51 pm
Aight my finals for college have been finished and done with, I have about 3 weeks empty so LET'S DO THIS.
oh. apparently not. I'd thought I had until Monday to get started. Guess I'm after Corai.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 07, 2012, 06:31:45 am
Sorry Fen, mang now I feel horrible :(
Well I promise you get next spot regardless of what comes :'(
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Mishy on May 07, 2012, 10:56:03 am
This is pretty much what i do normally. History very short, Civs very low, Beasts very high, Savagery very high, Minerals very low.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Errant Gamer on May 07, 2012, 04:18:12 pm
Posting to watch, this shows great promise :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Phones on May 07, 2012, 07:38:36 pm
It seems like the orders don't really matter TOO MUCH all things considered. It's not like a fortress game where the current situation is going to be vastly different, instead it might just change a little if anything.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 07, 2012, 08:43:22 pm
Speaking of which, what will determine the succession order when we get to the actual fort proper?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 07, 2012, 10:01:15 pm
I hope this does not seem presumptuous, But I was assuming I would have first year...
After that, I was thinking in order of those who survive the trip.  So you would be first after me, followed by the next person to get thier alive.
How does that sound?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on May 07, 2012, 10:47:31 pm
Here's more detailed story of my journey. Too bad I took screenshots only from the last battles. I found some combat logs though.

First of all, the map. I have numbered some highlights:

( (

1: My starting point was in one of the three human hamlets: Silverfreckles, Lanternvirtue or Toolwards. Can't remember which one. I took short trips into the wilderness to wrestle groundhogs and other wildlife, and then spent the nights in the hamlets.

2: After I had built up some skills and stocked up on food, I recruited a human ranger to join me in a quest to kill a dingo in a nearby cave. I think his name was Imi Medoncosla. He almost got killed by a sea lamprey on the way to the cave. I went to rescue him but the damn fish refused to die easily.
The Sea Lamprey bites The Human Ranger in the upper body, bruising the muscle and bruising the heart through the large rope reed fiber cloak!
The Sea Lamprey latches on firmly!
You struggle for the bronze spear.
You gain possession of the bronze spear.
The Human Ranger is no longer stunned.
The Human Ranger breaks the grip of The Sea Lamprey's mouth on The Human Ranger's upper body.
You stab The Sea Lamprey in the lower body with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle and tearing the guts!
The Sea Lamprey looks sick!
The Sea Lamprey slaps The Human Ranger in the head with her tail, bruising the muscle, bruising the skull through the large horse leather hood!
The Sea Lamprey misses The Human Ranger!
The Sea Lamprey gives in to pain.
You stab The Sea Lamprey in the head with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle and tearing apart the upper spine's nervous tissue!
The Sea Lamprey falls over.
You stab The Sea Lamprey in the head with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle and tearing apart the upper spine's nervous tissue!
The flying silver bolt strikes The Sea Lamprey in the lower body, tearing the muscle and tearing the stomach!
The silver bolt has lodged firmly in the wound!
You bash The Sea Lamprey in the head with the shaft of your bronze spear, bruising the muscle and tearing apart the upper spine's cartilage and bruising the nervous tissue!
You stab The Sea Lamprey in the upper body with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle and tearing apart the heart!
A major artery in the heart has been opened by the attack!
You stab The Sea Lamprey in the head with your bronze spear, tearing apart the muscle and tearing apart the upper spine's nervous tissue!
An artery has been opened by the attack!
You stab The Sea Lamprey in the upper body with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle and tearing the middle spine's nervous tissue!
The Sea Lamprey has bled to death.
The Human Ranger flounders in the water!

We finally reached the dingo cave and sneaked in. Damn human almost stole the kill with his long-range crossbow. I had to resort to throwing rocks.
The flying silver bolt strikes The Dingo in the head, tearing the muscle and shattering the skull!
A tendon in the skull has been torn!
The silver bolt has lodged firmly in the wound!
The spinning -sharp- conglomerate strikes The Dingo in the head, bruising the muscle, shattering the skull and bruising the brain!
Dingo has been shot and killed.
You butcher Amar Uspumsesnum's corpse.
You pick up the Amar Uspumsesnum's skull and put it in your sheep wool backpack.

3: I recruited more humans, a pikeman and a trapper, from the hamlets and headed southwest towards the mountains. On the way there we visited a beautiful shrine here. The legends say that a bronze colossus lives in here, but we found nobody there.

4: We had to cross many rivers, and we got attacked by sea lampreys almost each time. The pikeman and ranger drowned. The trapper just couldn't keep up with me and I lost the sight of him somewhere in the mountains. Can't even remember his name.
Stram Mabsan, Human Pikeman has drowned.
Imi Medoncosla, Human Ranger has drowned.

5: My original plan was to head west from this point, but as I had already lost all of my companions I had to stay close to the mountains to avoid the bogeymen. Visited a cave here and had much fun torturing the troglodytes living in there.
The Troglodyte strikes at You but the shot is blocked!
You gouge The Troglodyte's left eye with Your right hand, tearing it apart!
You gouge The Troglodyte's right eye with Your right hand, tearing it apart!
You pinch The Troglodyte's throat with Your right hand, tearing apart the hair!
You punch The Troglodyte in the head with your right hand, bruising the muscle, jamming the skull through the brain and tearing the brain!
You kick The Troglodyte in the head with your right foot, bruising the muscle, jamming the skull through the brain and tearing the brain!
The Troglodyte has been struck down.
You kick The Troglodyte in the left hand with your left foot, bruising the muscle!
You punch The Troglodyte in the right lower arm with your right hand, bruising the muscle!
The Troglodyte gives in to pain.
You punch The Troglodyte in the head with your right hand, bruising the muscle, jamming the skull through the brain and tearing the brain!
The Troglodyte has been struck down.

6: Found some remains of helmet snakes around here. Very likely the ones that Ubiq killed. Couldn't find a cave entrance anywhere. I followed the stream into a canyon and found a wounded yak bull near the waterfall. It was vomiting all around the place and looked like it had been poisoned by a helmet snake. I tried to put it out of its misery by wrestling, punching and kicking. It took a very long time. Poor thing.

7: As I had no companions, my plan was to spend the next night in this cave and then continue to the human settlement south of it. The legends said there were supposed to be giant bats in the cave. I sneaked inside, found the first bat and threw some sharp rocks at it before it even saw me.
You begin sneaking.
The spinning -sharp- conglomerate strikes The Giant Bat in the right upper leg, bruising the bone!
The spinning -sharp- conglomerate strikes The Giant Bat in the right upper arm, bruising the muscle!
The spinning sharp conglomerate strikes The Giant Bat in the upper body, bruising the muscle and bruising the left lung!
The Giant Bat is having trouble breathing!
You've been spotted!

When it got closer I first targeted its limbs to cripple it, and threw rocks at it when it dodged away.
You stab The Giant Bat in the left paw with your bronze spear, fracturing the bone!
A ligament has been torn and a tendon has been torn!
The Giant Bat falls over.
You stab The Giant Bat in the right paw with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle!
A motor nerve has been severed!
You attack The Giant Bat but He rolls away!
The spinning -sharp- conglomerate strikes The Giant Bat in the lower body, bruising the muscle and bruising the stomach!
The spinning +sharp+ conglomerate strikes The Giant Bat in the right lower leg, fracturing the bone!
The Giant Bat gives in to pain.

I finished the job by strangling.
You grab The Giant Bat by the throat with your left lower arm!
You place a chokehold on The Giant Bat's throat with Your left lower arm!
You strangle The Giant Bat's throat, tearing apart the hair!
You strangle The Giant Bat's throat, tearing apart the hair!
The Giant Bat regains consciousness.
You strangle The Giant Bat's throat!
The Giant Bat gives in to pain.
You strangle The Giant Bat's throat, tearing apart the hair!
You strangle The Giant Bat's throat, tearing apart the hair!
The Giant Bat has suffocated.

A second giant bat was hiding around a corner and surprised me. It charged at me, knocked me down and while I was stunned by the blow it ripped my foot clean off.
The Giant Bat collides with You!
You are knocked over!
The Giant Bat bites You in the lower body, bruising the muscle and bruising the pancreas through the giant cave spider silk robe!
The Giant Bat latches on firmly!
The Giant Bat shakes You around by the lower body, tearing apart the lower body's fat and bruising the muscle!
The Giant Bat grabs You by the thumb, left hand with her left upper arm!
The Giant Bat bites You in the left foot, tearing apart the muscle and bruising the bone through the dog leather shoe!
A motor nerve has been severed, a ligament has been torn and a tendon has been torn!
The Giant Bat latches on firmly!
You are no longer stunned.
You lose hold of the dog leather shoe.
You lose hold of the pig tail fiber sock.
The Giant Bat shakes You around by the left foot and the severed part sails off in an arc!
The left foot is ripped away and remains in The Giant Bat's grip!
The Giant Bat drops your left foot.
You stab The Giant Bat in the right hand with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle!
An artery has been opened by the attack and a sensory nerve has been severed!

At some point it had grabbed my waterskin and was really obsessive about it. While it was trying to wrestle the waterskin off from me I managed to get critical hits with my spear.
You've lost possession of the sheep leather waterskin.
You begin sneaking.
You pick up the your left foot and put it in your sheep wool backpack.
You pick up the pig tail fiber sock and put it in your sheep wool backpack.
You pick up the dog leather shoe and put it in your sheep wool backpack.
The Giant Bat regains consciousness.
The Giant Bat is no longer stunned.
The Giant Bat gives in to pain.
You stab The Giant Bat in the head with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle and tearing the upper spine's nervous tissue!
A tendon in the upper spine has been torn!
The Giant Bat loses hold of the sheep leather waterskin.
You stab The Giant Bat in the head with your bronze spear, tearing the muscle, shattering the skull and tearing the brain!
A tendon in the skull has been torn!
The bronze spear has lodged firmly in the wound!
The Giant Bat has been struck down.
You pick up the sheep leather waterskin and put it in your sheep wool backpack.
You butcher the Giant Bat corpse.
You pick up the Giant Bat skull and put it in your sheep wool backpack.

I was sure there would be more giant bats deeper in the cave, so I dragged myself closer to the entrance, backed up into a dead-end corridor, lit up a campfire in front of me and slept a few hours. When I woke up another giant bat was staring at me on the other side of the campfire. I got a lucky headshot with a single rock.
You eat the prepared giant bat spleen.
You fall over.
You regain consciousness.
The spinning -sharp- conglomerate strikes The Giant Bat in the head, bruising the muscle, shattering the skull and bruising the brain!
The Giant Bat has been shot and killed.

I spent several days in the cave, waiting for the campfire to burn out, because I was stuck behind it. My waterskin was already empty and I had to lick the blood remains from my clothes. I was getting desperate.
You eat the yak tripe.
You drink the giant bat blood.
You drink the giant bat blood.
There are no traces of sunlight here.
You cannot travel until you leave this site.
It is cold.
You eat the prepared giant bat brain.
You drink the Uggi Granitegods's dwarf blood.
There is nothing to pick up here.
Your intense search turns up nothing.
You've already searched this area recently.

So apparently indoor campfires burn forever. I had to use DFHack to extinguish the campfire with water.

8: When I finally got out my only option was to crawl south towards the nearest hamlet. I headed off very early in the morning. Just when I thought I would make it before the nightfall, a pack of dingos surrounded me. I targeted their legs and managed to cripple most of them, taking easy headshots when available.

( (

( (

Thanks to dwarven martial trance, I survived although badly bruised, and finally reached the hamlet of Hoofapes when it was already dark. I spent the night in an empty house.

9: The next day I crawled around the hamlets and the town of Evenedlions, searching for a crutch, which I never found. Spent a night in the cathedral and then explored the keep next to it. I had a talk with the lord of the keep in his penthouse on top of the central tower, recruited a human maceman and headed downstairs to the basement. Opened a door and got jumped by kobolds.

( (

When the first arrows struck us, we had lost the fight. Looks like I managed to kill only one swordskobold. I managed to crawl a few steps upstairs before suffocating. I was hit by a total of 30 arrows and about a dozen of them were lodged in me.

( (

My stats from my very last moments and the obituary page:

( (

( (

( (

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on May 07, 2012, 10:51:05 pm
Yes my kobold soldiers, keep killing dwarves......keep killing dwarves......
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 08, 2012, 12:23:46 am
Sea lampreys are a lot more dangerous than you would expect an animal with no jaws to be.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 08, 2012, 05:17:10 am
Yes my kobold soldiers, keep killing dwarves......keep killing dwarves......
Aren't you supposed to be playing a Dwarf right now?
ALso, mighty good dhow Uggi, glad to have your deeds in history despite the death.,
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 08, 2012, 06:56:19 am
Even if we die, at least we still make a small dint in history.

Perhaps there will be an engraving in this future fort about "Orky Firebolt of Death the dwarf and Sprayflied the carp", or "Lord Reudh Noblebattle the Ageless Nightmare of Apes the dwarf and I don't remember the name the Giant Dingo"...

In dying, as long as we're of the civ, and have achieved a small amount, we have fulfilled one of our two intentions...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 08, 2012, 07:18:33 am
Yeah thats something to remeber, everyone playing, be sure you are all picking the same parent Dwarf Civ!!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on May 08, 2012, 05:25:36 pm
Perhaps there will be an engraving in this future fort about "Orky Firebolt of Death the dwarf and Sprayflied the carp", or "Lord Reudh Noblebattle the Ageless Nightmare of Apes the dwarf and I don't remember the name the Giant Dingo"...

The giant dingo that killed your character is called Dipplays. The other one that killed your human companion Kes is known as Warmthsplashed.

Yeah thats something to remeber, everyone playing, be sure you are all picking the same parent Dwarf Civ!!!

I think we already failed with that. I'm a bit confused about the civilizations and regions and how stuff ends up in the engravings. Let me recap:
- Orky, Reudh and I started as members of the dwarven civ called The Hall of Twinkles (Îton Shetbêth).
- Looks like Ubiq instead started as a member of The Watchful Rags (Isdenunib).
- The Watchful Rags is the dwarven civ closest to our destination, what we call "The Valley of the Dwarves" in the mountainrange of The Bronze Towers.
- They have three mountain halls called Silverysects (Ralevost), where Ubiq's character retired, Cobaltveils (Letmosbisek) and Languageropes (Talulgoden).

Now some questions regarding fortress mode:
- If we choose The Hall of Twinkles as our parent civ will our engravers know nothing about Ubiq's character, because he isn't a member of the civ, nor became a hero in their eyes?
- Or will he maybe get mentioned for reaching the summit of The Plain Thorn, which is in The Bronze Towers region? And only if we build the fort in the same region?
- Vice versa, if we choose The Watchful Rags as our parent civ, will the engravers know nothing about Orky, Reudh and me?
- Or are all the civs telepathic and know everything that happened in the whole world?
- Can Ubiq's retired character show up as a migrant only if we choose The Watchful Rags?
- If this is true can we retire in any of the three mountain halls of The Watchful Rags, or do we all have to retire in the same mountain halls?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 08, 2012, 06:45:06 pm
I think we already failed with that. I'm a bit confused about the civilizations and regions and how stuff ends up in the engravings. Let me recap:
- Orky, Reudh and I started as members of the dwarven civ called The Hall of Twinkles (Îton Shetbêth).
- Looks like Ubiq instead started as a member of The Watchful Rags (Isdenunib).
- The Watchful Rags is the dwarven civ closest to our destination, what we call "The Valley of the Dwarves" in the mountainrange of The Bronze Towers.
- They have three mountain halls called Silverysects (Ralevost), where Ubiq's character retired, Cobaltveils (Letmosbisek) and Languageropes (Talulgoden).

Now some questions regarding fortress mode:
- If we choose The Hall of Twinkles as our parent civ will our engravers know nothing about Ubiq's character, because he isn't a member of the civ, nor became a hero in their eyes?
- Or will he maybe get mentioned for reaching the summit of The Plain Thorn, which is in The Bronze Towers region? And only if we build the fort in the same region?
- Vice versa, if we choose The Watchful Rags as our parent civ, will the engravers know nothing about Orky, Reudh and me?
- Or are all the civs telepathic and know everything that happened in the whole world?
- Can Ubiq's retired character show up as a migrant only if we choose The Watchful Rags?
- If this is true can we retire in any of the three mountain halls of The Watchful Rags, or do we all have to retire in the same mountain halls?

Since the intended embark area is within The Valley of the Dwavres (The Bronze Towers/The Kindled Jungle), any engraved events will be from that area. We would have to embark in The Plain of Murdering for your deaths to show up. Far as reaching summits go, I don't know if that translates into engraving/statues or not. I'm testing that right as I embarked in the swamp where my sidekicked died with a bunch of engravers, masons, and a lot of sandstone to carve statues with just to see what I get.

Beyond historical events like royal succession, the region that you embark in carries more weight for determining engravings than anything else.

And it doesn't matter which mountain hall we retire in so long as it is the same civ; I doubt it even matters which one we begin with so long as we retire at the same place; you become a member of a civ when you retire there. So long as we use The Watchful Rags to embark with, it'll be fine.

The symbol of the Watchful Rag is an Amethyst Man, the deities are Aran (God of Fertility, Rain, and Thunder, who spends his time either screaming or contemplating with a rare laughing fit), Rakas Tradesold (God of Fortresses, Trade, and Wealth; contemplative in nature), Tholest Bladedangers (Goddess of Revenge; easily offended and tends to strike a menacing pose), Aned Goldgilds the Luck of Matches (God of Gambling, who stands triumphant), and the relatively rare Gigin the Zenith of Ink (God of Sun and Light, who also stands triumphant) and the as-yet unseen Limul (God of Volcanos, Mountains, and Jewels) and Asas (Goddess of Courage).

It doesn't seem that mountaineering is worthy of being recorded. So anybody who reaches the Valley of the Dwarves might want to pop into the other lairs in the area as it'll be all Mukca Purpleprison striking down Rotik Trammeltip all the time.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 09, 2012, 04:06:35 am
Alright, given Ubiq started as a member of Isdenunib, and succeeded, I vote we use Isdenunib rather than Iton Shetbeth as our parent civ.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 09, 2012, 08:45:10 am
It would seem as long as we all retire at the same mountainhome, we should all get the chance to enter into Fortress mode, as long as we initially start the Fortress as part of Isdenunib.

By the way, having an "Amethyst Man" as the symbol of the civ is pretty bad ass if you think about it.
Going to make a statue of gemstone at some point ;)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on May 09, 2012, 03:00:13 pm
Ursit McGemcutter likes Amethyst Men for their expensive bodies.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Phones on May 09, 2012, 03:09:25 pm
Who is currently going? Seems we have come to a stop and I'm wondering if we should have someone begin or if the current person is just on a really long epic adventure.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on May 09, 2012, 04:16:57 pm
just checked. Corai is up, then its Fen, then its me.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on May 09, 2012, 08:12:10 pm
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 09, 2012, 08:24:46 pm
Uggi posted it the other day when you asked.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on May 09, 2012, 08:27:03 pm
Downloaded, wont be able to do screenshots though.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on May 09, 2012, 08:46:00 pm
BEHOLD! The next dwarven adventurer!

Above Average Strengh, agility, and toughness.

Novice dodger, shield user, axe, observer, ambusher, fighter. and swimmer!

So the point is to reach a mountainhalls? Lets get traveling! Lets all cheer for Melbil Postdanced! Huzzah!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 09, 2012, 10:02:42 pm
You need to reach one of the mountain halls of the Watchful Rag at the southern end of the Bronze Towers.

Here. The red circle is the target; the blue circle is where we seem to be starting for the most part. I know I started in that nation as did Uggi.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 10, 2012, 02:53:09 am
So providing we start from the civ that Ubiq and Uggi started from, we just need to head 'more or less southwest'.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 10, 2012, 06:23:42 am
Downloaded, wont be able to do screenshots though.

Why not? Can't you use the export image mode?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 10, 2012, 06:30:22 am
It's really very easy to do screenshots.

Alt + PrntScrn

Paste into Paint, save as a JPG or PNG (png preferable for better quality), go to or and drag the images onto the site

Link them with the 'BBcode link' and they'll show up here.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 10, 2012, 10:25:28 am
So providing we start from the civ that Ubiq and Uggi started from, we just need to head 'more or less southwest'.

Pretty much. The best possible scenario is to start in the Romantic Empire as it's within the swamps just east of the Bronze Towers. That test adventurer I made back before Orky started was generated in the yellow plains towards the bottom, but that was one of several worlds I made in an attempt to get the local dwarven civ back in the Valley of the Dwarves.  I've never even bothered to check if there are humans in the region in the world I finally wound up using for this.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 10, 2012, 11:53:21 am
Ubiq, quick question.
When the time finally comes to embark on the mountainhome and start the fort off... Obviouslly we will need to use the 'Embark Anywhere' mod.
Well... Is there a mac version of it? If not, someone will have to do the intial embark, and then send the file to me for starting the fort going.

Also... On a test fort earlier in that area, the temp seems to go from "Hot" to "Scorching".
I have heard of Dwarves freezing to death in cold biomes.  Will we have to worry about heat stroke or sun burn in this area?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 10, 2012, 12:09:58 pm
Nish didn't seem to have any problems with the weather while walking around. It rained on him once or twice and he didn't melt.

Far as Embark Anywhere goes, no idea as I don't use any utilities besides Perfect World.

How are you at breaching aquifers in a biome that doesn't freeze by the way? The layer stone in the vicinity of the Watchful Rags is conglomerate.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Niyazov on May 10, 2012, 01:14:01 pm
I'd love to go after Corai, if nobody has already claimed the slot.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 10, 2012, 02:26:30 pm
Nish didn't seem to have any problems with the weather while walking around. It rained on him once or twice and he didn't melt.

Far as Embark Anywhere goes, no idea as I don't use any utilities besides Perfect World.

How are you at breaching aquifers in a biome that doesn't freeze by the way? The layer stone in the vicinity of the Watchful Rags is conglomerate.
We may want to do some test runs using perfect world, seeing if we can embark on the mountain home without issue.

Also Aquifer should not be a problem. I often find in mountain areas there is a way past the aquifer.  Usually they do not go too far into a mountain.  If they do...
Well I don't know if it still works, but if you carve out a large block and let it drop, dows it still puncture through the layer allowing you to dig inside?

Also Niyazov...
The current list is on the front page, right now it is closed sadly.
If someone drops out or skips a turn a slot may open up.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Garath on May 10, 2012, 02:28:31 pm
I'd love to go after Corai, if nobody has already claimed the slot.

you mean like go after him with crossbow and axe or.... well, how else would you go after a kobold?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Phones on May 10, 2012, 02:30:01 pm
Nish didn't seem to have any problems with the weather while walking around. It rained on him once or twice and he didn't melt.

Far as Embark Anywhere goes, no idea as I don't use any utilities besides Perfect World.

How are you at breaching aquifers in a biome that doesn't freeze by the way? The layer stone in the vicinity of the Watchful Rags is conglomerate.
We may want to do some test runs using perfect world, seeing if we can embark on the mountain home without issue.

Also Aquifer should not be a problem. I often find in mountain areas there is a way past the aquifer.  Usually they do not go too far into a mountain.  If they do...
Well I don't know if it still works, but if you carve out a large block and let it drop, dows it still puncture through the layer allowing you to dig inside?

Also Niyazov...
The current list is on the front page, right now it is closed sadly.
If someone drops out or skips a turn a slot may open up.

Pretty sure the Aquifer thing still works.

Also I'm ready to go whenever really if you guys want to jump out of order or we are a stand still sometime before me and after Corai.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 10, 2012, 03:46:35 pm
Fen is up after Corai.

Hey, wait, if we use Embark Anywhere on the site of the Mountainhome, wouldn't Nish and his future colleagues be Friendly locals rather than actual members of the fortress?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on May 10, 2012, 04:04:53 pm
Why would we even need the Embark Anywhere utility? We're going to embark in the valley, right? The place is already embarkable. Or are you thinking of embarking on top of one of the existing mountain halls south of the valley?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Niyazov on May 10, 2012, 05:07:20 pm
Fen is up after Corai.

Hey, wait, if we use Embark Anywhere on the site of the Mountainhome, wouldn't Nish and his future colleagues be Friendly locals rather than actual members of the fortress?

I think the idea is to embark as part of the same civ but somewhere else and let the adventurers arrive as migrants.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 10, 2012, 05:18:20 pm
Why would we even need the Embark Anywhere utility? We're going to embark in the valley, right? The place is already embarkable. Or are you thinking of embarking on top of one of the existing mountain halls south of the valley?

I thought that was the plan as well, but then:

When the time finally comes to embark on the mountainhome and start the fort off... Obviouslly we will need to use the 'Embark Anywhere' mod.

Unless Crossroads just means that we're going to create a mountainhome in the mountains next to the Valley of the Dwarves as there is an area just to the west that has a massive river canyon if I recall correctly. I don't know for sure as I didn't actually go into the Bronze Towers until I realized that I was at the bottom edge of said valley and was well south of where that canyon would be.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 10, 2012, 06:13:49 pm
Just to clear a few things up...
First off, while I made the mistake of skipping Fen to Corai, we are following the following list:
#1 Orky_Boss: DEAD
#2 Reudh: DEAD
#3 Ubiq: SUCCESS!
#4 Corai: (asked to be passed for now)
#5 Fen: NEXT
#6 Torrasque666:
#7 melkor:
#8 uggi DEAD
#9 Phones
# last spot Crossroads

Right now the list is closed, but may open up again if we need more people.
The goal is to get Seven dwarves alive to them mountain home and retire.

On THAT topic... Originally the first creation of the world had the mountain home  INISDE "the Valley of The Dwarves"
Thats how it got it's name.  However, due to my oversight, the original world had incredibly low minerals.
It was Re-Genned, however the placements of civs was moved around. Instead of being inside the Valley itself, the first Dwarf Civ was created to the south, in the mountain area where Ubiq successfully settled.

That is the reason why we will be using Embark Anywhere...
The reason why we are getting Dwarves TO this area is in the hopes that, when the fort starts up, they shall come in as migrants to settle in the fort itself.
However, this may not be needed.  The reason for founding the fort on the spot where the Dwarves retire is to, assumedly, provide a better chance for them to be migrants.
However if we have an equally good chance of getting them no matter where we settle, as long as it is in the area, then we may indeed settle in the "valley of the Dwarves" as originally planed.

The question now is weather it makes a difference settling in the same spot where our Brave Warriors are retiring.

The "Plot" of the "DWARVES AT THE DWAN OF TIME" game is basically the story of the FIRST Dwarf Fortress, and the 7 legendary warrios who started it :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 12, 2012, 10:02:20 am
Just a heads up, got a message from Corai, He is pretty busy but said he does still want to do his turn, so sadly just have to wait right now.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 12, 2012, 08:54:13 pm
Not to bump the bump, but just got another PM from Corai.
Seem Work and Real Life is a bit too much right now so he is passing his spot for now.

FEN you are once more up to bat!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: dorfnynja on May 13, 2012, 06:40:26 pm
Hello this is my first time posting. I've been playing dwarf fortress for a few years now, figured I would stop lurking around the forums. I'm gonna take a run at this myself since it is fascinating me so much. I think there is enough people queued up in the line, but if you need another person let me know.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 13, 2012, 07:25:06 pm
thank you for the enthusiasm.  Thrilled to know it was this thread to pull you out of lurking :D
Sadly there are quite a few people in line.  There may be a spot open at some point.
My advice is practice some adventuring... But NOT On the map itself!
As uggi found it, it would be terrible for oyu to do some Epic Heroic task, and then not have it be able to be recorded into history!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on May 14, 2012, 09:55:07 am
Downloading now, going to get started and keep you guys posted as I can.
Here's to glory; dead, alive, or somewhere in-between.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 14, 2012, 11:49:13 am
Well for Armoks sake BE CAREFULL
We only have ONE that has made it there alive so far.
Be sure to follow ubiqs advice and try and stay alive! :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 14, 2012, 03:57:18 pm
Even if your character loses limbs, it's not the end!

As long as you get to the mountainhome intact, then that's a success!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on May 15, 2012, 07:59:41 pm
Here we go, as per tradition, I have custom named and titled my character.
Also he is absolutely atrocious at anything to do with society. I like to imagine he doesn't talk to people, but rather screams at them, shakes his spear in their face, and wanders off to try and kill something.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 15, 2012, 10:18:55 pm
May Armok Protect you!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 16, 2012, 12:22:17 am
Here we go, as per tradition, I have custom named and titled my character.

I didn't do that actually as I expected Nish to acquire a title naturally as I wandered on.

Of course, kill-stealing and risk aversion syndrome prevented that, but I'm pretty sure that people will recognize him by the whole Legendary+3 Ambusher/Legendary+2 Crutchwalker deal he has going on.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on May 19, 2012, 11:27:39 pm
WELP. After jumping on in, I had the horrible misfortune of getting plopped down into a village all on its lonesome, with no other nearby settlements, capitol cities, or anythings. To my even greater dismay, nobody in town had anything needing doing; It was my plan to go kill some quest things, hunt wildlife and get a survey of the Area before heading out into boogeyman-infested wilderness.

After my foray into this challenge, the biggest obstacle I think people will have to face if figuring out where they are, where they can safely go, and how much the town they start in can actually help them.
I started in the town in the top-left corner. Lonely little place with not much going on, a few abandoned houses and some village people doing village people things. (Not singing or dancing, though)

One fortunate thing about my location, however, was that there was enough wildlife around that I managed to get the jump on a giant thrips, and secured a source of food!

In fact, the place was absolutely teeming with giant insect life. Later on, I found a giant louse as well... While insects don't make the greatest eating, I got what I needed in a short amount of time. The only other wildlife I'd seen were some elk and buzzards; both too hard to catch for me. I took to sneaking near creatures, knapping a bunch of rocks, and throwing them at it. I figured eventually I'd become good enough at throwing for it to be a viable ranged attack rather than a hope for a lucky shot.


I carried on, as you might guess from the first screenshot, to the south-east. And on the way, I found murders of ravens. And some of them were very, very big ones. I must have passed at least three groups, hoping they didn't decide I would make a wonderful meal.

One thing I noticed, was the large number of rivers which would freeze over sometimes, but be regular rivers at others. Fortunately, I never fell to my death in one or got frozen solid, but I would have to stop traveling and wade through a river fairly often, removing my blood coatings I was saving to drink later. At one point when I stopped to move through the river, I encountered a pack of (normal-sized) dingoes and managed to kill them all. Unfortunately, I can't find the screenshot anywhere.

I had thought I could jump from lair to lair as a resting place safe from boogeymen, on my way to the only other town I could find, off to the south-west. Unfortunately, time did not agree with me. On my way from one lair to the next, I knew about halfway there that I wasn't going to make it. The distance was too far with nothing inbetween but wilderness.

That night, I was beset by boogeymen. I couldn't land anything on them, and prayed for a martial trance that never came. In the dark of the night, Fen Zustashnazush Beldatur, Fen Ancientblood the Gray Spire, was slain.

I'll have the file up for the next person in line as soon as I can. Be prepared, potential adventurers- I died in the late of autumn. I've seen the beginnings of something few would be able to overcome. If your turn is soon, brace yourself.
Winter is coming.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 20, 2012, 07:26:55 am

Another brave Warrior has been struck down :(
Dear god, This world is not for the feint of heart it seems!
It would seem Torrasque666 is up next, let us hope he fairs better.
After him we have just Melkor and Phones left, and then we may start repeating spots.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 20, 2012, 07:52:38 am
Ooh, goody. I can't wait for another turn... Reudh and Kes survived for a very short time before dying. :P I swear it felt like seconds.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Mudcrab on May 20, 2012, 08:15:40 am
This is pretty, Eppiiicc!!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 20, 2012, 09:53:50 am
Ooh, goody. I can't wait for another turn... Reudh and Kes survived for a very short time before dying. :P I swear it felt like seconds.
Practice practice.

Just be sure to practice on OTHER maps.
My advice, gen a similar but smaller world and just play over and over seeing how logn you will survive.
By the time your turn comes around again your skills will be much improved l;)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 20, 2012, 10:12:43 am
Oh, I would have been fine if it weren't for those BLASTED GIANT DINGOES.

I reckon I would've actually made it a half decent way.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on May 21, 2012, 02:00:13 am
Aight here we go, good luck.
Watch out for giant everything.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 21, 2012, 06:33:32 am
Be sure to send a PM to Torrasque666 just to let him know hes up Fen :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on May 21, 2012, 10:03:29 am
I saw, just remind me one thing.

Which civ am I starting from?

EDIT: I won't be starting till I get home, school's internet is slow as fck and i'm not gonna spend a half hour dl-ing this.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Broken on May 21, 2012, 10:44:27 am
 there are free spots for more brave warriors? i want o take a turn if posible.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 21, 2012, 11:29:07 am
I saw, just remind me one thing.

Which civ am I starting from?

EDIT: I won't be starting till I get home, school's internet is slow as fck and i'm not gonna spend a half hour dl-ing this.

Start civ will be "The Watchful Rags"
Be sure to note where you start on the world map to see how close you start to some of the others.
If you can find a close by start spot, you can follow their path of killed beasts so there are less "bad things" to worry about.

Hope you have a lot of good experiance to do this, only one so far has lived on the trip!

Also, as of right now, no more free spots.
We will go through the full list and then repeat, if one of the current players drops out, a spot will open up.
After the Fort gets going into Succesion mod, well then there will be more open spots.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on May 22, 2012, 02:18:44 am
I'm going to be highly amused if on repeat performances, we use the same names and/or titles of our previously dead adventurers.
"I'm Urist McAdventuredwarf the spinning leech of stones the twenty-fifth. The one who didn't die."
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 22, 2012, 09:57:18 am
We should TOTALY do that.
Anyone that goes again should use the exact same name but with "-II" or "-III" at the end :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on May 22, 2012, 10:17:13 am
We should TOTALY do that.
Anyone that goes again should use the exact same name but with "-II" or "-III" at the end :D

Definitely doing this for my round two.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 22, 2012, 11:23:00 am
Whew, finally read through this thread. It's a shame there are no more spots, I seem to be having a lot of luck lately in adventure mode.

Engravers, in my experience, will often engrave about historical events in far-off places. I'd expect that, since these adventurers are the almost only things to do historic acts so far, it won't matter as much. Also, if you make it to the mountain halls alive, I'd assume all your tales are spread to the civ.

If the mountain hall is embarked upon, no one will show up as a 'friendly' resident. Non-town sites currently do not physically exist, so there won't actually be anyone on the map when you go there.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 23, 2012, 04:00:08 am
Of course, the aim is to not only make history, but to be PART of the history. If we retire on top of the mountainhome, our dwarf can emigrate to the new fort.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 23, 2012, 08:25:23 am
Of course, the aim is to not only make history, but to be PART of the history. If we retire on top of the mountainhome, our dwarf can emigrate to the new fort.

And that really is the BIG hope...

That at some point, the 7warriors who make it to the mountainhome, will actually immigrate to the Fort we start there so as  to continue on in the game.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Seconis on May 23, 2012, 01:11:15 pm
I have a question. I really enjoyed the plan you guys came up with, so I wanted to try it out on my own. However, when I used your world gen data, I got a completely different world called "The Future Universes" that looks rather different from the one you are all playing with. Do any of you have any idea why that might be?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 23, 2012, 03:21:04 pm
Do you have different raws? Did you make sure all the seeds are the same?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 23, 2012, 04:01:45 pm
If you want you can go back through the thread and just download one of the early versions that has been posted, theres about 5 or 6 posted on DFFA right now.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on May 23, 2012, 06:36:47 pm
So I start out from The Watchful Rags in the southwest and head to the mountain range of The Bronze Towers? Which direction is that?

EDIT: Forgot my directions...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 23, 2012, 07:07:57 pm
Here is a good screen shot of the world, you'll need to get better maps since this is WAY zoomed out.. but blue is where most people have started, and Red is where you are going..

Hope you have lots of adventuring experience!
We have had only ONE person survive the journey!

ALso, here is a step by step map from Ubiq, the only one to make it so far
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on May 24, 2012, 03:41:00 am
So I start out from The Watchful Rags in the southwest and head to the mountain range of The Bronze Towers? Which direction is that?

If you're using Windows you can use the Legends Viewer ( to see exactly where your starting point is. It's very likely in the area marked in the map in the post above, but could be somewhere else too. Or just tell us where you started and we can point directions.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on May 24, 2012, 12:49:15 pm
I actually had the good fortune to start out where Ubiq did, so I'm just following his path of destruction. Also helps that I practically have an army with me. I'll post more later.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on May 24, 2012, 01:14:31 pm
If you ever visit Evenedlions, my rotten corpse should be there in the fort. My spear, waterskin and other stuff are free to take. Just watch out for the kobolds in the basement.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 24, 2012, 09:25:02 pm
I actually had the good fortune to start out where Ubiq did, so I'm just following his path of destruction. Also helps that I practically have an army with me. I'll post more later.
Sounds likes it will be a fun time!
Cannot wait for updates!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 24, 2012, 09:27:29 pm
I actually had the good fortune to start out where Ubiq did, so I'm just following his path of destruction. Also helps that I practically have an army with me. I'll post more later.

I really, really recommend waiting until nightfall to cross any streams or rivers that you encounter to see if they freeze and to look for brooks as much as possible. That army will quickly disappear otherwise.  You'll need them when you hit the larger red boxes as well as that's dingo territory; Nish managed to avoid any giant ones, but not all of us have been so lucky.

What all companions do you have far as weapon prowess goes?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 24, 2012, 09:38:55 pm
I think the best skillset to have would be:

High dodging, high throwing, high ambusher (for sneaking), and high observer (for avoiding ambushers.) And swimming, at least Adequate.

That's the best survivability imo. Pelt with rocks in stealth mode, get a lucky shot and kill them. Dodge in close combat.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on May 24, 2012, 10:41:03 pm
I actually had the good fortune to start out where Ubiq did, so I'm just following his path of destruction. Also helps that I practically have an army with me. I'll post more later.

I really, really recommend waiting until nightfall to cross any streams or rivers that you encounter to see if they freeze and to look for brooks as much as possible. That army will quickly disappear otherwise.  You'll need them when you hit the larger red boxes as well as that's dingo territory; Nish managed to avoid any giant ones, but not all of us have been so lucky.

What all companions do you have far as weapon prowess goes?

My army contains three crossbowmen, two hammermen, a swordsman, an axeman, and a lasher. Wait, scratch that lasher, I think some yaks killed him. And I do have the map that was posted up in another window so I can see where you went so I can go around, or in the case of those damns mountains I'm in right now I realized that I could have but didn't go around. I'm regularly taking pics, but I'm going to post my tale when my turn is over. Whether that be by victory or by dingo, we'll find out.

EDIT: Scratch the hammermen and the axeman, they either wandered off or died, and I'm too lazy to check.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 24, 2012, 11:09:53 pm
I think the best skillset to have would be:

High dodging, high throwing, high ambusher (for sneaking), and high observer (for avoiding ambushers.) And swimming, at least Adequate.

That's the best survivability imo. Pelt with rocks in stealth mode, get a lucky shot and kill them. Dodge in close combat.

I usually skip swimming, ambusher, and throwing and put points into dodging, observer, weapon skill (usually Swordsdwarf), and a single level of shield user while attribute points mostly go into agility, kinesthetic sense, and spatial sense.

These three attributes maximize your ability to dodge. Disease resistance and recuperation receive the remainder as there is no way to train those and it is a real nuisance when a dwarf gets a infected bruise.

Far as the skills go, swimming trains endurance, but surviving floundering/drowning works much, much faster and you have a decent shot at doing this by finding a Murky Pool with a section that is one tile wide as your escape options are much better. It's not hard to go from average endurance to superdwarven in time it takes you to reach Novice Swimmer from no swimming skill at all. A Novice or better Swimmer only gets floundering/drowning status when swimming under a construction/natural formation or if they hit a stagnant river so it isn't quite as easy to train. This is a risky practice though and not something I'd do in a situation like this.

Weapon skill is useful because it makes it more likely that you'll start with a weapon forged out of a higher quality metal. Accomplished or better Swordsdwarves seem to have a much better chance of starting with a steel sword than a dwarf with lesser skills. Plus it helps you acquire soldiers as sidekicks more easily. Novice Shield User is useful for the same reason; granted that a steel shield doesn't block any better than a tower-cap shield, but it flattens skulls a lot more efficient. I don't take any more levels than that though as it's a really easy skill to level by sneaking into catacombs and collecting a bunch of shields and using them all at the same time.

My army contains three crossbowmen, two hammermen, a swordsman, an axeman, and a lasher. Wait, scratch that lasher, I think some yaks killed him.

EDIT: Scratch the hammermen and the axeman, they either wandered off or died, and I'm too lazy to check.

Yaks are murder-machines when it comes to sidekicks as those idiots tend to charge straight in and have their skulls smashed to tiny bits by the deathyak's hooves of steel. It's best to avoid actually walking around as much as possible when you have companions since they have a bad tendency to wander off if there are animals nearby; using quick travel guarantees that they'll not do this.

When you get to a town, I'd recommend trying to pick up a spear/pikeman or two as they have a remarkable knack for hitting vital organs or causing large opponents to bleed out. The crossbowman are useful so long as they have ammunition, which is an even better reason to avoid streams and rivers when they are not frozen as archers have a bad tendency to take potshots at the local wildlife.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 26, 2012, 10:57:26 pm
*Poke Poke*
Any word from Torrasque666? I'm all eager to know if he's still alive!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on May 27, 2012, 12:25:12 am
I'm working on it. Do you have any idea how slow it is to actually walk over a mountain range? Pretty damn slow.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 27, 2012, 04:08:41 am
I'm working on it. Do you have any idea how slow it is to actually walk over a mountain range?

Why, yes. Yes, I do.

Which one are you crossing? The Scholarly Fingers or the Bronze Towers?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on May 27, 2012, 11:14:12 pm
scholarly fingers. Its taking forever...I'm going to find the next town and retire for a bit, and pass it on. I'll start back up should my turn come around again.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on May 28, 2012, 02:58:18 am
scholarly fingers. Its taking forever...

So you're not even a third of the way across then.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 28, 2012, 08:05:57 am
Dang sorry to hear it Torr.
Did you fast travel at all on the trip? Or did you try walking the whole way?
I know you can't fast travel in mountains, but I figured you'd make up the time traveling over open areas.

Well either way post the screenshots and results of your story, I am sure we will get back to you.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on May 28, 2012, 08:40:32 am
fast traveled to the base of the mountains, then started to hike. Stupid me tried to cross at its widest part. Or maybe it just seems that way to me...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 28, 2012, 08:56:24 am
If you are able to get to the base you could fast travel around the base of the mountain range, I think oyu can still avoid Boogymen that way.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on May 28, 2012, 07:40:16 pm
If I can make it to the base, then I'll be fine for a while. I'm moving it all to a bigger and faster computer so that I can take more than 5 steps before freezing.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on May 28, 2012, 09:55:54 pm
UPDATE: I've been keeping on with my quest and I just made it to Evandlions. I have recovered Uggi's body and I'm bringing it with me. He deserves a dwarf's burial, not just laying next to a stairway.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 30, 2012, 07:05:44 am
UPDATE: I've been keeping on with my quest and I just made it to Evandlions. I have recovered Uggi's body and I'm bringing it with me. He deserves a dwarf's burial, not just laying next to a stairway.

Thats awesome Tore :)
Good to hear you picking up the Falling, If oyu have made it to Uggi then oyu aren't doing to bad.
Any interesting experiences yet? How goes avoiding boogimen?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on May 30, 2012, 09:28:17 am
Army keeps them away. This is my process for building my army.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 30, 2012, 09:55:32 am
So, oyu are just raiding the dungeons of that town over and over? Are you trying to clear it out or something?
No wonder you are taking forever :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: nomad on May 30, 2012, 02:41:43 pm
wow, i need to come to the forums more often, i would have loved to get in on the adventurer part of this (still do actually if a place opens up)
i don't quite feel experienced enough for a community fort yet, i'd probably mess everything up (more).

if i don't get an adventurer slot i humbly request dwarfing a random migrant as nomad, preferably a mechanic or any smith's probably better for my thesis this way.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 30, 2012, 04:37:10 pm
**CLangs Bells**
Hear ye Hear Ye!

As of now we have ONE Dwarf safe to the starting zone, and many others dead.
It seems clear that it shall be some time before we can start the game proper.
As such, for those that shall be in the Fortress mode game, and in the interest of keeping an ongoing discussion and fostering interest... I should like to invite those participating to begin thinking and planning about the Fortress mode game properly.

What should our goals be?
How big or how grand should the fort be?

The main point is that we should be playing under the "belief" that this is the first Proper Dwarf Fortress.
That these Dwarves don't yet know that much about the Underworld, have not yet plumed it's depth.  These are Dwarves that do not know of "Candy" or "Clowns" yet. 
As we create ideas, we should try to NOT be too "Dwarfish" from the start, try and start things out as "primitive" as possible.


Ideas, concepts, and thoughts welcome!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 30, 2012, 05:41:20 pm
The Dwarves swear to create the most beautiful of all places in the world, digging into the earth to find the pretty stones that poke out of the surface...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: nomad on May 30, 2012, 06:26:50 pm
embark without an anvil, that newfangled contraption will have to be shipped in from wherever it was invented later
embark with nothing better than copper picks and wooden axes

(i know i'm not on the list of either gamemode atm but i'll contribute anyways :-p)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 30, 2012, 06:47:44 pm
The dwarves will invent the anvil. It seems only logical.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 30, 2012, 06:52:45 pm
Nah, it would have been "invented" already, just do to there being anvil worked weapon and armor in the game.
Actually scratch that, the first Anvil would have been a gift from the Gods surely. The first ones going to the Humans and Dwarves.

THESE Dwarves... Perhaps they 'perfect' it. Either way, I like the idea of them not starting with one.

Part of the "Roleplay" aspect of it, is that the Fort starts with Seven Mighty warriors meeting together and deciding to start a fort.
So when the fort is founded, we should embark with rather random things.
Technically the Fort will start proper when "I" get there, After seven people get to the spot alive, I plan on making the trip as well asa "Messenger from the first Dwarf King" who, having heard of these Dwarves mighty deeds, tasks them with making the first mighty Mountainhome.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: nomad on May 30, 2012, 07:06:19 pm
an extreme version would be to start without any metal equipment (no picks!) might doom the fort though.
be forced to live until the first autumn in wooden huts like lowly humans.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 30, 2012, 07:45:25 pm
The area around where the fort will be is "Scorching" We will want to dig to get out of the sun quickly.
The area is good with minerals, and there is a "Hidden Fun Fort" in the area as well, I hope to embark on one of those, for "FUN" of course.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 30, 2012, 08:30:24 pm
Scorching basically means if you don't manage to get the water underground within seconds, it's gone.

Failing that, there's always the cavern water.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Zwaryczuk on May 30, 2012, 09:54:11 pm
Challenge Accepted.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 30, 2012, 09:57:54 pm
The last time I embarked in a Scorching biome, by the time the booze ran out because our herbalist had been butchered by a giant cheetah the water had all evaporated and so everyone died of dehydration.

That was a good year ago that I did that fort.

never again....
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 31, 2012, 07:40:11 am
There are a few streams in the area to provide fresh water.. Just so long as we don't get any body parts dumped in them.

What we really need is to explore the site itself.. I don't have "Embark Anywhere" so I can't look at it.
Reudh? Perhaps you can download one of the old saves and do an Embark over the site itself and send some screenshots?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 31, 2012, 07:57:30 pm
That's good, because I do have embark anywhere. :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 31, 2012, 08:19:29 pm
Well embark away my good man!
We be wanting to see our promised land!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on May 31, 2012, 08:29:55 pm
I've had my time. As soon as I can I'm going to retire and upload the file. I'll have another chance soon. Unfortunately I'm away from the comp with the file right now and won't be able to access it until saturday.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 31, 2012, 08:56:32 pm
What was the name of the area we plan to embark in? There's a Joyous Wilds Scorching area, but that has an aquifer.

There's the 'Plain of Sweltering', a Scorching Tropical Savanna Wilderness. That has a stream but no aquifer, so it should be good. :D

Most of the areas around the stream in the Plain of Sweltering, besides having easy access to water, have soil -> deep metal -> flux. Even better. Also, the stream is Mergedcheese the Conjunction of Horns.

(It would not be hard to divert the path of the stream into an underground tank.)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 31, 2012, 09:15:05 pm
Here oyu go, its a bit back into the mountains, there is a stream in it as well.
We are embarking directly on the city you see in the middle down at the bottom
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 31, 2012, 09:24:41 pm
Orright, found it. Embarked a little while into the town.

DERP, there's nothing here. Abandoning and embarking further in.


There's no sign of life besides our dwarves, and there's also no sign of a brook. I'm going to start digging around, see if it's underground.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 31, 2012, 09:56:12 pm
Well keep in mind Dwarf towns don't Exist yet in the ga,e. so there Would be no other Dwarves, just empty space, part of the point is we will be building the city that "Is" there
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 31, 2012, 10:14:13 pm
I also dug around and found no brook. I could do a half town-half-brook embark.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 31, 2012, 10:16:00 pm
OK do that and send screenshots, we'll see what we have to work with.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 31, 2012, 10:30:54 pm
Here we go.

First of all we have the image of the wagon and the brook. Zoomed out to fit on the same screen. The brook just STOPS when it meets the dwarven town. Nothing. It's still flowing though, I guess given it's a brook it won't dry out.

Second, we have the cliffs. All around, our entire embark is pretty much this. Limonite, marble and microcline. Luridly coloured chairs and steel weaponry for all!

Spoiler: Sweet! (click to show/hide)

Finally, we have the brook itself. An interesting curved shape there. Very easy to nick a hole in the left side of that brook to make a reservoir, the pressure alone should fill it quickly.

Spoiler: Here's our brook. (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 02, 2012, 10:26:01 am
Thanks for the pics Reudh.

It looks like the outside for our city won't exactly be spectacular...
Mostly Flat and Hot, few trees or bushes.

Of course a huge flat space gives us a good place to build something massive and Dwarfy if we want ;)
I have this feeling that, being we are in the middle of a Desert, and keeping in the tradition of doing the opposite of things, we will end up having some sort of 'Water park" in the middle of the desert.

Waterfalls, pools, dwarf made rivers ;)

Also, Limestone and Iron in massive supply is kick ass.

Are there any Taller hills in the area I wonder? Would be ncie to have some sort of mountain to build around for the look of the thing.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 02, 2012, 11:43:14 am
It's more like an arid plain by the looks of it. With that climate, I'm thinking it would be similar to one of the great Mediterranean cities. We could have a sort of Sparta or Troy or Alexandria.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 02, 2012, 12:30:30 pm
I like the idea of Troy and Alexandria as modles for our city..
This is going to be the "First" great Dwarf City in the history of the world, so thinking of it in terms of some great ancient city will work well.

I think one of the first things will be to expand the river, maybe to make an artificial beach for our city ;)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: rtg593 on June 02, 2012, 12:33:15 pm
Sweet. Been lurking for a bit, this thread inspired me to try adventure mode. Love it.

Been doing pretty good, staying alive pretty well, if you open up slots, I'd love to take a crack at it! :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on June 02, 2012, 12:35:22 pm
im going lurking
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on June 02, 2012, 12:44:18 pm
and i am nolonger lurking.

who are the gods?
and can i see the migrants info?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 02, 2012, 01:26:46 pm
No migrants yet/...
Reudh's embark was just a test case.
The "Real" fort won't start till we get Seven Heros alive to that location\.

Not sure about the gods yet, could check legends.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on June 02, 2012, 01:28:09 pm
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on June 02, 2012, 02:44:11 pm
so its my turn? where is the save
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 02, 2012, 02:54:08 pm
I posted the deities once before in this thread along with the symbol.

The symbol of the Watchful Rag is an Amethyst Man, the deities are Aran (God of Fertility, Rain, and Thunder, who spends his time either screaming or contemplating with a rare laughing fit), Rakas Tradesold (God of Fortresses, Trade, and Wealth; contemplative in nature), Tholest Bladedangers (Goddess of Revenge; easily offended and tends to strike a menacing pose), Aned Goldgilds the Luck of Matches (God of Gambling, who stands triumphant), and the relatively rare Gigin the Zenith of Ink (God of Sun and Light, who also stands triumphant) and the as-yet unseen Limul (God of Volcanos, Mountains, and Jewels) and Asas (Goddess of Courage).
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 02, 2012, 02:57:46 pm
so its my turn? where is the save
Waiting on Torr right now... he is trying to get to a place to retire before being able to upload the file.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 02, 2012, 03:18:01 pm
Considering the symbol of the Watchful Rags, I think any city plan needs to include a giant amethyst man statue (made of stone clad in amethyst gem windows and possibly filled with amethsyt crafts) either at the town center or the main gate. Plus a smaller statue of whatever our local symbol is... if feasible. If it's a wave or something like that, we could do something else instead like a reflecting pool with a mist generator.

I wonder if the site in question has amethyst as it will take forever to import them at four a time. They're also pricey so we couldn't just bring a bunch of them on embark either.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 02, 2012, 04:35:54 pm
Well, What is the program that reveals All stone and calculates all the ore, gems etc.
I'll admit I don't want "Spoilers" too much, but someone could take a brief account of certain gems.

But I very much agree with you, having a giant Amethyst (or as close as we can get) statue in the town center will be awesome.
Wish we could get some better or larger screen shots of the area.

I wonder if Reudh's computers would be able to run a 16x16 embark JUST long enough to get a really REALL comprehensive screenshot before it melted :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 02, 2012, 06:33:56 pm
15. Nish and his remaining comrade trudge on alone. At one point, Nish spies a particularly majestic peak in the distance and makes a detour towards it. Nish Koltulon and Rogon Cavetrails are the first to ever reach the summit of the Plain Thorn, one of the highest peaks in the Bronze Towers. Days later, they reach a small swampy valley and cross it. Tragedy strikes when Rogon drowns during a standard river crossing. In an uncharacteristic moment, Nish chooses to honor his fallen comrade by carrying her corpse and items along with him.********
16. After several days of travelling alone, Nish arrives at Silverysects while muttering about how he is "gonna fly now" and is somewhat annoyed to find nothing there.********* Using campfires, he creates a funeral pyre for his honored comrade Rogon Cavetrails and decides to retire in the area just to see who else shows up.

If you embark on top of the Silverysects, you'll find something interesting right about here (near the the red circle on the local map):

( (

( (

I tried engraving a slab for Rogon, but sadly it's not possible.

Otherwise, it's quite boring spot to embark. Just like the rest of the map squares under Silverysects.

Spoiler: An actual spoiler here (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 02, 2012, 06:47:31 pm
I hearby decree that upon that spot, we shall build a Temple to all those who died along the way to founding our great city.
The land does seem rather dull and boring.. I think it gives us all the more drive to make it as Dwarfy as possible.

Also your spolier:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 02, 2012, 08:40:20 pm
Here's some prospect tool data and quite useless map images from all four corners of Silverysects:

( (
NW corner (7x10):
Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Prospect data (click to show/hide)

( (
NE corner (10x10):
Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Prospect data (click to show/hide)

( (
SW corner (7x7):
Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Prospect data (click to show/hide)

( (
SE corner (10x7):
Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Prospect data (click to show/hide)

Also your spolier:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

More spoilers regarding the spoiler:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on June 02, 2012, 09:07:33 pm
Something weird happened. I somehow wound up back in the mountains north of the towns. So its gonna be a while before I can get back there to retire.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 02, 2012, 09:11:05 pm
Rogon? I thought he made it alive...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 02, 2012, 09:44:44 pm
He did. But companions abandoned in adventure mode have  like a 99% death rate afterwards.
Willing to be if oyu went into legends Rogon died to something silly.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on June 02, 2012, 09:52:22 pm
Gave up, my guy died of starvation in the Scholarly Fingers. Going to upload the data now.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Mudcrab on June 02, 2012, 10:01:20 pm
You gotta lot of limonite! But your gonna need wood with that shit!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 02, 2012, 10:04:07 pm
Yeah, unless we a. use the caverns for wood or b. import wood or c. find magma I don't see that we are going to make much armour.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 02, 2012, 10:10:12 pm
Well a lot of STEEL armor.
No coal and very little wood.
And most of that wood is goign to be needed for beds and stuff.

Of course this is where the roleplay aspect will come in... There is plenty of wood down in the caves, but for our Dwarves, the underworld is only a rumor, a myth. Few have gone down there...


You gave it such a good try :( don't suppose oyu have an earlier "saved" version or something? Maybe retire in a town earl;ier back or something.
Hate to loose yet another.. the death toll Keeps rising!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on June 02, 2012, 10:45:52 pm
For some reason my save managed to revert to the mountains. I HAD saved in the fort as I recruited my army, but somehow that disappeared...I'll try again later when my turn comes around.

Next up:
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Dante on June 02, 2012, 11:18:08 pm
Posting to watch.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 03, 2012, 04:14:29 am
Rogon? I thought he made it alive...
He did. But companions abandoned in adventure mode have  like a 99% death rate afterwards.
Willing to be if oyu went into legends Rogon died to something silly.

I'll quote Ubiq's post again to clear things up:

15. Nish and his remaining comrade trudge on alone. At one point, Nish spies a particularly majestic peak in the distance and makes a detour towards it. Nish Koltulon and Rogon Cavetrails are the first to ever reach the summit of the Plain Thorn, one of the highest peaks in the Bronze Towers. Days later, they reach a small swampy valley and cross it. Tragedy strikes when Rogon drowns during a standard river crossing. In an uncharacteristic moment, Nish chooses to honor his fallen comrade by carrying her corpse and items along with him.********
16. After several days of travelling alone, Nish arrives at Silverysects while muttering about how he is "gonna fly now" and is somewhat annoyed to find nothing there.********* Using campfires, he creates a funeral pyre for his honored comrade Rogon Cavetrails and decides to retire in the area just to see who else shows up.

When I found the burned remains of a human right where I embarked, I had one of those wtf moments. I first thought it was the remains of a caravan or something, but there shouldn't be any caravan remains anywhere since no-one played in fortress mode in the first place... Had to check out the legends mode to find out just who this human was.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on June 03, 2012, 07:03:30 am
okay downloading the  save
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 03, 2012, 07:35:37 am
With Melkor going, we having only ONE Dwarf left before the end of the list and it repeats.
As such those that died first time around will be gettign a second chance.

In the hopes that we will not need a third or fourth chance... I would like to recomend the following.
"Save Points"

IE: copying the folder detail at certain key points, perhaps after traveling a certain distance.
This is just a suggestion right now in the hopes of providing a means for Dwarves to arrive alive come what may.

If others feel this may 'cheapen' the over all goal too much, please speak up.
If not, this will hopefully ensure that after round two, we will have our Dwarves arriving at the spot to begin our city.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on June 03, 2012, 08:03:11 am
can i start from iton shetbeth. its a lot closer but i am not sure i would make it otherewise

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 03, 2012, 08:16:16 am
You HAVE to be part of the Watchful Rags, otherwise you won't show up as a migrant to the new fort.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on June 03, 2012, 08:22:38 am
so where do i start then i see no dwarf from watchfil rags
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 03, 2012, 09:37:56 am
Screenshots are your friend!!!

Go back to adventure mode, and go to the place where you pic what CIv you are from
I may there and just not see it, or know which one it is.
In case it doesn't say The Watchful Rags in the dwarf name is Isdenunib[/i]
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on June 03, 2012, 09:52:48 am
where can i see ingame what factions my dwarf belongs to?

edit: never mind i have found out

i start here
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

my char
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 03, 2012, 11:33:49 am
Ok good you found it :)
GOD I hope you have a lot of experiance in Adventure mode.
We have had only ONE person get to the site safely so far

Done something like this before I hope?  :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Mudcrab on June 03, 2012, 11:45:00 am
I think save points cheapen the whole affair...

Maybe some more worthy candidates should be allowed to try....... :D....

Make sure to record cool parts of the journey with screenshots melkor!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 03, 2012, 03:26:05 pm
You don't HAVE to start as the same civ we will embark as. As long as you retire in their site, you will become a member of that civ.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 03, 2012, 06:43:51 pm
I just tried this out. Starting as a member of Iton Shetbeth puts you in the Hill of Workers, which is about half as far to travel as from as the starting point for the Watchful Rags.

On the downside, the entire region is choked with rivers that don't freeze at night so you have to swim, which causes a nasty attrition rate for companions. You can skirt around some of them, but there are so many that you eventually get boxed in and have no choice other than swimming. It's also tropical, which means alligators, mambas, and sundry other animals that you don't want anything to do with in Adventure Mode. The region around the starting point in the Nation of Thrones was also rather empty of animals large enough to be butchered so food is going to be a problem for a while unless you run across a herd of wild boars like my test dwarf did. Water isn't as there are streams everywhere.

Choices from there would seem to be: try to make it to the mountain range to the south with at least one companion in tow and skim alongside of it from there west to Silverysects or head to the sea to the northwest and swim across and then try to make it to another human civ in the region. I believe there is one that falls between the Lined Realm where uggi died and the Romantic Empire, which is at the foot of the Bronze Towers. The rivers don't freeze so the sea probably doesn't... hopefully. Freezing seas are absolutely brutal on adventurers thanks to the way that ice walls spring up from the surface during the night.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 05, 2012, 10:38:51 am
Anyone hear from Melkor yet?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 05, 2012, 11:56:30 am
Jeez, I completely forgot about this. But looking at the list, we haven't made much progeress, really...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 05, 2012, 12:02:09 pm
Everyone kees DYING!!!
We were going to tstart theg ame when we got seven peole to the site, and only ONE has lived so far :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on June 06, 2012, 10:20:45 pm
You don't HAVE to start as the same civ we will embark as. As long as you retire in their site, you will become a member of that civ.

I sincerely hope this is true, because if it is we might actually be able to finish the adventurer part of this project before we all die of old age.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 07, 2012, 12:55:20 pm
Dwarfs live for about twice as long as a human, so I don't think old age will be a problem :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 07, 2012, 01:25:42 pm
So long as it doesn't take seventy game years or so for us to finish, Nish should be fine.

Actually, what year are we up to now anyway? 10 or 11?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 07, 2012, 01:36:04 pm
In the new version, it doesn't seem to advance the game by a year every time an adventurer starts.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Zale on June 07, 2012, 02:04:35 pm
So, how many dwarves have made the journey.. and survived?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 07, 2012, 02:21:28 pm
Only ONE has lived so far.
And yeah, despite all the deaths, there has been less then a year of 'Real time" that has gone by.
So trying a whole lot isn't effecting the game that much.

Someone needs to start up a random adventure game, retire inside and town, and see if starting under a different civ makes a differeance or not.

If not... We can start up at ones much closer for better chance of living.
Also.. Anyone else agains using "saves" to keep people alive?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on June 07, 2012, 02:47:24 pm
sorry it took so long its just a smal update but i promise i will complete before next monday.

Melkor’s log 20th moonstone
This is insane I am not a fighter nor am I a explorer, yet they send me to a far away outpost. But staying here doesn’t help as well. Everywhere I go these day all I see are abandon houses. They say my job is to lead a small group of dwarfs, I hope they know what there doing.

Melkor’s log 26th moonstone
Today I am being send of, I have been given little time to train with a spear and a shield I have been given a extra dagger to throw but not much else.

This page is sodden with blood.
My arm   he tore my arm of. 
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
A aligator attack me…. At first it went  well, I stabed the beast and it fled but I had to pursue it. Then it came around and tore my left arm of. I make it to my dagger and was able to throw it through his head.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I haven’t made it barley out of the town and already I am dying.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

edit: put the update in _-_
edit2: sleeping on mountains protects you from the bogey man right?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 07, 2012, 03:01:23 pm
Ooh, I don't know. All I can say is that was a very, very lucky kill with that dagger there. :D

Especially for a Dabbling Thrower. :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on June 07, 2012, 03:35:49 pm
good news i have survived the first night and i found some remains of a former traveler.

read all about it tomorrow because now i am to tired
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 07, 2012, 06:46:12 pm
If you can, pick up the body and take it with you, that is if its the body of one of Our heros.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 07, 2012, 08:26:16 pm
Ugh, alligators. They're extremely deadly to dwarves until they get up in the demigod territory.

Make sure that you go into ambush mode well before crossing any river and look down before you start to cross.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on June 08, 2012, 12:06:41 pm
melkor's log 26th moonstone
I am trying to find shelter for the night but then some dingo think I am a tasty meal. I ran for it as hard as a could I dropped my shield and my left glove no need for them anymore anyway. But they are still faster.

I can’t remember anything… one moment I was running for my life, and now… I am standing I the middle of 4 dead indigo.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I need to rest I must find shelter.

Finally a cave where I can sleep, its already night time.
Wait are… are those bones and.. fat.
Hello is somebody there?  As I walk forward I see something glowing.
There used to be a campfire here.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Melkor’s log 27th moonstone
The night was horrible, I kept hearing sounds from the surface. I hope it’s safe to travel again.

Melkor’s log 28th moonstone
I have been traveling through the mountains, the progress is slower then I first thought. I was able to find a cave to sleep in but It was far away and had to walk to the east away from my goal.
I have found snow, this concerned me greatly because it will be harder to get water.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
What…what was that?

edit: photobucket is a bitch switching to imgur
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 08, 2012, 12:19:37 pm
Oh bloody hell, a ROC!
If you Die Melkor, make sure to mark the spot so we can go back there.
If you live.. You will be a LEGENED
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 08, 2012, 12:24:31 pm
Find a niche to hide in, sneak, and throw stuff at it until it dies.

And that cave you were in, what kind of fat was that at the bottom?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 08, 2012, 12:40:11 pm
If you survive, remember that you can grab snow, light a campfire, and then heat it to get a water coating on your hands.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on June 08, 2012, 12:56:37 pm
the bones are from uspumsesnum
the fat is from amar boweltribes dingo

A great beast stands before me, I quickly grab my….. where is my dagger!!!!! I forgot to pick my dagger up when I had throw it to a dingo.
I search my pockets and find nothing but rocks. The beast rose to the sky with its great wings made the sun go dark. Al I could do was throw what little I had to the beast, but it was all in vain. I lifted my left upper arm and hoped it would bite my arm instead of my right hand only then would I have a chance. The beast land only a few inches away from me and bite my left upper arm. I scream in pain while I thrust my spear in his foot.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I kept stabbing and stabbing till there was nothing left to stab. I looked at my left arm. This time there was nothing left, nothing at all.

PS: picture is comming imgur it seems is a bitch as well fixed
PSS: what can i do with eggs, they're weight is enormes
PSSS: the battle report is bigger but that would make it to big, just imagine that there are +200 line of me stabbing it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: ZeroSumHappiness on June 08, 2012, 01:24:18 pm
Holy crap, that's quite the battle.  I like how it came to for a very short time while you were stabbing it in the face.  That would be pants-shittingly terrifying in real life I think.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 08, 2012, 01:41:40 pm
Melkor Savageaxes, I redub thee Sir Righty McRockill.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on June 08, 2012, 02:12:48 pm
dont you mean lady?

but yeah i have been to lucky.

first survived a aligator and then a rock, i am going to be more carful from now on.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Graebeard on June 08, 2012, 03:46:55 pm
Be sure to grab your left arm in case you need to beat anything to death with it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 08, 2012, 04:58:02 pm
Not if, WHEN you become a migrant to this fort, we shall put that arm on a weapon stand.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 08, 2012, 06:27:30 pm
Well bugger, that has got to be one of the most epic htings EVER.
Someone killing a roc one handed...
Yeah someone needs to go back find the arm and mount it!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on June 09, 2012, 09:10:48 am
small update.

Melkor’s log 4th opal
I haven’t written for some time now. Mostly because I can’t find any safe place to hide. Last night I was attacked by some dingo. Lucky I have been getting better at fighting with one arm. I think I can finally cope with the lost of my left arm. I have also been training throwing quite a bit.
Today was a good day I was able to reach a castle and 2 human pike man want to join me. Finally some luck on my end now I won’t be alone al the time, I don’t however know anything about commanding. I just hope I don’t get them killed.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Child of Armok on June 09, 2012, 11:45:54 am
Could i reserve a spot?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Bobnova on June 09, 2012, 02:16:52 pm
I'd love to give this a go as well.
I'll almost certainly die on the way to the fortress site, but who knows?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Child of Armok on June 09, 2012, 03:04:28 pm
Me too  :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 09, 2012, 03:31:35 pm
If they let more people join in, remember that there's already a line :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 09, 2012, 03:35:32 pm
I'd like a turn in if there are gonna be extras. Summertime, no school to keep me busy.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 09, 2012, 03:58:55 pm
As stated earlier... The problem with letting more people in is that, at this stage.. We must wait for each Adventurer to try and get to the mountain home.  And this can take quite some time (barring quick horrible Deaths).
What makes it even longer, is that we aren't supposed to start the fortress proper till Seven people get there alive.

Right now the list is as follows:

#1 Orky_Boss: DEAD
#2 Reudh: DEAD
#3 Ubiq: SUCCESS!
#4 Corai: (Skipped for now)
#5 Fen: DEAD
#6 Torrasque666: DEAD
#7 melkor: SUCCESS!
#8 uggi: DEAD
#9 Phones: NEXT

Uggi played earlier and died a glorious death, so his save file was used by others so his deeds would not be forgotten.
Phones is currently the next in line after melkor finishes.
After Phones, there will be Six people going after him, those that died (and Corai who skipped his turn).

If those six go and die again, we MIGHT add more people, Especially if you can prove to be skilled in Adventure mode and apt for surviving.

The "final" spot shall be reserved for me... I will go ONLY after SIX others have gone and retired at thew mountain home.  The idea being I will be the seventh and final Dwarf to travel and thus start the Fort.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 09, 2012, 10:30:36 pm
We DO need to have people take dwarves no matter what, even if the six make it. Because of the people that made it, I think half went to the wrong mountainhome. We gotta get those guys to the correct one.

Or I got confused a few pages back.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 09, 2012, 11:00:37 pm
Alright, I can't wait for my next turn.

Hopefully we've whittled down the giant dingo/megabeast/semimegabeast/croc population enough that it's safe to get there.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 09, 2012, 11:12:30 pm
Alright, I can't wait for my next turn.

Hopefully we've whittled down the giant dingo/megabeast/semimegabeast/croc population enough that it's safe to get there.

OH GOD NO, HAVE PLENTY PLEASE. I want to fight a dragon.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 09, 2012, 11:23:39 pm
Yeah, my turn was cut horribly short by three Giant Dingo ambushes.

One ambush ripped a hand off, the second was defeated with difficulty, and the third killed Kes and Reudh.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on June 10, 2012, 06:56:20 am
final update

since i have posted little bits everywhere i will now post the entire report. so if you read my previous post, the start should be the same.

my char
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Melkor’s log 20th moonstone
This is insane I am not a fighter nor am I a explorer, yet they send me to a far away outpost. But staying here doesn’t help as well. Everywhere I go these day all I see are abandon houses. They say my job is to lead a small group of dwarfs, I hope they know what they’re doing.

Melkor’s log 26th moonstone
Today I am being send of, I have been given little time to train with a spear and a shield I have been given a extra dagger to throw but not much else.

This page is sodden with blood.
My arm   he tore my arm of. 
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A aligator attack me…. At first it went  well, I stabed the beast and it fled but I had to pursue it. Then it came around and tore my left arm of. I make it to my dagger and was able to throw it through his head.
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I haven’t made it barley out of the town and already I am dying.
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I am trying to find shelter for the night but then some dingo think I am a tasty meal. I ran for it as hard as a could I dropped my shield and my left glove no need for them anymore anyway. But they are still faster.

I can’t remember anything… one moment I was running for my life, and now… I am standing I the middle of 4 dead indigo.
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I need to rest I must find shelter.

Finally a cave where I can sleep, its already night time.
Wait are… are those bones and.. fat.
Hello is somebody there?  As I walk forward I see something glowing.
There used to be a campfire here .
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Melkor’s log 27th moonstone
The night was horrible, I kept hearing sounds from the surface. I hope it’s safe to travel again.

Melkor’s log 28th moonstone
I have been traveling through the mountains, the progress is slower then I first thought. I was able to find a cave to sleep in but It was far away and had to walk to the east away from my goal.
I have found snow, this concerned me greatly because it will be harder to get water.
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What…what was that?

A great beast stands before me, I quickly grab my….. where is my dagger!!!!! I forgot to pick my dagger up when I had throw it to a dingo.
I search my pockets and find nothing but rocks. The beast rose to the sky with its great wings made the sun go dark. Al I could do was throw what little I had to the beast, but it was all in vain. I lifted my left upper arm and hoped it would bite my arm instead of my right hand only then would I have a chance. The beast land only a few inches away from me and bite my left upper arm. I scream in pain while I thrust my spear in his foot.
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I kept stabbing and stabbing till there was nothing left to stab. I looked at my left arm. This time there was nothing left nothing at all.

Melkor’s log 4th opal
I haven’t written for some time now. Mostly because I can’t find any safe place to hide. Last night I was attacked by some dingo. Lucky I have been getting better at fighting with one arm. I think I can finally cope with the lost of my left arm. I have also been training throwing quite a bit.
Today was a good day I was able to reach a castle and 2 human pike man want to join me. Finally some luck on my end now I won’t be alone all the time, I don’t however know anything about commanding. I just hope I don’t get them killed. 1 of the pike man already deserted me. I guess I am not cut out for this. We found a cave with the body of simin wemanba, ipan tiquoushcen, ator anamkebul rinul tomud and the list continues.

Melkor’s log 5th opal
I hear screams outside, I woke up and noticed that dosheb apugnebo wasn’t laying next to me. I grabbed my spear and ran outside where is see a pack of dingo’s attacking dosheb. I ran to aid dosheb but it seems he doesn’t really need my help, yes I stab a few times but dosheb is killing them all. After the battle was down I asked him why he didn’t wake me up. He said he didn’t want to bother me with something so simple. I told him I prefer to know when he gets attacked so I can help. The rest of the night was peaceful.

Melkor’s log 8th opal
I am getting used to this adventure stuff, mostly because I know dosheb will keep me safe. I know that because there was another pack of dingo’s and dosheb killed them all, it’s good to have somebody with you. It’s been a bit harder to find good caves mostly we travel at night and sleep during the day. I really like having dosheb around, before him this mission seemed pointless.
Melkor’s log 9th opal
Today we reached a small town, here we recruited a small army.
6 people wanted to join us, to be honest I am a bit overtaken that humans want to join us so eagerly. I also feel a bit bad, we are kind of taking their entire military. Sadly they didn’t have any  supply we could buy, not that we have anything to trade with though.
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Melkor’s log 11th opal
Why don’t they indicate on this map the size of these rivers. This river is so big and the current is to strong even I can’t cross it. There was only 1 option, go around it. I was a fool, this is what happens when you get to overconfident, there were a few unicorns and we needed more food so we attack them first 1 of them stabs me in the chest, I felt my lung screaming for pain. But then he hits 1 of my companions and he dead.
And what did I do? I picked up the stuff I needed and left. I have change during this journey and not the good way.

Melkor’s log 14th opal
I have failed my companions again. There was a small river we had to cross, even though I knew they couldn’t swim we when trough it anyway. We lost 2 more. They simply drowned. But the worst was how dosheb looked at me. He was disappointed at me, I tried to apologize but he wouldn’t listen. He said: I thought you were a better leader then this.
A few hours later we set up camp in a cave, he didn’t even said goodnight to me. I promise I will be a better leader I will be carful and won’t make any rash decisions.

Melkor’s log 15th opal
He left… he just left. Yesterday he was still sleeping but when I woke up this morning he was gone. Was he really that disappointed in me? I want to go back I want to find him but.. my duty, I have to go there’re dwarfs waiting for me.

Melkor’s log 18th opal
I have decided to go around the mountains. There is no reason to take a slow and dangerous route when we can also take a faster and safer route.

Melkor’s log 20th opal
I am here I can’t believe it the last 2 companions seem exited to see what we dwarfs will build here and what has been built already.
As we approach the site my heart stops for a moment. There is nothing here. Well there is a pile of body’s and clothes, but where are the dwarfs.
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Ha! Finally, somebody showed up.
Melkor jumped at the sound of Nish talking to her.
w-who are you?
Me? Well I am Nish and I am the first dwarf of the settlers to arrive at this ‘glorious’ site.
The first? Melkor’s eyes opened wide. He was the first…
she thought there would already be a fort, or at least a pit, but there was nothing.
Wait… does that mean the 2 of us are going to build a fort?
Well not the 2 of us that is just stupid. We are going to build a fort with 7 dwarfs… they just haven’t showed up yet.
Melkor had to sit down for a moment, she had to build a fort with no experience, hardly any resources and they only have7 dwarfs.
I can’t go back that would be the dead of me, but staying here?
Hey missy you alright.
Ye-yes…. Yes I am fine. So what should we do while we wait.
I don’t know eat, drink, talk?
Okay..want some unicorn meat?

as you can read i have made it. here is my char at the end
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and here is a small list of stops that i made.

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1 first night found a camp fat and bones
2 dingo attack and cave to sleep
3 found the roc
4 took shelter
5 took shelter
6 attacked by dingo
7 took shelter hired 2 human pikeman
8 took shelter
9 took shelter
10 took shelter
11 dingo attack
12 took shelter
13 hired human crossbowman and hammer man
14 took shelter
15 attacked by unicorns lost a human
16 took shelter
17 took shelter
18 crossed a river, lost several humans
19 took shelter
20 took shelter
21 took shelter
22 goal reached

then i went digging into the legends and founf some interesting things.
here is melkor hero in the eyes of EVERY FRICKING CIV
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i looked up the named kills that i made.
enore, the roc
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and the unicorn that killed one of my companions
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and yes i did offer this unicorns meat to nish

then i wanted to know what happend to dosheb, there were multibale but this one seems to be the correct one.
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al in al this was pretty fun.

edit: typo's
edit2: the save (
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 10, 2012, 07:33:31 am
Thanks melkor!

That makes you the second person to make it! Grats indeed.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Child of Armok on June 10, 2012, 07:36:00 am
i would like to take a turn
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 10, 2012, 09:09:45 am
By Armok's fiery beard, you just made a proper dwarfy legend, melkor :o
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 10, 2012, 09:51:38 am
Well Bloody Hellz!

That is by far a true epic that must be immortalized
Making it on such a journy with only one arm.

For the remaining heros, we should make it a quest to try and track down the ripped off arm to bring it back to the Mountain Home :D

OK! So 'Phones' is next, sending him a PM with the save.
After him 'Corai" will be next, since he was skipped, and then it will start over again with Orky_Boss.
here is how 'Round two" will look;
#1 Corai:
#2 Orky_Boss:
#3 Reudh:
#4 Fen:
#5 Torrasque666:
#6 uggi
#7 Phones (Only if he doesn't make it)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Phones on June 10, 2012, 04:00:41 pm
Entry 1-
Phones StarChampion
Date: 5th of Obsidian, 10
Status: Healthy
Location: The Prairie of Queens, The Hamlet of "Sensedied"
Goal: The Mountain homes of Silverysects

It's the start of a new day, and a new adventure. I have recieved word from King Glovekissed to make way for the Silverysects in the south as he is forming together a team of adventurers to send to a fortress he plans on founding in the near future. I will record my journy in this logbook and try and keep it up to date as often as possible.

Below is a map with my destination circled in blue and my starting point in red.

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Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 10, 2012, 04:14:59 pm
We should totally refer to the starting 7 team as follows:

"We need a response team for all dwarven kind! Assemble the Retaliators!"
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 10, 2012, 05:04:28 pm
Phones, the spot you are going to is at the very tale end of that mountain range, look at the ending spot on Melkors map on the previous page.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Bobnova on June 10, 2012, 09:36:27 pm
I decided to take a crack at it even though my save wouldn't be accepted (I do enjoy a challenge, it's its own reward at times) if I made it. Just finished adventure game I'd managed to cross most of a random map in, figured I had a chance.

I started in late winter of 10 in a dwarven town in the south, and in late winter of 10 I decided to check out what I took for a friendly cathedral to see if I could get some better gear in there. I did in fact find some better gear, a crossbow and an iron pike from a Dwarven corpse near the stairs. I found the presence of a corpse somewhat odd, but what the hell? It's a friendly town, right? Rather than Dwarves the cathedral houses kobolds. And now, my corpse.
What kobolds are doing in a cathedral is beyond me, but there they are.
(Did some reading of earlier pages in this thread, looks like it was uggi that I got the crossbow and pike off of. I didn't make it back up the stairs before suffocating due to an iron shortsword)

All in all I found the experience highly entertaining, though it'd be even better to be on the official list so as to have a (one line...) place in history.

I eagerly await further quest logs!  (regardless of whether I actually get to play, I'm enjoying reading about it all quite a bit)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 12, 2012, 06:44:06 am
Hopefully We shall be getting an update from Phones soon on his progress.
As for playing on the map, by all means feel free to explore. It may be good for others to explore the map, perhaps uncovering secrets or special "Fun" that others may look out for and encounter.
And of course such experience will go well if we need more players.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Phones on June 13, 2012, 01:07:13 pm
Entry 2-
Phones Starchampion
Date: 5th of Obsidian, 10
Status: Dead
Location: Unknown keep in a town adjacent to "Sensedied"
Goal: Deceased

I traveled north to the local fortress, but sadly found no soldiers to aid me on my journey, asking around I was told that a castle lied to the south from the fortress and that I may find a group to join me over there.

So I traveled there, and hearing odd grunts from the basement I went downstairs to find a goblin with a spear.

-The rest of the book is shredded and bloody-


I loaded it up with Ironhand so the colors are a bit wonky even with graphics turned off. If that's a problem just use Melkors again (Wont make much of a difference I didn't get far at all) and I'll give it another shot when everyone else is done and re install it with another texture pack or just try and use ASCII.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 13, 2012, 04:57:04 pm
Alas, that was short :<
Guess Corai is up.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Berlioz on June 13, 2012, 05:18:10 pm
Hey Crossroads!
I like the idea, if you still got a spot somewhere I'd like to join in.
I started a only week ago with dwarf fortress, but the fortress mode suits me fine, haven't lost a fortress yet. Got pretty bored with my first training one, because I chose an easy starting position, second died of low fps after digging down 250 z-levels in a glacier and the third now thrives in a terrifying desert. Got the magma forges running and are planning of breaking into hell as soon as the military is up to the task.
If you'll find a spot for me please tell me in advance so I can train the adventure mode (on a different map of course).
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WaffleEggnog on June 13, 2012, 07:09:52 pm
If you can fit me in id like to try this. Sounds fun! I always loved high beast count, this seems great! If you cant get me in or it will take like 5 years, its fine, im not really that hell-bent on doing this so dont go out of your way.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 14, 2012, 06:02:03 pm
Im up.

Today, shit will go down.

Im gonna be a marksdwarf, cause I am scared shitless right now by the things that are hunting dwarves.


I checked out the three maps you included with the file.

I AM SCREWED. And if you want music on, you may have to change the init files once I am done, cause I turned sound off. I'll try to remember to turn them back on.


Name: Cog Tarondomm

Profession: Marksdwarf

Location: Arthuleba, the Maroon Plains

Destination: Home, directly north

Goal: Survive

Weapon: Iron Crossbow, fewl

Lets shoot some ass.



After days of wandering, I came across a hamlet. There I stole a crossbow and bronze bolts and quickly fled north. After only a few hours, a pack of wolves charged me. Im sheer terror, I swung my crossbow screaming, then I ran. They caught up and attempted to attack me. I turned around, and screamed like a madman, charging with a dagger.

Cog Tarondomm has entered a marital trance.

I slew many of the beasts, then they surrounded me. As I calmed, they bit and scratched me, holding me down. I lost grip of my dagger and I flailed with my crossbow, killing two with bashes to the head. I broke the grip of there biting and fled. They came after, or should I say the only one left came after. I fired my crossbow and tore it's liver. It left whimpering. But I wasnt gonna let it go, I charged after with my crossbow in a bloodlust. I mauled it, then threw it. It escaped sadly, I threw it to mightily. I butchered two of it's siblings and left the area, taking there skulls.


I went further down the hill, and several emus were down there. Knowing there strengh, I kept my distance and readied my crossbow for the worst as I quietly sneaked away. A while later, I found a lone emu. Knowing my own strength, I readied my crossbow and I snuck. I prayed it wouldnt see me.

I fired three bolts, they all went right over it's head and it never noticed. I decided to meele it and it fled. Damnit.

I later came across another herd of emus, determined not to be defeared by them I went behind a tree and let off four bolts. Three missing, one clipping a leg. They fled, but the wounded emu was to slow. I bash it's neck in and then its head. I smiled as the herd fled. Again, wolves came to attack. I smiled as they came, I brandished my crossbow as a hammer and charged. I took one down, then began smashing every bodypart I could find with my crossbow. The rest of the pack fled.

I returned to the hamlet, and out of curiousity I asked where the capital was. A clothier said this WAS the capital. I laughed my head off, as there leader wasnt even a king, or lawgiver. He was a PUMP OPERATOR. BAHAHAHAH.

I asked a suterer for a quest, and a dingo was apparently bugging them. Smiling, I said i will set off after getting a nights rest, they let me sleep in there house that night.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 14, 2012, 06:34:47 pm
Sneak, shoot, bash head in. Good strategy.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 14, 2012, 07:05:01 pm
HAZZAH! You have survived your first day!
This could be a good sign!!! :P

But oyu are facing a MIGHTY DINGO! Do not take them lightly!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 14, 2012, 07:07:49 pm
My plan-

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Bobnova on June 14, 2012, 07:08:34 pm
Two more dead Urist McAdventurer noh Bobnovas. One to a kobold encampment (strangled one to death first though!), one really annoyingly to bogeymen. Killed one of them, too.
That second guy had already killed a dozen Dingos and one named Dingo in a cave, I thought he had a chance.
That'll teach me to quicktravel at night.

A whispered warning from beyond the grave....
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Nice work surviving the day Corai , sounds like quite the wolf battle.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 14, 2012, 07:22:10 pm
-DAY 2-

I woke up and walked out of the cottage. One farmer was awake, and he gave me a fare-well and good luck. I returned the gesture, giving him luck on his crops. I set off south, to the acursed dingo-den.


Finding a river blocked my path, I groaned as I had to go around. The hamlets nether bothered to make bridges. By the time I made my way I was to far away to get back to civiilization to escape the impending night-creatures. I groaned as I started making fires around me.

-DAY 2-

Uninteresting, >.>
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 14, 2012, 07:24:44 pm
This world CRAWLS with dangerous beasts. :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Bobnova on June 14, 2012, 11:48:41 pm
Hey at least you lived! I call that progress.

What's with all the dingo lairs? That's the third different named dingo i've run into or heard about in this world.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 15, 2012, 12:06:41 am
At least two giant dingoes have names as a result of me, one killing my companion, and another killing me.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 15, 2012, 02:06:46 am
-DAY 3-

I awoke from my slumber, stomping the fires out I headed west, intriqed by the whiteness of my map.

I took three steps in, and I got ambushed by wolves.


Once more, I entered a state of mind I shall now refer to as a "marital trance" as I charged, screaming about kobolds. In seconds, I brain one wolf, shatter every limb of another, send a leg flying. The wolves would not relent, but against a dwarf in a marital trance they had no chance. Still screaming, I drew my dagger.

Blood flew, wolves screamed, and limbs were missing. Laughing like a maniac, I slaughtered the wolves as they whimpered. One wolf landed a bite on me, so I bit him and began ripping him limb from limb with me teeth. Once it was dead I brained another wolf and began kicking. I left the marital trance, but I killed to many to be defeated now. Refusing death itself, I withstood there unrelenting bites and scratches and fought on. I continued bashing with my crossbow and stabbing with my dagger. Stab there, bash there. I was fueled by a unholy conviction to defeat these wolves. Dying and dead wolves littered the snow. Satisfied, I finished off the unconscious and went on.


-This was a major ambush, I counted 13 before they pounced. A few escaped though...-

-DAY 3-

Other half coming next post.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 15, 2012, 02:30:12 am
[grammar / speling mode activate]

A marital trance?

I don't see Cog's wife anywhere. :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 15, 2012, 02:31:14 am
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 15, 2012, 02:36:16 am
That you are married to?

Cograi, husband of Thirteen Wolves.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 15, 2012, 04:36:21 am
All those wolves must be doing wonders for your Wrestling/Dodging/Armor User skills.

Of course, the only way to get any armor or more clothing in dwarf-size would be to steal it from bandits.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 15, 2012, 04:37:22 am
All those wolves must be doing wonders for your Wrestling/Dodging/Armor User skills.

Of course, the only way to get any armor or more clothing in dwarf-size would be to steal it from bandits.

In two days I went from novice to skilled fighter.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 15, 2012, 04:45:35 am
While on the subject of training, spend an entire evening picking up sand or rocks and throwing them. Throwing also trains Archery, which further improves accuracy with a crossbow. Maybe firing rate too.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on June 15, 2012, 07:39:36 am
While on the subject of training, spend an entire evening picking up sand or rocks and throwing them. Throwing also trains Archery, which further improves accuracy with a crossbow. Maybe firing rate too.

Not to mention how it affects your agility (and thus your speed) over time. Throw rocks, become The Flash. DF Logic.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 15, 2012, 10:29:48 am
Yeah basically.
More often then not Speed above all else lets you live.
Dodge attacks, outrun big nasty things, put in more attacks quicker.

It seems boring but sitting some place and throwing rocks for an hour can be a life saver.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 15, 2012, 02:36:17 pm
Make your campfires around a spot that lets you pick up rocks, sleep, get interrupted by animals/boogeymen, then throw rocks in a circle until they die. Best results in a land with no trees, or else some will be un-hittable. By morning, you will be legendary.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 15, 2012, 02:45:28 pm
That's only a good idea if the campfires don't burn out while you are asleep, which seems to be a fifty-fifty proposition at best.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crazy Cow on June 15, 2012, 03:03:09 pm
Toss me onto the list of peeps waiting, eh? At the current mortality rate, I doubt I'll have trouble playing before we get seven guys to the Mountainhomes q;
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 15, 2012, 08:52:51 pm
Im doing this like a elf, without powerleveling. Im gonna take out a few lairs, do my main-mission, then get my ass to the mountainhome.

Oh, how you guys will love my main-mission. Currently playing.


I just realised I am leveling up hammerdwarf more then marksdwarf. What? How am I getting levels on hammer?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 15, 2012, 09:00:04 pm
bashing something with a crossbow acts like a hammer
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 15, 2012, 09:31:06 pm
-DAY 4-

I awoke and began my trek, jumping into the river, I floundered my way across. I leisurly walked towards the dingo's lair, feeling invincible when a pack of wolves attacked, big suprise. Luckily, I made many sharp rocks earlier so I bombarded them with it. Before they even reached me many were crippled. I began bashing them with my crossbow.

By the end of the battle, I was gasping for air. This pack of wolves are skilled fighters, crippling my left lung. I needed to rest, but I traveled on.

The day ended quickly, and as I began to light my safety-fires I swear, I saw a something staring at me before fleeing.

-DAY 4-
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 16, 2012, 10:39:39 pm

I awoke from my slumber soon after falling asleep into a deep plunge of nightmares.  Aiming my crossbow, horrific beasts stared at me from the other side. I screamed, they cackled. They did not attempt to breach my wall of fire, so I began throwing my bolts in panic.

In moments, two were in critical conditions, bleeding and cackling. -Google a picture of Jeff the Killer to get a image-

I screamed at the sight and threw more and more, none died. I resorted to throwing ice at the beasts. I stopped throwing and began shooting. I finished off the chances of survival for two of them, but I was out of weapons. I had to wait them out and hope my campfires didnt die out.


-Night 2-
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: RedMageCole on June 16, 2012, 10:51:15 pm
Tip: Do not attempt to pet the dingos. Do not attempt to play with the dingos. Do not throw squeaky toys to the fucking dingos or attempt to sneak scraps of food to the fucking dingos from the dinner table. If a fucking dingo follows you home, you should not keep it. DO NOT LET A DINGO PLAY WITH YOUR INFANT.

Copypasted from some awesome site. If you can get the reference, good for you. If you don't, too bad, not telling you where it comes from. GOOD LUCK, CORAI!

*hides behind a bush away from sight from the dingoes and wolves*
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 16, 2012, 10:54:03 pm
Im behind a wall of fire and bogeymen are still kicking my ass, damn fliers.

So far, two down. Loamy sand dont fail me now!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: RedMageCole on June 16, 2012, 10:56:42 pm
Why aren't you updating with the log thou-
*notices bush on fire*
OH CRAP *gets set on fire*
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on June 17, 2012, 03:42:08 am
Im behind a wall of fire and bogeymen are still kicking my ass
That happened to me once. The adventurer MELTED.
Burning is for elves.
Good Luck.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 17, 2012, 03:43:18 am

Two left, TWO LEFT, both almost dead, and they dodged into the fog-of-war.

How do I kill them now. I dont want to spent 20 hours spamming > and < to make time pass.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 17, 2012, 04:47:03 am
Just run in one direction until more bogeys appear.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 17, 2012, 04:49:54 am
Just run in one direction until more bogeys appear.

Im in a box of campfires.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 17, 2012, 04:53:02 am
Use Z to sleep but change it to 'remain awake'.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 17, 2012, 04:55:04 am
Use Z to sleep but change it to 'remain awake'.

Doesnt it just say "you dont feel safe enough" or something like that?

Anyone know if just throwing sand into the fog-of-war has a chance of hitting?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 17, 2012, 06:11:58 am
Can't you just rush through a cmp fire real quick?
Also won't it go out on its own?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 17, 2012, 06:19:03 am
If he can't wait due to fear, then he'll have to spam < and > or . to advance time a step at a time.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 17, 2012, 06:44:26 am
Anyone know if just throwing sand into the fog-of-war has a chance of hitting?

I've thrown rocks at bandits before that I couldn't see and still hit them. Just fling sand in the general direction that they ran away in until you hit something. 

Worse case scenario is that it passes time while still building throwing/archery skill and makes it more likely that you'll hit them when they come after you again.

And even if it would let you pass time, I don't know if I would until all of them are dead since running away from boogeymen and then resting just spawns more. Killing them all usually means that you won't see anymore until the next night.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 17, 2012, 06:50:17 am
Best bnet is just stay put till the sun comes up, and then all the boogeymen evaporate.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 17, 2012, 03:26:41 pm
Okay, update-pause until these things die.

PS: I have three bogeymen kills to my name, jelly?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 17, 2012, 05:11:36 pm
oh god Corai don't jinx yourself!
Also I hope you have some more screen shots, want to know what you have bene up to, and how close you are.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 17, 2012, 05:14:27 pm
The town I started at is two days travel from the mountainhome, so once I take out this dingo and a nearby -SPOILER- I am heading home.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: RedMageCole on June 17, 2012, 06:36:54 pm
Corai, you must be like, the natural predator of the Dingo or something. :U
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 17, 2012, 06:37:26 pm
More like of the wolf. Bag of skulls anyone?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Megaman3321 on June 17, 2012, 07:02:57 pm
Sounds like a good recipe for skull soup.

Also, if I could possibly get a turn for this madness, I'd be much obliged :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 17, 2012, 07:39:56 pm
And Cograi will show up as a migrant carrying his bag 'o skulls. :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: CaptApollo12 on June 18, 2012, 02:06:42 am
27 pages and the game has not truely started. This is most dwarvenly. Im looking forward to reading this. It may be worth it to chip in some fort design collaborativly. Dos and Do nots.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 18, 2012, 02:37:53 am

Update soon, probably 10 minutes.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 18, 2012, 02:48:44 am
-Day 5-

After a long all-nighter of fighting bogeymen, I defeated them and, at the loss of my wolf-skulls I used as a throwing weapon, took a horn from a fallen bogeyman.

I entered the lair, readying my crossbow for battle, I stared at the dingo, it looked at me like a puppy, innocently. I charged, then suddenly it began growling and charged as well. I screamed and it looked shocked, we tumbled together and I stabbed it in the head with a bronze bolt and it was over. It was curling, unable to move. It's spinal-cord severed.


I butchered the corpse, took the skull and meat. I rested in the lair until the next morning, satisfied with my kill.

-DAY 5-

Yay, I am gonna finish this up soon.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 18, 2012, 05:58:06 am

Real shame you lost your bag of skulls... Maybe you can find it again retracing your steps?
Amazing you have been able to fight off those boogeymen though.
Look forward to yu finishing up! (crosses fingers)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on June 18, 2012, 12:32:45 pm
You survived! Good luck Corai the wolf/bogeyman slayer! My (fourth) adventurer got torn to bits by bogeymen at the murks of murdering. Only later realised how close he got. :(
Would like to try for real if a spot opens up
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: highwisdom on June 18, 2012, 05:32:10 pm
Real shame you lost your bag of skulls... Maybe you can find it again retracing your steps?

He didn't lose them; he used them as ammo against the bogeymen ;)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 19, 2012, 07:11:03 pm
shameless bump. Hope Corai finishes soon.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 19, 2012, 07:19:45 pm
Hes almost done, but he said he has a LOT of stuff with school and such right now, so it's just finding time to polish it up and post.
After he is done (checks list) well well, looks like YOU are up again...
Hope you have been practicing!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 19, 2012, 07:53:39 pm
If this is not done in two days, then I am a doodle.

Its alllllmost done.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 19, 2012, 08:10:53 pm
Hes almost done, but he said he has a LOT of stuff with school and such right now, so it's just finding time to polish it up and post.
After he is done (checks list) well well, looks like YOU are up again...
Hope you have been practicing!!

Crap, I'll go do that...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 19, 2012, 10:14:59 pm

This tower, I am gonna knock it down, burn everything in it, then eat the corpses. FUFUFUFUFUFUFUF 12 DINGOS OMIGOD SO MANY DINGOS OH MY GOD.
For spoilers, click this.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

-DAY 6-

I jerked up suddenly, sweating. Looking around I remembered I was in oxox's lair, his corpse still there, I opened my bag and smiled at the skull in it. I got up and began my travel back to town.

In a few hours, the moon rose. I began lighting fires when a pack of demonic creatures from the dephs of hell attacked.



One pounced on me, I paniced and punched it's head, caving in his's skull. By the time it died the entire pack fell apon me. I entered my martial trance and began stabbing the beasts with my crossbow bolts, they fled as I stabbed. I downed half of the pack in moments, the other half onconious. I finished off the beasts, took their skulls and some meat, and went on my way once more.

In the middle of the night, they attacked again. A smaller pack, but they bore more vicous attacks. I instantly entered my martial trance and slaughtered a few, but then they got me by the legs and dropped me. I stabbed wilidly, killing one every few stabs.They surrounded me, I thought it was over as I left the trance. One made a lunge for my head, which would had surely killed me if not for me rolling away. I fled and threw rocks at the beasts, finishing off the crippled. The last dingo stood before me, covered in my blood. I charged, and it became enraged. I forget what happens there, but I remember me choking it and ripping out it's eyes. I took my bolt and began carving into the heads, taking the skulls. In the distance I swear I saw something...


This is a giant cross between a dingo and a wolf. It is twisted into humanoid form and it is skinless. Beware it's deadly minions. It kills and devours the souls of anyone to defies the dingo's commands. Now you know why you fear the night.

-DAY 6-







Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 19, 2012, 11:02:45 pm
All Hail Corai the DIngo Slayer!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 19, 2012, 11:08:21 pm
I crashed once I finished night 3.  ::)

But I got attacked by a giant, GIANT pack of dingos. There were like, 23. I actually killed all but one, and that one got a lucky-headshot.

I survived, I tortured it. But then the game crashed. Atleast I got half of night 3 saved...

Oh, and 3 couger kills. But I lost those in the crash too, atleast I know where NOT to go. Cause I have a bronze colossus following me I think...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 19, 2012, 11:15:10 pm
6 days
3 nights

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 20, 2012, 12:06:01 am
6 days
3 nights


I only count the nights if I actually do something. If I sleep, I wont count it. If I do something like I am now, I count it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 20, 2012, 02:14:15 am
If Cograi gets to safety, he HAS to have the custom profession: "Slayer of the Dingoes"
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 20, 2012, 02:15:24 am
If >>>Cograi<<< gets to safety, he HAS to have the custom profession: "Slayer of the Dingoes"

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 20, 2012, 02:20:28 am
Cog + Corai.

Also Corai, I named a Gastrodon after you on my nuzlocke run of Platinum. Corai is doing quite well; he's one of the three heavy hitters on the team. I thought the face of Gastrodon sorta looked like kobolds, and from there: Corai. Corai = Kobolds imo.

(Other bay 12 nuzlocke mons:
Tiruin the Bronzor. Oneshotted by Team Galactic
Loud Whispe the Houndour, fainted after poisoning
GlyphGryph the Chatot, had a custom cry from Chatter that went 'Werp'.)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 21, 2012, 06:18:21 am
*Poke poke*
Mang Corai are you STILL at it?  :P
How far back did you have to go after the game crashed?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 22, 2012, 07:06:30 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


-Night 3 for the third time. CRASHES FTL.-

I ran througout the night, I could not light fires and the beasts of the night would be coming for my soul soon. Metallic clanks and low booms surrounded me, cackling from the shadows. Ghosts of wolves and dingos followed me.

The writing became unreadable and mangled for several pages, it resumes 4 hours later. It is smeared with blood and ripped.

I was caught in combat with a great beast, a mighty cougar. As it snuck up on me, I swung my crossbow and it shredded both of it's lungs. I stabbed it's head with a crossbow bolt, and it was dead in moments. I took it's skull and some meat for commemorate my victory. I swear, I saw a troll following me in the distance, I fled across several frozen rivers as the sun rose. I was so close to the town... Death was not a option.

I ran into town and kicked a door open, falling in panting. Several humans awoke and ran over, helping me to my feet asking what was wrong. After explaining my chaotic night, they let me lay down for the night.


-DAY 7-

I woke up, bid my tall saviors goodbye, leaving some wolf meat as a thank-you gift. Which they then made odd smiles at and pushed it behind a sleeping child. Confused, I simply went on my way to a village across the river. In moments, a young man ran up to me asking if he could adventure with me.


Smiling with my new friend, I set off. He grabbed a iron-boning knife from a table and followed, tripping in his excitement. Drinking some blood and eating some meat, I declared us off to Licetharriva!

-Okay....Maybe finale coming...-

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 22, 2012, 07:23:00 pm
Those low booms and metalic chinks creeped me the hell out when I found them in game, but then looking in the raws it turns out they're made by nocturnal songbirds.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 22, 2012, 07:27:10 pm
Did anyone have a human companion by the name of Ned Mobmuomthu - Dyer?

Cause he once wandered the wilds.


Oh goddamnit, the mountainhall disappeared suddenly. Whats the name of it again?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 22, 2012, 08:38:22 pm
Post a screenshot of your current location, there are pics of its exact location a few pages back.

Also, A human ARCHITECT begs to join you?? Did he have taped glasses and a pocket protecter?
Thats friggen hilarious. I have this image of a guy all dressed like a typical nerd wielding a Battle axe with a Bezerk look in his eyes.
You have to tell us if he actually gets any kills.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 22, 2012, 08:52:04 pm
Play this during battles or strenuous journeys putting your epic endurance to a heroic test:
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 22, 2012, 09:12:30 pm
Pathril has a iron boning knife; he'll be fine.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 22, 2012, 10:34:29 pm
Post a screenshot of your current location, there are pics of its exact location a few pages back.

Also, A human ARCHITECT begs to join you?? Did he have taped glasses and a pocket protecter?
Thats friggen hilarious. I have this image of a guy all dressed like a typical nerd wielding a Battle axe with a Bezerk look in his eyes.
You have to tell us if he actually gets any kills.

Well, a river got him. But he killed like, 16 wolves and a troll.

Then crash to right before I left. Which was helpful, cause I WAS ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE PLANET.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on June 23, 2012, 04:15:33 am
This thread is a good read.

So ... is the list of participants still closed? Or is there a chance to get a spot on it?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 23, 2012, 01:51:43 pm
My journey right now is mostly traveling south-west trying to reach the mountainhome, nothings living inbetween me and it THANKS TO YOU GUYS. So once I get there I will be able to pass off the save.

Or if I die, but no night creatures are still alive to hunt me.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 23, 2012, 02:03:05 pm
New bogeyman everynight, unfortunately. There is some kind of huge evil spirit orgy 24/7 to ensure that new bogeymen are being born constantly.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 23, 2012, 02:04:46 pm
Its been 20 nights ingame, no bogeymen.

Wtf RNG? Now you decide to love me?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 23, 2012, 11:03:01 pm
Some biomes don't spawn boogeymen. I have noticed in the past though that killing lots of them seems to make them less likely to attack as well.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 23, 2012, 11:06:16 pm
Some biomes don't spawn boogeymen. I have noticed in the past though that killing lots of them seems to make them less likely to attack as well.

Doesnt matter anyway, I have three companions now. For some reason my start-town had no soldiers. *sadfaic*

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 23, 2012, 11:30:23 pm
Wait until nightfall to cross them; most of the rivers freeze in this world at night.

Well, at least it does on the proper side of the planet. I guess I could have pointed that out earlier when you mentioned starting out in the Maroon Plains and going north, but it was a lot funnier this way.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 23, 2012, 11:38:54 pm
Wait until nightfall to cross them; most of the rivers freeze in this world at night.

Well, at least it does on the proper side of the planet. I guess I could have pointed that out earlier when you mentioned starting out in the Maroon Plains and going north, but it was a lot funnier this way.

Im in the southern-west lands now. They are frozen 24/7.

I have gone into V THIRSTY five times now. I am existing off of the rare dingo swarm.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 23, 2012, 11:40:52 pm
Grab snow. Light camp fire. Press shift+I and interact with snow. Warm snow at camp fire. Drink water coating (hands)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 23, 2012, 11:42:19 pm
Are you sure that you're in the southwest? That's a tropical region while the northwest is tundra/glacier, which would explain the lack of boogeymen as they don't appear in frozen climates.

Anyway, if it's always frozen, is there snow? You can pick it up and melt it by interacting with a campfire after all.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 23, 2012, 11:52:33 pm


Okay guys, WTF? How are you guys dieing? I havent come CLOSE to death aside from bogeymen.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 24, 2012, 12:15:36 am
In the center of the world, a great army of wolves, dingos, bogeymen, and assorted animals all surrounded a dead dwarf. They trampled the corpse, and ripped it apart in a rage.

"This Cog Tarondom! He must be stopped!" A wolf howled.



"That dwarf cannot reach the mountains, or we will never get him!" another wolf screeched out.

"WAIT. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH." A bogeyman screamed.



"By Armok! That idiot!" A groundhog squeaked.

"The zombies will get him!" a dingo said, smiling.

"HHEHEHEHEHEE. ZOMBIE KILL COMPANIONS. BOGEYMEN KILL COG TARONDOM! HAHAHAHAHAH. HAHAHAHHAA. AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." the bogeyman cackled, falling to the floor. The other beasts looked in horror as the vile man kept laughing, even with a crossbow in his head. A dwarf and two humans pushed the corpse away and walked foward. A wolf charged the three, it was quickly put down with a crossbow bolt to the face.

"For all you the dwarves you bitches have killed." The dwarf said, loading his crossbow.

-Got bored, wrote this.-


Armok sat at his skull throne, listening to the night creature's pleas.

"This dwarf, you say. Is killing off your brethren?" He said, then erupted in a laughter, sending his clown-slaves trembling.


"But there will be no more to kill soon!" A wolf said, Armok instantly stopped laughing. "What do you need." He said.

"Power." A dingo said. The dingo was then struck down by Armok, the rest of the creatures fled back into reality.


Cog Taraddom and his companions marched south, now horribly lost. They laid down for rest, and two hours later, they awoke to a demonic howling.

Taronddom looked at the beasts, dingos. But these...they were faster.

In moments the pack pounced, shredding a companion as it screamed.

Another got the metalworker by the throat.

Taronddom got the worst of it, running to save his allies, the pack instantly turned and bounced. Flesh ripped from bone, bleeding profusly, he screamed for the first time in ages. No marital trance came to save him, Armok forsaken, he kept swinging his crossbow.

The dingos were repelled, leaving three mortally wounded warriors. Trekking on, they went to a cave. The dwarf was determined to die underground, like a dwarf. Clutching his skulls, he murmered a prayer to Armok as he took a sharp rock and slit his throat, his bag emptying into the cavern floors.


The bogeymen, dingos, demons, and wolves all laughed. They watched as the dwarf fell ovver, dead from slitting his throat.

"IT IS OVER. TARONDDOM IS DEAD!" A dingoman said. Roars from around the world were heard. Bogeymen cackled. Wolves howled. The dingoslayer was dead at last.


I died. I realised I was WAAAAY over the max-time I could spend on my turn, and it would take a WEEK aprox to get past everything in my way to the fort.


Sorry Crossroads, I went the wrong way. Saves (http://Here it is.)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Anyone who goes there, do me a favor and get my skull-bag. My corpse is somewhere in the cave right next to the river.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 24, 2012, 05:37:32 am
*Face palms* :'(
Oh Corai Corai Corai
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 24, 2012, 05:39:39 am
Thats what I said.

I mean, HOW did I get to the wrong side of the planet three times in one world?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 24, 2012, 05:43:37 am
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Good try none the less, bro.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 24, 2012, 06:36:03 am
You should have just retired in a town at some point then if it was taking so long :(
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 24, 2012, 08:11:15 am
I mean, HOW did I get to the wrong side of the planet three times in one world?

You started somewhere around here:
( (

Killed a named dingo here:
( (

Starved to death here:
( (

And your destination waaay far away here:
( (

I don't think you ever had a chance reaching the mountainhomes starting from that far away. But you were going in the right direction, it seems. Still, an awesome journey!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 24, 2012, 09:49:14 am
You know we should post a map back on page one for peole not to get lost, I think I'll do that when I get hom from work..

And That is It then! everyone from round one!
Orky Boss is up again next, and after the next round, I guess we will start getting new people.
Ye gods... There are like 20 other people wanting to get in, I was hoping to finish "Phase One" with the people we have, Now I have to go back and start picking from the past 30 pages to see who else will get a turn.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Broken on June 24, 2012, 12:22:50 pm
I want one turn if possible.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 24, 2012, 03:11:01 pm
Going to download the save in a few hours. Going to watch brave with my sister and dad, so I'm just waiting to get picked up.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 24, 2012, 07:00:20 pm

That start-point was SUCH a tease! It had a mountainhome in the same bunker-shape that we had. I actually retired there on day 2, but then I realized it wasnt the right one and save-scummed.


Actually, I did starve to death. I ran out of dingo meat, water, and snow. I was about a month ingame from any food/town because I was in a deadland or something.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 24, 2012, 08:03:42 pm
Trying to download, but it's giving me an error page. Could you upload it on mediafire?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 24, 2012, 11:35:52 pm

Thank god I didnt empty my recycle bin. I'll try.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 25, 2012, 01:20:58 am
Well, that was unexpected.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 25, 2012, 01:27:41 am
Well, that was unexpected.

My plan once I realized I was gonna die-

Find a forgotten beast, but every single cave had no entrance. >.<

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on June 25, 2012, 03:45:08 am
Thats the wrong link for sure.
I succesfully downloaded it from here ( so dffd is working.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 25, 2012, 08:48:11 am
Downloading now, but I have a two hour summer school so I won't be around to play until about 12:00 CDT.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 25, 2012, 09:57:25 am
Glad the Download works for you now.
Also sent a PM, let me know when you get it
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 25, 2012, 11:47:29 am
Okay, I'm getting way too many 'download was inturrupted' and 'couldn't be downloaded' messages for my liking, so could someone please put it on mediafire? I tend to have difficulty downlading things from dffd.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on June 25, 2012, 01:47:13 pm
Maybe this link ( works for you?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 25, 2012, 01:50:32 pm
That service apparently isn't working for my country right now (US of A). What country are you in?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Bobnova on June 25, 2012, 02:03:04 pm
It's currently downloading (very, very slowly) for me from DFFD, if it makes it and functions I'll put it on my personal hosting.
Going to take a bit to download at ~60k/s and then upload at 40k/s though.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on June 25, 2012, 02:05:48 pm
I'm in Austria. How about this? (

It's currently downloading (very, very slowly) for me from DFFD, if it makes it and functions I'll put it on my personal hosting.
Going to take a bit to download at ~60k/s and then upload at 40k/s though.
Okay, I'm getting way too many 'download was inturrupted' and 'couldn't be downloaded' messages for my liking, so could someone please put it on mediafire? I tend to have difficulty downlading things from dffd.

I have the same problem(s). I switched to using wget ( which by default allows up to 20 interruptions in a download and still finish with the file intact.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 25, 2012, 02:21:16 pm
What graphics pack is this? The text is really tiny and hard to read, and the graphics are differently colored like ironhand, but still ASCII. When I enlarge the text to read like ironhand or even normal ASCII graphics, the maps are streached.

And how the hell do I change it back?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on June 25, 2012, 02:26:37 pm
I have no clue about that since what i uploaded is the untouched zip-file that i downloaded from dffd (i just copied over the region folder to my local dwarf fortress installation to play and that worked fine for me)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Phones on June 25, 2012, 04:33:08 pm
What graphics pack is this? The text is really tiny and hard to read, and the graphics are differently colored like ironhand, but still ASCII. When I enlarge the text to read like ironhand or even normal ASCII graphics, the maps are streached.

And how the hell do I change it back?

It's Ironhand, I think there is a way to change it back to ASCII with the right colors although I'm not quite sure how. But to turn it back to Ironhand go to the Init. file and set Graphics to YES.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 25, 2012, 05:13:41 pm
Well, I only have an hour to play left before I go to gymnastics, so I'll just post my starting information here, as well as my starting 'theme song'.

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Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 25, 2012, 05:29:33 pm
Good luck. Stay away from that shrine nearby unless you feel really lucky.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 25, 2012, 05:32:53 pm
Alright, fired the game up, and apparently I look like this:

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Like one of those bloated 'dwarves' from the default 'graphical' tileset. And apparenly the Us are supposed to be human, even though Ironhand has separate tiles for the humans. Seriously Corai, what tileset is this. custom? Or did I miss something in the init. files?

And on a seperate note, what shrine?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Xenos on June 25, 2012, 05:35:50 pm
Alright, fired the game up, and apparently I look like this:

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Like one of those bloated 'dwarves' from the default 'graphical' tileset. And apparenly the Us are supposed to be human, even though Ironhand has separate tiles for the humans. Seriously Corai, what tileset is this. custom? Or did I miss something in the init. files?

And on a seperate note, what shrine?
...What are those green squiggle things?  Trees?  Maybe use the LNP to convert the tileset to Ironhand/Phoebus/Default/Whatever else
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 25, 2012, 05:44:08 pm
Just copy the save folder into your own personal DF installation. You don't have to use the DF included in the zip file. Just tried it and it gave me the default ASCII set I prefer.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 25, 2012, 06:02:21 pm
Wait, I thought the max starting skills were novice.

Thats not novice.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on June 25, 2012, 06:16:09 pm
it's demigod ... and i thought "hero" was the agreed upon max. someone gotta search a bit ^^
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 25, 2012, 06:46:30 pm
it's demigod ... and i thought "hero" was the agreed upon max. someone gotta search a bit ^^
"Hero" was the starting level agreed upon...

Dear god Corai did you play your whole game at peasant level?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 25, 2012, 07:17:39 pm
it's demigod ... and i thought "hero" was the agreed upon max. someone gotta search a bit ^^
"Hero" was the starting level agreed upon...

Dear god Corai did you play your whole game at peasant level?

Yes. At novice striker and novice marksdwarf.

Thats all.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 25, 2012, 08:41:43 pm
And on a seperate note, what shrine?

There's one with a Bronze Colossus in the Granite Plains right next to the cit... wait, the Maroon Plains?

You started out where Corai did, which is on the opposite side of that evil ocean from where Nish and Melkor started. Quite a bit farther to travel, sadly. I'd recommend heading due south to the nearest mountain range and skimming along beside it down to the range that runs parallel to the southern edge of the map before heading due west.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 25, 2012, 08:52:37 pm
Ubiq, you still have some world screenshots. can you circle the BC shrine on the map so we all know where NOT to go??
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 25, 2012, 09:32:34 pm
Oh. I forgot we had a limit. Well, Forget that. I'm going to re-download the save tommorrow, and make a new character. Hero this time.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 25, 2012, 09:34:56 pm
Orky, if you do start at the Maroon Plains, quickly get a reputation so you have a chance of peasantry following you. Cause they have no soldiers to escort you. I cleaned the dingo and wolf packs, so fast travel should be easy.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 25, 2012, 09:45:19 pm
Secret to survival:
Do not fast travel. Just enter sneak mode and sneak across vast expanses of countryside. When you have legendary sneak, then you can fast travel. Nothing will ambush you.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 25, 2012, 10:27:56 pm
Lol, I have to go and try that, sounds awesome.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 25, 2012, 11:47:05 pm
Just tried that with Nish and it doesn't work even with a Legendary+3 Ambusher as he kept getting attacked by anacondas and four boogeymen. A Legendary Observer might be able to pull it off, but not an Ambusher.

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Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 25, 2012, 11:53:05 pm
Well. I still say I did better then most of you despite dieing, because I only put like, 10 points into my character.

Plus my sexy 58 kills, most the OH SO DANGEROUS dingo.

Jerk mode off.

Im lucky I didnt have to fight giant dingos, amiright?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 26, 2012, 12:07:29 am
Dingoes are dangerous.

Giant dingoes are basically war dogs that are as angry as badgers and as powerful as grizzlies, and as big as well.

A bite'n'shake is almost a guaranteed lost arm/leg/hand/foot/whatever. They're huge to boot, and nastily fast.

I only killed three before I had to flee, getting away but being ambushed again on my way back to town, and died to them.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 26, 2012, 01:05:52 am
Legendary Ambusher, don't even fast travel then. I don't know how to train observer, but if there is a way max that shit out. Nothing can stop bogeymen from ambushing you if you travel at night, though.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 26, 2012, 01:06:15 am
Legendary Ambusher, don't even fast travel then. I don't know how to train observer, but if there is a way max that shit out. Nothing can stop bogeymen from ambushing you if you travel at night, though.

Observer, just dont fast travel.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 26, 2012, 01:17:42 am
Fighting trains Observer. I usually don't bother with skill points at all in Adventure Mode anymore, but just put towns and fortresses in for dwarves. It's just a matter of wandering through keeps and catacombs until I find a set of armor and then popping off to the nearest cavern when I can find some troglodytes. They swarm my dwarf, but can't hurt him and Armor User/Shield User/Dodger/Fighter/Observer gets to Adequate levels before he gets tired and I start killing them to make it less tiring.

Even in this case, I wouldn't waste points on Fighter. It gains skill fast enough and those points are better spent in Dodger/Shield User. Besides, the more skills you build from the ground up, the faster your attributes increase.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 26, 2012, 05:51:40 am
By the by, can someone PLEASE upload JUST The save file?
The last few people have been uploading the whole bloody GAME into the download, and for whatever reason when I try and move the region save into my version of DF it doesn't show up at all.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on June 26, 2012, 06:42:31 am
By the by, can someone PLEASE upload JUST The save file?

Just the (zipped) save file as found in the dffd-upload by Corai: (
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 26, 2012, 06:59:38 am
Hey. Just one final question. What version is this? I know it's not 34.11, but something with a 0.6
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 26, 2012, 07:03:51 am
It's 34.06.

Aka before minecarts.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 26, 2012, 07:23:34 am
Well Bloody Hellz,
I downloaded just the region file and it STILL doesn't work.
Which is rather bothersome seeing as how I was the one who created the region in the first place!!!
Is it possible it pased through different mods and is unreadable or somethign to me?
Keep in mind I am using a Mac version.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 26, 2012, 07:29:05 am
Armok DAMNIT!! I can't seem to get the savegame working! Weather it's 34.07 or 34.06, I can not, for the life of me, get the world to show up on the 'start playing' option! The only one it does work on is my 34.11 version, which features MINECARTS, something that would probably crash the game later on.

I mean, is the save working fine for everyone else, or am I not alone?

I'm using PC version.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on June 26, 2012, 07:31:01 am
I just mucked about for fun and it worked. :s.
 I used the mediafire one posted a few pages back.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 26, 2012, 07:32:35 am
Well, are you using the entire DF file, or did you extract the save file into another DF?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 26, 2012, 07:36:50 am
Both me and Orky seem to have the same problem.

I downloaded the full file, removed just the Save folder and tossed it into my current game.
I think this started with whoever uploaded the Whole game first instead of just the region folder.

If Orky was also using a Mac, that might mean something but HE is using a PC.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 26, 2012, 07:41:55 am
I zipped the entire folder I was given, which was a fresh 34.06 save containing Licevathiira immediately after Orky's turn.

Orky included 34.06 in the save.

As for the rest, I've no clue. I was tempted to update it to Phoebus tiles, but I refrained: I can play adventure mode passably in Code 431.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Child of Armok on June 26, 2012, 07:42:40 am
I think that someone played it whith another version. and you can do that one way, but not the other.
like: First there are no minecarts and then, after someone playes it with another version, dwarfs begin to make Minecarts,.etc.... And when you return to the first version, the game can't read thes minecarts and says what's this?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 26, 2012, 07:49:47 am
I'm going to dl the current version and see what's wrong.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 26, 2012, 08:16:35 am
Looking back, I played my turn with 0.34.07. Now if the save runs fine with 0.34.11, why can't you just play with it? As far as I know, saves are compatible back to 0.34.02 or something. My current fort was started back in 0.34.02 days and now I'm playing it with 0.34.11. Haven't tried minecarts though, but I don't see why they wouldn't work.

Are you people sure you've got the right directory structure? It should be df/data/save/Licevaathira, not df/data/save/save/Licevaathira. Inside the Licevaathira folder there should be dozens of .dat files and a folder called raw.

Toady really should implement some kind of export/import function for save games, to avoid these problems in every single community game.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Bobnova on June 26, 2012, 09:52:05 am
I downloaded the same thing as Orky. It's .09, I believe that's what Corai got too as I downloaded that one as well and remember going on a quest for graphics that fit .09.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 26, 2012, 10:05:07 am
Well, I'm just going to use .11, so if something happens... *shrug*

Well, here's my info. Wish me luck...

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Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 26, 2012, 10:42:47 am
You pick up a journal with a leather cover and binded with leather strips. On the cover is granite letters that spell out 'Orky Boss's' Journal. The book has seen some use, but it is more or less readable.

Day 1
Greetings. My name is Orky 'Boss' Lessonlancer. I have been assigned to go on a pilgramage to a fort that is in the edge of known territory, The bottom left corner, to be exact.

I have been lucky enough to have alread owned an Iron Battleaxe, and managed to get a steel shield from the marketplaces. Unfortunatly, I have no bodyarmour to speak of, so I still need to be careful.

I decided to give those in my town a chance to join my cause, and managed to convince a human Axeman and lasher to join me.

Seeing that the fortress was a simple short walk to the SE of my position, I decide to head on over there to see if I couldn't find some dwarf-size armour. Unfortunately, the marketplace only had general good stores and a farmer's market, so  simply asked around for quests.
Turns out a minor criminal was holed up in the catacombs of the fortress, and I decided to take the time to kill him.

What I saw at the stairs to the catacombs was... most disturbing.


The corpse of a dwarf named Uggi Loloknòm.

Further investigation revealed that the dwarf had been a marksdwarf, having a pile of rocks in his bag as well as a pouch full of coins and a quiver full of arrows. It was impossile to find out how he died, as the corpse had rotten too much for any details to remain, but the kill had been messy, that much was certain.

These were the contents of the bag:


Unfortunatly the dwarf did not have any sort of armour, so I simply had to do with feeling naked.

I shall write more later after I kill the bandit.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 26, 2012, 10:50:58 am
*Short Update*

I have entered the catacombs, and found a bronze door with arrows layone on the ground at the entrance and as well as a bronze shield. This is most likely the location of the foul bandit's den. The air reeks of of rotten flesh, and the arrows seem tipped with dried blood.


In addition to this evidence, the human axeman simply rushed on in, screaming some sort of battlecry. The door muffles any possible combat, but I am wary. I draw my axe, and began to walk slowly towards the door, paradying the expert sneaking skills of thiefs and bandits.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 26, 2012, 12:55:37 pm
Rather than do a head on fight, I realize that a flanking manuver would be much more suitable, and go a short walk around the room, which I assumed to have bandits inside. Strangely, the axeman followed suit, and was not wounded in any visible way, but the lasher was no where in sight.

When I reached the other side, I was greeted by several kobolds, some swordsman and others bowmen. I quickly retreat back though the door and let the axeman take the hits, who manages to hackoff a few body parts before being punctured in several vital areas, and simply crawled away from the fight, refusing to follow me to battle.

Grimancing, I begin to play a game of peek a boo, using the wall between me and the bowman to hack at them and then run away before they can get a clear shot. Repeating this several times, I manage to kill one bowman and had the named bowman, who turned out to be the killer of the Uggi dwarf by his bragging before the battle, down on he ground, and began hacking and slashing at the cripple, the occasional bolts that I blocked revealing there was another bowman close by.

After the leader bled to death, I charged towards the lone bowman, who I could see had a visible expression of panic before I removed his head from his body wit a clean swipe.


When he battle was over, I returned to the door that I had origionally encountered to see the corpse of the human lasher, who managed to kill a kobold swordsman before being turned into a human pincushion. I gave him my regards, then began to shift through the kobold's corpses.

After a little bit of tinkering, I managed to fuse an iron shield with my steel shield, giving me an extra layer of protection until I found proper body armour. I then noticed the the axeman limp himself over to me, continuing to follow me to the death, despite several flashes of unconcousness. A true companion.

I walked out the catacombs, content to tell of my victory, when I noticed a kobold swordsman lying on the ground, his leg broken likely from a brawl with the axeman, who, sadly, had been unable to climb the stairs. I couldn't give the axeman Armok's mercy without a misunderstanding with the nation which he was from, so I was forced to leave him to die.

As for the kobold, it only took a little bit of limb removal for him to die.


I look back at the corpse of the dwarf known as Uggi, and I suddenly noticed something tucked in his shirt. I picked it up, and it turned out to be a note, an invitation, actually. The note was just like the one I had, an announcement of the pilgramage all able-bodied dwarves were to take on the journey to the Fortress location at the edge of known land. I look back at the corpse with newfound porpose. This dwarf had worked his last months of life to reach the settlement, and by armok, he would reach the settlement, whether he knew he had done so or not.

And so, I began to drag Uggi's corpse with me in my journey to the dwarven settlement.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 26, 2012, 02:11:23 pm

As many know there are a great many out there that wish to join in on the "FUN". However, sadly, things are moving along slow and thus we have not yet had a chance for others to particapate...


For those seeking to help in some way, I am looking for eager and brave members to "Beta Test" the sites around where we shall eventually build our fort!
YOUR MISSION should you choose to accept it...

Download the most recent save version:
Download the Utility "EMBARK ANYWHERE" or it's partner "JUST EMBARK"
Found a 7x7 Fortress around the Dwarf city location of "Silverysects" where we are headed to.

Your goals?
To play and test the location, dangers, and most important... To see if what we have already done in the world is recorded! Have engravers engrave all over seeing if they record some of the heroic deeds. Also, play the test fort long enough to get 2 or 3 Immagration waves.  We have two Dwarves out there, if you are able to have one arrive as a migrant, it will be confirmation of everything we are hoping for!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 26, 2012, 02:14:09 pm
Day 2 of Travel

As it turns out, I have actually exaggerated the human axeman's injuries, as he quickly climbed up the stairs after I removed the arms of the kobold, and after a short walk around town, he was fine. We rested for a few days to heal our wounds and make sure we would have adequate rest for the trip, and after successfully stealing some wild strawberries for food from the farmers' market, we set off towards a gap in the sea between me and my quest that would allow for minimum swimming. There had been a few more quests I could've done, but they were too far in the wrong direction for me to bother with completing.

When it became dark, I decided that it was a good time to rest for a little bit, since I didn't want to get lost and I was getting a little hungry as well.

Well, 30 seconds after returning to normal travel, this is the scene.

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The dingoes quickly mob my axman companion, and I am content to stay on the sidlines, picking off dingoes one by one and not allowing myself to have the same fate as my companion.

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The battle is over as quickly as it had begun, with my companion, Ñethu, his name was, only sustaining bruises across his body, and me coming out without a scratch. I pickup Uggi's corpse again, and decide to rest, letting the battered axeman do watch. We shall see what tommorrow's travel's bring.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on June 26, 2012, 02:15:25 pm
Download the most recent save version:
Download the Utility "EMBARK ANYWHERE" or it's partner "JUST EMBARK"
Found a 7x7 Fortress around the Dwarf city location of "Silverysects" where we are headed to.

1. Why? The area is embarkable just fine without such a tool.
2. 7x7? That's crazy big for some of us .. My old but trusted computer can't do bigger than ~4x5 while maintaining an acceptable framerate
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: ZeroSumHappiness on June 26, 2012, 02:18:35 pm
1. I think there's already a dwarven city there, so you need embark anywhere to overlap with the existing one.

2. Presumably so huge because they want it to be the mountainhome from day 1, effectively.  Those big cities are usually quite large.  In theory they could start at 3x3 or 4x4 then just abandon and re-embark every few years to enlarge the area, but meh.

Did I get that right?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Child of Armok on June 26, 2012, 02:37:06 pm
Yeah,7x7 is quite big, i had a 3x3 embark, ( it was a very deep one, but mehw) with 30 dwarfs, and i had 30 FPS.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 26, 2012, 02:51:23 pm
We are embarking on top of an existing mountainhomes, Silverysects. That's why you need embark anywhere tool. The tool already comes with DFHack's Windows version. First find the right spot from the "Choose Fortress Location" screen, go to DFHack's console, type "dfusion", select "2 some misc tools" and then "3 Embark anywhere" and then "q" until you exit the dfusion mode. Then go back to DF and you'll be able to embark.

Make sure you select The Watchful Rags as your civilization.

Now if you do a 4x4 embark here, your wagon spawns just next to Rogon's corpse, on the spot where Ubiq retired and built a bonfire to his fallen companion.

( (

( (

Full 4x4 map of the location: (3 z-levels, big images):
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I had my first migrant wave and have built some statues, nothing interesting in them yet.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 26, 2012, 03:22:09 pm
Day 3...4?... of Travel
I have been trekking for the past few days, with nothing but water on my mind. I have reached areas with plenty of rivers and I ended up chancing on some dingo corpses, which I butchered a few for meat, but it is only occasionally that armok smiles on me and makes the ice in my backpack turn to water so to prevent me from dying of dyhydration, but it changes back within the hour, and my belly can only hold so much water at a time.
Not much else has been going on, and I have simply given up keeping track of the days, merely marking a new day number when something of interest happens. I certainly hope I get in a fight soon. Even the blood of my enemies is better than nothing at all...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 26, 2012, 03:36:23 pm
Day 3...4?... of Travel
I have been trekking for the past few days, with nothing but water on my mind. I have reached areas with plenty of rivers and I ended up chancing on some dingo corpses, which I butchered a few for meat, but it is only occasionally that armok smiles on me and makes the ice in my backpack turn to water so to prevent me from dying of dyhydration, but it changes back within the hour, and my belly can only hold so much water at a time.
Not much else has been going on, and I have simply given up keeping track of the days, merely marking a new day number when something of interest happens. I certainly hope I get in a fight soon. Even the blood of my enemies is better than nothing at all...
Why does everyone keep dying of dehydration? It's simple! Make camp fire. Shift + I for interact with in advanced way. Choose ice. Select heat ice at camp fire. Drink water coating that is now on your hands.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: SanDiego on June 26, 2012, 04:47:02 pm
Or, you know, brutally slaughter an innocent animal and drink it's blood.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on June 26, 2012, 04:54:15 pm
It's simple! Make camp fire. Shift + I for interact with in advanced way. Choose ice. Select heat ice at camp fire. Drink water coating that is now on your hands.

If you hear/read someone calling this procedure simple it's a sure sign you are on bay12 ...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 26, 2012, 04:56:37 pm
Interact with your waterskin, heat it over the campfire and drink from it as usual, instead of licking your body parts like some filthy elf.

Meanwhile in the parallel universe:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Edit: and this just popped out from mason's workshop:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 26, 2012, 06:17:11 pm
Freaking Awesome Uggi!
That is the sort of things we are hoping to find in this "Beta Testing" mode!
Keep us informed of anything else!

EDIT: Also apparently it was an issue with Versions.
I just downloaded the new .11 and am able to now play all the old saves from previous.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 26, 2012, 06:37:26 pm
BTW, it is possible to dig in adventure mode, just very dangerous. And you can only dig through ice walls. You simply light a campfire near them. It requires exact calculation and strong swimming skills, though, or you'll just drown/get encased in ice.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Bobnova on June 26, 2012, 07:09:33 pm
I can't tell whether that sounds like a fantastic idea or a terrible one.
I think I'm going to go with fantastic.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 26, 2012, 08:46:04 pm
Greetings. Unfortunatly, life has striked me in the head, shattering the skull and tearing the brain! So I won't be around to play for the remainder of the week (Haircut, dentist, summer school, lack of sleep... the list goes on). However, since some of us *Stares coldy at Crossroads Inc.* have been getting desperate in getting 7 dwarves to or destination, he has convinced me to give me my current save, where he will attempt to continue to the adventure in my stead.

Take care, and don't drown the world in magma while I'm gone! I want to witness it myself!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 26, 2012, 08:56:58 pm
However, since some of us *Stares coldy at Crossroads Inc.* have been getting desperate in getting 7 dwarves to or destination, he has convinced me to give me my current save, where he will attempt to continue to the adventure in my stead.

(blushes) Ok so I got a liiiitttttle desperate there... But I promise I shall be an honest and worthwhile custodian of the game you entrust me with.
(bows deeply)

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 26, 2012, 09:08:00 pm
I'll take the turn if you don't want it...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on June 26, 2012, 09:09:11 pm
Reading this, I finally gave Adventure Mode a try.  I kinda wish I'd tried it earlier considering my love of rogue-likes.  Any chance I can get in on the fun when another spot opens?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 26, 2012, 09:12:20 pm
If you want to help out right now, you can participate in the "beta testing" of the starting site, explained on the previous few pages.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on June 26, 2012, 09:30:06 pm
I've never checked to see if there is a linux version of DFHack, so I don't know if I can do that part.  I don't have a problem waiting for "my turn" at running an adventurer to the SW corner.  I can use the time waiting to practise my Adventure Mode skills. ;)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 26, 2012, 10:42:23 pm
It's a pretty great site. Plenty of flux and iron ore.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 26, 2012, 10:47:25 pm
I've never checked to see if there is a linux version of DFHack, so I don't know if I can do that part.  I don't have a problem waiting for "my turn" at running an adventurer to the SW corner.  I can use the time waiting to practise my Adventure Mode skills. ;)

There is DFHack for Linux but sadly the dfusion plugin is Windows only, therefore the embark anywhere option isn't available. Maybe it works under Wine, I haven't tried.

Edit: I uploaded my test embark (map size 4x4) on DFFD, if anybody wants to try it out: (
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 27, 2012, 06:43:14 am
Dear Armok, one day into this and I think I just fcked myself! I went into a Cave to kill a beast, and I can't bloody get out!!!
Well I was experimenting with a Dwarf, right now hes stuck in a cave:
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 27, 2012, 07:00:22 am
You sure he's stuck? Try going up the ramp at another angle. That should work.

But if you really ared stuck... then just go on a bloody rampage in the caverns and never look back.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on June 27, 2012, 07:08:58 am
Adventure mode can be brutal - I've been playing around for fun as an adventurer in this world and have macro leveled 3 4 degeneracy 3+ throwers and great sneakers, and in each case they have died miserably. Usually to Kobolds. Good God its rough, you never which moment you are going to be a bad ass and throw a bolt so hard that the kobold flies into a wall, or the moment you become a pinata.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 27, 2012, 07:10:13 am
been trying to come at it form different methods for the last 5min...
I think I am pretty well fcked.
(eyes the cave)

Ok... Lets go out in style...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 27, 2012, 07:12:41 am
Definitely. Dodging and shield user skill is a must to begin with, the rest should be learnt on the fly.

High endurance so you can last longer in fights is good as well, that way you won't keel over exhausted after killing a dingo.

I never macro level, at all. Nor do I spend time flinging rocks manually, I just throw as a matter of course.

And yeah, I suppose it's like real life. You can be as powerful as you like, and even if you've slain 5000 elves, a dingo might bite your arm off and kill you.

It all comes down to luck.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 27, 2012, 08:52:08 am
Dear Armok, one day into this and I think I just fcked myself! I went into a Cave to kill a beast, and I can't bloody get out!!!
Well I was experimenting with a Dwarf, right now hes stuck in a cave:

Oh carp, that's a nice one-way-only ramp there. Which cave is that? At least give a warning for the future adventurers to not to go there.

Edit: You can fix it with DFHack! Use "k" to place the in-game-cursor at the floor tile east from the upward ramp (the tile NE from your character in that screenshot). Go to DFHack console and type "liquids" to enter the liquids plugin. I think it defaults to [magma:point:7:f+:s.]. Type "o" to switch to obsidian wall mode. Then just hit Enter once and type "q" to quit the liquids plugin. Go back to DF and the floor tile should be changed to obsidian wall and the upper levels of the cave should be accessible again.

Disclaimer: I tried this in fortress mode, but it should work in adventurer mode too.

If you can't run DFHack, just pass the save and somebody will fix it for you. Unless of course you enjoy staying in the caverns.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: SanDiego on June 27, 2012, 10:26:59 am
Allright, I'm testing the embark now and apart from embarking atop of Rogon's mutilated remains (lying among assortment of random crap including several animal skeletons) everything seems fine so far. Iron is plentiful as is flux, there is some sand and there are enough trees to last for some time. No water though (or at least not yet).
Also, look what I've got from my mason:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 27, 2012, 11:24:12 am
Adventure mode can be brutal - I've been playing around for fun as an adventurer in this world and have macro leveled 3 4 degeneracy 3+ throwers and great sneakers, and in each case they have died miserably. Usually to Kobolds. Good God its rough, you never which moment you are going to be a bad ass and throw a bolt so hard that the kobold flies into a wall, or the moment you become a pinata.


Now if only Toady adds a "Corai" caste to kobolds. THEEEEEEEN you have a threat from kobolds.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on June 27, 2012, 11:26:20 am
Is there an embark anywhere for Mac?
If not, should I embark in the surrounding area? (for beta-testing)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 27, 2012, 11:38:53 am
Dear Armok, one day into this and I think I just fcked myself! I went into a Cave to kill a beast, and I can't bloody get out!!!
Well I was experimenting with a Dwarf, right now hes stuck in a cave:

Oh carp, that's a nice one-way-only ramp there. Which cave is that? At least give a warning for the future adventurers to not to go there.

Edit: You can fix it with DFHack! Use "k" to place the in-game-cursor at the floor tile east from the upward ramp (the tile NE from your character in that screenshot). Go to DFHack console and type "liquids" to enter the liquids plugin. I think it defaults to [magma:point:7:f+:s.]. Type "o" to switch to obsidian wall mode. Then just hit Enter once and type "q" to quit the liquids plugin. Go back to DF and the floor tile should be changed to obsidian wall and the upper levels of the cave should be accessible again.

Disclaimer: I tried this in fortress mode, but it should work in adventurer mode too.

If you can't run DFHack, just pass the save and somebody will fix it for you. Unless of course you enjoy staying in the caverns.
this is ONE thing I do not mind "Cheating" at, I'll be home from work in about an hour and then send you the save file.
And yeah we should mark that spot for the furture.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Bobnova on June 27, 2012, 11:55:08 am
Personally I'd head into the caverns if you have access. There are totally slopes in real life (wtf is that?) that you can go down but not up. Slippery shale type stuff for instance.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 27, 2012, 12:35:44 pm
Back home from work, sending the file to Uggi.
And the cave... It is a double ended cave trap...

The bottom of the cave passage goes out into a sea. You can't go ANYwhere.
I couldn't even die a heroic death to some monster if I wanted to :P

So Uggi is my only hope :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 27, 2012, 12:36:07 pm
Dear Armok, one day into this and I think I just fcked myself! I went into a Cave to kill a beast, and I can't bloody get out!!!
Well I was experimenting with a Dwarf, right now hes stuck in a cave:
Use alt + numbers to move, try 6. It should present an option of "Move to whatever floor (east/above)" and "Move to whatever floor (east)" or something.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Xenos on June 27, 2012, 12:36:42 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Unfortunately the ramp needs a wall to the east to possibly be usable.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 27, 2012, 12:37:19 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The heck? I was just looking at this.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Xenos on June 27, 2012, 12:38:38 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The heck? I was just looking at this.
Now I am confused about why Corai is confused.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on June 27, 2012, 01:29:34 pm
In light of the number of starvation/ dehydration deaths, I'd like to make two points:
1. The aforementioned 'heat ice by campfire' also works for snow.
2. In some farmers' cottages, there are bags. These are full of berries and other plants, and are free to take without reaction. (i.e. you won't be mobbed and stabbed to death with a carving knife)
Hopefully these should keep food stocks up.

Sorry if you already know this, just trying to help.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on June 27, 2012, 02:09:19 pm
How often are waterskins available for sale in shops?  In real life, you would want to have at least two or three, possibly more depending on the expected terrain/environment, when making a long trip.  From my (very) limited experience in adventure mode the need for multiple waterskins seems to hold there as well.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 27, 2012, 02:09:53 pm
Just an update, I was able to escape the cave on my own.
Don't ask how I did it, needless to say, the adventure continues, expect a full update by the end of the day
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on June 27, 2012, 02:16:58 pm
Just an update, I was able to escape the cave on my own.
Don't ask how I did it, needless to say, the adventure continues, expect a full update by the end of the day
... a masterwork engraving commemorating the escape of Crossroads from the Inescapable Cave in 10. :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: xominxac on June 27, 2012, 04:06:26 pm
You know, I've always wanted to do something public like this but I probably wouldn't be able to becasue the only internet access I have is either on my phone or a library computer and the speed there is slow as heck... I'm content to watch this play out for now. Loving the stories.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 27, 2012, 04:20:00 pm
The Adventures Continue...
(A note, the save file Orky sent me had him back in town shortly after his adventure killing Kobolds and grabbing Uggi's body. I decided to finish off one or two more quests in the area before heading out... It lead to much "FUN")

"There was a moment, as if I felt the world suddenly split into two worlds...
I looked at my hands, touched my face.. It felt as if some new force was looking out from my eyes... Some unfamiliar entity guided me...I shook my head and ignored it… The Law Giver of this Human town had tasked me with eliminating some more troublesome Kobolds for to the North…

I set off with my companion Ñethu and the corpse of the fallen Uggi.   Nethu thought taking the corpse with us was a bad idea, but muttered something about “Dwarves being Dwarves”
We had barely left the town however when it seemed we were once more put to the test.  A great pack of dingo’s seemed to appear from nowhere and was immediately upon us.

I prepared myself for what was to come, waiting for the beasts to make the first move.  Nethu however was not as patient; she charged headlong into the back and brought her axe down quickly.

All too quickly I found the beasts upon me as well. I  swung my Axe wide tearing flesh and trying to strike as many as I could. I looked up to see one coming upon Nethu, I screamed out a warning and charged forth trying to save my companion.

The battle seemed over in a flash, and yet felt as though it had lasted an eternity… I checked upon Nethu who seemed bathed in blood.  she clutched her arm and hand which had oozing bite marks, yet she seemed able to stand.
Once we were certain the danger had passed we fell from exhaustion.
 I cursed myself for not preparing a fire… But fate was kind to us. We awoke the next morning, covered in a dusting of snow and Nethu looking better for her wounds. We tacked north for almost two full days. The late winter air cold and chilling. Rivers froze at night, and several times we were forced to melt Ice Water to keep our thirsts sated.

Eventually Nethu spotted smoke far in the distance, campfires from the bandits we were tracking.  At last we had come upon our target…

We crept closer to the smoke; soon we could hear the mad jabbering of the bandits.  I looked to Nethu and nodded, this was our moment.  Leaping forth, the lead Kobold spotted us and snarled as we leapt forth. I dashed forward, colliding with a bandit holding a small silvery sword.

Nethu came quickly to my help as she brought her axe down as well deep into the beasts leg.  It snarled and garbled as she twisted it. 
Dispatching the first bandit, we looked to the others, each held crude swords and jabbered madly.  We charged forward together, our axes rose high as we collided into the others.  Both Nethu and I hacked upon the bandits.  The Kobold under me snarled and pushed off.  Knocking me to the floor for a moment, but it was not enough to save him. Nethu came quickly to my side and hacked deeply at the beasts side.=
The Kobold clutched at his body and fell over.  I breathed out thinking the worse was over… Looking up, I knew I was wrong.. I watched in what felt like slow motion as a bandit with a spear appear as if from nowhere.  Nethu saw the look in my face and began to turn around but it was already too late… The spear was thrust forward into her shoulder…

Nethu gave a piercing cry as the Kobold moved quickly; I felt myself pushed to the hard ground and was dazed. My companion in mortal danger I tried desperate to pick myself up.  I looked up to a horrific sight.
The Bandit had brought the spear down hard upon Nethus Head! I cried out and charged.  The distance between my friend and myself seemed forever as before my very eyes, Nethu bled out upon the snow.  I was not about to let her die so horribly.  I looked at the Kobold, still holding its spear and struck into it with all my fury.
I struck hard, biting into the bandit’s leg as we both tumbled to the ground.
The Kolbold knocked at my axe trying to deflect my blows, but I brought my shield down hard upon its arms instead.
The beast seemed stunned and I struck again and again till it collapsed, it’s spear and shield falling from it’s grip.
At that moment as I looked up, Nethu breathed her last…

All around me were the dead as I clutched at the fallen humans body.
 I debated bringing her body back as well for proper remembrance, but I could not be so encumbered.  Regrettably, I lit some fires, making the ground soft enough to bury the brave Warrior. Around her body I dug the weapons’ of the slain around her, trophies to her final deeds in this world.
I did take one treasure with me, a Silver sword that seemed far to fine to leave with the filth of the dead bandits.

Hefting up the body of Uggi once more, I set off, my mind ablaze with anger and rage.

No less then a few hours out from the camp, it seemed the cruel fates tested me once more.  I heard a cry from above a snow-covered hill…


No mere jabbering kobols, these were battled hardened warriors in their own right.
There were only three of them,  two held ugly black maces while the third I saw raising a Crossbow at me. I moved quickly, my body fuelled by rage over the still fresh death of my Friend.  I lashed out at the closest goblin as their leader tried to come at me as well.

then suddenly I felt my mind grow sharp, the rage reached some sort of crashing height as a new energy welled up inside me! I felt myself go into some sort of Trance. The next few moments seemed a blur, I had only a brief memory of what happened.  Yet when it was over, all three laid dead before me…

I sat down in the snow, exhausted as the strange energy left me.  Taking stock of the dead, I looked for anything of use.  Coming to the body of the leader I gasped…

His every article of clothing seemed to gleam with gems and decorations.  His clothing encrusted with what seemed the wealth of perhaps all others he had stolen from or killed.  The cloths were worth more then all my possessions put together as I lifted a pair of glittering trousers:

Here was the clothing for a true Warrior I felt!
Ignoring the chill of the snow, I cast off the bloodied and torn clothing I had and donned these treasures.  I cleaned the stink of goblin from them as best I could before making a small campfire and sleeping for the night.

The next two days seemed uneventful as I made my way back to the Fortress of the Humans.  I would have both joyous and sad news for them as I came at least to their stronghold.  I met with a Pikeman, whom I told of the loss of Nethu in battle, before telling him of the death of both the bandits and the goblins.

Soon he lead me up to the office of the Law giver whom heard my tale as well… As I finished, I made ready to leave, but both blocked my path.  The Law giver seemed pale for a moment, and I could tell there was something else… I asked him quietly, what there was he needed…

I suddenly grew pale as well… A horror from the depths… a Giant Cave Spider.
Armok protect me…
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 27, 2012, 04:46:47 pm
Just an update, I was able to escape the cave on my own.
Don't ask how I did it, needless to say, the adventure continues, expect a full update by the end of the day

Oh, jolly good. But how? Now I just have to know it.

If you ever manage to reach the Bronze Towers region, beat something to death with my corpse, so I'll be mentioned in the engravings as a murder weapon.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 27, 2012, 08:36:20 pm
More news from my test embark: the first two migrant waves were only 6 and 2 dwarves, nothing interesting there. I traded a lot of trinkets with the dwarven caravan, and the outpost liaison and two merchants of the caravan left so thrilled about the deal that they decided to come back as migrants the next spring. Along with them came ... NISH!

( (

Here's Nish next to Rogon's tomb and the microcline statue about Nish's and Rogon's mountain climbing a few tiles NE from Nish:

( (

Nish's thoughts and kill list:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Details from Dwarf Therapist:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 27, 2012, 08:54:29 pm
That is Freaking AWESOME! Where is Ubiq? Someone has got to PM him and let him know :D

Got to say, not sure how much further to go.  The two main things we have been hoping for have been confirmed :D

Once we get things started it looks like this fort is going to Seriously kick Arse!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 27, 2012, 10:57:21 pm
Keep in mind that wearing clothes of any sort helps protect your dwarf so even if you don't get armor, it still pays to wear everything that you come across in your size.

Anyway, considering the sheer number of people that Nish has watched die, I'm not surprised that he doesn't trust people easily. His liking fisher berries is a nice touch as he practically lived off of them for several periods while wandering around in mountainous where few animals (well, animals large enough to be butchered) appeared. I'm also happy to see that he's a mere sixty-one as he could live around a hundred more years or so barring an accident. Does the game randomly assign these variables when an adventurer shows up or will he have this same personality regardless?

If I recall correctly, his original description was that he was short and fat, but that walking took care of that.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Graebeard on June 27, 2012, 11:14:52 pm
This thread is so full of win.  Really makes me want to figure out how to play effectively on my laptop   ::)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 28, 2012, 12:26:54 am
Can only wonder what Deebus would be like in fort mode...

But seriously, this is better than expected. They WILL show up during fort mode, then :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 28, 2012, 12:35:58 am
Can we get a confirm on what version this save is now at?

Also, this is shaping up to be brilliant.

We need them to be as unharmed as possible when they arrive, though.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on June 28, 2012, 05:02:42 am
Hey - testing/mucking around in adventure mode (non main branch related)

I went to a mountain home (god it was a trek) called cavernbronze. hoping to find gear.

Once I got there though - there was nothing there.

Legend Viewer pegs a healthy pop of dwarves at the site, yet no one is visible. Any ideas whats going on? Experience with this?

Edit: Also, my earlier appreciation for the role of luck in the lives of our ancestors has been expanded and continues to grow, at a N^2*(1+Probability of things going bad rate.)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 28, 2012, 06:00:14 am
As of right now, Toady isn;'t sure what he wants for Dwarf cities... So there aren't any.

it really sucks for adventure mode to be sure.. But basically right now, all the "people" are stored in data.   Nothing actually exists.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on June 28, 2012, 06:03:48 am
As of right now, Toady isn;'t sure what he wants for Dwarf cities... So there aren't any.

it really sucks for adventure mode to be sure.. But basically right now, all the "people" are stored in data.   Nothing actually exists.

Ah crud, thanks
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on June 28, 2012, 06:35:10 am
Edit: Also, my earlier appreciation for the role of luck in the lives of our ancestors has been expanded and continues to grow, at a N^2*(1+Probability of things going bad rate.)

so ... pretty much cubic?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on June 28, 2012, 07:11:47 am
Edit: Also, my earlier appreciation for the role of luck in the lives of our ancestors has been expanded and continues to grow, at a N^2*(1+Probability of things going bad rate.)

so ... pretty much cubic?

Whoops - (N^2)*(every time  something happens)

I bad math.
Good god its brutal travelling. The worst part is when things start going well. Then you get overconfident and next thing you know, you've killed 24 dingoes as they mobbed you, overcome a mortal wound, murdered kobolds and dodged arrows, only to get killed while crossing a river as a hidden alligator eats your leg.

Or a random yak charges you out of no where as you travel down a slope.

Good god. Never mind finding armor is impossible depending on where you start.

-> Essentially: This is great fun. I think I am going to dump my adventurer in a city and then recruit him.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on June 28, 2012, 09:51:55 am
Can we get a confirm on what version this save is now at?
From Orky_Boss' post on tuesday, its now a 0.34.11 save.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 28, 2012, 05:47:29 pm
You can mod the dwarven entity file to change their favored site to CITY so that their sites actually appear, but all of the goods in stores will be human-sized for whatever reason. On the other hand, adding dwarven keeps and catacombs along with tombs means there's no shortage of dwarven-sized goods to pilfer.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 28, 2012, 06:33:18 pm
Should have an update later night, have the screenshots edited just need to write up the events, making a LOT of progress.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 28, 2012, 09:59:06 pm
Post moved to next page.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 28, 2012, 10:38:08 pm
I'm likin' your updates, Crossroads!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 29, 2012, 05:13:53 am
Actually going ot repost it cause Im tired of it being the last post on da page :P

So… If I was to truly prove myself to these Humans I was to kill a foul beast of the Underworld?  I shivered at the thought, yet I would not shrink from my task.
But I would not also go alone; I scoured the fort and found only a lone Pikemen who agreed to come with me.  Dosheb Apugnnebo joined what seemed like a fools errand.  I hoped his first adventure with me would not be his last.

We tracked west toward the beast’s lair.  The trip seemed uneventful, and then tension mounting more and more as we approached.  Dosheb kill a few echidnas along the way, which we butchered for their meat.  By morning we had reached a large pit in the ground. Fearful, we looked at one another before heading down inside.


The stench was indescribable, each of us gagged and did our best not to wretch.  Already we could hear the beast moving toward it, sensing our presence.  My heart pounded as the Giant Spider loomed before us.


I beheld the visage of terror as it hissed and shrieked, charging forward toward us.  Dosheb held his pike up and cried out as it impacted into the beasts hide.  A great squelching sound filled my ears as the Spider turned its fury upon the human, His spear deep in its Side.  I lunged forward, bringing both Axe and Sword down upon its legs.  Yet the attacks glanced away on the foul beasts hard chitin.

Suddenly Dosheb was hurled back, his Pike pulled form the beast as it charged once more.  There was a horrific scream of terror from my companion as I beheld the site of his head in the beast’s jaws!!!
Webbing filled the cave and I struggled for what seemed like an eternity to free myself before once more bringing by Sword down upon it’s limbs.  This time my attacks rang true as it’s leg was hacked clean and hurled away.


The beast seemed little phased by this, all it’;s malice and hate upon my companion as it shook him all the more. I was desperate now to save his life and struck at he beast’s head directly. My sword plunged deep into it’s foul jaws, trying to pry them apart.  It shrieked and dropped Dosheb as I plunged up again.  This time I felt my sword pierce up into the brain itself.  It’s body tensed for a moment and lay still.

The deed was done…  The beast lay dead…

Turning to my fallen companion I looked in horror at the wounds to his face, blood was everywhere and I feared his life was not long for this world.

I held him in my arms, and there amid the filth and stink of the cave, I passed out into sleep.

Morning came and to my shock I found the Human still alive.  The beast’s own webbing seemed to have saved his life, bandaged around his wounded head.  His wounds had clouted during the night and together we rose helping one another stand.
I looked down and picked up the beast’s hewn leg:

True proof of our dead… Together we headed back, the only incident along the way, a pack of stray dingos that we slew together.  The whole time Dosheb said barely a word to me, a strange distant far away look in his eyes….

We approached the fort and were hailed as heros full and true.  The Human Lawgiver looked pale as we showed her the beasts hewn leg.  She bid us take it away quickly needing no further proof…

We left, my task completed, I felt the time had come to embark upon my True quest.  I told Dosheb of my task.  That it would take me to the edge of the world across lands few if any have travelled.  He gave me a strange look, saying only that he would follow where his Pike led him.  I puzzled at his words but did not question them.

We embarked the next day and quickly made a dangerous but needed choice.  To reach my goal, I would have to pass a great inland sea.  To track around it would take months and I feared I would not have such time.

With the grip of winter still hard upon the land, we set off upon a frozen Sea.  Knowing at any moment death could greet us should the Ice break. 

The trip was freezing cold and taxed us both.  Dosheb kept us fed killing stray crabs that seemed stranded upon the seas surface.  At night we risked making a small fire upon the ice.  We needed water and melted what we could; putting the fire out as quick as we could should it risking breaking up the ice.

It was another before day before the endless blue wastes finally gave way to land, We both cheered as we stepped upon firm ground.

Ice and cold was still deep upon the land, a new land for us both.  We had truly left behind our old world and all that we knew as our journey was just beginning.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: SanDiego on June 29, 2012, 02:10:18 pm
New piece of art!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Also, I have several engravings depicting Bronze Colossus Bunsothamug The God-Forsaken Frog either settling in Bronze Towers or murdering dwarves in Silverysects.

On an unrelated note, there are freaking tons of limonite. More than microcline, in fact.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 29, 2012, 02:44:17 pm
I wonder if Melkor "really" settles as a migrant if there will be a "Melkor settled in silversects on 10, and also on 12" :P


Apparently our spot gets attacked by a Bronze Colossus on a regular basis? Any way of finding our where his lair is?

Also also... Almost half way there!!!
I'll have another update tonight!!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: SanDiego on June 29, 2012, 03:15:49 pm
I also get a lot of Roc engravings (and statues), mainly settling and slaughtering dwarves. It's called Fecai Bristlestream the Decisive Vigor. Truly interesting mountain range to live in.

Still no coal, though.

EDIT: Also, two traders showed up in my immigration wave, but don't do anything but loiter around map edge, showing up as 'Friendly'.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on June 29, 2012, 07:12:14 pm
I wonder if Melkor "really" settles as a migrant if there will be a "Melkor settled in silversects on 10, and also on 12" :P
Isn't Silversects the area?  If so, I would think that you'd get that he settled Silversects in 10, then settled in <fortress name> in 11 or 12, or whenever he arrives at the "real" fortress we start.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 29, 2012, 08:58:32 pm

We hiked inland for a day before coming to an immense forest. It seemed to stretch out in all directions.  The snow was still thick and the air still chilled to the bone.  We decided to make camp for the night, once more using melted snow water to keep us sustained.  We had plenty of chilled crabmeat as well for at least the next few days.

After thawing the ground a bit, we camped and made to sleep for the night.

The new land and woods did not seem to wish to give us a pleasant welcome. No sooner had we both gone to sleep then we felt the rush of jaws and claws upon us! WOLVES!
They seemed to appear from the snow itself, rising up and charging at us! Dosheb was the first to be attacked; a wolf bit down hard upon his arm and latched on firmly! Dosheb reacted quickly bringing his
Pike up into the wolfs paw.

As Desheb grappled for his life, I struck at the Wolf coming at me. We charged together, my body slamming the wolf to the ground as I lashed out wildly with my sword.  I caught only a glancing blow as watched as the beast ose sailed off.  It leapt back, howling in pain as I turned against another.  Again my sword cam down in the beasts under belly, pushing deep into its guts as Dosheb did the same to the wolf he was locked in battle with.

Within moments, the three laid dead before us, the snow deep with blood. Both there’s and ours... I faired well and Dosheb seemed to have only slight wounds to his arms and legs.  The two of us were exhausted and had slept little. We spent that night sleeping in turns, neither of us trusting the woods

By dawn we saw how thick the forest truly was.  We could scarcely see in front of us and could make little of the lands around us.  Our only guide was the on the declaration that I had been given so long ago.  It spoke of a human fort far to the west that we could find refuge and sanctuary at.
We made our way as best we could. All the time I worried of Dosheb, he seemed to sleep less and less, and looked fitful during the day.  He would never leave his Pike even at night, and seemed to grip it as though his life depended on it.

I did not speak of this, wishing only to make it out of the darkened woods.

We walked for another full day, always on guard from attack.  We knew for some time we were being tracked, something was following us.  Dosheb looked as though he were ill, sweating and exhausted.  I made to make camp to rest by, and it was then we were set upon!


Three of the green beasts jumped into the clearing. One with an evil looking mace, a long Spear, and the third wielded a monstrous Axe in both hands!
We went back-to-back immediately, out numbered and out armed!
I leapt first, charging at the goblin Mace holder.  The small beast moved quickly, the two of us dodged each other blows as we struck again and again.  I soon found myself against the Spear of another.  Again they dodged over and over as if trying to tire us both!
Finally my sword made contact and cut deeply into the goblins leg. The goblin criwd out as I hacked at it again, it’s leg flying off as it fell to the ground.  It snarled and I left it quickly behind to face the Mace wielding goblin behind me….

Behind me however the spear-wielding goblin was far from out of the fight. As I swung wildly to attack the mace goblin, the spear goblin lunged at Dosheb! Driving its cruel spear deep into my companion’s hand! I could do nothing to save him as I grappled for my life, finally striking the Mace goblin in the arm and knocking him back!

The strike cleaved the goblins arm clean off, and yet… One goblin had no leg, another had no arm and yet  Still they came at me!
Back and forth I hacked at both of them, again and again till they lay still.

For a moment I thought the night was won, and then, I realized we had but been fighting only TWO of the goblins.  It was too late that I remembered the giant Axe wielding goblin.  Already he was upon Dosheb, intent on ending his life once and for all.  My companion tried to strike by his the weight of the Axe was too much!
I watched for a moment as Doshebs own spear dropped from his grip, the Human weak and bloodied, he watched, his mind twisting as his spear, his center fell away into the night.  I could do nothing to retrieve it as the Axe goblin lay into him, twisting the wicked thing into Doshebs arm, as if mocking his agony!

I gathered myself up and then… And then the world went red…

I do not know what happened next, other then to awaken some time later.  The goblins were all dead around me.  The massive silver Axe lay broken in two at my side, splitting the head of the goblin that once wielded it.

At my feet lay Dosheb, breathing ragged, his arm was broken and bleed rapidly, his face and legs all were torn open.  His bronze chest piece was cleaved almost in two, just keeping his guts from spilling out…  I looked at him as he looked up, his mind seemed gone from his body, and I contemplated ending his pain and letting him depart.. But, NO! No I would not let him go, He clung to life even now.  I looked at the corpse of Uggi who I already carried so far.  I carried his corpse to our goal, I would not carry another with me.

For the next three nights I made camp at that spot, The bodies and corpses of the goblins around us always. I  felt at any moment we would be attacked again, yet we seemed to be left alone.  Perhaps the goblins would not face such a foe again…
For those three days Dosheb said not a word to me, his eyes seemed distant and dead.  Only once did I hear him mutter “Lost, my Pike, lost to me” but it was all but a whisper…

On the dawn of the third day, I helped him up as his resolve to live seemed to grow day by day.  Toegther we hiked to the edge of the woods.  The endless forest ended at last, and far, far in the distance I beheld Salvation!

A city at LAST!!!

((NOTE)) I have had companions die at the drop of a hat, But Dosheb seems made of pure Bad-Assium!  Most of his body was yellow, and his arms and legs red.  I honestly didn't think he would ever stand again. I was going to rest for 5 days, and if he didn't heal would leave him behind.  But by Day three he was back on his legs and following me... I tried to find his spear to carry with us, but it seemed totally gone. Either way it;s twice he SHOULD have died, but has lived, the guy is a monster
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 29, 2012, 09:16:18 pm
If he dies, it will be like this (
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on June 29, 2012, 09:32:47 pm
So, do your companions ever upgrade their weapons?  The wiki says you can't give them anything, but it would be nice if they occasional picked something new up.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 29, 2012, 09:35:58 pm
So, do your companions ever upgrade their weapons?  The wiki says you can't give them anything, but it would be nice if they occasional picked something new up.

Waiting/sleeping near animal corpses MAY make them butcher and make jewelry and decorate weapons/armor.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 29, 2012, 10:13:21 pm
You can use DF-hack to temporarily control them, and I would not consider this cheating.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 29, 2012, 10:39:16 pm
NOT considered cheating?
Huh shame won't be able to really use that.  At this point I am in the home stretch to Silverysects.
Stoping every day at a river by the by is a life saver in the deserts.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 29, 2012, 10:40:28 pm
And if there is a pool of blood around a corpse, I believe you can fill your waterskin with it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on June 29, 2012, 11:08:07 pm
Wait a second. Since when did you start using a silver short sword with no swordsman skill at all over a Steel Battleaxe with at least profficiency in them?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 30, 2012, 12:24:34 am
Well, apparently embarking on top of an existing mountainhomes causes a bit of a mess. I've had my first deaths and they are all linked to Silverysects instead of my test fortress Earthstrikes. Stuff that are correctly linked: migrants, caravans, profession changes, artifacts and masterful crafts/roasts.

( (

Details from Silverysects:

( (

And my test fortress Earthstrikes, only migrants and masterful crafts listed here:

( (

So, it might be a bad idea to embark there after all.

Oh yeah, I've let Nish to do some stone crafts, hoping that somehow his adventures would end up in figurines, but that's not happening. He is obsessed about blood gnats, insects he hates. The rest of the stuff pictured in the crafts are the usual kings, queens, generals, megabeasts, founding of mountainhomes etc. And of course Nish's and Rogon's mountain climbing. I've also checked out all the decorated items from caravans, but they have only basic images of circles and stuff like that.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 30, 2012, 12:37:32 am
What I recommend is that we name our eventual embark "Silverysects the Citadel," so that it will be the same name but discernable if need be. I guess it would be like Silverysects is the province and the Citadel is the fort.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 30, 2012, 06:25:27 pm
Working on the next update.  Almost done, Shouldn't be too long before I make it!
a Few things, Boogiemen seem GONE.  I have done tests sleeping out in the open, not even lighting fires and NO BOOGIEMEN!

ALso a note to Uggi on the matter of mixing the proposed fort with Silverysects...

Is anyone opposed to the idea of simply naming our Fort Silverysects?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 30, 2012, 06:26:50 pm
Working on the next update.  Almost done, Shouldn't be too long before I make it!
a Few things, Boogiemen seem GONE.  I have done tests sleeping out in the open, not even lighting fires and NO BOOGIEMEN!

ALso a note to Uggi on the matter of mixing the proposed fort with Silverysects...

Is anyone opposed to the idea of simply naming our Fort Silverysects?

I blame me. I fought bogeymen three times, three times I took them out. Maybe I messed them up or something?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 30, 2012, 06:35:43 pm
ALso a note to Uggi on the matter of mixing the proposed fort with Silverysects...

Is anyone opposed to the idea of simply naming our Fort Silverysects?

I'm not opposing it, but I think it'll need some testing. But we have all the time to test the fortress mode before we have 7 alive adventurers retired in Silverysects anyways. Toady will probably release a new save-incompatible version before that :p
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 30, 2012, 06:48:15 pm
Well it is easy enough to start up a new fort, call it "Silverysects" and see what happens.
Also I really REALLY hope Toady doesn't have another save breaker soon -_-. 

Also, it looks like I will make it, that will bring the number up to 3.
We've been at this, what, two, three months?

We need to get people to this place quicker :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 30, 2012, 06:50:34 pm
If you like, I could try. I seem to be having incredible good luck with adventure mode lately :D Currently working on a legendary Misc Object user.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 30, 2012, 07:18:32 pm
There are a looooot of people wanting a spot.. However you have been very active in the thread and helping in the game.
However... even after I finish with Orky, to be fair to others, there are still the following in line:

Now they may wish to skip or even drop all together... And who know they MAY even all get to the end and let us start the fortress proper!

But... I think all things considered, if the others do die... Again, I'll put you in at the top for the next batch of heros.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 30, 2012, 09:12:05 pm
Hoorah! I've been trainin' and trainin' adventure mode especially.

I'm thinking "Above Average Social Awareness", because that usually lets me recruit anyone right off the bat. High or Superior endurance, and Above average strength.

I'm going to avoid putting points in Fighter, because that trains on the fly pretty effectively. Swimmer (at least Competent), Dodger, Shield user and Armor user. Sound like a plan?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on June 30, 2012, 09:13:54 pm
you can reduce things like musicality and creativity to get more points for attributes that actually matter
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 30, 2012, 09:14:36 pm
Oh, yeah. Dump stats too, they go without saying.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on June 30, 2012, 09:16:16 pm
Remember, hero MIN.

-Incorrectness, of incorrect-
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 30, 2012, 09:19:24 pm
No.. Everyone was a HERO but you.  Demigod is Right out for stats!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 30, 2012, 09:22:10 pm
I ALWAYS play demigod. But for this I played Hero and found that there's little difference. Just put more points into the stats that won't rise on their own.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 01, 2012, 03:06:08 am
There are a looooot of people wanting a spot.. However you have been very active in the thread and helping in the game.
However... even after I finish with Orky, to be fair to others, there are still the following in line:

Now they may wish to skip or even drop all together... And who know they MAY even all get to the end and let us start the fortress proper!

But... I think all things considered, if the others do die... Again, I'll put you in at the top for the next batch of heros.
Don't forget me on the list.  I probably won't make it far, but I'd at least like to try. ;)

Also, is Silverysects the name of the existing dwarven site, or the area we are trying to get adventurers to?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 01, 2012, 03:38:35 am
It's the mountainhome of the Watchful Rags. With Embark Anywhere, we're going to embark on top of it/ near it.

Probably we'll call it some variation of that; as HugoLuman suggested, Silverysects the Citadel is a good one.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 01, 2012, 06:06:17 am
Ok guys!

Orky is at the mountain home!
I was going to wait till I finished posting the rest of his adventure... But time is ticking by.. So I am going to just upload it now, and send it to Reudh for his second try.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 01, 2012, 06:15:15 am
Aww yeah! I can't wait! This is gonna be awesome!

I hope a dingo doesn't eat me. Again. D:
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 01, 2012, 07:19:52 am
My advice from experiance...

Get a companion asap! Pike or Spear is best, short distance comapanions like Axe, Mace or Swords all seem to die horribly as they will rush into the middle of badguys before you.

Also, we joked about this earlier but it works!
Spend a few (game) days JUST SNEAKING.  Walking around under sneak mode around and around.  Boring? Yes... But it is invaulable later on.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 01, 2012, 08:29:04 am
Alright! I've got it working. Probably going to play tomorrow, I'm pretty exhausted and it's late at night.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 01, 2012, 11:36:41 am
Hoorah! I've been trainin' and trainin' adventure mode especially.

I'm thinking "Above Average Social Awareness", because that usually lets me recruit anyone right off the bat. High or Superior endurance, and Above average strength.

I'm going to avoid putting points in Fighter, because that trains on the fly pretty effectively. Swimmer (at least Competent), Dodger, Shield user and Armor user. Sound like a plan?

I'd put some points into Observer myself. It'll raise as you fight, but avoiding ambushes is key to survival.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 01, 2012, 12:48:29 pm
Also, we joked about this earlier but it works!
Spend a few (game) days JUST SNEAKING.  Walking around under sneak mode around and around.  Boring? Yes... But it is invaulable later on.
I was doing some testing just now, and you gain one experience point in Ambusher per tile moved while sneaking.  It doesn't really take long at all to reach novice (500 xp).  1100 tiles of movement to reach Adequate Ambusher from zero.  If you are travelling, it should definitely be pretty trivial to power Ambusher up at the same time.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 01, 2012, 01:29:33 pm
Worked for Deebus; I just didn't use fast travel, instead sneaking over vast tracts of countryside. Also, your companions might wander off more this way, but if you don't fast travel you don't get ambushed. Get your sneak up to a decent level, go fight some wildlife, raise observer, and then fast travel. You'll have to eventually, as the distance is just huge.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 01, 2012, 02:30:50 pm
Still at work so I cannot post the next section yet...
However, I did think of a way other can help the project.

Right now we have people helping out by "Beta Testing' the spot we will eventually build the Fort..
Well as the time approches, I was thinking of starting a new thread for the fort, and starting it by having a ful list of the adventures of all those who tried to make it.

Basically, For those that want to.. Go back and Quote JUST the posts by those in adventure mode. Once it is cleaned up we can have someones Whole wuest reduced to a single spolilerized spot on Page one of what will be the new thread. Message me if interested,
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 01, 2012, 05:10:35 pm

A town at last!
We have finally reached the end of the dark forest and have come upon a Human settlement.  The rest of the trip Dosheb walked as if in a trance, not speaking to me.  I am still amazed he survived his wounds, but fate seems to have plans for him.  Coming upon the town itself, we find first a large Temple at its edge.  I spend some time investigating it's carvings and find one stands out among the others...

I ponder its meaning.. Founded in Year "One" what could that mean? How could time start like this? Surely we have been on this world for centuries.  It says it is year 11, yet I am 60years old at least...  I do not tax myself with things for too long. My companion and I are both in need of rest and food.

I trade what trophies we have collected in exchange for rooms and fresh food.  It seems like forever since we have feasted on another but dried gamey meat and uncooked plants.

Dosheb eats slowly as I feast on roast pig. Again his mind seems no fully there, yet he follows me still, he is faithful and I owe him my life.

In the morning we find ourselves back in the market, and I find myself in need of proving myself to these Humans.  The previous night I visited the Lady whom rules this town.  She seemed not impressed by my tales, or simply not to believe them.  I find now I have to prove myself all over again.  Speaking to a simple farmer, I am giving a task much like the one that I remember from so long ago...

While speaking to him, I ask about the lands around us and he speaks of another outlaw named Snodub. The name means little to me until he speaks of who the goblin is an outlaw.  He says he killed another Dwarf named Phones Starchampion.
I look up suddenly, we have been wondering for months it seems, and not even seen another Dwarf Now I hear there was one murdered near this town? I wonder for a brief moment... Could it be...

But no, for now we must do the task before us.  We need the good will of this town if we are to take on any more help in our quest.  I, trust Dosheb as a friend, but I fear I can no longer trust him in battle.  We must find more help.

We set off the next day into the wilds.  We have been told the bandit camp is not far from us.  The air is clear and I notice day by day it grows warmer as winter thaws around us. 
Late in the afternoon we come upon some game.  Our bags are full of provisions and I feel no need to hunt.  Yet, something inside Dosheb seems to snap.  He races out of view, moving quicker then I can imagine.  In moments I see him attack a Kangaroo with his bare hands, pummeling the large creature.
The creature tries to kick out, but cannot land a blow, Dosheb seems as though possessed!
I watch in horror as his huge hands grip the beast throat and squeeze!

Over and over he crushes the beasts windpipe, yet it seems not to pass.  His eyes water as he froths as he seems intent on murder.  Eventually I notice he passes out, exhausted from some inner madness.  I step in finally with my Axe and put in end to it...

By the time Dosheb regains consciousness, he seems to have regained enough of his sanity to continue.  The camp is almost upon us, and I hope he shall stay with me enough to fend off these thieves...

We step out into a clearing, surprising the bandits and giving us the drop on them. I made a quick count of my foes, Two with Pikes, one with a sword, one with a Hammer and one with a Crossbow.  They all seemed to be caught off guard and staring at us, perhaps all the plundering had dulled their sense of battle.

I charged to the first Pikeman who tried to block my Silver Sword.  It's blade cut deep into his hand holding the Pike and he screamed out. I brought my other hand up holding the axe into his leg and dug in deep.  Blood poured out as from behind Dosheb, once again a mad look in his eyes... Punched deep into the Humans chest, his face making a loud cracking of bone as I could see ribs sniping apart. 

The Pikeman slumped and fell dead before us.  Coins fell from his pockets.  I snatched them up quickly, the glint of gold speaking to me deeply...
I turned around just in time to block the sword of another Human.  The death of their comrade seeming to finally get them roused. 
I pushed up and then with a mighty roar brought my Axe arm around to the human’s side.  There was a scream and the body slumped down, cloven in two!

The other Pikemen came at me then, I could see by his clothing he must be the Ringleader... He seemed fat and already breathed heavily. I came down upon him in a fury, my axe, already dripping blood, caught his arm and split the bone. The arm flew away and the Human clutched at the bloodied stump.  My axe continued on it's trip cutting into his side before coming down on his legs.  That too split and fell away.  The human falling to the floor gurgerling and spluttering.

I turned and cought the one with the Crossbow now... He seemed too stunned even to fire at me and isntead tried to just hit me with the weapon. Dosheb struck at him from behind, his mad hands pummeling the hapless Human as once more my Axe swung around.  This time cleaving the head right off. 
By the time it fell the Human was dead.  I turned back to the self proclaimed "Overlord" of these bandits.. His bloody body trying to crawl away with just one arm and leg...

I saw Dosheb walk over to him, a clam look on his face before he brought his fist down hard and ended the Human once and for all.

I turned now to the final Human, his War hammer shaking in his hands. I almost felt pity for him as I easily struck him down. his skills not worth mentioning...

With the Bandits gone, I took what I wished from them.  Mostly gold coins, which would serve me well back at the town.

The trip back was uneventful and quick.  We stopped only once at a river to wash the blood from us as best we could before returning to town... The Human Leader of the town seemed far more recptive to me now as I informed her of the bandit’s deaths.

Having finished our task at last, we left the Keep, eager to seek aid in one of the Human warriors, hoping they would join us.
Exiting, a Farmer came up to us.  The one I had spoke to earlier, he seemed worried as he spoke to me, I asked what was happening...
It seemed there was a simple thief and outcast who had finally overstayed his welcome.  He had killed someone and was now on the run from the guards.  Asking more it seemed he had last been sighted in one of the nearby stores.
I left quickly the name of this outlaw struck a memory...

It was the same name as the outlaw who struck down a Dwarf... A Dwarf who may have been on the same journey as I was!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Graebeard on July 01, 2012, 05:36:51 pm
Fantastic storytelling.  My socks to you, sir!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 02, 2012, 06:33:27 am
LOL Thanks for that matie :) I accept your socks with honor, hope to have the last part posted tonight :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 02, 2012, 01:28:52 pm
Socks are, after all, the greatest gift a dwarf can give.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 02, 2012, 06:54:40 pm
It would seem we had been tasked to find an outlaw who may have struck down one who came before us? Just as our un met companion Uggi had been.  This was a task we would finish with glee.
While I had been intent on seeking another human warrior and departing, such actions could wait.  A Dwarf had to be avenged!

We had been told the outlaw still dwelt within the town walls.
We searched several abandoned stores he had been sighted at, and even ventured down into the catacombs beneath the temple.  We came upon a few ill trained and un worthy bandits that we struck down.  But no sign of Snodub.

After almost a day of searching I began to doubt things.  Everyone I spoke to said he was within the town, yet no where could we find him... I would never shrink from a fight, but how could I fight if I could not find our target? 
Eventually, and with a heavy heart we returned to the Farmer, prepared to admit defeat.  Yet it seemed not to be. Upon seeing us we were embraced!

He seemed overjoyed that "We" had killed Snodub!
I looked around for a moment. Dosheb was of no help in pondering this strange matter and so I again spoek to the Farmer.
'Whom has told you this news? That we slain the outlaw?"

He instructed us to a local guard who had told him, a female Human not far from us.  Determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, we came upon a small house and entered. Inside the first thing that caught my eye was a Large Silver spear, still stained with the blood of a goblin!

The home we were in was small and I could see a Human and some children around, I asked who the owner of the spear was and to my surprise the Woman raised her hand.  She said her name was Dag Muthisimo and that it was indeed she who slew the outlaw...
( the kills of dag

She told us she did not wish to take credit for such a task, and had told the guards we had done the deed.  I think for a moment and ask if the goblin outlaw had anything "Strange' on his person.  Dag seemed as if expecting the question and handed us a Dwarfish scroll.  It was indeed the Same Scroll That both I, and my fallen companion Uggi had been given.

Surely this was no accident; fate had put her into our lives.  And, a Sear, that she wielded a Spear, the same as Dosheb had once held.  Already I could seem him staring at it, like a lost friend.  His eyes already seemed calmer.
I spoke to Dag, I knew I would ask much, but I felt Fate had picked her to join with us.!

I was overjoyed when she agreed. She grabbed her spear, said her farewell to family, and soon we made ready.

Now we made ready for the final leg of our trip.  Many I spoke to know of no other settlements between here and the Mountain Home we sought.  Meat we could get from the wild, but other sustenance we might not see again.
The gold I had taken from the bandits indeed served us well; we purchased a large amount of fresh fruit and other items to nourish us.  More indeed then we could carry.

It was then I did something I felt I should have done from our start... We were ot the first to travel this way, and would surely not be the last.  Others would follow us.  I took would supplies I could and gave them to Dag's family with instruction that should any Dwarf follow us; they were welcome to the food.  I also left a message saying that somewhere here, was the body of Phones Starchampion and like the corpse of Uggi, that they too should be taken to the home...

We set off the next day for what would be our final Journey. From this point on, as far as we knew, there would be no more towns, no more people, no one until we reached the mountain home.
We hiked for about a day.  Dosheb seemed to calm as he walked side by side with Dag. Weather it was by being next to a Human, or next to a Spear again I could not say.
( heading out into wilderness

Another day passed, Dosheb and Dag hunted together game. Often they would vanish from my sight all together, but always they returned and seemed in good spirits.
By the end of the second day, we came over a small crest of hills and before us lay Mountains. REAL Mountains!
I felt a stirring in my heart, as though I was indeed coming home!

We passed along the foot of the mountains; streams and rivers flowed from the base.  The farther we went down the hotter it became as well.  Not just from winter going into spring, but the very lands grew hot. Even at night the air was still warm, rivers no longer froze and often we had to hike up high into the mountains to find a place where we could cross around them.

During one such trip along a river, we came to a field that had a strange bluish hue to it.  The trees were strange as well and looked like great white Feathers.

Dag said she had hold stories of such places, that Elves and Unicorns sometimes inhabited such lands.  I Looked fearful at this news, clutching my Sword tightly.  Dag seemed confused that I would be fearful of such things.  Truly Humans have much to learn...

We made our way to a large Cave where we made camp for the night

I awoke in the middle of the night to a horrible sight!
Cyclops had also made it's home in the cave and was upon us!!!
At first I was not sure of what I saw, for it seemed as though Dag and Dosheb had already been fighting.  They seemed not to be wearing much of their clothing and Dosheb was holding his Loincloth!
I made a quick attack at the beast with my Axe that just cut a glancing blow upon the beast.  It turned and charged at me knocking me down! As I did so, Dosheb once more seemed to enter into some sort of Madness!
Both he and Dag had been interrupted by the Cyclopes and it had grieved him deeply!

Moving quicker then I could see he attacked the one eyed beast, punching it with his aged Loincloth over and over!
Every time I tried to get in closer I was knocked away between the two Humans who attacked over and over!

Suddenly there was a crack and the beast lay still, yet not dead.  Unconscious it fell before us, and I would not give it the chance of attacking us again!!!
The three of us now all attacked it, hoping to delve a fatal blow to it's head!
Spear, Battle Axe, and (apparently) Loincloths where all hammered over and over into the beasts Skull!

AT least it seemed death had claimed it and it moved no more.
I looked at the nearly naked Humans, curious of what they had been doing before the attack.  Dag seemed not to look me in the eyes, but hurriedly put her clothing back on.  Dosheb, perhaps still lost in his Madness, did nothing, remaining all but nude.  It was not until morning that he had clothed himself again... Save for his loin cloth which he held as though it were a newly forged spear...

We hiked out from the valley along a river to drink and wash off.  The heat was growing intense now and it beat down upon us like a Hammer. We found ourselves having to stop more and more to drink, and we decided to simply follow the river for as long as it took us, lest we wonder away and run out of water in the heat.

Two more days passed, the time spent killing beasts and snakes for meat.  The provisions we had taken with us and been either consumed or rotted and we had nothing left to consume but game.

Another few days passed, our movement becoming slower as the land grew hot.  Ever we followed the river until... Until one day...
The river we had followed fell over a cliff and down below we could see Dwarves.

There was no Mountain Home, No great city... No food no place to rest.
Only you two, who I have told my story too"

The Dwarves Melkor and Nish both looked up from the camp fire and nodded.
"So it was with us, nothing to find, as if we are expected to build the city ourselves" Nish spoke as he poked at the fire. Melkor spoke up next.
"And what of the Humans? I did not see them after the first day."
"I spoke to them last night. After so long with me, it woudl seem once I reached my goal they departed.  I hope Deshob may find peace, and that Dag may find her way back to her family. Both were mighty Warriors worthy of song!"
The other two Dwarves nodded in agreement, behind them laid the small makeshift shrine of the bodies of the fallen.  Nish looked at it and stood up.
"And what of now? You have joined us here, but will there be more?"
Orky looked down at the scrolls in his hands, the one that started him on his quest.
"There will be, We can only wait for them..."

And THUS does the saga come to the end!
A few notes on the quest!
*As far as I know, I had NO hand in killing Snodub, who killed Phones. I actually think I saw "Snodub" on the way into town, cause I only remember seeing ONE goblin above ground.  The only thing I can think of, is by starting the quest he suddenly became "Hostile" and The human gaurd was just next him and struck him down before us.

*I looked around for Phones body, but did not find it,  I hope that perhaps someone else may pick it up. Maybe Phones has a better location on it.

*For future travelers, anyone passing through, do a quick search and you'll find (hopefully) piles of berries food and other items to use in an abandoned house.  Also there’s a lot of gear below the Temple from people we killed, if you are brave enough to look around.

*On the Cyclopes attack... I Have NO IDEA how Deshob came to be holding a Loin Cloth, I am not sure if it was his or not... But he killed a LOT of people with it!

Also FINAL COUNTS for Dosheb and Orky:

Final Kills for Orky
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Final Kills for Dosheb
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
How we shape up in History in our civilization.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

A final note.
At the very end of things, Dosheb turned out to be so much of a Bad Ass, that he became a Hero to the "Watchful Rags" themselves. The only Human to do so thus far!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 02, 2012, 08:20:12 pm
I do believe "epic" is the correct term for this. :D

So, who's next?  Can't wait to see more of (and participate in) this wonderful game.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on July 02, 2012, 08:47:09 pm
I'm doing another embark test, this time I named the fort Silverysects. The two hard-coded migrant waves were again uninteresting, no historical figures in either one. But then the spring migrant wave brought both Nish and Orky, along with a few other historical figures and three merchants from last autumn's caravan.

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Detailed stats from Dwarf Therapist:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Nish's stats and thoughts are the same as they were in my first test fortress, except the things he likes/dislikes (the bright green text in the thoughts page). Looks like the adventurer Nish didn't have them and they're randomly created when he appears as a migrant in fortress mode. Same goes with the items he's wearing, they're slightly different. He seems to be wearing some crafts made from wildlife creatures he has killed while adventuring. First time he had a kea nail bracelet, now it's anaconda tooth bracelet. Also, the fancy fur clothes Orky stole from a dead goblin are gone.

About Dosheb... There are five instances of him in legends mode. Ubiq saw two clones of Dosheb (;topicseen#msg3252225), one of which stole a kill of a cyclops from him. Both drowned in a river. One instance of Dosheb was Melkor's companion (;topicseen#msg3360634). And now he helped Orky. This is getting a bit spooky :o (actually it's probably bug 5106 (

Also, two traders showed up in my immigration wave, but don't do anything but loiter around map edge, showing up as 'Friendly'.

The merchant migrants will get stuck at the map edge (bug 5098 (, you have to use DFHack's "tweak fixmigrant" command to unstuck them.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 02, 2012, 09:49:00 pm
If we've got DFhack working when we start, then matter of course:

tweak fixmigrant

That way we get the elves properly talking to say "NO WOOD PLOX" and the humans as well.

As for whose turn it is, I believe that now that Crossroads has finished, I'm up next. I've got the save ready and waiting, and before I start: Iton Shetbeth is not the correct civ to start as, right?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 02, 2012, 09:55:17 pm
Knocked this together just this morning, hope it inspires you. Yeah, it's an elf, but a very dwarfy one.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 02, 2012, 10:00:16 pm
Well everyone knows it is the "Watchful Rags"
Except I have no idea what that is in "Dwarfish" :/
EDIT: Oh wait, I think it is  "Isdenuneb"

Once again, so awesome to see those that make it actually arriving as Migrants!
It seems some aspects are randomly generated upon their arrival, SO disappointed to hear "Orky" lost all the super Bling clothes he stole.  A full set of masterwork clothing is pretty awesome!

Also also...
About Dosheb... There are five instances of him in legends mode. Ubiq saw two clones of Dosheb (;topicseen#msg3252225), one of which stole a kill of a cyclops from him. Both drowned in a river. One instance of Dosheb was Melkor's companion (;topicseen#msg3360634). And now he helped Orky. This is getting a bit spooky :o (actually it's probably bug 5106 (

No wonder "Dosheb" was so badass.... Apparently he is some sort of Super HUman that can transcend time so there are more then one version of him in the world!!!

Hugo that is a VERY CREEPY ELF! >_<

OH! You know what you should? You should totally draw a Portrait of each Dwarf that makes it to the end!
One of Nish
One of Melkor,
One of Orky...

And you can use their appearance as generated by them as migrants as a guide!!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 02, 2012, 10:33:50 pm
I'd love to do some illustratin'! Might only be able to make 1 per day, though, so it would probably be limited to just those adventurers. I only have access to the good computer for about an hour or two every day, you see. Other than that I just use this laptop to access the internet.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on July 03, 2012, 12:37:27 am
Would it be possible to get a hold of the save post Orky's arrival?

Oh and I found Ubiqs corpse. I lost an adventurer there too, and have since camped the kobolds in the catacombs repeatedly in his honor. And to get free arrows since they respawn. I've got an arsenal of swords, bows and shields littering the place now!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 03, 2012, 01:36:18 am
But Ubiq survived, didn't he?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 03, 2012, 02:18:12 am
That would be uggi's corpse, I expect, as Nish is quite alive.

Far as Friendly Traders go, they should move to the Depot when a caravan arrives; after which, they'll just hang around in the Dining Hall.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on July 03, 2012, 05:59:40 am
Whoops, Meant Uggis.

Edit: Wow, just checked out my Pike man companion - Slayer Kuda Shootbore, the Tornado of Insight. Eight notable kills. 7 kobolds, and 1 minotaur.

I can imagine that other human companions who reach the final mountain home will be equally badass. Would they show up as migrants by any chance? Seeing as you leave them last in your mountain home, do they end up retiring there/ becoming citizens?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 03, 2012, 06:47:27 am
As far as we know, Human Companions "Vanish" after you retire in a Town.
They don't die, they just "go away" And of course, sadly, Humans never come as migrants.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 03, 2012, 07:22:01 am
I wonder if it's possible to use Dfusion to change the race of historical figs? Probably is. But the instability that would result would be ridiculous.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 03, 2012, 07:34:12 am
Ok here is a question for all when the fortress starts...

I was thinking about "Story" and how much we want story to influance how we build the city.
My idea was, as each Dwarf arrived, they wouldn't just sit around... They would make a small shelter for themselves. And as each new Dwarf came, it would be expanded a bit.

The "Planned" City would start when the 7th Dwarf comes bringing word from the Low King. But when he arrives, one would imagine a smal set of huts, or shelters all done somewhat at random.

Anyone think this is something worth doing when we start the the Fort?
As in sending some time building some simple shelters where the others would have been waiting... Or... Just go right into building the grand city?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on July 03, 2012, 07:54:35 am
Dwarves don't live in in huts? The natural behaviour for a dwarf is do dig himself out some shelter underground. If ever dwarves engage in above-ground-architecture it is only to erect some absurdly monstrous non-useful oversized monument for all races to see what dwarves are capable of. (Be that a "city", a temple, a fortress/tower/citadel or whatever)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 03, 2012, 08:10:43 am
I think the normal "dig a short tunnel into the hill side that will eventually become the main entrance hall, but right now is where we store our stuff while we dig out bedrooms" is the way to go.  The first arrival would probably scout around and pick the "best" spot for the entrance/above ground portion, and dig a small cave there.  Subsequent arrivals would help expand it.

Too bad we can't dig in adventure mode, as that would allow each to have dug 2 or 3 tiles out each after they arrived and before officially retiring. ;)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 03, 2012, 08:49:23 am
Perhaps as Krenshala said, they merely dig out a hovel for themselves. A 2x1 room plus a door.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 03, 2012, 12:00:53 pm
Well as we know, Adventureres cannot 'Dig' So they would only be able to construct simple huts or hovels.  they won't be able to dig until the fort starts and Pickaxes arrive.

Maybe some small, 2 by 6 sized rooms just to store things. 
They Currently have Axes, so they can cut trees, A spear for hunting and a sword.
SO for the three right now, they would prolly have one or two small huts made of wood.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on July 03, 2012, 12:12:09 pm
Adventures can't 'C'onstruct either ...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 03, 2012, 12:16:25 pm
About human migrants; if you played as a human adventurer and retired at a dwarf fortress, your human would become a citizen and thus a potential migrant. There is much hard evidence for this. I believe if you use dfhack to take control of your companions, you can force them to retire.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on July 03, 2012, 12:39:37 pm
Dping some beta-testing in the Valley of the Dwarves, to see if these get adventurer migrants there as well (which might solve the silverysects name problem).
So far, summer and no joy.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on July 03, 2012, 12:44:45 pm
About human migrants; if you played as a human adventurer and retired at a dwarf fortress, your human would become a citizen and thus a potential migrant. There is much hard evidence for this. I believe if you use dfhack to take control of your companions, you can force them to retire.

Hmmm.... Could we get that grandfathered in :D, I mean they followed the dwarves through everything, maybe they are worthy!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 03, 2012, 12:46:21 pm
We'd have to go round them up again. Of course, I think that if you retire and unretire your companions are mysteriously with you suddenly.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on July 03, 2012, 12:50:33 pm
Well that's cool  to know. It's probably not in the original envisioned plan though, so crossroads would be the final arbiter.  Maybe if a similar fort is done later, it could be done.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on July 03, 2012, 02:02:36 pm
The two hard-coded migrant waves were again uninteresting, no historical figures in either one.

Correction here, the autumn wave had one migrant from Cobaltveils, the neighbouring mountain halls.

Well as we know, Adventureres cannot 'Dig' So they would only be able to construct simple huts or hovels.  they won't be able to dig until the fort starts and Pickaxes arrive.

Maybe some small, 2 by 6 sized rooms just to store things. 
They Currently have Axes, so they can cut trees, A spear for hunting and a sword.
SO for the three right now, they would prolly have one or two small huts made of wood.

Maybe you can simulate their digging attempts (for the story) by building wooden shacks on top of the dried up murky pools and pretend that the pools are actually their little basement mines, which they dug out with their axes and spears. I think I've seen some rain coming down, but the murky pools will stay dry.

Or if you really want to roleplay, embark with a pickaxe and a few weapons. Leave the weapons on the surface for our adventurers, since they don't bring them as migrants. Use the first dwarves to dig straight to the first cavern (to get underground trees & plants for them), start an underground base and build nothing on the surface. In the 4x4 embark there are a few hills on the east side of the map (image here (, you could hide the entrance in one of the narrow little passageways there.

Then when the first adventurer shows up, burrow him in the surface, let him build a wooden hut and a small farm next to Rogon's body. When the next adventurer shows up, let him build another hut and so on. When they have all arrived, let them discover the hidden mountain hall entrance. Of course this might take a few dwarven years for all of our adventurers to show up as migrants. Meanwhile the underground population would grow and then the goblins would start attacking the surface dwarves. So we might need to play with invaders off until all adventurers have arrived.

Anyway, even without all the roleplaying, it would be easy to build a few wooden shacks on the surface, live with surface plants and wait until the caravan or a migrant brings a pickaxe. There's plenty of plants and wood around. Oh, and there's a stack of prickle berries next to Rogon's body. Reclaim them, brew them and use the seeds to start a big farm. You can even find rope reeds with some time and luck (to get some cloth bags and start the glass industry early).

The only wildlife attacks I've had were from keas that tried to steal some stuff, but they were quickly put down by unarmed militia. Oh, and an occasional attack of a kestrel. I've seen anacondas and crocodiles but they seem to avoid the dwarves. The only problem is water, if somebody gets injured you have to dig down to get some water. I couldn't get my well working, it probably needs a screw pump to clean the water.

I named the new test fort Silverysects but deaths are still linked to the original Silverysects. I might do another test with only partially overlapping the existing fort and see how that goes.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 03, 2012, 02:29:47 pm
I really like the idea of having the migrant waves being linked to building the fort.
Pretending that each Hero that arrives is coming for the first time and then building thier place together. Then when they arrive they "Discover" the city which has been built seperatly.

It sounds like fun but it would be VERY Complicated... Simply building some makeshift forts on start up would be much more simple.
My other thought was the first 7 dwarves that DO start, we name as the seven that made it, just for story sake... Then each time one of them "REALLY" shows up, we just change the name back to what it was.

Also on embarking, I think embarking on a partal is going to happen since having a River in this is a MUST for the desert heat.
An unlimited source of water on the surface is going to be very VERY needed, especially for some of the ideas I am having for the "City"

Anyone elses thoughts? Comments?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on July 03, 2012, 02:31:31 pm
i missed alot.
now i want to play! when i cant! >:(
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Garky on July 03, 2012, 05:10:45 pm
The 7 adventurer dwarves won't join the colony until migrant wave 3+ however, right? I'm sure they'd have dug out their own little residences, biding their time and slaying local horrors until the wagon of colonists arrives. That's just over the next hill though, and they leave their temporary abodes behind to defend their brethren as they carve out a real fortress.

Great thread by the way!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 03, 2012, 07:23:02 pm
As in sending some time building some simple shelters where the others would have been waiting... Or... Just go right into building the grand city?

Small collection of huts or a hobbit burrow works.

Well, for those who need them, Nish has so many Ambusher levels that he can just hide behind a blade of grass if he needs to take shelter.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on July 03, 2012, 08:10:54 pm
And here's finally Melkor, beaten and covered in blood. That's a left hand glove she dropped at the map edge. I guess Toady didn't think about one-armed migrants :p She arrived in the autumn wave of the 2nd year of my test fort.

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Details from Dwarf Therapist:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 04, 2012, 07:21:25 am
A creature awakes... a force possesses it... could it be?

The spirit of Reudh back again?

Oho, it is. It's Reudh, back again!

This time, I will make it to Silverysects! This time! T'ere kin only be one t'ousan!


And what of my personality? My skills? They are not much different.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 04, 2012, 08:01:17 am
I awake into a town. A proper hustle and bustle town. This looks like a fine place to begin my journey. This is Praisebasin, in the country of the Confederations of Wading.

I begin to look for people to recruit to my cause. I find none, but interestingly enough, I find a person who calls themself the Exalted Oracle.


Bah. Everyone knows only I am the true god, the Avatar of Reudh, Armok's Junior Undersecretary to Platelets.

I know now that I must head southwest. To that effect, I summoned my prior knowledge, courtesy of my previous inhabitant: the Ageless Nightmare of Apes-

My thought is that I avoid the goblin country, on account of its danger to me. Goblins are nasty beings, possibly more disgusting than humans. I am not sure weather I should swim across the ocean; I have heard tell of people being snap frozen, especially in colder climates. If I elect not to swim, I must detour around the southern coast of the sea and travel through the Special Buck, an ELVEN country.

I hate them too. If they are wise, they'll stay out of my way.

You might say I hate everyone, but oh contraire! I do not hate dwarves. I do not hate gnomes. I do not hate the animal men that creep in the caverns.

I only hate the above ground worms that call themselves sentient.
I remember Kes, though. Kes Pessalcone. The only human I ever considered worthy. Ever. He lived and died with me. We were murdered by three giant dingoes. Like dogs, but angrier. Like dogs, but ten feet tall. Like dogs, but with sharper teeth. It was a terrible pity.

Perhaps the humans of this town are the same. I might find one worthy of travelling with me.

Though it takes ages of sifting through their artificial caves, I find a crossbowman. He's the only guard of the town; sitting in the keep, he fiddled with his crossbow. I see something of Kes in him. He tells me his name is Dof Kisnastrozmo, or "Visionbuttered". He claims it is the name of an ancient and powerful family; though all of us remember the Time of Awakening. I scoff, naturally. None of us has existed for more than ten years in Licevathiira.

But, I decide to take Dof with me. I do need a bodyguard to keep the creatures of the night away.

I decide to sneak through the town. The less known about me the better. Dof does not understand why I move so slowly and in such a strange stance, and so he dances about me. Fool.

I check the sky before we begin to walk through the town. The sky is clear- the sun is high in the western sky and a cool breeze plays around my cave spider silk dress.

There are shops everywhere, including a proper butcher's market. I have nothing to trade, unless these foolish humans want rocks or mud I cannot offer anything.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 04, 2012, 08:05:15 am
Ha. I scraped kilograms of loamy soil off the ground and offered it to a planter in exchange for ten prickleberries. The fool took the soil with an expression of glee and happily handed me the berries.

This pleases me greatly. I think I shall buy some more.

And so I did. I bought 24 prickleberries. This shall keep me sated for the journey ahead, long enough to catch some meat and kill it.
The only problem with beginning life in Praisebasin is that I must cross a river to begin my journey. While I am a passable swimmer, Dof has no skills to speak of. I do not want to die, either.
Some of the apes tell me that the river narrows to the north, between Praisebasins and a hamlet a short distance past it.

I think that it is the right way to go.

And so Dof and I leave Praisebasins to the north, after some consideration. The apes tell me 'Giant hamsters roam freely out there', and to be careful. One ape has the temerity to suggest to Dof that he dissuade me from my foolish pilgrimage, and I nearly lose my temper.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 04, 2012, 08:27:56 am
Dof and I arrive in Glazedletters, a tiny hovel of a hamlet. A child ape gleefully admits me entry to the lone house, and Dof and I sleep on the dirt floor. I am hungry. Why I am now hungry I do not know- I suppose it is one of the bad things about "becoming flesh".

Tomorrow, a bright new beginning in our journey. I will swim across the river and make for the nearest town or hamlet, before travelling southwest.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 04, 2012, 08:54:47 am
Dof drowned in the river. Fool. He has none of the fighting spirit Kes had.

I snuck across the land. I killed a tiercel peregrine- hitting it so hard that it flew away from my strike and skidded along the ground; bleeding out. I couldn't butcher it for some reason though.

Sneaking further, I found some cavies near a creek. I cornered one from the rest of the group, and stabbed it in the shin. Some power guided my strike, for not only did I break its leg, it was thrown away from the force of the strike and landed some metres away.

(Seriously, I've gotten two "propelled away by the force of the blow" and I'm only High Strength, with a copper spear.)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 04, 2012, 10:03:25 am
LOL omg Reudh that is seriously some fcked up funny Story telling so far.
And you already got someone killed?

What would Dosheb think!

Also a word to Uggi, So good to finally see Melkor showing up!
How Badass is it shes wearing a Unicorn Hood Crown
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 04, 2012, 11:25:39 am
I saw that as well, about the crown and got a chuckle. :D

Reudh, did you try to go back for Dof's crossbow and bolts? After he drowned?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 04, 2012, 01:12:50 pm
A creature awakes... a force possesses it... could it be?

The spirit of Reudh back again?

Oho, it is. It's Reudh, back again!

Dosheb of the Thousand Forms: *snorts* Amateur.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 04, 2012, 03:18:50 pm
BTW, you know those stats you lowered because they have no effect in adventure mode, and used the points to raise other stats? Well, they do have an effect in fortress mode. So sad to say that Reudh II has no empathy, not a great sense of intuition (very important), is not creative, is impatient, has trouble remembering things, has a lot of trouble with words, and isn't that great at thinking (low analytical ability.)

So... just something to think about.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 04, 2012, 04:03:40 pm
Considering you only gain 1 point for each step you lower something below average, it doesn't seem worth the penalty to gain that one extra step above average it may gain you (depending on how you spent your points).
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 04, 2012, 10:12:03 pm
I don't really mind that he'll be pathetic in fortress mode; I put the points into everything that I feel can help my survival.

Also, here's a nice little tidbit for y'all.


Ooer, I didn't see how poorly i'd edited that. Late at night, y'know? Look how far it went from being punched by some berries.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 04, 2012, 10:22:46 pm
BTW, you know those stats you lowered because they have no effect in adventure mode, and used the points to raise other stats? Well, they do have an effect in fortress mode. So sad to say that Reudh II has no empathy, not a great sense of intuition (very important), is not creative, is impatient, has trouble remembering things, has a lot of trouble with words, and isn't that great at thinking (low analytical ability.)

So... just something to think about.

Outside of kinesthetic sense, most of the survival skills aren't useful in Fortress Mode besides being a hunter or soldier. Same applies the other way around with only empathy really having much use in Adventure Mode.

Of course, this makes me want to try this challenge with a weak, slow, flimsy dwarf with relatively useless skills like numerous levels of Reader (Novice is all you ever really need in that) and Knapping.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 04, 2012, 10:28:46 pm
Yes, that's right! Fear me, oh quaking rodents of Licevathiira! Fear me! And you too, Master Armadillo. I will break your shell and so I did!

(Got some nice skills from stabbing over and over and over until i finally severed the shell entirely.)

The night begins to fall. Without Dof I cannot do a thing. So, I do the only sane thing.

I box myself in with fires all around me. And with that, I go to sleep.

I awake to the gargled sounds of a vulture being strangled. "ERK ERK ERK URGK" it screeches before passing out. Pity. One of them managed to kill a bogeyman before it too was strangled to death. So I sit here. I can't go back to sleep, I can't wait. All I must do is count down the minutes to daytime while the bogeymen circle around the fires, unable to come close. I fling my dagger at one, but I miss. There is no clay to fling at them from here either, and I dare not waste any of my other precious substances.


So I must wait, bit by bit.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on July 04, 2012, 10:35:43 pm
Yes, that's right! Fear me, oh quaking rodents of Licevathiira! Fear me! And you too, Master Armadillo. I will break your shell and so I did!

(Got some nice skills from stabbing over and over and over until i finally severed the shell entirely.)

I wish I came across one of them. Could got legendary hammerdwarf to good use...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 04, 2012, 10:43:20 pm
I saw that as well, about the crown and got a chuckle. :D

Reudh, did you try to go back for Dof's crossbow and bolts? After he drowned?

Long since left him in the dust. I'm beginning to think it might've been smarter to journey via the other human civilisation to the south before heading west-south-west.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 04, 2012, 10:50:15 pm
Interact with the water in your flask. Dump it on the ground. Fill the waterskin from the puddle. Begin picking up and throwing handfuls of water at boogeymen until they die.

Also, boogeymen running afoul of wildlife never ceases to amuse me. Especially when they plow right into a pack of Giant Dingos or Giant Badgers.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 04, 2012, 10:53:49 pm
Missmissmissmissmiss -

The spinning water strikes the bogeyman in the upper body, bruising the muscle and tearing apart the middle spine's nervous tissue! The bogeyman falls over!

Brilliant idea, Ubiq!

It's great training, I have gone from dabbling to Skilled in not long at all. One bogeyman dodged right onto the fire and I attacked it, landing myself on the fire. Thankfully I was able to leap back off it, and the bogeyman fled off screen and vanished. No matter how much I injure them, they just disappear and come back healed.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 05, 2012, 12:41:42 am
Missmissmissmissmiss -

The spinning water strikes the bogeyman in the upper body, bruising the muscle and tearing apart the middle spine's nervous tissue! The bogeyman falls over!

Brilliant idea, Ubiq!

It's great training, I have gone from dabbling to Skilled in not long at all. One bogeyman dodged right onto the fire and I attacked it, landing myself on the fire. Thankfully I was able to leap back off it, and the bogeyman fled off screen and vanished. No matter how much I injure them, they just disappear and come back healed.
You can only encounter a certain amount of bogeymen per night. If they get too injured, they might go out and presumably tag-team with a fresh evil spirit. If you manage to actually kill one before it crawls away, though, a new one doesn't appear. It's kind of a bitch to hit them in the dark, though. If you don't feel it cheap you could always type reveal in dfhack to see where they are.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 05, 2012, 01:55:42 am
A problem I foresee is if they dodge onto the fires diagonally to me. I can't move diagonally. I can attack them, but I risk landing on the fire again. I'm going to make a macro that spams . so I can get through the night.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 05, 2012, 02:30:05 am
If they are crippled and dodge into the fire, kill them. Much faster than . spamming.

Plus, if you spam the wait key it is likely your fires will go out before morning. It is better to keep trying to kill them so that you either do and then can sleep, or they are all severely crippled when the fires do go out.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on July 05, 2012, 02:32:43 am
I always make my boxes pretty big, big enough so they dont spawn in it but big enough to run in if they get in/so I can find clay to throw.

Would help your life expectancy if you do that.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 05, 2012, 03:28:52 am
Smart idea, Corai. I have crippled one to the point that it no longer dodges my thrown water, and with a skilful strike I severed its horn. I also recorded a macro that repeats . 30 times and play it when the bogeys are in the wrong spots.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 05, 2012, 03:33:16 am
These creatures that taunt me, just out of reach...

Some practice and I can leach the energy out of water, rendering it briefly solid enough to hit and hurt the bogeymen. No, not really. I'm just flinging water at them. It seems to have some efficacy though.

Spoiler: Progress (click to show/hide)

I have flung several thousand handfuls of water. I am now a master thrower.
And with that, I manage to kill one of the bogeymen.
Spoiler: First Bogeyman kill (click to show/hide)

I took a bit of a beating from a bogeyman who hit me after he fell in the fire. Other than that, I feel fine. Just bruises.

Spoiler: Health and Stats (click to show/hide)

I started with 1003 speed. Now I have 1074. Fantastic!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 05, 2012, 12:20:19 pm
Removes water laced with boogeyman blood.
Immediately dies of blood loss.

I think he must have pulled out some extra blood while doing this.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 05, 2012, 03:32:40 pm
And thus Reudh invented Waterbending.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on July 05, 2012, 03:34:31 pm
And thus Reudh invented Waterbending.

Quick, someone throw magma and air. Then we can do that overused quote.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 05, 2012, 03:37:41 pm
And thus Reudh invented Waterbending.

Quick, someone throw magma and air. Then we can do that overused quote.
Which overused quote? Also, you forgot throwing an infinite amount of small limestone rocks from one pile of rocks.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on July 05, 2012, 03:39:11 pm
And thus Reudh invented Waterbending.

Quick, someone throw magma and air. Then we can do that overused quote.
Which overused quote? Also, you forgot throwing an infinite amount of small limestone rocks from one pile of rocks.

I threw silt instead of rocks, so I have earthbending.

We used to mine everyday, but then the magma fortress invaded or whatever it is.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 05, 2012, 03:45:25 pm
And thus Reudh invented Waterbending.

Quick, someone throw magma and air. Then we can do that overused quote.
Which overused quote? Also, you forgot throwing an infinite amount of small limestone rocks from one pile of rocks.

I threw silt instead of rocks, so I have earthbending.

We used to mine everyday, but then the magma fortress invaded or whatever it is.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
There, I did both.

But seriously, Reudh will now impress the mountainhome with hydrokinesis.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 06, 2012, 03:56:19 am
Thankfully as I killed one last bogeyman, "the cackling faded away." Tired and struggling to breathe, I hightailed it back to Praisebasin, realising that I had left my copper spear behind. Blast, blast, blast. I think I'll go find Dof's corpse and steal his crossbow and bolts; after all, I am now a Legendary Thrower so an arrow thrown by me should be death in an instant.


Rather than head southwest across country no civilisation exists in, I think instead I shall travel between civilisations. This is doable; I can head to the humans in the south; thence to the elves southwest of them, from there it is only a short journey to my destination.

I look in the keep I found Dof in. There, a carpenter seems to know me. Her name is Nod. I ask her about her family.


...My actions have consequences...

Nod is Dof's wife.
They had three children...

Oh, cruel fate.

...While searching for Dof's corpse, I find some hippos. Using my newfound powers of hydrokinesis, I invisibly jet water at them.

...To no effect.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 06, 2012, 04:36:10 am
I leave south of Praisebasin. There is a fort there, the last bastion of civilisation before the next human country some miles south. I find a new friend there.


He wishes to leave this fort, inhabited by four.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 06, 2012, 07:58:28 am
Kado and I travel far to the south. We are roughly three-quarters of the way to our halfway point, a cave called Necronights. Kado announces he is out of bolts; I spend a good hour chasing after him as he beats impalas, cavies and boars to death with his crossbow, when I suddenly lose sight of him. He is dead or missing. I think missing; though this annoys me it is only Mid-day (It is raining / The sky above you is a uniform and dark grey / The sun is directly above you, behind some clouds / A cool breeze is blowing from the east) and so I keep travelling.

There is nothing of note to report; except that I hope to reach Necronights before nightfall.

I reach Necronights in late afternoon and I prepare to enter. Wish me luck.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 06, 2012, 08:44:52 am
I sneak around in Necronights. I fall asleep in there- two giant bats see me and I flee, sustaining mild bruising. It is now just before dawn, so i deem it safe. Eventually the bats give up the chase and return to Necronights. Nothing more of import happens until I reach Zostraistro in the next country, the Nation of Thrones. I am now roughly a quarter of the way through my pilgrimage. There I recruit a maceman to join me.

My food supplies remain strong.

I intend to head slightly southeast to Acspishab, a fortress so that I might get more bodyguards.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on July 06, 2012, 08:45:31 am
Melkor arrived in the third migrant wave, spring after 1st caravan, so it would appear location doesn't affect chances of migration. This means it would be possible to embark in the Vally (which I thought was the original idea) and avoid Silverysects naming/ embark anywhere problems. (if you want to)
There's lots of Zinc, Mussels, and tasty Wild Boars.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 06, 2012, 08:56:57 am

Spoiler: The Journey So Far (click to show/hide)

I intend to use the caves as rest points, where possible. :D

All food from this point on must be hunted, as the only markets in the world are in Praisebasin. Necronights led to the caverns, so I daren't go further into it- i merely slept in the mountain there, safe from bogeymen and (semi)safe from the bats.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on July 06, 2012, 09:33:02 am
no villages?
take there berrys!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 06, 2012, 10:36:37 am
Melkor arrived in the third migrant wave, spring after 1st caravan, so it would appear location doesn't affect chances of migration. This means it would be possible to embark in the Vally (which I thought was the original idea) and avoid Silverysects naming/ embark anywhere problems. (if you want to)
There's lots of Zinc, Mussels, and tasty Wild Boars.

That is a good thing to know, which means we can set up forts in other spots.
The main problem was we needed a Mountain home were we could retire in. 
The very first map had one in the 'Valley of the Dwarves' unfortinatly mineral scaricty was horrific and we re-genned the map.
When we did the Fort moved to where Silverysects is.

Now knowing it doesn't matter where you are, we COULD make a fort up there.

Hmmm.. Uggi's body as well as the Body of Nish's Companion are down in Silverysects...
I was hoping to make a shrine or temple on that spot to the fallen.  If we build elsewhere it would kind of change the story..

Shoot wish we knew this earlier...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on July 06, 2012, 12:30:18 pm
[quote author=Crossroads Inc. link=topic=108291.msg3430295#msg3430295 date=

Hmmm.. Uggi's body as well as the Body of Nish's Companion are down in Silverysects...
I was hoping to make a shrine or temple on that spot to the fallen.  If we build elsewhere it would kind of change the story..

Shoot wish we knew this earlier...
If an adventurer picked the bodies up before retiring, would they carry them to the fort?
If so you could get them to migrate with the bodies, and build the temple when they come.
EDIT: oops.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: towerdude on July 06, 2012, 12:38:11 pm
Actually me above sea fortress is started in year 3, for the reason that I wanted to write the legends screen filled withy my dwarves. The bad thing is, I can't visit my site as an adventurer with active dwarves, just an abandoned fort or annihilated one. There should be an option to visit your previous fortress with active dwarves (no no need for workshops or anything, just constructions and the dwarves, like in present dwarven cities).
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on July 06, 2012, 03:39:24 pm
Hmmm.. Uggi's body as well as the Body of Nish's Companion are down in Silverysects...
I was hoping to make a shrine or temple on that spot to the fallen.  If we build elsewhere it would kind of change the story..
If an adventurer picked the bodies up before retiring, would they carry them to the fort?
If so you could get them to migrate with the bodies, and build the temple when they come.

No, they arrive wearing only some random clothing and some amulets/rings/crowns etc made from animals they've killed or butchered while they were adventurers. All their stuff is gone, including weapons. Nish arrived as a hunter in my test fort, but didn't carry a crossbow.

But since the adventurers are now retired in Silverysects you can unretire and continue playing with them, right? So it would be possible to pick up the corpses, hike to the Valley of Dwarves, drop the corpses on the spot where the future fortress will be (and anything else from your inventory you would want to be saved for fortress mode), and then walk back to Silverysects and retire again.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 06, 2012, 03:50:47 pm
As uggi says, we could always take an Adventurer out of retirement and have them haul the corpses up to the spot the fort will go on before returning to Silverysects. Recruit a few of the colleagues to avoid Boogeymen and skim around the edge of the mountain range via Quick Travel to make the trip as quickly as possible. To avoid losing somebody to rivers or streams, make an occasional trip up into mountains to cross at brooks and then move on as quickly as possible to avoid idiots running off after wildlife. It could probably be done in about a week of in-game time or less.

Melkor could recruit all of the rest of them most likely, but possible infection setting in is a worry when it comes to adventuring with her or Orky. Nish doesn't have to worry about that though as he only has scars and no injuries beyond that. Plus he actually walked through the Valley of the Dwarves and knows where it is so there's an in-game excuse for doing this.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 06, 2012, 05:04:38 pm
I kind of like the idea of carrying the yet to be entombed to the Valley, so we can build stuff there.  Technically, we only need to have one retiree make the trip and back to drop off the bodies if we don't need any specific inventory items as well to be present.  This could make things easier overall (e.g., those prone to infection don't need to go anywhere, and can drop stuff for others to haul if needed).
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 06, 2012, 05:39:04 pm
Why haul at all? Silverysects is a good site, even if it requires minor hacking. Plus, if it is supposed to be the first great dwarf settlement we're building, moving it somewhere other than the actual site of the mountainhome would be... I dunno.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 06, 2012, 06:33:27 pm
Why haul at all? Silverysects is a good site, even if it requires minor hacking. Plus, if it is supposed to be the first great dwarf settlement we're building, moving it somewhere other than the actual site of the mountainhome would be... I dunno.
Either way works for me. ;)  I was just trying to point out the advantages if we wanted the "real" Mountainhome to be at the originally selected location instead of where Silverysects is currently located.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 06, 2012, 09:06:37 pm
I think I am doing well, in that I have no cripplings or anything yet. Just heavy bruising that heals when I travel. :D

Mind you, I am only a quarter of the way through my journey, so there's plenty of chance for maiming. The travel between the east lair, the elf country and the west lair is going to be the toughest. I hope I don't lose any companions; I think I've exhausted the world's supply. :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 06, 2012, 09:40:52 pm
Some of them will glitch and respawn, I wouldn't be too worried. Has anyone seen a pick in any of the keeps so far?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 06, 2012, 09:50:57 pm
On your journey map, I notice a lair or something a couple tiles south of your blue line, about halfway between the last two lairs/caves you plan to stop at.  Any particular reason you are skipping that spot on your journey?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 06, 2012, 10:48:12 pm
On your journey map, I notice a lair or something a couple tiles south of your blue line, about halfway between the last two lairs/caves you plan to stop at.  Any particular reason you are skipping that spot on your journey?
It seems a bit out of the way. Why risk the extra journey length?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 06, 2012, 11:50:56 pm
On your journey map, I notice a lair or something a couple tiles south of your blue line, about halfway between the last two lairs/caves you plan to stop at.  Any particular reason you are skipping that spot on your journey?
It seems a bit out of the way. Why risk the extra journey length?

That's exactly my reason, and also, historically mountains have always been doom for me when I play adventure mode. D:

I am taking a rather circuitous route, but I deem it the safest possible. The only possible danger is dying to whatever is in the caves; though I am now a Skilled ambusher, and a Grand Master thrower, I think I should be alright. (And gosh, bolts do HUGE damage when thrown).
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on July 06, 2012, 11:53:50 pm
On your journey map, I notice a lair or something a couple tiles south of your blue line, about halfway between the last two lairs/caves you plan to stop at.  Any particular reason you are skipping that spot on your journey?
It seems a bit out of the way. Why risk the extra journey length?

That's exactly my reason, and also, historically mountains have always been doom for me when I play adventure mode. D:

I am taking a rather circuitous route, but I deem it the safest possible. The only possible danger is dying to whatever is in the caves; though I am now a Skilled ambusher, and a Grand Master thrower, I think I should be alright. (And gosh, bolts do HUGE damage when thrown).

Screw that, use bolts as a meele weapon.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 06, 2012, 11:58:40 pm
Training up a legendary misc obj. user right now. Trying to see if it's as good as other weapon skills (lasher, spearman.) Maybe it is to melee what throwing is to ranged?

Anyway, Mountains are hit-or-miss. They generally have few animals, but the ones they do have will either be murderous or completely harmless (well, unless you accidently try to walk up a ramp into one and thus auto-attack it... yaks kill many of mine that way.) But if you mind what's above and below you on the ramps, yaks won't bother you. Of course, the other half of the time it's giant freaking eagles (pure evil).
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 07, 2012, 12:15:57 am
Bolts are a passable melee weapon, probably on par with the stabby boning knives.

Thrown by a legendary thrower, they're almost instant death.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 07, 2012, 03:03:27 am
Training up a legendary misc obj. user right now. Trying to see if it's as good as other weapon skills (lasher, spearman.) Maybe it is to melee what throwing is to ranged?

Misc. Object User is heavily dependent on the item you are using. If you can find a furniture shop that has lead or gold furniture, you can kill just about anything that can die from blunt trauma with ease.

Anyway, Mountains are hit-or-miss. They generally have few animals, but the ones they do have will either be murderous or completely harmless (well, unless you accidently try to walk up a ramp into one and thus auto-attack it... yaks kill many of mine that way.) But if you mind what's above and below you on the ramps, yaks won't bother you. Of course, the other half of the time it's giant freaking eagles (pure evil).

Yaks are brutal thanks to their ninja skills; if your initial attack misses, they always seem to leap straight up and plant a hoof directly in your brain.

Far as the Bronze Tower goes, it's relatively safe. The overwhelming majority of animals Nish encountered during his hike were keas. There were a handful of wolverine men, but those were few and far between. No yaks at all that I ever saw. 
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 07, 2012, 03:33:40 am
I have made an effort to stay away from anything with hooves, given I have NO armour.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 07, 2012, 11:14:47 am
I have made an effort to stay away from anything with hooves, given I have NO armour.
Sound logic. :D  I remember the elven swordsman that had his head handed to him by one of my horses in fort mode ... *shudders* it was ugly what that horse did to him, aside from literally kicking his head off.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Zale on July 07, 2012, 01:09:56 pm
So, how's the journey going?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 07, 2012, 03:03:32 pm
Hmmm, It HAS been almost a week for Reudh..
(taps watch)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 07, 2012, 09:13:03 pm
(I don't get much time to just play, I've been doing a lot of things. I'm still in Arthadapen, preparing to leave for the next cave.)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 07, 2012, 09:13:48 pm
Ok no worries :)
As long as your still alive, thats the important part :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 07, 2012, 09:18:58 pm
Yeah, I gave up on sneaking across the countryside. It's too slow and I can't afford to lose another traveller unless i have more than one.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 08, 2012, 05:56:53 am
With three new recruits, after the maceman from Arthadapen drowned (I WISH COMPANIONS HAD SWIMMING SKILLS), I left from Fistbristled. There is I; Mita Agepethit (Brotherlace), the pikeman; Rakel Atkilxaki (Seertactics), a hammerman; and lastly Puja Aslujirdo (Circledforded), a maceman.

We prepare to leave for Èthessárek Adilrotik, Glistenedechoed the Walled Nettle, southwest of us in Shethbahdiso, the Reticent Finger.

(Could someone do a drawing for me of Reudh II, Mita, Rakel, and Puja, as they leave the fort? Descriptions in the spoiler)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 08, 2012, 07:25:26 am
I arrived at Èthessárek Adilrotik alone. Mita drowned, Puja got her head stomped in by a rhino and Rakel was systematically ripped apart by an alligator.
I had a narrow miss with a black mamba. Apparently their bite is instant death, so with my first two hits I severed its fangs. No fangs, no venom. I took Rakel's shield for extra safety.

In Èthessárek Adilrotik I found a giant mole. It was easy to defeat, and so I butchered it and have got a nice supply of food.

I go to sleep now, and await the morning.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: cooky173 on July 08, 2012, 04:52:23 pm
I have had success with fast travelling after leaving the river (and walking far enough away) my companion was drowning at the time. no guarentees it will work
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 08, 2012, 06:17:42 pm
I have had success with fast travelling after leaving the river (and walking far enough away) my companion was drowning at the time. no guarentees it will work
As in -- leave drowning companion so you can fast-travel, and have him catch up instead of die?  Thats cool if it will work consistently.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 08, 2012, 07:58:21 pm
I have had success with fast travelling after leaving the river (and walking far enough away) my companion was drowning at the time. no guarentees it will work
As in -- leave drowning companion so you can fast-travel, and have him catch up instead of die?  Thats cool if it will work consistently.

I did that to keep the three alive. Of course, that didn't stop their homicidal rampage against The Animals You Don't Piss Off. And one drowned anyway.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 08, 2012, 08:28:07 pm
Most of the rivers in this world freeze at night so just wait or sleep until a few hours after dark and then walk across.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 08, 2012, 08:40:05 pm
Most of the rivers in this world freeze at night so just wait or sleep until a few hours after dark and then walk across.

Exactly, that is one of the reasons it took me so many days, because often I would wait at a river for night to cross.  I didn't have to go around rivers untill I was almost at Silverysects, one of the reasons why I never lost my companions.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 08, 2012, 09:34:15 pm
It's not so much that the rivers of this world freeze: It would seem that the temperature gradient has given the north end freezing weather and the south end equatorial weather. Since most of the human civs seem towards the north, they get colder temperatures.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 08, 2012, 10:08:10 pm
Praisebasins where I started had Hot weather. I'm sitting in one of the caves and it's also quite hot. Nearly all of the pools I have found are dry entirely.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 08, 2012, 11:56:53 pm
I arrive at Harshmines to find it uninhabited. I seal up the deeper parts of the cave using my ancient Kamp Fy-ar magic, and go to sleep. Awaking some time later (I was very tired from a fight with an alligator- it managed to nick my ear, but nothing more), I left Harshmines and started to travel along the shore of the nearby inland sea. I continue some ways down, slaughtering crabs in my path.

I named myself Bane of Guineapigs to keep myself amused after defeating an entire family of cavies by throwing them into the water.

I travel along the shore, purely because it is said the proximity of such water keeps bogeymen at bay... This is interesting.
In fact, to test this, I surrounded myself with campfires and slept the entire night. No cackling was heard! Hah! I can skirt using the southern end of the Ferocious Waters and then make a quick journey to the next stopping point.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 09, 2012, 12:28:15 am
Because sunburns are the ultimate weakness of bogeymen, they fear to tread on beaches, even at night.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 09, 2012, 12:54:52 am
I arrived at the cave lair just north of the elven lands. Nothing appears to be in there. (I slaughtered many crabs and feasted on their brains. BRAINS. BRRRAAINS.)
And nothing was in there.

I leave. Now I am in uncharted lands. Disgustingly GOOD lands. The trees crowd me in and I have almost run out of crab BRAIINNSSS to eat. At least I still have a good supply of prickleberries left. I have actually eaten quite well on this journey. I have feasted on many animals. Would you like to know the culinary delights I prepared for myself?

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 09, 2012, 01:27:35 am
I arrived at the cave lair just north of the elven lands. Nothing appears to be in there. (I slaughtered many crabs and feasted on their brains. BRAINS. BRRRAAINS.)
And nothing was in there.

I leave. Now I am in uncharted lands. Disgustingly GOOD lands. The trees crowd me in and I have almost run out of crab BRAIINNSSS to eat. At least I still have a good supply of prickleberries left. I have actually eaten quite well on this journey. I have feasted on many animals. Would you like to know the culinary delights I prepared for myself?
Good area? Eat the Unicorn BRAIINSSS! Or actually, don't. Unicorns are not good for adventurers to tangle with. Unless you kill it by throwing, or at least make it give into pain so you can finish it safely. Still, should you for whatever reason encounter a dead Unicorn, do not hesitate...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 09, 2012, 03:06:29 am
I saw some unicorns and mistook them for humans. :(

The unicorn attacks you but the shot is blocked!

Thank goodness for Competent Shield User skill. I ran away from the herd.

Also, I awoke from sleep in the south of the elven lands, surrounded by campfires, to cackling.

Then a GIANT ANACONDA came into screen. It fought all four of the bogeys at once, dying to a lucky kick to the head. The last bogey died of blood loss, and the cackling faded away. Sadly didn't get a screen, but DAMN.

Shortly after that, I walked on, swimming through a river. Then: Hissing and growling. Oh dear lord.

I hurried away as quickly as I could. (Breaching 1100 speed now!).
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on July 09, 2012, 04:06:27 am
This has given me an Idea: bogeymen throwing training.
When you start, spend the first day sneaking around town, 'borrowing' berries/ raising ambusher or whatever you want to do. (but don't take companions)
Then pick a house (any house), go in, and ask if you can stay.
Just before nightfall go back to the house, and set yourself up like this:
W- wall.                                      WWDWW
D- door.                                         C@C
C- campfire.                                   CCC
@- you.
Then Sleep.
When the cackling wakes you up, pick up rocks/ clay / soil / whatever and throw at bogeymen.

When you get bored/ sufficiently skilled / the campfires go out or you want to stop,
Go inside and get some sleep.
Continue quest in morning.
Any Thoughts?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 09, 2012, 04:44:08 am
Easier as Ubiq suggested is dropping water on the ground thus generating an infinite source of water for you to throw.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on July 09, 2012, 05:08:00 am
Easier as Ubiq suggested is dropping water on the ground thus generating an infinite source of water for you to throw.

True, but this is easier than it looks and may get you bogeyman kills (as well as keep the numbers down)
EDIT: You can also use the methods together.

                    ++ULTRA MEGA BETA TEST EDIT++

As you will probably know, Melkor arrived at my fort in the VoD.
Well, after I abandoned the fort (it's objective complete) I decided to un retire Melkor to we where he started. (at the site of the abandoned fort, maybe?)
Actually, he started off in a human town (Balanceburn)
With the stuff he came to the fort with (unsurprisingly)
Which is strange. Wouldn't he start at the site of the fort?
Anyway, if we are forced to abandon, perhaps it would be fun for the survivers to make their way back and rebuild.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 09, 2012, 05:24:17 am
Even with Legendary +1 Thrower, I'm only managing to kill Bogeymen with water after about 75 thrown waters. I am sure sharper or denser objects would deal more damage though.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on July 09, 2012, 07:31:06 am
Even with Legendary +1 Thrower, I'm only managing to kill Bogeymen with water after about 75 thrown waters. I am sure sharper or denser objects would deal more damage though.

As far as I'm aware, thrower/ weapon skills only affect the accuracy, not the damage.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 09, 2012, 09:11:47 am
As you will probably know, Melkor arrived at my fort in the VoD.
Well, after I abandoned the fort (it's objective complete) I decided to un retire Melkor to we where he started. (at the site of the abandoned fort, maybe?)
Actually, he started off in a human town (Balanceburn)
With the stuff he came to the fort with (unsurprisingly)
Which is strange. Wouldn't he start at the site of the fort?
Anyway, if we are forced to abandon, perhaps it would be fun for the survivers to make their way back and rebuild.
I think its because Adv. Mode always starts you in a human town right now, since nothing else actually exists in game yet.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on July 09, 2012, 09:22:15 am
No, Nish started in the mountain home when I tried him. Mabye 'run away into wilderness' means 'run halfway across map to human town'
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 09, 2012, 10:13:58 pm
Update: I'm halfway between the last cave stop and the second last cave stop, having left the elven lands. I nearly ran out of food, but I've got enough to last me to Silverysects.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 10, 2012, 05:58:35 am
HAZZAH! congrats you are almost there Reudh!
Time to start contacting the next person on the list.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 10, 2012, 07:13:38 am
Tired, hungry and battered, I make it to Ralevost. As I climb the hill... I see dwarves. I see dwarves! Dwarves!

My people! I have come home!


At last, at last, at long long last...
I have made it to Ralevost! I have only the last hint of food left, thank Armok I made it here!

Thank you for being a great god, Armok! Truly, you saw that we were going to make more blood than our death would! At last!

I shall settle myself in a small burrow. We catch what we can. I must tell you dwarves of my journey first. Melkor, Nish, Orky...

I cannot bear the full story, I am so hungry and tired so I may just tell you my times.

My first companion, Dof Visionbuttered came with me out of Praisebasins to the north. He drowned in the river that followed... He had a wife and six children. Though I admired his tenacity, he should not have followed me.

My second, after arriving at Touchwaved; Kado Cradlerise followed me almost to Necronights before I lost sight of him; thereafter I heard no more of him.
I presume he's still out there somewhere.

Puja and Rakel, my third and fourth, from Fistbristled, were struck down by Smohomli, Distrusthowl, a rhino, and Imigistri, Rumourwarned, an alligator. Tis a great pity, but they had no family so their deaths are not so bad as Dof's.

I myself did not make a name for myself. The name of Lord Reudh Strangerdanger is a dangerous one. I merely slaughtered those who attacked me; carefully to avoid injury.

I did get lightly injured on the way. An alligator manage to break one of my ears; later, a mole smashed one of my toes. I should be alright; I can still walk.

What did I kill? I shall list them.
Two tiercel peregrines in Apap Iman, the Hill of Workers
Four cavy sows in Apap Iman
Two cavy boars in Apap Iman
One Armadillo boar in Apap Iman
Three wild boars in Apap Iman
One warthog in Apap Iman
One impala in Apap Iman
One black mamba in Apap Iman - Their meat is delicious, especially the brain!
One giant mole from the depths of the world in Glistenechoed the Walled Nettle
One raven in Apap Iman
One alligator that fell to my hydrokinesis in Apap Iman
One crab in Apap Iman, and four in the First Steppes. One more in the ocean, the Ferocious Waters. Their flesh was delightful. I did not get to cook it.
A Gorlak! What strange creature! I found it prodding my fire in Flierumbra the Ambiguous Intricacy. It was very resilient, but fell to my fist.
I killed another black mamba in the Murk of Murdering, the jungle lands near the elves and near to where we are now.
I managed to fight off an anaconda with only bruising in the Murk of Murdering.
I killed two Troglodytes who tried to kill me in Yearechoes, and one as he fled.
I even managed to defeat a GIANT ANACONDA! Oh heart stopping moment, they are dangerous creatures!
A giant tick too. Those mouthparts are lightning quick, but their head is weak. I stabbed it and took its brains, kidneys and lungs. They sustained me here.

Would you like to see my hydrokinesis? It came to me when I was surrounded by bogeyman. A voice that described itself --- it sounded like it said both "UBIQ..." and "DOSHEB..." at once, but that is not possible- it told me to drop my water on the ground and I could then generate it in my hands. The tipping point was when I killed one with mere water! Ha!

And so Lord Reudh II Strangerdanger the Raven of Evil, or Lord Reudh II Rakaskezat Toltot Gedor sat down happily with his own kind to a warm meal, the first he had had in weeks. Life was looking good.

Save's here (

It was a tough road, but I made it! Have fun, whoever's next!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 10, 2012, 09:11:22 am
What a tale!  We must engrave this into the walls of our fortress to be! :D

According to page 1, Fen is next.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 10, 2012, 09:49:36 am
Already sent the Save file to him via a PM.
And from what our "Beta testers" show, we will indeed be engraving the exploits of our heros on the Fort.... Once it is actually started :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on July 10, 2012, 11:07:26 am
Already sent the Save file to him via a PM.
And from what our "Beta testers" show, we will indeed be engraving the exploits of our heros on the Fort.... Once it is actually started :P

But where will the fort be?
Silverysects or The VoD?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 10, 2012, 11:52:52 am
I am thinking Silverysects.
The area around there has lots of iron ore, flux stone and other goodies.

Most of the spots I have scouted in the Valley of the Dwarves, has been mostly Flux stone free, and mostly nickle and tin with few iron deposits.

If you can find a more choice spot by all means let us know ;)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 10, 2012, 08:47:29 pm
Silverysects also has a huge amount of kea in the area, so our militia should probably be archers to begin with. Reudh would be perfect in that role with his Legendary Archer skill.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 10, 2012, 09:59:22 pm
I've had good luck with five speardwarves (just now grown to 10) and 3 or 4 hunters to keep my population of giant ravens, giant keas, giant love birds, giant grasshoppers, and thieves and such in check. ;)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 11, 2012, 02:22:07 pm
Has anyone heard from Fen?
Been a few days since I sent him the save and no replay...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Shininglight on July 11, 2012, 02:54:24 pm
Hello I was wondering if you're still taking volunteers? This is somethign i'd love to get in on.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 11, 2012, 09:37:10 pm
Has anyone heard from Fen?
Been a few days since I sent him the save and no replay...

Local Time:
    July 11, 2012, 09:36:26 pm
Last Active:
    July 09, 2012, 11:29:04 am.

He's probably doin' something important or has something going on.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 12, 2012, 12:03:36 pm
Could be the case, I'll PM him again and see whats got him busy
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 14, 2012, 09:24:00 am
Any word?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 14, 2012, 09:57:00 am
NOne :/
If I don't hear from him by Sunday I might go to the next person on the list.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 14, 2012, 10:17:34 am
Oh well. I'd say you've given him ample time. A week's usually enough with community games.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 14, 2012, 12:17:30 pm
We'll give him till Sunday, if not, seems like Torrasque666 is next.
After that, well looks like we may start getting others
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 14, 2012, 12:19:18 pm
After Torrasque666, isn't it Uggi, Phones, then you again?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 14, 2012, 12:33:01 pm
There were a few other thread participants, such as myself, that wanted to give this a shot once the already specified folks got their listed turns.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 14, 2012, 12:35:19 pm
Yeah, I know. I think I might have been first in line for that :) But before that, I think there's still 3 people left on the list in the OP.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 14, 2012, 12:41:07 pm
D'oh! Misread what you posted.  I blame the current situation in my fort (see the thread I just posted). :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 14, 2012, 12:42:21 pm
Yeah I htink I agreed after the current guys get their second chance, Hugo is first up to try and then a few others.

We have Four out of Seven, so we only need three others to make it.
Then I go myself out and we get to start the fort when I get to the spot.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Spirit of Power on July 14, 2012, 12:50:47 pm
I would like to request a spot on the list(s). By which I mean, I want a turn on both the fort and adventurer, if possible.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 14, 2012, 12:53:19 pm
Yeah I htink I agreed after the current guys get their second chance, Hugo is first up to try and then a few others.

We have Four out of Seven, so we only need three others to make it.
Then I go myself out and we get to start the fort when I get to the spot.
Do you have an updated list past whats in the OP already, Crossroads?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Megaman3321 on July 14, 2012, 10:50:20 pm
Could I get a spot on the turn list for the adventurer and actual fort? Thanks :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 15, 2012, 09:17:36 pm
So, did we ever hear back from Fen, or is it Torrasque666 getting another shot this time?

(don't mean to pester, but i'm really interested in seeing how this all plays out. :D )
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 16, 2012, 07:22:08 am
Well, Sunday has come and gone and no sign of Fen  :'(
Someone contact Torr, we need to get this game moving again!!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on July 16, 2012, 11:05:41 am
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 16, 2012, 12:02:45 pm
Here is the save file from just after Reudh finished;
Best of luck to you! mayyour journy be swift!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on July 16, 2012, 06:00:56 pm
Running into a small problem. I try to import Reudh's save but the game doesn't appear. I put it in a fresh copy of DF and I don't get the option to start a new game. Just "create a new world"
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on July 16, 2012, 06:17:01 pm
Check your directory structure. Maybe your archiver extracted the files directly into df/data/save or as df/data/save/region13/region13.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 16, 2012, 06:23:37 pm
It did that for me until I downloaded a fresh save of 34.11.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on July 17, 2012, 07:46:26 am
Sorry about not being around, guys. Been a bit busy as of late. Don't have time for the save right now, it alright if I go after Torrasque?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 17, 2012, 10:30:26 am
Sure no problem ;) just let us know and keep in touch ;D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on July 17, 2012, 12:18:09 pm
actually, he can go now. I haven't been into DF much lately so I want to remove my name from the list as well. If possible, I'd still like to be involved when the fort starts, but not at this point.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on July 18, 2012, 06:11:14 am
My schedule's kind of booked until the 25th, I could start my turn but it'd be very slow on progress/updates.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 18, 2012, 06:19:53 pm
If oyu want to Skip I guess you can.
If your feeling up to it go ahead, as long as we are getting SOME update.
Of course I might go with one of the other people who have been asking to go as well.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on July 18, 2012, 06:36:50 pm
I'm ready if both Fen and Torrasque666 want to skip their turns.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WaffleEggnog on July 18, 2012, 07:03:30 pm
Im here to randomly interrupt and get in the line to do this. I hope i get a spot :3
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 19, 2012, 07:26:13 am
I'm ready if both Fen and Torrasque666 want to skip their turns.

Well you ARE after Torr and Fen.
I guess if they are passing for now it falls to you then.
The save is posted earlier, so if you think you have the free time to play it (quickly we all hope)
then by all means go for it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 19, 2012, 07:39:27 am
I un-retired Reudh on my save just to check if he had any infections...

Looks like the broken ear he got is infected. And he only had average Disease Resist, didn't he?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on July 19, 2012, 07:43:30 am
Well you ARE after Torr and Fen.
I guess if they are passing for now it falls to you then.
The save is posted earlier, so if you think you have the free time to play it (quickly we all hope)
then by all means go for it.

Already started a new peasant adventurer last night thinking this might happen, I'll post details later. Unless of course Torrasque666 or Fen are against it and want to take their turns? Nothing special has happened yet, I'm just boosting attributes by swimming and sneaking around in a safe hamlet.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 19, 2012, 11:29:23 pm
Why peasant? Why not Hero, like everyone else has?

EDIT: Perhaps you want to be that much more heroic by not being a hero.

Also, be VERY careful if you're in rivers. You'll want a speed of ~1100 to be able to outrun angry gators if they chase you.

Hippos will knock your head off one shot due to their immense size, and the gators will bite limbs off. Didn't happen to me thankfully though.

I had Skilled ambusher by the time I finished; that was sufficient to stay within two tiles of an opponent without being spotted. Depending on the creature, it afforded me about four attacks within two tiles before I was spotted.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 19, 2012, 11:47:35 pm
If you take time to prepare, it isn't that hard to play as a Peasant. Building up attributes and skill levels by hanging around in a village can get you into Hero territory fairly quickly.

Attempting to move while floundering and drowning is the quickest way to build endurance, but that can only be done by either having an unskilled swimmer or by deliberately swimming under a bridge or overhang. Unskilled swimmers actually accomplish this more easily since ducking under a bridge and then leaving can sometimes still result in floundering or drowning in the open spaces even for more skilled swimmers.

Quote from: Reudh
I un-retired Reudh on my save just to check if he had any infections...

Looks like the broken ear he got is infected. And he only had average Disease Resist, didn't he?

It won't progress so long as he isn't active, but treatment will likely require injuring him again via trap since he's walking around with it broken. We'll need a decent Surgeon handy for when Reudh shows up so that it can be cut out. So a table next to a bed, cloth, thread, and plaster are all things that need to be set up early. Making soap should also be a priority to make sure that the infection doesn't spread further, but that's not so bad since we can press rock nuts to make soap.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 19, 2012, 11:57:24 pm
And given Melkor was critically injured (lost a hand), she'll likely need it too.

Alright, so matter of course: Embarking with a surgeon, and some rock nuts to press into soap. Crossroads, can you put this in the OP or as close as possible?

- One must be a skilled surgeon and diagnostician.
- A 'danger room' to prod an unarmoured Reudh and Melkor until they have an injury so it may be diagnosed and treated.
- Rock nuts (grown or embarked with) to press into soap.
- We'll likely not need military until the third migrant wave arrives; and they'll contain our skilled dwarves. I propose Reudh should be the captain of a marksdwarf squad due to his Legendary Archer skill.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on July 20, 2012, 08:07:56 am
And given Melkor was critically injured (lost a hand), she'll likely need it too.

Rather strangely, Melkor's hand's fine, but the two smashed-apart toes (the nail) are infected.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 20, 2012, 11:58:11 am
I'm pretty sure that hand is rotten.  Its just not connected so the dwarf is fine. ;)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 20, 2012, 12:23:51 pm
I'd also recommend a Suturer 2/Wound Dresser 2/Bone Doctor 5 be included in the inital group and that all other labors be turned off of them as soon as possible. A couple of cheap stones is probably a good investment as well so that the mechanic can go ahead and produce the mechanisms for a press without having to wait for the miner along with a piece of wood or another stone to make a jug out of.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 20, 2012, 09:38:07 pm
Aye, I agree with Ubiq.

It seems that clean injuries (say, an arm being cut off) generally don't get infected. Injuries from smashing or mashing, such as, say, a shattered toe, are much more likely. Or an unclean cut, such as a nick to the ear, as Reudh got.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on July 21, 2012, 02:16:16 am
Is it possible to get some fortress mode skills up in adventure mode? Having someone become a doctor would be quite useful, or an armor smith for that matter.

I add this because when I ran a test game, I ended up with legendary fighter, archer, thrower, shield user.... Basically this would make me an elite bow dwarf, and hence only fit for military duties.

I did try switching things around using the modes in df hack, but never got it to work.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on July 21, 2012, 02:18:52 am
Mining can be learned by fighting with a pick. Thats all I think.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 21, 2012, 02:49:02 am
Mining can be learned by fighting using a pick.

Woodcutting cannot be learned by fighting using an axe.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on July 21, 2012, 03:26:19 am
And you could train your butcher-skills.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 21, 2012, 07:44:45 am
Proposal: We create via modding an interaction that raises the level of a given skill by one. We should not over-use this...

Say, you want your dwarf to be a mason. You'd go into natural powers -> train masonry -> now dabbling mason. Flavor text for bonus. Maybe instead it'll be "You sift through some dirt, trying to find some good stone." "You study the intricacies of a small pebble before dropping it on the ground."
"You consider the way that boulders are held up."

Giving a tidbit of exp each time; if it's possible to make a cap I'd say no more than competent.

Each skill should be made in this way, and this would make it possible for us to fine tune our migrants skills, using a system similar to Wanderer's Friend or Genesis.

I think this is within the realms of possibility of modding. I'd say if we can get Putnam or Deon or any of the other skilled modders to do this for us, it would be fantastic (and should be implemented before the new round of players attempt to do it).
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 21, 2012, 02:49:46 pm
Only, you'd have to replace an existing interaction.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 21, 2012, 03:49:39 pm
It doesn't take long to train a dwarf in a new skill if they actually do the work. I don't think modding should be required if we want to make a specific adventurer into a particular flavor of craftsdwarf.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 22, 2012, 01:32:27 am
If I get a turn as adventurer, I call dibs on pickaxe. I have something particularly... messy in mind.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 22, 2012, 07:27:27 am
Well including a Dwarf skilled in health care has always been important early on.
This one we just need to specialize a bit more than normal. As far as including him in the story...

Well perhaps by the time the fort is read to start (IE 7 dwarves make it alive)
So many stories of the brave heros have got around that people know many have been seriouslly injured.  So it would make sense that the first ""Imagration wave"" to the fort ((IE the intial fort embark)) would have a skilled surgen among them.

By the by, as far as story goes, I decided that was the best way to explain why the starting Dwarves are different. Basically our intial embark is the ""First Imagration Wave"" Where we bring supplies and plans to the crude camp started by the brave adventurers.


How goes the training Uggi? Eager to hear an update from you!!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on July 22, 2012, 11:03:42 pm
How goes the training Uggi? Eager to hear an update from you!!!

Had a busy weekend, so not much has happened in DF. I can hopefully get into more dwarfy things tomorrow. But I can confirm one can raise some useful skills & attributes safely in a hamlet. You need a river with a bridge, and a rock supply for knapping/throwing. After 5 dwarven days of training I've got a very muscular legendary thrower/swimmer/archer/knapper and an expert ambusher with superdwarven agility/toughness, superior endurance and high strength/willpower/spatial sense/kinesthetic sense.

Swimming is best done manually. Sometimes small amounts of water escape from a 7/7 filled river, making spots of 6/7 water and somehow it makes moving impossible until I've hit the "." key a few times. A macro can fail at this moment, and one might turn around too early and spend double the amount of time drowning. Haven't seen any alligators or other dwarf-eaters in the river. Knapping and throwing is best done with a macro. Yes, the training gets utterly boring after a while. Somehow I still prefer this method instead of starting as a hero or a demigod.

Any idea how to trade a crutch from a marketplace? It's in the trader's list, but he keeps saying I should offer more and more stuff in exchange for it. No matter how much money and items I offer, it's never enough. Also, my masterfully sharpened rocks are worthless.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 23, 2012, 12:51:11 am
Depends on the value of the crutch really; if it's decorated, then it may well be expensive.

If the items you are offering have little value, it will take tons of them. The easiest thing to do is to go out and find a largish animal to brain with a rock, butcher it, and then sell it for cash; an animal with a value multiplier is best. The easiest thing to do here is to ask for the maximum amount each time since the merchant will offer you the actual value of the parts in response.

Offer the merchant one copper piece for the crutch. If you have enough currency, he'll make a counteroffer asking for the exact minimum he will accept for the item. If not, he'll just use the standard line about needing something to trade; if this is the case, then repeat the process until you have enough.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on July 23, 2012, 04:18:29 am
If you use Autohotkey, you can avoid using a macro to level up skills.

In my test characters I leveled up throwing, archery, sneaking, swimming and crutch-walking this way. In one of the forts there is a crutch in one of the chests.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 24, 2012, 09:57:19 pm
How goes the (preparation for) the journey so far? :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on July 25, 2012, 11:57:18 am

16th Hematite, 11

I begin my journey in Shakecheerful, a very small human hamlet. My destination, the promised land of dwarves, is somewhere southwest. The journey will be long and dangerous so I'll try to increase my chances by practising Mahayana Uristhism, in common speak the Dwarven Zen, or the Way of Urist. It is based on the teachings of the Great Urist. Some say it's just another form of dwarven insanity. Those fools.

I'll be following a strict physical and mental training program for the next week or so. This training involves swimming in the freezing waters to build up my endurance and striking small rocks together until they're sharp enough to cut through flesh. This repeative and incredibly dull task will build up my mental abilities and also provides ammo for throwing practises. Also I will have to do everything as silently and stealthy as I can, isolating myself from the society, only asking for a shelter when the night falls. During this training I'll be eating nothing but berries, cleansing my body from harmful toxins.

I spend the morning in the freezing cold river learning the basics of swimming, nearly drowning myself. I however need a bridge for the advanced swimming practises. Shakecheerful is very small, just a few huts next to a big river and we don't have any bridges here.

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So I head north towards Sensedied, a neighbouring hamlet, as they have much better infrastructure there. When I arrive at the evening, I find this masterfully designed bridge, admire it for a moment and then spend a few hours swimming back and forth under it.

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I get out from the water when the sun is setting down, as the rivers here freeze during the nights. I find a shelter and hear some interesting news about fellow dwarves and a particular outlaw causing some troubles.

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( (

18th Hematite, 11

I'm almost halfway through my training program. I feel already my muscles and my senses growing!

21st Hematite, 11

Today I swam upstream until I found this beautiful waterfall. The flow of the water was so great that the downstream of the river was actually overflooding. I tried to swim up the waterfall, but the force of the water was too great even for my legendary swimming skills. I was just thrown back to downstream and getting stunned. I swam back to the village and spent the evening knapping and throwing small rocks.

( (

23rd Hematite, 11

It's been a week since I started my training and I feel like a new dwarf! I've got piles of sharpened rocks everywhere and I feel I should clean up the mess before I leave this village. I'm determined to move them to a one single pile. I've already spent two full days moving and throwing them. The incredible weight of the rocks is slowing me down and the humans in the village appear to be moving very fast in my eyes. Maybe this will build up my strength as well.

24th Hematite, 11

I spent the morning moving the last rocks and I'm now ready for my journey. I need some companion to keep the bogeymen from attacking me at nights, but the villagers here have seen me training and think I'm insane. None of them are willing to join me. So I head back to my home village Shakecheerful and try to recruit someone from there.

Back in Shakecheerful, I find only one volunteer. Usmik, a local axeman will join me.

( (

( (

( (

We head northeast to Whimkin, the human town and capital. I hope we can recruit more people and maybe find out what happened to that poor dwarf, Phones. It's late night when we arrive in the outskirts of Whimkin and spend the night in a farmer's hut in the middle of the fields.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 25, 2012, 05:11:30 pm
NOTE: Be careful about draining mental attributes to increase physical ones for adventure mode. The mental ones will be used in fort mode, and the only ones that do not have known effects are memory and musicality. In addition, the points gained are minimal.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 25, 2012, 06:12:58 pm
I was checking to make sure I wouldn't have problems with the region file if I did get a turn, and thought I would post the full region map in case anyone was interested:

It hasn't shown up yet (as of 1815 Central Time) as I think imgur is still processing the upload.  This is using the Talryth_15x15 tileset in case anyone wondered.

[edit] And my adventurer spawned in Depthbronze (Sigazobsha), which is north of the target fortress site, on the major river that flows from the original Valley of the Dwarves.  Figures a non-official adventurer attempt would get such a useful start.  :P

[edit-edit] And then I drown in a river. :)

[edit3] So, it still isn't showing. ;(  Here's a link to what is probably a slower page for you guys: (826950 bytes for the image)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on July 25, 2012, 11:16:40 pm
25th Hematite, 11

We arrive at the center of Whimkin at morning, find a marketplace and I sell some seeds to a trader. He's got a nice crutch for sale, it might come handy in the future, but I can't afford it. We visit the Temple of Circumstances, take a quick peek at the basement but find only old skeletons there.

We wander around in the town and suddenly stumble upon a dead goblin inside a shop. How weird. A child tells us his mother slayed the goblin.

( (

( (

The goblin's name sounds familiar. I think it's the one that killed Phones, the dwarf. But where's the dwarf's body? And where's Dag, the human who avenged this dwarf's death? I wonder if the nobles in the town's keep know about this.

We enter the keep and find their small armory. I can't find any armor small enough for a dwarf to wear. There are some long range weapons here but I don't have any use for them, I've got some masterfully sharpened rocks with me.

( (

The lord of the keep, or "the Holy Fortune" as he calls himself has no idea what's going on outside the keep. Damn nobles. I meet one of his henchmen who seems eager to leave the place. She joins me and Usmik.

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As we are leaving the keep, I notice some stairs leading to the basement. I've got bad feeling about it but I also feel we must investigate the place. I leave my bags of berries and the heavy coins upstairs and sneak into the basement. I soon notice a lone goblin spearman in one of the corridors.

( (

As I sneak closer, my human companions stumble loudly into the corridor and alert the goblin. My attempts to stab the goblin are failing. Suddenly the goblin is out of my reach and Usmik gets injured. I throw some rocks at the goblin but it just keeps stabbing the poor Usmik. Zoku saves the day by shooting the goblin with her crossbow.

( (

Usmik is too injured to stand so she's staying behind. I soon find a goblin maceman next to a corpse of another goblin. I sneak closer and attempt to take it down silently with my bare hands.

( (

My first attempt fails, then Usmik suddenly jumps in and messes things up again, only getting more injured in the process. I manage to grab the goblin by its throat and strangle it until it passes out. Usmik gets her revenge and sinks her axe into the goblin's skull.

( (

We search the big room but there's nothing but two statues and a stairway leading even deeper into the basement. I choose to open a door instead, and find a goblin crossbowman guarding the corridor. This time I'm quicker than my companions, I strangle the goblin unconscious and then split its head open.

( (

I find another goblin with a crossbow and kill it before it notices me. I feel I'm in the Zone. This is the Way of Urist. The humans can never understand.

( (

As I'm heading back to the stairs, I find a goblin spearman next to some broken crossbow bolts. Looks like there's been some action here. I take the goblin down silently and finish the job with my spear.

( (

My clothes are already tattered and choose to I pick up some leather clothing from the dead goblin. They'll also provide better armor than my fabric clothing. Then I suddenly notice something. Is that... a dwarf's corpse?  What happened here?

( (

( (
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 25, 2012, 11:36:03 pm
Sweet! Phones will (may) get to join the fortress after all! ;)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on July 26, 2012, 12:23:40 am
Sweet! Phones will (may) get to join the fortress after all! ;)

Has anyone considered that we may get a necromancer and then those adventurers will REALLY be joining the fort?

Also that particular dungeon has the highest density of minions possible in the various towns I've walked through. So go to sleep for an hour, and when they respawn, murder them again - for free gear, and importantly, multiple shields.

Also Uggi - which was that shop where you find snobuds corpse? I've been hunting for it for a damn while and its always annoying me.

Edit: found the shop. In my dimension the goblin killed everyone in the shop, and hung out there with a swords gob, marks gob and mace gob. Dead now though.

Edit2: does anyone know where you could get metal armor? Or where I can clean my wounds/mod the game to stop infections?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 26, 2012, 12:21:16 pm
AWESOME updates Uggi!!!

LOVE The first set of posts :)) "Zen of Urist" indeed, we should all learn such wisdom!!!
That training seems to really pay off, seeing how you were able to take on so many goblins so soon!
Also kinda sad to see you talking to the kids of Dag :( There is so much depth to this game, it is a shame that there isn't a way for it to continue the movements of companions so you know what happens to them :(

Kickass that you found Phones!
I never went that deep into the catacombs, so it's no wonder I never ran into the body.
Good luck hulling it with you now, it slows you down a lot, so your going to have to be constantly dropping it the instant you see a threat of attack.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 26, 2012, 05:37:58 pm
I recommend a bag just for the body and anything associated with it you want to carry, but not carry in combat.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 26, 2012, 08:02:49 pm
I know that you want an ideal speed as high as possible, but isn't a first attack better when in sight than dropping your load and letting them get an attack in?

I functioned pretty well with 1100.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 26, 2012, 08:40:52 pm
You could always huck the Bag of Holding at them. If it hits, they'll be in a world of hurt.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 26, 2012, 08:54:51 pm
That would probably be best, actually.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 27, 2012, 12:26:27 am
Then our fallen dwarves could get kills (or at least assists) without having to give work to necromancers! :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 27, 2012, 12:57:39 am
If one of our adventurers becomes a necromancer, won't the game make them plot against the fortress when they arrive?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 27, 2012, 02:04:52 am
I think that this early in the world there is not going to be any towers at all. It'll be nearly impossible to bring Phones to where we settle.

Also, I just suddenly realised.

When you finish, drop everything you want to retain in the fort to come. :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on July 27, 2012, 04:10:52 am
Be very careful Uggi.
My testventurers have shown that to the south, the lair in which you find Reudh's (the 1st) killer is a very fun place.... (unless I'm mistaken)
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Spoiler (click to show/hide)

EDIT: testventurer 5 cancels try out way of Urist: encased in ice.
Anyway, good luck Uggi!

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 27, 2012, 12:32:29 pm
As I recall, the locals told Nish that one of the two lairs to the north of Whimkins has the hydra while the cave to the northeast has a demon living in it. At least, Legends Mode says that he settled there.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: CaptainXax on July 27, 2012, 02:28:53 pm
Sign me up if it's cool. I'd love to take a crack at it. I'm a man with a lot of time.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on July 30, 2012, 02:28:34 pm
I search through the deceased dwarf's belongings and find a notebook. This indeed is Phones Starchampion, the same dwarf that the villager in Sensedied was talking about. Looks like we share the same goal, the big mountain range in the southwest. Phones got his orders from the King himself. I however, well.. ever since I had that horrible nightmare about getting killed by a band of kobolds, I've had this overwhelming feeling that I must get to those mountains. I feel it's my destiny.

This dwarf needs a proper tomb, I can't leave him down here. I'm thinking of carrying his body with me. It's a long journey, but I'm also much stronger now, thanks to my training.

But not just yet. My human companions are still somewhere in these dungeons and I think I heard some noises below. I head back to the big room with statues, and find my companions. Usmik is in bad shape, I think both of her legs are broken.

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Me and Zoku decide to take a quick peek downstairs. As we enter another room, I spot a goblin axeman and attempt to sneak closer. From the darkness, an arrow flies and hits Zoku. She tries to shoot back with her crossbow. I can't see how many goblins there are in the dark, but they can obviously see the big human and they have long-range weapons. We retreat back into a smaller room. The goblin axeman follows and starts swinging his axe at Zoku, injuring her. I stab the goblin with my spear but can't do much damage. So I resort to martial arts again and quickly strangle the goblin unconscious.

( (

A bowgoblin enters the room and starts shooting at Zoku. She's already badly injured and I try to help her by throwing sharp rocks at the bowgoblin, breaking its leg and disabling it. I grab a battle axe from the unconscious axegoblin and finish the goblin bowman, and then the axegoblin itself.

( (

( (

Zoku is bleeding badly and in great pain. Suddenly she calls me a romantic virgin and something about maws ?! I have no idea what she means by that, she's only barely conscious and probably can't think straight.

Spoiler: What a manly title (click to show/hide)

There might still be goblins left in the bigger room so I pick up a bow from the dead bowgoblin and open the door, instantly spotting a goblin maceman nearby. I don't want to go further into the dark room so I stand on the doorway and start shooting arrows at the goblin.

( (

Then all hell breaks loose. Usmik appears from behind, she has managed to crawl downstairs, and she's got company. More goblins! Bolts start flying from the darkness, Usmik gets shot in the head and she drops her weapon. It's not looking good for her.

I've been hiding in the shadows for the whole time, but now one of the goblins suddenly spots me and soon I have three goblins all over me. In the ensuing chaos I try to disable and disarm them as fast as I can. Facing many opponents, I enter a weird trance-like state of mind that I've only heard rumors of.

( (

( (

A goblin maceman gets through my defences and strikes me on my right side. I'm having trouble breathing and I'm holding a pike I grabbed from another goblin and I can't figure out how to use it properly. Luckily the goblin maceman dodges away from me as I try to strike it, giving me a second to breathe and also to help Usmik by throwing rocks at her attackers. A goblin swordsman attacks me but I manage to disarm it.

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I strangle another goblin unconscious, pick up my trusty spear, and start stabbing the goblins, trying to disable them by targetting their legs and weapon arms.

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Finally I'm the only one standing. The goblins are all either dead, unconscious or squirming on the floor in pain. I make sure they stay down.

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We regroup after the battle and head back to upstairs. Both my human companions are badly crippled. I'm not feeling so great either.

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Usmik, being badly wounded, manages to crawl the stairs up and then stops breathing. Me and Zoku decide to leave her corpse behind, it's too dangerous to drag a heavy human body around, there might still be goblins here. We find our way back to the keep and rest for a few hours.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

After a few hours of rest I can breath again, Zoku is also looking much better and she can stand up again. We head back downstairs in the hope of retrieving Usmik's body. When we get past the dead dwarf's body, I spot a goblin standing next to it. I quickly take the goblin down. The corpse of the previous goblin guard is still there. Looks like they got reinforcements really fast.

( (

We decide it's best to retreat while we still can. We can't retrieve Usmik's body, but we can at least take the dead dwarf's corpse with us. We drag the body and all his belongings upstairs and place them them in the entrance hall of the keep. We'll pick them up later when we leave the town.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Yes, it's about time to leave this town, and maybe pay a visit to that outlaw hiding in the woods nearby. But first we have to restock our food supply. We head out to get some berries from farmers and suddenly spot a goblin in the middle of the town, in plain daylight! The lone goblin has no chance against both of us. We find a dead human laying in the ground nearby. I wonder what's going on in this town, goblins running around murdering people.

( (

( (

I relieve the dead human from her coins. Finders, keepers. Back in the marketplace, I sell my leftover plant seeds and then try to buy the crutch I was admiring earlier, but the trader only demands more. Maybe I can buy it if I sell the goblin's belongings first.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

But the night is already falling so we head back to a farmer's house to get some sleep. It's been a very long day. I slew ten goblins today. The late Usmik got one and Zoku killed two goblins.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 30, 2012, 03:21:43 pm
Did you collect the clothing and shields of the goblins?

If not, I'd recommend slipping back down there and doing so since those shields and clothes will greatly up your chances of survival and decrease injuries. Hopefully some of them had at least some armor on them.

The weapons would also be useful to either sell, throw at people, or even to dump when you get to the mountainhome.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on July 30, 2012, 03:31:51 pm
Nope, picked up only some leather clothing. How do the extra shields work? Does every shield automatically give an extra chance to block a strike?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on July 30, 2012, 03:49:57 pm
You gain experience for each shield that is equipped; I'm not sure if they each get a chance to block or if it just randomly selects one shield to use, but I do know that twenty times the shields equals twenty times the experience per attack used against you.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 30, 2012, 08:50:14 pm
Based on posted testing, there is a chance to block with a sheild and each equipped shield has that chance to block the attack.  As soon as one succeeds at blocking it stops checking.  This is, basically, the same as armor checks where multiple layers are involved.  It starts at the outermost layer, and works in checking to see if any block/deflect the attack; the one that does is the one that you get a message for.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on July 31, 2012, 02:55:59 am
Nope, picked up only some leather clothing. How do the extra shields work? Does every shield automatically give an extra chance to block a strike?

Basically pick up as many shields as you can, and go back down there to fight goblins.

Hence upping shield user, and fighter to way past legendary.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on August 02, 2012, 06:20:50 am
How's the goblin killing going Uggi?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Gukag on August 04, 2012, 09:32:55 pm
Soooo...any news on this?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on August 04, 2012, 10:12:21 pm
Ugggggiiiiiii... update please
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 05, 2012, 07:23:03 am
I'll send him a PM to see whats up... Normally I'd suggest skipping to someone else, but it seems he is almost to the mountain home AND he has Phones body!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 05, 2012, 03:23:28 pm
Sorry this is taking so long. I'll start dorfing around right NOW. If real life catches me again I'll retire in some town and pass the save.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 05, 2012, 10:43:50 pm
26th Hematite, 11

First thing in the morning we walk to the marketplace to sell some things I had scavenged from the goblins. Then I ask about the crutch again. No deal! The damn trader is ripping me off.

Screw it, I'm leaving this town. Just have to pay a quick visit to that outlaw first, it should be a short trip. I stashed some of my things inside the keep next to Phones' body. We'll be travelling light.

( (

Outside of Whimkin, Zoku spots a flock of ravens and starts shooting at them with her crossbow. Stupid human, wasting bolts on wildlife. So I walk around picking up her used bolts and putting down wounded ravens. Next thing I know she spots a herd of wild horses and starts shooting at them! I lead her away from the wildlife, and suddenly spot a fortress in the horizon. We take a quick detour. The fortress is huge, much bigger than the keep in Whimkin.

Spoiler: Trammelrisen (click to show/hide)

We talk with the lady of the fortress, aka the law-giver. She tells us the fortress is called Trammelrisen. As I curse the traders I met in Whimkin, she tells me they have a few extra crutches right here in the fortress and she's willing to give me one for free! Excellent. I just wish I never have to actually use it. Going through their stuff I also spot a nice pick. Now THAT I wish to use some day!

( (

( (

We come across some soldiers, and one of them really wants to join us! The more the merrier! Ettad wants me to lead him to glory and death, so we head outside and continue towards the outlaw's camp.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

A few moments later, Ettad spots some horses and runs at them swinging his halberd. Damn, he really wants to get some action. Luckily I can lure him away from the horses before he gets a hoof embedded into his face. Later in the dunes, Zoku shoots the rest of her bolts at vultures and then chases one and starts beating it to death with her crossbow. Later she kills a wild boar. Great, no we have no ammo left. Stupid humans.

( (

Both of my human companions wander off, distracted by the wildlife. I might as well try something now that I'm alone. Sneaking very quietly, I get close to a wild boar and start using some wrestling moves on it, throwing it around. After a few throws it finally notices something is going on and starts attacking me. Still holding it in my grasp, it cannot run away and I'm blocking it's attacks with my shield. I'm having fun time training my shield skills until Ettad appears. The boar attacks him and Ettad stupidly dodges down the hill, faceplanting himself. I give the boar a few hits from my pick to keep it from attacking Ettad, who is still stunned by the collision. Humiliated, he gets up and hacks the boar to pieces with his halberd.

( (

Wondering where Zoku is, we go in circles and soon find her ..... dead! I have no idea what happened to her. There's a wild boar nearby. Frustrated by Zoku's death we kill it on the spot. It probably wasn't Zoku's killer but at this point we don't really care. The sun is starting to get low, so we set up a campfire and spend the night on the very spot where Zoku died.

( (

( (
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on August 06, 2012, 05:54:58 am
Reudh suddenly hears a wave of hate emanating from a dwarf.

stupid humans...

Reudh leant back inside his hovel and smiled broadly. He was going to like this dwarf.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on August 06, 2012, 11:03:18 am
'Tis sad, but you must take the crossbow!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 07, 2012, 07:25:32 am
Keep going Uggi, your story telling is amazing, I really get into each post you put up, Want to read more not just to continue, but because I want to know what happens next! :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 07, 2012, 07:42:48 am
Busy day today, but I should have a chance to play later tonight.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 07, 2012, 05:57:13 pm
Question: Is it acceptable to use DFHack to temporarily switch to a human companion, to give them back weapons they've lost because they've done stupid human things like attacking hoofed creatures? Or could this possibly corrupt the save so that it breaks later in game? Never done it, but I've heard it should be possible.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Corai on August 07, 2012, 06:28:27 pm
Question: Is it acceptable to use DFHack to temporarily switch to a human companion, to give them back weapons they've lost because they've done stupid human things like attacking hoofed creatures? Or could this possibly corrupt the save so that it breaks later in game? Never done it, but I've heard it should be possible.

Perfectly possible. No side affects.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 08, 2012, 01:55:33 am
27th Hematite, 11

We wake up really early in the morning, before the sunrise and say our farewells to Zoku. I pick up her crossbow and empty quiver, and fill it with the 8 bolts I had collected earlier. We get back on the journey and cross a frozen river. I know humans can't swim well so we have to try crossing the rivers at night when they're frozen. The sun rises and we come across another river. This one has already thawed so we have to go around it. We follow the river south as I think I saw some snowy areas there earlier. Ettad finds and kills a turtle. What is it with humans and wildlife creatures?

It seems the snow has already melted and the river isn't frozen in the south. But after a short walk we find that the river has turned into a shallow brook and we can now cross it without the fear of Ettad drowning.

( (

We are halfway to the outlaw camp. This area is filled with boars and Ettad wants to run after each one of them. While I'm waiting for him to come back I spend my time wrestling with one of the boars, not harming it. Then Ettad shows up, hitting the boar into its mouth, smashing its teeth into million pieces.

( (

Later, Ettad runs off after a pack of horses. Luckily the horses seem faster than Ettad, so I wait for him again. I'm having a nice shield sparring session with a weasel when Ettad comes back limping, bloody and bruised. He seems to be in great pain and collapses into ground. I take a look at him and I think he's got a broken arm and a shoulder. He seems to have lost his halberd somewhere. I sigh at the stupidity of human beings.

( (

We rest for a few hours until Ettad feels a bit better. We search for his lost halberd and find it near a pack of horses. I see the anger in his eyes growing and I have to hold him back. I tell him to calm down and pick up the weapon.

We continue towards the outlaw camp and suddenly find several dead vultures. I wonder what happened here. Maybe another crazy human went on a rampage here? That kind of makes sense since the human outlaw camp is near.

( (

Later in the evening Ettad runs off again. Worried, I go after him and I can't believe my eyes. The damn human is fighting with A CAMEL. The camel charges at him and he's thrown into a river. Ettad is clearly in trouble, stunned, drowning and being assaulted by the big animal. I throw my rocks at the camel but only miss it. So I jump into the river and bury my pickaxe into its skull and then help Ettad back up into dry land. Luckily he's only bruised.

( (

( (

Soon after, I have to put down another camel that Ettad beated to a pulp. Sigh. We are getting close to the outlaw camp and the sun is already low. We set up a campfire for the night and plan to sneak into their camp really early.

28th Hematite, 11

We wake up in the night and continue towards the camp in the darkness. We find more animal remains, this time dingoes. Some of them have been butchered. This is very strange indeed.

( (

In the darkness we hear some noises of badgers. Once again, Ettad runs away from me. I have no idea where he is, I can only hear the noises of a battle. I find an injured badger and mercifully put it down. And then another. I don't know how many badgers he ends up killing.

( (

At sunrise, we find the outlaw camp. I've got my crossbow readied, hoping that I could take them down from distance. Ettad of course charges towards the closest target. Ettad quicky disarms a human lasher by slashing him in the weapon arm. I don't want to waste my bolts so I get closer and help Ettad by beating the outlaw with my crossbow.

( (

( (

As we get closer, I start shooting at the leader of the outlaws with my crossbow. He's got a crossbow too and I want to disable him as fast as possible. Ettad kills a human maceman with a single slash of his halberd.

( (

Ettad gets into a close combat with a human swordsman and is doing a good job until the leader shoots him in the leg. Ettad falls into ground.

( (

I get a few shots at the leader, who continues shooting at Ettad. Luckily Ettad manages to block the flying bolts and finishes the swordsman.

( (

I get another good shot at the leader while Ettad crawls closer and mows the outlaw leader down. All that animal abuse has paid off after all, he's a killing machine.

( (

( (

The outlaws are finally all dead. After looting some useful things from their camp, we head back.

( (

Ettad's injured leg is getting better and he can walk again. Soon he's back to his beloved hobby of killing things, and dives straight into a river, after a ....CARP?! Clearly he's learned how to swim!

( (

On our way back, Ettad again runs off after a horse and gets himself injured. We rest for a while until he's again capable of holding his shield. Sigh.

( (
We're halfway back to the town as the night falls, so we set up a camp. Some unwanted visitors wake us up only a few hours later. Goblins!

( (
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on August 08, 2012, 02:17:21 am
Don't die, Etad! We can rebuild him, we have the technology! Actually.... no we don't.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on August 08, 2012, 03:50:52 am
Once we've all gotten to the mountainhome, I think I will write a piece for all the lost companions. I'm going to make some engravings that can appear ingame, so what d'y'all think? In addition to the historical events, the lesser engravers could engrave images of "Etad the Human Axeman, well known for his hastiness and hatred of animals".

What do you think?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on August 08, 2012, 12:56:03 pm
Yes! Apparently, companions believe that all animals MUST DIE NOW.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on August 08, 2012, 08:54:04 pm
Well, if it isn't tame it must, obviously, be hostile to us (them). :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Spirit of Power on August 08, 2012, 09:25:53 pm
Don't die, Etad! We can rebuild him, we have the technology! Actually.... no we don't.
Actually, I've got raws for a reaction that resurrects people (didn't make it myself, got it from The Spellbook ( Not reanimates, actually resurrects. But I noticed, if you use it on corpses you find in lairs and such, recruit the resurrected person, and then leave the lair, they disappear. Should work just fine on companions, and I used it to res a vampire I found and harvest all the blood I needed from it. Might also work to get infinite dragon bones and such, now that I think about it, so long as you dismember a limb or two. But my point is that yes, we CAN rebuild him (Etad). That's right. Even death itself has been killed by dwarves.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on August 09, 2012, 12:33:46 am
...Only we didn't gen the world with this interaction.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Fen on August 09, 2012, 12:54:42 am
okay, so. I haven't been around recently, and I'm just coming in to say that I won't be taking another go around for this challenge, unfortunately. Problems around the home are making things difficult. And, well, Shit Went Down. I'll still be watching you guys forge the History Of The World, though.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on August 09, 2012, 01:07:21 am
...Only we didn't gen the world with this interaction.

Being able to resurrect things kinds of defeats the purpose of a vanilla challenge anyway.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on August 09, 2012, 02:54:56 am
Don't die, Etad! We can rebuild him, we have the technology! Actually.... no we don't.
Actually, I've got raws for a reaction that resurrects people (didn't make it myself, got it from The Spellbook ( Not reanimates, actually resurrects. But I noticed, if you use it on corpses you find in lairs and such, recruit the resurrected person, and then leave the lair, they disappear. Should work just fine on companions, and I used it to res a vampire I found and harvest all the blood I needed from it. Might also work to get infinite dragon bones and such, now that I think about it, so long as you dismember a limb or two. But my point is that yes, we CAN rebuild him (Etad). That's right. Even death itself has been killed by dwarves.

Wait - can this be done without genning the world?

Whats the right way to ask for help on the modding forums - anytime you do a search for a term, you end up in the middle of a conversation and obvious things like "well you have to regen the world" are missing from the discussion :P.

I have a bad ass adventurer that deserves to be resurrected and really want to figure out how to achieve it.

Heck that could be used to ressurect all the heroes who died so far :D.

Also - Go UGGI! You're nearing the Mt. Homes!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 09, 2012, 06:52:01 am
Ye Gods we have been at this a while, We are closing in on Finishing the "Round Two"
#1 Corai: DEAD
#2 Orky_Boss: SUCCESS! (Played via Crossroads)
#3 Reudh: SUCCESS!
#5 Torrasque666: SKIPPED
#7 Phones UP NEXT

As it stands now, makes me laugh.
I carried Uggi's body to the Mountain home.
Uggi Is currently carrying Phones body... Who is up next...
When Phones goes, if she finds Corai's body I'll laugh my ass off :D

Also if Uggi does make it He will be the FIFTH Dwarf to make it alive.
Fen and Torr have bowed out.  So if Phones makes it alive, (that will be 6)
We will still have room for ONE MORE DWARF,

HugoLuman already has spot one for what I guess will be "Round Three"
But we should have at leas four or five others given how many died!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on August 09, 2012, 07:09:16 am
Alright, so we add engravings to descriptor_shape_standard.

Here's a little basic one to commemorate Ubiq's status as the first.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on August 09, 2012, 07:21:21 am
If, somehow absurdly, you need one more, I offer my services.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on August 09, 2012, 08:28:01 am
Ye Gods we have been at this a while ...

HugoLuman already has spot one for what I guess will be "Round Three"
But we should have at leas four or five others given how many died!
Crossroads, could you post the list of who you've already got for round three? I'm curious to see how many it is.

If it wasn't for how long it would probably take to do so, I kind of want to suggest we go through all of round three just to see how many make it.  If its one or two, that will probably be enough to reach our target number of homeless dwarves in the valley.  We may, however, end up with more which could make things even more interesting for the second half of this amazingly fun (even just to read) challenge. :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 09, 2012, 10:31:05 am
I quickly drop my heaviest stuff to the ground and grab my crossbow. I shoot at a goblin axeman and Ettad helps by cutting its arm off. I'm not sure how many goblins there are in the darkness, but I can see that one of them is clearly their leader.

( (

( (

A goblin spearman charges at me, but only manages to get itself knocked down. So I switch to my spear and stab it in its face. We're getting attacked by three goblins at the same time. I'm focusing to the goblin leader while Ettad fights with two goblin macemen. These goblins seem inexperienced.

( (

( (

( (

Ettad got a small tear in his ear, and his madness against all living beings raises again, and he BITES one of the goblins, shaking it around.

( (

Moments later, another goblin appears from the darkness. I throw some of my rocks at the goblin, disabling its weapon arm, and then get closer and finish it with my spear.

( (

( (

We patrol around our campfire and find a dead badger. I wonder if Ettad has been up killing animals while I was still sleeping or did the goblins do this? While I'm pondering it another badger attacks us! I resort to my wrestling skills and throw the badger high in the air, killing it in the collision with the earth. Meanwhile Ettad finds yet another goblin. The goblin charges at him, somehow managing to knock the big human down. I help Ettad from the distance by throwing rocks at the goblin. Ettad is furious and dismembers the goblin.

( (

( (

We search around the camp again and only find a badger, which of course ends up dead when Ettad sees it. Somehow the camp doesn't feel safe anymore, so we pick up our stuff and start walking towards the town.

It's snowing in the middle of the night and we can't see a thing. Ettad however can hear the badgers and runs off into the night. I hear screams of dying badgers. I sigh again. I come across his unconscious victims and put them down. If he would at least finish them himself.

( (

After some hiking in the darkness we set up a new camp. I'm feeling paranoid and surround us with campfires.

( (

Before falling to sleep, Ettad, in his utter madness declares himself "the Immortal Suicide". Now I'm afraid to go to sleep.

( (

1st Malachite, 11

We spend the whole day travelling. Miraculously I manage to keep Ettad away from animals for a whole day! At evening we're finally back in the fortress of Trammelrisen. We recruit Uhos, a human lasher and spend the night in the fortress.

( (

( (

( (
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on August 09, 2012, 07:41:05 pm
Quote from: Uggi II Loloknom Abirvathez Stul
Ettad, in his utter madness declares himself "the Immortal Suicide". Now I'm afraid to go to sleep.
This literally made me laugh out loud. :D

So, how far to you have to go now, Uggi?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on August 09, 2012, 08:59:56 pm
Alright, so we add engravings to descriptor_shape_standard.

Here's a little basic one to commemorate Ubiq's status as the first.


Can you add descriptors to an existing world? Changing one that already exists might work, but I don't know if adding one will.

Quote from: uggi
We recruit Uhos, a human lasher and spend the night in the fortress.

If nights filled with screaming animals bothered you before, it'll be even worse with a lasher around. More of a "Oh, Gods, why can't I die?" deal, but similar none the less.

If you can find one, I'd recommend picking up a Spearman to deal with any large animals you might run across.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 10, 2012, 07:22:11 am
Looks like you are making a name for yourself Uggi!
Kee it up, cannot wait for your next post, you have a great style to your story telling!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on August 11, 2012, 07:17:23 am
Ooh, I just went through the entire thread and added everything of note to engravings. This *may* work in an existing world, provided you haven't started a new fort. I'm going to test. Starting with the very first of us, Orky Firebolts of Death, and finishing up with Uhos, the most recent companion of Uggi II. [TILE:254] means in Code437 the wall looks like a wall with a small square on it. I might change the image to the dwarf in 437, but I don't know its ID.

Code: [Select]
[NAME:Crossroads Inc.:Crossroads Inc]
[ADJ:the inspiring]
[ADJ:the settler]

[NAME:Orky Zirilalath Rash:Orky Firebolts of Death]
[ADJ:the carp-slain]
[ADJ:the dead]

[ADJ:the supercarp]
[ADJ:the Orky-slayer]

[NAME:Lord Reudh Ritholnokzam Gataldisuth Izeg:Lord

Reudh Noblebattle the Ageless Nightmare of Apes]
[ADJ:the dead]
[ADJ:the human-hating]

[NAME:Kes Pessalcone:Kes Renownedrinsed]
[ADJ:the valiant, but foolish]
[ADJ:the human]
[ADJ:the killed by a giant dingo]
[ADJ:the not bad ape]
[ADJ:the animal hunter]

[NAME:Nish Koltulan:Ubiq's Avatar]
[ADJ:the quick-moving]
[ADJ:the hardy]
[ADJ:the wise]
[ADJ:the veteran]
[ADJ:the legendary crutchwalking]

[NAME:Rogon Cavetrails:Rogon, Honoured Friend of

[ADJ:the drowning]
[ADJ:the valiant]
[ADJ:the drowned]
[ADJ:the honoured]

[NAME:Uggi Granitegods:Uggi Loloknom]
[ADJ:the lost to time]
[ADJ:the troglodyte torturing]
[ADJ:the giant bat strangling]
[ADJ:the footless]
[ADJ:the heavily scarred]
[ADJ:the human who was made into a pincushion by


[NAME:Imi Mecondosla:Imi Mecondosla]
[ADJ:the human ranger]
[ADJ:the lamprey-fearing]
[ADJ:the drowned]

[ADJ:the bane of Reudh]
[ADJ:the giant dingo]

[ADJ:the Not Bad Ape slayer]
[ADJ:the giant dingo]
[ADJ:the consumer of humans]
[ADJ:the killer of Kes Pessalcone]

[NAME:Melbil Postdanced:Corai's Avatar]
[ADJ:the dwarf with a mind of a kobold]
[ADJ:the coward]

[NAME:Fen Zustashnazush Beldatur:Fen Ancientblood

the Gray Spire]
[ADJ:the socially-crippled]
[ADJ:the dwarf who goes "UGGGG" at people and walks

[ADJ:the thrips-killer]
[ADJ:the bogey-jumped]
[ADJ:the maimed and twisted dwarf]
[ADJ:the one who feared the night]

[NAME:Torrasque the Forgotten:Torrasque the Hiker]
[ADJ:the dwarf who made an army,]
[ADJ:the one who starved in the Scholarly Fingers]

[NAME:Melkor Nogleshlibash:Melkor Savageaxes]
[ADJ:the one armed]
[ADJ:the amazing roc slaying]
[ADJ:the slayer of Enore,]

[NAME:Iral Cherishedblunts:Iral Cherishedblunts]
[ADJ:the stabbed]
[ADJ:the one who was slain by a unicorn]

[ADJ:the once cute but now deadly unicorn]
[ADJ:the one who Melkor slew in vengeance]
[ADJ:the one whose meat Melkor feasted upon]

[NAME:Phones Starchampion:Phones Virakur]
[ADJ:the cheerful]
[ADJ:the goblin slain]

[NAME:Cog Taronoddom:Cog the Koboldwarf]
[ADJ:the kobold-controlled]
[ADJ:the sharpshooter]
[ADJ:the one who made Oxox Meetblames beg for mercy

despite the fact that it was a dingo and couldn't talk,]
[ADJ:the one who carried a bag of wolf skulls]
[ADJ:the husband of Thirteen Wolves,]
[ADJ:the earthbender]
[ADJ:the natural predator of dingoes]
[ADJ:the one who manages to destabilise the

[ADJ:the one who was slain by the one who had been

powered by Armok,]

[NAME:Pathril Budoanir:Pathril Roarpages]
[ADJ:the keen architect who carried a knife]
[ADJ:the friend of Cog]
[ADJ:the one who drowned nearly instantly]

[NAME:Orky "Boss" Kashezkivish:Orky "Boss"

Lessonlancer the Fed Bewilderment]
[ADJ:the one who discovered his own corpse]
[ADJ:the one who Crossroads possessed]
[ADJ:the one who discovered the mystery of Snodub


[NAME:Nethu Nesikzomuth:Nethu the Headstrong]
[ADJ:the one who was stabbed in the head]

[NAME:Dosheb Apugnebo:Dosheb of the Thousand Forms]
[ADJ:the one who has clones]
[ADJ:the one who may be a god guiding us dwarves]
[ADJ:the one who barely survived saving Orky "Boss"

Lessonlancers from Rushan]
[ADJ:the one who went mad and strangled a kangaroo

to death until he fainted]
[ADJ:hero of the watchful rags]

[NAME:Rushan Polishfades:Rushan the Giant Cave

[ADJ:the slayer of many]

[NAME:Snodub Vileseals:Snodub the Elusive]
[ADJ:the already-slain]
[ADJ:the one slain by a farmer]

[NAME:Dag Campechoes:Dag Muthismo]
[ADJ:the one who slew Snodub]
[ADJ:the one fated to meet Orky and Dosheb]

[NAME:Lord Reudh II Rakaskezat Toltot Gedor:Lord

Reudh II Strangerdanger the Raven of Evil]
[ADJ:the waterbender]
[ADJ:the slayer of bogeymen and jungle evils]
[ADJ:the one who met the Exalted Oracle, Xidel

[ADJ:the master merchant who bought berries for

[ADJ:the dwarf who could sell mud to a merchant]
[ADJ:the bane of guinea pigs]
[ADJ:the one who witnessed vultures being strangled

by the night]
[ADJ:the one who pioneered the water-bending]
[ADJ:crab connisseur]
[ADJ:the one who witnessed the battle of titans, an

anaconda and an alligator]

[NAME:Dof Kisnastrozmo:Dof Visionbuttered]
[ADJ:the drowning man]
[ADJ:he who drowned leaving the town like a fool]

[NAME:Nod Raneheju:Nod, the wife of Dof]
[ADJ:the solitary sad wife]
[ADJ:the one who got through Reudh's stony exterior]
[ADJ:the mourning human]
[ADJ:the one who married Dof]

[NAME:Kado Wuspinjir:Kado Cradlerise]
[ADJ:the pewpew-mad guy]
[ADJ:the man who fled into the wild]

[NAME:Mita Agepethit:Mita Brotherlace]
[ADJ:another person of no note who drowned]

[NAME:Rakel Atkilxaki:Rakel Seertactics]
[ADJ:human who dared cross an alligator]

[NAME:Puja Aslujirdo:Puja Circledforded]
[ADJ:the one whose head was made into human puree by

a rhinoceros]

[ADJ:the rhino who used his hooves to great measure

against Puja Aslujirdo's head,]

[ADJ:the alligator who consumed Rakel]

[NAME:Uggi II Loloknom Abirvathez Stul:Uggi II

Loloknom the Romantic Virgin of Maws]
[ADJ:he who was a romantic virgin]
[ADJ:slaughterer of goblins]
[ADJ:bearer of Phones' body]

[NAME:Usmik Nubpoirne:Usmik Nubpoirne]
[ADJ:the one who was shot in the head and lived for

a time]

[NAME:Zoku Waxtowers:Zoku Ganuhono]
[ADJ:the one who slew goblins while mortally injured]

[NAME:Ettad Uselbatow Athrikur:Ettad Fighttrade the Immortal Suicide]
[ADJ:animal abusing]
[ADJ:the killing machine]
[ADJ:the one who is feared for his mighty bite]

[NAME:Uhos Amthalo:Uhos Handscale]
[ADJ:the orphan warrior]

I tried giving them amusing descriptions: if the game decides they're plural (the second entry in [NAME]), it should work fine, as in "On the engraving is an image of the orphan warrior Uhos Handscale."

If it's singular, it'll be a bit weird syntax wise. "On the engraving is an image of a the orphan warrior Uhos Amthalo".

Though hopefully this should work. This is everyone to date, plus people of interest they have met.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 14, 2012, 06:10:21 am
Hmmm no update from Uggi recently? Anyone else heard back from him?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 15, 2012, 01:45:32 pm
Update coming later tonight.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 16, 2012, 01:47:00 am
2nd Malachite, 11

We're back in Whimkin and make a quick visit to the marketplace, selling seeds to the farmers. We then take a quick patrol around the town, checking the temple and some of the houses, just to make sure there are no goblins running around this time. The town seems clear of invaders and we enter the keep to collect the stuff I stored there earlier. Rumors of our adventures have reached the town already.

( (

The stash I left here seems untouched. I cram the dead dwarf's corpse and all his belongings inside his own backpack and lift the heavy load into my back. I don't have any use for the human currency in the wilderness, so I leave all my coin pouches here. Maybe another adventurer will need it later.

( (

( (

We're ready for the journey! We leave Whimkin behind and slowly start walking towards southwest. The heavy load is really slowing me down and Ettad and Uhos are running circles around me. Well, at least they're not running after wildlife creatures. We will make a quick stop in Shakecheerful, my home village. It's conveniently in our route and actually the last civilized place we will see in days, maybe weeks.

We arrive in the outskirts of Shakecheerful at late evening and spend a few hours resting and waiting for the big river to freeze so we can cross it safely. Uhos claims she knows how to swim, but I'm not taking any chances with a river this size. It's dark when we finally reach the village.

( (

The people are happy to see me again and I can't wait to tell the news about our adventures. The village chief is a bit skeptical at first, but also excited to hear that we took care of the outlaws and goblins. We spend the night in his house.

( (

3rd Malachite, 11

We wake up early, say our farewells to the villagers and cross the river while it's still partially frozen. Not really sure which way is the best to go, we take a wild guess and head south towards the elven forests. I've heard tales of elves, in fact some very disturbing tales, but I'm also interested to see these creatures with my own eyes.

We come across a narrow river and Uhos demonstrates her swimming skills. This is excellent, now we don't have to wait for the rivers to freeze over before crossing them. These lands are absolutely filled with rivers, we cross several of them before it's even noon. This is going great, I think. And then, naturally, we walk right into a trap.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 16, 2012, 02:52:31 am
Something shouts at us in a strange language. Kobolds!

I see a lone kobold bowman in the distance and decide to drop it with my crossbow. Meanwhile, Uhos and Ettad get in melee combat with kobold spearmen. Uhos being not very experienced, gets injured quickly. Ettad however is having a great time dismembering and biting kobolds.

( (

( (

( (

( (

I get jumped by two kobolds, so I switch to my spear and instantly disable a kobold spearman by thrusting my spear into its head. Another kobold spearman is heading towards me and in the distance I can see Uhos dying. She went down fighting, striking kobolds with her whip while laying in the ground.

( (

It's getting a bit crowded, so I throw two kobolds in the air and then stab them with my spear while they are stunned by the collision. I manage to disable them, while even more kobolds appear. Soon I'm surrounded by four kobolds, wrestling two of them at the same time.

( (

( (

( (

Finally I manage to kill two of them, first by bashing one skull in with my shield and then another with a classic martial arts technique known as the Fist of Urist. Meanwhile, Ettad takes care of the bowkobolds.

( (

( (

I bash another kobold dead with my shield and then finish the last one with a roundhouse kick to the head.

( (

( (

We patrol around the area and I spot another bowkobold farther away. Using the ground as my cover I manage to sneak closer to it. Just when I'm right next to the kobold, it spots Ettad and shoots him in the leg. Grabbing the kobold by its bow, I manage to disarm it.

( (

( (

Continuing with my wrestling moves, I first break its shoulder and then throw the creature in the air. It flies in an arc and I've got plenty of time to pick up my weapon, walk to where the kobold lands and finish it with my fist. This is the Way of Urist.

( (

( (

I wonder if there are still kobolds lurking behind the trees, scared of us. They should be. The battlefield is littered with corpses. Sadly, one of them belongs to Uhos. We set up a few campfires next to her fallen body and rest for a few hours. No more kobolds show up. Ettad's leg feels a bit better and we continue with our journey.

( (
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 16, 2012, 10:00:55 am
Awesome stuff Uggi! You are becomng quite the blood sattered warrior.
All that training early on is really REALLY paying off

And thanks for the update, theres so many of us choming at the bit to see what happens next.

How far are you from mthe mountains? Have you got a map of your area?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on August 16, 2012, 11:10:13 am
I'd like to re-offer my services for round 3. Sorry for lack of activity, but been on hols/ busy with space program.
Also, uggi, just head left until you reach the map edge. Then go down from there. GOOD LUCK!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on August 22, 2012, 08:39:46 am
Since its Wednesday, I thought I'd see if more Unrivaled Adventures of Uggi were available for viewing? :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 22, 2012, 10:00:35 am
Tonight, hopefully.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 23, 2012, 11:36:20 am
Later in the evening, we run into a pack of wolves. Well, let's put it this way, the wolfpack runs into Ettad. I quickly drop my heavy stuff to the ground and run into the battle. I'm not letting Ettad have all the fun!

( (

I throw my rocks at the wolves, killing one with a lucky headshot. We get a bit competitive and in the end Ettad gets only two kills, and I get four.

( (

( (

As the night falls I'm again feeling a little paranoid and surround us with campfires.

4th Malachite, 11

We wake up refreshed and continue with our journey. It's still early morning when we meet another pack of canines, this time dingoes. Ettad scores two kills, I got three.

( (

Only a moment later Ettad runs off after a wild boar and brutally slaughters it. Will he ever stop this madness? I spend the whole day trying to keep him out of trouble, but at the evening he manages to catch a kea. Poor bird. At least he finishes it by himself. I hate euthanizing the crippled creatures he leaves behind.

As the night falls, I surround us with campfires. Can't be too careful out here.

5th Malachite, 11

We sleep for a few hours and wake up in the middle of the night. Kobolds! They're shooting arrows at us from the darkness. I should have left an opening in the perimeter of campfires. We can do nothing but trust our reflexes until they run out of ammo. I quickly drop my backpacks to the ground as they are slowing me down.

( (

I make a desperate move and set some of the trees next to the campfires on fire, hoping that they will burn down and we can get out. I spot several kobolds on the other side of the campfires, taunting at us. I pull out my crossbow and shoot at them.

( (

( (

Annoyingly, the kobold bowman manages to stay in a blind spot. I can't shoot at it, but it sure can shoot at us!

( (

( (

This is madness, dodging arrows in the darkness, in the middle of the smoke generated by a dozen campfires and two burning trees. No wonder I got hit. Luckily it's just a flesh wound.

( (

Ettad hasn't been hit, at least not yet. He dodges an arrow and jumps right into a campfire. He quickly jumps back, avoiding getting burned alive.

( (

At last the kobold bowman runs out of arrows! Now it's a staring contest, both sides are waiting for the campfires or the trees to burn out. After a long night the dawn finally breaks, and one of the campfires dies out. Ettad runs head first into the battle, slicing kobolds with his halberd.

( (

( (

I only manage to get one shot at the kobolds until they're at me. I switch to my pick for a change, and start dismembering the kobolds.

( (

Ettad disappears in the darkness after kobolds. The muffled sounds suggest that he's biting things again.

( (

( (

I finish the two kobolds easily and search around the camp. I find Ettad next to a fresh kobold corpse. In the end I find only five kobold corpses in the area. Maybe some ran away.

( (

( (

We wait for a moment for my cheek to stop bleeding and then continue walking south towards the elven lands. I've heard rumors of some mythical beasts living in nearby areas and I'm trying to avoid them as best as I can.

The plan:

( (
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Gukag on August 23, 2012, 03:13:30 pm
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on August 23, 2012, 06:01:50 pm
That giant dingo is either Warmthsplashed or Dipplays, Kes and Reudh I's killers respectively.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on August 23, 2012, 10:58:10 pm
In that case, uggi needs to haul their cursed carcass to Silverysect so we can turn it into decorative goods, clothing, and fine dining.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on August 23, 2012, 11:06:00 pm
If you're going to, be VERY careful. Giant dingoes are fast, and if they bite you, the area they bit is gone.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 23, 2012, 11:38:48 pm
In the hills, Ettad kills more and more wildlife. He's getting better at it, killing them instead of leaving them unconscious. I'm not sure if that's actually a progress or not. Whenever I see a herd of wild boars in the distance, I try sneak around them and hope that Ettad doesn't spot them.

In the early evening we came across a starting point of a beautiful stream. It's flowing in the direction we're heading so we stick on to it.

( (

I'm trying a new strategy with campfires. Surrounding us from one side with campfires and from one side with murky pools, I'm hoping this will go better than the last night. If anything wants to get at us, it has to swim through the pools.

( (

6th Malachite, 11

A horrible growl wakes me up. What now?!

( (

A cougar? Ettad is already on the move. Looks like I accidentally left an opening in the line of campfires. He's again faster than me, and when I arrive at the scene the cougar is already laying on the ground, stunned.

( (

I join the battle and together we give the cougar a proper beating. The cougar finally bleeds to death and we can get back to sleep.

( (

( (

Nothing else harasses us that night. The next day goes by quickly as we travel through the hills and the jungle. We have some small encounters with the wildlife, I get attacked by two falcons and Ettad runs around killing things. We set up a campsite in the jungle and sleep through the night, this time uninterrupted.

( (

7th Malachite, 11

In the morning we take a short walk to the elven forest retreat, Trussflowers. We meet the elves... and I'm shocked. I had heard tales about them, but I never thought they would be this annoying! They're taunting at us!

( (

Spoiler: Meeting the elves! (click to show/hide)

They won't even let us inside their stupid tree houses, so we set up a campfire under their trees. Maybe if we stick around for a while they'll start acting like civilized beings.

( (

"Silly dwarf, don't light a campfire there! Our sunshine stockpile is right abov" --- WHHOOOOOM!!

Wha... oops!

( (

"The trees, NOT OUR TREES, NOOOOOO!!!"
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on August 23, 2012, 11:50:53 pm
Hey Uggi, what's yours and Ettad's kill list look like?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 24, 2012, 12:08:07 pm
Awesome stuff Uggi!
Well worth the wait :D
had me genuinelly "Lol" at the Exploading Sunshine barrels.  Oh foolish elves, when will you learn?
Also good LORD did not know how many mega beasts are in the area! Dragon, Giants, Minotaur, nasty stuff!

Looks like you are getting close to the spot! You are in the home stretch buddy! :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on August 25, 2012, 02:47:39 pm
I hope you escaped the fire, Uggi. ;)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 25, 2012, 10:57:20 pm
We make a quick exit from Trussflowers and run into the jungle, looking nervously behind our shoulders. When the night falls we set up a perimeter of campfires in the middle of the jungle. Nothing ambushes us that night, not even the angry elves.

8th Malachite, 11

We are still in the elven lands, heading south towards another forest retreat. I hope they haven't heard what happened in Trussflowers. On our way we cross a major river. I can't even see the other bank of the river when we descend into the water. Ettad in fact runs into the river, after a wild boar he was chasing.

We arrive in Whisperleopard in the early evening. I can't tell if the elves have heard the news yet, because they're being just as annoying as the elves in Trussflowers. I really don't understand them. Even Ettad is disgusted by their habits, and he's a man who enjoys torturing animals.

Later in the evening, we pass through another forest retreat, Burysable. I think it's the elven capital. We take a quick look at the place, are not impressed, and continue southwards. We spend the night in yet another forest retreat, Mawplunges, and make sure to set up the campfire far away from their precious trees. I think I've seen enough elves for a lifetime. Tomorrow we'll leave the lands of these dirty hippies for good.

9th Malachite, 11

We leave Burysable, the last outpost of civilization. Well, after seeing the elves and their habits I'm not sure if we can call them civilized. Anyway, between us and our destination are nothing but caves and lairs filled with beasts and Armok knows what abominations. And then the goblin lands. Not one, but three dark fortresses, all filled with nasty goblins. We have to go around them, somehow.

Later in the morning, we come across another major river. Possibly the same one we saw yesterday. Ettad again runs straight into the river and disappears beneath the waves. I don't know what he wrestles with, but after a while he comes back, bruised. I think I saw a hippo earlier. I sure hope he would stay clear of them.

And then comes the herds of unicorns. Ettad wants to kill them all. I'm having hard time keeping him clear of them. I don't want to see him getting impaled by those horns.

10th Malachite, 11

We're getting nightly visitors again. Strange noises wake us up. We can't see what's outside the perimeter.


Tired of waiting, we swim through the murky pool and prepare for fight. A band of strange humanoids approaches us. Tigermen? I grab the first one with a wrestling move, trying to throw it but the thing is too heavy. I manage to take it down however, and incapacitate another one with my pick.


Together with Ettad we split some skulls. One of the tigermen loses its head completely.



We patrol around the area making sure there are no more surprises. Ettad sees something in the darkness and I follow after him. It's a thrips man, and Ettad kills it with one punch.


Ettad is still running after something. A thrips woman? One bolt from my crossbow takes care of it.


I hear Ettad slaughtering another thrips man in the darkness. He comes back uninjured, wiping blood off his halberd.

I think that was the last of them. We walk back to the campsite and sleep through the rest of the night uninterrupted.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 25, 2012, 11:10:28 pm
Hey Uggi, what's yours and Ettad's kill list look like?

Here's mine:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And Ettad's:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Oh, and these were before the last ambush. I took these when I retired in the last elven town (to update stuff for Legends Viewer).
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 30, 2012, 10:28:47 am
Hey Uggi, sorry I didn't post earlier, missed this update
LOVING Your rampage! You are truely becoming a feared warrior indeed :D

Also what IS IT with Human companions running off to slaughter every last critter and animal in a 5mile radius?
I mean look at the companion I had, he had close to 100 animal kills by the end of the trip Humans just go crazy when they see a wild animal
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on August 30, 2012, 08:40:35 pm
With companions, it's loose-loose

Humans - Run off after every single wild animal they see, will stop only if the target is incapacitated in some way (it does not matter what), and potentially get killed via this stupidity.

Elves - Won't get killed because they won't do something stupid like challenge every single giant crocodile to single combat, but also won't intervene even if a gorilla is skipping rope with your intestines while a bear rapes you and a giant dingo tries to remove your face.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on September 02, 2012, 11:30:26 am
Any update, Uggi?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on September 02, 2012, 02:31:57 pm
Wow I just realized we have been at this for almost FOUR months :D :P
Four months and so far Five dwarfs have made it alive, soooo many others dead.
If Uggi makes it we need only ONE MORE and then
We can actually START the game :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on September 02, 2012, 03:03:41 pm
Wow I just realized we have been at this for almost FOUR months :D :P
Four months and so far Five dwarfs have made it alive, soooo many others dead.
If Uggi makes it we need only ONE MORE and then
We can actually START the game :D

Let'a just pray that toady doesn't release a save-incompatible version now...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on September 05, 2012, 11:43:36 pm
I'll try to post an update later today.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on September 06, 2012, 05:20:43 am
Thanks Uggi, can't wait to see you make it :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on September 06, 2012, 11:20:48 am
57 pages and we still haven't made it... this is getting ridiculous...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on September 06, 2012, 04:09:17 pm
During the next day we see a lot of strange humanoids. Some are thrips man, similar to what we encountered last night. Some have the head of a grasshopper, some are a weird mix of sponges and humans. They all run away from us.

We find a major river filled with hippos. Thankfully Ettad doesn't spot them. I make sure we stay away from the river, and finally find a way around it in a strange place where two major rivers start. As we hop around the narrower parts, a sponge man tries to pull me down into the water. Its head is an easy target for my pick.

( major rivers - sponge men.png)

( sponge man.png)

Closer to the noon Ettad sees a humanoid with a head of a wild boar and picks up a fight with it. He gets a few bruises, nothing serious this time.

( ettads kill.png)

Late in the evening we literally run into a swarm of giant thrips. Usually I leave the wildlife creatures alone unless they provoke me, but these things are just too disgusting. To my horror, Ettad goes and bites one. That's really a disturbing sight. Together we catch two of them, the rest flies away.

( giant thrips.png)

( giant thrips.png)

( giant thrips.png)

We're in a middle of a jungle when the sun sets down. Then it starts raining and gets too dark to see anything. We set up a camp next to a small pond. Hopefully we can sleep through the night without ambushes. I have my doubts.

( camping.png)

OOC: I thought the good biomes would have less dangerous creatures and less ambushes, but it seems to be the opposite. Having much trouble navigating around unicorns and hippos. I don't want Ettad's head kicked in :p

More adventuring tomorrow, I hope.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on September 06, 2012, 08:24:31 pm
Have you been butchering all of the animals (well, those that can be butchered anyway) Ettad has been killing in his rampage by any chance?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on September 07, 2012, 01:42:04 pm
You really are getting into this rampant killing things Uggi :D
Of course after a certain point EVERYONE does in adventure!

Look forward to the next update! You getting close to the mountain hall?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on September 09, 2012, 09:28:02 pm
It was looking like he was almost there, just north east of the gap in the mountains, the last time he posted a world map view.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on September 10, 2012, 07:27:57 am
Hope so, have to say I am really excited about it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on September 10, 2012, 04:23:22 pm
Turning me and Ettad into husks is bad, right? Found a cursed cloud that does exactly that.
Pros: immortality, well, kind of
Cons: an eternal battle with Ettad, gets boring after he removes all of your limbs and blocks your biting attempts

Have to roll back the save a bit and go around the area. Or: we could also turn into husks simultaneously and continue the journey. Not sure if I could still retire in the mountainhomes. And would I then come back as a husk migrant..? Any ideas?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on September 10, 2012, 06:37:56 pm
You'd likely be able to settle in the area and occasionally roam onto the map, as you would no longer be dwarf.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on September 10, 2012, 08:54:03 pm
It would defeat the purpose of coming to help found, as you'd just be monsters.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on September 11, 2012, 07:32:20 am
As awesome as it would be, sadly I will have to vote for the reload on this :/
Of course upload the "evil" save so others cave have fun with it before going back to normal :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on September 13, 2012, 12:21:26 pm
Hows the evil husk thing coming along? :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Varnifane on September 13, 2012, 03:34:36 pm
Haven't read through the entire thread yet...

But is there anything to update the OP with?

Also, when it goes fortress mode succession I'd like a turn if it's available.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on September 16, 2012, 05:09:04 pm
11th Malachite, 11

It's a surprisingly quiet night in the jungle. Maybe the bad weather keeps the monsters in their hideouts. It's still raining when we wake up in the morning.
After a short walk we run into another weird creature. An enermous hamster! For such a huge animal it moves amazingly fast. Ettad gets knocked down repeatedly by the hamster's charges and he seems to have real trouble fighting with it. I try my luck wrestling with the animal, but it's way too heavy for me to move. I manage to break its leg with my pick, slowing it down and then get a really nice Fist of Urist moment.



We meet more animals like the hamster. Giant animals. Strange giant sponges in the rivers. And alligators. Getting around them with a murderous human takes a lot of time. I sure hope we can get out of this damned jungle soon. We are forced to spend another night in the jungle.


12th Malachite, 11

Something wakes us up in the middle of the night. I can't see anything behind the campfire perimeter, and I'm not going to wander around in the middle of the night with all those giant animals roaming around. Maybe we're just getting paranoid. After a while we manage to fall back to sleep and wake up in the morning, refreshed.

Later in the morning when we cross another river, a carp lunges at me. I end up fighting with a whole bunch of carps, while Ettad runs around after wild boars.


Finally! We're out from the jungle. I'm not really sure if that's a good thing, seeing what's in front of us. The landscape looks... evil.


While we are wondering which way to go to get around the haunted area, two lions ambush us. We're both first knocked down by their charges, but we manage to get the upper edge by disabling their legs.




We end up walking right through the haunted area. It doesn't actually look so bad. Just some weird smoke floating around. I still feel we should stay clear from that.


The wildlife here seems possessed by evil forces. We meet a herd of impalas, but they're not running away from us like the other herbivores we have seen before. Instead, they attack us. Ettad seems pleased.



Suddenly the weird looking smoke starts moving towards us. We're only seconds away from being engulfed in the smoke when we dive into a river.


We spend a few moments in the river waiting for the smoke to drift away. When the air has cleared we get up, and see what the smoke did to the wildlife. Two warthogs got caught in the smoke and they turned into these ...monstrous things, that I don't even know how to describe. They charge at us, Ettad gets hurt, and we're soon in a big trouble.


No matter how much we beat them, they just won't die. We can only hope that dismembering them enough will make them stop moving.



The battlefield is soon cluttered with various warthog parts, but the things are still moving! We manage to remove their most dangerous parts: their husks and hooves, but they're still trying to wrestle us.



After what feels like hours of fighting, I finally manage to get a lucky headshot and behead one of the warthogs, and it falls down dead.


The other warthog is even harder to kill, even with its limbs cut off it keeps dodging my blows. It takes a lot of beating until I get another lucky strike and remove its head.



Ettad took quite a beating and has been unconscious and vomiting. I can't do much but wait and hope that he recovers enough so that we can move out from the haunted area.


After a few hours, Ettad gets back on his feet again and we can finally leave the cursed area behind.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on September 16, 2012, 05:16:48 pm
Blimey, that's fantastic Uggi! I'm surprised Ettad had the wits to avoid the fog as well.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on September 17, 2012, 12:16:51 am
Yeah, I thought Ettad would get husked. Good thing he didn't!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on September 17, 2012, 10:48:32 am
Incredable stuff Uggi!
Seems like you have been at this forever! where are you on the map? I don't rememebr passing by an evil area like that on my trip...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on September 17, 2012, 10:55:34 am
Yeah, I thought Ettad would get husked. Good thing he didn't!
Ettad + husked = no more animals. Anywhere.
Any chance of putting up the save from when you and Ettad got husked? I'd like to see who would win...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on September 17, 2012, 01:26:07 pm
Incredable stuff Uggi!
Seems like you have been at this forever! where are you on the map? I don't rememebr passing by an evil area like that on my trip...

Their current location is just past the Negative Hill, which is a bit off of the Ferocious Waters, which is the small ocean to the east of the Bronze Towers and the north of the Spike of Dancing. Still a fair distance to go and through goblin territory at that; there's no dark towers to worry about, but plenty of bandit groups to be ambushed by would be my guess.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on September 20, 2012, 07:35:31 am
Well I hope he is able to get there, I think his turn has been the longest so far ;/
It has been good stories, so I don't mind waiting,
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: omg_scout on September 21, 2012, 01:54:14 pm
Great read I had in this thread. Ty guys!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on September 23, 2012, 10:34:11 am
Here's a drawing that was done for me regarding Reudh's destruction of the bogeymen using water. Can't remember the author... :/

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on September 23, 2012, 04:22:34 pm
Bear with me, I'm getting closer. Done a few dwarven days worth of adventuring, will post when I've got some spare time.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on September 26, 2012, 03:40:09 pm
13th Malachite, 11

I wake up in the next morning from the sounds of Ettad fighting with vultures. What a lovely morning.

( - 2nd turn/357 vulture attack in the morning.png)

During the day we cross several rivers, and every time Ettad finds something to fight with. He has clearly healed well and is happy to be able to kill things again. His kills for today:
- 2 vultures
- 5 cavy boars
- 2 warthogs

And one badly cut hippo that got away.

( - 2nd turn/360 ettad vs hippo.png)

In the evening we see a huge swamp opening in front of us: The Murk of Murdering. Our destination lies directly behind it. Goblins are known to live in the swamp, and I'm hoping we could sneak around their territory. I'm feeling really paranoid when we're setting up the camp for the night. My usual strategy of surrounding the campsite from one side with a murky pool isn't going to work in here. The weather is so hot that all the pools have dried up. What a strange swamp this is. I'm leaving a small opening in the perimeter of campfires, just in case we get visitors at night.

14th Malachite, 11

The night goes without interruptions, a rare luxury in these days. We head south, following a major river. At noon we have to cross the river, as it turns towards the goblin territory. Behind the river rises a hill, and I spot an entrance leading inside it. I'm already feeling a bit drowsy, so we might as well explore the cave and maybe use it as a campsite for the night.

( - 2nd turn/363 the bearded cave.png)

As we investigate the cave, I suddenly spot a giant bat dozing in a corner. I don't want Ettad to start messing with it, so I immediately sneak closer and manage to put it down with a single strike to the head from my pickaxe.

( - 2nd turn/364 giant bat.png)

Of course Ettad finds another giant bat and starts fighting with it. The bat charges at him and Ettad is soon pinned to the ground and stunned. Knowing how these things can rip off limbs of unfortunate adventurers, I run to help him. I slow the bat down by breaking its leg and then bash its head open with my heavy crossbow.

( - 2nd turn/365 another giant bat.png)

( - 2nd turn/366 giant bat.png)

( - 2nd turn/367 giant bat.png)

We explore the cave further down and find another giant bat. Dismembering it takes a while.

( - 2nd turn/368 third giant bat.png)

( - 2nd turn/370 giant bat.png)

( - 2nd turn/371 giant bat.png)

As we descend even deeper down, the cave suddenly opens into a huge underground cavern.

( - 2nd turn/372 cavern.png)

We explore the cavern a bit, finding only some spider webs. Ettad gets caught in them repeatedly. I'm starting to get a feeling we should head back up. The webs look fresh and I don't want to meet the thing that built them. As we head back to the cave, yet another giant bat blocks our path. Luckily it doesn't offer much resistance.

( - 2nd turn/373 fourth giant bat.png)

( - 2nd turn/374 giant bat.png)

Peeking out from the cave, I can see the sun is already in the western sky. Feeling drowsy, we decide to set up a camp inside the cave.

15th Malachite, 11

I'm not sure if it's morning yet, it's raining heavily outside and I can't see the sun. We head out from the cave anyway. We walk quite a bit and when the rain finally stops, turns out the sun is only starting to rise.

In the evening I spot a mountain peak in the horizon. It's the first one I've seen, ever. I think we're heading in the right direction!

( - 2nd turn/375 volcano in the horizon.png)

Ettad isn't impressed. The humans don't appreciate the mountains like us dwarves do. While I'm admiring the view, he goes and dissects an anaconda into little pieces.

( - 2nd turn/376 ettad vs anaconda.png)

Thanks to the rain, we can again set up a campsite between two murky pools. While I'm setting up the perimeter, Ettad finds another anaconda and cuts it into pieces. He likes to exercise before going to sleep.

( - 2nd turn/377 camp.png)

16th Malachite, 11

Another night goes by, surprisingly without interruptions. We get back on the trail, cross another big river and as the sun starts rising, we start climbing the mountain. And then discover that the mountain is actually a volcano! There's a huge pool of lava boiling inside the mountain! It's... beautiful!

( - 2nd turn/380 volcano.png)

( - 2nd turn/381 volcano.png)

I have to see this from above! I head up towards the summit, and got ambushed by an anaconda! I'm only inches away from falling into the lava below. A lucky headshot from my trusty pickaxe saves the day.

( - 2nd turn/382 anaconda.png)

We reach the summit and I stop to admire the view. I don't know how long I spend staring at the lava. I'm hypnotized by the sight. It's just so ... DWARFY. Ettad has to drag me down from the mountain.

( - 2nd turn/383 reaching the summit.png)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on September 26, 2012, 08:06:08 pm
I hope we can hack Ettad into becoming part of the mountain home.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on September 26, 2012, 08:16:03 pm
Too bad we'd have to hack the save to make him a dwarf. ;)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on September 26, 2012, 08:23:55 pm
As we discussed earlier, we can retire Ettad in the area as long as we gain control of him using another adventurer that we can throwaway.

Dfusion'd be required. But you can have non dwarf migrants, it works.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on September 30, 2012, 10:01:43 am
Dear god we are closing in on a Year of this, or it seems like it in any case.. Almost OCTOBER
I am half think after Uggi gets there of just going myself and startign it up :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on September 30, 2012, 12:51:17 pm
Aw... I had a good, brief idea for mine. But I understand, due to succinctness.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on October 08, 2012, 06:17:53 pm
going to PM Uggi make sure hes ok with the game.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on October 08, 2012, 06:38:08 pm
Perhaps a PM'd suffice.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on October 09, 2012, 04:09:46 pm
Believe me, I do want to finish the turn. Last time I played I fast travelled a few tiles and got ambushed by gobbos. Hopefully will get a few hours worth of playtime in the following days.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on October 15, 2012, 07:26:39 am
Well keep us posted then! There is a lot of eager peeps following!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on October 15, 2012, 02:52:30 pm
On the way back down from the mountain, Ettad kills another anaconda. And then a black mamba. Luckily he doesn't get bitten.

( - 2nd turn/385 ettad vs black mamba.png)

And later in the same day, at least five anacondas.

( - 2nd turn/387 ettad vs anaconda.png)

And a stingray, while crossing a river. Sigh.

( - 2nd turn/389 ettad vs stingray.png)

I'm telling Ettad to stop being silly and walk faster. For a moment we actually make some progress. And then, of course, a goblin ambush!

( - 2nd turn/390 goblins.png)

I completely forgot we're in their territory! Luckily it's only a small group of goblins, and we can toy around with them.

( - 2nd turn/391 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/392 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/395 battle.png)

While I'm keen to experiment with different kind of weapons, Ettad trusts his halberd. I stop for a moment to admire the bloodshed he's causing. He has truly mastered his axe skills and become an axe lord.

( - 2nd turn/397 ettad becomes an axe lord.png)

While I'm practising my hammering skills by breaking goblin bones with my crossbow, Ettad kills at least two goblins and then rushes towards me and the last goblin alive. I don't like Ettad stealing my kills so I ditch the crossbow and resort to my pickaxe and martial arts. It's time for another Fist of Urist moment.

( - 2nd turn/401 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/403 battle.png)

After scavenging some weapons and an iron mail shirt from the dead goblins, we leave the scene before more of them show up. They're fun to play with but the sun is already low and I hate fighting in the darkness.

A bit later we see a weird sight. A naked mole dog, of all things. It's having a fight with two anacondas. And then they all get attacked by Ettad. The sight is really bizarre.

( - 2nd turn/404 weird battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/405 ettad vs anaconda.png)

( - 2nd turn/407 ettad vs naked male dog.png)

Well, I could as well join the battle and try out the silver maul I picked up from a dead goblin.

( - 2nd turn/408 battle.png)

The naked mole dog is soon dead. I think I saw another one on the other side of the river and decide to check it out. I only find a wounded and very angry anaconda. I'm having some trouble hitting it with my new weapon and Ettad offers his help.

( - 2nd turn/411 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/412 battle.png)

Oh, and there's the naked mole dog I saw earlier.

( - 2nd turn/413 battle.png)

I wonder why Ettad doesn't join the battle. He's seen something else and gets himself into real trouble.

( - 2nd turn/415 ettad vs alligator.png)

An alligator! Those things are serious business. I instantly forget about the naked mole dog and run to help Ettad.

( - 2nd turn/416 battle.png)

The alligator makes charges at both of us, but while one of us is down, the other can strike the beast from behind.

( - 2nd turn/418 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/420 battle.png)

Ettad disables the alligator by cutting its leg and I finish it by embedding my maul into its skull.

( - 2nd turn/421 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/422 killing an alligator.png)

Just when we are leaving the scene, more alligators appears! Ettad of course runs straight towards them and I'm forced to join the battle.

( - 2nd turn/423 more alligators.png)

( - 2nd turn/424 battle.png)

Ettad gets a lucky headshot with his alligator, disabling it almost instantly. I'm however having much more trouble with my alligator. The thing keeps charging towards me, pinning me into ground repeatedly. Ettad thinks it's more important to torture the already crippled naked mole dog instead of helping me.

( - 2nd turn/426 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/427 battle.png)

The naked mole dog finally bleds out and Ettad turns his interest back to the crippled alligator. The other alligator is still very alive and trying to eat me.

( - 2nd turn/428 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/429 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/431 battle.png)

I'm cursing my weapon choice, as the maul isn't doing much damage against the alligator's thick skin. I left my backpacks along with all my pointy weapons on the other side of the river. I'm going through my stuff to find something sharper, and suddenly remember the quiver I'm carrying. I pull out an iron bolt and start stabbing the alligator with it. This turns out to be a good idea!

( - 2nd turn/433 stabbing with a bolt.png)

( - 2nd turn/434 battle.png)

Once the alligator is crippled enough, it's just a matter of time to beat it to death. The final blow comes from my foot.

( - 2nd turn/440 kung fu time.png)

Meanwhile, Ettad is still toying around with his alligator. Feeling a bit angry about Ettad not helping me, I go and steal his kill.

( - 2nd turn/441 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/442 stealing ettads kill.png)

I'm quite sure there's a cave nearby, as naked mole dogs are underground creatures. But we can't find anything that looks like a cave. Either the entrance to the cave has collapsed or it's flooded by the river. I don't want to hang around too long and attract even more alligators, so we leave the place and start searching for a better campsite for the night. We find a nice place between two murky pools and set up a camp there. Hopefully we don't get eaten by alligators at night.

( - 2nd turn/443 camping in the swamp.png)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on October 15, 2012, 07:17:38 pm
Get used to seeing alligators, uggi. They're everywhere around Silverysects.

How's those kill lists looking these days? Also, what is Ettad's full name? Uggi II Loloknom is Uggi II Granitegod the Romantic Virgin of Mouths or something like that, but I don't think you've ever told us Ettad's full name and title. House something or other.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: HammerHand on October 17, 2012, 02:37:04 am
This idea is incredible and I am posting to follow the crazy antics sure to ensue!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on October 17, 2012, 11:00:08 am
Almost there... Almost there...
I can just imagine what happens next...
Uggi and Ettad have reached Silverysects! The *insert completely harmless animal here* has become enraged! Uggi has been struck down...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Eric Blank on October 17, 2012, 05:23:34 pm
Nothing survives the alligator apocalypse! :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: birdy51 on October 18, 2012, 04:49:39 am
I'm watching this thread eagerly. Go Uggi and Ettad go!!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on October 18, 2012, 06:44:31 am
Two days ago till now I have faithfully read EVERY single page and I am a fan of uggi the romantic virgin (lol)  and ettad the immortal suicide  :P.I will not be able to play with you guys but I would like to add a little something, how about something of a national anthem for your fortress?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on October 18, 2012, 10:13:17 am
By all means go ahead!
The more Dwarfy the better!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on October 18, 2012, 11:56:28 am
Uggi and Ettad have reached Silverysects! The *insert completely harmless animal here* has become enraged! Uggi has been struck down...

Ettad: *Snort.* Sidekicks, am I right?

Nish and Reudh just shrug and go back to arguing over where their respective monuments are going to go.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Vercingetorix on October 18, 2012, 01:28:44 pm
Well, I know what I'm doing when I get home from work...STRIKE THE EARTH on a newly minted world.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on October 18, 2012, 01:53:26 pm
Now in order to see how this song is sung -look at the song sung by the dwarves in the upcoming movie the hobbit.I got a lot of lyrics from the book.

Far over the misty mountains cold
To dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away ere break of day
To find a land to call our home

We dwarves will weave mighty spells
While hammers fall like ringing bells
in places deep, where dark things sleep
in hollow halls beneath the fells

For human king and elvish lord
Our many a gleaming hoard
We'll shape and bind the light we catch
to hide in gems on hilt of sword

On silver necklaces we'll string
The flowing stars, on crowns they hang
The dragon fire we'll twist in wire
And mesh the light of moon and sun

Far over the misty mountains cold
Through dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away ere break of day
To plumb the earth for gold and clay

Goblets we'll carve here for ourselves
And harps of gold where no man delves
Together we'll play and many a song
to be unheard by men or elves

The goblins were roaring on the hight
The dingos moaning in the night
There blood was red and far was spread
By seven dwarves blazed with light

The bells are ringing in the dale
And men look up with faces pale
The dwarvish ire more fierce than ire
laid low their towers and houses frail

The mountain smoked beneath the moon
The elves, the heard the tramp of doom
The fled their halls to dying fall
Beneath their feet, beneath the moon

Far over the misty mountains grim
To dungeons deep and caverns grim
We must away ere break pf day
To pillage their harps and gold from them!

-------the seven founding dwarves

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on October 18, 2012, 01:55:20 pm
*more fierce than fire
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Banarok on October 18, 2012, 05:26:44 pm
Get used to seeing alligators, uggi. They're everywhere around Silverysects.

How's those kill lists looking these days? Also, what is Ettad's full name? Uggi II Loloknom is Uggi II Granitegod the Romantic Virgin of Mouths or something like that, but I don't think you've ever told us Ettad's full name and title. House something or other.

i don't know about surname but his title is immortal suicide, and it's strangely fitting.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on October 18, 2012, 05:27:31 pm
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on October 18, 2012, 06:53:08 pm
I forced both Reudh and Reudh II to have titles.

"Reudh somethingsomething the Ageless Nightmare of Apes"
and "Reudh II Strangerdanger the Raven of Evil."
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on October 21, 2012, 04:07:05 pm
17th Malachite, 11

The night is actually surprisingly calm. We wake up early in the morning from the sounds of rain and head out towards southwest. I'm feeling refreshed and less paranoid today as we're getting farther away from the goblin territory.

At noon we spot a series of mountain tops in the horizon. Not only one mountain, but a real mountain range. These must be the mountains we're after!

( - 2nd turn/446 mountains.png)

I can't wait to get to the mountains! Ettad isn't impressed by them, in fact he's being really grumpy today. He's complaining about the fact that it's already noon and he hasn't found anything to fight with yet.

Until...  we cross another river and three alligators attack us!

( - 2nd turn/447 alligators.png)

We're both swimming in the middle of a river when the beasts attack us. I learned my lesson the last time we fought alligators: blunt weapons are useless against them. So I'm using a scimitar instead. And it's doing its job well.

( - 2nd turn/448 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/449 battle.png)

The alligators should be in their element, but somehow their attacks seem weaker. They keep charging at us, but can't do any actual damage. Our edged weapons however cut nicely through their skins. Two of them are soon crippled enough to pose no threat to us.

( - 2nd turn/451 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/452 battle.png)

One of the alligators drops unconscious. I leave it be for now and focus on the one that's still in full health. I soon get a really lucky strike with my scimitar and slash its head clean off. I'm starting to like this weapon.

( - 2nd turn/453 beheading an alligator.png)

I turn my attention back to the first alligator, and put it down without much trouble. Another Fist of Urist moment!

( - 2nd turn/456 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/457 fist of urist.png)

Ettad is still messing with his alligator and not getting much done, so I finish the job myself.

( - 2nd turn/458 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/459 stabbing an alligator.png)

Ettad finally got his daily adrenaline rush, but now he's furious for me getting all the kills. Humans, nothing's ever good enough for them.

We keep on travelling and soon arrive on a beach of a beautiful lake and decide to follow the beach around it.

( - 2nd turn/460 the lake of pricing.png)

Still angry about not getting any kills today Ettad goes and charges at the first thing he sees, which happens to be a duck. He rips the poor thing into pieces with his bare teeth. I see him doing these things every day but never really get used to it.

( - 2nd turn/461 ettad vs duck.png)

We find a narrow strip of land which both makes a nice shortcut and also offers a good view into the lake.

( - 2nd turn/462 crossing the lake.png)

The rest of the day goes by quickly. While I'm searching for a good place to set up a camp for the night, Ettad does some housecleaning.

( - 2nd turn/463 ettad vs anaconda.png)

( - 2nd turn/464 camp.png)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on October 21, 2012, 04:21:33 pm
How's those kill lists looking these days? Also, what is Ettad's full name? Uggi II Loloknom is Uggi II Granitegod the Romantic Virgin of Mouths or something like that, but I don't think you've ever told us Ettad's full name and title. House something or other.

Ettad Fighttrade the Immortal Suicide. He's got 16 notable kills, 98 other kills. Still no alligator kills for him. I've got 22 notables, 48 other kills.

Ettad's got an infection in his ear, but I don't think companions can die from it?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on October 21, 2012, 04:40:28 pm
Scimitars are brutally effective. The only difference between a short sword and a scimitar is the contact area for the pommel, but a scimitar in the hands of a dwarf in the martial trance will reduce most opponents to a cloud of bloody mist.

Ettad Fighttrade the Immortal Suicide. He's got 16 notable kills, 98 other kills. Still no alligator kills for him. I've got 22 notables, 48 other kills.

That lack of alligator kills has to be just infuriating to Ettad.

Ettad's got an infection in his ear, but I don't think companions can die from it?

I haven't ever lost a companion to that sort of thing, but then I don't know that I've ever had a companion last enough to die from that sort of thing either.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on October 21, 2012, 07:25:39 pm
Awesome nice Gator battle.too bad for ettad  lol.keep going!!! Ure almost there!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on October 21, 2012, 08:08:54 pm
Far as the Fist of Urist goes, what's the human equivalent of Urist? Fist of Dosheb?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on October 22, 2012, 03:14:01 am
Far as the Fist of Urist goes, what's the human equivalent of Urist? Fist of Dosheb?
Fist of Ettad.
Is there any way to be able to retire him at Silverysects as well? Or even play as him to pick up the final Dwarf adventurer as a sidekick.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on October 22, 2012, 03:54:48 am
Fist of Ettad.

Fist of Ettad is just a fancy term for Choppity Death via Halberd. Also, I don't know if Ettad is a generic enough human name to be their equivalent for Urist.

Is there any way to be able to retire him at Silverysects as well? Or even play as him to pick up the final Dwarf adventurer as a sidekick.

That was brought up earlier. There used to be a glitch that would allow you to switch bodies with others; utilities are another, more direct way of achieving that.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on October 22, 2012, 06:45:06 am
You definetly should, after all he has proved himself to be a worthy companion and let it not be said by the elves that dwarves don't give honor to those it is due.....
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Callumagus on October 23, 2012, 03:06:27 am
I first downloaded DF about 2 years ago, played it a little bit (didn't really get it) and just back into it a lot more recently. I made an account just to say that this is the most awesome thing I have ever witnessed. Truly an epic saga.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Halceon on October 23, 2012, 06:54:36 am
I've done this quite a few times before; it really limits your embark options since the choices are restricted to the biome of the only existing city. More importantly, the early nature of the civilization means that a disproportionate amount of your historical figures are weremigrants/vampires so be prepared for waves of Friendly Migrants that camp out on the map edge. This can also mean that migrant waves take months or entire seasons since the next dwarf won't appear until Friendly McWerevole moves off the edge, which can take a while. Multiple weremigrants stretch out the process forever,

Not the case, though. Since it's the dawn of time, nearly no dwarves have been bitten/cursed for profane acts/cursed for the lulz/become obsessed with their own mortality.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: ElfLove on October 24, 2012, 12:00:07 am
This is possibly the most amazing thing i have ever encountered i simply must have a round.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on October 24, 2012, 02:19:20 am
Not the case, though. Since it's the dawn of time, nearly no dwarves have been bitten/cursed for profane acts/cursed for the lulz/become obsessed with their own mortality.

This came up once before and I'll give the same response I did last time.


That's after a few years of game time as that fort started around year six or seven. It's a different world than Licevaarthira, but earlier in its history as well.

From what I've seen, a necromancer needs a while to gather enough dead to construct a tower, but my current game had a necromancer that became obsessed with extending his life at year seven in game and succeeding in become a necromancer by year fourteen.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on October 25, 2012, 12:07:58 pm
Ok THAT is ratehjr interesting, I did not think that was possible until now!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on November 07, 2012, 01:59:04 am
just here to kick a dead horse, hows it going uggi
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on November 07, 2012, 03:07:47 am
Where is Uggi anyway? He hasn't updated for over two weeks.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on November 08, 2012, 04:49:40 pm
yeah its been a while.he isnt anywhere near hurricane sandy is he ?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on November 08, 2012, 05:16:34 pm
I'll post an update (and hopefully the save file too!) during the weekend.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 08, 2012, 09:52:42 pm
Then I shall begin my short, sweet rampage adventure to the mountainhome
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on November 09, 2012, 04:35:03 pm
18th Malachite, 11

The night in the swamps is particularly quiet and peaceful. In the next morning while packing up the camp I have a little chat with Ettad. I know the mountains are my destiny, but I also have a feeling that Ettad's not going to stick around much longer. So I ask him if there's anything he'd like to do before our paths divide. He wants to go sightseeing.

( - 2nd turn/467 ettad giving a quest.png)

He mentions a legend about a strange monster: a molemarian. Apparently it's a weird creature living in a nearby cave. Being half-man, half-mole-rat it surely should be a weird sight. I agree to explore the cave with him. We leave the camp and head towards the mountains.

After a short hike, Ettad finds an anaconda and punches it right in the mouth, exploding its teeth everywhere. I never knew they have so many teeth.

( - 2nd turn/469 exploded anaconda.png)

Moments later, he repeats the trick with another anaconda. Now he's just showing off.

( - 2nd turn/470 another anaconda explosion.png)

We cross another river. Luckily no alligators around here. Ettad kills yet more anacondas. I don't understand how he manages to find them all. They're well camouflaged creatures, after all.

( - 2nd turn/472 ettad vs anaconda.png)

We have to cross another river, and Ettad disappears in the downstream. Wondering where he went, I go after him and find a lot of dead fish. Ettad looks slightly beaten. I wonder if he wrestled with something bigger that got away.

( - 2nd turn/473 ettad vs fish.png)

Later in the evening we come across another lake. The beach looks like a nice place for a campsite, but then I see the hippos. Better to move on before Ettad spots them.

( - 2nd turn/474 the lakes of adoring.png)

( - 2nd turn/475 the lakes of adoring.png)

The night falls before we reach the mountains and we have to spend another night in the swamps.

( - 2nd turn/476 mountains.png)

19th Malachite, 11

Another quiet night goes by. We get up before sunrise and continue hiking towards the mountains. Soon the terrain starts to change. It's too dry for anacondas and hippos. Ettad runs after birds, trying to catch them. He hasn't killed anything today and is starting to look frustrated.

After a few hours of walk we finally reach the mountains. I've heard them called The Bronze Towers. We start climbing the mountain, the molemarian's cave should be somewhere close.

( - 2nd turn/480 mountains.png)

I'm so excited to be here! The mountains are filled with mineral veins and gems, and they're visible right there on the face of the rock! I'm pointing a particulary nice cluster of gems for Ettad to see but he's not impressed. Humans! Just when I'm about to strike the earth with my pickaxe, Ettad drags me away.

( - 2nd turn/482 gems.png)

While on our way to the molemarian cave we spot another cave and decide to explore it.

( - 2nd turn/483 cave entrance.png)

The cave seems quiet, only a lone helmet snake which offers no challenge to us.

( - 2nd turn/484 snake.png)

( - 2nd turn/486 battle.png)

The cave soon opens into a huge underground cavern, filled with strange mushrooms.

( - 2nd turn/487 cavern.png)

Ettad spots more snakes and kills all of them.

( - 2nd turn/488 ettad vs snake.png)

I don't want us to get lost in the cavern so we head back to the surface. To our amusement we suddenly find falcons flying inside the cave. I have no idea how they got inside. Ettad bats them to the ground.

( - 2nd turn/489 tiercel peregrine.png)

( - 2nd turn/490 another falcon.png)

The night falls before we reach the molemarian's lair. We could search its hideout in the darkness, but I think it's better to do it in the broad daylight.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on November 09, 2012, 04:56:31 pm
20th Malachite, 11

Again no surprises in the night. When the sun rises we notice a small crevice only a few steps away from our camp. It's the molemarian's lair! We sneak inside to take a peek of the creature.

( - 2nd turn/496 molemarian.png)

And by gods it's hideous! Even stranger than I thought. The creature obviously doesn't like to be stared at and attacks us. We have no choice but to fight back.

( - 2nd turn/497 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/498 battle.png)

After a few swings from my scimitar and Ettad's halberd and the molemarian loses both of its hands and a tail.

( - 2nd turn/502 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/503 molemarian.png)

( - 2nd turn/504 molemarian.png)

After more dismembering, the creature falls down, unable to move. It still takes a lot of beating before it finally bleeds to death.

( - 2nd turn/510 battle.png)

( - 2nd turn/511 battle.png)

Ettad instantly takes the credit for the kill. Well, I was kind of expecting this since the moment he first mentioned the molemarian.

( - 2nd turn/512 ettad bragging.png)

We leave the molemarian's lair and continue with our journey. After the alligator-filled swamps the mountains feel really peaceful, almost boring. We rarely see any wildlife, and they're mostly birds. Ettad likes to chase them around but can't catch any. After a few hours of hiking we find this beautiful waterfall.

( - 2nd turn/513 waterfall.png)

The rest of the day goes hiking in the mountains, without much interruptions. Ettad kills a weasel. It's too small to provide us any meat. I'm getting a bit worried about our food supply. Maybe we should head back south from the mountains.

The night falls and we set up the camp next to a river gorge.

( - 2nd turn/515 camp.png)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: iampaul on November 12, 2012, 06:07:14 pm
Just read through this, looking pretty awesome so far.  I've tried adventuring a lot, but I've never managed anything so impressive as what I've seen here. Keep up the ass kicking!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on November 15, 2012, 04:29:10 pm
Can't wait for the next update.  I was thinking I'd missed more in my month away from DF, however.  I guess I wasn't the only one that has been busier than normal lately. (durn day job :P )
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on November 15, 2012, 05:00:29 pm
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: bkdevil on November 16, 2012, 06:33:53 pm

I've been lurking on these forums for quite a while, but after reading through page after page of epic awesomess to the max I had to create an account just to comment and follow.

Awesome work guys!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on November 18, 2012, 05:33:08 pm
Just a quick update: I've finally made it to Silverysects and will try to post a wrap-up and the save tomorrow.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 18, 2012, 08:12:03 pm
And then, Crossroads allowing, I'll do a brief one. Though perhaps it may be best to just get on with colonizing now.

Hope Ettad made it!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: birdy51 on November 18, 2012, 09:46:34 pm
I congratulate Ettad and his glorious sidekick for their successful journey!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on November 19, 2012, 05:53:00 am
with uggi thats 5 dwarfs now.

dam we are almost there but i will take a few more months
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on November 19, 2012, 05:14:10 pm
21st Malachite, 11

It's a quiet day in the mountains. We wander towards south in search of something to eat. I've still got some strawberries and a piece of alligator meat left, but they're not going to last for long.

In the evening we descend from the mountains to a prairie. Still not much of a wildlife. Ettad kills a kea and I manage to sneak right into a herd of cavies and kill two of them. Sadly, none of the animals are big enough to butcher.

( - 2nd turn/518 the rumored prairie.png)

( - 2nd turn/519 ettad vs kea.png)

Until we finally spot some impalas! They're fast, but a hungry dwarf can run even faster! After killing and butchering two impalas we're stocked up on food again.

( - 2nd turn/522 impala.png)

We spend the night in the prairie. I haven't seen any dangerous animals around but I'm still feeling a bit nervous and surround us with campfires. It's a habit, I know.

( - 2nd turn/523 camping in the prairie.png)

22nd Malachite, 11

The prairie is quiet in the night, the stars are out, and nothing interrupts our sleep. Feeling really refreshed in the morning we continue with our journey. I'm feeling particularly dwarfy today and drawn back to the mountains. It doesn't take long for us to climb back up there.

( - 2nd turn/526 close to silverysects.png)

It's very quiet and peaceful in the mountains. Except for the fact that Ettad is constantly whining about not finding anything to kill. We set up a camp when the night falls. This time I don't bother setting up a tight perimeter of campfires. I'm feeling safe in the mountains. I think the journey is almost over.

( - 2nd turn/527 last night in the mountains.png)

23rd Malachite, 11

I didn't sleep the whole night. I'm feeling so excited, I feel like coming back home! At sunrise I wake up Ettad and after a few hours of hiking we find ...a swamp? In the middle of the mountains? And then, in the middle of the swamp I spot a campfire! And ...DWARVES! This is it, my destination, the promised land of dwarves! But why is it in the middle of a swamp? Feeling confused, we walk towards the campfire and greet everyone.

( - 2nd turn/532 arriving to silverysects.png)

"What took you so long?" asks one of them. I tell them about my long journey with a crazy human and start unpacking my backpacks. Ettad feels a bit restless. I'm not sure how long he'll hang around. If these swamps are anything like the Murk of Murdering, he'll soon find an alligator or an anaconda to wrestle with.

( - 2nd turn/533 dropping phones.png)

Seeing the corpse doesn't seem to alert them. "We already have a few", they say pointing towards a pile of corpses behind them. After dropping everything I've hoarded with me, I make myself useful and organize everything into neat piles.

( - 2nd turn/535 retiring.png)

Well, that's finally it! It took me 36 dwarven days. And once again, I'm terribly sorry this took so ridiculously long in human days.

My final stats and the bits from legends mode:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And Ettad's:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And here's the save: (
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on November 19, 2012, 05:45:25 pm
okay so you are telling me that you have legendary skills, made 20X more kills then me, endured far more then me and you only 1 civ thinks you are a okay guy.

while i was being defended by a bunch of guys hardly doing anything, and everybody worships me.

live isn't fucking fair man
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on November 19, 2012, 07:26:14 pm
By way of comparison, Nish has no notable kills, nineteen less kills overall, has half as many Legendary skills, but is respected for his heroic acts by five different civilizations and has no enemies.

The Brave Sir Robin approach pays off handsomely.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on November 19, 2012, 09:06:16 pm
Whereas Reudh is known to almost none.

The "Don't look at me" approach works great. I saw no goblins.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on November 20, 2012, 02:35:36 am
uggi i have looked up the save and it doesn't have a instead it has a .ds_store.
it doesn't show up in the dwarf fortress as wel.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on November 20, 2012, 03:31:48 am
It works just fine with my version.

Looking at the Legends mode, I notice that Nish has actually quadrupled his heroic stature as about twenty civilizations respect him for his heroic acts, which means that the rest of you are apparently spreading his legend. A distant, distant second to Melkor (roughly a seventh as much recognition I think), but still more respect than the rest of our initial dwarves combined. Considering that all he did was watch while his companions killed a giant, cyclops, and wild animal and climb a mountain, this amuses me no end.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on November 20, 2012, 03:59:57 am
dam its 34.09 and you place the map in the save folder right?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on November 20, 2012, 05:01:57 am
dam its 34.09 and you place the map in the save folder right?

I was able to use it with 34.11. Just extract the Licevaarthira folder and put the whole thing in your save folder.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on November 20, 2012, 07:14:53 am
okay got it to work thx.

edit: i have noticed that we cant directly embark on the spot so where are we embarking?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 20, 2012, 01:21:36 pm
So do I start Adventure, or are we moving on? I kind of lost track.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on November 20, 2012, 01:50:07 pm
okay got it to work thx.

edit: i have noticed that we cant directly embark on the spot so where are we embarking?

If you use Embark Anywhere, you can. To get the sites where our fallen comrades lie, put the cursor directly over Silverysect and embark in the lower lefthand corner.

Unfortunately, we can't engrave slabs or put the corpses lying around in coffins so we'll just have to build tombs around them I guess.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on November 20, 2012, 03:12:44 pm
So do I start Adventure, or are we moving on? I kind of lost track.
its phones turn now i guess but we should wait for inc to pass the turn?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 21, 2012, 12:26:44 am
Yeah, probably should. We'll wait for Crossroad's word
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on November 21, 2012, 12:19:26 pm
You finally made it! Huzzah!
Ettad's animal kill count is a bit... Large.

Does anyone know what happens to companions when you retire? If they return to their home town, then someone else could pick him up as a companion...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on November 21, 2012, 03:18:22 pm
If you retire in a human town, they hang around the local area and will rejoin you if you come out of retirement. I'm not sure about a dwarven fort, but I didn't see Ettad around anywhere when I came out of retirement to look around. Then again, I didn't see anybody else either so it may just be because the fort is so large in area.

It may teleport them back to their original location since that happens if you start a fort, abandon, and then bring an adventurer out of retirement. I tried that with Nish and he wound up back where he started. Then again, it might work like a companion that wandered off since those usually wind up in the closest human civilization. At least, I've had companions wander off in other adventures that popped up when my adventurer hit the nearest town in the region.

The next person to pass through the Romantic Empires needs to look around for a swordsman called Mukca Purpleprisons as that was Nish's colleague that ran off in the Bronze Towers to kill the local wildlife.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on November 23, 2012, 12:16:37 pm
((Stretches and yawns))

Hmm? Err? What this thing is still going? Wait.. Uggi? He What?? UGGI FINISHED!?!??!

((Jumps up, shaves dress))

Well bloody Hell I wasn't sure you would ever get there! Damn good show!
OK, Phones has not been in the thread for a while, So I am pasing the spot on HugoLuman for the FINAL Spot... ((Well final before I go..))

Hugo?? After the last turn dragged on "just" a bit, You got two just TWO WEEKS to finish.  If you think you need more time let me know, but set somethign in stone.  After that time perior you'll have to retire in the closest settlement possible!

You have been reading this thread as much as any of us so I hope you have a good idea what to do!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: birdy51 on November 23, 2012, 03:33:29 pm
Good luck Hugo!

I shall watch this thread in anticipation!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 23, 2012, 08:57:04 pm
I'll begin tomorrow!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on November 24, 2012, 02:34:22 pm
Good luck hugo.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on November 24, 2012, 02:34:46 pm
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 24, 2012, 05:22:57 pm
Well, as soon as I finish with Christmas Lights / College Aps XD

Should be tonight.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 25, 2012, 02:58:59 am
Just to be clear, we agreed on Hero, not Demigod?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on November 25, 2012, 03:39:33 am
Hero is what I used.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: CaptApollo12 on November 25, 2012, 04:02:03 am
Good luck. I have been on the edge of my seat because of this thread since it started. I am glad it is this close to STARTING XD
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on November 25, 2012, 06:36:24 am
Lord, it's been fifty-five pages and almost seven months since I finished my part of this challenge.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 25, 2012, 06:44:30 am
Some music to set the mood (

A large wildfire sprung inexplicably on the northern edge of the hamlet of Sensedied. Villagers claimed to have seen a small figure, at a distance, emerging from the flames.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Later that day, the mutilated remains of many wild boars and small animals were found floating down the river. A man out for a walk found a shredded bloody mass that could only have been an alligator, it's head found fifty feet away and missing a brain.
The local fort of Trammelrisen reported strange sounds that night and found its stores noticeably emptier.

Written in some dark red ink at the beginning, after the other entries:

If anyone finds this journal, I hope to the gods he hasn't found you.

Galena 9th, in the Year of Myth 11

My name is Kema Feraltrades, and I suppose now is as good a time as any to start a journal for the practicing of my letters. I'm a soldier stationed at my hometown's garrison, and aside from that dwarf and his angry looking friend that came by a month ago, it's been quiet.

Well, until yesterday. After the fire, and the savage scene in the morning, and the rustling at night we were a bit spooked come morning. Then He showed up. Just strolled right in through the gate, without even saying a word. Actually, I don't think he's said anything since I met him.

He was a short fellow, dwarf probably, but I couldn't tell whether he had a beard, since he was wearing a mask. I don't know, but when I look at that mask, I feel cold somehow, and like I'm being... watched. The fellow just strolled straight to the watchtower where I was at, came up, and looked right at me the whole time. Somehow, I think he came for me, just me. That dwarf just reached out his hand, beckoned.

"Wait, you want me to come with you?"

He still didn't say anything. Just beckoned again. I looked to my friends, but they seemed just as confused as me, if not a little nervous. Lem just said "he's an adventurer, obviously. You should go with him?"

"Why?" I asked, baffled. "Why should I follow some stranger? Something about this just feels... wrong, Lem."

"This could be your ticket for death and glory, you know," he said.

Well, we'd all been raised to respect death and glory. And oaths, in my case. I think Lem might've been raised to respect Pestilence, too. So, with that in mind I made what I now think may be the worst mistake in my life. I left with that... that no-face dwarf. My best friend Mapo, a fine crossbowman, agreed to come with me. Suddenly, it didn't seem so bad. Though this might be a bit too mysterious for my liking, I was going off to find fame and fortune with fine company, and we'd return home heroes.

That didn't last long. We came to the river, which the no-face swam across uncannily fast. Mapo and I got in after, not the best of swimmers. With hard effort I struggled across, seeing that faceless short figure just standing there, motionless, watching. I climbed out, only to realize Mapo was still struggling in the middle of the current. I couldn't leap in, fearing drowning myself, but that mighty swimmer, the no-face just stood there.

Stood there and watched him drown.

Then, he just calmly went in, hauled out the body, took his crossbow, and sent off, beckoning me to follow. Not a word. Follow I did, because I feared what would happen if I didn't.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 25, 2012, 06:08:26 pm
From the journal of Kema Feraltrades, human lasher

Galena 10th, in the Year of Myth 11

We stopped for a quick camp after the river yesterday evening. The no-face pressed westward, and I wondered whether he was heading for that bandit camp in the nearby desert. Along the way we spied a pack of vultures picking at something in the dust. He just pointed at them. At first I didn't understand, but then... then he just leapt after them! Suddenly he had a pickaxe in hand and he swatted one of those poor birds as it tried to take off, bashing it until there was just a bloody, punctured pulp. He just pointed at the others, bounding away, and in utter confusion I ran after, lashing at them.

When I brought one down, I turned around to see him hunched over the dead buzzard. He turned around, covered with blood, and I saw the empty hole in the bird's head.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

He was headed for the camp. Poor bastards didn't even see it coming.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
We stopped at a pond just east of the bandits. He built up a ring of campfires and motioned for me to stay put, which I must say I was only too glad to oblige. With that, he crept off towards the camp. In a few minutes, he came running back, some goblins behind him, and jumped into the pond. They didn't seem to notice me, and they didn't notice him slink out of the other side of the pond, coming round behind them.

What followed was the most horrible thing I've seen in my entire life.

There were 3 bandits, and one of him. He came up behind the first, a pickaxe in each hand, and began hacking and smashing. The screams alerted the other 2, and I thought they would make and end of him. No, I think that part of me hoped that. I don't think there's much that can destroy such inhuman cruelty. Planting one pick quickly in the hammer-bandit's skull, he brought the other into the swordsman's knee. Picking the other knee, he proceeded to tear open the goblin's belly and dropped the picks. He simply tore out the long lengths of the goblin's guts!

But that didn't kill the goblin. What killed it was him mashing its head with its own entrails.

He lured them out in groups twice more before taking up the crossbow and his picks and creeping back to the camp. I head many screams. A few minutes later, he returned, covered in blood, and carrying two more crossbows.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on November 25, 2012, 09:53:21 pm
Ah, you're going the PEW PEW PEW route of travelling. Sounds like a plan. Let's see if you get a name for yourself as great as Ettad or Nish.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 25, 2012, 10:50:31 pm
Just realized, the dungeon I've been through is the same one Uggi did. Did you kill their leader? I did, might have regenerated.
Sorry for lack of images on this one.

Galena 11th, in the Year of Myth 11

Nevermind what I wrote yesterday. Today was the worst day of my life.

After apparently looting the camp, we set out to the east in the morning. Every animal we saw, he chased after, and indicated for me to do the same. I feel awful about the mess he leaves behind. About the pain he seems to revel in. What's worse, I began to suspect he was headed for the Town, Whimkin. Fortunately, though, he decided to swim across the river on the way. Still smells like blood though.

He handed me all the stuff from the bandit camp, and just stood there in the store. I made some negotiations with the shopkeep, receiving more money than I'd ever seen for all those bejeweled clothes and fancy weapons. The only thing the No-face seemed interested in keeping was the less-decorated of the iron crossbows. The shopkeep asked where we'd been, and I told him about the bandit camp, no survivors. Suddenly his unease seemed to become admiration. Boss goblin was very bad after all, done some very bad things, who cares if the one who put her down is a bit odd?

The news seemed to spread quickly. Before I know it, we're asked to meet the lady in the keep, says she wants us to clear out some nasty bandits living right in her basement. I ask if that other dwarf that came through already got them. They got better, she says, and he didn't kill all of them or their leader.

So, into the dungeon we went. I really wish we hadn't now. There were some goblins, I killed a few, he killed double a few. Ran right up and just started shredding them with those picks of his, limbs flying everywhere. He just fired a bolt down the one hallway, into the darkness, and somehow stuck one in the stomach. I took a few hits, nothing worse than bruises, but one broken finger.

Then I got shot.

We came upon their leader, no-face opened the door and he was right there, no more sneaking. That room was just full of goblins. There had to have been at least 15 of the bastards! The no-face is just crippling them left and right. Then, from nowhere, I feel an immense agony in my belly. The arrow went right between my guts, cutting my backbone. Can't feel legs anymore.

We fought on, though. He cut a few of them down, split their heads like melons, blocked or dodged everything, like he was made of air. Not me, though. I got speared pretty bad in the arm, even more agonizing, and worse, dropped my shield. Smashed about the head with a mace, praise painting for my helmet! Just a torn ear and a rattled brain. Hurt like hell.

Still doing fine, still beating them back, killed a few maybe, but then I took an arrow in the right eye. Oh, why couldn't the helmets have had a front?

I don't know for sure what happened after that, I'm still in so much pain. No-face killed all of them, I managed to crawl out after him, or he dragged me. Something like that. Then he dragged me back to my garrison at night. He looked through all our stores, found a pair of crutches, held them out for me to crawl up and take. This was no kindness. Whatever he needs me for, he won't let me escape so easily, not by dying.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 26, 2012, 01:33:47 am
Galena 12, in the Year of Myth 11

I think at last the No-face's true purpose is at hand. These things he did before were just preparation. At the break of dawn we set off south down the riverside, him leading with an air of great purpose. He even ignored small animals for a bit, though that didn't last long. Soon, every time we came across a weasel he had to smash it so hard it went sailing into a tree and broke. And he didn't let me sit back either, injuries and all, oh no. First I had to fight a snapping turtle, bit me in the foot, but I didn't feel it and just smashed the thing's head with my crutch.

Next were the horses. The No-face had to have killed 3 or 4 of them, and I swear he's eating their brains! Made me fight one, trampled me pretty good until he came up and butchered it alive. No permanent damage, though I think some of my wounds are getting infected. Don't think he notices. Or cares. I'm getting pretty good at walking on these crutches, can almost keep up with him now.

We came to a big mound, led down into a cave. There were some weasels, which No-face killed, and some other.... things, which he also killed.

The bottom led out into some kind of huge cave, a bit scary, so I was glad he turned around. Found a dead falcon just south of the cave mound with an iron bolt in the corpse. Strange.

We crossed a big river and made camp. Hard to write sitting in this awkward position.

Galena 13th, in the Year of Myth 11

Slept soundly last night, despite camping way out in the wilds. Early after sunrise, we were ambushed twice by wolves. Both times we won, No-face shredding them, but I got a bit gnawed in the last one, and he got a bite on the hand. Nothing serious.

Nothing interesting happened after that until we found the lair.

I see a burst of flame come out of the hole, and hobble down as fast as I can! A bloody fight is already underway

The no-face holds the creature's attention, somehow blocking all its fire with his shield. There is something unnatural about that.

I bash it, bruising it, while he tears huge holes in the scales and rends its bones. It falls to the floor but refuses to give into pain, such a mighty beast it was! Just as it turns around, finding attacking No-face frustrating, to deal with me,
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on November 26, 2012, 07:22:37 am
Bloody Hell Did you just kill a DRAGON?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on November 26, 2012, 12:46:56 pm
Did you pick hero or demigod?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 26, 2012, 02:43:18 pm
Hero, but it's amazing what a full day of torturing small animals will do for your skills/stats.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: crazyjake56 on November 26, 2012, 07:12:40 pm
Man, I am in love with this thread. I'm sad that I can only watch.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on November 26, 2012, 10:22:01 pm
Bloody Hell Did you just kill a DRAGON?

That's surprisingly easy to do in Adventure Mode if you have a fair amount of shield skill and a piercing weapon like a spear or pick, which are absolutely brutal to large animals especially if you aim for the head or upper body.

The shield blocks any flame and the pick lets you puncture organs; swords or axes result in you trying to hack off things, which doesn't work quite so well.

Hero, but it's amazing what a full day of torturing small animals will do for your skills/stats.

Are you calling your shots or just trusting in the RNG?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 27, 2012, 12:10:40 am
The RNG seems to want to shield-bash and crossbow-bash, so I call shots. Dual picks is like being a living chainsaw, anything that's a limb or attached to one seems to get severed with a good hit. Glancing hit, breaks bones or tears something. Body-shots inflict lethal wounds by piercing organs.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on November 27, 2012, 02:10:09 am
The casual brutality of this game is best captured by your crippled compatriot.

On an artsy fartsy note - DF creates all sorts of situations that would be the stuff of orgasms for someone doing interpretative art or something.
Is the player evil? what would a character from the game think? Are they colonials being colonized? Whats going on?

These questions will be answered by this playthrough, an allegory for interpretive dance, that is named - pickaxe deconstruction.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on November 27, 2012, 02:19:46 am
The RNG seems to want to shield-bash and crossbow-bash, so I call shots. Dual picks is like being a living chainsaw, anything that's a limb or attached to one seems to get severed with a good hit. Glancing hit, breaks bones or tears something. Body-shots inflict lethal wounds by piercing organs.

How do you go about it? I usually scroll through first to see if there are any critical hits listed first and I usually go for those. It's always fun while you kick a boogeyman in the tongue and kill them instantly by driving their jaw through their brain.

If there aren't any critical hits, then I got for the easiest, most solid shots listed. If I have a choice, I tend to pick either feet or hands first since damaging those not only can disarm/disable an opponent, but there's a good chance of shattering a bone or tapping an artery if the extremity in question isn't lopped off. The latter can often lead to the opponent passing out from pain while the latter just renders it a matter of time until they bleed out.

I usually don't fool with headshots at first simply because a larger opponent that can stand will result in a lot of misses even if you've got a really high chance of success according to the selection scren. Well, unless I have a martial trance going in which case I always attack the head first. There's nothing quite so satisfying as killing a dragon with one blow.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 27, 2012, 02:31:14 am
I got for hands/fingers and feet/toes first, then lower legs/arms, and so on with this character, occasionally going for the lower body first to tear a new hole. Severing doesn't seem to cause massive pain like chipping/shattering bone does, so if I want them to pass out I'll go for one with decent chance of hitting but the damage is "can't quite connect" or lower. Disarming (in all senses of the word) is main priority. I must keep Kima alive, too, or else I'll have to go find another narrator.

Kima seems to be becoming a fairly good misc weapon user though.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on November 27, 2012, 02:41:58 am
It's the crutches most likely; he'll never do much more than bruising his opponent with those but it'll make any shield bashes that much more effective.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on November 27, 2012, 11:19:04 am
Wow this is really awesome.glad I checked back.I cant believe u killed a dragon! No face really sounds merciless lol.I'm getting a laptop for I might start my own thing like this or maybe join with you if your willing.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Deepblade on November 27, 2012, 08:48:02 pm
I've always loved masks, now I know why. I just wish they added more armor.
Been reading this thread for a while and love every addition to the amazing stories

Keep up the good work fellas!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on November 28, 2012, 01:16:15 pm
I'm going to write a summary of ALL the adventures at the end.but the geek in me demands I write ot in draconic first  :Plol
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 28, 2012, 02:54:02 pm
Before I continue, I must decide: eat the brain or leave the dead dragon untouched?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on November 28, 2012, 02:58:16 pm
Carry the corpse to Silverysects.
We need to build a temple around it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on November 28, 2012, 04:24:57 pm
YesYes! And eat the brain as a. Victory feast.I'm gonna include this in my summary!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Jase on November 28, 2012, 04:44:40 pm
Bath in its blood and get invulnerable. And because shoulder is too mainstream, put the leaf on the groin.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on November 28, 2012, 05:08:41 pm
well, THAT escalated quickly.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on November 28, 2012, 07:37:42 pm
Before I continue, I must decide: eat the brain or leave the dead dragon untouched?

Eat the brain and bring the bones and teeth so that we can make an artifact out of them someday.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 28, 2012, 08:05:09 pm
Well, I could haul the entire dragon and butcher it when I get there (can't butcher slain creatures in fort mode, have to be alive and then designated apparently.) That would be a bit slow though.

Hmm, what about the skull?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on November 28, 2012, 08:31:33 pm
Well, I could haul the entire dragon and butcher it when I get there (can't butcher slain creatures in fort mode, have to be alive and then designated apparently.) That would be a bit slow though.

I don't think the meat will keep unless it's left in a lair so that's just a waste of time. Plus Noface would be slowed to a crawl; the bones will be heavy enough as if (though you can always remove your backpack and huck it at people; a heavy enough backpack is unbelievably dangerous in the right hands).

You could always bring some of the fat so we could have dragon soap.

Hmm, what about the skull?

Bring that as well; we can make it into a totem and put it above the main entrance.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Deepblade on November 29, 2012, 12:06:16 am
I always eat the heart of my greatest foes. It really made high school awkward, but I was acquitted.

But, skull as a trophy to be placed in the completely necessary tomb would be awesome.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on November 29, 2012, 07:35:42 am
GUYS! I Just had a brainstorm concerning gear...

In Adventure mode, many of us have come across rather Awesome and Dwarf gear. Wepons, Armor, etc.
But when "retire" it has been shown that anything you have on goes away in Fortress mode.
Well, and we should have been doing this from the start... When we reach the spot where the fort will be we just need to drop all the gear!  Leave it in a pile and when Fort mode starts, it is all still there.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on November 30, 2012, 12:19:50 pm
Heh, I just got an idea for your fortress motto."like the sun we will live to rise, like the sun we will live and die and then, ignite again! "Basically saying how you will rise to great power but like any good dwarf fortress u will die a horrible death lol but then be ressurected again in the ashes of your former glory!!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 04, 2012, 02:39:14 am
Yes, indeed, we had just slain a dragon, something I dare say would have made me feel like a great hero if it wasn't for the gruesome display I witnessed next.
Spoiler: image (click to show/hide)
After finishing, he made me strap the bloody, raw skull to my back. At least, I think that's what he wanted. It could have been a lot worse in retrospect. We found a clutch of eggs in the back, of which he unceremoniously stuffed one into his bag, probably trusting the rock-like shell not to break. Probably intends to eat it. At least, I partly hope he does. I do not like to think of him somehow hatching it.

With my waterskin full of water and his, from the smell, something much more unpleasant, we set out again to the southeast at a grueling pace, crossing two rivers before ending up here, our camp for tonight. No major incidents, but I think I begin to despair at the sight of otters, as I know I will have to try my best to mash their heads in with my crutch. This country we've entered this evening seems oddly pleasant, though, and I hope we travel through it a while longer.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on December 04, 2012, 07:20:04 am
Lol.I'm loving this
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on December 04, 2012, 07:38:47 am
I just love the "Despair at the sight of otters, because I know I will have to bash their skulls in" line, since we all KNOW that companions will go crazed with savage intent to hunt down ever bunny, otter, and fluffy wumbler they can see in a two mile radius.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: CaptApollo12 on December 04, 2012, 07:01:12 pm
It is a really tantilizing perspective narrating with your companion. It turns brainless meat shields into something a lot more human while turning the PC into an all knowing evil killing machine, (Which is exactly how I play) rather than someone playing a more innocient role.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 04, 2012, 08:36:46 pm
If only there was a way to make adventure mode behavior affect fort mode food preferences.... something cranial
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 05, 2012, 02:52:37 am
Galena 14th, in the Year of Myth 11

First thing in the morning, we left the nice patch of wilderness, which seemed to stretch to the southeast, while we were headed southwest, straight as an arrow. The No-face pitted me against a hippopotamus, a creature seeming half as big as the dragon and twice as mean, though as I write this I suppose it still has my sympathy. Luckily for me, he broke its knees before it could trample me, and luckily for it, it bled out while still unconscious and before he could finish pulling its guts through its back.

That was just the beginning, though. At the next river crossing, we stopped to savage some wild boars, but in the midst of dismembering one, he suddenly spotted that an alligator was doing the same a hundred feet away, and he just... just leapt at it. I was left to struggle with the crippled but still very much alive boar, but I suppose it was less loathsome a prospect than having to face one of the gators. They didn't stand a chance, though.
Spoiler: those aren't all teeth (click to show/hide)
Luckily, the boar managed to limp away before he could stop me from leaving it alone. Somehow it managed to break my finger which had only just healed. I could hardly care less at this point.

We crossed another river later into some kind of huge hot forest, jungle probably. The place really seems quite astounding, the animals of amazing size. The idea of finding a giant vicious beast might be terrifying, especially since I'll probably be forced to charge it, if it weren't for that the No-face is far more unsettling. He had us make a rush at some truly enormous boar, but they were too quick that time.

Now we've come to yet another river, but here we stop for the night.

Galena 15th, in the Year of Myth 11

Today was uneventful for the most part, tramping through the jungle and into a swamp, chasing more animals but thankfully not catching them. This hunting, this cruel chasing, I can discern no meaning for it. Why? Why does he do it, why does he make me do it? It drives me mad!

As a small mountain rose up from the swamp in the distance, we inexplicably changed course from Southwest to just South, No-face pressing forth with the same sense of indomitable purpose as before. Maybe we're getting close? Though, wherever he's taking me, I honestly expected him to approach it in a straight line, going through any obstacle in the way.

Galena 16th, in the Year of Myth 11

After hiking further southwards, we came to a cave in the midst of some dry plains, which the No-face climbed down into. I caught up with him a few passages downward, in the midst of bludgeoning some kind of small, horrible creature. As I came in for a closer look, it lunged at me, followed by another from the shadows.
Spoiler: self defense (click to show/hide)
I whacked it many times with my crutch, breaking bones, but the little fiend knocked me down and leapt upon my face, so I bit off its arm. No-face just watched my struggle, doing nothing. These gremlins were no dangerous opponents, but by the gods what the hell does he want with me!?

The foul taste of its blood lingered in my mouth as we ventured deeper. We encountered more gremlins, and each time the No-face simply left me to smash them on my own. I haven't much love for gremlins, but nor do I take extreme pleasure in their messy demise: somehow, though, having me kill them so interests him greatly. Not altogether too deep we found the passage led to a huge underground lake, and promptly turned back towards the surface.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on December 06, 2012, 04:07:16 pm
I just love how the human is being driven mad by cruel no -face MUAHAHAHAHA
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 08, 2012, 03:51:42 am
Galena 17th, in the Year of Myth 11

I can't write about this. I just can't.

Nako saw them first, and alerted his patrolmates to draw their weapons. A strange duo they were, a human and an odd dwarf, and goblins didn't like strangers in their land, especially not strange strangers. "Halt, in the name of the Defended Dungeon!"

The human heard them, suddenly looking as scared as he ought to be. He didn't seemed terrified of the patrol, though, but rather he seemed to be afraid of something unknown. "Please!" he cried, "Don't do this! Don't get any closer! You have to get away right now!"

The dwarf just stopped, motionless, with seemingly no other reaction. Surely this was feigning madness, an attempt at intimidation, and despite the slight creep in their stomachs, the goblins were not impressed. They prepared to charge, but suddenly the masked dwarf rushed their pikeman, hacking him in the knee then striking his shin in twain. His right arm and left hand followed, leaving him defenseless.

Whirling around lightning fast, the dwarf smashed the whip arm of the goblin behind him. Deciding now was a good time to help, the hammermen rushed in, meeting a bolt to the leg and 2 pickaxes, crippling all three. The human was stomping the downed goblins with his crutches as they continued to fight back, still not willing to concede to injury.

In particular, the lasher knocked the human down and began pummeling him with his good arm, the human unable to get any good strikes through that iron helm. Without warning, the dwarf dropped his picks and seized the helm, wrenching it off, and with a brutal throw, split the lasher's skull.

With the hammermen all bleeding to death, the dwarf turned towards the still-living, mangled pikeman, now bereft of his pike. For a long moment the goblin gazed in terror at the mask, trying to find a signal in that immutable face. For a moment, the human steeled himself to witness the brutal execution. But it did not come. Instead, the dwarf just watched the goblin for a while, the human's face slowly filling with shock. Then, the dwarf turned, and walked away, beckoning for the human to follow. He did, limping away, turning his head back as he went. Their eyes met, the human seeing the goblin lying their in his agonizing injuries, left to live for whatever unknown cruel reason, and the goblin seeing the human's whole other living torment.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on December 08, 2012, 10:31:46 am
God, his dwarf is scaring me should make him a hammerer in your fort lol
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 08, 2012, 02:22:57 pm
I'm trying to give us a master miner, so maybe after he does his digging.

Say, if someone retires in a goblin site (which they can do if they reach one without striking any goblins with attacks), will they show up as invaders in fort mode? But given the strength of adventurers that survive to reach the goblin area, that might be a bad idea.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on December 08, 2012, 02:44:01 pm
True -just retire him in a fortress.but yeah when he fulfilled his mining duties he can be a type of law enforcement.the most feared hammered /judge there ever was
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on December 08, 2012, 05:29:26 pm
Say, if someone retires in a goblin site (which they can do if they reach one without striking any goblins with attacks), will they show up as invaders in fort mode?

Doing so lists the Adventurer in question as a member of the goblin civilization so I guess it's possible.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 08, 2012, 09:10:53 pm
So, on an unrelated note I'm now tempted to make a mighty adventurer on another world named "General Rearface" and move him to goblin town so he can invade my forts :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 09, 2012, 03:56:58 am
Galena 18th, in the Year of Myth 11

I still can't write about it. After those events though, I salvaged two very sturdy looking iron shields to strap to my arms. Hopefully these will help stop me from getting bowled over. The No-face found a mail shirt that fit him, though I can't say he's needed one before. Bizarrely, after putting it on, the first thing he did was to leap into the middle of a bunch of large fish in a river. He provoked them and let them swarm over him for hours, then just climbed back out, calm as ever. Maybe he was testing the armor?

Today, we wandered southwards, killing and maiming many animals. He made me attack a large school of fish in a river this morning, and they were no small fish either, but with my shields I managed to kill them to No-face's satisfaction. Or whatever he feels. There was also this great big snake, Anaconda I think, that attacked us, and with quick thinking, I ended it quickly.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I don't know how he feels about my curtailing his cruelty, the only reaction he had was to pause before his usual tearing out the contents of the skull.

We also met three alligators in another river, and they stood little better chance.

Here we have found a strange littering of many skeletons, where Noface stops for some reason. I'll take this time to write a journal for today, and maybe finish it tonight. The bones are strange, looking like alligators and some kind of giant rodent.


More animals killings, another anaconda, many rattlesnakes, a falcon. I grow weary.

Galena 19th, in the Year of Myth 11

The animals. The animals. The violence. No reason. I weary. Too much.
Too much.
Spoiler: Too much (click to show/hide)

Galena 20th, in the Year of Myth 11







Galena 21st, in the Year of Myth 11

Freedom. Yes. Escape. Yes. I must. Animals, always makes me chase the animals. I'll chase them, yes, chase them far. A pretense. Far, further and further from him until he can't find me, then I only chase, only kill when I want. Maybe never kill again.

....Yes, plan working, out of sight, he's far away, on other bank now, chase falcon, falcon leads to freedom. I'm going to be fr

Galena 22nd, in the Year of Myth 11

O the vile winds! Damnation! I thought I had escaped. I thought I had freed myself. But just as I was almost out of his reach, the world went black and I found myself at his side again, as if in some ghastly blink of the gods' eyes. And now, something changes in the way he looks at me, and he makes my very faith in Painting weaken!

We are at the foot of mountains now, and I think that the Noface's purpose may be near.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on December 09, 2012, 07:13:15 pm
A carp! My hat off to you no -face! And that human meat sack os a wimp
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 09, 2012, 07:55:27 pm
Ah, well, here's where it gets awkward.

Due to a glitch involving campfires, I might have to hack to save Kima. What's worse, I've  overshot a bit to the south and so am not in the right mountains, so the death of the narrator now would leave me a big gap to awkwardly cover. And, he really is carrying the dragon skull, the glitch destroys the body and all items.

So, if he dies, do I cheat? If so, I can make it work with the story.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on December 09, 2012, 08:38:11 pm
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on December 09, 2012, 08:52:50 pm
Ah, well, here's where it gets awkward.

Due to a glitch involving campfires, I might have to hack to save Kima. What's worse, I've  overshot a bit to the south and so am not in the right mountains, so the death of the narrator now would leave me a big gap to awkwardly cover. And, he really is carrying the dragon skull, the glitch destroys the body and all items.

So, if he dies, do I cheat? If so, I can make it work with the story.

Did you trap yourself underground by building a fire?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 09, 2012, 08:59:20 pm
After encountering a bunch of fires left by one of my predecessors, I decided to make a large pattern of them on the ground for the final adventurer to find. But Kima dodged into them, and since he's in the middle of a 3x3 bunch of them, he's bleeding and melting. Can't travel cuz in mountains. Working on a dramatic fix.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on December 09, 2012, 11:00:48 pm
Huh. He won't just crawl out of them? That's what my sidekicks usually do.

Is there a utility that extinguishes campfires that you could use?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 09, 2012, 11:18:34 pm
EDIT for NINJA: There's another fire in the way, and he's already badly burned.

Galena 23rd, in the Year of Myth 11

Today was a strange day. We hiked across to the other side of this mountain yesterday, and today found a cave with some kind of two-headed giant. It was dispatched rather quickly. Now the No-face takes us back up the mountain, I believe he strives for the top.

Galena 24th, in the Year of Myth 11

The No-face grows stranger. While making some kind of shape out of a large bonfire, a peregrine falcon perched on the nearby slope and He motioned for me to go kill it. But I have had enough of this pointless slaughter. I stood my ground this time, ignoring. He reacted only by pausing for a moment before murdering it himself.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
That unsettling feeling that seems to emanate from him since my attempted escape has become much stronger now, and I begin to fear him. I feel as if some dark purpose now utterly bends towards me.

We hiked up to the nearby crater, a lake of molten fire, and he's just standing there, staring into that immense heat. I'll take this time to write a quick entry, I fear for my life.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I write this as fast as I can! He just threw the dead bird into the crater, and raises his hands to the sky! A loud thunderclap just split the night! What is this?

And now a terrible feeling comes over me, I fight sudden weariness to keep writing. In my guts I feel a great wrongness, the very world is just wrong. And I feel like the wrongness is focusing on me! I'm blacking out, my every bone feels wrong! What has he d

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on December 10, 2012, 01:11:22 am
Is there a utility that extinguishes campfires that you could use?

You can extinguish fires with DFHack, by placing some water on top of / next to a campfire.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 10, 2012, 01:42:18 am
He was already bleeding out, though, but I did extinguish the fire to recover his gear. Thought it would be more interesting to jury-rig a werecreature anyway.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: chevil on December 10, 2012, 02:41:06 am
Did you just DFhacked him into a werefalcon?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 11, 2012, 02:16:27 am
Basically, yes. But legends won't say anything about it.

In 11, Kima Feraltraded was cursed for his defiance to assume the form of a giant falcon-monster every so often.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: chevil on December 11, 2012, 07:25:51 am
Lets just pretend that No-face knows some magic and is realy mysterious/creepy. I would give him the position of Hammerer in my fort. If dwarves had a bit better ai they wouldn't break any rules.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on December 11, 2012, 04:19:14 pm
And of they dont follow his rules he will turn them into were creatures lol
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: chevil on December 11, 2012, 05:54:09 pm
Werecurses could make punishments a lot more severe than regular beatings.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 11, 2012, 08:10:12 pm
We don't have a volcano on our map, so he'd need another way to invoke... whatever it is he invoked. I'll try to finish up tonight, stay tuned!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on December 16, 2012, 07:35:14 am
Any updates? I have been on the age of my seat for the final!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 16, 2012, 01:21:03 pm
I seriously only have about 5 minutes of stuff to do to finish this, but I've gotten bogged down with Finals stuff this week, again.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on December 16, 2012, 06:52:48 pm
We are waiting :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Armeleon on December 18, 2012, 01:02:00 am

A week ago I started this thread. And today I finished it.  And in the past 7 days I have learned more about adventuring in Dwarf Fortress than I thought there was to know.  You have all done a masterful job, don't let this one die!  And when the next DF version comes out, I might just have to steal this idea.  You have rekindled my interest in adventuring!

A side note: a while back, Crossroads asked for a compilation of all the relevant threads. Since I copy them all to a word file anyway to read them offline, I figured I could upload a pdf.  It isn't formatted, and might be a bit hard to follow, but it's all there. Every brutal axe swing.  If you want to read it I uploaded it here. (

Thanks guys!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 18, 2012, 01:06:09 am
Cool! And, in carrying on with tradition for this thread, my end is delayed, but I'll get it done as soon as I can get to it, mark my words!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on December 20, 2012, 09:58:22 am
We need some sort of memorial to the delayed nature of this whole affair :P

Our fortress got lost in the mail :P Please wait for new one to be FedExed to you!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on December 20, 2012, 12:01:14 pm
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 20, 2012, 09:53:52 pm
Start of christmas break, I am taking my nail-studded finishing stick and completing the shit out of this turn!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on December 28, 2012, 02:50:12 pm
IT's After Christmas you!  FInish up are we're going to retire ya! (shakes fist angerily)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 28, 2012, 03:05:44 pm
College apps again, I forgot one stupid essay and now I must hurry >:(

Before Saturday, this shall be finished!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on December 29, 2012, 10:54:33 am
!!impatience at critical levels!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 29, 2012, 01:54:36 pm
Before 1 PM!

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on December 29, 2012, 02:07:01 pm
It's odd to think that it's been about seven months since I finished my part of this; it doesn't seem that long at all.

Odder to think that my entire turn was only about three days long.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on December 29, 2012, 03:02:08 pm
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 29, 2012, 05:06:15 pm
Galena 25th, in the Year of Myth 11 (


A circle of dwarves around a camp fire, surrounded by piles of belongings and bodies. They look up as another approaches, wearing a mask, and wordlessly move aside as he takes his place among them. He is followed by an enormous bird, a falcon, trudging wearily behind.

As the faceless dwarf removes the dragon skull tied around the bird's back, a small leather-bound volume falls to the ground, along with a pair of crutches and shields. The bird seizes the book and leaps to the side, but looking apprehensively at the dwarf, sees he does nothing to stop him. The bird scores his leg with the talon of his other foot, coating it in blood, and scratches into the inside cover:

If anyone finds this journal, I hope to the gods he hasn't found you.

With that, he takes off, flying northeast at breakneck speed. The journal would be found near a hovel a week later, but no one ever saw the bird. A man in tattered clothes was seen, but only once. As far as the world was concerned, Kima Begonbatow died in the Year of Myth 11.

But we know better.

I left the waterskin, still with 2 units of dragon blood, with Noface's alpaca wool backpack. This contains many things, including his shield, crossbow, mask, and the dragon skull to ensure they'll be at the fort. All of Kima's stuff is in the Yak Hair backpack.

Here's Noface's final stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
With 41 Notable kills (mostly gobbos) and 130 other kills (mostly unfortunate animals)

We'll have to make him put the mask back on when he arrives, and since he has high military skills he probably won't show till the second wave.

Anyway, though, very sorry for the delay! Save in next post, still uploading.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on December 29, 2012, 05:22:34 pm
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 29, 2012, 05:32:48 pm
Here we go! (

I don't think we'll ever see Kima in person again, or Ettad for that matter, but perhaps dwarves'll do engravings of them. I'd like to think Kima's still haunting around the mountains nearby, though.

Anyway, we should pick theme motifs for our 7 mighty founders. I think the relentless, somewhat creepy In Memoriam matches Noface quite well.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on December 29, 2012, 06:22:39 pm
No face scares the heck out of me lol
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Armeleon on December 30, 2012, 11:10:26 pm
Great ending!! I love it. Is the falcon in legends, and can it be captured an tamed? Or is it more of a general plot idea? Either way, I think having a tame falcon along with the other engravings of adventures in the (eventual) fort would be a good idea.

Who's next?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 30, 2012, 11:56:12 pm
Transformed (except night creature mates) are listed as their original race in legends, and adv mode companions tend to disappear from the face of the earth upon conclusion of an adventure, where you'll see them next ingame (if at all) is completely unpredictable. I could do some tests on a parallel save by hacking Kima to be Noface's pet, seeing if he'll migrate with Noface. But Kima changes back for half of every month, that might bugger it up.

Next? It was either Phones or Crossroads himself, I believe.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on December 31, 2012, 07:32:56 am
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on December 31, 2012, 02:53:49 pm
Ye gods I think this is it. 
I'm going to be busy tonight and Tue, Wed I am out of the office, I'll download it and tryu it out.
What version are we using now? It has been soooo long!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 31, 2012, 03:24:00 pm

Just a heads-up, as the differing paths of our adventurers converged near the destination, we seem to have left trails behind. I found many skeletal remains of animals I hadn't killed, some camp fires left by someone else, and at one point a pile of butchered products (of which I took the brain).

In the improbable event of a hostile encounter, I believe Kima is not contagious.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on December 31, 2012, 05:51:00 pm
Getting even better as we go on this. ;)

One of the things in the next release that would help this kind of gameplay is the world actually continuing on after a player starts playing.  If we were using the next version I'm pretty sure we'd find out for sure if Kima was contagious. (I'm betting he is, by the way.)

Can we get an updated list of who's made it and who hasn't?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: jsm on December 31, 2012, 06:38:03 pm
If you start at year one, it will be hell. NOTHING is alive.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 31, 2012, 06:42:28 pm
If you start at year one, it will be hell. NOTHING is alive.
We've moved past that particular line of discussion at this point. Now we're onto a succession game.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on December 31, 2012, 06:46:58 pm
and they are trying to get people to a point, i am just lurking.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 09, 2013, 12:26:35 am
Crossroads, if you would be so kind as to update the OP

Also, any word on when you can get started?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 09, 2013, 06:28:16 pm
Ok.. this is going to sound silly but evidently I need a link to redownload DF itself, at least a version that will play the newest save.
I just tried downloading the most recent version of DF and it didn't seem to work.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on January 10, 2013, 05:00:39 pm
here ( is a working dwarf fortress game + the save i don't know what title set it has you mind want to change it.  i have put the save in there so press, start playing and in theory it should work.

i took the save from here here (
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 11, 2013, 06:47:19 am
Got it downloaded, right now it is in the default tile set (blare)
I had to load it onto my PC, I forgot to say I play DF on my Mac (yes yes i know)

So if have to play this on my PC (oh gods protect me)
A few quick questions, where can I inout a Mayday graphics pack.. And how the bloody hellz do I take screen caps?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: CaptApollo12 on January 11, 2013, 08:16:19 am
Your print screen button?

Shouldn't you be able to port it over to your mac? Just find the same version? It should be enjoyable playing it or not play it at all right?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 11, 2013, 10:52:14 am
I played most of my turn on an ancient macbook. For screenshots, I used GIMP and the file>create>take screenshot>grab single window
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 18, 2013, 06:28:07 am

For those wondering about the lack of updates... I have decided to try something for the final Dwarf.. A Dwarf I have named B'Hrian Bloodaxe

That is, there will be no updates.  The only way anyone may learn of his mighty deeds will be in the form of Engravings or Artifacts and such.
I wanted to try this to keep someone "Mysterious" I will still be writing a backstory and such when I finish up of course and this game, FINALLY goes into fortress mode and becomes a community turn based game.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 18, 2013, 11:38:49 am
So, we shall have 2 mysterious people. One whose deeds are known but identity isn't, and one whose identity and origins are known but doings aren't.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 19, 2013, 12:01:37 pm
This is goign to sound silly, but what is the command to butcher something?



The crazed Pikeman who slaughtered giants monsters and beasts and would attack any beast he saw made it back home it seems!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 19, 2013, 02:09:40 pm
Now if only you can find Ettad. His home is the fort Trammelrisen, I think.

And it's x to use reactions/interactions.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Glanzor on January 19, 2013, 02:39:44 pm
Are you sure it's the same one and not just a different human who is called the same?
The human castles tend to replace soldiers that leave them with new individuals with the same name and profession.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 19, 2013, 02:53:14 pm
Oddly enough, did not find an Ettad or Kima in Trammelrisen upon a test game. But ask this Dosheb about his profession; if it's him indeed, he'll brag about his notable kills.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 19, 2013, 05:03:52 pm
All the other "Doshebs" we have found thus far have been other professions.  This one is a Pikeman, same as the original.  Trouble is I have not "found" him directly.
I was told by someone when asking about surroundings "To the north is our capital blah blah, The Pikeman Dosheb Cudgelparries the Guilty Beast dwells there"
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 19, 2013, 05:05:51 pm
Hmm, go investigate! Chances are, he's there in name only, but if there's any small chance of him actually being there to ask on a quest...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on January 21, 2013, 07:18:20 am
Oh God that's awesome.if you find him take him as a companion
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 22, 2013, 08:32:32 am

Ok as far as Dosheb went.. Sadly I was starting my quest, and there was no chance of me recruiting a human Demigod to accompany a lowly starting Dwarf.
Needless to say, given that he last was seen at Silverysects, and now dwells in one of the most Northern Human settlements... That he got back simply makes him THAT MUCH more of a BADASS.

Since that time I have been busy however.  I slayed some mighty beasts and I would say I am currently "almost" about half way there.  I have been plagued by NO END of boogymen though.. they seem utterly to ignore fires, no mater how many I make. 

I am currently in "Licevaathira" which many of uss have passed through.  Currently trying to get some better armor by slaying gobbos.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Naryar on January 22, 2013, 09:14:26 am
I currently do, due to some bug that crashes the game after year 5. Maybe it's all my modding.

I don't get necros or vampires or werebeasts, but Fortress Defense and my custom megabeasts and demons mod solves this lack of !!FUN!! somewhat.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 22, 2013, 09:29:27 am

Ok apparently a smashed tow is infected... How worried should I be about this? Is this something I can drop dead of?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 22, 2013, 09:58:01 am
Well, eventually. Not in the adventure mode timescale, but in fort after a many months. There might be a way to clean it with soap, and if not you can add a healing rate to nail_template and it should fix itself in fast travel.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: SanDiego on January 22, 2013, 09:59:31 am
In Fortress mode, your doctor should easily take care of it with surgery and cleaning.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on January 22, 2013, 10:57:38 am
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on January 22, 2013, 12:47:24 pm
*crossroads finally reaches Silverysects*
"Hey, guys, it's time to strike the-"
*crossroads has died of a toe infection*
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: laularukyrumo on January 22, 2013, 01:37:54 pm

Is it too late to get in on this? somehow? o.o
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on January 22, 2013, 01:49:28 pm
this will be so much easier next update.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 22, 2013, 02:01:43 pm
Nope, because next update probably won't be save-compatible :(
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 23, 2013, 12:31:47 am
OK ! I am almost there... Really mostly made a bee line to the place ASAP.
should be there by morning and hoping to upload the file!

And yeah... those us wishing to play will need to set aside an older version because new version will most likely not be save compatible.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on January 23, 2013, 11:10:05 am
Tell us anything interesting.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 23, 2013, 01:10:54 pm

This is it people! After over a YEAR of trying to get this done, we FINALLY have Seven Dwarves alive to Silverysects!!!

It is time to start planning our FORTRESS!

Well, almost time... there is ONE More thing to do...
In a spot prolly about 5x5, someone with "Embark Anywhere" needs to actually FOUND Silverysects ( I would do it, by no Embark anywhere mod for Macs/Apple)
Unless there IS a mac version of the mod?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on January 23, 2013, 01:22:44 pm
Sadly, I use a mac, so can't help on the embark anywhere front.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 23, 2013, 01:50:39 pm
Whoever does it is going to have to pick the spot and pick the starting Dwarves..

Whoever does start, as far as naming the Dwarves...

Something we agreed to quite a while ago... Since the whole point is to play this as of the Dwarves who got there are playing AS the starting sevem..
AND we know that the starting seven are "really" just going to be random Dwarves...
The first seven will be named AFTER those who made it there alive.  So whoever embarks, your Dwarvish names should be:
Nish Wheelroads
Melkor Savageaxes
Orky Lessonlancer
Reudh StrangerdangerII
Uggi GranitegodsII
Noface Obscurepast
Bhrian Bloodaxe

The skills of these Dwarves should also be picked largely in mind of what they did while playing (obviously basic skils will need ot be given to each, cooking,brewing, farming, minning etc)

The way it was decided was basically, AS the "REAL"  Hero's show up as migrants, they would be swamped for the Dwarf that was already using the name... The That dwarf would be given a 'generic' Dwarf name.

Makes sense?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on January 23, 2013, 02:13:20 pm
Would it work to just embark with "seven other dwarves" to help out? Since the seven adventurers should arrive early in the migration waves, can't we just say they were scouting around while the "other" seven got the initial fortress set up?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on January 23, 2013, 02:17:48 pm
I've got Embark Anywhere so I could do it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 23, 2013, 02:29:11 pm
Ok here is the download Ubiq

Try and pick a 5x5 spot with the "dump zone" at the center... We had discussed exactly WHERE to settle quite a few pages before.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 23, 2013, 03:38:31 pm
Or, there is a more hack-y method. Might be more dangerous, though: unretire each of them and hack them to be standing around the area upon actual embark. Not sure how to do that, though, and it could cause bugs. Rumrusher would probably know...

If we do take the easier, safer method, it might be expedient to save-scum so that each migrant season brings at least two of the heroes, until we have all of them by 2nd spring at latest.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 23, 2013, 04:16:30 pm
Hmmm that makes me wonder if there is a way to Hack the game to "Force" certain historical people to show up?
IE make it so the game produces our heroes in the first migrant wave or so.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 23, 2013, 07:42:17 pm
This will require some thought....
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on January 24, 2013, 07:49:14 am
Why don't you make the seven dwarves children of the heroes?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 24, 2013, 08:48:28 am
Nah, We shouldn't need to do anything really.. Just play as if al lSeven are starting, and then change names as the "real" ones show up in migrant waves.

As soon as I get a copy with the Embark back we can begin!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on January 24, 2013, 11:52:47 am
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: cathartic rooster on January 24, 2013, 01:10:49 pm
You guys amaze me. I have had DF for a while but still havent realy done much. one of these days I might see a cavern, who knows? but what you people are doing is crazy! Can't wait to see what happens when its a fort!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on January 24, 2013, 02:31:02 pm
you have not seen a cavern? wow. and i thought i had not seen mutch by never seeing the HFS, clowns or the god metal.
i saw A clown. a escapee...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on January 24, 2013, 09:11:21 pm

It should work now. Just put it over Silverysects proper and embark at the bottom left corner.

I'd say to skip naming the dwarves after the initial seven if for no other reason than the skills wouldn't match up anyway. We have to have a doctor to avid losing several of these to infection.

We also need to be able to make soap early on as well so we'll need a unit of lye.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 25, 2013, 05:59:52 am
Hmm... Do you think at this stage, while we still can... It would be "cheating" too much to go into DHack and fix their infections now?
Oe can wee only do thast after they start showing up?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on January 25, 2013, 06:04:38 am
Given that it'll only be a few months after they arrive, Melkor, Reudh, and the other infected dwarves should be fine.

Embarking with a unit of lye or soap is the best idea, as you said... Perhaps someone with Wound Dressing / Diagnostician as one of the S7.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 25, 2013, 06:36:50 am
That could work.. I htink I already know how to include it into the "Roleplay" as it where... ok will be downloading it this afternoon
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 25, 2013, 09:59:09 am
Hmm... Not working.. Installed the "patch" tregion, but when I try and embark over the spot its greyed out
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on January 25, 2013, 10:02:11 am
you should update the first post and place a list of the turn order
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 25, 2013, 10:23:31 am
Hmm... Not working.. Installed the "patch" tregion, but when I try and embark over the spot its greyed out
You need to run 'just embark'
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 25, 2013, 10:36:03 am
Can't.. There is no mod for macs..
thats why I had asked someone wiht it to Embark so the spot is open and then I could start playing it
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on January 25, 2013, 12:39:03 pm
Can't.. There is no mod for macs..
thats why I had asked someone wiht it to Embark so the spot is open and then I could start playing it
So, someone with the mod does the Embark and saves the game before unpausing. Then Crossroads can start up that save and run the first turn.

And I agree, if this is going to be a community fortress we need to at least post what the order will be, even if we don't update the OP.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on January 25, 2013, 02:27:51 pm
So it just ignores it when you hit 'e' to embark?

It works just fine on my end; the site is listed as unavailable, but it still goes through.

If you can't get it to work, I can start the embark and send it back to you since I have the save. Just give me a list of what to take along in terms of skills and supplies.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 25, 2013, 02:49:51 pm
Can't.. There is no mod for macs..
thats why I had asked someone wiht it to Embark so the spot is open and then I could start playing it
So, someone with the mod does the Embark and saves the game before unpausing. Then Crossroads can start up that save and run the first turn.

And I agree, if this is going to be a community fortress we need to at least post what the order will be, even if we don't update the OP.

Well, The original plan was for the first 6slots to basically be the first 6 people who got their Dwarves safely to Silverysect. After that I think we were looking at a list of about 10 or 15 and then rotate it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 25, 2013, 02:51:26 pm
And yeah Ubiq... Try and settle, I hit "e" to Embark... nothing happens
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 25, 2013, 06:55:00 pm
Do you have the mac version of DFhack? The DFusion plugin has an 'Embark Anywhere' feature.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on January 25, 2013, 09:13:37 pm
Hmm... Not working.. Installed the "patch" tregion, but when I try and embark over the spot its greyed out

I've got DFHack + DFusion. I could embark for you, if you throw me the save.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 26, 2013, 02:55:13 am
Heres the link,
If you do so, try and have a good balanced start in terms of the supplies and skills of the starting dwarves, make sure you pack a lot of LYE so we can make soap for the infected Dwarves.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on January 28, 2013, 01:51:51 pm
Can't.. There is no mod for macs..

DFHack for DF 0.34.08 - 0.34.11 (release 2) (
"full support for Mac OS X."

edit: Sorry, just noticed dfusion is for Windoze only. (What kind of "full support" is that?)

Also I don't think you'll need to bring any lye with the starting 7. All you need is wood, and there's plenty of it in the area.

In fact, seven peasants with an empty wagon should be enough. It's the dawn of time, after all :p Plus you've got plenty of tools and some food laying around in the area already. Well, maybe add a kitten for amusement.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 28, 2013, 02:00:17 pm
Can't.. There is no mod for macs..

DFHack for DF 0.34.08 - 0.34.11 (release 2) (
"full support for Mac OS X."

Also I don't think you'll need to bring any lye with the starting 7. All you need is wood, and there's plenty of it in the area.

In fact, seven peasants with an empty wagon should be enough. It's the dawn of time, after all :p Plus you've got plenty of tools and some food laying around in the area already. Well, maybe add a kitten for amusement.
No empty wagon. We don't want to have something lame happen, like death by anacondas before any heroes show up.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on January 28, 2013, 03:01:24 pm
Oh come on, it's not that hard. Besides, our human companions have already killed all the wildlife.

Here's a save for Silverysects the Citadel. 4x4 embark on top of Silverysects. 7 peasants and a kitten. I challenge thee! (

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on January 28, 2013, 03:06:09 pm
10 peasents? Surely you mean 7.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on January 28, 2013, 03:08:48 pm
10 peasents? Surely you mean 7.

Yes, 7, sorry about that.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 28, 2013, 07:37:01 pm
Not even a pick to with which to strike the earth? I know we left some gear, but I didn't see any picks there.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 28, 2013, 09:48:54 pm
Actually there are picks,.,, but NOTHIN ELSE
No booze, no food, no seeds...

Now I am for challenge, but MANG give us a break!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 28, 2013, 09:52:33 pm
Dwarves might tantrum before you can get farms set up if you start without drinks / food.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: flabort on January 29, 2013, 12:12:24 am
All the more reason to build a brewery fast as possible, gather lots of plants, then hit the caverns quick-quick-quick.
It's caverns, or having thriving above ground farms before below ground.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on January 29, 2013, 01:09:18 am
There's at least three picks, one battle axe, loads of berries and meat laying on the ground and in the backpacks. Although there's a bug that prevents you from using the seeds from berries that were brought to the place before embarking. But dwarves can still eat the berries. There's a horse to slaughter and another one to milk. Not much wildlife, and nothing of it is hostile. The only "challenge" is to construct a still and a few barrels and gather some plants to get something to drink.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 29, 2013, 01:15:06 am
Well, when you put it like that. Still, just keep track of said contents of backpacks, some people might need to be reunited with their gear.

Probably shouldn't breach the caverns before the heroes arrive.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Joemit on January 29, 2013, 01:27:35 am
I just tried starting at the dawn of time. The fortress lasted about 3 years and fell apart in a tantrum spiral. Very spectacular.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on January 29, 2013, 01:33:44 am
Probably shouldn't breach the caverns before the heroes arrive.

Well, you'll need water from the caverns to clean the the infected parts of the heroes. All the murky pools on the surface have dried up.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 29, 2013, 01:45:25 am
Isn't there an aquifer? But again, wouldn't need breaching until the heroes show up.

Just took a peek at the save. Holy crap, Noface's pack still has intact skull, egg, and blood (in waterskin) from that dragon. And there's also Kazis's skull (that roc, wasn't it?). Just keep in mind if you want to preserve any of those as trophies. Uggi's pick is there, so 1 peasant can mine.

Going to try the alternate hack embark tomorrow, just to see if it can be done. Probably safer to use non-hack methods for the actual fort though.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 29, 2013, 03:54:46 am
Wasn't there a stream around Silverysects?
I know you embarked on a 4x4, which is pretty small, My computer is usually able to handle a 6x6 at least.

Having a flowing river in our desert would be rEALLY helpful.
Especially as I had planned on turning the place into a flooded watered paradise.

I mean, Being Dwarf, whatever area we settle, we nuke it.
If we embark on an Iceflow, we want to turn it into a hot tropical paradise.
If we embark in a parched desert, we want to turn it into a lake filled swamp or something.

That said, you are correct about the seeds and stuff, there ARE some materials.  But having a starting booze supply would still be nice... I mean, Our Dwaven heros would carry SOME supplies with them
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on January 29, 2013, 06:21:56 am
I just tried it myself. Within the first year I lost Nish to a were jackal. Sorry.

Uggi slept through the whole thing.

But yeah, you have to go nuts with brewing and cooking if you want to survive. Also the caverns had no moss in them.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on January 29, 2013, 10:25:23 am
so are we going to create a succession fortress?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 29, 2013, 10:37:59 am
so are we going to create a succession fortress?

But of course :D

I really REALLY need to update the front page and put something a bit more organized together.
I am testing the fort "as is" right now, I'd REALLY Like a resized one with a river in it, just because that will give us an infinte water supply that we WON'T Have to pump up from the caves...

As far as succesion, it will be (baring changes) In order of the people who made it to Silverysects first.  I need to hold a sign up for other people wanting a turn. I am right now going with the standard One Year = One Turn method.

In terms of what the "Goal" of the fort is going to be... Well the orginal idea WAAAY Back at the start was it was goign to be the "First" REAL Mountain home, hence the whole "dawn of time" bit.  So we were going to plan out something EPic for both above and below.
For above, IDeas floated thus far included:
Huge monuments to the Dwarven (and human heros) who fell on the way to Silverysects.
Turning the desert as wet as possible (IE huge lakes everywhere, Waterfalls and such)
Building an Epic "underworld" (huge open caverns, Moria like halls and such)
And of course making it a real "Mountainhome" by getting a king.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on January 29, 2013, 02:53:35 pm
I say you should flood the land then pull a boat murdered. -if that's possible.imagine.....a beautiful obsidian landscape devoid of all life .....makes my dwarf heart wanna cry ...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 29, 2013, 02:54:22 pm
Testing hack embark, almost done.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on January 29, 2013, 03:04:46 pm
I tried a 10x10 embark covering the whole area of Silverysects (in this map tile). I found no rivers. The area marked with 0's on the height map where there should be a river, is just a flat area.

Spoiler: 10x10 (click to show/hide)

Looking at the 7x7 area just north of Silverysects, you can see that a brook (not a river) ends where Silverysects begins:

Spoiler: The brook (click to show/hide)

Maybe it's a bug, maybe a feature. Maybe the brook just happens to end there.

All the items and corpses we left on the area are on the bottom left corner. If you do a 4x4 embark on the corner, the items are in the middle of it. So if you want to cover both the items and a bit of a brook, you need a 7x9 embark about here:

Spoiler: 7x9 (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 29, 2013, 03:06:37 pm
Okay, hack embark works! The only problem is, it's extremely laggy. The sheer amount of items (especially on Nish) and the 6x6 are probably just too much. I'm going to try again, this time destroying the millions of random sharpened rocks and anaconda teeth.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 29, 2013, 05:21:29 pm
Sorry for double post


Hmm, can't seem to get the hack to work a second time on switching back to fort mode.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on January 29, 2013, 05:47:17 pm
Okay, hack embark works! The only problem is, it's extremely laggy. The sheer amount of items (especially on Nish) and the 6x6 are probably just too much. I'm going to try again, this time destroying the millions of random sharpened rocks and anaconda teeth.

I think we should stick with a 4x4 embark. Standard community game fare. Water'll be in the caverns, but we haven't 'discovered' caverns yet. :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: wierd on January 29, 2013, 06:13:02 pm
You kids are crazy, you know that?

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on January 29, 2013, 07:57:40 pm
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on January 29, 2013, 08:09:09 pm
You kids are crazy, you know that?
Yes.  Yes, we are. But its one of the best kinds of crazy a person can be, dontcha think? :D

I'd say file the river thing as a bug.  While we aren't supposed to embark there, it should have a river running through it still instead of being flattened by the city selection code during world gen.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 29, 2013, 08:28:29 pm
Check upstream, might be a problem with the whole river. I've seen rivers running through dwarf sites before, not to mention having crossed a few in a goblin site during my turn.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: wierd on January 29, 2013, 08:42:01 pm
Just DFHack in a river source, and be done with it. :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 29, 2013, 09:54:57 pm
Okay, hack embark works! The only problem is, it's extremely laggy. The sheer amount of items (especially on Nish) and the 6x6 are probably just too much. I'm going to try again, this time destroying the millions of random sharpened rocks and anaconda teeth.

I think we should stick with a 4x4 embark. Standard community game fare. Water'll be in the caverns, but we haven't 'discovered' caverns yet. :P

yeah, after playing for a bit it isn't THAT bad working just on the top.
Making berry farms is pretty easy and theres a LOT of cactus and palm wood for barrels. 

Playing with "Story" We may breach the caves near the end of the first year,  I have poked around them already and have an AWESOME spot picked out that will be perfect to carve an Epic Moria Dwarf City.

Wed is my Day out of the office, I'm going to redownload the map and (gasps)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 29, 2013, 10:35:07 pm

So, you want to do it with Uggi's save, or with a hacked save (no resources still, but start with the heroes.)?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 29, 2013, 10:45:58 pm
Going to do it with Uggi's no sense in taking risk with Hacks corrupting the game file or something...

This will be it! For those who will be playing at some point... Remember our current goals...
Huge monuments to the Dwarven (and human heros) who fell on the way to Silverysects.
Turning the desert as wet as possible (IE huge lakes everywhere, Waterfalls and such)
Building an Epic "underworld" (huge open caverns, Moria like halls and such)
And of course making it a real "Mountainhome" by getting a king.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 29, 2013, 10:48:13 pm
Just remember to savescum to get as many heroes as possible per migrant season!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on January 30, 2013, 12:01:56 am
we shouldn't need to savescum since our heros are closer to the site than any other member of the civ, right?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 30, 2013, 12:22:53 am
Nope, that doesn't make any difference whatsoever. I already ran some test embarks after I finished my turn, and I find that with savescumming we can get at least 2 often enough, most heroes I've seen in one wave is 3 (might require truly frustrating amounts of reloading though). With scumming, we could get everyone together by spring of the 2nd year.

The heroes being partially absent for a year could make sense, some of them could be out finding more dwarves and bringing them together.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on January 30, 2013, 06:11:17 am
Don't forget to set the Distinct Artifact as the name of the group along with Silverysects as the name so that it'll match the history.

Remember our current goals...
Huge monuments to the Dwarven (and human heros) who fell on the way to Silverysects.
Turning the desert as wet as possible (IE huge lakes everywhere, Waterfalls and such)
Building an Epic "underworld" (huge open caverns, Moria like halls and such)
And of course making it a real "Mountainhome" by getting a king.

Among those monuments, we need to build a stone man and at least partially cover it with amethyst windows to reflect the symbol of the Watchful Rags.

More importantly, in light of the name Silvery, shouldn't we have temples built out of silver for each of the gods of the Watchful Rags?

There are nine of them.

  Tobul, deity: earth
  Limul, deity: jewels, mountains, volcanos
  Rakas Tradesold, deity: wealth, trade, fortresses
  Aned Goldgilds the Luck of Matches, deity: gambling
  Gigin the Zenith of Ink, deity: light, the sun
  Tholest Bladedangers, deity: revenge
  As…s, deity: courage
  Aran, deity: thunder, the rain, fertility
  Shedim Hellsubtle the Hole of Deeps, deity: treachery

Nobody ever sees betrayal coming from Shedim; she's subtle as hell. Anyway, Asas, Goddess of Courage, is the deity of the Iteb Glovekissed, King of the Watchful Rags and, obviously, a fan of Spinal Tap so special attention should be paid to her.

Also, looking at the history, we have the King settling there and the rest of the events afterwards are the seven wanderers arriving.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 30, 2013, 10:54:43 pm
Unfortunately as far as we know there is no SILVER in silverysects...
So we shall have to do with what we have.

Amethyst of course however shall have to be gathered in VAST quantities to properly build a monument to the Civilization...

As far as the Gods and Goddesses go... I vote we Build just a few, chiefly
Rakas Tradesold, deity: wealth, trade, fortresses
Limul, deity: jewels, mountains, volcanos
Asas, Goddess of Courage

Don't know about you, but those by FAR seem the most "Dwarfy"

Also just entering mid summer... Should wrap up the first year and pas it on
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: flabort on January 30, 2013, 11:44:23 pm
Get silver from traders, then mint it into coins, separate the stacks, and melt them.  :P
50 bars, easy. Rinse and repeat. And any coins you don't melt down, since you're separating the stacks anyways, go into making a coinstar danger room.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on January 31, 2013, 02:16:44 am
Unfortunately as far as we know there is no SILVER in silverysects...
So we shall have to do with what we have.

Amethyst of course however shall have to be gathered in VAST quantities to properly build a monument to the Civilization...

As far as the Gods and Goddesses go... I vote we Build just a few, chiefly
Rakas Tradesold, deity: wealth, trade, fortresses
Limul, deity: jewels, mountains, volcanos
Asas, Goddess of Courage

Don't know about you, but those by FAR seem the most "Dwarfy"

Also just entering mid summer... Should wrap up the first year and pas it on

If I remember correctly, Silverysects has very large stores of limonite.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 31, 2013, 06:54:23 am
First immigration wave has arrived MELKOR would seem to be the first hero to arrive in game.
I'll post my "turn" when the year ends, have a lot of screen shots already and writing up the "Story" for them
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on January 31, 2013, 08:04:11 am
YAH BABY!*nerd rage*
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on January 31, 2013, 12:21:29 pm
HAHA my female instinct knows the fort need me now,
does that mean i get the next turn...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on January 31, 2013, 02:07:48 pm
Unfortunately as far as we know there is no SILVER in silverysects...
So we shall have to do with what we have.

We can always import ore and bars. Worst case scenario, we do billon and electrum since those are silver based and available by default.

As far as the Gods and Goddesses go... I vote we Build just a few, chiefly
Rakas Tradesold, deity: wealth, trade, fortresses
Limul, deity: jewels, mountains, volcanos
Asas, Goddess of Courage

Don't know about you, but those by FAR seem the most "Dwarfy"

We could always make minor shrines to the rest with major temples for a few. I'd also say to build at least four just to have a temple in each cardinal direction or five with the largest built around and above the wagon site and the other four around it.

Tholest Bladedangers seems rather dwarfy as does Tobul. Gigin the Zenith of Ink was the personal deity of the previous King.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 31, 2013, 04:00:17 pm
To check, we can use 'prospect' in dfhack.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Rumrusher on February 01, 2013, 12:17:14 pm
Or, there is a more hack-y method. Might be more dangerous, though: unretire each of them and hack them to be standing around the area upon actual embark. Not sure how to do that, though, and it could cause bugs. Rumrusher would probably know...

If we do take the easier, safer method, it might be expedient to save-scum so that each migrant season brings at least two of the heroes, until we have all of them by 2nd spring at latest.

Okay so I was summoned by Hugo unknowingly giving suggestions until figuring out he talking about this. Read your tale of pure Adventurism just to start up a Fort mode challenge.
Currently got an idea of how the first fort should start if a bunch of adventurers going to start it, but it results in asking if any of the guys brought a Pick, Axe and Anvil, or have the means of inventing either of those 3 three while you start with the weapons on your back and no military. Though that sounds pretty harsh so I'll work up a better solution, so the site name is SilverySects right?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on February 01, 2013, 02:35:08 pm
Don't forget to set the Distinct Artifact as the name of the group along with Silverysects as the name so that it'll match the history.

I named the fortress Silverysects the Citadel. Deaths will probably be listed as if they happened in the original Silverysects mountainhomes. This was discussed back in last summer: this ( and the following posts.

Didn't even thought about the group name. Apparently I named them as The Destined Beards of Laboring.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Rumrusher on February 01, 2013, 08:08:13 pm
okay so figure out what hugh was talking about after visiting the site, embarking over a nonexistent site like a mountainhome gonna lead to some clipping issues where the map will unload parts the area.
Good news I have a solution bad news it kinda results in turning all non adventure mode loaded sites into the ones left over by toady. hope you don't mind having invisible walls around forts you have to un-fast travel to get across.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 02, 2013, 10:00:37 am
First year done... now in the process of converting into into a post!
Quick summary.

Melkor and Uggi showed up,
we got our first caravan and got an Anvil (thank Armok)
no deaths (so far) but not a lot of beasts, biggest animal all year was a weasel :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 02, 2013, 01:57:30 pm
We must savescum for more hero migrants! 7 seasons is too long for all of them, 1 could die before they all meet.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Rumrusher on February 02, 2013, 02:59:39 pm
oh good news I just got the save for the hero....
First year done... now in the process of converting into into a post!
Quick summary.

Melkor and Uggi showed up,
we got our first caravan and got an Anvil (thank Armok)
no deaths (so far) but not a lot of beasts, biggest animal all year was a weasel :P
s... oh crud. welp : |  ( if you want I got all the heroes except a couple who some how randomly died... and notice that the issue of the invisible people was due to some designation error preventing folks from seeing anything. have fun with the challenge and ask me if anything goes horribly wrong/weird/crashy.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 02, 2013, 06:28:26 pm
Thanks for the help guys but I think we will be ok. Two people showed up in the first year, we should have all Seven fairly quickly.
I don't want to do any hacking or anything that corrupt the game file, especially since Its about to be passed on to the next player
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 02, 2013, 07:03:00 pm
Savescumming shouldn't corrupt. If we just make sure to get at least 2 per season this year, we should be done with savescumming forever. Anyway, I'm just happy that we all made it still.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 04, 2013, 06:46:41 am
Ok.. Where is Ubiq?

I have the save file done up and I should be able to post the turn later this afternoon.
Ubiq was the first Dwarf to make it so he gets next turn followed by Melkor.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on February 04, 2013, 07:14:56 am
Far over the misty mountains cold
to dungeons deep and caverns old
We must away ere break of day
To seek the pale enchanted gold
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on February 04, 2013, 12:14:54 pm
Ok.. Where is Ubiq?

I have the save file done up and I should be able to post the turn later this afternoon.
Ubiq was the first Dwarf to make it so he gets next turn followed by Melkor.
Crossroads, do you have a list of turns already worked up?  I know the guys that did Adventure Mode will be first, but I was wondering what the list looks like currently?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 04, 2013, 02:38:52 pm
got to be hounest I'm a bit disorgnized on that, I need to go back and make a list of everyoen who asked to play in adventure and didn't as well as those who DID play in adventure but died.

Oy vey I need to hire a secratery or something
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on February 04, 2013, 10:10:19 pm
Ok.. Where is Ubiq?

I have the save file done up and I should be able to post the turn later this afternoon.
Ubiq was the first Dwarf to make it so he gets next turn followed by Melkor.

I'm here now.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 05, 2013, 05:27:51 am
got to be hounest I'm a bit disorgnized on that, I need to go back and make a list of everyoen who asked to play in adventure and didn't as well as those who DID play in adventure but died.

Oy vey I need to hire a secratery or something

have no fear, melkor is here!

i am busy making a first post for ya, do read it first to check for spelling

also yay ubiq is here post the save cross
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 05, 2013, 05:46:48 am
Ooh, idea! We should cage and tame anacondas, for a holy zoo.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 05, 2013, 06:40:17 am
What do Snakes have to do with holy-ness? Are they a smybol of one of our gods?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 05, 2013, 06:53:36 am
Some of the letters in their names are "A" aren't they? But also, it's just dwarfy :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on February 05, 2013, 07:09:07 am
I think elephants if u could get them would be cool
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 05, 2013, 07:20:17 am
elephants would starve to dead.
i think we should capture some elfs so we can sacrifice them each year
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 05, 2013, 07:38:15 am
Post moved to next page
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on February 05, 2013, 09:28:50 am
THIS IS FREAKING EPIC!! Tugging seems like a real tough half pint.on an unrelated note -if my adventurer is a member of a civilization.I retire him.then make a fortress with it belonging to that civilization -will he come as a migrant? -
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 05, 2013, 10:40:56 am
And now..

It had begun with a revelation…
The world was ‘new’.

Not new in any metaphorical sense, but “just born” newly hatched as it were.  Oh sure, the mountains SEEMED to look as if they had been there for millions of years, and there SEEMED to be centuries worth of various people and creatures around. Many Elves and Dwarves “said” they were over a hundred years old.  Curiously, no one seemed to have memories that went back much more than 10 years…

In the end, the Low King of the Dwarves Ideb (who up until recently had thought he was Eighty years old) Made a proclamation to all Dwarves of the world… Their legends spoke of mighty Mountainhomes. Vast underground cities with rooms so large one could not see the end; they spoke of immense oceans underground that Dwarfish ships sailed upon. And they spoke in hushed tones of a mystical treasure, a rare living metal that was rumored to have been left by the gods themselves.

Unfortunately however, if the world WAS only 10 years old, such cities existed purely in myth, so it was bloody well time to build one then.

The word went out to every Dwarf settlement known, “Build a City Worthy of Dwarves!” And this city shall be known as… SILVERYSECTS![/i]

And THAT was how this whole bloody mess got started…

Journal of Bhrian Bloodaxe
It was to be the end of a long and mighty quest. Not just for me, but for many many other Dwarfs, I and I alone had been instructed by the Low King exactly what our quest was and of its importance. Our people needed a proper and legendary home. Not one that was just spoken of in Legends but a mighty citadel to inspire the entire world!

I had trekked for what seemed like months to the location I had been told of.  A land that was supposedly as silver as the moon, with lakes of water as far as the eye could see. 
As such, imagine my surprise when upon arrival I found it to be in the middle of a bleeding burning wasteland!  And to top it all off there was only…

“SIX? The Low King sent out the messages almost two years ago.  Are you saying in all that time there has been only six of you that made it here alive?”


“Aye, an most of us made it just barely” The Dwarf ‘Uggi’ said as he pointed to another missing an arm..
“This is intolerable, How are we to build a great city with just Seven of us!”
“It aint exactly going ot be easy thar isn’t much to build with! Its all desert and heat and dirt! Not much in the way of great mountains to build a mountain home!

“But the Low King prophesized a Silver land for us, rich in earth and cooled by vast deep lakes!

“Look There is only one of two things that happened here. Either we are in the wrong location—
“Impossible! I followed the kings’ direction to the letter!”
“Yeah, or… The King is a bloody loon and there IS No wonderful silvery land with huge lakes and flowing water. Cause I aint seeing any around here!”

“Ok ok, we are Dwarves, water or no, trees or no, the King wants a bloody city? We’re going to give him one!”

Journal of Bhrian Bloodaxe
Our first month here has seen much activity.  After the realization sunk in that it was just the seven of us, I seemed to be able to get them motivated into action.  Food and drink was chief most concern, *** and ***** scoured the surrounding lands, uprooting every last bush that seemed alive to gather seeds from it.  Our harvest was modestly successfully and already we have Wild Strawberries’ and Long grass growing that shall make a fine brew.
Myself and a few others with experience with a pickaxe dug into a small hill to make a better shelter for ourselves.  The small huts the others had put together were no proper home for a Dwarf. We did make another ‘home’ A tomb for those who had fallen and yet still made it to the destination.  We have out of gleaming limestone, constructed a ‘Tomb’ atop the hill.  I hope in time to make something far more grand and imposing to remember all those who fell coming to this place, but it shall enshrine their bodies for at least the present.

Journal of Bhrian Bloodaxe
A Miracle! We have at last other Dwarves! It would seem we are not alone in our endeavor after all. A number of Dwarves were sighted approaching the valley and we quickly brought them in. Sadly however it seems many of them, like us, expected a far different landscape.  Many of them are farmers or craft dwarves. Works for industries that we may not be able to use for quite some time. We put most to work either digging or trying to plant as much as possible.  With an increased workforce we also have more beards to feed.

 Journal of Bhrian Bloodaxe
It has been several months since the start of SIlverysects, and with each passing day I grow more and more fearful of our supplies. We have had yet more migrants come upon us.  We were fortunate that several of them seemed gifted in working a forge. Indeed one seemed to be a master in making Armor and we have set him to work quickly making protection for us.  Unfortunately there is little wood to burn here and we have only small amounts of iron.  I have put all effort into trying to grow what we can out of the parched dirt around our ‘temporary’ lodgings.  I have also rationed the booze as much as I dare. The others are starting to grumble and I do not know how long I can keep them at bay.  Our number is now over 18 and with so many beards to feed I see a dim future for us…

“Aye what is it, I be busy in here!”
“Come quick you have to see this! The miners struck something amazing!”
“What is it? More of that wretched blue rock? Or maybe more limestone? Armok knows we need more of that.”
“Um no Sir, we think, We think we may have found the ‘real’ Silverysects!”

A few moments later Bhrian and several of the others looked into a hole punched into the central shaft that was being dug. Cold damp air billowed up from the hole, the first cold any of the Dwarves had felt in months.


“Its, It’s a whole word down here.” Bhrian said as he looked out into a massive abyss. “This is it, this must have been what King had in mind! THIS Is where our city is meant to be!”
“SIR! We just got word from our look outs, more dwarves approach!”
“What? More migrants?”
“NO It is a caravan from the north! Traders! They bring goods of all sorts! Two wagons full of food!”

Journal of Bhrian Bloodaxe
In less than a day all of our fortunes have changed! Armok is surely smiling upon our work!
Our mines have dug deep and discovered the fabled Underworld, an endless cave system that is legend to be the true home to the Dwarves. It is upon a large island in a great cold sea that we shall build our fortress. A city fit for a King!
What is more, with the end of the year, we at last have merchants from home.  Our worries of food are for the moment over as we have been to barter for much needed food seeds and goods.


With the New Year approaching I suddenly feel confident in our success of construction of a Mighty Mountain home!

First off a look at the two heros who arrived:

Next. As discussed earlier, we left the breaching of the underworld until the very end of the year.  After all it would have been too easy if we got down there right away! A note on the booze, I actually did lock up the booze supply each time it was filled, so many of the Dwarves may be more than a little grumpy right now. Hopefully with the underworld uncovered there should be more than enough room and muddy ground to grow everything we need.
A note on the city plan, I couldn’t have ASKED for a better location! We have a HUGE flat muddy space that is also a freaking ISLAND! Aside from FB’s and pond grabbers, we are going to be mostly safe from harm (for now).
I mapped out a central stairwell column that leads from a good entrance spot up to the surface.  THIS is the entrance that shall in time become the “real” super legendary impressive entrance to Silverysects. Basically the next player should start clearing out the island and making it as open as possible. First for large farms and then eventually for the Dwarves who will move down ((The current fort I hope to be able to abandon within the next year or so))
SO in terms of next year goals…
1: Mining out stairwell and clear the rock pillars from the island to open it up.
2: Building farms in the mud to sustain all dwarves.
3: Start making larger and more ‘regal’ rooms for our heroes.

Also, some long term goals…
Slowly enclose the island with Fortifications (Limestone for now, perhaps Silver later)
Build water systems to produce a waterfall over the entrance (thus ensuring every Dwarf gets a bath entering or exiting the city.)
Start laying out above ground Temples to our mighty gods and goddesses.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: TopHat on February 05, 2013, 02:05:04 pm
And thus it begins....
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on February 05, 2013, 02:33:57 pm
Ooh, what an amazing start! Could you post the save in public so we can take a look at it ourselves? Non-ascii tilesets are so confusing.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 05, 2013, 02:54:38 pm
We should build murder holes hanging from the ceiling from which to pwn forgotten beasts with archers. How high is the ceiling? How many layers between ground and caves?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on February 05, 2013, 02:54:51 pm
Been watching this off and on since last year, when the idea first came up. Probably my first posting on this thread, but let me say this:

Can't wait to see how everything plays out!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 05, 2013, 03:00:37 pm
Ooh, what an amazing start! Could you post the save in public so we can take a look at it ourselves? Non-ascii tilesets are so confusing.

just goto DFFD and type in "Silverysects" oit will be the most recent upload from my account
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: CaptApollo12 on February 06, 2013, 01:47:18 am
This warms my heart that this is succeeding.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on February 06, 2013, 02:24:28 am
got to be hounest I'm a bit disorgnized on that, I need to go back and make a list of everyoen who asked to play in adventure and didn't as well as those who DID play in adventure but died.

Oy vey I need to hire a secratery or something
Here is the list of folks that have explicitly asked to participate in either the Adventure mode portion, or Fortress mode.  I've included the post number before each name (e.g., Corai requested inclusion in [R]eply number 35 of this thread).

OP: Crossroads Inc. *
R1: rtg593
R6: Madventurer
R27: davros
R35: Corai *
R36: Orky_Boss *
R66: Fen *
R79: keyreper
R83: Reudh *
R85: Torrasque666 *
R95: Ubiq *
R102: melkor *
R114: lavenders2
R117: uggi *
R128: Phones *
R178: Niyazov
R189: dorfnynja
R206: Broken
R211: HugoLuman *
R240: nomad
R249: Zwaryczuk
R265: rtg593
R326: Bobnova
R327: Child of Armok
R347: Berlioz
R348: WaffleEggnog
R369: Crazy Cow
R392: Megaman3321
R398: Tophat
R420: lorb
R438: Broken
R512: krenshala
R718: Shininglight
R786: CaptainXax
R861: Varnifane
R965: Urist McLaptop
R1057: laularukyrumo

* Those that participated in the Adventure mode portion.

I've no idea how many of these folks still wish to be involved, of course, but I know I do.

And Of course the list of folks that played the Adventure mode portion is:

  Ubiq: The first founder!
  uggi The Delayed Dwarf of Doom
  Crossroads Inc. The Final Founder.

The list of the Fallen...

I'll leave it up to you to post an official list of participants for management of Silverysects, Crossroads. I'm just hoping this list helps you out. :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on February 06, 2013, 03:42:56 am
Are we renaming dwarves when their namesakes show up or what?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 06, 2013, 05:33:36 am
Are we renaming dwarves when their namesakes show up or what?
YES! I tried to rename them myself, but for whatever reason the "Delete" key didn't work in the nickname screen.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: omg_scout on February 06, 2013, 08:03:16 am
Following the thread since the beginning.

Is it possible to get dwarved as "Scout" when an unwanted migrant appears?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 06, 2013, 08:13:56 am
Oh lord I forgot about that part of community gaming.  Traditionally random people who don't get to participate are "Named" into random dorfs...
We can use the list from krenshala to start putting names to Random Dorfs in the game as they come along.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: bstrain on February 06, 2013, 11:37:13 am
What an awesome game!! Can I get in on the action? I'd like to help make Silverysects into a glorious glorious dwarven kingdom!

Props to all of you adventurers that made it to Silverysects in ~1 piece. I've read through this thread in it's entirety, and what a story it is! As a former lurker, I just had to register to tell you guys (girls?) what an awesome job you're doing!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on February 06, 2013, 05:02:35 pm
Hey, I'll take a dorf as soon as you can. If there's a ton of others that posted before me that want one, I'll wait patiently!

Preferably something useful, like a cook or brewer, or something craft related. Doesn't really matter to me.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 06, 2013, 05:26:58 pm
Oooh, I can't wait until my turn comes around. :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on February 06, 2013, 05:40:56 pm
If its possible, I have been following this thread from the beginning,if u can name a dwarf after me (kromeus) I would appreciate.when u have time.if u will do it plz let me know :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on February 06, 2013, 06:55:34 pm

Scout - Random Unwanted Migrant
Lich180 (whether as this or something else) Cook/Brewer/Craftsdwarf
Kromeus - Whichever

Anybody else?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on February 07, 2013, 07:35:23 am
If possible I would like miner or engraver or mason plz
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: bstrain on February 07, 2013, 10:10:53 am

Scout - Random Unwanted Migrant
Lich180 (whether as this or something else) Cook/Brewer/Craftsdwarf
Kromeus - Whichever

Anybody else?

Can you name a gem cutter/setter after me? I'd like him to be called B. Strain.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on February 09, 2013, 11:38:33 pm
So here I am; Deler "Nish Wheelroads" Bentpages. I guess I got that nickname because I look like him or so people tell me. I don't think that's all that flattering on account of me being a female dwarf, but them's the breaks.

So one day, I'm wandering around and Sodel, the Expedition Leader, says she's tired of keeping track of everything so I'm supposed to keep an eye on things. So I guess I'm in charge of things.

This stupid tiercel falcon managed to slip inside and everybody is running around like a moron. I keep hoping a hunter will come and kill it, but it ain't happenin'. They like to murder kestrels, but those aren't chasing people in the food stockpile.

Dakost Trumpetteals made an artifact iron shield by the name of Telling Thattil. So we have a Legendary Armorsmith! Huzzah! I'm a Woodworker myself, but even I can tell this is quality work.

One of the miners has been talking about the great caverns so I tell them to carve a more direct route downwards. It's awfully empty down there, but I get a spooky feeling from it. I've heard legends about things from before the beginning of time that are best left forgotten. Sure, I get it. Who isn't from before the beginning of time? But these things spit acid and have five mouths and Tobul only knows what else.

Since we have a bunch of shiftless people hanging around the wagon, everybody is now a mason and/or engraver on top of their other jobs. We begin walling off a nice large section of the cavern. I also have people get to work gathering all that nice silk lying around.

Some of stupid horses hanging around outside are fighting; I split them up along with some of the other idiot farm animals that keep fighting.

Skulking vermin! Protect the hoard!

The kobold runs off, but I get paranoid about having so much wealth lying around. So we start moving stockpiles inside and station a stray pig as a guard behind the door.

About this time, I get complaints about my notetaking so I start actually writing dates down.

On the 8th Slate, 13, I get my answer about who is younger than the world when a baby girl named Onul Gloveseizes is born to Edem Rockseven and Sarvesh Beachlashed.

On the 10th Slate, 13, a bunch of migrants arrive. B. Strain Machinesockets, Gem Setter, arrives along with Lich180 Diamondmartyrs, Farmer, and Scout Gorgehosts, Lye Maker. I don't know why those names stick out.

On the 27th Slate, 13, a weaver trips down a ramp and discovers a natural passage to a dry lower cavern level. It seems rather lifeless even compared to the fairly sparse cavern above.

On 19th Felsite, an Elven caravan from The Special Buck arrives. I've never met an elf before but have heard only bad things. The merchant is a bit of a jerk from the start. Ethical works indeed. I get a better opinion of them when I check out their wares: sunberries and sunberry seeds galore! So we have a nice crop of them growing. They also had a black mamba in a cage so I bought that as well. Hopefully we'll get a male next time and can start up a snake pit.


22nd Felsite, Tekkud Secretiveguild , Carpenter, takes a fey mood. The eventual result is an absolutely magnificent willow table named Idashokil  Eshomatul. I have it put in the dining room so that everybody can enjoy it.

16th Hematite, a wandering weaver discovers a ramp down to a third level. This has plenty of trees as well as rich patches of moss and fungus. A lava pool is also discovered.

18th Hematite, a Legendary Miner and tremendous weirdo named NoFace Obscurepast arrives, two picks in hand. Not a pick in each hand, mind you. Two picks in same hand. I said he was weird.

26th Hematite, Kel 'Orky Lessonlancer' Kasbenrigoth and Sodel 'Bhriam Bloodaxe' Lanternrevered get married. Congratulations. Now get back to work.

2nd Limestone, erith Oltarustuth, Weaver, takes a fey mood and produces a cloak called Sarnanir. It's nice. I guess since I don't know anything about clothes.

4th Limestone, Zasit 'Melkor Savageaxes'  Oltarstakud and Urist Stizashilral get hitched. See 26th Hematite.

A human caravan from The Romantic Empire arrives but I miss the date. I start moving everybody inside since rumors of goblins arrive with them. Some idiots keep hanging around outside so I personally deconstruct the wagon and build an obelisk in its place with the wood. I cap it off with an exceptionally nice statue Edem Rockseven carved of the founding of the fort.

On 28th Sandstone, Bhrian Bloodaxe arrives along with Kromeus Boardweb, Stoneworker.

The human caravan doesn't have very much to offer. Sodel has a nice talk with their Merchant Guild Representative and passes along my requests for plenty of silver bars/ore, booze, and sundry other items.

Not much happens.

12th Timber, the Dwarven Caravan arrives. I beef up our food and alcohol supplies. For some reason, they brought a lot of cavies; it's not my fetish, but I ain't gonna judge. I have Sodel double down on my orders by requesting the same from the dwarves.

A goodly segment of the first cavern is walled off; a sturdy stone hatch blocks off access to the second. I've begun building some slight defenses around the entrance and walls on the surface as well. I've partially replace the light fence around the outdoor farms with actual walls in case a large animal shows up. We've have the odd saltwater crocodile, but the hunters only seem interested in killing kestrels.

This is actually a lot of work so I'm going to foist this job off on the next sucker I see. Hey, Melkor Savageaxes. Come here a second, I need a hand with something!

As it stands, we have a mountain of food, a lake of booze, plenty of cloth and thread, and tons of blocks. Everybody in the fort is ecstatic thanks to our Royal Dining Room. One level of cavern has a square room that is slightly over the size of an embark tile (64x48 I think) mined out and walled off all the way to the top of the cavern. If you want, you can safely designate from one corner to another and mine out the  levels above it. There is a single tile gap on the upper right corner of level eight that needs to be taken care of in case a flying FB shows up. The cavies are still in cages so you might want to pasture them in the cavern.

F1 takes you to the Wagon Memorial, F2 to the top levels of the fort, F3 to the hatch over the first downwards passage, F4 to the second downwards passage, and F5 to the lava pool.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 10, 2013, 05:48:46 am
downloading and checking the save.

wow i forgot how messy community forts are
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 10, 2013, 05:49:59 am
WOOT!!! Update!!

Awesome stuff reading, I liked how you worked in the "Nicknames" of the starting seven...
Also Bloody hellz we have a Legendary Armorsmith Already?? HE Is going to get a lot of work for him once we get steel production up!

Sounds like food and booze aren't a worry right now.. Shame theres no Pics from this turn :(

Ok Melkor! DO US PROUD!!!

EDIT: Downloaded the savefile.. Oy vey a bit of a mess in places, Looks like Ubiq is just strip mining the place!
Hope you are a good Architect Melkor! Also Bloody hell were up to 56 people already!
Should we edit the RAR's to Cap population as soon as all the heros are there?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on February 10, 2013, 08:09:46 am
Sweet! This is awesome.seems like a couple adventurers want to Westley down ;P and my kromeus finally arrived yay!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: birdy51 on February 10, 2013, 08:42:08 am
If you guys ever receive a Cheese Maker or any other equally unimportant or slovenly dwarf, I would be wholeheartedly entertained if he were named after me. With any luck, he might actually do something amazing and strive to succeed beyond his questionable career choice. That or he'll be killed by Crundles. Regardless, I'm certain he won't be missed!

Also, I've been keeping track of your adventures and the succession fort so far, and I'm glad that destruction hasn't struck just yet. Keep it up! I look forward to your part of the story Melkor. Strike the earth my good man!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 10, 2013, 10:02:20 am
okay i have organised all the dwarf so the job-names make sense and the military has 2 squads.
1 for the heros that has verioes weapons leaded by no face
and the peasant militia led by a master axmen
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 10, 2013, 11:39:31 am
Awesome work Melkor!
We should be able to have enough iron to get them well armed, and with our legendary, they should be well deffended as well.

By the by That will be a FANTASTIC Source of trading income! Churning out a dozen masterwork caps will be enough to purchase whole carvans of trade goods.  Given how few animals there are, we are prolly going to need to stockpile a LOT f Leather material... LOTS of it.

Also now that the underworld is opened up, we should star work on a proper Magam forge near that Magma pipe.  Also sorting Rare metals from the more common typpes.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 10, 2013, 02:44:24 pm
We should channel that magma into a more secure location, so that we don't have people working right next to the open pool where magma creatures could pop up unobstructed.

Anacondas and saltwater crocodiles would be good if we can catch them. crocodiles lay tons of eggs and both would make good guard dogs.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 10, 2013, 06:25:31 pm
i have never brought the lava up before so i am not really going to do that. i was more thinking shortening the fort and build wood burners for now.

i can however channel the magma where it is and make sure nothing get in but, the magma is pretty deep so it would go slow.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on February 10, 2013, 06:39:28 pm
Also Bloody hellz we have a Legendary Armorsmith Already?? HE Is going to get a lot of work for him once we get steel production up!

Did you not notice that you had a Strange Mood going when you passed the save along?

Anyway, don't forget that we also have a Legendary Weaver and Carpenter.

With a highly skilled dyer and clothier, we could buy out caravans with socks pretty soon. 

Quality beds will also make keeping dwarves happy fairly easy.

EDIT: Downloaded the savefile.. Oy vey a bit of a mess in places, Looks like Ubiq is just strip mining the place!

The only real mining I did was the stairwell and squaring off sections within the first cavern; most of that was already empty space that I expanded to get stone for building material. 

If you guys ever receive a Cheese Maker or any other equally unimportant or slovenly dwarf, I would be wholeheartedly entertained if he were named after me. With any luck, he might actually do something amazing and strive to succeed beyond his questionable career choice. That or he'll be killed by Crundles.

I don't think there's anything alive in the caverns; probably thanks to a bug involving cavern populations loading when an adventurer visits.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 10, 2013, 06:47:41 pm
Just one thing, I still think we should RP it as them 'returning with more' when one of the heroes immigrates. The nickname-swap thing is a bit confusing in practice.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: birdy51 on February 10, 2013, 07:02:20 pm
Now that I think about it, have heard the cavern glitch being whispered about the forums. Blast...

Oh well. I suppose there will always be Goblins and diplomatic conversations with the local population of elves to be content with.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 10, 2013, 07:56:01 pm
Now that I think about it, have heard the cavern glitch being whispered about the forums. Blast...

Oh well. I suppose there will always be Goblins and diplomatic conversations with the local population of elves to be content with.
The cave populations are only barren in adventure mode, though. When I did my hack-test embark, on switching to adventure mode I forgot to give control to one of the dwarves so the game gave me control of an antman in a tribe somewhere. Animals in the caverns can just take a while to show up, especially before 500 years or so, and might be hard to notice if you haven't revealed everywhere in the caverns.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 11, 2013, 04:57:25 am
guys we are playing from 1ste granite to 1ste granite right because i just noticed that its moonstone so that means that i would have 3 months more than the others.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 11, 2013, 05:47:21 am
Thats ok, I htink we agreed earlier that if someone wants to pass it on a bit earlier they can, mostly to avoid situations were we are waiting weeks for someone to finish a turn.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: birdy51 on February 11, 2013, 10:32:48 am
Now that I think about it, have heard the cavern glitch being whispered about the forums. Blast...

Oh well. I suppose there will always be Goblins and diplomatic conversations with the local population of elves to be content with.
The cave populations are only barren in adventure mode, though. When I did my hack-test embark, on switching to adventure mode I forgot to give control to one of the dwarves so the game gave me control of an antman in a tribe somewhere. Animals in the caverns can just take a while to show up, especially before 500 years or so, and might be hard to notice if you haven't revealed everywhere in the caverns.

Confusing, but interesting. So there might be Crundles somewhere in the depths of the underworld, but they just might take a while to sort themselves out.

Perhaps there is a hope that this young dwarven kingdom will be feasted upon by Crundles!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 11, 2013, 03:18:37 pm
Dawn of time

hey melkor Savageaxes. Come here for a second, I need a hand with something! a voice said from behind her.
She turned around with a annoyed look on her face ‘haha let me guess my good hand’.
‘I’ve had enough of this job it’s your turn,’ said ubiq while he pushed a bundle of paper in her hand.
Confused by what ‘this’ job was, she tried to hold the bundle so the papers wouldn’t be scattered around the place, uuuuhm what?
But ubiq already walked of, ‘have FUN!!’.

Melkor’s log 1ste moonstone,
So.. uhm,
I don’t even know how to write this but I am now in charge of the fort.
I would lie if I didn’t saw it coming but it’s a little soon.
I was content with being told what to do but leading is a different matter.

But,… now just hear me out dairy.
If I tell people it’s a tradition than I can pass it next year to the next dwarf,
So all I have to do is hold out a year that should be easy right?
Okay then its settled, well I am going to read these maps and charts I will be right back.

Okay diary this is a mess, I mean we have our workshops outside!
Really we have a great indoor spacing but we keep things outside?
We don’t have a general stockpile, not enough beds, the dining hall is looking good but it’s getting cramped,
we have 56 dwarfs but we have 36 idle, our military is awful and we have 7 farm plots, No wonder we have so much food.
Why are walls made from wood, the thing we need so badly for other things.

Well time to change things I am in charge now so I am doing whatever I want,
What? no not like that, for the good of thing. I know what I am doing diary! I think

First let’s fix not having a stockpile.
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This little floor of random stockpile and farm plots and beds and…eww a refuse pile inside…. Amok dam.
Anyway.. this room will be dug out to be our very own stockpile. Sadly our stairs are a bit weird at places so ill will have to hand make a single staircase shaft that leads trough the entire fort.
But first the dining room

Melkors log 18th moonstone
The traders left, I didn’t trade with them so I hope ubiq did.
The digging is coming along smoothly we almost can start designating piles.

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We shall expand the dining room and the food stockpile so we don’t have them scattered around. On the right, the raw food and the kitchen shall be stored.
At the bottom is the workshop so the dwarfs don’t have to walk so far between work and food.
OOC: I might change it a bit if the dwarfs take the raw food instead of the prepared.

And at last the bedrooms

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The noble rooms will be big enough to make sure they have the required space to do their…. Noble stuff, what do they do diary? Aren’t I the boss here?
Anyway when it is done it will be able to hold 96 dwarfs.
Also why do we have a stair that leads outside, that just asks for trouble. I walled it off and digged a new entrance.
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Melkor’s log 23rd moonstone
I have heard that Dodok kolken keeps muttering strange words like tree of life and leather skin.
He has barricaded the craftsman workshop and won’t come out. I don’t really like that he takes wood, we really need it to make beds and smelt iron to make weapons.

Melkor’s log 3rd opal
He’s done and made a good looking palm ring
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Melkor’s log 9th opal
Well here we are, we finally have our first steel bar.
And now I have a tough decision to make, who will be leading the military.
I have looked at the skills and sadly I have to be in it since hardly anybody has military skills, but I won’t lead it, that I leave to somebody else.
But who…

Finally I have made my decision, thought melkor as she was walking through the stairway.
The sound of digging was heard everywhere, as rooms where dug out and stairs where carved.
Dwarfs where running up and down as a constant wood supply fueled the fire to smelt the iron, barrels of food and drink where brought to the stockpile.
It looked like chaos, but it was organized chaos, she knew the big picture and made sure everybody kept working.
Today you would be hauling. the next day you could be removing a wall you build yesterday.
Okay she wasn’t very efficient and indecisive of what she wanted but they will get there in time of…. In time.
But she wasn’t here to let people undo their hours of work, for now.
She was looking for a very skilled dwarf and as she descended to the would be bedroom she found him.
‘Noface’ she yelled over the sound of several dwarf digging.
a dwarf abruptly stopped swinging his pickaxe and slowly turned around to see who called his name. at least that was what she thought he was doing.
He is wearing a mask so she couldn’t tell if he was looking at her or something else.
She walked towards him past the other diggers and into his little cave he had dug out.
He was by far the best mining dwarf we had but, he’s also the best fighter we have.
‘noface, I have to talk to you’. Noface just stared at her not moving a muscle. After a awkward silence melkor continued:’uhm well, since we don’t have a militia I was thinking we should get started on…well building one’.
Still motionless Noface just stared.
‘Could you please say something this is getting weird’ melkor thought as she had to break the silence again: ‘So yeah militia and, uhm so I was thinking’.
She started to sweat a bit and couldn't look noface straight in the eye, well that was because she couldn’t see his eyes behind that mask.
Why doesn't he give me some sort of acknowledgment that he can hear me or that he is even listening. ‘that we need a commander and well aah’,
come on melkor! He is just like you, he also went through hell to get here, maybe something happened on the journey here and that is why he isn't talking.
Getting her courage back she look him straight in the eye, well she imaged that she could. But as soon as she looked at his mask again all the courage slipped away.
Why is he so scary looking she thought, how did I never noticed this. Noface was still standing still but seemed to become, taller cowering above her.
‘Well’ she swallowed first before continuing, ‘if you were let’s say, uhm I mean if I was to choose somebody, somebody like well uhm’.
At this point noface had become a giant in her eyes and she was small, not just small but tiny.
She slowly took steps back, ‘ it’s not that you are not a good miner, you are a great miner it’s just that..’
She felt trapped in the little cave, there was nothing anymore, no sounds of digging or busy dwarfs, the walls where long and narrow.
For the first time in her live she felt Claustrophobic. I am a dwarf for amok sake.
‘well we need somebody with skill to lead us…’ there was only him and her, she kept backing of from the imposing dwarf.
‘and well.. you are the best fighter’ she yelled as there was a gap of 12 meters between them, so I am …I am,  promoting you to commander!!!
As she open her eyes again she was back in the real world. She pretty much just yelled across the entire dig site as she backed off all the way to the staircase.
Her face slowly starting to become red as she noticed what she had done.
Noface was just staring at her but, he wasn't the reason why she was blushing
and no sooner than that chuckles and whispers filled the room, as she ran away from the scene.
Noface just turned around and started bashing at the rocks again.

Melkor’s log 11 opal
Dear diary I am a idiot.
I went talking to noface today to give him his title of commander but I just froze.
At the end I yelled all crossed the room his new title. I feel bad for him he is such a nice guy and the talk was nice,
we talked about… we hmm I don’t really remember what we talked about.
This is strange I am sure we talked right… well we must have because he accepted the new title so,.. we must have.
Something is wrong with me perhaps I am sober again. I still have the habit of drinking water.

Melkor’s log 13th obsidian
Well finally we have our stockpile
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It’s a bit bigger then was needed but, hey we have enough space to expand right?

Melkor’s log 18th slate
The first training session has begun I have a new steel spear but I have become a bit rusty with it.
It really bring back memories not really the good kind. Uggi has a steel short sword and Noface has a war hammer.
And the militia all has war axes. Shields are on the way, not for me of course…

amok why me.

In other news somebody got in a fey mood and had a eureka moment and claimed the craftsman workshop

Melkor’s log 23rd slate
The fey mood created a palm cup.
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Also more migrants, 19 more that is and all of them are now peasants  And orky at the same time also joined the militia as a axe dwarf.

Melkor’s log 14th felsite
Ooh dear amok
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The first of the beasts have showed up from the deep, how does this thing stay in one piece, being made of only salt. We should be walled of but I will send the militia to make sure we are.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 11, 2013, 03:36:02 pm
Make sure to go into uniform and set people to use the weapon they're best with. Noface should use picks, he's only a novice hammerddwarf I think. Uggi is very multitalented. See if you can get them to dual-wield.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 11, 2013, 04:21:26 pm
but picks aren't that good right and they dont have a fighting skill, a hammer seems better because it has a fighting skill for it
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 11, 2013, 04:28:39 pm
but picks aren't that good right and they dont have a fighting skill, a hammer seems better because it has a fighting skill for it
Picks use mining as a fighting skill (that's how I got him to legendary in adv mode), and he brought 2 iron picks with him. Unless someone melted down all the weapons in that pile, there should be yet a third iron pick kicking around. Also, battleaxes, scimitars, crossbows, and spears galore. We should have enough weapons brought during all our travels to arm at least 10 people with whatever they're best in, probably more.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on February 11, 2013, 08:48:29 pm
Quote from: melkor
guys we are playing from 1ste granite to 1ste granite right because i just noticed that its moonstone so that means that i would have 3 months more than the others.

The save I got started on 15th Moonstone so I just played until the beginning of that month.

I always use Seasonal Saves so I just passed it along when that time hit.

and…eww a refuse pile inside…. Amok dam.

But if you put it outside, those precious bones will just rot away!

The traders left, I didn’t trade with them so I hope ubiq did.

I did indeed. That's what you have a bunch of cavies chilling out in cages at the Depot.

We should be walled of but I will send the militia to make sure we are.

You filled in that one gap I mentioned right? Then you shou...

Wait, damnit, I missed two ramps towards the bottom of the room while flooring it over.

Look for a tower-cap in the lower righthand corner, one of them is to the southwest and there is another one square away from it.

You might want to station the militia in that area and floor it over if possible (and fill in that gap if you haven't already). Noface will probably one-hit it since it's only salt and he'll have an easy head shot on it coming up a ramp, but it's best to be ready if he doesn't.

but picks aren't that good right

I take it that you've never had a miner tantrum then.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 11, 2013, 09:06:30 pm
Seriously, though, dual-wielding picks in adventure mode was like having a chainsaw. There's nothing better for piercing armor. Goblins might have whips, but Dwarves have picks.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on February 11, 2013, 09:45:42 pm
Seriously, though, dual-wielding picks in adventure mode was like having a chainsaw. There's nothing better for piercing armor. Goblins might have whips, but Dwarves have picks.

Exactly; it has a spear's ability to penetrate along with an axe's ability to lop off limbs or whatever else it comes into contact with.

In my adventuring experiences, one of three things happens when a pick hits something:

1) Something goes flying off.
2) Something gets torn open and blood flies everywhere.
3) Something breaks.

Possibly all three if it's a headshot.

I don't think I've ever had a pick glance off of anything short of a bronze colossus.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 12, 2013, 06:38:57 am
AWESOME Stuff Melkor!

Very interested to see how you are expanding the upper Fort.  It is going to take a lot longer then we first thought to be able to make a 'proper' city down bellow, so we really need more space up top.

A note on the central Shaft that leads up to the surface.... That is where I was hoping the "Main" entrance would be someday, I'd envisioned big fort and walls protecting it, and maybe a statue over it commemorating one of our Gods.

Don't worry about the magma or pumping water up yet, those are fiarly long term goals we can get to in time.

Also be BLEEDING CAREFUL with that beats, the "Deadly Spittle" for all we know could cause a fleshing melting syndrome that could kill the whole fort (wouldn't be the first time)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on February 12, 2013, 08:48:18 am
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 12, 2013, 02:28:07 pm
OOC: some pics are a bit to big zoom out a bit like described in the first post to see them.

Melkor’s log 15th felsites
The forgotten beast is of the map for now, I will have to keep a eye out.
Diary I think it’s a bit weird that noface turned up with a pick, I thought I gave him a war hammer, ooh well if he can handle a pick better then a hammer who am I to say otherwise.
On other news elves have arrived, it seems we don’t have a lot of crafts but we do have coins we can sell and some iron shields.
We didn't need the shields and coins since they really didn't have much.
So yeah I bought some bins full of cloth but they really didn't have much else

Melkor’s log 23 felsite
We had 3 snatchers today but they ran off as fast as they could,
Except 1 who got cut in half by uggi
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Melkor’s log 1st malachite
We have a bit of a problem, there is no more wood on the surface we cut it all down.
I am not really sure how we managed to do that with only 1 woodcutter but there you have it you can. I don’t like to open the caverns just yet but I might have to in the future. 

Melkor’s log 14th malachite
I have build  a small mine cart track so we don’t have to carry the heavy load, this should make moving stones a bit faster.
Also we have started to engrave the walls and floors of the noble rooms, some of the art is a bit too familiar.
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Climbing that hill must have been hard, at least he had somebody with him.

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If the engraver thinks this is worth of engraving than I must have made a good decision.

Oh here is one of me I wonder what it says
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Uhm… I can’t really remember being the chief medical dwarf but okay

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What?! No I didn’t laugh when I did that, I didn’t like it at all but I had to protect the goods at the time.

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Ooh this is so not true I didn’t weep at all!! I was the one who removed myself as captain in the first place! This is bullshit!

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Dear diary,
I hate! Our engraver.

Melkor’s log 2nd galena
A small migration wave today, 7 of them. None of them have anything of worth.

Melkor’s log 14th galena
Some dwarf has barricaded himself in the crafts workshop again.

Melkor’s log 18th galena
A human caravan has arrived let’s start the trade

Melkor’s log 22nd galena
The dwarf in the crafts workshop is finely done, he made a nice puzzlebox
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Melkor’s log 1st limestone
The trade agreements have been made, I have requested lots of wood and some dogs.
In return they want this
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We should be able to get that.
But for now I traded some crafts for cloth and leather.

Melkor’s log 12th timber
A dwarven caravan arrives let’s do some trading.
And somebody took the craft workshop, again

‘Why must I always getting the wood back’ grumbled a lone dwarf,’ I am a blacksmith for amok sake, I am supposed to bend metal to form beautiful steel crafts, but noo that little bitch of a leader wants weapons and armor.
He started to gather around a pile of logs laying on the ground.
‘ Really why can’t that woodcutter just pick these up himself’,
Pff weapons, weapons against what! There is nobody here we already have plenty for the snatchers. And don’t get me started on this wall of hers.
De dwarf had gathered the pile of logs and turned around to see the fort.
There wasn’t much to see, just a small hill with a hole in it. And this is ‘supposed to become the great mountain halls’ he said with a puff, ‘I don’t see it happening.
Around the small hill you could see the beginning of a wall, connecting 2 other hills, the hills where hollowed out for future burial.
Many dwarfs where busy bringing in the blocks and positioning those on the correct spot. when the wall would be done they would have a big courtyard. Which they would need to build the monuments for their gods.
‘But that wasn't the what this dwarf wanted’ no I just want to make art out of metal, not gather sticks.
The dwarf let out a big sigh as he walked back.
The dwarf abruptly stopped as a bolt flew through his leg, his eyes widened, dropping the logs he held In his hands and let out a deafening scream.
The pain forced him to his knees as he tried to turn around to see what hit him.
But before he could see his assailant another bolt hit him in his chest throwing him to the ground.
Gasping for air he lay on the ground blood gushing from his wounds.
His vision quickly blurring till he could see no more, except for a dark figure.
A quick whip ended the suffering of the dwarf, the creature turns to the fort, ‘more dwarfs to kill yes, he turns to his companions. Quickly now before they run.
The dwarfs stopped in their tracks when they heard the scream. A single dwarf was pushed on top of the unfinished wall as a lookout.
He gazed at the field for a couple of minutes, a deadly silence was in the air, fearful of whatever made that scream.
The dwarf took a small step back, paused for a second but then turning around quickly.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 12, 2013, 02:46:33 pm
I hope our champions are armored well. But several of us have taken down groups of fully armored and armed gobbos before.

Wait... did you trade our iron shields to the elves.... in exchange for a couple bins of cloth?

Also, maybe engraver receives hammering? He/She engraves that BS instead of people cutting Rocs in half?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 12, 2013, 02:53:06 pm
not all of them, but don't worry everybody has steel shields and steel breastplates
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 12, 2013, 04:30:25 pm
Check the kill list on our remaining shields, some of those are historic!

Man, elven cloth is just not worth good weapons and armor. I wouldn't encourage the pointy ears unless they bring good food or exotic animals.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 12, 2013, 04:59:16 pm
crossroads can you update the first post so i know the turn order
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on February 13, 2013, 02:58:58 am
Quote from: melkor
Climbing that hill must have been hard, at least he had somebody with him.

I wish I had known that this sort of thing shows up in art; Nish passed right by two more mountains that I could have easily reached the top of. I walked to the edge of the world anyway; I could have easily added the mountain directly above that.

Uhm… I can’t really remember being the chief medical dwarf but okay

The dwarf nicknamed Melkor was CMD though I don't recall changing them out of that position.

One of the last things I did was look through and make sure that I had changed names for the dwarves that had arrived. Melkor was one that I had missed. So maybe removing that nickname had something to do with it; the timing is right anyway.

Man, elven cloth is just not worth good weapons and armor. I wouldn't encourage the pointy ears unless they bring good food or exotic animals.

I'm surprised that they didn't bring more sunberries since they brought a fair amount of them the first time.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 13, 2013, 04:19:57 am

The dwarf nicknamed Melkor was CMD though I don't recall changing them out of that position.

One of the last things I did was look through and make sure that I had changed names for the dwarves that had arrived. Melkor was one that I had missed. So maybe removing that nickname had something to do with it; the timing is right anyway.
i already noticed that and changed it on day 1, i think i might have changed myself to it but i don't really remember.

Spoiler: sneak-peek (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 13, 2013, 04:41:32 am
Could we have a screenshot of the units list?

(If you don't know how to do so, in windows, PrintScreen and paste in Paint, save as JPG, upload via Imgur, then link it to this post.)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 13, 2013, 05:43:27 am
Could we have a screenshot of the units list?

(If you don't know how to do so, in windows, PrintScreen and paste in Paint, save as JPG, upload via Imgur, then link it to this post.)

ooh thats how you do it, i just write a description of what the picture must look like and the forum just makes it for me.
il do that next update.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 14, 2013, 07:35:35 am
crossroads can you update the first post so i know the turn order

Updated for you :) have the first seven people in order of them gettign to Silverysects.
Past Hugo, well we will have to go through that list posted of everyone wanting to particapate and see how many are up for a fortress turn.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Torrasque666 on February 14, 2013, 04:43:00 pm
If I could, I would love to be redwarfed as Torrasque II. Preferably someone who will end up either being a cop or a siege engineer.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: flabort on February 14, 2013, 11:24:22 pm
For my terribly annoying nooby natter, and popping in/out of here every so often, I'd like to be dorfed. Make me a military dorf, armed with two hammers. Any hammers, doesn't matter, but I don't need no sissy shield.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 14, 2013, 11:32:38 pm
For my terribly annoying nooby natter, and popping in/out of here every so often, I'd like to be dorfed. Make me a military dorf, armed with two hammers. Any hammers, doesn't matter, but I don't need no sissy shield.

Such bravery! You shall lead the charge against dragons.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: flabort on February 15, 2013, 12:57:14 am
For my terribly annoying nooby natter, and popping in/out of here every so often, I'd like to be dorfed. Make me a military dorf, armed with two hammers. Any hammers, doesn't matter, but I don't need no sissy shield.

Such bravery! You shall lead the charge against dragons.

If I survive, will I be granted the honor of being vampirized?  :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 15, 2013, 12:59:17 am
I don't think there ARE any vampires, world gen only ran for 10 years. Let me check legends....

EDIT: Nope, no vampires. Damn. Of course, there's always hacking...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on February 15, 2013, 07:12:35 am
Calling down the power of the gods?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 15, 2013, 11:53:05 am
Through the entire courtyard there was no sound to be heard, except of a pencil and a writing paper falling on the ground.
Her hand shaking and her eye’s full of fear. Goblins, why goblins, why now, we where almost done with the wall. Melkor thought to herself.
She softly grit her teeth, what are we going to do, if it’s a army we stand no chance. Goblins are known to have trolls and other creatures with them on sieges.
She heard a small cough that interrupted her train of thought, slowly raising her head.
every dwarf was looking at her. Why her?
‘Madam..’ a dwarf carefully said amongst the dozens of dwarfs.
She looked at the dwarf with a confused look, ‘yes’ she answered softly.
The dwarf hesitated before answering, not sure what to do ‘What are your orders’.
‘my orders’ she muttered trying to understand what the dwarf meant , then her eyes widened, she was the overseer! It was her job to protect them.
She slowly lowered her head, sinking into her own mind.
the other dwarfs still looking at her for orders where getting restless.
They started to look around, perhaps for somebody else to lead them. Some were Whispering, others trying to get attention from others to get them to do what they wanted, only to be shut down by somebody else who has a different idea.
‘Melkor’  a soft whisper said to her, as a hand was put on her shoulder, ‘we need you’
‘get my spear’ she muttered at the voice. The hand squeezed a little harder ‘listen to me melkor, you can’t just throw your liv---
In a instead her right hand grabbed hold of Dakost arm and raised her body.
She looked him dead in the eye’s, her face was full of emotions: fear doubt,  hate, envy and pain.
For a moment he was scared of her, he had never seen her like this. But then he saw in her eyes a  determination he had never seen before.
Get.. my.. spear.. she repeated and without hesitation he raced for the fort, leaping through the crowed of auguring dwarfs till he disappeared from sight.
She then shifted her focus on the dwarfs, it was chaos, everybody was loudly talking through each other not caring what the other was saying.
‘They didn’t even bother to go inside to warn the militia’ melkor sighed.
Filling her lungs with fresh air she made the loudest orders she had ever given.
As loud as the courtyard was a moment ago so quiet it was now, turning their head to the dwarf that yelled, not yet fully recovered from the first order she continued.
I want everybody to drop the blocks that haven’t been placed yet neatly at the wall! Then you move orderly inside, I don’t want anybody getting hurt!
Nobody was moving yet, mostly because they were not suspecting the dwarf that almost had a metal breakdown was actually taking charge back.
WELL MOVE IT! Yelled melkor Like thunder. in a surprise by the sound that the one armed dwarf could make, everybody started to do as they were told.
Placing the block they were holding or dropped next to the wall and hurrying inside.
‘Masons!’ she continued ‘when everybody is inside you will barricade the entrance’, a few dwarfs nod in acknowledgement, ‘haulers you will bring the stone needed to do so and when you see any militia that is not heading their way up tell them to meet at the courtyard. She paused for a moment, searching her memory for anything else that needed to be told. ‘And somebody go to the mines to tell noface he is needed’!

She looked at the mess of dwarfs making their why inside and the militia trying to get outside.
‘come on you lazy bums get in formation’, yelled Bhrian as he tried to get the militia to form a line. ‘Ooh for amok sake Dodók get your breastplate on’ he yelled at a dwarf franticly trying to get his armor on.
‘They’re not ready’ uggi said to melkor they hardly have been trained and don’t have any experience fighting’.
I know that’ melkor answered annoyed ‘but we do’ she let out a sigh
So… we need to try and protect them understood.
Orky and uggi nodded as they faced the enemy. She walked to the last dwarf of the squad.
When Noface came out of the fort he had done nothing but standing in between the unfinished wall staring at the enemy.
He was holding 2 picks, 1 in each hand. He stood motionless, as in deep thought.
Melkor stopped next to him, looking at the upcoming enemy.
‘ it’s been a while since we had a real fight’ she softly said.
There was no reaction to be seen from Noface.
She placed her hand where her left arm should be, ‘the last time it didn’t end so well for me’.
She shuddered at the memory of the battle.
‘what if we aren’t strong enough’ she mutter, talking more to herself then Noface.
‘Who knows what monsters they brought with them and how many, once again fear was taking her over’.
‘Melkor’ a familiar voice was heard from behind her. She turned around seeing Dakost with her spear. She walked towards him trying to hide her emotions, to no avail.
With a slightly trembling hand she took her spear. she had so many thing to say to him, but none came.
As she opened her mouth trying to say something. Dakost suddenly threw his arms around her forcing her in a hug.
Surprised but not resisting she froze for a moment, only to place her head on his shoulder accepting the hug.
After a few moments she looks up to him ‘thank you, now get inside’
Dakost looked at her trying to find the word to stop her, but then his gaze went past her. ‘are there only 5’? he said with a confusing look.
‘What’ melkor said as she turned to the goblins. Her mouth dropping as she saw that the great threat she feared consisted out of,.. 5 goblins.
‘WHAT! She yelled, are you kidding me! I was worry about 5 goblins’.
She let her spear lean against her while she face palmed herself.
She let out a long sigh, ‘I can’t believe I was so worked up over a 5 goblins’. ‘well next time you should check how many there are before expecting the worst’ Dakost said smiling.
She gave a angry look to Dakost ‘how about you just get inside okay’. Giving a small smile he turned around and walked away.
Then she turned to the militia. The recruits still aren’t strong enough for a battle. Even if there are only 5 of them. It only takes 1 hit to kill somebody.
‘Bhrian, get your men in view of the battle, they won’t be needed but I want them to see the battle’.
As Bhrian gave the orders she added, ‘then join us the 5 of us will take them down. She then took her place back next to Noface.
She looked at him for a couple of seconds before saying ‘you knew didn’t you’
Noface kept staring at the, now very close, goblins. ‘Yeah, I thought so’
She said turning her head back to the goblins ‘thanks anyway for listening’.
No sooner said than done, then militia had positioned themselves on a stable side of the wall with a good view of the would-be-soon battlefield.
Uggi and Bhrian stood on the right, Orky and Melkor on the left and Noface in the center ready to face the enemy.
The goblins where getting close and started their charge, while the dwarfs waited for the order of the commander.
‘Okay melkor its just 5 of them, we are with 5, we are much stronger than they are and… and .. we have the home advantage’ she thought to herself ‘We can do this’.
She looked over to Noface, who still hadn’t moved and didn’t looked battle ready.
‘Noface?’ She asked quietly ‘we are waiting for the command’.
Noface didn’t move a inch, nor did he seem to hear her.
She looked back and forth between Noface and the goblins.
‘are you alright?’ she asked concerned. Did she make a mistake in choosing him?
Her heart was beating fast, well if he isn’t doing it, I will.
She took a deep breath and the world froze. Everything slowly went to a stop, the charging goblins moved slower and slower. The birds hanging in the air as if they were stuffed animal hanging on a string.
Everybody and everything stopped, except for Noface, who planted his foot in the ground causing it to sink in. lowering his body backwards as he prepared for the charge.
Melkor’s eyes flickered to Noface as she couldn’t believe the speed he was moving his body. 
Like lighting he charged away as the world began to move again, kicking up the grass and dirt his foot had just left.
Surprised by the sudden charge of Noface the group looked at melkor who just did what came natural, following Noface in his lightning fast charge.
The group formed a spear formation with Noface charging way ahead of them.
The goblins surprised by the speed of the 5 dwarfs charging them slowed down and the crossbow goblin suddenly realized he was in range quickly fired of a bolt only to be deflected by Noface’s his pick.
The first goblin pulled back his whip in a attempt to strike the upcoming dwarfs, but already realized he was too late.
Noface jumped in the air raising his pick high above his head, then striking down on the goblins head plummeting his pick deep into his head smashing it to the ground.
Pulling hard with his pick he rips of the goblins head from his body, he then turns his attention to the next goblin who attacks him with his whip.
Diving forward the whip misses him, making a somersault he quickly gets back on his feet and smashes the goblin in the side with the blunt side of his other pick breaking several of his ribs.
The goblin screams in pain but is quickly silenced by another blow of Noface with his pick ripping the goblins head of his shoulders as well.
Having killed 2 goblins already with both their heads on 1 pick he charges the next in line.
Meanwhile on his left side melkor had charged another goblin.
She however wasn’t fast enough and the goblin was able to attack her.
As the whip strikes at her she put her spear in between the whip, the whip coiled around her spear like a snake and with a strong push she made her spear spin in the air, the whip warped around the spear, tighten with each spin it made until the whip was forces out of the goblins hand.
Catching the spear in mid air she prepared to strike at the goblin.
The goblin was confused as she wasn’t in striking range.
But his train of thought was interrupted as his spine was broken by the flat side of orky’s axe. Okry had flanked the goblin from the side, while he was to busy keeping track of melkor’s spear spinning in the air.
The blown send him flying towards melkor as she thrusts her spear through his chest and into his heart, placing her foot on the still airborne body she pushed the body away and ripping her spear out of the goblin.
On the right side of the battle field Bhrian had uppercut the goblin with his shield shattering the jaw, as blood rushed out of his mouth he had no time to worry about his wounds.
As Bhrian put 1 knee to the ground and braced himself, Uggi jumped on Bhrian’s shoulders, Bhrian on his turn pushed Uggi as hard he could sending Uggi to the air.
Uggi made a salto over the goblin, attacking him from behind with unmatched speed cutting the back of the goblin open till eventfully his blade wasn’t hitting the back, but the front of the goblin. As the fourth goblin collapsed in a pile of flesh and guts, the crossbow goblin dropped his crossbow and fled in fear. Noface however doesn’t allow survivors as he charged the last goblin, easily catching up to it, the goblin only had a few seconds to look at his right to see Noface plug his pick into his stomach and out of his back. A soundless scream left the goblins mouth as Noface raised his body with his pick, readying his other pick with the goblins heads still attached.
The goblin looked at the mask of Noface trying to mutter begging words before Noface slammed the blunt side of the pick onto his head.
Blood, flesh, meat and brains spattered everywhere as the head of the goblin was smashed to pieces. The last of the 5 goblins fell.
As sudden as the battle started the sooner it was over.
They had won, they had easily won but not without cost.
Melkor was the first to find the body, it was strange she thought she would feel more then she did.
Yes she felt sorry for him and sad but she thought she would also feel Disgust for seeing a dwarven corpse.
The first victim that this fort will cause: ‘Domas Koloslan the blacksmith’.

 Melkor’s log 22nd timber
I got a bit carried away today, we got attack by 5 goblins and me fearing the worst, instantly locked down the fort. In the end we killed them all.
I killed 1, uggi killed 1 and Noface killed 3 of them.
Somebody did die and because I didn’t even considered that somebody could die I never made any tombs.
Domas Koloslan shall be the first to receive a tomb, I will make sure it a grand one.
But while we were busy killing goblins the strange mood made a buffalo bone mace. Nice!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
It seems nish has a fan.

Melkor’s log 6th moonstone
Today we traded with the humans caravan some of our crafts against all their leather and metal bars. In case we want to build something fancy one day.

Melkor’s log 9th opal
Today we finally were able to burry Domas Koloslan he received a golden sarcophagus, studded with silver and encrusted with emerald and pink jade.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
His tomb was engraved by our engraver who did his hardest on it.
Sadly he started to rot a bit. Maybe I shouldn’t have encrust it after all.

Melkor’s log 1st granite
I made it. I finally made it, it’s the first of granite and that means I can give the title of overseer to somebody else let’s see.
I bet orky boss would be a good overseer.

Okay let me give you a small tour through the fort,
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
First the ground floor.
As you can see I have build a wall around our fort it should be big enough to expand if needed be.
We have a bridge that when lowered should block of the entrance to our fort.
You can raise it with a lever inside the dining hall I have placed a note so you can look it up.
However it’s not completely done yet you still need to place fortifications on the wall so you can shoot through but the enemy not back.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The second floor is our storage room, as you can see the bar block stockpile needs to be expanded.
In the stone stockpile there is a mine cart system operating.
You don’t have to touch it because it is working and rolling.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Third floor is our dining hall / workshops 
The dining hall is big enough for now but you can expand.
On the left is the drinks/prepared meals pile. On the right is the kitchen  and unprepared food pile.
On this floor I have installed a mine track in case you want to expand the dwarf can easily move the rock to the pile and with the mine cart full they can push it at max speed.
There is a small limestone pile for the crafts and block makers and a small woodpile for the furnace. Ooh about wood… nvm il tell you later.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The fourth floor our bedrooms.
At the moment everybody have a bedroom assigned to them there are a few more bedrooms empty and you can still expand if needed.
Also there is a small mine track here so if you expand the mine cart should speed the hauling up.

And then the state of stocks
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Good news we have plenty of food and drinks.
A kind of bad and good news, when I wanted to make 100 steel bars I forgot that smelting ore gives you 4 bars instead of 1.
Sooo… you got a mountain of iron bars. Luckily everybody has steel weapons and we have 20 steel breastplates.
20 helms, gauntlets, high boots and greaves are ordered to be made. And the pig iron and steel bars are produced to compensate for the amount of steel bars.
A bit of bad news: our clothes are getting wear so I ordered 30 of each clothe piece so we should be good on that.
And now the bad news:…. We have no more wood. I kind of burned it all to make charcoal and we are going to run out of that as well.
But the good news is I requested lots of wood from the caravans.
Soooo… yeah  that’s a thing.

Have fun!

OOC: sorry I left the fort without any wood I should have thought about that.
About the battle story I kind of forgot about the caravan I should have at least have said that they where there.
Also during that battle Orky was actually asleep but I wanted to have him in any why so I made that up.[/spoiler]
The lower caverns.
As you can see we have a small hole in the wall, I made that so the doctors can clean patients.
There is no connection with other caverns and we haven’t had any troubles but I suggest to find a more protected water source.

save (

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 15, 2013, 01:21:59 pm
The goblins were probably pissing their pants, facing Melkor who cut a Roc in half and Uggi, well-known accomplice of the infamous psychopath Ettad. Also, noface is probably like Jason Vorhes to them. And people don't call Orky "boss" for nothing.

No wood? The caverns should provide plenty soon enough. I wouldn't worry about it, Orky.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on February 15, 2013, 06:04:31 pm
Seven dwarves sit around a campfire.

Noface: And I beat him to death with his severed arm!
Uggi: Hey, Nish, we've all talked about our deeds. Let's hear about yours.
Nish: Well, there ain't much to tell really. I walked the long way around over the mountains, stayed out of trouble, had some kills stolen. Went to the edge of the world, but not much there. Oh, well, I guess there is one thing I'm kinda proud of. Me and Rogon climbed that mountain way back over yonder.
Melkor: That's it? I killed a roc with one arm!
Bhrian: Yeah, it doesn't seem like much by comparison.
Nish: Maybe so, but I did it in this region.
The rest: Well, sh-
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 15, 2013, 07:18:57 pm
And thus Nish gets all the engravings... though I'm pretty sure we're in the Murk of Murdering, where most of those deeds happened. I mean, that's where everyone's stuff was piled up. But maybe the fort is on that part of the map that's in the mountains. Where Nish did basically the only notable things in history.... crap.

We must engrave things over on the west side of the map, see if that makes a difference!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on February 15, 2013, 09:04:28 pm
Three quarters of the embark is in The Swamp of Stances while the fort proper is almost entirely inside the Bronze Towers.

Upon abandoning Melkor's save and checking the history, the Swamp of Stances has no recorded events after a couple of monsters settled there in Year 1. That's because it's on the opposite side of the range from The Murk of Murdering; Nish came to Ralevost from the west rather than the east like the rest of you.

The only event after Year 1 for The Bronze Towers is Nish and Rogon, Mountaineers Extraordinaire.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: birdy51 on February 16, 2013, 08:58:28 am
Hail Nish!

Conqueror of Mountains!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 16, 2013, 01:51:54 pm
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 16, 2013, 10:53:18 pm
Hang on, I thought engravings were linked to the civ that settled the site, not the site itself?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on February 16, 2013, 11:55:05 pm
Hang on, I thought engravings were linked to the civ that settled the site, not the site itself?

Engravings draw from three sources: events within the region, events from within the fort, and events from that civilization's history. Region based engravings seem to be most common.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 18, 2013, 07:32:54 am
Any sign of Orky yet?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on February 18, 2013, 02:49:50 pm
His profile says he hasn't been online since the 12th.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 19, 2013, 07:40:17 am
Is Readh around then? he is n ext in line.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 19, 2013, 03:57:29 pm
I'm sure Reudh is around.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 19, 2013, 04:17:02 pm
Reudh is always around, yo!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 20, 2013, 06:36:24 am
Well If we do not hear from him by today We shall skip for now and go on to Reudh
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 21, 2013, 05:32:49 am
Go for it Reudh it;s all yours!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 21, 2013, 05:49:46 am
Yo ho ho and where's the save?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 21, 2013, 07:27:31 am
Here ya go!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: birdy51 on February 21, 2013, 08:46:25 am
Good luck Reudh! Here's hoping nothing !!Fun!! happens just yet!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on February 21, 2013, 10:13:02 am sick freak.....
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 21, 2013, 11:06:17 pm
I'm downloading the save as we speak, i'll give it a once over and then an update tomorrow probably. :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 25, 2013, 05:22:58 am
Blast it. Uni's already intense; I've got a free day on Thursday (two and a bit days from now. THIS IS WHEN THE UPDATE WILL BE.)

I'm setting an alarm for that day to remind me. :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 26, 2013, 06:12:48 am
Did it download ok Reudh?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 26, 2013, 06:32:12 am
Yes, it has, and I've looked over the fort. The update shall come on Thursday!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on February 27, 2013, 06:45:07 am
Is it Thursday yet? It is? Isn't it? No?

aww man.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 27, 2013, 08:44:38 am
btw i would like another turn
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 27, 2013, 07:40:30 pm
I think for now were doing the seven that made it there and then looping. So you would go after I went next..
I think...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on February 27, 2013, 09:20:52 pm
I think for now were doing the seven that made it there and then looping. So you would go after I went next..
I think...
When will the rest of us that would like a year in command of Silverysects get a turn? :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 28, 2013, 04:02:30 am
I think for now were doing the seven that made it there and then looping. So you would go after I went next..
I think...
When will the rest of us that would like a year in command of Silverysects get a turn? :D



but yeah you make a good point
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on March 01, 2013, 07:59:35 pm

Is it alright if I get shunted down a few turns? Uni's already crazy.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on March 02, 2013, 12:34:48 am
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: flabort on March 02, 2013, 12:55:18 am
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on March 02, 2013, 12:57:40 am
Ah. Well, I heard it's better workload than overachieving at high school lands you.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on March 02, 2013, 03:04:30 am
aah no epic Rheud turn.

ooh wel next one is up?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on March 02, 2013, 05:40:55 am
Looks like I'm next on the list. Now, first of all: how do I revert the tileset changes you people have made?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on March 02, 2013, 05:43:38 am
Sorry, folks... Second year biomedical science has an intense workload and I'm strapped for time already. I may have time during term-break in about eight weeks, which should be at the end of the founder's list.

@Uggi, I believe if you have Phoebus' tileset assembler you can reset it to default. I think. I'm not sure; I think it'd be best if you played with tileset on to prevent compatibility problems which so often plague comm forts.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on March 02, 2013, 06:18:35 am
Well this is how it looks like with Melkor's save:


After replacing the raw folder with the one from Ubiq's save everything looks normal again:


So, can I start playing with this change, or will it just mess things up?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on March 02, 2013, 07:12:33 am
That should be safe. Make regular backups and I guess you'll be fine.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on March 02, 2013, 08:12:09 am
graphics never alter the game or can cause it to crash.

however when you don't uninstall the graphic correct you get some weird stuff like the first pic.
because that is not how Phoebus looks like.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on March 07, 2013, 05:28:25 am
Anyone heard from Reudh? at  least in terms of the game working ok?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on March 07, 2013, 07:40:45 am
Anyone heard from Reudh? at  least in terms of the game working ok?

Had to pass it on, university's been intense.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on March 07, 2013, 10:46:09 am
And I haven't had time to start yet. Will give it a try tonight and tomorrow hopefully.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on March 10, 2013, 04:20:13 pm
so how is it going?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on March 10, 2013, 04:38:37 pm
I've played a bit, it's still spring and the first migrant wave just came. Luckily I did save the game just a day before the migrant wave, so I might savescum a bit to get the last two heros to appear.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on March 13, 2013, 05:59:33 pm
Uggi's journal, 1st Granite 15

So, the year is changing and we are sparring in the courtyard like we always do, and suddenly Melkor comes screaming "FINALLY IT'S OVER!" and then nominates me as the new overseer. Wait, what! She can't do that, can she?

Apparently she can. I asked about this from our bookkeeper and mayor and other bureaucratics and they stated that I'm now supposed to run this place for exactly one year. It's a tradition, they say. Tradition? We've been here only three years!

Stunned by the news, I have no choice but to roam around the fort, trying to take notes of things. I have no idea what's going on inside the fort. Piles and piles of rocks and stuff everywhere. Workshops scattered around. Huge square halls, some of them empty. And then our cramped dining room. Why is it so small? Why is everything so square in here?

While I'm visiting the forges I notice someone carrying a familiar weapon. Hey, that's my old trusty spear! I stop the dwarf just when he's about to throw the spear into a furnace. He says someone ordered it to be melted. Well, my first order as an overseer is to stop melting our historic weapons and shields.

I notice a lot of unused bedrooms and announce that they're free to take. No-one should be sleeping in cold stone floor when there are plenty of bedrooms available. While I'm at it I also make sure that the whole dining room is designated for dining.

There are a few dead animals in the animal cage stockpile. I order the cages emptied. We'll install the empty cages as traps near the drawbridge.

Meanwhile, I hear some child has started building something mysterious from a piece of granite, iron bar and silk.

4th Granite 15

Edem Rockseven just give a birth to a baby girl. The father is Sarvesh Beachlashed and this is already their third child born in here. Sadly, their only son Erush Ringrooted was abducted last winter, I hear.

5th Granite 15

The kid that claimed the craftdwarf's workshop a few days ago just came out, holding this pretty ring. I think we really need a showroom for all these artifact we've produced.

( 15 granite 5 artifact ring.png)

( 15 granite 5 artifact ring.png)

2nd Slate 15

A few days ago Nish disappeared into the mountains telling he was going to look for something. Today he returned with a bunch of migrants that somehow got lost on their way here.

( 15 slate 2 migrants nish.png)

( 15 slate 2 migrants nish.png)

The migrants are the usual peasants, milkers and fisherdwarves. One has some decent medical skills.

Also two traders from an earlier caravan were really impressed of this hellhole and decided to move in. One of them, Kumil 'birdy51' Silveryoil has some cheese making skills. She even brought a horse with her so she would have something to milk. We'll see how her horse cheese tastes like.

( 15 slate 2 migrants birdy51.png)

Among the migrants is also our old outpost liaison, Goden 'Torrasque II' Bloodwalled. According to him this place is growing too fast and it's luring criminals in and he's here to stop them. I asked him if he really thinks he could do anything about it. "Crime is a disease and I'm the cure." he muttered. Well, I agree this place is luring all sorts of weirdos in. To get him off my face I kind of nominated him as the captain of the guard, "to stop all the criminal acts". Not that I've seen any crimes in here.

( 15 slate 8 migrants torrasque II.png)

Meanwhile, I've ordered the miners to dig deeper into the very bottom of the caverns. We have to do something about that winged abonomation before it finds a way up. We'll try to lure it into a trap of some sort.

5th Slate 15

The mayor mandates that we forge more short swords. Well, that's a mandate I'm happy to fulfill. I'll order some war hammers too as I heard one of the recruits, Vabok 'flabort' Plungeabbey, is pretty good with hammers and yet someone has given him a battle axe to fight with.

( flabort.png)

9th Slate 15

While visiting our hospital the doctors told me we really need a clean water source and some soap. Both of the current patients have infections, probably because of the muddy cavern water. One of them, Rith 'Kromeus' Boardweb has a broken leg. He says he can't remember what happened. Both of them were brought to the hospital some time last autumn.

13th Slate 15

The miners were digging a shaft for a screw pump stack when they heard a horrifying growl coming from the distance. Another of those horrendous creatures has emerged from the depths. I'm ordering everyone inside. We need to patch some holes in these walls.

( 15 slate 13 forgotten beast.png)

16th Slate 15

Sodel Lanternrevered, a miner just gave birth while deconstructing a floor and holding another infant. The father is Kel Tuftcrafted, also a miner.

( 15 slate 16 birth.png)

(That's going to be the future entrance. We have to move the fort walls a bit to make room for the building)

24th Slate 15

The masons finally managed to seal the cavern. I hope. The water source was left outside the walls. The screw pump stack for a well is under construction.

25th Slate 15

Just when we returned from guarding the cavern another beast appears! What is it with all these monsters?

( 15 slate 25 dragon.png)

We head towards the drawbridge, except Melkor who can't hold a shield and is ordered to stay inside to avoid being molten alive. The rookie squad will be staying inside too.

The dragon heads towards the gate, and then stops at our original campsite and starts breaking the doors of our old huts. What a stupid creature. Aren't dragons supposed to be smart?

We sneak closer using the hut as a cover. Nish and Orky go around the hut from one side while me and Noface take the other side. The dragon sees me and Noface first and blasts us with dragonfire!

( 15 slate 28 battle.png)

We take cover behind our shields, which begin to glow red from the heat. The grass turns to ashes around us. I can't see anything through the smoke. When I hear the dragon inhaling and preparing for another fiery breath, I leap through the smoke with my sword first and luckily land on the dragon's leg, sinking my sword in.

The dragon screams from pain and charges at me, knocking me over and then suddenly passes out from the pain. Noface makes sure it stays down.

( 15 slate 28 battle.png)

Right, now what should we do with this dragon corpse, any ideas? Leave it to rot where it is, to scare the goblins? Make dragon biscuits and soap?

( 15 slate 28 dragon corpse.png)

( 15 slate 28 dragon corpse.png)

I tried to dorf everyone that asked for it, let me know if I forgot someone.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on March 13, 2013, 06:24:34 pm
Hurrah! A glorious update! Preserving our heritage and making history (primarily by killing things)! Just a few things

-speaking of dragons, did that skull I brought ever get totemed? Or did someone throw it out in the refuse? We ought to make some armor from this most recent beast's bones, just for display.

-Is avalanches the squad name?

-Seeing as this is supposed to be the first ever dwarven city, we should probably RP it like the dwarven caravans come here to restock and drop off their bounty, should we of the capital find it worthy. Outpost liasons and the like could be going out and meeting with all the hobo dwarves and telling them what to bring when they come here, who should come first, etc.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on March 13, 2013, 07:21:18 pm
make into soap.

afterall, if we want soap we want the best, and what is better at killing germs than fire? and since dragons ARE fire, then fire fat is the best fat for soap.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on March 13, 2013, 07:23:40 pm
-speaking of dragons, did that skull I brought ever get totemed? Or did someone throw it out in the refuse? We ought to make some armor from this most recent beast's bones, just for display.

Checking... No totems in the fort and no dragon skulls. The bookkeeper is an adequate bone carver, could train him a bit first.

-Is avalanches the squad name?

Yes, a short version. Someone gave them their squad names as custom profession names. The squad with all the heros is called The Avalanches of Immortality, thus 'avalanches'. The one with recruits is called The Helmed Decisions, or 'helmed' as a profession. Yeah it makes confusing battle reports. Makes more sense in the unit listings.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on March 13, 2013, 08:25:32 pm
Curses! I lugged that skull all the way and it got chucked in the garbage. Alas, that it was too late to save some parts of our heritage.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: birdy51 on March 13, 2013, 08:45:35 pm
I am pleased to be named after a cheesemaker. My cheese shall bring great joy and happiness to the fortress! Many engravings will be made about them, even when I am dead and in a coffin.

Also, excellent work on the dragon. Pity about the history being destroyed, but then again, history is still be written! The slaying of the Dragon Mistrum attests to that fact!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on March 14, 2013, 02:58:33 am
Yes, a short version. Someone gave them their squad names as custom profession names. The squad with all the heros is called The Avalanches of Immortality, thus 'avalanches'. The one with recruits is called The Helmed Decisions, or 'helmed' as a profession. Yeah it makes confusing battle reports. Makes more sense in the unit listings.

i did this,
its to make sure i know who is in what squad when i am busy in dwarf therapist.
and when assigning who goes where in the squad menu

nooooo i get no fun, is it because of my arm?  i am being discriminated!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Orky_Boss on March 14, 2013, 05:12:39 am
Huh. I've been gone a while it seems, and I'm back just in time to be next up the list for people who run the fort, armok help me. Time to start reading.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on March 14, 2013, 06:46:59 am
DRAGON SOAP! now DAT  be da real Business!
Freaking awesome update Uggi! The fort is starting to look rather Epic1 Can't wait till my turn rolls around again.

Any chance you can get some bigger screenshots of the fort for us?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on March 14, 2013, 07:17:49 am
nooooo i get no fun, is it because of my arm?  i am being discriminated!

Mostly because you've already killed A ROC, of all things :P

No, it was because of the lack of a shield. Didn't want you to get burned to crisp. Can dwarves wield a shield and a weapon in the same hand in fortress mode? I know it's possible in adventure mode. Noface is wielding both of his picks in his right hand and using the left hand for a shield. Also I tried assinging two hammers and no shield for Flabort (as he requested), but he's wielding both hammers in his right hand while his left hand is free, which is just plain silly dwarven.

Any chance you can get some bigger screenshots of the fort for us?

Yeah, maybe later. The surface level needs some decorating first. Apart from the burnt ground it's really plain. The elven caravan should show up soon and I'm expecting them to have company.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on March 14, 2013, 08:20:16 am
nooooo i get no fun, is it because of my arm?  i am being discriminated!

Mostly because you've already killed A ROC, of all things :P

No, it was because of the lack of a shield. Didn't want you to get burned to crisp. Can dwarves wield a shield and a weapon in the same hand in fortress mode? I know it's possible in adventure mode. Noface is wielding both of his picks in his right hand and using the left hand for a shield. Also I tried assinging two hammers and no shield for Flabort (as he requested), but he's wielding both hammers in his right hand while his left hand is free, which is just plain silly dwarven.

Any chance you can get some bigger screenshots of the fort for us?

Yeah, maybe later. The surface level needs some decorating first. Apart from the burnt ground it's really plain. The elven caravan should show up soon and I'm expecting them to have company.

It's quite possible for dwarves missing a limb to equip both weapon and shield in the one hand, so long as there is a shield available and a weapon available. One of my old Militia Commanders had her sword in her left hand, and her shield in her left hand too.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on March 14, 2013, 12:30:52 pm
Bah, you should have let the dragon wander into a cage trap so we could have tamed it.

Curses! I lugged that skull all the way and it got chucked in the garbage. Alas, that it was too late to save some parts of our heritage.

It was probably put into an outside refuse stockpile and rotted away.

Barring vermin eating them, bones in inside stockpiles won't do that.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on March 14, 2013, 12:35:27 pm
Well, by all means let Melkor fight! If worst comes to worst, she can have just a shield and still pwn with it. Should be able to wield something else alongside anyway. And military service will help make up for getting rid of so many historical items :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on March 14, 2013, 02:14:09 pm
exactly let me fight buuuut, against stuf like a dragon the can melt me i would like to hold of on it.
but when gobbo's get around imma smash shit
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: flabort on March 14, 2013, 09:38:09 pm
Also I tried assinging two hammers and no shield for Flabort (as he requested), but he's wielding both hammers in his right hand while his left hand is free, which is just plain silly dwarven.

Awesome. I have to get the scanner working now, and draw a picture. I love this.

Also, thank goodness I like pig tail and gauntlets. Personality wise, the dorf is a lot like me.  ;D However, he's active, compares himself favorably with others, and needs alcohol to get through the working day. :p  All dorfs do, and the other two are things I wish I was anyways. Our traits basically match, but I don't have a way with words and do have a good analytical sense. And I look nothing like him.

He's perfect!  8)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: birdy51 on March 15, 2013, 07:24:31 am
I like my own dwarf as well, mostly because how standard she is. I mean, look at the poor gal, she actually enjoys eating plump helmets all year long! Her favorite animals are the goat and the kiwi bird and she also enjoys steel and thrones.

However, it would be best to keep her working constantly... The social skills are strong in this one. One day she'll be having polite chats in the party room, then the next day she's dead and the fortresses weak souls are throwing tantrums!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on March 16, 2013, 06:35:15 pm
Awesome updates.does kroneus (me) still have his leg broken?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on March 21, 2013, 07:56:17 pm
So... any progress?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: birdy51 on March 23, 2013, 07:49:18 pm
Hrmm... I hope this project hasn't died out already.

It's a been quite some time since we've heard from Uggi.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on March 23, 2013, 09:51:55 pm
Remember during Uggi's turn that he usually had quite some time between updates? He probably has other commitments and is hence taking it slow.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on March 24, 2013, 04:10:21 am
Yeah been a bit too busy lately. And lots of micromanaging in DF, so the game hasn't progressed much time-wise. Taking care of the dragon corpse, escorting elves and building a makeshift well, all at the same time, while watching for the damn forgotten beast so it doesn't sneak in through the screw pump intake tile. I'll try to post some screenshots later today. And play a bit.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: birdy51 on March 24, 2013, 12:21:43 pm
Erp... I apologize!

Glad to hear you are still at it!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on March 24, 2013, 05:43:52 pm
1st Felsite 15

Our drawbridge was destroyed by dragonfire. A new one will be built from iron. That huge dragon corpse requires a whole new kitchen wing. It will be dug right under the spot where the dragon collapsed so we won't have to drag its heavy corpse around.

12th Felsite 15

An elven caravan is seen in the horizon. Our squad of heros will be escorting them inside. The rookie squad will guard the gate in case any goblins show up.

14th Felsite 15

We meet the elves outside our walls. They seem to be carrying lots of wood, clothes and also some caged animals: a giant tiger, a giant eagle and the weirdest of all, a caged tigerman?

( 15 felsite 14 elven caravan.png)

15th Felsite 15

The elves were escorted safely inside. No sight of goblins or kobolds. Damn. I was kind of waiting for some action. The elves are already unloading their stuff at the trading depot but our acting broker/manager/mayor can't be bothered, she's on break. Great.

( 15 felsite 15 elven caravan.png)

18th Felsite 15

Asmel Gulflantern and Iden Wheeledstabbed just had another baby. One of their other children made the artifact ring earlier this year.

( 15 felsite 18 birth.png)

27th Felsite 15

We have not enough bedrooms for all the residents. I've ordered the miners to dig some new rooms. Meanwhile the makeshift well is almost done. Hopefully it's not too late for the dehydrated patients in the hospital.

2nd Hematite 15

The well is finally done, and both of the patients just received clean water!

( 15 hematite 2 temporary well.png)

( 15 hematite 2 kromeus in hospital.png)

Awesome updates.does kroneus (me) still have his leg broken?

Yeah, you're on traction. The doctors have been evaluating and cleaning you and the other patient like crazy. Your dorf also seems to be free from infections now. The other patient still has an infection, but hopefully the doctors can sort that out now with clean water and soap.

Well, that was a short update, I admit. At least I got that well sorted out for now. The real well will have a bigger cistern and access from the bedroom level.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on March 24, 2013, 11:01:10 pm
Huzzah! Did we buy the elven pets? A breeding pair of giant tigers would be very nice indeed, and what's more, bought from caravans they're completely tame. Shame giant eagles aren't nearly as awesome as they once were.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on March 25, 2013, 02:41:39 am
Get the tigerman.
Because it'll be a member of your fort, but as it isn't a dwarf, but it does have [INTELLIGENT], it will sit around doing nothing but raising social skills.

Then we can have a Tigerman Mayor.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: omg_scout on March 25, 2013, 01:25:17 pm
Huzzah! Did we buy the elven pets? (...)
Dwarves having BDSM elven slaves is for sure somebody's fetish. :o
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: birdy51 on March 25, 2013, 01:43:16 pm
What? The Elves are trading sentinent beings?!?

Why... This is an outrage! Clearly it is the duty of this fortress to liberate that poor tigerman from the clutches from that barbaric Elven civilization. This is a travesty that cannot stand!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on March 25, 2013, 07:36:52 pm
He can come live with us and recieve a place equal to any dwarven citizen, and have a job! basically alternating between lazy layabout and hauler slave.

Wiki suggests very likely he'll wind up mayor :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on March 27, 2013, 09:10:46 am
Any chance of Screenshots yet? I am dying to see the new fort!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: CognitiveDissonance on March 27, 2013, 10:51:58 am
So wait... this is an unmodded game, with 15 years' worth of adventuring to create legends?
I may have to download and play it in on my own!
...and may have to sign up once I finish reading
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Explode_Toad on March 27, 2013, 02:43:39 pm
Get the tigerman.
Because it'll be a member of your fort, but as it isn't a dwarf, but it does have [INTELLIGENT], it will sit around doing nothing but raising social skills.

Then we can have a Tigerman Mayor.

Have that in my current game.  I don't think that they raise social skills as their own skills become rusty (different languages?)  Still, I do know that you can butcher him if you want, which is a little....creepy.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on March 27, 2013, 07:06:12 pm
Get the tigerman.
Because it'll be a member of your fort, but as it isn't a dwarf, but it does have [INTELLIGENT], it will sit around doing nothing but raising social skills.

Then we can have a Tigerman Mayor.

Have that in my current game.  I don't think that they raise social skills as their own skills become rusty (different languages?)  Still, I do know that you can butcher him if you want, which is a little....creepy.

Gives him an incentive to not set excessive mandates :D Also, welcome to the forum.

So wait... this is an unmodded game, with 15 years' worth of adventuring to create legends?
I may have to download and play it in on my own!
...and may have to sign up once I finish reading

Eh, more like 10 years of adventuring and legends and 5 years of fort, but close enough.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on March 30, 2013, 07:47:35 pm
Someone needs to poke Uggi again, We can't forget it tok him THREE MONTHS to complete his adventure mode :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on March 30, 2013, 09:27:51 pm
Someone needs to poke Uggi again, We can't forget it tok him THREE MONTHS to complete his adventure mode :P

Was I the only one who actually did it in less than a week like we were supposed to?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on March 31, 2013, 06:47:06 am
There were one or two other people who finished in a week or so.
The problem was I was never strict enough to actually ENFORCE the "week to two week" time limit :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on March 31, 2013, 07:15:08 am
Yeah sorry again. I would have the time but not the strength to play right now. Got the flu, fourth day of fever in a row.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: birdy51 on March 31, 2013, 08:25:48 am
Dear heavens man! Get well soon Uggi. Illness is never fun.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on March 31, 2013, 04:21:57 pm
Yeah sorry again. I would have the time but not the strength to play right now. Got the flu, fourth day of fever in a row.
Yeah, had that a couple weeks ago. Awful. Get well soon!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: flabort on March 31, 2013, 08:55:54 pm
This is an odd question, and it may seem out of place, but can a dwarf survive being bridge-a-pulted at a megabeast/forgotten beast?

Because I have a suspicion that that's how my dorf will die. :p So much to the point that my drawing of him has him being fired by cannon (creative license) into the sky (creative license) to combat a dragon. It's... the first time I've drawn armor that looks acceptable, or even OK enough to show to other people. I'm better at drawing strange creatures and machines (Forgotten beasts would be perfect subjects, possibly).
Speaking of showing it, I have the picture, I have the scanner, and... I can't find the power cord for the scanner. Won't work without that.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on April 01, 2013, 12:17:26 am
This is an odd question, and it may seem out of place, but can a dwarf survive being bridge-a-pulted at a megabeast/forgotten beast?

Because I have a suspicion that that's how my dorf will die. :p So much to the point that my drawing of him has him being fired by cannon (creative license) into the sky (creative license) to combat a dragon. It's... the first time I've drawn armor that looks acceptable, or even OK enough to show to other people. I'm better at drawing strange creatures and machines (Forgotten beasts would be perfect subjects, possibly).
Speaking of showing it, I have the picture, I have the scanner, and... I can't find the power cord for the scanner. Won't work without that.
*Puts on top hat*
A dwarf, especially a sufficiently padded one, could conceivably survive that, yes. It could kill them, too, in rather a number of ways. The fellow's chances would be rather... ah... up-in-the-air, if you will.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on April 06, 2013, 04:23:22 am

I bring this thread BACK, BACK from the third page of time.

Tell me, does this game still live?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on April 06, 2013, 03:23:05 pm
y uggi really needs to start playing again
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on April 07, 2013, 11:02:38 am
I'm still alive. And currently playing the game. The tigerman is listed as pet/livestock, not sure if she'll end up socializing with dwarves after all. Is there some DFHack tweak I should do to her first?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on April 07, 2013, 11:31:41 am
Wiki says she'll socialize. Can you look at her skills?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: xaritscin on April 09, 2013, 11:28:35 pm
pocket island, 95 dwarfs for now, food, shelter, plenty of stone, wood, not all workshops finished, no civilization problems (put only 1 in the parameters). pretty boring TBH, but it's the most longlived fortress i had
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on April 09, 2013, 11:38:50 pm
Erm wrong thread mate.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: xaritscin on April 10, 2013, 10:07:13 am
Erm wrong thread mate.

i thought it was a discussion about starting in year 2......
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on April 10, 2013, 12:41:49 pm
Did you read the thread beyond the title?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: omg_scout on April 10, 2013, 01:05:57 pm
I think that he hits the nail and you guys have massively derailed:P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on April 10, 2013, 01:21:51 pm
What is this post about?

This post is a form of a succession fortress,
But instead of instantly going to fortress mode we have a few special goals

First, the world is only 10 years old, this means that nothing has really happened.
So going to fortress mode the engravings and crafts will be very boring.
But, as stated before we will not first go to fortress mode but adventure mode instead.
This means that we will be the heroes, all the engravings and crafts will be about our adventures. We the goal is to get to the valley of the dwarfs, and when we get there you must retire.
Then we repeat this till there are 7 dwarfs, then and only then shall we start the fortress, making it the first fort at ‘the dawn of time’

this is from the first post.

as hugo stated: "did you read the thread beyond the title?"
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: omg_scout on April 10, 2013, 01:28:07 pm
Consider it is not "community fortresses" subforum. Also, I've read (almost) entire thread and generally agree with you.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: flabort on April 10, 2013, 07:55:46 pm
Oh, maybe once upon a time it was maybe about the general idea, not what it is now...
But as it hasn't been moved yet, and doesn't seem likely to, and this is something cool to read anyways, it's probably going to stay.

I do say it's probably OK to add content such as your own, but you should probably make sure there's a bit more context. Such as "I was inspired by this thread to start my own year =<10 fort, and started with..." or "I started a fort at the beginning of my world too, and...". It may be up to the OP whether it's actually OK to do that, but that's what I think.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 10, 2013, 08:06:35 pm
Consonart! We need Uggi back!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on April 11, 2013, 05:42:21 pm
....did uggie die
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on April 11, 2013, 06:19:54 pm
No worries, it's just like when he was an adventurer.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on April 12, 2013, 12:17:32 am
i shudder at the notion that he will take 4 months to complete
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on April 12, 2013, 12:34:15 am
Posting an update later today.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on April 12, 2013, 09:43:04 am
Posting an update later today.
And there was much rejoicing!

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on April 12, 2013, 05:38:22 pm
3rd Hematite 15

Well finally the lazy broker appears at the depot and we can get into business with the elves!

Stuff bought from elves: clay, wood, cages, animals (a giant tiger, a giant eagle, a water buffalo), flour, seeds, dye, sand bags, berries and thread.

And then the tigerman. I don't know what she ever did to the elves, but they had her caged. I told the broker to buy her free and release her. I don't want to speak directly with the elves. They might have heard about the little incident me and Ettad had with them a few years ago.

( 15 hematite 3 tigerman.png)

( 15 hematite 3 tigerman.png)

I noticed this in the pile of trinkets sold to the elves. I've heard some scary tales about this bull, I'm sure of it.

( 15 hematite 3 ashenroughness the yak bull.png)

9th Hematite 15

The tigerman was released. She seems happy to be free and likes to hang out with idle dwarves in our dining room.

( 15 hematite 9 tigerman.png)

15th Hematite 15

Meanwhile, our legendary cook has been busy with the dragon. Here's the result:

( 15 hematite 15 dragon meat roast.png)

What's left of the dragon is some bones and a pile of dragon tallow. We'll have some luxury soap in no time.

17th Hematite 15

The elves are leaving. While our squads are gathering up to escort the elves safely outside, Nish spots a kobold thief trying to sneak inside. The kobold manages to give him a nasty cut and then runs away screaming.

( 15 hematite 17 kobold thief.png)

( 15 hematite 17 kobold vs nish.png)

The kobold is blazingly fast, but Noface is even faster. He reaches the kobold outside our walls and then proceeds to dismember it calmly. I arrive to the scene just in time to witness what he does to the poor kobold.

( 15 hematite 17 kobold vs noface.png)

This all reminds me of Ettad, and his deep hatred towards living beings. I stop to wonder where he is in these times. I miss that crazy human, even though I remember being very scared of him.

19th Hematite 15

While the rookie squad is escorting the elves, another kobold thief is spotted. This one actually got inside the fort before anyone could notice it. Well, unlucky for it the only way out is now blocked by our squad.

( 15 hematite 19 kobold thief.png)

The kobold tries to run through, but only ends up having both my sword and Orky's battle axe lodged tightly into its skull. I'm not really sure how that happened, but we sure looked silly trying to yank our weapons free.

( 15 hematite 19 kobold vs uggi.png)

( 15 hematite 19 kobold vs uggi and orky.png)

1st Malachite 15

We had elections and a new mayor was chosen. The previous one will naturally be evicted from his opulent throne room. The new mayor, Edem Iddeg, instantly made a mandate: forge a mace. Happy to fulfill your wishes, Edem.

5th Malachite 15

The miners have finally constructed a trap for Malduz, the beast roaming in the caverns. We'll try to lure it in with a low-quality statue of dwarves. Hopefully it'll try toppling the statue over and we'll have some time to trap it between the drawbridges. Armok help us if it doesn't work.

( 15 malachite 5 a trap for malduz.png)

8th Malachite 15

Our bowyer has crafted some nice and very light wooden crossbows from the feather trees bought from the elves, so I'm assembling the fortress squad. It will be known as Knives of Shooting. The captain of the guard, Torrasque II, will lead it. One of the rookies from the Helmed Decisions will be moved to this new squad, as she's one of the best crossbow users we've got. Two peasants with some crossbow experience will join them.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on April 12, 2013, 07:48:52 pm
Ashenroughness got his name and enemy status by kicking Torrasque's sidekicks to death before being sent to Yak Hell by Torrasque.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on April 13, 2013, 02:11:34 am
niiiiiiiiice, how is it going with the metal industry and the wood pile, do you have enough wood and steel for weapons and armor?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on April 13, 2013, 04:46:51 am
Things are looking up and up! A Tigerlady AND one with ranks in a hard-to-train skill. You gotta wonder how she learned to set bones, though.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 13, 2013, 08:16:43 am
Jolly Godo Uggi! Keep up the good work matie :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on April 13, 2013, 09:10:58 pm
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 19, 2013, 06:50:56 am
Someone get out the Cattle Prod to Uggi again :P It's been another week.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on April 21, 2013, 04:37:41 pm
11th Malachite 15

The new mayor really likes amulets so she decided we can't export any of them. And it's almost time for the human caravan to arrive.

15th Malachite 15

A small group of migrants arrived today. Two doctors, a high master bone carver and then some novice crafters, and a child.

18th Malachite 15

I met Camela, our guest tigerman in the food stockpile room, she was really enjoying our dragon meat roasts.

( 15 malachite 18 hungry tigerman.png)

23rd Malachite 15

Visited the hospital again. Kromeus was still on traction, but looked fine to me. I ordered the traction bench dismantled. And to get some exercise after laying in bed for months, I drafted him into militia. He's already got some rusty fighting skills so I'm sure he'll enjoy sparring with other rookies.

Afterwards, I noticed the other patient was also released from the hospital. With a fractured hip and an infection. The doctors are clueless. Sigh.

1st Galena 15

This place is starting to attract all sorts of weird creatures. First the monsters in the caverns, then a dragon, and now an ettin shows up.

( 15 galena 1 ettin.png)

( 15 galena 1 ettin.png)

4th Galena 15

Well I thought the fortress guard could use some live target practise, so I ordered the drawbridge raised and the fortress guard stationed on top of the wall. The ettin couldn't get inside so it started bashing down the doors of our old huts, just like the dragon did before. So there it was, a perfect target for anyone with a crossbow. And the imbeciles forgot to bring any bolts with them! Only one of the guards, Tosid, had some bolts in his quiver. So, while he was shooting the other two were just watching.

( 15 galena 4 fortress guards.png)

( 15 galena 4 ettin.png)

Meanwhile, a leatherworker had a brilliant idea and later claimed a workshop and started gathering random items.

( 15 galena 4 strange mood.png)

Back at the wall, after Tosid ran out of ammo Torrasque II arrived with a quiver full of bolts and continued pincushioning the ettin.

9th Galena 15

Torrasque II finally ran out of bolts. The ettin is crawling around crippled, vomiting all over the place. One of its heads has a bolt stuck on it.

( 15 galena 9 ettin.png)

It's time for the rookie squad to see some action, so I'm ordering them to deal with the ettin. I'm sure they can handle it, being half dead already.

( 15 galena 9 ettin.png)

Suprisingly, the ettin still takes a lot of beating from rookies armed with steel weapons. The final blow comes from Vutok's foot. He showed great courage in the battle, first trying to bite the ettin's leg off and then resorting to martial arts. And everybody here knows I'm a big fan of the Way of the Urist.

( 15 galena 10 winner.png)

12th Galena 15

That leatherworker finally gathered everything he needed, including the bones of the late dragon. Hopefully he produces something useful out of all this junk.

( 15 galena 12 mysterious construction.png)

niiiiiiiiice, how is it going with the metal industry and the wood pile, do you have enough wood and steel for weapons and armor?

Not much. Bought all the wood from the elves and it's pretty much gone already. It doesn't help to have two forgotten beasts roaming in the caverns. I had plans to dig down for magma but then Malduz arrived. The damn thing isn't impressed of the trap I created for it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on April 21, 2013, 11:08:47 pm
Ooh, can't wait to see that artifact  :o
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on April 22, 2013, 01:23:12 am
Watch it be a thong or a single sandal.

I really miss the days when you could use individual bones for things rather than using the entire stack.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on April 22, 2013, 02:13:11 am
Eh, a sandal is still pretty epic if it's made of dragon bone and depicts all the glorious monster battles which have happened here.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: birdy51 on April 22, 2013, 05:49:45 am
I'm cynical of this one. Leathermakers aren't known for their truly awesome goods, and he's taken the dragons bones as hostage. No doubt for a high quality picture of cheese!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on April 22, 2013, 06:01:35 pm
Eh, a sandal is still pretty epic if it's made of dragon bone and depicts all the glorious monster battles which have happened here.

It wouldn't be so bad if artifact gloves or footwear at least came in pairs.

Anyway, I'm going to laugh if it's another picture of Nish climbing that mountain.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: flabort on April 22, 2013, 07:37:56 pm
Haha, it would be, wouldn't it?  :P
I mean, someone killed a dragon on their way here, and still they insist the mountain is more important.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on April 22, 2013, 08:05:20 pm
Haha, it would be, wouldn't it?  :P
I mean, someone killed a dragon on their way here, and still they insist the mountain is more important.

If I'd known that shows up in the history, I probably would have climbed three or four more mountains while I was at it. I walked past at least that many while crossing the Bronze Towers. The only reason I really climbed that one was because it was close to the edge of the map and I had already decided to walk all the way to the edge of the world.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on April 22, 2013, 08:31:41 pm
Well, now Noface's killed a dragon on the way here, and one here. Surely that's gotta get a mention. And now our dorfs have logged an ettin kill and many brutal goblin kills, so surely those will get enshrined.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on April 24, 2013, 01:30:17 pm
This is going awesome.I'm glad my kromeus survived lol
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: jaccarmac on April 30, 2013, 07:22:16 pm
Just wanted to bump and tell you guys that this is a great story! The pace seems crazy reading through ~90 pages in a few days, but I look forward to more updates.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on April 30, 2013, 07:22:55 pm
These 90 pages accumulated over more than a year, actually.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: jaccarmac on May 01, 2013, 12:49:07 pm
I realized that as I was reading. You guys are some patient players...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 01, 2013, 06:42:23 pm
Yeah.. Patient... ((glares at Uggi))  :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 09, 2013, 12:24:00 am
Uggi, do you want to have Crossroads finish up your turn maybe?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 11, 2013, 01:12:34 am
I offered to do so before, but he never responded :/
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on May 11, 2013, 05:02:50 am
Been incredibly busy again, sorry. I've managed to play a bit now and then, will post an update later this weekend.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on May 12, 2013, 04:25:04 pm

14th Galena 15

Ingish Sackshins, our talented animal trainer has been working with the giant tiger we bought from the elves. Today he proudly announced that the animal is fully trained to maul and eat any thieves trying to sneak inside. It'll be guarding the main hallway leading to the fortress.

( 15 galena 14 giant tiger.png)

15th Galena 15

Humans just arrived with multiple wagons. We quickly ran outside to escort them to the trading post. They were carrying loads of caged dogs and cats and some poultry. Again, no sight of goblins or kobolds anywhere. Any thieves will probably show up a few days later.

( 15 galena 16 human caravan.png)

16th Galena 15

Meanwhile ...this is what the leatherworker produced.

( 15 galena 16 artifact.png)

( 15 galena 16 artifact.png)

Sigh. Yes, it's pretty. Yes, it's completely useless. What a fool.

20th Galena 15

And yet another beast shows up! I think they're ganging up on us. Well at least this one hasn't got wings. In fact it looks quite fragile. We'll try to lure this one into the trap that Malduz has been ignoring all year.

( 15 galena 20 forgotten beast.png)

23rd Galena 15

As expected, kobold thieves were following the caravan. The unlucky kobold runs right into Tosid, one of the fortress guards, who immediately disables it with a few well-placed shots. Then Noface runs into scene and once again steals a kill.

( 15 galena 23 kobold thief.png)

( 15 galena 23 kobold thief.png)

26th Galena 15

Our mayor had a meeting with human's guild representive. I told him to order wood, silver bars, all sorts of silver ores and some fire clay from the humans. Oh, and more alpacas. They're magnificent creatures and we need more of them. Meanwhile, trading took place. We bought some metal bars, glass, wood and all sorts of animals, including the amazing alpaca.

15th Limestone 15

Utesh, the latest horror from the caverns finally found its way into the fortress. It toppled over the stone statue we were using as a bait and then ran through a corridor leading into the fortress. Both the rookie squad and fortress guards were awaiting for it.

( 15 limestone 15 rookies vs forgotten beast.png)

The rookies were wetting themselves and thought they'd never make it out alive, or with all their limbs still attached. However, the battle was very short. Torrasque II from the fortress guard squad started and ended the battle with a single bolt.

( 15 limestone 15 short battle.png)

Well, what could you expect from a giant snowman.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 12, 2013, 04:51:50 pm
Really, we could have avoided any damage if we just killed it when it showed up, instead of trying to trap it. A snow monster with no syndromes poses no threat to a squad.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on May 13, 2013, 03:58:00 pm
Really, we could have avoided any damage if we just killed it when it showed up, instead of trying to trap it. A snow monster with no syndromes poses no threat to a squad.

The trap was made for another forgotten beast, Malduz, which has wings, a shell and deadly blood. I was hoping to capture it alive and then feed it some goblins or kobolds if they'd ever show up, but it wandered off. It's still flying around somewhere, and shows up randomly. Then Utesh the snow monster appeared in the same cavern.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 13, 2013, 06:35:30 pm
I know we didn't build a trap for it, but we could have sent the squad out right away instead of waiting for it to trigger the trap. We might want to save that trap for something actually dangerous, as odds are a naked goblin prisoner would still have killed the snow monster.

Still, a statue was the only casualty, so it's hardly a failure. And more for the engraver to depict, instead of mountaineering.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 13, 2013, 09:33:31 pm
Awesome work Uggi! Cannot wait for me! Soooo looking forward to when the town goes up and I can download the newest save to look at things :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 13, 2013, 09:36:14 pm
Well, exams are coming up in the next month or so, but at least i'll have tonnes of spare time after that! :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 13, 2013, 09:52:07 pm
Graduation is coming up, taken many of my finals, so I'll have vast amounts of spare time, punctuated by extremely busy days. By the time the save gets to me, though, it'll probably be summer.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: 100Rads on May 14, 2013, 03:40:06 am
I've been reading the whole 90 pages through the last 4 days, and I must say that this is an awesome idea, starting at the dawn of time. Could I be dorfed as one of the marksdwarves? Name him Rads.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 16, 2013, 05:55:51 am
Hey Uggi, just out of curiosity, how far into the year are you?
I mean, Im assuming that your playing for just one year.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 27, 2013, 11:51:10 pm
Wakey Wakey! Uggi Where ye at matie? It be time to be passing the game along, year or no!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 28, 2013, 12:43:34 am
Within the next two weeks, I should have time. :D

After exams are finished, that is.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 28, 2013, 01:06:57 am
Me too. Aren't I after Uggi?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 28, 2013, 06:16:20 am
Aye Hugo, you are Year seven, I think that is where we are...

I am hoping to have a "wrap up" year after you, before it goes around ot another seven volunteers.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on May 30, 2013, 04:30:08 pm
I've been reading the whole 90 pages through the last 4 days, and I must say that this is an awesome idea, starting at the dawn of time. Could I be dorfed as one of the marksdwarves? Name him Rads.

18th Limestone 15

Today a peasant called 'Rads' approached me and volunteered for fortress guard. He's got absolutely no marksdwarfing skills, we'll see how it goes. I told him to grab a crossbow and some wooden bolts and start practising.

( 15 limestone 18 rads.png)

24th Limestone 15

Found some freshly laid eggs in the chicken coop. Kromeus' pet chicken and someone's pet duck are both nesting. I gave strict orders not gather the eggs nor harass the birds. We'll let these ones to hatch and soon we'll have a real poultry industry.

( 15 limestone 24 eggs.png)

26th Limestone 15

Our mayor and the human guild representive finally made a contract. This is what the humans want us to deliver next year, should be easy to deliver:

( 15 limestone 26 trade agreement with humans.png)

The guild representive left immediately and our squad escorted him safely outside.

8th Sandstone 15

The rest of the human caravan left. Everything went smoothly, no ambushes.

22nd Sandstone 15

Reudh was involved in a mining accident in the caverns. He fell into water and almost drowned. I told him to get outside to catch his breath and take a little break from mining.

( 15 sandstone 22 reudhs accident.png)

1st Timber 15

On his long break Reudh wandered off into the mountains and then returned with a group of dwarves!

( 15 timber 1 migrants reudh.png)

( 15 timber 1 migrants reudh.png)

(note: he was the last of the adventurers to arrive, we've got them all now!)

One of the migrants has some experience in mining so he'll take Reudh's place in the caverns and Reudh will join the militia as a speardwarf. Another migrant is pretty good with hammers and will be recruited too. There's also a glassmaker, a spinner and an ex-trader in the bunch.

4th Timber 15

The miners had been stripping down the labyrinth of rock pillars in the caverns. The noise finally annoyed Malduz enough to lure it closer. While the miners ran inside to safety the beast started toppling over the many statues we had placed as a bait for it. Then it crawled inside a long corridor with drawbridges in each end and was successfully trapped inside.

( 15 timber 4 malduz trapped.png)

The cavern is safe again! That is, until the next beast appears..

7th Timber 15

Endok, our bowyer, turned really weird today. Instead of making the usual feather wood crossbows, she's now dragging all sorts of things into her workshop.

( 15 timber 7 strange mood.png)

12th Timber 15

This goes on a few days until she seems satisfied with the pile of junk she's gathered and starts building something.

( 15 timber 12 mysterious construction.png)

13th Timber 15

One of the fortress guards saw an anaconda outside the fort walls and started shooting bolts at it, until the snake was out of range. I sent the rookie squad outside to finish the snake. Bhrian got there first and finished the snake with a single strike from his axe.

( 15 timber 13 hunting anacondas.png)

14th Timber 15

Only a moments later, a crowd of dwarven merchants arrives.

( 15 timber 14 dwarven caravan.png)

15th Timber 15

As the rookie squad is already outside, they'll be escorting the merchants. We're guarding the entrance and making sure the outpost liaison gets inside safely.

( 15 timber 15 outpost liaison.png)

And then, a lone war dog sniffs out something. A squad of goblin bowmen! Luckily the merchants are already on the other side of the fortress and safe from their arrows.

( 15 timber 15 goblins.png)

More goblins could be hiding nearby. And as soon as I think of that, I hear a trap going off in the distance. We've got a live prisoner to interrogate, excellent.

( 15 timber 16 caged goblin thief.png)

16th Timber 15

Meanwhile, the bowyer snaps out of the strange daze she's been in the whole week. She seems suprised of her creation.

( 15 timber 16 artifact.png)

( 15 timber 16 artifact.png)

Well that's almost useful. Too bad she can't really remember how she did it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 31, 2013, 10:52:36 am
BLoody Awesome work Uggi! ALMOST Got a useful wep from that Bow :P 
Nice to see the milita doing so well so far aginst gobbo attacks.  I am sure it won't be too long till we get the first siege.

Do you have the Save for that uploaded?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 31, 2013, 02:02:01 pm
I shall begin on Monday.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 01, 2013, 09:34:45 am
17th Timber 15

Alerted by the war dog, we rush towards the corner of the fortress, to protect the caravan. A lonely bowgoblin peeks around the corner and shoots at a merchant riding the last wagon. The merchant gets an arrow in his stomach but manages to ride the wagon inside the fort walls. The goblin gets distracted by a war dog and a caravan guard starts beating the goblin with her flimsy silver short sword.

( 15 timber 17 caravan guard.png)

As we reach the corner and finish the lone goblin, we see the rest of the bowgoblin squad approaching from the right. Suddenly an arrow flies from the left. Another squad of bowgoblins appears from the bushes!

( 15 timber 17 more goblins.png)

Then it all turns into a bloody chaos. Together with Noface we kill most of the bowgoblins from the left. Following Noface into a battle is like going through a rain of guts and limbs.

( 15 timber 17 battle.png)

( 15 timber 17 battle.png)

( 15 timber 17 battle.png)

After the battle I count 12 dead goblins in the battlefield. I think one escaped to tell the tale. We lost a war dog and another one got badly injured.

( 15 timber 18 bloody field.png)

Kromeus got his first kill and then was shot in the upper body through his steel breastplate. He broke some false ribs and needs another hospital visit. Another dwarf, Aban Bannerridle, from the rookie squad got shot as well but she's able to walk to the hospital by herself.

( 15 timber 18 kromeus.png)

As you maybe noticed there's a red REC on the first screenshot. Here's a recording of the battle (!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 01, 2013, 12:06:21 pm
Aha, good to see Lord Reudh there! Looks like I haven't any new injuries, which is good, and no infections either.

By the way, uggi, i notice that one of the caravanners is sick? Did they get hit?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on June 01, 2013, 12:12:47 pm
Following Noface into a battle is like going through a rain of guts and limbs.

we should quote this
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 01, 2013, 02:14:17 pm
By the way, uggi, i notice that one of the caravanners is sick? Did they get hit?

Yeah he got shot twice:

( 15 timber 21 wounded merchant.png)

The rest of the battle report is about him vomiting, all 4 pages of it. I imagine him riding the wagon and vomiting all over the trade goods. There's a trail of vomit all the way to the trading post but for some reason it's not showing up.

( 15 timber 21 wounded merchant.png)

We already have a few ex-traders living in the fortress. I wonder if Obok will come back as a migrant some day. That is, if he manages to get out of here alive. He had an arrow stuck in his body but I managed to get it pulled out.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Deepblade on June 01, 2013, 03:51:29 pm
If possible, I'd like to be dorfed as a Sword Dwarf. I'd prefer one who has a beard in double braids, but if ya don't feel like looking around for that it's fine.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 01, 2013, 04:41:37 pm
Following Noface into a battle is like going through a rain of guts and limbs.

we should quote this

What have I unleashed upon this world...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 04, 2013, 04:17:19 am
Awesome stuff Uggi :)
Did oyu have the save uploaded at all? Really wanting to get some screenshots of the whole fort.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 04, 2013, 04:23:47 pm
It's late winter in the game and I'm finishing some final stuff. I'll try to post a wrap-up and the save tomorrow.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 05, 2013, 05:10:37 pm
I'll post the story later, need to get some sleep right now.

( 16 granite 1 status.png)

Here's the save file: (

Notes to next overseer(s):
- please leave Malduz's corpse to rot in my tomb!
- two levers in the dining room control the drawbridges, there's the main drawbridge in the outer wall and another in the cavern
- the water screw pump stack is dorf-operated, the well cistern should fill up eventually.
- there's another small well in the cavern
- a small drawbridge controls the screw pump intake tile, you'll find a lever above it
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 06, 2013, 01:52:17 am
All right, I'll take note.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on June 06, 2013, 04:36:37 pm
Okay, here's the rest of the year:

8th Moonstone 15

Goods bought from the dwarven merchants: metal bars, wood, animals, gypsym plaster, seeds, sand bags, leather, and some food & booze. After the trading was done I told the broker to give the mercants some free samples of our crafts to spread the word of our great craftdwarfship.

( 15 moonstone 8 offering.png)

9th Moonstone 15

We have to move the wall again a bit to make room for the entrance building. Also reinforcing the corners of the wall with some extra blocks.

( 15 moonstone 9 moving the wall.png)

The rookie squad is keeping guard, in case of any thieves trying to get inside through the hole in the wall. I noticed Kromeus was there too, he's been already released from the hospital.

( 15 moonstone 9 kromeus.png)

15th Moonstone 15

The mayor had a meeting with the dwarven diplomat. I heard they were planning to make this place a barony. Guess who she suggested as the future baron? Sarvesh Beachlashed, who just happens to be her husband and the father of their three children. How conveniently. That way she can upgrade herself to a baroness and keep living the posh life she's used to.

( 15 moonstone 15 barony.png)

( 15 moonstone 15 new baron.png)

( 15 moonstone 15 new baron.png)

21st Moonstone 15

This is the order from the merchants, they were clearly impressed of our luxurious meals and crafts.

( 15 moonstone 21 trade agreement.png)

And this is what they should be bringing to us next year: wood, silver (bars and ores), dogs, alpacas, gypsum plaster, kaolinite, clay.

24th Moonstone 15

The diplomat signed all the necessary documents and we escorted him safely outside. We're now officially a barony.

( 15 moonstone 24 barony.png)

28th Moonstone 15

If possible, I'd like to be dorfed as a Sword Dwarf. I'd prefer one who has a beard in double braids, but if ya don't feel like looking around for that it's fine.

Our butcher hasn't had much butchering to do since that crippled war dog we had to put down. He said he'd prefer to kill goblins instead and wants to join the military. That's the spirit! Welcome to the corps, Deepblade. Now go grab a sword and some armor.

( 15 moonstone 28 deepblade.png)

2nd Opal 15

The mayor/baroness mandates that we forge exactly three maces. I let the weaponsmith know.

7th Opal 15

Zasit Giltmachine, farmer, and Urist Kindletreaties, our chief medical dwarf, had a baby girl born right in the dining room. Meanwhile, the merchants are leaving with wagons full of valuable crafts. We'll be escorting them again in case there are more goblin ambushes.

9th Opal 15

The merchants left without an incident. Even the wounded merchant, Obok, made it out of here alive. He's got a broken leg and some scars to impress the ladies back home.

( 15 opal 9 dwarven caravan leaving.png)

( 15 opal 9 dwarven caravan leaving - obok.png)

13th Opal 15

The baroness makes sure we know she's still in charge here. She just changed her orders. "Make it four maces, not three!"

21st Opal 15

This marks the day we'll finally get rid of Malduz, that damned beast! The miners have been carving a huge slab of stone free from the surrounding bedrock, and it's hanging right above Malduz's corridor. The slab will be Malduz's gravestone.

( 15 opal 21 malduz goes splat.png)

The slab comes down with deafening noise!

( 15 opal 21 malduz goes splat.png)

After the dust settles down the miners report the good news: the slab went through the ceiling and surely there can't be anything alive beneath it. I order them to dig through the pile of rocks and show me the corpse. They don't look so sure anymore.

6th Obsidian 15

The miners found Malduz's corpse. I went to see it myself. The flattened corpse kind of looks like a colorful engraving, raising only slightly from the surface. That gave me an idea and I ordered the miners and engravers to work.

In other news, we have captured a pair of peregrine falcons. The male bird is trained already. We'll see if we can make them breed eventually.

9th Obsidian 15

With barony comes more bureaucracy, and some of it is actually useful. We can name a champion who will help teaching the essential fighting skills to rookies. Bhrian is our most skilled teacher with fighting skills and will act as a champion from now on.

( 15 obsidian 9 bhrian.png)

1st Granite 16

The year finally changes and the overseering duties are now somebody else's problem! The miners and engravers have finished the special order I gave to them and I can now move into my new room in the cavern. The special "engraving" in my tomb is starting to smell a bit. Well, I'm not planning to spend much time in that room quite yet.

( 16 granite 1 spring.png)

More notes:
- I started digging new bedrooms in the cavern. I vaguely remember Crossroad Inc's plans to eventually populate the caverns? So I was thinking of separate underground highrise buildings (well, 3 or 4 levels high) with individual staircases, but got diverted and managed to dug only a few rooms, the ones next to my tomb.
- The entrance building never got finished, feel free to expand it how you like.
- Another forgotten beast, Utesh, is hiding in the 3rd cavern.
- Camela, the she-tigerman hasn't improved her social skills. I think she's just hanging around there looking shmexy ( but not interacting with dorfs.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 06, 2013, 07:14:22 pm
Hooray! Hopefully we can eventually replace all our cats with falcons, as falcons will not increase exponentially.

Just a reminder, we need to RP like we're the first (and only) dwarven city. We aren't appointed a barony, we told the traders that we're nobility now. The king won't immigrate, he'll just arise the way the dwarven heroes did. As far as we're concerned, until we made our fort the dwarves lived as scattered populations of semi-nomadic hill dwarves.

I've just got my new laptop up and running, so I'll begin soon.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 06, 2013, 09:57:39 pm
Good to hear Hugo! and yeah its been so long, almost forgot the whole "First Dwarven City" Role play sort of thing.
Although there IS a king, obviously, he's just king of like some mud huts and stuff, so were making the first Big City ;)

Speaking of which, once oyu get it loaded up, post some screenshots and stuff for the rest of us, will be good to get a good review of where the city is.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Deepblade on June 06, 2013, 10:03:39 pm
If the king's origin is gonna be RPed as similar to yours, maybe when he gets there y'all should maybe pump up his combat skills somehow.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 06, 2013, 10:25:32 pm
I'm thinking it'll be like there's no hill-dwarf king who decides to move here (cause he would've already), but someone will arrive and we'll know he's King. Or Queen.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 07, 2013, 04:24:45 am
If the king's origin is gonna be RPed as similar to yours, maybe when he gets there y'all should maybe pump up his combat skills somehow.

Historically, those who became king or chief or queen or whatever, either were formerly head military, or possessed some kind of artifact, inspired by or said to have been given by a deity.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Deepblade on June 07, 2013, 07:29:22 am
A noble dwarf with a grand vision that wandered the wilds to rally his/her people to a single point so that they might to rise up and become a force in the world. The deity approach would probably be good. I think one or 2 of your guys just knew where to go without being told, so the deity thing would explain it pretty well.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 07, 2013, 03:21:12 pm
Iteb Glovekissed was a Fisherdwarf before becoming King of the Watchful Rags. Clearly he established his claim to the throne by beating an entire school of carp to death with his bare hands.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Deepblade on June 07, 2013, 04:26:56 pm
He must've established that claim back in 40d when that was something!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on June 07, 2013, 05:17:12 pm
He must've established that claim back in 40d when that was something!

Well, he was born before time even existed so that's entirely possible.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Veskulios on June 08, 2013, 03:01:29 am
Could I be named after one of the militia? Preferably one who might get horribly maimed?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 08, 2013, 06:55:02 pm
Well, I'm not going to attempt to get anyone horribly maimed, so no guarantees, but sure.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Deepblade on June 08, 2013, 07:07:02 pm
You could find a dwarf that is described as "clumsy" and name that one after him. clumsy relates to agility though.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on June 09, 2013, 07:36:12 am
Sweet, nice fort.guess my kromeus is a guard now? Lol
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 10, 2013, 05:27:35 am
Looks like it. I haven't actually started playing yet, still trying to figure out what perspective to tell from, and who has what jobs.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Veskulios on June 13, 2013, 01:31:52 am
Rise from page three!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 13, 2013, 02:06:18 am
Sorry about this. I haven't been able to get around to playing much this week, but I know I'll be done before the end of next week.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on June 17, 2013, 06:07:02 am
Signs of life?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McSpardbane on June 17, 2013, 03:33:47 pm
I like the idea here a lot! I'll have to give it a go on my next world! :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 17, 2013, 07:49:32 pm
Sorry. Anyway, finally got in some serious progress today. Hopefully I can have a post soon.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Veskulios on June 20, 2013, 01:14:28 am
You got this Hugo!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 20, 2013, 03:11:32 am
Oh gods. Just wait until you see this...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time! OH DEAR
Post by: WillowLuman on June 20, 2013, 04:37:16 pm
Just a little taste of what's to come. Listen. (

Spoiler: Be afraid (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: AWdeV on June 20, 2013, 04:42:43 pm
You know what, this actually sounds cooler than I thought based on the title. Maybe a good time for me to start adventuring myself.

That said, I'm not doing any succession-y thing, just my own thing.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on June 20, 2013, 04:49:17 pm
Oh goodie. Spawn of Noface.

Terrifying prospects.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Deepblade on June 20, 2013, 05:25:41 pm
I can't imagine engaging in an intimate relationship with Noface would be very consensual or emotionally gratifying, unless that emotion is utter terror. I'm highly curious to see how this plays out though.

Out of curiosity, how big is Noface? Inspired by the mental image I have for him, I tweaked my raws to make a single adventurer dwarf that was at the max size for the race, and set it back to normal afterwards.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 20, 2013, 07:46:52 pm
So, the time has come again for the cycle of tradition to turn. Another of our founders must shape the growth of our city for a year, as is our custom since time immemorial. Or at least since the very memorable and recent founding of our first city. The other 6 say, though, that they don't feel Noface is interested, but he has found a suitable regent

My name Lich Pageward, and I'm a helpful person. I'm fairly friendly, though I don't wear my heart on my cloak, and I've got a bit of a knack for words, so my friends are many. I think the move towards stability and security by uniting into this city is wondrous, much better than the ambiguity and disorder of all those hazy eons of our people roaming the hills. I hope our civilization doesn't become so mired in contracts and regulations like those humans, though. I want to help this any way I can, so I've been using my stonecrafting skills to increase our wealth. I want to help. And that's why I think Noface took interest in me: he sees that I have a vision, that I can make us great! He sees my potential.

He seemed encouraging when I spoke to him. At least, I think I spoke to him. Can't really remember what we said, but I'm certain it was encouraging, and I feel proud I should be of interest to the Legendary Seven.

Now then, I've never run a city before, but six years ago that would be true for any of us. I shall surely do well once I learn where all the levers are...

1st Granite, 16
Today certainly was a busy day, but I think I'm off to a good start. I thought of all the things that troubled me in my work, thought of a solution for them, and ordered designations for plenty of things to get done. Of course, it shall take a while for my orders to translate into action, but upon completion they shall surely help everyone.

First of all, I ordered a row of cage traps along the opening of our cavern compound. We surely can't close the gate in time on every occasion, after all, and perhaps what might have been nasty surprises would instead become our newest pets?

Uggi the Second mentioned plans for cavern apartments, and so I ordered a couple dug out, symmetrical to the bedrooms already there. We should perhaps make these a priority, as more of our kind are soon to join us. For this purpose, I have designated a temporary stonecutting area so we may build them uniformly of granite blocks.

Lastly, I designed another floor for our entry building. I do not know the original plan for this building, and Bhrian seems to have forgotten, but the next floor is obvious. After this is complete, we shall roof it and continue building a central tower.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 21, 2013, 01:19:42 am
4th Granite, 16

Sarvesh's babe has learned to walk, beginning her first steps toward her career. Sarvesh must be proud, and I hope he makes something fine of little Rakust. I do wish, as our self appointed baron, he would do more to help rule the fort, but I guess the ale he brews is a fine contribution. Perhaps the Founders are grooming him for something greater?

As I was ordering the construction of bins for our new apartment project, the smelters reported we had no more logs for charcoal or bins. And our groundskeepers report we have no full grown trees within our walls, either on our surface or in the caverns. We shall have to scout. I hope there are some on the surface, but perhaps exploring the tunnels will reveal something of interest.

I had a talk with Camela today. Uggi expressed concern over the tigerwoman's aloofness, so I figured I might try to warm her over with my friendly nature. Well, it was interesting. She said "Zer elfs helt me for lonk time, I haf been feelink confused ant aloon since I came here. I tolt zer Dvarf-man I knoo zer bone healinks. Vas nut shoor if dvarves woot be comfoortble vis I seeink to zer voonds."
I told her that they would be fine, though, and that in fact the dwarves had been concerned for her, and we'd appreciate more medical help. I think she understands.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 21, 2013, 08:49:02 pm
5th Granite, 16

I had the strangest dream last night. There was a cloudy night, though quite bright enough to see, and I was standing atop our unfinished entrance hall. For a moment I had a vision of a sunrise, of a gleaming tower standing before me on the roof, and great gardens of flowers and stone below, though it was for but half a moment; a blink of my eye. Then the night returned, as if it had never gone, and suddenly an enormous falcon alighted in front of me. Or was it a man?

I only remember a word, though I don't know if he said it or not: "Beware"

Well, I spoke with Noface about it, visions and dreams being very important to Heroes and destiny and such. I don't really remember what happened after that conversation, though. Must not be drinking enough in the morning. He must have said something very encouraging, though, since I've been feeling good all day. It's so good to have finally found someone who recognizes the great vision I have for this place!

Anyway, nothing much of note today, aside from Edëm the woodburner throwing a lovely party to celebrate the new year. It's expected to go on for days.

7th Granite, 16

One of our miners, Asmel, birthed a beautiful baby boy today! I hope little Goden grows up to be a wonderful member of our society. Looking at our official headcount, well, I am a bit taken aback at how much we've grown in these six short years. But the humans built their nations in only 10 years, so we may surpass them yet!

13th Granite, 16
And so begins our annual diplomatic visit from the elves. They were not happy.

Spoiler: Oh dear... (click to show/hide)

Guess we should hold off on finding those trees for a while, then.

The diplomat came alone, so I do not know if the Elves have rescinded their caravan for this year. I should hope not, as they usually bring plenty of wood. Oddly, for a moment, I had an urge to order Covema's... well, it does not matter now. I don't know what came over me, but violence against Diplomats simply won't do.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: AmpsterMan on June 21, 2013, 10:37:45 pm
I really would like to see how this comes out! This is bound to be as awesome as Boatmurdered :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Veskulios on June 22, 2013, 03:33:48 pm
Kill all of the Elves with magma! The true dwarven weapon! That'll show em!

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 24, 2013, 10:14:40 pm
5th Slate 16

Just a few minutes ago, my friend Ral Orsharathel, the weaver, went simply mad. He just suddenly got all cheerful and inspired, exclaimed "I've got it!", and started seizing all our fine cloth. Before we know it, he had shoved his way to a workshop and started stitching furiously. I do hope he makes something lovely, that cloth has gems in it. Ah, but I guess every dwarf has a time in his life when he just has to make something. Perhaps some day I shall make something for Noface, for his support.

Lord Reudh the Second has been getting fairly attached to his weapon lately. He carries it with him everywhere, even to the dining hall, and keeps talking about how wonderfully the spear is balanced. He even proclaimed that he shall never trade it for another weapon. Well, just as well, since there is no finer metal than steel for a sharp point.

Covema remains here, raising a stink with the Baron. It's got me thinking about the trees, though. Finding them out on the dry mountainside or in the tunnels, chopping them down, dragging them all the way back, sending people out into exposure and danger just to burn a fire barely hot enough to work steel... It's just so inefficient. And we just can't seem to find any coal here. Surely, there must be better fire somewhere...

7th Slate, 16

Work on the top floor of the entryway is nearly complete. I've ordered some gem windows, since the building was lacking just a touch of grandness. Soon we shall build a roof, and move on to the central tower.

I've been noticing a lot of inefficiencies around here lately. Apparently someone set a large pile of mica down where I ordered cage traps and forbade it to be moved. I swear, nothing else seems to get me so much but... well, I shall persevere. It is my duty to correct such things, I suppose, and in my dream Dwarves shall live with no wasted time, as an example to all. When there shall be paradise...

Hmm, but so many little things to fix on the way.

9th Slate, 16

Another of ours has moved on to another part of her life today. Ral Rurmonon is a little lady now, ready to work for our city. I don't quite know what to do with her. Perhaps she shall become a "Dockter" like her mother, or a mechanic like her father. I suppose she can help haul things for now, though.

12th Slate. 16

Ral finished with that strange business of his. Well, I must say it's a beautiful rope. I can't think of a use for it, but really, such a thing is meant to be treasured and not used. A bit strange, old Ral.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 24, 2013, 11:15:47 pm
23rd Slate, 16

Today we received more immigrants, 18 in total. Mostly wanderers and beggars from the looks of it, with skills from fighting off animals, but a few skilled ones among them. One in particular stood out, Veskulios, who asked to join the militia. Well, I suppose I could arrange that. Most of these dwarves seem militia material, anyway.

Lord Reudh the Second seems to grow rather fond of his shield as well. Perhaps he should kill something soon, though I hope no enemies trouble us just yet, in the middle of this construction project. Which reminds me, I should order more apartments in the caverns before even more people arrive.

12th Felsite, 16
As Cerol Okilerol celebrated his 13th birthday and entry into adulthood, a goblin snatcher stumbled into a cage trap outdoors. I think it's poetic, in a way. We shall throw him on the pile with the other prisoners. Although, after speaking with Noface this morning, I felt a brief urge to just... get rid of them all. How strange. Perhaps the stress of command incites violent urges in all at times? Or... or perhaps it's just so frightfully inefficient to waste cages keeping them around forever.

17th Felsite, 16
Well, I'll be! The elves have sent a caravan after all, it seems. I've posted the Knives of Shooting up on the wall to watch over them, since we've been getting snatchers in our traps for 3 days now. It would not do, at this delicate stage of diplomacy, for our guests to be ambushed.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on June 25, 2013, 06:28:12 am
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Not really a lurker, just posting for the first time in arround 80 pages.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 26, 2013, 04:16:44 pm
Curses! This shall not do at all!

Spoiler: An Ambush! (click to show/hide)

I sent the Knives to the south wall, our Founders can handle any coming through the gate...


...but they were too late!

Dodok the trader, one of our recent arrivals, got caught in another ambush as he decided to rush out to collect the fallen merchants' goods. Oh gods, I don't know what he was thinking...


Tholtig, another of our new arrivals, was caught out hunting! Oh, damn it, why did he not tell me about this? We don't need anyone to hunt! How many more will we lose this day?

Looks like plenty more, as people keep going out to rearm the cage traps and collect posessions! Why won't these fools get inside? I had to raise the bridge, and quickly! But the party that slew Tholtig was getting close, there was no time. Luckily, our Founders were training near the gate, so I sent them out. What I saw from the walls amazed me!

Never again shall I fear for our Heroes' safety in battle. Uggi moved with such swiftness and precision, individually removing the facial features of a goblin from behind. Nish weaved past every axeblow and carved his foes apart, striking wherever their armor wasn't. Orky smashed foes into the ground with his axe, killing survivors with a cleave to the face, before they could finish a swing. So fast despite his injury! And Noface... he simply destroyed. Picks moving faster than my eyes could follow, piercing through iron like paper, ripping limbs from their sockets.

Ordinarily, I think I should be squemish to such violence, but I found myself captivated by the battle. I want to see our enemies destroyed utterly, torn to pieces... such strange effects command has on a person. The battle was nearly over, when suddenly the strangest thing happened

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

A naked dwarf woman with silver hair leapt from behind our heroes and screamed an announcement of her arrival!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on June 26, 2013, 04:28:27 pm
Werebeing arriving at dawn?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on June 26, 2013, 04:49:02 pm
Werebeing arriving at dawn?
Probably just failed to arrive at the wrong time of the moon.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on June 27, 2013, 09:43:12 am
I wonder if the ambush somehow caused it to show up later...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Deepblade on June 27, 2013, 10:21:23 am
It happens all the time. The game knows they're a baddy, but doesn't keep track of when they're at their baddest. They promptly run away once they become mortal again.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 27, 2013, 04:31:23 pm
She's a migrant...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 29, 2013, 09:40:11 pm
Any chance of some screen shots of the over all fortress Hugo?
Or maybe some shots from inside Stonesense?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 29, 2013, 09:41:25 pm
Any chance of some screen shots of the over all fortress Hugo?
Or maybe some shots from inside Stonesense?

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 30, 2013, 05:32:43 pm
Yes, this dwarf-lady practically sprang from ambush, though our defenders payed her no mind. She simply marched on into the fortress, naked as a gnome, as the last three goblins fled screaming into the distance. I was so shocked I nearly forgot to give the all-clear to reset the traps before I went to meet our curious new arrival.

This woman, Zefon Lorbamidash, told us she came from one of our far northern tribes, and that she worked as a mason. One of ours claimed he recognized her name, and that he'd heard she was an exile, but she adamantly denied that. Well, I don't know what the custom up North is, but here we wear clothes, so I sent her down to the stockpiles to get dressed. She seemed grateful, and will certainly be of use as we have so much construction yet to do.

The battle itself went very well, despite the tragic loss of Dodok and Tholtig, who I shall see buried quickly and adequately. Among those who fell into our cage traps was the leader of this little war party. Well, he won't be leading any war parties while we keep him here! Oh, but what to do with all these filled cages...

27th Felsite, 16

Our dead are buried, though I'm not quite sure if those vaults were intended for someone else. Such a sad business, but life goes on I suppose. We shall continue building.
Spoiler: Graves (click to show/hide)

28th Felsite, 16

I am inspired. It is said that there are mountains atop which pool molten fire that wells up from their roots. In fact, I believe Noface himself climbed one. So, that is where we shall find our better fire: at the depth of the roots of mountains. I've ordered an exploratory shaft dug in the corner of our lowest chamber.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 30, 2013, 06:54:49 pm

The miners stared into the orange glow of their channel in disbelief. "Well," said Zon after a while, "she was right."

Asmel nodded. "I guess that rock being so warm should'er been a clue." Already, the small tunnel they stood in was uncomfortably hot, and getting warmer every second, with just a tiny opening into the fire below. Carefully he reached down into the liquid fire with his pickaxe, startling and pulling it back when he felt it stick. "It's thick as rock. I don't think we'll be able to pump it with a stack."

"Well, let's go back up an' tell the good news, at least."
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Urist McLaptop on July 01, 2013, 11:57:47 am
This is like reading aan epic adventure book lol
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 04, 2013, 02:51:54 am
Sorry for not updating in a while. I'll see if I can get another one up before festivities tomorrow. I'm not quite satisfied with some of the writing.

BTW, the year is about halfway finished, I'm catching up.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 08, 2013, 11:02:58 am
BTW, we're in the Hall of Legends now.

Also, typing post ATM.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 08, 2013, 12:16:59 pm
I hope it comes with HUGE screenshots ;P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on July 08, 2013, 01:22:00 pm
BTW, we're in the Hall of Legends now.
damm i didn't know we where that epic, i feel important now.

Crossroads do you want me to update the first post again?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 08, 2013, 02:34:33 pm
BY all means yes!
Oh Melkor the Lore Master!

Though... Perhaps I have missed exactly WHERE it is on the page :/
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 08, 2013, 06:23:11 pm
Front page has been dutifully updated thanks once again to Lore Master Melkor!!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 08, 2013, 10:26:24 pm
So, who goes next after Hugo?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 08, 2013, 10:56:11 pm

I have a large update, but the connection on my laptop is dead. I can't post it or restart the laptop for fear of it getting eaten by 504.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on July 09, 2013, 02:24:38 am

I have a large update, but the connection on my laptop is dead. I can't post it or restart the laptop for fear of it getting eaten by 504.
If you have a USB memory key use that to transfer the data to another system.  If nothing else, you can probably connect a cell phone to the laptop and use it as a memory key.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 09, 2013, 10:29:51 am
Try and boot up from a secondary hard drive if possible Hugo.
If failing that, do oyu have a external hardrive you can download everything into?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 09, 2013, 01:18:32 pm
I saved it to a .doc, waiting for the internet to return. Verizon's being screwy, I'm browsing with an ipad right now.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 09, 2013, 06:25:26 pm
Hugo I forget, are you in school or college?
Can you put it on a thumb drive and load it up form the library or computer lab or such?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 09, 2013, 09:15:51 pm
Summer, though. I'll see if I can get to the public library.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 11, 2013, 08:24:31 pm
(Here's a chunk of it, have to limit post size due to connection.)

At the start of Summer, we've found the Fire Below. It's most encouraging, if only we could get it up here. The miners report the substance is too dense for a traditional pump-stack. Perhaps I shall ask Noface. It's certainly hot enough to work metal with, though, so I hope we can get some soon. We need it.

5th Hematite, 16
We come to a new season, yet still we've only barely gotten the recent migrants housed. Construction on the underground cottages nears completion, though I'm afraid I'll need to order more before more people arrive. Honestly, why must this take so long? Why are we so inefficient? Well, hopefully Zefon can help speed things up, as she's an additional mason.

In other news, I've ordered a room dug for the purpose of falcon breeding and training. I've got to isolate the birds from other areas, so I can be sure no one harvests the eggs. I remembered that dream and it reminded me to get around to getting this program going. Ingish says the birds will happily hunt vermin, and our cats can't get everywhere, so we'll need these reinforcements to keep the pests down.

14th Hematite, 16
Our trained falcon has finally laid her eggs in a safe place, and hopefully I shall see adorable baby birds by next season. The top floor of the main entrance building nears completion, hopefully we can get the roof on soon. I contemplate building another tower, seperate from the entrance, where more of us can make our homes. Speaking of which, time to designate more apartments and cottages in the caverns. Busy, busy, busy.

17th Hematite, 16
Oh, how wonderful! The last block was placed today, our third floor is finally complete! We've gotten a good start on the roof, too, so with any luck we can complete this by summer's end. Oh my, I knew those gem windows were just the right thing!
Spoiler: images (click to show/hide)

And finally the last of our migrants is settled in their cottage, as we begin to build even more. Yes, we shall have to expand rapidly down there, I fear, but I think these rooms add a unique touch to the lives of our settlers.
Spoiler: more images (click to show/hide)

It was a long four months, but now that floor is finally done. I've had complaints from people about old clothes where blocks should be, as people just seemed to cast off their garments as they became dissatisfied with them, people standing around where they were supposed to be building, claiming that themselves were in the way, misrepresentation of how many blocks we had in store... such incompetence! Such inefficiency! Surely we can do better? Ah, but to see the result at last, it renews my belief in my glorious vision...

19th Hematite, 16
Things were quiet today, until a shriek suddenly came from the roof. Zefon was the only one in there at the time, working on the roof blocks. I thought perhaps we were attacked by a Roc, but then the windows began to shatter! As the gems clattered to the ground, we saw an enormous, brown lizard twisted into humanoid form, eyes glowing red and pointed teeth gnashing. Thinking fast, Reudh, who was training in the yard, ran over and locked the doors to the building. Through the door we stood and listened as the beast stopped thrashing around, and just sat and hissed for an hour
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We were curious, but after the hissing stopped we were still afraid to enter. Then Noface strode up to open the door, revealing Zefon lying on the floor, naked.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 12, 2013, 07:34:25 am
Awesome seeing the central part in Stonesense! Hope to see large pics, I Still miss being able to do huge "Full Screen" pics.

Also awesome story so far! Looking forward to reading more of the year! You know we really need somone doing some pictures of these moments
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 12, 2013, 02:47:43 pm
21 Hematite, 16
We have this season's arrivals today, quite a few! Among them we have a High Master of woodcrafting, an animal trainer (who has some skill making brew), a talented engraver, a potter, and several farmers. All in all, I count seven migrants and two pets. Well, we'll try to get accommodations for them soon. Not as many skilled artisans as I'd hoped, but I suppose we could always use more help hauling.

My, but we do seem short on masons! I'll have to get one of our younger fellows cutting blocks, we simply have to build faster. Yes, perhaps that's the solution I've been looking for?

Which reminds me, I have been thinking about the Fires Below again. Still can't think of anything, but I've also forgotten to ask Noface. Hmm, no time right now though. Got to build those homes.

8th Malachite, 16
One more cottage until we've housed these migrants. I also ordered more rooms dug out in the cave walls, for the next group that arrives. I swear, we shall be prepared next time! Work on the roof of the entrance progresses well; I would that we're about halfway done.

I've had a talk Zefon about her... condition. She didn't seem to want to talk about it, so then I asked Noface to speak to her. She returned, seeming strangely terrified, but then she seemed willing to talk. Apparently, long ago she did something to offend Likot, the goddess of wealth and minerals amongst the Northern Tribes, and Likot told her she was cursed to assume the form of a jackal every month. How awful! And strange, too, as she turned into a lizard instead. She was cast out and had to abandon her husband and three sons. Anyway, we agreed that we'd prepare a nice, safe room for her where she would be sent every 19th of the month to wait out the episode. This must be very hard for the poor woman, and it explains why she doesn't seem to have made any friends yet. That, and her habit of randomly shouting announcements.

17th Malachite, 16
We locked Zefon in today, just to be safe, and sure enough, we heard the lizard inside her room. Simply too close. From now on, it looks like I shall have to order her locked in every 15th, so that she has time to finish what she's doing and get to her room. Poor woman. At least we avoided any injuries, though.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 17, 2013, 08:24:26 am
Ah how did I miss this update?
Awesome stuff!

Poor Zefon, we shall have to see what her fate may be!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Timeless Bob on July 20, 2013, 05:08:50 am
Zefon the wise old hermit herbalist perhaps?  Build her a little cabin at the edge of the map with a whole suite of rooms fit for a noble below it to store her herbs and treasures.  As a were-creature she'll autoheal after every change, so any injuries she incurs will disappear every month.  Were-creatures never die of old age, so if she happens to be an engraver or stonecrafter in her spare time, she might become the lore-keeper for the Citadel as well, in time.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 20, 2013, 06:14:24 pm
Who's Zefon the herbalist? Her only skill is Masonry

Sorry for no progress, I've been camping in Yellowstone with but an ancient Macbook and no connection.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: kero42 on July 23, 2013, 12:43:21 am
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: MrCat on July 23, 2013, 03:38:24 am
Very good read, I'd like to be put in as a militia member and get horribly slaughtered by a goblin ambush.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 23, 2013, 12:40:27 pm
Alright, but you'll have to wait until Autumn.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 24, 2013, 07:55:38 pm
18th Malachite, 16
I've noticed some of our recent arrivals have been keeping inappropriate pets indoors with them. I assured them that it was perfectly alright for them to have brought these pets and livestock, and that they'd be perfectly safe out in pasture, so no need to keep starving them. They've gotten a large chunk of the courtyard to graze now, as I simply don't have time to give each an individual pasture. But with so much grass, I'm positive it won't be a problem.

In other news, there was quite a commotion today when Eshtan, a potter, seemed suddenly to be posessed by some will. It's quite unsettling the amount of times this seems to happen, but hopefully something good comes of it.

19th Malachite, 16
Work on the roof nears completion, and Zefon comes out of her room just in time to help finish placing the blocks. I've even designated the walls of the tower's first floor! Strange, though. In my dream, in the dream with the curious falcon, I don't really remember what was in the tower, if anything. Shall I put it to a use besides splendor? All I know for sure is that the glory of Dwarves will be seen for miles.

22nd Malachite, 16
It was a little wooden crown this time. Memadamost, "Reintown," he calls it. The materials may be simple, but it is exquisite nonetheless. Pity he didn't learn anything form the experience, but we shall treasure it with the rest of our artifacts. Goodness, we really ought to build a safe place for them all...

30th Malachite, 16
As we come into the last month of Summer, I step back and think. So much we have accomplished this season, yet it seems to go so slow. One day I shall find the root of this inefficiency, and we shall be marvelous. I really think I am beginning to like Noface, too. Such support and advice... I'm getting rather attached to him, I fear. He shall not see much of me when the next overseer steps up, but to speak the truth I don't think I'd even be able to get through a day of craftsmaking without our morning chats. What's a dwarf to do, to keep her friends despite being so busy?

I digress, though. I've ordered several more dwellings dug and built in the caverns, so that they may be finished before the next season and the new people it brings. Some of them will have windows looking outwards into the unknown caves, with such lovely views of those watery passages. Sarvesh thinks that such a view will cause sleeplessness, but I don't see what there is to be scared of. Is it not said that when a Dwarf stares into the earth, he stares into his own soul? Well, I'm certain someone said that...

4th Galena, 16
Oh joy! We've finally finished it!
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And earlier than expected. We might even get another floor in on the tower before the fall comes. I've been standing up here for hours now, it's simply too wonderful! I feel as if my vision is just within reach. Just within reach...

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 24, 2013, 10:02:31 pm
10th Galena, 16
That peculiar dream again! There I was, standing upon the roof of our entrance, and dear me, the magnificent tall tower right behind me! Below, statues and intricate gardens, pinnacles of monuments, all surrounded by invulnerable walls. Then, that great big falcon again, this time his talons caked in blood. Yet, this time, I more clearly saw a man, ragged, crippled and broken, at the same time. "Five years ago on this morning, He chose me." The man-bird turned his head, and following his gaze I saw again. Our masonry caked with dried blood, our fountains running red, our gardens strewn with bones, and our monuments laden with gibbets, suspending by the neck dozens of rotting corpses of Elves, Goblins, and Humans. "...and now, He has chosen you. It is too late now."

I meant to talk with Noface about this dream, but curiously I could not find him anywhere this morning. Well, back to work!

Mayor Tekkud asked that we make a couple tables. Easy enough. Why do we have mayors and barons, though, when it is we in the Cycle, or more currently I, who truly direct the city? So... inefficient. No, that's not fair: I suppose with this many people, anybody would need help.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 25, 2013, 09:50:33 am
Awesome stuff HUgo!
Shame there are not more pics of the Fortress :(

But great read so far! How close are you to the end of the year?
Also what version of DF are you running the current save on?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 25, 2013, 05:56:03 pm
11th Galena, 16
It happened this morning. I heard one of the Metalsmiths say he felt he was getting rusty, so I felt the problem of the Fire a bit urgent and asked Noface if he had any ideas. Coming out if our little chat, I suddenly had an idea, a sudden stroke of inspiration. I had to go ask Lord Reudh, noted for his supposed ability to manipulate fluids. He was oddly cagey about it, but after I told him my plan he supposed that it might work.

I am inspired. Truly, this must be how those Dwarves feel, who must suddenly stop in their work and begin another for wondrous stroke of inspiration! Never have I felt more in a mood to just get something done! I began the designations immediately. We shall have an enormous new foundry, with troughs under the floor for the Fire. Behind the East wall of this room, a great shaft shall be dug, containing a massive carved pillar of stone, which shall be dropped into a pool of Fire filled at the bottom, driving the Fire up the shaft and into the inlet for the Foundry.

14th Galena, 16
Already our miners have dug out a substantial part of the Foundry, how wonderfully fast they are! Noface has seemingly taught them to swim through land. I've had Zefon locked in her room today, as her time grows near, so we're short a mason on the work above. The design necessitates that we temporarily remove a section of our perimeter wall, but I don't believe it shall be a problem.

17th Galena, 16
We let Zefon out today. Poor woman, she seems to get unhappier every month, especially from having to come up through the halls to get dressed each time. We'll have to find something fun for her to do, or at least put something grand and hard to break in her room.

18th Galena, 16
Oh dear! A human lady with a crossbow showed up on a diplomatic mission today. She claimed that their scouts had seen a band of goblins moving this direction, so she had embarked on her journey armed. And sure enough, no sooner had she set foot in the gate than our marksdwarves spotted an ambush party!

Fortunately, our Founders made quick work of them, Noface slaying most of the fiends and Orky 'Boss' finishing the last with a swift, bisecting axe blow, earning him the title of Axe-Lord. The personally escorted the massive human caravan into our grounds, where we have brought forth crafts and trap components to trade. More parties showed up as the Caravan was going through, but our defenders, along with the human guards, destroyed them admirably with no wounds suffered!

Alright, this is as far as I've played. I've been writing these posts from notes. Nothing really interesting happens until the end of summer, so bear in mind the date is the start of Autumn. Now is the time for suggestions and requests.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Timeless Bob on July 25, 2013, 08:48:06 pm
Suggestion: DF-style frisbee-golf course.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Deepblade on July 26, 2013, 12:58:36 am
My suggestion is to engineer a mining "accident" between Noface and his lover so they can become acquainted enough to get married and have faceless babies.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 26, 2013, 03:19:55 am
Oh, believe me, I have plans to engineer more meetings. In actuality, they don't progress in their relationship much because he's always with the squad, training. Given the relative stability of our fort, I've seen fit to give us a more character-driven, rather than purely gameplay-pragmatism driven, year. The fort shall go according to her character whims, taking into account the effects of spending a year in close company with Noface...

Anyway, I'm wondering if there was anything we really wanted from the Humans? We need several things, for sure, but I don't remember if Uggi ordered anything specific from them last year.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on July 26, 2013, 03:56:39 pm
Anyway, I'm wondering if there was anything we really wanted from the Humans? We need several things, for sure, but I don't remember if Uggi ordered anything specific from them last year.

Let me check my records...

26th Galena 15

Our mayor had a meeting with human's guild representive. I told him to order wood, silver bars, all sorts of silver ores and some fire clay from the humans. Oh, and more alpacas. They're magnificent creatures and we need more of them

Oh right, alpacas! Glorious alpacas. Did the humans bring any?

I ordered silver ores & bars because ..well, we're living in Silverysects. Make shiny things from them.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 26, 2013, 06:57:20 pm
Ah, yes. Thank you.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 27, 2013, 08:34:01 pm
1st Limestone, 16
The digging of the Fire Mover progresses swiftly, but alas, today, the thing I feared would happen, happened.
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Kogan, an ice-spitting abomination composed of salt, crawled into the excavation before we could finish building the wall. One of our miners, Zon Akgoskikrost, was digging on the lowest level at the time, but he had the sense to hide in the corner while the beast came past. Fortunately, our heroic founder, Bhrain Bloodaxe, and his squad were nearby. After hearing the screams from those who fled, they managed to corner the beast down where Zon hid and kill it before it could harm anyone.
Movie (
How relieved I am! Yes, we must finish that wall quickly.

2nd Limestone, 16
Those traders finally finished unloading their massive Caravan today, and we began bartering immediately. Our most pressing need was for wood, since my device shall not be ready for some time, and Uggi had ordered silver and alpacas from them. Well, we brought out a good supply of our wondrous crafts, but in the end the humans gave us the few gold, silver, and platinum bars they had, several tons of wood, and a breeding pair of alpaca in exchange for just 3 sublimely crafted glass discs. I feel perhaps we should buy more from them, us having so much to trade and them bringing so much, but really I can't think of anything else we really want or need. I am certain they are impressed with what they've got, though, and will spread news of the splendor of Dwarves to their nation.

9th Limestone, 16
Sarvesh and that crossbow-armed diplomat have been talking for days now. He says he doesn't have time to fill me in until she leaves, though I did ask him to request more silver. It frustrates me some, but I must assure myself that he wouldn't keep secrets from me.

In more relieving news, the walls of the shaft are now without holes, and we shall have no more intruders from the Caverns. At least, not from there.

13th Limestone, 16
Zefon transformed today, but fortunately she was in her room at the time and a neighbor managed to lock her door. This is most unsettling, a whole two days earlier than usual. I shall have to observe her closely from now on to see if a pattern exists in her condition's activity. For safety, the old woman will have to report to her room every 10th of the month from now on, unfortunately. I simply must have something nice put in there for her before next time, poor thing.

14th Limestone, 16
And now we've let her out again. A close call, to be sure.

The human Traders began packing up their massive caravan again, much lightened, but they shall take some time yet. Until then, the Seven stand watch by the gate. Noface and I have been unable to speak now for a week, and somehow I begin to feel lonely, despite all these friends surrounding me...

15th Limestone, 16
Today we collapsed all the carved scaffolding, leaving the Fire Driver as a freestanding pillar.
Movie (
It was most exhilarating to behold the demolition, to hear that stupendous crash! Truly we are quite close to being ready. Before midautumn, there shall be Fire!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 27, 2013, 10:02:22 pm
20th Limestone, 16
More migrants today! Nine of them, of note are a skilled jeweler, an old metalsmith, and a "Mr. Cat," who immediately volunteered for the militia. I'm proud to say we were well prepared to receive them, and still have many rooms left. The Cavern villas are all filled up but the apartments remain plentiful.

10th Sandstone.
I ordered Zefon locked in today, but she transformed on the way down! We've locked her in the Grand Entrance for now. My, this is getting to be such a problem...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on July 27, 2013, 10:57:24 pm
Just give her a burrow somewhere?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 29, 2013, 01:49:04 pm
12th Sandstone, 16
As we recovered Zefon and gave her some clothes, I was informed that the firing mechanism for the Fire Driver was in place. So soon!
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Now we need only prepare the Fire basin at the bottom and fill it, though I do not envy the miner who must collapse the scaffold. Still, risks must be taken in the name of progress.

14th Sandstone, 16
Oh wonderful success! Alath Machinemine bravely volunteered to collapse the basin scaffold today, and he did so without injury! So very close are we to victory!

21st Sandstone, 16
Work progresses well, when suddenly our pump Operator, Libash, becomes possessed! Fortunately, we have others to fill in for him, but nonetheless I await the results of this business with curiosity. He has taken over one of the jewler's workbenches, so my hopes are high.

In other news, I've ordered the floor of Zefon's room engraved. That should cheer the woman up. To my surprise, the elusive Camela came to have a word with me about her. "Zat dorf is dangerous," she told me. "It varms my heart to see kindness for ze outcast, but only chance is keepink zer hurtinks avay. I am not thinkink this place has proper place for the zer healers. You should make, before ve haf needink for it."

I think she meant a hospital, but I'm fairly sure we have one. Don't we?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 29, 2013, 03:40:07 pm
23rd Sandstone, 16
The construction of the Fire Driver is complete; now, we need only wait for the basin to fill with Fire. In the meantime, I am inspired to realize my other dreams. First, there shall be new homes above the ground! I've designed a second mighty tower and laid the plans for the foundation.
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Second, a new Great Hall, fit for the glory of Dwarves!
And lastly, a vault for our artifacts, though I daren't reveal the plans just yet.

26th Sandstone, 16
Today, our moment came! With the Basin full, it was time to pull the lever. I approached, somewhat nervous that after all this careful preparation something would go wrong, but after a moment my conviction was supreme. It was time we mastered the Fire. I pulled the lever.

Watch Movie (

A tremendous crash, clouds of dust flew from the shaft. Just as the last collapse was exhilirating, only ten thousand times moreso! On this momentous occasion, I declare all shall drink their fulllest tonight!

27th Sandstone, 16
It is... it is incredible. Girustoral, "The Scintilating Law," is the absolutely most perfect gem I have ever seen! Libash does not know how he created this thing, but it is a wonder nonetheless. A mere Pink Jade, cut in such a way as it seems to glow even in the dim light.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 29, 2013, 06:44:39 pm
8th Timber, 16
Zefon finally made it to her room, despite me ordering it at the beginning of the Month. I do hope she doesn't grow resentful, but this kind of delay is unacceptable.

10th Timber, 16
The furnaces roar into activity! Soon we'll be churning out tons of our own silver and iron! Already the forges are complete, and our smiths are creating iron doors for the new tower.

Everything is productivity. The second floor of the tower commences, the Great Hall is nearly dug out. Ah, it fills me with such joy to see this work go by! I only wish it would go even faster...

16th Timber, 16
Bother! The Goblins have come in force, bringing ranks of marksmen! Well, I shall not have it! I've ordred the drawbridge raised, they shall not spoil this pace we have only just achieved. They cannot get in, the only hole in our wall is filled with Fire.

20th Timber,16
Those goblins broke themselves on our mere traps, and then fled. My, our enemies are pathetic! Perhaps I shall lower the bridge, in hopes we still have a Caravan coming this season.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 29, 2013, 09:40:20 pm
AWESOME Stuff Hugo!

I watched video of you launching the magma piston, VERY Impressive!
We shall have planty of "Armoks Blood" to fuel the furnaces in the upper levels for now ;)
Also good seeing more of the city as well, looks like you have quite a few construction projects underway.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: enolate on July 30, 2013, 02:35:49 am
The moon cycle is apparently 25 days. Months are 28. The indicator at the upper right seems to be the current moon phase. Hopefully, that helps with Zefon
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 30, 2013, 01:08:46 pm
The door to Noface's room swung open, though he was already looking out, as if expecting, and Lich shuffled in. "Hello, Noface," she said, and stood there for a few moments. Then, bursting into tears, she leaped forward and embraced him. "Oh, Noface. What am I to do? I've finally got my dream underway, but the year is so short! It's winter today, I've only got three months left to build everything! And..." she stopped, unsure of admitting. Her vision was so close, yet so near to failure, but... without him, she never would have had this chance. He was everything.

She decided to go for it. "...I'm running out of time to spend with you..." she looked into his mask, inscrutable. Surely he must wear a face kind to her own behind it? "It's just... you've... just.... You've been there for me. Believed in me. Recognized my vision! You mean everything to me! I want it to be you and me, building the glories of Dwarfkind! But why... why can't we spend more time together? Help me find a way, dearie, I just can't..."

Still, Noface made no reaction. "Oh, why do you do this to me!? Please, just give me a sign!"

Flustered, she yanked off his mask.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: kero42 on July 30, 2013, 02:14:01 pm
Lol, poor thing. I look forward to the next update, even though I'm still slowly going through the old posts. Good work thus far, this is one of my favourite succession forts.  :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 30, 2013, 03:38:19 pm
1st Moonstone, 16
Inefficiency. Unacceptable. Everything must go faster, no waste of material or time. Keeping prisoners is inefficient, take up space for no benefit. Eliminating prisoners saves resources and space, makes example for other races. Elimination is efficient. All Prisoners shall now go in the Fire.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Falcons have hatched. Falcons make cats obsolete. Cats are inefficient, create many redundant offspring who get in the way. All cats shall now go in the Fire.

Male pet cats will be spared for morale. Morale is efficient, for now.

Zefon is inefficient. She shall be permanently sealed in her room from now on, with supplies dropped in. Her condition may prove useful in the future, pending investigation.

Work is fast. Great Hall nearly entirely excavated. Smoothing and engraving to commence soon. Third floor of tower commences.

3rd Moonstone, 16
Idle dwarves are inefficient. Many idlers assigned to construction, with a few around to operate levers. Construction speed increased threefold. Stonework in Great Hall also finished, furniture now needed.

5th Moonstone, 16
Construction progresses swiftly.
Spoiler: Living tower (click to show/hide)
Inefficiency will soon be eliminated. Prisoners all gone.

8th Moonstone, 16
Baron's wife birthed another baby. Babies are inefficient, but necessary.

15th Limestone, 16
Puppies are inefficient. Our soldiers make dogs redundant. All puppies shall now go in the Fire.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 30, 2013, 06:23:26 pm
22nd Moonstone, 16
Another baby, to a pump operator. A girl.

Residence tower now stands 5 levels above ground.

2nd Opal, 16
Bone pile not optimized. Ordered all bones decorated onto furniture.

Drinks low. Inefficient. Mass brew. Construct additional still, one still with more than one brewer is inefficient.

4th Opal, 16
Tower already tall, magnificent. Insufficient. More grand works needed. A hall fit to rule from:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

12th Opal, 16
A potter walked into the path of a minecart. How ineffective. Inventory reveals we have a hospital, after all. Decided to construct large water works near Caverns, possible location of Artifact Vault.

22nd Opal, 16
Work is efficient. Waterworks excavated, possibly waste of time. Notice no mechanic workshops present, yet we have stone mechanisms. Someone made pointless decision to deconstruct them in years past.

23rd Opal, 16
Tosid, the Dockter/miller, gives birth to a girl.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: flabort on July 30, 2013, 07:05:44 pm
 :o creepy change.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 30, 2013, 07:37:30 pm
1st Obsidian, 16
Time grows short. Other dwarves seem surprised by my actions over past 2 months. Friends back away. Does not matter. No time for friends, friends are inefficient. The work must go on. Our tower stands 7 levels tall, likely shall not get much taller. Royal hall is finished but unfurnished.

3rd Obsidian, 16
Falcon hatchlings are fully trained. Unlike with their wild parents, we have truly mastered them. Subsequent generations will be ours from birth.

10th Obsidian, 16
Masterwork golden doors installed in Royal Hall.

16th Obsidian, 16
Another Siege. Raise the gate. They can just rot. All prisoners shall go in the Fire.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 30, 2013, 08:33:27 pm

Lich stood on the roof of the Grand Entrance, this time on top of it's silver-capped tower. The Falcon-man alighted before her. "He took my body. He took your mind. But there is still hope. Fight back, have him cast into the Fire! Or refuse to do his violence!"

"He is... he is... everything... to me."

"Fight the No-Face!"

"He is... he's... he is..." She stopped. "Why have I done these things? You've come to me many times in my dreams this year. Who are you?"

For a moment, the figure was clearly a man. "I am-"

Then, the spear bursting through his chest, it was the giant Falcon again. The spearman showed himself from behind his victim, and grinned. "Give in," said Ettad.

27th Obsidian, 16
The Siege is broken. New Years is but three days away. Still time. I ordered the Depot worked upon, so that the Fire will run beneath it in the Spring. Elves are inefficient. Actively preventing the use of valuable resources. All Elves shall go in the Fire. Elves are inefficient.

30th Obsidian, 16
Inefficient. They do not follow orders. Dwarves are inefficient. All Dwarves shall go in the Fire. They claim my "time is up." I shall go to talk to Noface now. My Noface...

My Glory...

My Vision...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 30, 2013, 09:02:38 pm

Alright, here's the wrapup. There are still goblin forces on the map, but they are fleeing. Lorbam, our most talented Metalsmith, is in the midst of making an artifact, though he's Possessed, unfortunately. The Foundry is 1 z-level below the Workshops.

In the Cavern Waterworks, the North lever controls the intake, the South lever controls drainage. Both are currently open.

Here's the Residence Tower, as it stands. Feel free to expand as needed, though it should soak up several Migrant waves. 8 rooms per floor, 7 floors at present. Central space is mostly unused, feel free to use it for public gardens, noble rooms, whatever.

I've roofed the Grand Entrance with Limestone and Cobaltite, ringed with silver walls. Feel free to make this tower taller as well.

The Cavern villas were finished in the Autumn sometime, forgot to write about it. They're mostly full, but there's enough room in the Scenic Apartments looking out over the cavern lake to absorb another migrant wave.

Zefon is totally sealed in, but doesn't seem to mind. Maybe we should seal her somewhere else with just a pick and have her carve out a palace or labyrinth.

I never got started on the Artifact Vault, but it would be cool if someone would build it.

You'll need to engineer some downtime for Noface if you want him to interact with Lich more.

Anyway, here's the save:
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 30, 2013, 10:13:29 pm

Epic stuff Hugo :D
I could tell you were getting ready to pass it along at the end, it must get tiering have to write constant updates on all the events through out the year :P

SO! With you thats the first Seven migrants that made it to the city.
If I recall correctly, it goes back over to me, before we pick the next seven players.
Oye...  I am going to have to go back through the pages to look at those, theres been a LOT Of people wanting to sign up for this -_-

Oh, incidentally, what Version of DF are you using these days?
I forget if the save of silvery sects works on the most recent version, or if we have to use an older version due to Save-Breaking.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 30, 2013, 10:19:33 pm
We use the most recent version.

Didn't we skip Reudh's and Orky_Boss's turns though? I thought they still had to play.

I could have wrote more for Lich, but I wanted to do a bit of a shift in her voice, to reflect events. One does not remove that mask and gaze beneath without consequence.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 31, 2013, 09:13:22 am
Mine was skipped, hopefully postponed. I should have time, I'm taking less units this semester for uni. Also the No-Face epic is taking shape before our very eyes :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: MrCat on July 31, 2013, 10:50:31 am
This is a dog leather-bound book, entitled "The Eventual Death of MrCat." The book is entirely handwritten, and consists of a (note to self to insert page number here pending completion) page journal, authored by MrCat. It is a chronological account of the life of the militia dwarf MrCat. The writing is rambling yet it is of questionable quality.

22 Limestone, 16
I arrived at Silverysects two days ago and immediately joined the militia. Since this is the first fortress to actually be created (Armok only knows how the other ones got there, considering no one remembers building them in the first place) I figured the place would be awash in new and exciting ways to be horribly murdered. However, I was soon informed that the entirety of the actual fighting (if not necessarily the dying) was done by 7 legendary dwarfs referred to as "The Founders." My fellow militia regaled me with tales of the Founders making their way across vast tracts of land, killing everything in their path, before arriving here and doing much the same. Of particular note is the dwarf "Noface," who is said to wield two picks into battle, in the same hand, to great effect. This is elf shit. I come to the very first fortress, expecting to die awash in the blood of my friends and hated enemies, only to find that all of the enemies will be long dead by the time I haul my ass out of bed and I probably won't make any friends in the first place. Perhaps a kobold will sneak past the line and stab me in the face or something. At least then I might earn a place on one of the walls.

This is a drawing of a dwarf in ink. The dwarf is surrounded by dwarfs. This drawing relates to the appointment of the dwarf 'MrCat' to the Silverysects militia in the year 16.

(also, could the next overseer post a screenshot of my dwarf if it isn't too much trouble?)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 31, 2013, 11:54:15 am
I sent your squad out in one siege, but the marksmen and Founders killed everything before your dwarf even arrived.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: MrCat on July 31, 2013, 12:53:01 pm
As expected. My complaints are confined entirely to in-character, I personally enjoy seeing Noface and company turn their enemies into paste.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 31, 2013, 01:00:42 pm
Noface and Melkor seem to be the most lethal in the squad, getting most of the kills, with Nish a close second.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 31, 2013, 02:24:33 pm
Just out of curiosity, What has B'Hrian been up to most of the time?
Aside from skilled in killing things has he really done much?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 31, 2013, 02:26:35 pm
Last overseer set the Avalanches to train most of the time, didn't want to mess up any carefully planned schedule. He killed a Forgotten Beast, though.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on July 31, 2013, 02:32:23 pm
Well, that was an amazing turn, HugoLuman!

I took a look at the save, some thoughts:
-I really like how you've decorated the gate with corpses :P
-Looks like the dorf-operated water pump stack has been operated through the entire year. The next overseer could give the now-legendary pump operators a rest. Maybe draft them to a wrestler squad and have arena matches with goblin prisoners?
-The cavern apartments and the random placement looks really good. I'd like to see more of them in the future.
-Zefon has no food or drinks in her cell. In my turn I left a dump zone in the top left corner of the fort wall to dump some goblin corpses, I think you accidentally dumped the food meant for Zefon there.
-What's the waterworks for, to drain the lake?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 31, 2013, 02:48:49 pm
I don't even know what the Waterworks are for. At first I thought to build a hospital, but then I realized we already had one. Then I thought I could use the water for some kind of moat in the Vault, but I never got that started. I guess you could use it for Obsidian farming, or setting up some Aussie Hell Checkers.

Say, next person should really finish the Fortifications around the perimeter wall. Don't want our precious few marksdwarves getting shot, after all. And our masons work fast. We have billions of tons of Microcline and Limestone for any construction, and there's almost as much Granite.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 31, 2013, 03:45:48 pm
As I recall...

One of the original ideas about the building of Silvery sects stemmed from it being in the middle of a desert.
The idea was that, since it is the Dwarfish way to take an frozen Glacier and turn it into a tropical paradise...
SO too it was to turn a barren desert and turn it into a lush water logged jungle. I remember that one of the ideas was to have a small waterfall flowing over the main entrance to the city with grates and a drain, so Dwarves would be both cleaned, and get a happy thought as they entered or exited.

Pretty sure the water works was the start of getting huge amounts of water up onto the surface.

EDIT: Oh...

A while back someone said that we had been voted into the hall of Legends?
Not seen it in there unless I missed it...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 31, 2013, 07:50:32 pm
The Waterworks is a bit far down to supply water to the surface, unless you build another pump stack.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 31, 2013, 09:24:59 pm
Well that might have been it.
Either way whoever takes over next needs to get started on Watering up the desert barrens!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 31, 2013, 09:30:42 pm
Well, you should PM Orky_Boss and Reudh
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: kesperan on August 01, 2013, 03:22:55 pm
A while back someone said that we had been voted into the hall of Legends?
Not seen it in there unless I missed it...
It has been added. My vote pushed it over the threshold on the 5th of July...

It's in the Active section of the Succession game section of the Hall of Legends.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 03, 2013, 07:16:31 pm
ok so who IS going next?
Orky or Reudh?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on August 03, 2013, 09:48:37 pm
Send em a PM
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on August 04, 2013, 10:21:45 am
What's the waiting list look like? First post shows only Orky and Reudh to go, not sure if anyone else signed up...

Anyways, I would like to put my name down for a turn, whenever it gets around to me. I've got an idea for how to write, since my dwarf was the voice of Noface this past year.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 04, 2013, 03:06:22 pm
Just talked to Reudh and hes going to take over the next turn.
That means Orky is next then I go as "wrap up" of the original seven.

After that we will start going through the other players who have wanted a year in the current fort.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on August 04, 2013, 10:21:55 pm
Downloading the save as we speak.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 07, 2013, 12:44:01 pm
Is the save file running ok Reudh?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on August 07, 2013, 11:00:21 pm
Having trouble getting it to work. I think it's the same issue as last time.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 08, 2013, 08:03:55 am
Do what I did..

Just download the newest version of DF and make a whole separate folder for it just for playing the game.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on August 08, 2013, 02:17:01 pm
Just grab the latest version of the LNP so you can use Dwarf Therapist, too.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 16, 2013, 10:32:23 am
Has anyone else heard from Reudh? I sent hm a pm and never heard back
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 18, 2013, 02:47:08 am
Ok got a message back, apparently Reudh is passing for now.. So I am trying to get in touch with Orky!
ifI can't get in touch with him, I may actually simply open it up to whomever is available.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on August 20, 2013, 02:11:13 am
I have to say, you might just want to go ahead with your turn. Orky hasn't been on since July, no telling when he'll return.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 20, 2013, 06:22:31 am
Yeah I think I will take over for this turn, I'll need to take a look at the place.
When I checked earlier the fortress was in a REAL MESS! It's pretty disorganized and stuff is just littered all over the place :P Think I need t take a turn just to pretty things up
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on August 20, 2013, 11:57:21 am
Well, there is the pile of dead invaders and their stuff outside the gates, but I can't think of much mess aside from that.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 20, 2013, 01:22:33 pm
Ok this might sound stupid... But it says I have no rock to make things out of... Trying to make a few cabnits right now, and it keeps saying :No available economic stone"

There are PILES of granite, limestone, microline, etc.
As far as I know nothing is forbidden, I checked the stock lists.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on August 20, 2013, 01:43:04 pm
Can they get to them? Are they allready earmarked?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on August 20, 2013, 02:27:10 pm
They have yet to bring the stone to the stockpiles, and someone set all the workshops to only take from stockpiles (so they could choose the material of stuff, probably). I went through a LOT of stone very fast in the last few months.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 20, 2013, 03:32:52 pm
Yeah.. it would seem unless stone is brought to a specific stockpile, they won't use it... Ugh How do I turn this off so they can use ANy stone Anywhere?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on August 20, 2013, 03:35:06 pm
Just build another workshop, that way it won't have the stuff set and it keeps the settings for the other ones.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 20, 2013, 04:06:20 pm
Those stockpile rules were probably set by me, I use custom stockpiles and give/take options a lot with my fortresses. I know I used them to get piles of microcline and limestone blocks for building the entrance building. And also with jeweler's workshop, for decorating crafts and statues only. You're the boss now, just unset everything if you want. See the wiki page about stockpiles (

On the other hand, I've never had time to learn how to use minecarts properly so I didn't touch them.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on August 20, 2013, 04:35:26 pm
I don't think we should mess with those carefully set-up stockpile settings. Minecart incidents could ensue. In fact, shortly after I saved for the last time (so this didn't actually happen), I messed with them and someone got gibbed.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Zooeyzooey42 on August 21, 2013, 09:33:56 am
Could you name a dwarf Zooey? Preferably a swordsdwarf, but anything would be fine
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 21, 2013, 12:44:59 pm
Ill haver to see if theres any sworddwarfs NOT named at this point :P

Also.. Does ANYONE know what level opens the Drawbridge? I had to cut a hole in the wall to get out and.. well, I REALLY don't want to go pulling levels in the fort at random :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on August 21, 2013, 01:39:14 pm
Please don't cut holes in walls when you can open them with levers, it tends to let bad things in. Ask first. There are two levers in the lesser dining hall, the North one opens the surface bridge, the South one opens the caverns one (I think, might be other way around.)

AFAIK, the only levers we have control the drawbridges, pump stack, and waterworks, none of which are that dangerous. But I might have missed one. The Fire Driver was a 1-shot, so the lever for it doesn't do anything anymore. In fact, I might have deconstructed it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 21, 2013, 04:01:19 pm
Press N and point the cursor to a lever to see if there are any notes about it. I marked all levers I installed. The water pump stack has one lever/drawbridge combination at the bottom of the stack to control the intake tile and another lever/floodgate at the top where the well is.

If you've got DFHack installed, press Q, point to a lever/bridge/etc, type gui/mechanisms in the DFHack console (better add a hotkey for it) and you can see what's linked to what.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on August 21, 2013, 08:39:30 pm
Ok I figured it out, should have first up date by tomorrow.

All I have to say is so far B'Hrian is NOT please about the state of the fort in some places!
He will be writing a very stern letter!

Also there is something about our resident Lizard Woman getting out on a rampage.
Oh yes and the Baron lost his marbles because some how someone got a better tomb, but the screaming has stopped for now.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on August 21, 2013, 08:51:10 pm
How the hell did Zefon get out? She's sealed in! WTF did you do?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Timeless Bob on August 21, 2013, 10:35:33 pm
Please dorf me as one of the male babies (If there are any).  "Timeless Bob" should eventually grow up to be a Master Chef/Animal trainer.  I might take a turn if there are any open once "Timeless Bob" reaches his age of maturity.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: kero42 on August 22, 2013, 01:59:09 pm
Well, if people are being dwarfed, then I may as well make a request. Any male disposable migrant or crafts dwarf, named "Kero". Feel free to treat him like the disposable pile of meat he is, I don't mind if he dies early into the year if need be.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on August 23, 2013, 03:37:06 pm
on the stock pile issue a few post back.

i think i was the one who did that and i had a mine cart set up, i told it here (

i think it was so we only use limestone for crafts, if the main stone stockpile is full without any limestone then the other stockpile can't be filled and then no crafts can be made.

i did it because i thought that limestone was more worth more.

also crossroads you should make a list of people that want to be dwarfed and who wants to be overlord
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Zooeyzooey42 on August 31, 2013, 08:25:39 am
Crossroads come back!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on August 31, 2013, 11:48:30 am
Yes please!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cain12 on September 02, 2013, 12:58:51 pm
Anyone PM him already/ know whats up?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on September 02, 2013, 09:27:29 pm
Sorry I... kinda lost my job a bit ago -_-
trying to get things together and get a post up.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on September 02, 2013, 09:28:17 pm
Oh jeez that's not good :o
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on September 08, 2013, 04:58:48 am
Hang in there, Crossroads!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on September 09, 2013, 12:41:53 am
Want to let everyone know I am still alive, I actually have finished the whole year, trying ot get myself together to write it up.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on September 09, 2013, 12:48:27 am
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Zooeyzooey42 on September 09, 2013, 06:13:35 am
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on September 16, 2013, 11:47:13 am
Any news, Crossroads?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on September 19, 2013, 11:52:15 am
I'M  BACK!!!

Oh WOW I will never again be little someone for taking too long for personal problems...
The last month and half was HELL for me :/ Will not go into the gory details but lets say it was pretty hard just getting through day to day... Let along playing DF...

BUT!!! things are starting to look up for me and I have been writting up the turn!!!

I do still need some 'Help' from our brave audience!!!
Mostly, I play the game on my mac, and do not have a PC (please please, no hearing!)
As such I cannot use Stonesense or most other visual programs.

What I am looking for is for someone to download the version I Downloaded, before I started, and take the following screen caps...
1: Front gates and the massive pile of dead bodies, corpses, trash and blood.
2: Any other trash piles of noticeable size.
3: shot of the forge which has had made about 30 iron doors.
4: large overhead shot of the main "wall" around the city.
5: list of idle dwarves and stocks.

For those that help out, I ask to PLEASE not post the pics here, but send them to me via PM :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: flabort on September 19, 2013, 10:56:28 pm
Hooray!  :D
You're not dead! And hopefully employed (again?)!

Guesses as to why he needs those pics?
Mine is:
Before/After pictures!
1: He has a massive hauler/cleaner army now and cleaned it all up.
2: ditto.
3: greatly expanded the metals industry
4: Fortified and reinforced the wall
5: found work for all dwarves, and earned major amounts of wealth.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on September 20, 2013, 12:46:10 am
Well, I already posted a pic of the forges. Stonesense isn't too good at showing piles of garbage and gore, since all body parts are rendred as a tiny puddle of blood and it's hard to see it all with the grass. So maybe just a good old fashioned screenshot might show that better. Possibly with a tileset.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on September 20, 2013, 09:22:49 am
Glad to see things have improved for you, Crossroads!

Can't wait for the write-up, and did you get the pictures you need?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on September 20, 2013, 04:39:01 pm
I have no idea what the tileset that is being used right now, only that it looked... funky.. I tired installing good ol MAyday into it, since most people recgonize the bones trash and body parts from that set, but it never worked.
Going to be using a mix of both stonesense and Normal pics, wanted the stonesense ones since they show (IMHO) Puddles of blood so much more graphically ;)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on September 24, 2013, 06:54:13 am
Crossrods do you have all the pics yet?
If  ot il get them tomorrow?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on October 11, 2013, 11:27:17 am
Any chance of an update? Or at least the save file?

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: kesperan on October 19, 2013, 11:20:36 am
Kind of sad to see this crumble and die, was always my favourite succession game.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on October 19, 2013, 12:25:04 pm
Do not say such things. It only discourages continuing. Crossroads says he's played the turn, we need only wait for him to have time to post. I don't want his turn to go to waste.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on October 27, 2013, 10:54:07 am
Patiently waiting for an update!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on October 28, 2013, 03:31:09 pm
I sent a PM to Crossroads a week ago, haven't heard anything from him.

So... who's next in line?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on October 28, 2013, 04:27:19 pm
In fact, Crossroads hasn't been on since the beginning of this month. But I would hate to invalidate his turn.

According to first post, it ought to be Orky_Boss or Reudh
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on November 14, 2013, 10:10:35 am

Also I suggest doing 2 forks, bringing the world to a... crossroads... if you will.

One took a path left, another took a path right.

Onward they went.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on November 14, 2013, 01:37:06 pm
I'm a little worried about Crossroads, actually. He's been on recently, but hasn't posted. I hope RL isn't being too hard on him...

Anyway, Crossroads, don't worry about getting pictures at this point. Just write up what you have, post what pictures you have, we're all eager to see.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Zooeyzooey42 on December 01, 2013, 11:42:05 am
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on December 19, 2013, 03:28:19 pm
Hoping RL isn't too rough still, would love to see whats going on
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: ColdBones on December 23, 2013, 04:40:34 pm
I've spent a week reading this fantastic thread - Good job everyone!  I'd love to get in on the ground floor of something like this.

Anyway, I hope that it continues - and I hope real life isn't beating up on CrossRoads...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Zooeyzooey42 on January 04, 2014, 07:39:03 pm
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on January 05, 2014, 06:18:06 am
Skip Crossroads turn? It's no use letting this die because one player doesn't respond any more.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 05, 2014, 02:40:46 pm
I'm afraid we might have to. Orky or Reudh, I think
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ultraman on January 06, 2014, 08:05:40 pm
I read this entire thread, and I must say I am impressed.  I hope Crossroads is doing well though... Anyway keep up the good work!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on January 07, 2014, 11:17:38 am
I'm afraid we might have to. Orky or Reudh, I think
after all this time i geuss thats the only why of doing it.
but now we lost the first post so who will keep track of whose turn it is?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on January 07, 2014, 12:36:29 pm
Just have to start from here I guess, and when Crossroads is back (or has time to edit) we can just link to the first post. Who is next in line after Orky and Reudh? I don't remember, and I think the FP doesn't have a list of people past the Original 7 either. I know I was one of the ones who requested a turn, but I'm not sure who else did.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Immortal-D on January 08, 2014, 04:25:32 pm
I dare say this Fortress has the potential to rival the story of Boatmurdered.  If my work schedule pans out, I may request adding my name to the roster (assuming the line isn't already a dozen players long).
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on January 09, 2014, 06:41:23 am
Maybe someone who is willing to coordinate the whole thing can start a new thread and link to this one? So first post can be used again.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on January 10, 2014, 04:06:12 am
okay since there is a lot(i think) of interest in this game i am sending some pm's to people if they want to continue.
if we do then i think il organize it unless somebody feels they could do a better job at it
(i would not blame you i have never done something like this).
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on January 10, 2014, 02:39:21 pm
okay i have talked to reudh and he agreed to take his turn.
who's turn it is after him..... i don't know.
so anybody who wants a turn post it now and if anybody wants to be dwarfed post it as well il try to make a list
i would like to point out what we are trying to accomplish.

                              new turn list and dwarfing                           
we are building a capital for all the dwarfs.
we want a waterfall, massive towers, walls on epic proportion, we want to claim the caverns, built bedrooms in the magma, tame the magma, build temples to our gods,
this includes golden statues, studded with iron thrones, crafted by legend craftsmanship and whatever that god likes.
whatever you think belongs in a dwarven capital, we are building the mountain homes, so if you join you must contribute to it.....or you know keeping it alive cause we have 165 dwarfs walking around and we all know what 1 insane dwarf can do.

Phase 1: getting to the 'valley' completed
starting save (
Hero 1: Orky_Boss: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (; save ( dead by carp (
Hero 2: Reudh: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 6 (; save ( dead by dingo
Hero 3: Ubiq: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (; save (
Hero 4: uggi: 1 (; save ( dead by goblin
Hero 5: corai: 1 (; skipped
Hero 6: Fen: 1 (, 2 (; save ( dead by boogeymen
Hero 7: Torrasque666: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (; save ( dead by starvation
Hero 8: melkor: 1 (; save ( success
Hero 9: Phones: 1 (, 2 (; save ( dead by goblin
Hero 10: corai: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (; save ( dead by starvation
Hero 11:Orky_Boss: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (, 10 (, 11 (, 12 (, 13 (, 14 ( succes
Hero 12: Readh: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (, 10 (, 11 (, 12 (, 13 (, 14 (, 15 (, 16 (, 17 (,  18 (, 19 (, 20 (; save ( succes
Hero13: uggi: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (, 10 (, 11 (, 12 (, 13 (, 14 (, 15 (, 16 (, 17 (, 18 (, 19 (, 20 (, 21 (; save ( success
Hero14: HugoLuman: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (, 10 (; save ( success
Hero15: Crossroads Inc.: 1 (; save ( success

Phase 2: building the fort ongoing
Year 1: Crossroads Inc.: 1 (
Year 2: Ubiq: 1 (; save (
Year 3: Melkor: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (; save (
Year 4:Orky_Boss:   skipped (
Year 5:Reudh:skipped (
Year 6:Uggi: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (; save (
Year 7:HugoLuman: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 (, 6 (, 7 (, 8 (, 9 (, 10 (, 11 (, 12 (, 13 (, 14 (, 15 (, 16 (, 17 (, 18 (, 19 (, 20 (, 21 (, 22 (, 23 (, 24 (, 25 (; save (
Year 8:Crossroads Inc.: 1 (, 2 (; save (
Year 9: Reudh: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (, 4 (, 5 ( =108291.msg5205720#msg5205720), 
Year 10: lich180
Year 11: Immortal-D
Year 12: krenshala

There is a bit of confusion as i looked at people that had been dwarfed.
Since we were in adventure mode the original 7 aren’t set with a nickname in therapist.
But they do have a nickname but it’s in the game so if you dwarf somebody make sure your don’t override a adventure nickname.
People for dwarfing: green=dwarfed  white=waiting to be dwarfed
Nish koltulon=ubiq
Lord reudh II=reudh
Uggi II=uggi
B. Strain
Mr. Cat
Torrasque II
Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum (mason/engraver)
Thanatos (axedwarf)
Ankareth (wrestler)
ColdBones sword/mechanic
Immortal-D combo of skills
Dishmab (axe dwarf)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on January 10, 2014, 03:34:39 pm
Yup, I'll be starting my turn as soon as Melkor sends me the save.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on January 10, 2014, 03:59:45 pm
Yup, I'll be starting my turn as soon as Melkor sends me the save.

Link to latest save is in HugoLuman's post (, or direct link to DFFD here (

I know Crossroads had plans for building a water pump stack to up to the surface, he PM'd me (in last August) and asked for advice. Maybe you could build one.

Make sure you dump some food and drinks for Zefon, who's locked up in a cell.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on January 10, 2014, 04:29:06 pm
Yup, I'll be starting my turn as soon as Melkor sends me the save.

Link to latest save is in HugoLuman's post (, or direct link to DFFD here (

i send him that link so he should have the latest save

would you like to be put on the turn list?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on January 10, 2014, 04:42:13 pm
I requested a turn a while ago, and was also dorf'd. Put me down for a turn  :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: ColdBones on January 10, 2014, 06:11:13 pm
I wouldn't mind being dorfed either - as either a swordwarf or a mechanic.  Dealer's choice.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 10, 2014, 07:24:46 pm
I requested a turn a while ago, and was also dorf'd. Put me down for a turn  :)

Since you were dwarfed, would you narrate as the current "Lich" or get a new dwarf, given events?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Immortal-D on January 10, 2014, 10:10:19 pm
Ok, this is just too cool to pass up.  And in an effort to kickstart this game again; sign me up for a Dorf & a turn as Overseer.  Would prefer a skill combo of exotic and practical; like Gem Cutting/Setting, and maybe Fishing/Farming.  But really whatever is available or needed.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: flabort on January 11, 2014, 12:18:32 am
I've already got my dorf, although if you could set him up with more hammers at once, that would be appreciated.

Also, I'll pass on getting a turn as overseer, I'd rather just watch. It's interesting.  :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on January 11, 2014, 03:10:33 am
Before I start, are different tilesets okay? I'm thinking of using Phoebus.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on January 11, 2014, 03:49:11 am
I requested a turn a while ago, and was also dorf'd. Put me down for a turn  :)
I wouldn't mind being dorfed either - as either a swordwarf or a mechanic.  Dealer's choice.
Ok, this is just too cool to pass up.  And in an effort to kickstart this game again; sign me up for a Dorf & a turn as Overseer.  Would prefer a skill combo of exotic and practical; like Gem Cutting/Setting, and maybe Fishing/Farming.  But really whatever is available or needed.
Before I start, are different tilesets okay? I'm thinking of using Phoebus.

yes you can but if you could change it back to normal when your done that would be nice
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Immortal-D on January 11, 2014, 11:09:24 am
For the sake of organization, might it be better to start a new thread?  Since Melkor got this party rolling again, I think it appropriate if he take the reins.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on January 11, 2014, 12:00:38 pm
For the sake of organization, might it be better to start a new thread?  Since Melkor got this party rolling again, I think it appropriate if he take the reins.

nah we wanted to keep the same thread something with keeping it all together and stuf
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Immortal-D on January 11, 2014, 12:30:23 pm
Could just as easily copy the relevant portions into a new thread, but your call mate.  Just a bit weird needing to go to page 103 for a current status :p
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on January 11, 2014, 02:02:13 pm
I'm still up for taking a turn on this fortress.

Hopefully Crossroads can make it back.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 11, 2014, 02:03:36 pm
If he does, we can post it as a "world that never was" sort of thing. I still want to know what happened in his turn, tbh.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on January 11, 2014, 02:14:01 pm
If he does, we can post it as a "world that never was" sort of thing. I still want to know what happened in his turn, tbh.
And I would guess he would get bumped to the top of the list for whos next, assuming he's up to it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on January 12, 2014, 07:29:26 am
i have updated my post  here ( now we have a little bit more overview of what we up for
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: kesperan on January 12, 2014, 11:44:35 am
I am really happy to see this legendary thread up and running again.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Dorf me if you can. I normally call my dorfs Dishmab. Axe dorf if possible.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on January 12, 2014, 12:12:25 pm
I'm still up for taking a turn on this fortress.

Dorf me if you can. I normally call my dorfs Dishmab. Axe dorf if possible.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on January 15, 2014, 10:21:12 pm
I'll be starting my turn once the temperature in my town cools down (it's 44C) atm. It'll be in the next few days, maybe two days from now? My comp doesn't really enjoy the heat.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 15, 2014, 11:42:30 pm
Can't wait :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on January 18, 2014, 02:20:48 am
Alright, I'm starting as of this post, playing through a bit, then I'll have an update soon.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 18, 2014, 03:02:44 am
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on January 18, 2014, 06:16:37 am
Much rejoicing (
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Immortal-D on January 18, 2014, 01:18:11 pm
Much rejoicing (
LOL, I swear I was just thinking that.  Can't wait to read the stories from the new Overseers.  Depending on how things go, I may consider creaking a mockup of the Fortress in the Source Engine.  A barren speck of land with seemingly no value, in a world with strangely absent history.  Yet the Dwarves find a glorious underground realm to build the new Mountain Home.  Can't get much more classic than that.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 18, 2014, 06:47:00 pm
Um.. so yeah...
kind of forgot about this...

I REALLY Recommend using this Upload...
ok sure its Six <Months late./.. But I cleaned up a LOT of mess in the fort.
about to head out for now, again STRONGLY reckoned those here download it to take a look at the changes I made.

Changes to Fortress:
A PROPER outer wall:  A single One block big high wall to defend the first GREAT Dwarf City? I think not.
Consolidated workshops... I swear these where littered around helter skelter with equally random stock piles.
Begin laying out an underground City.  Or at least trying to.  Started construction of a "Halls Of Justice" with jails and courtroom as well as PROPER Crypts for the whole population, not just a few tons for the nobles.
Extended cave housing.  I like the idea of windy testing houses built into the cave ceiling, trying to make lots of these in the central city.
Re organized supply chains and constructions.  Basically Repurposed the stock rooms and specialized, its a bit daunting having GINAT stockpiles with everything all mixed together.
Added a Treasure room.  Basically a Room where all the stockpiles are set to "MASTERWORK" only... Anytime someone makes a MASTERPIECE, it ends up there.  Inside is a forge, crafts shop and a gem workshop.  Basically send a Legendary artist in and lock the door, and then he will decorate Masterwork items only.

Again, Sorry I almost let this thing Die, it was mine to start with.. have had a LOT of personal issues recently, and, well, it just didn't FEEL right to be playing the game until just recently... Really hope the Upload works.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: flabort on January 18, 2014, 06:52:25 pm
He's alive!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: kesperan on January 18, 2014, 07:00:24 pm
Lords! Welcome back Crossroads! Super glad you aren't dead!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 18, 2014, 07:20:02 pm
Hooray! Can we get a brief synopsis of what happened during your turn?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on January 18, 2014, 10:12:17 pm
Great! Glad to have you back, Crossroads!

I'll use your save then, because it's the most recent.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 19, 2014, 02:10:14 am
Not much happened, which was rather lucky...
There was one ambush, which was easily dealt with, and some elves came that we bought Vast amounts of clothing from and some Giant animals.

For the most part I was able to use the time Organize and Overhaul the Fortress as much as possible, and BOY did it need it!
Right now the biggest concerns are Clothing people, the dwarves seem to burn through a loT of clothing, and no matter how many pigtails I plant, there never seems to be enough thread.
Another problem is general unhappiness, mostly caused it seems from Militia not having enough breaks in their training schedule,
Another HUGE problem is that the Baron is throwing a tantrum every five minutes because SOMEONE has a bedroom better than his!  I Can't figure out WHO it is, but its REALLY pissing the baron off!!!

Food stocks is ok, but we are running low on meat and there REALLY does not seem to be much in the way of livestock.  We have TONS of bunnies, which give no meat, and Puppies, which are mostly used for war dogs.  So anyone that sees Cows and such PLEASE buy them!
Another reason we need Animals? SOAP!!!
Soap production is basically running on fumes, and without a steady supply of Fat we are going to run out VERY quickly.
Don't know what can be done about that, but something needs to.

In terms of projects?  Well there is the pump stack idea of a Water fall over the entrance.
that is a VERY complicated plan.. Not only do you have to have the water being pumped up from an infinite source, you will have to power it.. Hand pumping from Dwarves is not an option.
Also you will need an effect draining system to prevent HUGE amounts of crud and filth piling up from the Dwarves as it is washed off.

Oh, I am not sure but there MIGHT be a sleep sickness thing going on, not sure, I haven;t seen anyone in bed recently, and I am worried they have some sickness preventing them from sleeping?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 20, 2014, 06:24:01 am
Oj just a quick question...
For those that downloaded my save.. Did it load ok? I wasn't sure it compressed correctly, and want to make sure it wasn't corrupted or something.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on January 20, 2014, 06:28:34 am
Yeah, it loaded just fine. Since we got your save, I'm starting what I did over.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 20, 2014, 06:32:30 am
Ok good to know.
Hope you do not have to redo too much/

Let me know how noticeable some of my changes are, hopefully I've been able to improve efficiency quite a bit.

Oh and let me know if you use the TREASURE room for enchanting any masterworks.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on January 20, 2014, 07:13:55 am
Nah, I'd pretty much just started- we'd given up all hope of you coming back :P

I haven't seen much difference in efficiency yet, as i've pretty much just loaded up your save, haven't inspected much yet. Also, two miners appear to have been injured in a cave-in.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on January 20, 2014, 10:45:33 pm
Can't wait to see what happens.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: parlor_tricks on January 28, 2014, 01:59:56 am
Poke poke. Is it still alive?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on January 28, 2014, 03:30:16 am
Sure is, it's just hot in the past few days. Too hot to run DF without my computer overheating.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on January 28, 2014, 08:18:22 pm
Lol seriously Reudh?  Where do you live?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: flabort on January 28, 2014, 08:22:11 pm
Not in Alberta, I'll bet. Probably not even in Canada :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on January 28, 2014, 08:53:59 pm
Or in Michigan, it's been below zero the last week or so.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 28, 2014, 09:33:08 pm
Maybe in California. All these reports of the Polar Vortex make me envious. That probably makes me sound weird but I like the cold.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on January 28, 2014, 09:52:21 pm
I don't mind it, but when I have to do anything I prefer being able to breathe and not have any exposed flesh instantly freeze when I open the door  :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on January 28, 2014, 10:14:45 pm
I'm in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
It was 40C yesterday, and 38C before. We're having a fairly warm summer - a few weeks back it hit 44C, and Adelaide (a capital of another state) hit 46C and was the hottest capital city in the world on that day. My computer, while not too bad, seems to suffer from overheating problems, definitely exacerbated by heat.

I've got most of the stonesense pictures Crossroads asked for, but it'll be a little while before I upload them (internet's going pretty slow atm, 20kb/s down, less than that up)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on January 28, 2014, 11:26:21 pm
Here I go.

So, Crossroads came into my office, and spoke to me.
"As is the Fort's few years of tradition, we elect our latest overseer. As it is now the new year, we original seven decided it was your turn to join us as a vaunted Overseer."

I crowed. I jumped in the air, because ruling is fun! This is what Reudh II was meant to do!

Crossroads signed the papers and handed them to me- i locked them up in a hide-bag and clipped it shut with a basic knot. I figure, I must keep my ruling powers safe from the unwashed and unclean masses, right?

I decide to wander truly around my own realm and take stock of what I own. The best thing for a ruler to do, one thinks.
I've never really examined it all that closely since we founded the place - it's grown up remarkably well, so very fitting for the first dwarven capital of the world.

A pretty place, right? That is for sure.

"Keep up the good work, fellers!" I yell after them. Noface says nothing, just glowers at me. I think. He wears a mask, so I cannot see his face, but he radiates displeasure as if he felt that I was foolish for implying he was doing this for me. The other dwarves nod and resume sparring.

It is amusing to see animals in cages. They seem happy, but they also lash out where possible. Our cages are infinitely strong, and hold them tight in a pocket dimension. Hence, Kol is totally safe where he sits.

Beautiful it is. Microcline is an under-rated substance - like a poor man's Adamantine, but beautiful none-the-less.

Amazing building, for sure. It still lacks a little, but it can probably be seen for a long furlong around.

Spoiler: The Glass Tower (click to show/hide)
This partially furnished tower is filled with large, luxurious bedrooms, I presume for when our king or queen and their entourage arrive. Firefly remains adorn the top floor.

I do so look forward to ruling this place.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 29, 2014, 12:52:30 am
Ah. We seem to have converted more of our courtyard to building. Which is glorious, though we must reduce dependance upon animal products if we reduce pastures thus. Shouldn't be too hard.

It's funny that neither Crossroad's adventurer turn nor his fort one were recorded. I assume Bhrian Bloodaxe continued his reputation as a man of mystery. Did the previous recorded overseer ever get married?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on January 29, 2014, 04:15:01 am
yeah we got a update!

nice pictures, so what are you planning reudh? are we going to see some !FUN!

also how am i holding a shield while i only have 1 arm?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on January 29, 2014, 07:42:54 pm
Well known and well loved glitch where dwarves missing one arm will equip multiple items in the same hand. You can do this in Adventure Mode to have thousands of items in the same hand.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Immortal-D on January 31, 2014, 07:28:35 pm
What graphics mod are you using?  :o  That is fantastic!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on January 31, 2014, 07:38:02 pm
It's just stonesense. It's not a graphics mod, it's a utility that displays what's in the game using sprites.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on January 31, 2014, 08:25:21 pm
Yeah, it's an external program that reads from DF's memory and renders it in 3D isometric. It also shows you your dwarves happiness levels and whatever they're wearing (vanilla support for items only, I think).
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on January 31, 2014, 08:41:27 pm
I think some mods have support for items, but not many.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 01, 2014, 07:11:39 am
Awesome stuff Reudh!
Soo nice to see those pretty screen shots :)

Yeah, If I had it to do over again I would have done the full story for B'Hrian Bloodax.. I figured his "Story" would come out through engravings and other things, but ah well :P

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 01, 2014, 07:27:43 am
By the way, would you like all further screenshots in Stonesense, or standard DF? it's pretty trivial for me to print to file from Stonesense.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 01, 2014, 10:16:10 am
I think Stonesense shots are AWESOME!
Does it still have a 'Fullscreen" feature? Or is there a max size to pictures?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: jrrocks05 on February 01, 2014, 09:17:47 pm
Hi I never usually comment but I am now coming out of lurking.i would like an axedwarf named Thanatos (Greek god of death) he should have his own squad all he does is train (can you use dfhack to make sure he loves training and does not get unhappy about it) he always wears black he wears a hood so you can only see his mouth not his eyes or nose. He does not usually talk but when he does he is very dark. After a year of training please send him out with the founders please.

Also to get rid of prisoners dig out a room next to the werelizard and attach the rooms with an iron door that can only be opened by a lever drop the prisoners in the other room and when she turns into the lizard open the door

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: jrrocks05 on February 03, 2014, 02:37:46 pm
oh also make him a chain smoker with in his mouth there is always a cigarette. ( i know there is no cigarettes but for the sake of role play) 
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 03, 2014, 08:07:37 pm
I think I can do that. Heh. At least some of it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: jrrocks05 on February 04, 2014, 09:21:15 pm
Death by werelizard yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on February 08, 2014, 10:39:47 am
How goes the fort? Hopefully it's cooled down for you a bit IRL. I'd gladly give you some of the cold I've had
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ubiq on February 09, 2014, 01:46:02 am
Well known and well loved glitch where dwarves missing one arm will equip multiple items in the same hand. You can do this in Adventure Mode to have thousands of items in the same hand.

You can do this with both arms by just continually taking things out of your backpack. If you have a bin containing an artifact, you can create infinite clones of that artifact by continually taking them out of the bin. The minute you drop them, they vanish though.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 09, 2014, 07:15:40 am
How goes the fort? Hopefully it's cooled down for you a bit IRL. I'd gladly give you some of the cold I've had

Sadly, it hasn't cooled down one bit. Computer is overheating whenever I try anything CPU strenuous.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 09, 2014, 09:51:16 pm
How far in did you get?
Do you want to pass it on to someone else?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 09, 2014, 10:16:16 pm
Yeah, until I get a cooling mat (money is very low) I don't think I can play much on this computer. I don't want to risk my CPU burning out, as I simply cannot afford to replace it.

So probably best to pass it along... :(
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 10, 2014, 05:14:12 am
No worries, might as well trying to contact next person on the list.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 14, 2014, 03:21:41 am
reudh how is the weather looking near you right now, if you think that it will be cool enough for the weekend that go and play.

but if you think that it will be to hot again that il contact lich to say that its his turn.

btw did you play at all or can he use the last save, if not than upload it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 14, 2014, 04:03:54 am
It's been at the absolute coolest in the late 20s, but for the most part late 30s in Celsius. It will be cool enough to play on the weekend, but I'm doing kitchen reno most of that time.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 15, 2014, 06:34:37 am
It sounded like you did get a fair bit of construction done Reudh, interested to know what you accomplished :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on February 20, 2014, 11:32:12 am
Finally starting to thaw out in the forbidden north here, hoping to see an update soon.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 20, 2014, 07:47:41 pm
Update is coming, now that I've managed to pull myself out of the depression i've been feeling lately.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 20, 2014, 07:54:38 pm
Update is coming, now that I've managed to pull myself out of the depression i've been feeling lately.
Hooray! For you and the story!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 20, 2014, 09:43:27 pm
In my continued wanderings of the fort, whereby I am working out how to apply my skills to run this place the best, I came across this gem.


I feel that Bomrek's depiction of Noface is a little cultish... I mean, the "Beige Messiah"? I'm pretty sure Noface isn't beige. Actually, I don't think anyone's seen his face, so who can see or tell?

The situations with our stocks seemed dire, until I took a closer look.


Anywho, I am presented with the latest goings-on in the fort, neatly appended to a list of complaints about a lack of hair or some such thing.


Looking over the stone stockpile and how efficiently it is set up is amazing. Truly, a feat of engineering.


But, as I said - I have a surprise for our local werelizard - a troll by the name of Azstrog.
Three squads ready to pounce should the troll try to make a break for it - I have set up a pitting zone to drop the troll on top of Zefon. If Zefon wins, then we have a ready execution chamber for POWs, and if Zefon loses then we have a slight problem, but one easily remedied. Zefon should not lose, because Azstrog cannot bring its full strength to bear - it has a broken right arm and is missing its left hand.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 20, 2014, 10:05:24 pm
I receive the news that Zefon has transformed back into a dwarf. This is not good.


Squads are on standby if she fails to kill the beast.

But like a demon possessed, Zefon leaps upon the troll, scratching, kicking, punching and biting like I have never seen.

The troll is left considerably worse for wear from her assault, and only managed to grab her once, but then lost its grip.

Zefon, in contrast, is yet to receive a single injury.

Watching closely, the troll becomes angry, and with its remaining good hand picks Zefon up and flings her across the room, bruising her legs a little. She responds with a kick, shattering its remaining good hand, and then promptly gets flung in the air again, but this time landing on the troll, stunning them both. Zefon recovers first, and lets out a veritable barrage of hits, which fail to do much but bruise the monster's muscles and spleen, but evidently this is enough to make the troll pass out.

Zefon lets out a huff, and retreats to the end of the room. She runs at it again, pummeling the prone Troll's skull with her fists, bruising it but failing to punch through. The troll remains inert. The troll realises that someone is trying to kill it, wakes up, only to be bit on the leg by the manic Zefon.
With its broken hand, it swats her off its leg, then panicking, it tries to break down the door. Zefon is huffing and puffing behind it, but her bruises have healed.

Even in her unarmed, unarmoured dwarf form, our Werelizard is a sight to behold.

The pummelling on the door makes the beast pass out from pain again. Zefon gives up on the fight and begins running in circles, while the troll lays broken and slumped on the door, bleeding and crying.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 20, 2014, 11:20:59 pm
The last overseer would have just thrown the troll in our lava trap, but gladiatorial events are always fun. Try not to get Zefon killed, though.

Wait, why is there a gap in the wall between Zefon's room and that other bedroom? That seems dangerous.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 21, 2014, 02:15:19 am
That was there at the start of my turn, I think. They're both sealed off.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on February 21, 2014, 05:02:37 am
nice update good to see we are moving forward.

we should make a big arena for fight, since this is the mountain-homes.
another thing to ad on the list of great structures.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on February 21, 2014, 06:24:30 am
I'm rooting for our resident werelizard, as dangerous as she might be she could come in handy for something
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: jrrocks05 on February 21, 2014, 10:40:54 pm
Yay my idea was used
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on February 22, 2014, 01:19:58 am
nice update good to see we are moving forward.

we should make a big arena for fight, since this is the mountain-homes.
another thing to ad on the list of great structures.
Awesome IDea, only question is WHERE?

Also Reudh FANTASTIC Update! WelI worth the Wait I feel!
Love the Fight with the troll! Also SO Good seeing all those Stonesense pcis!
GOD has it come a long way!!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 22, 2014, 03:27:37 am
We have plenty of space, and I can lay down the preliminary ground work - being such a big task, I doubt I could finish it in one year.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 22, 2014, 03:24:10 pm
You could seal Zefon in the potential site, and have her dig it herself.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on February 22, 2014, 09:40:07 pm
Hmm, I could definitely throw a pickaxe down to her.

Most construction is going on to finish off the fortifications on the walls at ground level - we're missing a few. I also started extending the Iron Road.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on February 26, 2014, 07:56:53 pm
Where did Zefon even come from? I don't remember if we ever found out. Dug in Legends and nothing really pops up except for having a few kids, being concerned with mortality and being cursed.

Never had a weredwarf migrate to MY forts, at least.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on February 26, 2014, 08:35:18 pm
She showed up in the middle of a battle during my turn, butt-naked and with an announcement. Strangely, she wasn't hostile and after a couple (in game) weeks went from "friendly" to "no job"
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on February 26, 2014, 08:55:56 pm
Ah ok. That is very strange then.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ankareth on March 05, 2014, 06:35:51 am
Wow, just finished reading the whole thread. Truly is a tale worth of admiration, from every side: the adventures, the fortress' overseers and also the actual players had something special! (I mean that in a good way, I absolutely mean no disprespect for your RL troubles, but they somehow looked to me as something that made even more special the very first Fortress...! Like "we made it through everything not only this but also other universe threw to us!)

To be truly honest I came out from lurking not only to congratulate to everybody who put something of themselves into this... I rather egoistically would like to get a little place in this story, if possible some kind of wrestler/bare-handed fighter called "Ankareth"... If that isn't possible, then I'll gladly keep following you!

Strike the Earth, Legendary Dwarves!

PS:sorry for my terrible english, not my native language...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on March 06, 2014, 08:54:12 pm
LOL Thanks for the words of encouragement :D
I think the biggest "Victory" to this whole thread is the fact that it can goes MONTHS without updating, but still remains Alive!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on March 06, 2014, 09:42:23 pm
Well this has been going for almost 2 years now, I think roughly a year for the legendary founders and a year for the fort. Not bad at all, considering the number of attempts of founders and other issues dealt with IRL. Pretty dang impressive, all things considered.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on March 11, 2014, 05:41:20 am
Hmmm Anyone heard from Reudh in a while?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on March 11, 2014, 05:52:16 am
Don't worry, I'm still playing the fort. Just been very busy lately.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on March 11, 2014, 09:35:10 pm
Aha! no worries! Just giving the occasional poking and making sure your active :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on March 20, 2014, 10:30:15 am
Any news yet?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: lorb on March 20, 2014, 02:24:28 pm
Aha! no worries! Just giving the occasional poking and making sure your active :D
Coming from the person who was inactive for months on his/her turn.  :P ;D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on March 20, 2014, 07:06:59 pm
Yes well… I'd learned my lesson! And, there WERE extenuating circumstances there :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on March 20, 2014, 09:40:14 pm
I shall have an update in the next day - to day and a half. Wooo!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on March 21, 2014, 09:48:11 am
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on March 23, 2014, 04:14:27 am
Progress is ongoing! I'm getting fortifications on the south side of the Citadel built. It's going pretty smoothly.


We received word that our stocks of limonite was running low, so I carved out an unsightly area in the east of the citadel, as it had limonite.


Down in the caverns, I heard a yowl! Not what you'd think, though. Zefon just turned into a werelizard again, and started giving the terrified troll Azstrog a beating. Zefon tore its right hand off, and broke the other one, as well as kicking its teeth out of its skull. The troll promptly passed out, and Zefon turned back, and fled as far away as she could from the troll.


And, not long afterwards - a diplomat appeared, struggling through the brush.



Not long after her, some tired looking merchants followed. I raised the gate after they were in, and the squaddies jumped into position, ready to defend the merchants.


One of them has the most glorious facial hair I've yet seen on a human.


Anywho, I buy some alcohol and a few pieces of weaponry. I am considering buying some animals, too, but they seem quite expensive.

I'm going to cut off here, as I need to go to bed early for uni tomorrow. Another update coming after uni.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on March 23, 2014, 08:57:42 pm
We can afford expensive, quite easily. Trap components blow the human mind, apparently.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on March 24, 2014, 02:28:53 am
I tried to do the start from the dawn of time by myself, and I started on an island... When I left town my companion got killed by a camel crossing the first river then that night the camel got killed by a fire demon.

Swimming over oceans is terrible though, the game freezes every time it tries to load a chunk.

Also, could I be dwarfed in the fortress? As a female mason or engraver if possible please!
If not then a fisherdwarf.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: PABadger on March 29, 2014, 08:35:54 am
Hey, I've got a question that you guys may be able to answer. I seem to remember way back during the adventurer phase that there was someone who grabbed the dead body of one of the guys who didn't make it and carried it all the way to the fortress. Did that body ever get buried, and is there a way to bury dead dwarves from before embark?

I know it's a bit odd, but I thought I might as well ask.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on March 30, 2014, 09:11:19 pm
Nope, because burial is assigned by unit. The corpse itself is merely an item according to the game, and if the unit it belonged to died off site, then their unit is off-site and cannot be selected for burial. I believe they just build a vault around it.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: StupidElves on April 01, 2014, 02:19:54 pm
Can someone name a dwarf after me?


Also, I'd join in but I don't know how to upload the saves and whatnot also I'm in college so I don't have much time for the game.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aristion on April 02, 2014, 06:00:24 pm
Put my name in for this.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on April 05, 2014, 06:31:36 am
To be truly honest I came out from lurking not only to congratulate to everybody who put something of themselves into this... I rather egoistically would like to get a little place in this story, if possible some kind of wrestler/bare-handed fighter called "Ankareth"... If that isn't possible, then I'll gladly keep following you!
Hi I never usually comment but I am now coming out of lurking.i would like an axedwarf named Thanatos (Greek god of death) he should have his own squad all he does is train (can you use dfhack to make sure he loves training and does not get unhappy about it) he always wears black he wears a hood so you can only see his mouth not his eyes or nose. He does not usually talk but when he does he is very dark. After a year of training please send him out with the founders please.
Also, could I be dwarfed in the fortress? As a female mason or engraver if possible please!
If not then a fisherdwarf.
Can someone name a dwarf after me?
added to be dwarfed

Put my name in for this.

put you in line for turn

also Reudh could you dwarf a few people and be careful i have said this before but some dwarfs don't have nicknames but are players. like mine
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on April 13, 2014, 07:36:26 pm
How's things been going Reudh?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aristion on April 14, 2014, 10:21:14 pm
I meant to be dwarfed not put in line to play. Proabably should of specified that....
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 21, 2014, 12:54:45 am
Ok a while ago I think Melkor sent me an E-mail with an updated First page listing new people who wanted to be Dwarfed.

I have TOTALLY lost that E-mail and looking for a repost :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on April 21, 2014, 01:19:07 am
Shucks, I've neglected this for too long. Got term break, so i can churn out an update today and HOPEFULLY *fingers crossed* the rest of the week.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on April 21, 2014, 07:05:02 am
Keeping our eye on you!!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on April 21, 2014, 07:16:25 am
Reudh here! We have migrants! Hooray!

A dwarf smoking some dried up plant waltzed up to the fort today.

"Name's Thanatos. I like 'ter smoke. I'd like to be a militia captain, please."

As Thanatos had no saleable skills otherwise, I drafted him into a squad I call "The Cigarette Smokers".

Behind Thanatos walks in a proud dwarven lady. "I don't care what you put me to work as, as long as I get to break some necks!"

Right. I put the lady, "Ankareth", she tells me, in the same squad as Thanatos.

Spoiler: Ankareth Tongsochre (click to show/hide)

An unhappy, nearly seditious looking dwarf follows behind Thanatos and Ankareth.
"Hi. I'm a mason. Name's Kaladin Anrizlokum Lorbamidash. You need masons, right? Thanks."
Turns out she was unhappy because she disliked the way things were done in an "other fort". Such a thing is an odd concept. Also, she has weird lines on her face, and walks with an odd gait? I think that's what 'old' is, but we've only been in existence for seventeen years.

The last dwarf to enter the fort sprints in.
I tell him, "No, most certainly not!"

As unhinged as he seems, he's nice enough. I let him in, as a hauler.

A baby crawls around, lightly headbutting the nearby Noface. Playful little beggar, he is. One of the first generation to be born on this planet, and not come into being. Noface nearly trips over the little baby, flings his twin picks aside, narrowly missing Bhrian, and picks the little blighter up.
"Bllggghgdlhbglhl..." the baby dwarf burbles at him.

Noface holds the baby at arms length, looking at it curiously through his mask. I can't tell whether Noface adores him or wants to eat him.

"ARISTION! THERE YOU ARE!? I've been looking everywhere for you!"
The baby's mother stopped when she saw the masked dwarf sheepishly holding Aristion.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Djonin on April 23, 2014, 03:26:01 am
Sweet holy hell, I've spent the last week or two reading through this story! And all I can say is, I want in. I'm terrible with fortress mode, and the backlog for a new fortress leader is a mile long to begin with, but I do know what I can do! I can get some of these historic moments of the fort drawn out in engraving form, for all to enjoy!

Would everyone be okay if I got dwarfed as an engraver, and while events happened, I gave a bit of rp'ed commentary and uploaded some artwork of historic moments? I promise I won't just draw cheese and people climbing mountains.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on April 23, 2014, 04:30:18 am
Certainly! I'll dwarf you this instant. Male engraver, right?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on April 23, 2014, 09:26:29 am
I meant to be dwarfed not put in line to play. Proabably should of specified that....

just now changed you from overseer to dwarfed but reudh has already dwarfed you.

Would everyone be okay if I got dwarfed as an engraver, and while events happened, I gave a bit of rp'ed commentary and uploaded some artwork of historic moments? I promise I won't just draw cheese and people climbing mountains.

added, and i don't mind at all if you rp your dwarf

Ok a while ago I think Melkor sent me an E-mail with an updated First page listing new people who wanted to be Dwarfed.

I have TOTALLY lost that E-mail and looking for a repost :P

il send another mail

reudh there are a few more people that need to be dwarfed
ColdBones sword/mechanic
Immortal-D combo of skills
Dishmab (axe dwarf)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on April 24, 2014, 04:28:23 am
A kobold thief called Fafalramer was spotted attempting to steal from the trade depot! Uggi made quick work of him, a casual stab from his sword decapitated the little Kobold.

Uggi walked back, absolutely ecstatic. He said to me "Ah, it's a fine day, isn't it, Reudh? I feel bright and happy! Joy in ending a thief's life! Oh, what could be better?"

He beamed, as a sullen, angry dwarf woman walked through the depot, near where Uggi was training.

"Oh, Id! Id! Come here!" he shouted at the woman.
"Reudh, this is my lover Id Priestorbs! She loves my ego."

"Hello, Reudh. We'd appreciate you keep this quiet, as it's... not really out in the open yet," Id said to me.
"But of course! I do wonder why you told me this, though - I wouldn't've guessed otherwise! Additionally, you strange people - stating this in the trade depot? Why?"

Uggi just kind of went white. "I... don't know.... WAIT A SECOND! WATCH THIS, ID!"

Another kobold was spotted. He chased the creature down, kicked it over and opened its head as neatly as you would a letter.

How very odd. Then, came a horn - "MIGRANTS!"

"Ho there! I'm Coldbones! Is this Ralevost Mestthos?" a dwarf asked me.
"Indeed it is. Welcome home, dwarf."

Spoiler: "ColdBones" Dawntin (click to show/hide)

Behind Coldbones walked in two more dwarves. They were:

Spoiler: Immortal-D Smithspears (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Dishmab Syrupsprays (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: StupidElves on April 24, 2014, 05:20:11 am
Oh dear God, I'm a mentally unstable dwarf who hates elves with every fiber of his being. I'm going to love RPing his life in the fortress.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: kesperan on April 24, 2014, 05:26:39 am
Dishmab looks like great axedwarf material to me!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on April 24, 2014, 12:51:46 pm
How are the falcons we domesticated doing?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on April 24, 2014, 02:42:08 pm
i like how uggi 'scratches' the goblin and breaks its leg
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on April 24, 2014, 03:57:13 pm
i like how uggi 'scratches' the goblin and breaks its leg
One shudders to think what would happen if he flicked someone.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on May 01, 2014, 08:06:47 am
Our founders are just overpowered after all that rock throwing and violent dismemberment of various critters.

Noface though... he's one that I'm glad is on our side  8)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on May 03, 2014, 12:18:26 pm
i was bored so i took a more intense look at the save and i noticed that we have a channel in our underground lake that is draining it of our map.
who did that and how did you do it, i thought that you couldn't dig out the outer tiles.

also what do people say if we started building giant statues of dwarfs on our front lawn?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 03, 2014, 12:40:25 pm
Sounds good to me!

I think that MIGHT have been part of the unfitted project to floor the area around the fort and make a Lake and Waterfall near the entrance :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on May 03, 2014, 12:51:50 pm
so it was you?
it have a feeling that it could be the cause of some frame issues
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 03, 2014, 01:01:55 pm
Is it the one with the big carved room above it? Yeah, I was making a hospital that was going to have several wells, but then I realized we already had a hospital. I think I went over this at the end of my turn, though. There are two levers to control the floodgates which regulate the water flow, located near the door of that room.

Wait, floor the surface over? But then how would our animals graze?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on May 03, 2014, 01:49:31 pm

Is it the one with the big carved room above it? Yeah, I was making a hospital that was going to have several wells, but then I realized we already had a hospital. I think I went over this at the end of my turn, though. There are two levers to control the floodgates which regulate the water flow, located near the door of that room.

aah i see, i must say the cavern housing is pretty awesome, but i stil wonder how you removed the outer titles. when i play i cant design anything with the border titles so how did you do it.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 03, 2014, 01:50:11 pm
I smoothed them then carved fortifications.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on May 03, 2014, 01:59:18 pm
aah should have looked around a bit more
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on May 05, 2014, 07:58:59 pm
So, I was a general, and quit... and am almost 200 years old. Does that make me the first dwarf ever? And have the most military experience out of anyone on the planet?
Can I be an engraver too? When I play DF I always make my masons engravers, they just go together for me.

I also seem to be missing some likes/dislikes in that thing about me.

Actual spoiler.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on May 06, 2014, 09:01:40 am
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

ooh y i forgot about those, seems to me we should make a vampire tower outside our wall to kill any invading forces
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 06, 2014, 12:36:40 pm
Though with worldgen being stopped so early, it's possible no vampires exist at all. Still, we did get a werelizard, so you never know...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on May 06, 2014, 05:01:30 pm
No, 200 years is after the final death date possible... right? But it only world genned for 5 years? What year is it?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 06, 2014, 05:16:08 pm
Let's see... I think we stopped worldgen at year 10, but it took about a year of adventuring before we got 7 to the fort, so it started in year 11. Now it's year 16.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on May 06, 2014, 06:11:24 pm
Doesn't that mean I should have died before world gen started?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 06, 2014, 09:10:51 pm
Well, with the [MAXAGE] tag, what it does is assume that the min-max values are average for that race. Dwarf is 150-170, I think. For every year after 170, a dwarf has an increasing chance of dying on their birthday.

Being that Kaladin is 194, means he passed 24 ever-more-difficult rolls to check if he is still alive.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: GavJ on May 06, 2014, 10:07:42 pm
Though with worldgen being stopped so early, it's possible no vampires exist at all. Still, we did get a werelizard, so you never know...
Vampires do exist amongst the very first generated historical figures, right from the start. They ALSO get generated later by folks being cursed by gods for profaning temples and such (or if somehow you ingest vampire blood, though I don't believe that happens during world gen).

So earlier in history isn't actually necessarily more or less full of vampires. Depends whether they are getting killed off faster or slower than new dwarves are profaning temples.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 06, 2014, 10:10:05 pm
AFAIK, only the syndrome raws are generated. The initial people to get those syndromes come from deity curses.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: GavJ on May 06, 2014, 10:13:32 pm
It is possible that I was reading the legends incorrectly (i.e. missed where it said they were cursed in the list of events sometimes)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on May 07, 2014, 10:54:03 am
Well, with the [MAXAGE] tag, what it does is assume that the min-max values are average for that race. Dwarf is 150-170, I think. For every year after 170, a dwarf has an increasing chance of dying on their birthday.

Being that Kaladin is 194, means he passed 24 ever-more-difficult rolls to check if he is still alive.

I am a girl...
And am the only dwarf with gold eyes. Everyone else has brass eyes.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on May 07, 2014, 12:12:23 pm
Well, with the [MAXAGE] tag, what it does is assume that the min-max values are average for that race. Dwarf is 150-170, I think. For every year after 170, a dwarf has an increasing chance of dying on their birthday.

Being that Kaladin is 194, means he passed 24 ever-more-difficult rolls to check if he is still alive.

I am a girl...
And am the only dwarf with gold eyes. Everyone else has brass eyes.

its almost as if you want us to go on a witch hunt.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on May 07, 2014, 03:27:08 pm
Well, with the [MAXAGE] tag, what it does is assume that the min-max values are average for that race. Dwarf is 150-170, I think. For every year after 170, a dwarf has an increasing chance of dying on their birthday.

Being that Kaladin is 194, means he passed 24 ever-more-difficult rolls to check if he is still alive.

I am a girl...
And am the only dwarf with gold eyes. Everyone else has brass eyes.

its almost as if you want us to go on a witch hunt.

Hunting me because of golden eyes would be racism. You monster.
Just because of less grey skin (I did look up the colours) and brighter eyes, you would kill me?

Also I am the "oldest" dwarf ever, and trained in battle strategy.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 07, 2014, 03:35:10 pm
Actually, the Dwarves of our kingdom seem to have Dark Tan skin for the most part, with pale brown hair and brass eyes. Grey isn't even a possible dwarven color.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Aseaheru on May 07, 2014, 03:37:20 pm
I thought that oldagedeath was determined at birth...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 07, 2014, 03:41:42 pm
Actually, Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum, your dwarf's profile matches Zefon Lorbamidash's profile EXACTLY! Reudh, did you rename a migrant, or did you pick someone from the fort? Either a duplication bug has occured, someone tried to disguise herself as Zefon, this is an extreme coincidence, or Reudh mistook our resident werelizard for just a random worker.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on May 07, 2014, 04:59:49 pm
Dark tan is a greyish brown, while sandy taupe is a golden brown.

I believe I am pretending to be a werebeast... because it would be sad to not be existing...
It is possible I am a ghost possessing Zefon.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 07, 2014, 05:14:06 pm
If Reudh did rename Zefon, then I'm afraid he'll have to change your dwarf, because Zefon is already an established character.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on May 07, 2014, 05:31:10 pm
Yeah, I know. And that's ok.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 07, 2014, 08:05:12 pm
If Reudh did rename Zefon, then I'm afraid he'll have to change your dwarf, because Zefon is already an established character.

That's quite possible. Lemme just start it up.

FAKE EDIT: Yes. Yes, I did.

Okay, I renamed Zefon to "Zefon", that way it shows up as an edited nickname. My bad.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 07, 2014, 08:14:28 pm
This is why it's better to use migrants, if at all possible.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on May 07, 2014, 09:53:37 pm
Well, that's disappointing. You need to fix the labors then. That could have ended badly... ::)

Also it would be better if my name was just Kaladin "last name". Just easier to read and such.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on May 08, 2014, 03:34:10 am
Well, with the [MAXAGE] tag, what it does is assume that the min-max values are average for that race. Dwarf is 150-170, I think. For every year after 170, a dwarf has an increasing chance of dying on their birthday.

Being that Kaladin is 194, means he passed 24 ever-more-difficult rolls to check if he is still alive.

I am a girl...
And am the only dwarf with gold eyes. Everyone else has brass eyes.

its almost as if you want us to go on a witch hunt.

Hunting me because of golden eyes would be racism. You monster.
Just because of less grey skin (I did look up the colours) and brighter eyes, you would kill me?

Also I am the "oldest" dwarf ever, and trained in battle strategy.

lets face it guys we are racists.
we hate elfs for their pointy ears.
we hate humans bacause they are taller then us.
and we hate goblins because they are green.
i would not be surprised if we would hate you for having golden eyes

ooh wait it was zefon, ooh nvm then we wil hate whatever dwarf you get dwarfed as then
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 08, 2014, 10:39:38 am
Dwarves are racist, but not arbitrarily so:

Hate elves for getting all touchy about the trees and talking down to dwarves
Hate goblins for pillaging, kidnapping, and killing
Humies are ok, usally
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: GavJ on May 08, 2014, 11:39:34 am
Elves are way worse than goblins. At least goblins stand by their convictions. They want to snatch some babies, and they by gods DO IT.

Elves deeply hate those who disrespect nature, but yet they don't bother to say anything about it unless you have nobility to talk to. Being snooty is more important than their core ethics, I guess. All the while they're trading with you anyway, two faced, inconsistent fops.  Then when you do get a baron they're like "Oh uh please don't chop down trees" and then a whole year later "Uh I'm just trying to be polite here, guy, maybe a compromise? Maybe like, 200 trees? Please like me!" And then a whole year later, maybe they'll get around to invading if you chop down the whole forest. Something like 7 years after you first performed capital offenses in their eyes? And even then they don't even stand you down face to face about it. They snipe you from the tree line. As if they still want you to like them even while invading ("maybe he won't know it's us shooting him!").

They are the very embodiment of pushovery passive aggressive,.... everything the opposite of dwarves.

I'm willing to bet if you captured their diplomat with a webbed trap, then chained him in front of the trading depot with an elven caravan, build a carpentry shop right in front of them from freshly cut trees 10 yards away, crafted new wooden bolts, and slowly firing squadded him to death with untrained marksdwarves in front of them... and then tried to sell the bolts to the caravan, they probably still wouldn't declare war on you.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 08, 2014, 12:45:21 pm
Nah, attacking a diplomat with your military is pretty much garaunteed war. However, so far we've had good relations with them. I think they worship our green glass goods.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on May 08, 2014, 07:17:28 pm

its almost as if you want us to go on a witch hunt.

Hunting me because of golden eyes would be racism. You monster.
Just because of less grey skin (I did look up the colours) and brighter eyes, you would kill me?

Also I am the "oldest" dwarf ever, and trained in battle strategy.

lets face it guys we are racists.
we hate elfs for their pointy ears.
we hate humans bacause they are taller then us.
and we hate goblins because they are green.
i would not be surprised if we would hate you for having golden eyes

ooh wait it was zefon, ooh nvm then we wil hate whatever dwarf you get dwarfed as then

Also, wouldn't golden eyes be a good thing, because gold is worth more?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: GavJ on May 08, 2014, 07:37:25 pm
Also, wouldn't golden eyes be a good thing, because gold is worth more?
No no no. it means that your EYES are worth more. Not you. And I think we all know where that leads. The same place that merpeople's valuable bones lead, that's where.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on May 08, 2014, 09:08:14 pm
Also, wouldn't golden eyes be a good thing, because gold is worth more?
No no no. it means that your EYES are worth more. Not you. And I think we all know where that leads. The same place that merpeople's valuable bones lead, that's where.

Have fun with those eyes. They are actually in the resident were-beast so unlimited numbers, if you want to torture old ladies. You monster.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on May 09, 2014, 04:31:11 am
ooh god lets not start a golden eyes farm pls i was already disturbed when i learned there was a post dedicated to farming merpeople bones
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on May 09, 2014, 10:18:58 am
I was still pretty fresh to Dwarf Fortress when I learned about that. My general reaction was "wow, the techniques used are incredible! What other crazy stuff have people done?" Rather than the usual horror most people would show...

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: GavJ on May 09, 2014, 11:10:09 am
Also, wouldn't golden eyes be a good thing, because gold is worth more?
No no no. it means that your EYES are worth more. Not you. And I think we all know where that leads. The same place that merpeople's valuable bones lead, that's where.

Have fun with those eyes. They are actually in the resident were-beast so unlimited numbers, if you want to torture old ladies. You monster.

We can do ethical harvesting. Being a werebeast, we probably want to sedate her anyway so you know, she doesn't like kill people and stuff. So all's we have to do is sedate her a few minutes earlier right before the full moon, harvest her eyes, and then they'll almost instantly grow back, and she won't even be awake for it.

No-suffering eye harvesting! Tell your friends.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 09, 2014, 03:30:51 pm
I'm just waiting for the one unethical overseer to come along who'll try to start controlled infections.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on May 09, 2014, 03:38:41 pm
Can you sedate a were-beast? Wouldn't the drug go away when she changes?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 09, 2014, 03:42:00 pm
The more pertinent question is; are there any randomly generated syndromes in this world than can act as a sedative?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on May 09, 2014, 04:23:24 pm
I'm just waiting for the one unethical overseer to come along who'll try to start controlled infections.

to be fair i would like the mountain homes to have a special 'were' part where only the residents with a 'were' tag are allowed to enter
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 09, 2014, 04:38:40 pm
(Which reminds me, should we bring back falcon monsters? The raws for the syndrome are still sitting in the save somewhere.)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on May 12, 2014, 08:04:40 pm
What do you mean by "Falcon Monsters?"
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ankareth on May 14, 2014, 11:13:11 am
If i don't remember wrong, there was a falcon monster generated by cursing (or something like that of) one the humans followers on top of a volcano...

Lot of pages ago, the mystery ravels through the mists of time...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on May 14, 2014, 02:18:33 pm
Happens during Hugo's turn, with Noface if I remember right.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Mr.Mountain on May 14, 2014, 11:34:59 pm
Woah, woah. I opened this thread up to see what the dawn of time challenge was, and instead I find people posting about falcon monsters and sacrificing human followers. Better than expected. Give me explanation, or I provide devastation.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 14, 2014, 11:45:39 pm
Well, for a start you could read the OP.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Mr.Mountain on May 15, 2014, 09:24:43 am
Well, for a start you could read the OP.

I did. But at this point, I'm not sure if I can catch up with 114 pages worth of a succession game.  :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 15, 2014, 10:45:08 am
Well, now you know it's a succession game. You don't need to read all the pages, there are links to story posts in the OP.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on May 18, 2014, 11:18:13 pm
The more pertinent question is; are there any randomly generated syndromes in this world than can act as a sedative?

You mean where are the syndromes that act as a sedative, right? There has to be one. You might not survive it, but it would exist.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: HooliganintheFort on May 19, 2014, 10:26:50 pm
Read the entire thing.  Great so far and I hope this fort doesn't fall too soon. Also is there any chance that I could be dwarfed? I would gladly serve my overlords.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ankareth on May 20, 2014, 03:22:55 am
Also, if you set your post to maximum per page you have a mere 35 pages to read :P

But... We need updates! How's everything doing?

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: HooliganintheFort on May 20, 2014, 08:21:00 pm
Well maybe not the adventuring part hehe. But the fortress part I did!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on May 22, 2014, 07:03:18 am
yeah reudh how are things going with the fort. stil trouble with the heat
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on May 22, 2014, 07:58:38 am
Nah, it's cooled down - i've got exams in the coming weeks, but i will be free after that to put out more updates.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 22, 2014, 07:49:46 pm
good to hear! Looking forward to seeing how this turn wraps up.
Trying to remember who the next person is :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on May 23, 2014, 07:58:14 am
I'm next, according to the first post. Definitely looking forward to my turn  8)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 23, 2014, 10:17:17 am
Me too, given what happened to your dwarf during mine...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on May 23, 2014, 12:48:24 pm
Heheheh yeah, I've been thinking of how to roleplay it, and keep the theme going.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 23, 2014, 08:31:53 pm
Will it be our Wrex/StarkRavingMad year?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Arcvasti on May 23, 2014, 08:35:17 pm
Ooh, can I have a dwarf. Preferably an architect/mason or something in that range.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on May 23, 2014, 11:18:30 pm
Ooh, can I have a dwarf. Preferably an architect/mason or something in that range.

Going to steal my stoneworker?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 23, 2014, 11:25:48 pm
If people continue with the proposed construction projects, there shall not be any shortage of demand for masons. Or engravers, for that matter.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on May 23, 2014, 11:48:10 pm
What are the proposed construction projects?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 23, 2014, 11:50:53 pm
Monuments, towers, fountains, gardens, that sort of thing. The glorious capitol of dwarfkind, etc.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on May 24, 2014, 10:11:24 am
Mostly turning the dry parched desert into a flowering Oasis flowing with water and fountains :D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Dunamisdeos on May 24, 2014, 12:16:03 pm
I have never done a succession game, and this seems like pretty much the most amazing one possible.

How does this work?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 24, 2014, 01:08:31 pm
Right now, it functions like a traditional succession game, but previously we had a succession of adventurers to reach the site where we built the fortress.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Dunamisdeos on May 24, 2014, 02:29:52 pm
I would absolutely positively love to take a turn on this. What is it, a week long turn?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on May 24, 2014, 02:57:01 pm
In game year. It moves pretty slowly but if you can keep it to about a week that would be nice. We seem to prefer quality over quantity though.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on May 24, 2014, 10:28:27 pm
You'll have to refresh my memory as to Wrex, dunno what succession game he was in, but I don't intend to have anything really insane go on. Probably just architecture and a few other things that need taking care of.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Dunamisdeos on May 25, 2014, 12:33:17 am
In game year. It moves pretty slowly but if you can keep it to about a week that would be nice. We seem to prefer quality over quantity though.

Well I am on board, if I can be. This is going to be the best fort ever.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: HooliganintheFort on May 25, 2014, 10:59:39 pm
Any updates? Or are you still busy?     ???

Edit: As a project to show our might, one should put a dwarf monument representing dwarves hoisting a sword into the ground.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on June 06, 2014, 05:40:18 pm
Hoping all is well, looking forward to an update soon(ish) :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: HooliganintheFort on June 09, 2014, 05:53:59 pm
Any updates mate?  :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: melkor on June 20, 2014, 10:23:15 am
so reudh are you able to make a update in the weekend?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Dunamisdeos on June 20, 2014, 11:28:38 am
It's been weeks o-o

Is there like..... a timer on when someone's turn runs out?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 20, 2014, 01:40:05 pm
Reudh's already more than halfway through the year, wouldn't want to scrap that.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: krenshala on June 20, 2014, 01:56:38 pm
And here I thought I had missed my turn as I haven't had a chance to catch up or play DF since January.

Nice to see all the progress while I was distracted by work (damn day job).
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on June 20, 2014, 09:08:17 pm
And to think I was gonna post on my lunch break earlier today and see if anything was going on. Hopefully things are going well.

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: HooliganintheFort on June 22, 2014, 05:22:00 pm
Are we able to transfer the save into the new update?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: HooliganintheFort on June 23, 2014, 05:19:40 am
Hope so, if not then you guys should end it with a big bang.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cerol Lenslens on June 26, 2014, 01:14:32 am
Whew! Finally finished reading this thread! I must admit I'm one of those guys that generates 1050-year-old worlds. Not for the necromancers and civilizations, but because five-year-old dragons are relatively puny. Or do the first ones get genned as adults?

Are we able to transfer the save into the new update?

Probably not. This is a major-enough update that it seems likely not to be backwards-compatible. That doesn't mean it needs to be scrapped, though! The 2012 edition also obsoleted older forts, but many succession games kept going until their natural conclusion.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on June 26, 2014, 01:22:32 am
Reudh, any status updates? Don't worry if you haven't gotten much playing in, it's just been a while since we've heard something.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: HooliganintheFort on June 26, 2014, 09:02:17 pm
Maybe we can say that a few dwarves survived a civil war and were transported into a new world to start anew.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on June 26, 2014, 09:22:30 pm
I can try and get an update out today, I think.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum on June 26, 2014, 09:58:08 pm
And there was much rejoicing!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: HooliganintheFort on June 26, 2014, 10:49:41 pm
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on June 27, 2014, 04:33:13 am
Hear ye! hear ye!

TO try and cut down on both the length of the thread and the amount of posts... I shall be start a NEW Thread JUST For people posting ABOUT The thread.

Basically in the future, the ONLY Posts in this thread should be actual In-Game update posts!
That way we should cut down on the extra 4 to 5 pages per update of posts of people going "Is there an update yet?" :P LOL!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on July 18, 2014, 12:02:15 pm
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

17th Malachite, Year 17, Midsummer.

My vision... My time as Overseer ended all too quickly, so many things to be done. A mental breakdown after my last dream-vision led to my replacement by Bhrain and Reudh for some time. Inefficient and interfering with my plans.

After I recovered I took control back from them, little delay in plans was noted. Defenses and efficiency have been greatly improved, morale is high, and our larders are fully stocked.

Zefon transformed again, locked in her room. I have plans for her.

Parts for a pump stack to draw water up from the depths have been ordered, and the glassmakers and masons have begun their work. Power and plans for the pump stack itself have yet to be made, the miners should make short work of it.

18th Malachite.

Stukos Ducimaved, one of the gem cutters, gave birth to a boy. “Mr. Cat” is very proud.

I have plans of my own. Noface and I will have time to ourselves soon. He is not happy to relinquish control of the Avalanches, but we need time for ourselves.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on July 18, 2014, 12:10:52 pm
I am okay with this. I apologise for the lack of updates - I really didn't get more than a month into my save anyway.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on July 18, 2014, 01:41:58 pm
Is lich starting from where you left off?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on July 18, 2014, 02:48:00 pm
I'm starting from wherever the save Crossroads left off back in February I think, it's the last save that was posted
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Immortal-D on July 18, 2014, 05:46:36 pm
I haven't checked this in about a month, where do we stand?  I'm still game, presuming I haven't been skipped over.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on July 19, 2014, 06:21:22 am
Try to keep all Non related game posts in THIS Thread :)

And Reudh, Its ok man, we still love ya HUGS
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on August 05, 2014, 07:42:58 pm
General Status Update: Out of Character (for now)

The grand entrance where waterfalls are planned, blood from goblins spatters the front gate. A good welcome for our enemies.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Tombs and stockpiles for the workshops above.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Cavern Suites, Zefon in her cubby.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Bedrooms and Torrasque II's room and the barons' room/tomb.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Baron's suite and cavern well.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
3 story dining hall, engraved pillars support the ceiling. Tower entrance to the left.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Finally, our stock records.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Been dealing with the typical fort issues, the baron is getting mad because for some reason he won't go find fresh clothes. Got a few more sets made, and he ran up to grab em. Gonna look into any issues with cloth and clothing production, since we don't seem to have much clothing on hand. Tons of cloth, just not as many sets of clothing as we probably need. No problems with food production, low on meat but we have enough roasts to go for a few years, so that isn't much of a worry.

Digging the pump stack proceeds, with so many miners it only took a week or two in game to dig it out. Gonna tap the second cavern lake in two places to get good flow, and a 2z reservoir should have enough capacity to supply any waterworks on the surface, provided we maintain the reservoir level and have a drainage system in place to recycle the water we draw up. Still have to get the power plant dug and constructed, waiting on parts to be made. Glassmakers and mechanics are pulling doubles getting corkscrews, pipes, blocks, and mechanisms built while the miners finish the digging.

I'll try and get another update in the next day or two, depending on how busy RL gets for me.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on August 05, 2014, 07:58:33 pm
Still wondering who knocked out the wall of Zefon's room into that neighbor's room.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: uggi on August 05, 2014, 08:58:50 pm
Nice to see an update!

Still wondering who knocked out the wall of Zefon's room into that neighbor's room.

The hole appeared in the wall during Crossroads' turn.

Lich180: Just drop in some stone blocks (careful, not on her head) and let Zefon wall herself in.
Also is that a tileset you're using or just a custom color scheme? If it's a color scheme, can you share it?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on August 05, 2014, 09:49:05 pm
I'll check and see, I think it's all default, just changed to 800x600 curses for both windowed and full screen, and with variegated ground tiles off, but I'll check to be sure.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on September 04, 2014, 12:44:01 pm

Quiet, so quiet. No goblins, no kobolds, no nothing. A few wild animals, maybe, but nothing more.

I have begun training with Noface, keeps him busy. Being idle does not suit him.

I am learning the ways of the battleaxe, a most dwarven weapon.

The pumpstack project continues, and needs little supervision now. Power is still an issue, but that will be taken care of soon enough.

The humans had a few goods for us, even after their wagons had issues reaching us. Traps blocking wagon access were removed, the road expanded, and more traps installed.

The bird-man appeared to me again in a dream, just a fragment of memory remains. He was silent, glaring at me as if in warning. He knows about my plans for myself and Noface...

If all goes according to plan, this spring will see a celebration, the first in a long while.

((Sorry it took so long, work has been nuts and on my days off I've been too tired to do much writing. Finally have 3 whole days off, and plan to work on this some more. Thinking I'm going to go to the first of spring, and upload the file from there, since I started in the summer. That way we can keep the 1st of spring to 1st of spring thing going.))

Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on September 04, 2014, 12:55:54 pm
(Yay! Update! Where are they training?)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on September 04, 2014, 02:51:56 pm
((On the surface, one of the barracks near the depot))
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on September 23, 2014, 06:17:23 pm
17th Limestone
Clash of steel on steel, the noise of battle excites me. Maybe it is just the constant training that has awakened this side of me that lusts for battle. I am not skilled enough yet for any actual fighting, and we lack live training subjects for me to practice with, so I spar night and day. Usually with my Noface, and when he is resting I find another member of the fort who is willing to fight and train me.
Most of them tend to shy away from me, unsure why.
18th Limestone
A new baby has been born to Kogsak Anvilblowing and Rakust Dawntin.
Construction of the pump stack and power supply has stalled as parts are being used faster than they can be made. Inefficient, but nothing much to be done as everyone is busy hauling, building, carving, or mining in preparation. Whoever takes my place next year may have to finish the project, but I will ensure the majority of the work is done.
More training, more sparring. Tired and weary, but I keep going. Noface inspires me to rise above my limits, taking control of my fears and inhibitions and forcing myself to become more hardened.
Still have not seen a real battle, and dwarves come to me every day for guidance on ongoing projects so I guide them the best I can.
10th Sandstone
A massive beast appeared in the caverns, a one eyed coyote, drooling all over itself. I must see to the cavern defenses and ensure we are secure from it.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Insanegame27 on September 23, 2014, 06:45:21 pm
can i be dwarfed as the most skilled weaponsmith ever to live
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on September 23, 2014, 07:04:58 pm
Uh oh, deadly spit. Be careful with this one!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: tonnot98 on September 24, 2014, 11:35:27 am
I would love to claim a turn in this game.

Also, would a one-eyed forgotten beast be at the mercy of a legendary wrestler, just like a cyclops?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Crossroads Inc. on September 25, 2014, 05:21:44 pm
HAZZAH Update at last :(

Get prepared to quarantine any Dwarves touched by that spittle!  Stuff can get nasty :<
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on November 01, 2014, 04:31:56 pm
Well I think I'll finally have some time again this week to work on an update, sorry its been so long but RL kept interfering with my game time, and a lack of motivation to even play games in general meant I had to take a little break from the virtual world.

Expect something Wednesday this week, I'll deal with a few issues (the forgotten beast in the caverns for one) and whatever else rears its head. :)
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Pencil_Art on December 09, 2014, 02:31:32 am
I came across this thread while looking into the Hall of Legends, and I have to say that this is the longest I have ever seen a succession fort go on for.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 09, 2014, 02:36:05 am
It's still going! In theory!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: StupidElves on December 09, 2014, 02:36:51 am
This kind of succession fort would be best in DF 2014 rather than the version that this one was in. Seeing as how now the world sorta moves around like it does
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Reudh on December 09, 2014, 08:49:16 am
This kind of succession fort would be best in DF 2014 rather than the version that this one was in. Seeing as how now the world sorta moves around like it does

We started it in 34.x because  it was the first time we could have "real", or as real as you can get in DF, historical figures migrating to the fort.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on December 10, 2014, 04:56:20 pm
Cripes its been a month since I posted anything here! Didn't mean to take so long, but work got busy and of course, I have little free time to do much of anything. I am still playing, just very slowly, and writing here and there when I can spare a few minutes. Hopefully I can get an update out soon!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on December 10, 2014, 05:00:04 pm
Huzzah! It will never die!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Knit tie on December 13, 2014, 01:17:29 am
So guys, if you are running low on active overseers, maybe I could join?
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ankareth on February 09, 2015, 03:07:26 pm
Sorry to "spam" this thread, but the other one seems a bit overshadowed...

So, any news?  ;D
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on February 10, 2015, 11:21:50 am
Really sorry again guys, I really wad working my way through an update, but as always things happen and real life had to take priority... Oh, and my motherboard crapped out on me, so I can't even load up the save yet. Waiting on taxes to come in to get it fixed, and hopefully I can get back to this soon...
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Lich180 on March 12, 2015, 06:11:17 pm
Ok, update on the computer. I'm going to have the shop back up the data to an external, and hopefully get the file off of that, and use a desktop to run the last bit of the year... might be a little longer before I get that taken care of, but I'm working on getting this fixed lol.
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: WillowLuman on March 12, 2015, 06:31:07 pm
We await eagerly!
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Ankareth on May 07, 2015, 03:20:43 am
knock knock?  :P
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Dozebôm Lolumzalìs on May 10, 2015, 08:05:39 pm
By the way, the word is 'necro', not 'spam.'  FAIK JSYO FYI blah
Title: Re: NEW CHALLENGE: starting at the dawn of time!
Post by: Immortal-D on May 10, 2015, 08:09:50 pm
She's dead Jim, let her go :(  Or possibly start a new one in the correct forum?