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Author Topic: Day Z  (Read 218761 times)


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Re: Day Z - A Zombie mod for Arma 2
« Reply #645 on: July 10, 2012, 11:39:51 am »

Finally got over the hurdle of the keys. Played a few tutorials untill i got mad at the totally outrageous challenges, i mean what the fuck, sniping with a SAW? What did they smoke? Anyways, yeah got hold of it, still boxing a bit with the inventory, buti managed to equip both my flashlight and a hatchet i found lying about, killed a zombie with it and sacavenged in what looked like a hospital and then i emptied asupermarket, figured out the key for binoculars then i got shot :(

Then i am having some horrible ass FPS issues sometimes, not like the lag that requires you to restart to fix, but like its running at 16 FPS with is a pain in the ass. I try to fix it. But i should be able to run this game almost maxed, i got a feaking intel i7 chip damnit, and 8 Gigabytes of RAM.

I have some queastions: Besides dropping everything and picking it up with the backpack open, how do i put things into it? And it dosent seem to show much when i loot a dead survivor, i click open *backpack name* and i usually see nothing. Help.
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Re: Day Z - A Zombie mod for Arma 2
« Reply #646 on: July 10, 2012, 12:12:26 pm »

Saw is pretty decent to 500 mt and quite usable up to 800 in this game, just up view distance so you see impacts


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Re: Day Z - A Zombie mod for Arma 2
« Reply #647 on: July 10, 2012, 12:24:58 pm »

When you loot someone, or pick things up, the items that you don't have will be represented by numbers to the left of the item name. Items you have will be numbers on the right. So for example:

1   Painkillers  2

Means there are 3 painkillers, 1 on the ground and 2 in your inventory. Backpacks are basically the worst way I've ever seen anyone impliment backpacks in a game ever. If you're not looting someone, or picking something up on the floor (like if you just press G in an open field and click open backpack) then I'm pretty sure that it's the same as above, but the number on the left is what's in the backpack? It might be the number on the right... You should be able to work it out from what's in your inventory. When you move items around there you're moving them between your backpack and your normal inventory.

If you're looting a corpse, or picking something up from the ground, then the backpack works as a seperate inventory space, and it'll show you how many slots it has and what's inside it. Generally I try to only go in my backpack if it's like this, because it's slightly less of a clusterfuck due to being able to see what's going on.

If you try to move something out of the backpack, and you dont have room in your inv, theres a pretty big chance something will get deleted because the game is a buggy mess. (As a general rule, don't ever use the "take" command (take weapon for example) as if you dont have enough space to do it something will get deleted. And it's usually best to not move things directly into and out of your backpack if you can avoid it, as it could bug out and delete stuff from your inventory.

Though as a general rule the game will delete things on you all the time regardless because Arma 2's inventory system is horribly designed in general, and even worse when it's being used for a survival RPG sim.

As for the FPS issues, ARMA 2 is kind of a mess in general. Try messing around with the settings? I've heard that for some people windowed mode will drastically improve performance, and also that it's possible to make the game run worse by turning the graphics settings down to low, so I guess just mess around with it and see what you can do?

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Re: Day Z - A Zombie mod for Arma 2
« Reply #648 on: July 10, 2012, 01:01:16 pm »

So I've played this and it's ... interesting. I've always had a love hate relationship with the ARMA engine because it can in some ways do amazing things yet fail on the most simple level. I'm hoping some of the issues I've been having with the mod are fixed by Bohemian Interactive's input and the mod dev(s?) getting their hands on the source code.

So far my experience has been running around without a gun. Finding a village or house praying I'll find a weapon. Go to the nearest house and find out I can't enter it (or any). Leave the village when I can't find anything. Spend ages running around to find a building I can enter. Agro a zombie and run into the forest getting completely lost and being chased by the same Zed for 20 minutes. Repeat until I die.

Zeds act rather strange in buildings. Was held up in a warehouse tower for 2 in game hours because the zombies were sitting in the stairwell. Whenever I thought they left and I tried to sneak out they would phase through the stairs and charge at me. They couldn't figure how to get onto the level I was on. Ended up making a run for it and got gun downed by some survivor who picked up the gun I was trying to get a hold of in the first place, who was then mauled by the zombie train I lead.

Another fun experience was me finding a crowbar in an outhouse which I just couldn't select to pick up. Tried hundreds of different angles. Finally found one that had the "pick up gun" icon and tried to pick up the gun when it really just shut the outhouse door, shattering every single bone in my body and alerting all the Zeds to my crippled torso.

tl;dr Going to wait a bit until the mod comes out of the "experimental" stage.

The Mechanical Man

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Re: Day Z - A Zombie mod for Arma 2
« Reply #649 on: July 10, 2012, 01:14:56 pm »

The mod is pretty rough, yeah, in terms of both gameplay and polish. There are still a lot of bugs, and zombie pathfinding can be messed up.

Guns are pretty rare in most houses. In the countryside, barns have the best chance of spawning a decent weapon. Hunting stands can have good stuff, too. Most buildings are not enterable, but after hours of gameplay I can identify at a distance which ones I can and can't go into.

This list is a bit outdated, but it has some useful item spawn info and pictures of enterable buildings:
Quote from: XxoriginxX
The upside is that I have meat stores at around 1200 units now. And the bones... oh, the sweet, sweet bones...


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Re: Day Z - A Zombie mod for Arma 2
« Reply #650 on: July 10, 2012, 01:20:04 pm »

There's also this handy dandy loot-location super-detailed map.

But yeah, I stopped playing a while ago now, partly because I found out about the Wasteland custom mission, but also because the mod is all over the place at the moment. Nearly every major gameplay mechanic is riddled with bugs... Some of them DayZ bugs and some of them ARMA 2 whackiness. It also doesn't help that Rocket does things like removing the starting gun without adressing the zombies teleporting around and such. I heard the latest patch lets zombies run up hills the player has to walk up, and run inside buildings? Which is just a terrible idea IMHO. So I'm basically just keeping up to date and hoping it'll get sorted eventually.


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Re: Day Z - A Zombie mod for Arma 2
« Reply #651 on: July 10, 2012, 04:21:33 pm »

I got shot and looted in the woods, i decided to have a talk with my looter before i bled out.

"uhh.. Hey?"
"Can you hear me?"
"yeah, can you.. hear me?"
"Yeah. So umm, hope your going to enjoy my loot."
"*giggle yeah sure i will."
"Good game i guess.."
"Hahahahaha... yeah .... good game... heh"
*he runs away
*i lie there
*hear footsteps
"Your still there?"
"Theres morphine in my backpack, you could patch me up so i could help you.."
"....theres proably someone coming for you..."
"im alone.."
"Yeah sure *giggle"
"Trust no one, help no one, shoot everyone... i guess"
"Yeah...... trust no one."
"So umm, if you arent going to help me could you please be so kind to finish me off?"
"Yeah sure!" *shoots me 3 times in the head*
"Im not dead yet..."
"Yeah why wont you die? aheh"
"I dont know.. Theres a hatchet in my backpack if you wanna save ammo. Just take it and hack away."
"Oh well, nice talking to you, i guess imma respawn or something..."

*me respawns and game bugs up since i spawn in the middle of a plain full of bodies and not at a beach.
Would the owner of an ounce of dignity please contact the mall security?


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Re: Day Z - A Zombie mod for Arma 2
« Reply #652 on: July 10, 2012, 04:45:23 pm »

There's also this handy dandy loot-location super-detailed map.

But yeah, I stopped playing a while ago now, partly because I found out about the Wasteland custom mission, but also because the mod is all over the place at the moment. Nearly every major gameplay mechanic is riddled with bugs... Some of them DayZ bugs and some of them ARMA 2 whackiness. It also doesn't help that Rocket does things like removing the starting gun without adressing the zombies teleporting around and such. I heard the latest patch lets zombies run up hills the player has to walk up, and run inside buildings? Which is just a terrible idea IMHO. So I'm basically just keeping up to date and hoping it'll get sorted eventually.

Wasteland custom mission?


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Re: Day Z - A Zombie mod for Arma 2
« Reply #653 on: July 10, 2012, 06:49:36 pm »

Wasteland custom mission?

It's kinda like DayZ, only without zombies.
Quote from: Frumple
Flailing people to death with empty socks, though, that takes a lot of effort. Less so if the sock's made out of something interesting, but generally quite difficult.

The Mechanical Man

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Re: Day Z - A Zombie mod for Arma 2
« Reply #654 on: July 10, 2012, 09:43:25 pm »

Experience from playing 1.7.2:

-Zombie aggro seems to be broken. Sometimes you can sprint near one 15m away and it doesn't notice you, other times one will spot you from 100m away. Line of sight supposedly is now the main thing that aggroes zombies, but at the same time zombies can sometimes see you through the back of their heads. Losing them can either be impossible or very easy by just walking around a corner. It's a hit or miss method at this point. I haven't played 1.7.2 too much, so I can't have a clear and true opinion yet, but there definitely seem to be some issues.

-Zombie respawns are most definitely bugged. After killing one, another will instantly respawn within the same general region- what location they spawn at seems to be random at this point.

-Zombies are still teleporting through walls.

These are the problems I've experienced in about 20 minutes of testing. 1.7.2 is really full of bugs at this point, and to be honest it's just not fun. One good thing, however, is that the FPS seems to have drastically improved.

1.7.1 was a good version once about 5 hotfixes came out. Hopefully the same can be said for 1.7.2. It seems like there's a pattern of releasing a major version which just breaks everything, and then releasing small hotfixes afterwords to fix or change the worst of it. But truth be told, it IS an alpha and WE are the testers. So Rocket releases 1.7.2, says "Guys test this out. Is it any good?" we say "No! X doesn't work, Y needs to be changed." he says "Okay." and releases hotfixes. I guess that's just the development process at this point.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 09:45:06 pm by The Mechanical Man »
Quote from: XxoriginxX
The upside is that I have meat stores at around 1200 units now. And the bones... oh, the sweet, sweet bones...


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Re: Day Z - A Zombie mod for Arma 2
« Reply #655 on: July 10, 2012, 11:22:41 pm »

Yeah, I've found that if I'm in grass, I can simply walk up behind a zombie and hatchet it in the back. It never hears me coming. They're kinda deaf now. Even walking around in gravel closer than I ever would have before seems to not aggro them. They still see though. Not great, but good enough. Also found out that if you're prone, rolling is a decent escape method. Only tried it once, but it worked like a charm. I was in grass, crawled up to a prone zombie, it stood up, hit me once, I hit E a bunch and rolled away from it. Stood there for a moment, attacking air, but never gave chase. Prone I was almost invisible, and rolling doesn't seem to up it much, if at all and doesn't seem to make much sound either. Once I was out of range, I watched for a moment, then just crawled away.


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Re: Day Z - A Zombie mod for Arma 2
« Reply #656 on: July 10, 2012, 11:39:33 pm »

There's also this handy dandy loot-location super-detailed map.

But yeah, I stopped playing a while ago now, partly because I found out about the Wasteland custom mission, but also because the mod is all over the place at the moment. Nearly every major gameplay mechanic is riddled with bugs... Some of them DayZ bugs and some of them ARMA 2 whackiness. It also doesn't help that Rocket does things like removing the starting gun without adressing the zombies teleporting around and such. I heard the latest patch lets zombies run up hills the player has to walk up, and run inside buildings? Which is just a terrible idea IMHO. So I'm basically just keeping up to date and hoping it'll get sorted eventually.

Wasteland custom mission?

It's got the same sort of survival aspect as DayZ, but as MasterFancyPants said, no zombies. But it's more of a team deathmatch with three factions. You can also build bases by picking up and placing things like sandbag walls, bunkers, deer stands, etc. And it randomly spawns missions that are advertised to every player on the server and are guarded by AI soldiers. Also there are more vehicles, including military ones with mounted weapons. Handguns are also much easier to obtain.

Basically it starts out with the map being full of loot, vehicles, weapons, etc. As the game goes on and the factions build bases and scavenge for stuff everything becomes much more scarce and it gradually becomes more like DayZ. Though by that point you should be able to call in a teammate to come pick you up, or walk back to base and get at the gun stash.

1.7.1 was a good version once about 5 hotfixes came out. Hopefully the same can be said for 1.7.2. It seems like there's a pattern of releasing a major version which just breaks everything, and then releasing small hotfixes afterwords to fix or change the worst of it. But truth be told, it IS an alpha and WE are the testers. So Rocket releases 1.7.2, says "Guys test this out. Is it any good?" we say "No! X doesn't work, Y needs to be changed." he says "Okay." and releases hotfixes. I guess that's just the development process at this point.

The problem is that he should do one change at a time, and see how that works, rather than releasing an update that will break several different aspects of the game, then do a handfull of hotfixes, each with a new feature or two thrown in for good measure which will mess something else up.


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Re: Day Z - A Zombie mod for Arma 2
« Reply #657 on: July 11, 2012, 01:00:56 am »

Yeah tuckered out on dayz, at least playing alone without buddys, just logging in sometimes to shot some russians, but it ain't the same now that i have full gear and no worry in the world.


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Re: Day Z - A Zombie mod for Arma 2
« Reply #658 on: July 11, 2012, 01:56:53 am »

Wasteland custom mission?

It's kinda like DayZ, only without zombies.



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Re: Day Z - A Zombie mod for Arma 2
« Reply #659 on: July 11, 2012, 04:31:16 am »

Wasteland custom mission?

It's kinda like DayZ, only without zombies.



Found this forum thread on some random animu board i guess:
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