It'd probably be best to combine several of the ideas to keep you motivated - how about a god game where the gods take the form of rocks who are worshipped by the non-playing readers and who each control a vast domain requiring equally vast spreadsheet-based micro- and asset-management? Be sure to throw in some scope for casual violence and also a map of each rock. Each rock could, to add to its physical domain, have a "domain" of divine rocky influence, and have an animate cardboard box as its own personal shrine. Have a maptools session each Wednesday at 6.00am CET.
"Yes! yes! The muse of inspiration is upon me!" you cackle in front of your keyboard. "I will
combine all these ideas to make the greatest forum game bay 12 has ever seen! Muahahahah!!!!"
Your cat looks at you skeptically, but you pay him no mind,
Your fingers begin typing frantically. So great is your inspiration, you confidently finish and click the "post" button without so much as a second read, let alone a spellcheck.
You aer rockgods: Teh gratest forum game evar!"k guise i hav an idea for an awesum forum game. You are gods! But not just any, boring old ordanery gods...your ROCK GODS!!!!!
Izzat awesum or wut?

So here are teh rulez:
1) To submit a rockgod:
typ of rok yu are
2) all playurs must create a google docx spreadsheets to track ur turns and worshipperz. Use my sample template, but I dun no how too makes google sheets so could someones pleeze help me first? kthnx
3) wheel be playin with maptools. I dun no which version yet cuz I havent figurd it out yet so please tell me how ok? well play evry wensday starting at 6am sharp! make sure thats 6am my time ill figur out which time zon thats so il'l let u know when I do so we cn play!
You can't help but smile at the sheer awesomeness of your forum game. Surely it will be the best forum game on bay 12, ever. Still, you need players. You click back to the main forum pages page and click refresh. Hmm. No thread views yet. Well, maybe you'll just take a moment to re-read the post yourself to revel in its awesomeness.
You open the thread in a new browser tab. Quickly glancing through it, you feel a shudder in your spine at how great it is. Wondering how many views the thread has you go back to the forum games tab and click refresh.
You do a happy little jig in your chair and chant to yourself about how awesome you are while your cat pretends to not notice. Realizing that the thread has had one view, surely that means you have a new player in the game, so you switch to the thread tab and click refresh to read the submission.
Strangely, there is no post after yours. That's odd. You were certain you saw a thread view. You go back to the forum games thread list and click refresh.
"Yeah, baby!" you sing to yourself again. By now your cat has left the room but you're very confused because you have two thread views, but no players.
What do you do?