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Author Topic: Life Begins At Death - Epilogue: We Live And Live Again  (Read 542603 times)


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 5: The Path of Dreams
« Reply #6030 on: July 18, 2013, 02:19:51 am »

Kevin continues following the road.

Quote from: NW_Kohaku
they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the raving confessions of a mass murdering cannibal from a recipe to bake a pie.
Knowing Belgium, everyone will vote for themselves out of mistrust for anyone else, and some kind of weird direct democracy coalition will need to be formed from 11 million or so individuals.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 5: The Path of Dreams
« Reply #6031 on: July 18, 2013, 05:43:45 am »

In the streets of Shriekpot...

Scott heads back to the Feisty Jelly to survey his handiwork.

Predictably, the inn or tavern or whatever is still there, completely unharmed except for a scorch mark. He isn't sure how to feel about this - on one hand, this is a reasonably good opportunity to get booze. On the other hand, this means he is a complete, abject failure as an arsonist.

In a toymaker's workshop...

Sigmund, judging the fellow's work to be at least worth a compliment, goes ahead and says as much to the man.

"I have no questions, but I have to say that all this work is splendid. I'm sure that someone of your experience will certainly do marvels with Morton."

"Indeed, this is marvelous. You said this was only your second job? With the eye to detail I see here, I can't even imagine how well you do your other job."

"My primary vocation is that of a toymaker, so feel free to judge that as well. I do carpenter work because it's a handy source of income on the side."

"I must admit I'm curious to the process, I admittedly don't know much about the profession. How would one go about attaching arms to me? I must confess I'm drawing a blank. Also, I promise you I shall make tea for you after this is done, to celebrate new found arms, its the least I can do."

"To be honest, I'm not sure either. This is why I am not demanding payment. I'm curious on whether what I'll try to do will work. Anyway, I'll begin."

[Toymaker crafting roll: 5+1]

He grabs his tools and a couple of blocks of wood, then begins to do his work at the nearby workbench. Two hours quickly pass as the toymaker creates what look like rather inhuman, blocky arms with rather elaborate and delicate wooden fingers. After securing a few pins and so forth, then oiling, polishing and painting the entire thing to closely resemble Morton's strange coloring, he seems to be done, producing two arms that appear to be both rather long and very articulate, not to mention capable of folding in on themselves conveniently.

"There we go. Now for the difficult part."

The toymaker crouches to Morton's height and carefully examines his structure. He seems to be struck with some sort of understanding.

[Toymaker attachment roll: 4+1]

He secures the arms to Morton's underside, making them look like a completely natural part of the original design. Morton is pleased to find that he can move the arms perfectly! And that he is rather pronouncedly double-jointed now! The old man smiles at the desk, taking obvious pride in his work.

"And now you have arms, Carter Morton. I've made them rather easy to hide if you'd prefer to look as desk-like as possible for, say, the purposes of hiding yourself. They should also work well for delicate work, I'd say. Like, for instance, the making of tea. I'd like to take you up on that offer you made, if you don't mind."

On the shrieking ship of Shriekpot...

Niklas, tired of having his enemies where he can't see them, executes a clever ploy of seduction on the thing right behind him!

[Seduction roll: 2+1]

He senses that he has planted some doubt in the creature whether standing really is preferable to sitting in such an exquisite chair. The creature becomes indecisive in response to Niklas' magnetism!

On the road north from Emlocke...

Kevin continues along the road, feeling there is very little he can do to ascertain his direction, goes forth!

The road, interestingly enough, is completely barren in terms of any directions. Kevin finds this increasingly disheartening.


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 5: The Path of Dreams
« Reply #6032 on: July 18, 2013, 07:06:37 am »

If the chair affected me then throw it down the stairs thinking damn it the mind screwing isn't ment to start till we reach the sea of death  if not carry it down and store it in the food storage in case Niklas wants to use it later.
(Mark doesn't know about him being a chair yet.)
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 07:30:37 am by killerhellhound »
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Fluttershy jumps onto TCM, giving him a hug. "~Yay~"*Player TCM has left the server. Reason: HHHHNNNNNGGGG-

We Madmen are very ingenious.  Sometimes it just takes just a little less sanity to pull off something completely awesome.


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 5: The Path of Dreams
« Reply #6033 on: July 18, 2013, 07:19:56 am »

Kevin keeps going anyway.

Quote from: NW_Kohaku
they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the raving confessions of a mass murdering cannibal from a recipe to bake a pie.
Knowing Belgium, everyone will vote for themselves out of mistrust for anyone else, and some kind of weird direct democracy coalition will need to be formed from 11 million or so individuals.


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 5: The Path of Dreams
« Reply #6034 on: July 18, 2013, 07:52:42 am »

Attempt to turn around dramatically while emanating the siren call of chair.

So plush
You cannot resist
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 5: The Path of Dreams
« Reply #6035 on: July 18, 2013, 08:03:30 am »

Attempt to turn around dramatically while emanating the siren call of chair.

So plush
You cannot resist

I have the mental image of a chair doing just that and a massive fight breaking out to sit in the chair.
My Sig
Fluttershy jumps onto TCM, giving him a hug. "~Yay~"*Player TCM has left the server. Reason: HHHHNNNNNGGGG-

We Madmen are very ingenious.  Sometimes it just takes just a little less sanity to pull off something completely awesome.


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 5: The Path of Dreams
« Reply #6036 on: July 18, 2013, 09:29:47 am »

Sigmund examined Morton's new arms, and said:

-Now, finally, you are going to be able to handle things on your own, Morton. I suppose that you will be able to read that book by yourself. Not that I don't want to have a reading session with you, but at least you don't depend on me anymore.


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 5: The Path of Dreams
« Reply #6037 on: July 18, 2013, 10:23:35 am »

Grudgingly Scott shall issue a payment-on-delivery order for whiskey,ale and cider.
"That which does not kill me, can only make me stranger." -Dana, Creator of Ozzy & Millie.


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 5: The Path of Dreams
« Reply #6038 on: July 18, 2013, 02:37:57 pm »

"Places I've been... Could you be a bit more specific?"


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 5: The Path of Dreams
« Reply #6039 on: July 18, 2013, 04:23:45 pm »

[Doesn't Mark have Soul-o-Vision? I think he can tell Niklas is in the chair from that, can't he?

Also I now have almost no reason to not be a desk anymore. Yes.]

The desk gingerly inspected his new arms, flexing and bending it this way and that to get a feel for them. "Thank you, thank you good Sir Toymaker, these are more than perfect! I don't mind at all, it is the very least I could do for your help good sir, do you perhaps have a stove and some kitchen supplies I could use? I believe I should have everything else handled." The apostle of the tea was eager to work his craft once more, that bright light of his life once again shining on him once more as he opens his drawer containing his tea making supplies and rifles through them with his new hands.

Gesturing with his hand towards Sigmund in an elaborate way (probably to both make up for lack of other gestures and make up for lost time), Morton speaks to his companion. "Indeed, it will feel wonderful to have some autonomy again in some tasks, no door an obstacle and no object out of reach anymore! I do agree that putting our heads together when we read the book will probably be the most beneficial, we may have differing ideas as to what is said after all."

Harry Baldman

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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 5: The Path of Dreams
« Reply #6040 on: July 18, 2013, 04:30:51 pm »

On the shrieking ship of Shriekpot...

Mark, feeling something might be amiss, looks at the chair with a measure of distrust. Where'd this thing come from, huh? And why does it look like it's moving? Turning around, to be specific.

[Niklas seduction roll: 5+1]

And why is it emitting such an... inviting, enchanting squeak? Mark feels his knees become a bit weak as he looks at the turning chair. If he were less of a skeptic, he'd say choirs of invisible angels of Narcillicus were calling him over.

[Mark will roll: 2-1]

Mark finds himself beckoned to the chair by the squeak. It wants to be sat on. He can't resist the plush! He slowly walks to the chair, his mental resistance crumbling away as he sits down in it.

Man, if he had lungs, he would be sighing with comfort so hard right now. The Artiste seems to be saying something to him, but screw that. He's got a chair, and it's damn good.

Meanwhile, the wonderful world of Niklas experiences a disturbance! He has failed in attracting the creature! Instead, some other schmuck has sat down on him! The creature seems offended.

"I thought you loved me, Niklas," the creature says. "How could you do this to the mother of your own child?"

Oh dear. That's awkward.

On the road north from Emlocke...

Kevin keeps on running like he really means it, and this time he does see something interesting! Namely, an old, weathered, half-destroyed sign pointing north-northwest. It says "Bromhandel, 24 miles".

He isn't sure what this means, so he keeps on running.

At a toymaker's workshop...

Sigmund examines the rather beamish Morton for a moment while he thanks the toymaker.

"Thank you, thank you, good Sir Toymaker, these are more than perfect! I don't mind at all, it is the very least I could do for your help, good sir, do you perhaps have a stove and some kitchen supplies I could use? I believe I should have everything else handled."

The toymaker nods happily, pointing at a certain ornamented door.

"Right behind that door, my good man."

As Morton joyously rifles through his teamaking supplies, Sigmund offers words of support.

"Now, finally, you are going to be able to handle things on your own, Morton. I suppose that you will be able to read that book by yourself. Not that I don't want to have a reading session with you, but at least you don't depend on me anymore."

"Indeed, it will feel wonderful to have some autonomy again in some tasks, no door an obstacle and no object out of reach anymore! I do agree that putting our heads together when we read the book will probably be the most beneficial, we may have differing ideas as to what is said after all," Morton says, gesturing expressively with his lovely arms as he locates all that he needs in his drawers.

At the Feisty Jelly...

Scott, feeling mostly disappointed, grudgingly enters the Feisty Jelly and heads right for the barkeep.

"I'd like to order an inordinate amount of whiskey, ale and cider to be delivered to the haunted ship in the harbor, please, and will pay upon delivery and only upon delivery."

The barkeep looks at him, visibly perplexed by the request and a touch peeved.

"Do I look like some delivery service to ya? Y'want booze, you buy it here for retail prices and you drink it from a glass or a tankard, you understand? I'll not be abettin' an' abidin' this crummy import-export thing! That stuff's for violent criminals, don't you know!"

Oh dear. How barbaric.

At Karina's home...

Darren is at a bit of a loss. He's been to lots of places.

"Places I've been... could you be a bit more specific?"

Karina laughs awkwardly.

"Um... no, not really. I'm not really positive on what's outside - I haven't left in so long. I just want to hear what it's like, you know. You're the glamorous adventurer and all. I'm sure you've got a story in you, right?" she says, nudging Darren gently with her hand. It feels rather weird to Darren, as she seems awfully solid to him. More solid than anything he's felt so far, certainly. And he seems to be equally solid to her.


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 5: The Path of Dreams
« Reply #6041 on: July 18, 2013, 04:42:32 pm »

((GM ninja!. It doesn't matter anyway, this action can be done anyway))
Sigmund told to Morton:

-Certainly, Morton. I feel that I'm not needed here anymore, so I think that I will use the time you are preparing what will surely be an excellent tea to do some business. And considering that you now are able to use this device you gave me, I'm going to give it back to you, in case you happen to need it.

Sigmund hands the Magical Lighter to Morton.

-I guess that I will see you back at the ship, then. I would wish you luck at that tea making but you don't need it. I suppose that I will see you at the ship.

Sigmund then leaves and goes to the Bargain of Ages and looks if the scammer is back in his scamming schedule.

[If he is not there:]

Sigmund goes back to the ship to see what is going on.

((I suppose that someone who spent so much work in a captain costume will try to use it again...))


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 5: The Path of Dreams
« Reply #6042 on: July 18, 2013, 05:21:59 pm »

"No,no my good sir. We need catering for a private party, I doubt a man such as you would like hordes of drunken undead shuffling about his property, who know what could happen..."
"That which does not kill me, can only make me stranger." -Dana, Creator of Ozzy & Millie.


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 5: The Path of Dreams
« Reply #6043 on: July 18, 2013, 05:56:03 pm »

Niklas was profoundly confused. He was only a junior viking, so he hadn't gone on many raids and thus had not fathered many children. Who could it be, then? Nevertheless, this buffoon must go.

Emit an aura of terror to the person sitting in me while trying to attract the other one.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
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((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Life Begins At Death - Chapter 5: The Path of Dreams
« Reply #6044 on: July 18, 2013, 07:20:31 pm »

Wait this sort of thing wasn't meant to happen mark delves into his other senses and sees the chair's soul Niklas how did you turn into a chair
well I carn't just make Niklas into fire wood so I move Him to the center of the deck and wait for him to do more fun stuff popcorn at the ready
My Sig
Fluttershy jumps onto TCM, giving him a hug. "~Yay~"*Player TCM has left the server. Reason: HHHHNNNNNGGGG-

We Madmen are very ingenious.  Sometimes it just takes just a little less sanity to pull off something completely awesome.
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