On a rocky precipice next to a reservoir...
Kevin, paying no mind to the spider-creature fighting for dear life a few steps away, begins to explore his rocky outcropping. After all, the creature had come from somewhere, right? And would you look at that (or rather feel it, since it has become no less pitch black since Kevin last reminded himself of the fact he can't see), there is indeed a slope leading upward. Kevin is slightly deterred by this, but then remembers that his legs feel no pain and that he's got to ride out this high while it's still there, and soldiers on, crawling up until reaching a rather narrow crack in the wall - it seems the spider-thing came through here!
In a dark and spherical chamber of stone...
Sigmund, rather careful now that it seems that luck is once more trying to turn its back on him, begins to carefully part the stone above.
[Sigmund's magic roll: 2]
A bit too carefully, Sigmund finds, as he doesn't quite manage to inject the presence into the rock strongly or sharply enough to part it. Perhaps less care is needed in orchestrating his escape.
In the refugee camp of Eckledun...
Scott, interested greatly in ensuring the safety of his pal Morton, floats high up in the sky, following the desk's movements through the town while also keeping a close eye on the tower. Justine follows him, though floating higher than he has chosen to for some reason.
As Morton heads down the streets with Craig, eventually shuffling into a certain inn, Scott notes the location and moves off to the tower, reaching its forbidding, metal-studded exterior within a few minutes. He looks for a window, and finds that there aren't any, so he just chooses a random spot somewhere around mid-level. He floats right in, only to come into a conspicuously clean, stark white office with shelves lining the walls absolutely littered with random knickknacks, where a woman sits behind a desk (really just a set of two metal plates joined together seamlessly with each other and the floor in an L-shape), evidently conversing with a man in a dark blue armored robe with one conspicuously long arm.
The woman, garbed in a black robe with a broad white stripe running down the middle and generally round in shape, turns to look at the lump of ectoplasm that seems to have blundered into her office.
"Ah, Scott. I figured you'd drop by. I'm Susanne. How can I help you today?" she asks pleasantly.
Meanwhile, Morton and Craig both wander into an inn, seemingly dubbed the Purging Crab, which is indeed an image neither Morton nor Craig had ever quite imagined before in their lives. Walking inside, Morton quickly asks the innkeeper, a man with a large crab for a head, if he can use that rather wonderful fire cooking over there by the fireplace to boil some water, and the innkeeper clicks and chirps affirmatively. Morton, quite happy, gets to work and fixes himself up a perfectly wonderful pot of tea while Tailor Craig clicks away with his claw by the counter and chirps strangely, seemingly conversing with the crab-man.
In the guest wing of Castle Fenton...
Niklas, figuring all waspgoat news are good news, goes on and looks for somebody who hasn't slept through the rampage of the creature through the halls of the castle. He soon finds a rather more composed maid walking the halls, very cautiously looking about.
"Greetings, ma'am," Niklas says, becoming overly polite once more, knowing that this tends to bring better results when speaking with meek Southerners. "I've heard tales of waspgoat eggs. Care to comment?"
"They've got the waspgoat caged now. No eggs have been found, but you never know," the maid explains. "They say it came from the guest wing, and there's a broken door there, the destruction seemingly a perfect match for several of the waspgoat's appendages. Care to comment?" she says, and Niklas feels oddly... bewitched by her tone of voice, and also her eyes. Not in a magical way, though, he thinks. She's just incredibly fascinating to him somehow.
In an empty room...
Darren keeps trying to engage the headless thing in conversation.
"So, uhh, yeah. How are you doing?" he says, utterly failing at maintaining a modicum of personal comfort. But the other ghost says nothing, and merely continues to hug him. Darren does guess it has no ears, after all.