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Author Topic: 'Yìhétuán Yùndòng': The Great Boxer Rebellion (Story 11: Chinese Standoff)  (Read 23788 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Story 9: Exploding Spaniard

"This is awkward. Well." Nikolai breaks the ice with a sword sweep to the legs, (5 vs. 3) sending the target to the ground. (4 vs. 5) Nikolai tries kicking the boy's sword away, but he keeps hold of it. (4-1(awkward striking position) vs. 1) Nikolai feels a stinging pain in his right leg as his enemy hits him in the ankle. "That's not very nice." (1 vs. 6) Nikolai trips over his feet and falls on the ground himself. (6 vs. 6) The boy swings at him again, but manages to just hit Nikolae in the shoes. (6 vs. 3) Nikolae gives the boy a good couple kicks in the ribs. He drops his sword and rolls onto his side, moaning. Nikolae stands up, and sees that several other combatants have also fallen by this point.

Spoiler: Nikolae Kriegsmacher (click to show/hide)

Antonio wrestles with the boy struggling for the upper hand. During the conflict, the boy accidentally starts the wick on one of the grenades. "OH FU-" *Boom*

And thus Antonio Fernandez's journey came to a quick close.

((Just going to finish this up.))

After spilling his lunch onto the grass, Chen's sense of duty flares up and forces him to finish shooting into the remaining Frenchmen. Within minutes, the overwhelming Boxer forces crush the westerners, all of them letting out a victory cry.

Chen, dazed and disoriented, sits down. The leader of the ranged forces walks up to him. "Zijin, you don't look so good. What's wrong?"

Spoiler: Chen Yu (Zijin) (click to show/hide)

Leia asks about the presence of bayonets. Barro responds, "We don't have many rifles in the group. Besides, we're more comfortable with our bolos." Leia asks about the leadership of the Boxers. "They have some people from the army who have fought previously, but no one too high up. A lot of their leaders are local religious men, administrators, chiefs, that sort of thing."

As Brimstone passes by again, Leia asks to pitch her tent. "You don't want to sleep here? But by all means, do as you wish."

Spoiler: Leia Sano (click to show/hide)

Kenshin curses his gun before putting both hands on his Sabre and charging the rest of the bandits, Samurai style. (3 vs. 4) One of them slashes his knife at Kenshin, who is forced to block. (2 vs. 6) He slashes again, but Kenshin knocks the knife out of his hands (2 vs. 5) and raises his sword. (1 vs. 2) The man ducks under Kenshin's attack, (5 vs. 1) and kicks him in the torso! Kenshin reels backwards, the wind knocked out of him, giving the bandit enough time to get his knife back.

Kenshin yells at the bandits before readying his sword for the knife attack. (2 vs. 2+1) Kenshin blocks it, (5 vs. 4) and slashes the man across the arm! The bandit drops his knife. (6 vs. 4) Kenshin slashes the surprised bandit along the gut, spraying blood on the floor! He falls, (6 vs. 4) and Kenshin slashes another bandit through the legs!

At this point, the all the living bandits surrender.

Spoiler: Kenshin Gato (click to show/hide)

"Keep watch, we have the upper hand. Let them come to us." Wang orders his troops to be patient, and sure enough, within a few minutes the windows of the Church open. (6 vs. 4) Wang's unit volley-fires into the Church, a man can be heard screaming in agony. (3 vs. 6) The rebels return with ineffective fire. (6 vs. 5) Wang fires a musket shot himself, and if he is correct he has hit someone in the arm.

It looks as if the waiting has paid off, as Wang see's one of the other Imperialist groups march up his position. The new unit sees that a firefight has commenced as they too take shooting positions. The captain of their troop speaks to him, "What's the situation?"

Wang's Unit: 5 (2 Injured)
Reinforcement Unit: 9
Rebels: 4? (True # unknown)

Spoiler: Wang Tsaongpa (click to show/hide)

Charley struggles with the man before pulling his Bowie knife from his pocket. (5 vs. 6) He thrusts the blade down at the man, but the man grips his hand, preventing the knife from going into his chest. (6 vs. 1) The man swings and hook-punches Charley in the side of the head. Charley falls to the ground, stunned. The man takes Charley's knife and aims to stab him, (3 vs. 4+1(instinct)-1(stunned)) but Charley recovers and swats the knife out of his hand. (6 vs. 2) Charley takes his knife back and stabs the man in the gut! The man gasps and backs away. (5 vs. 3) Charley ain't havin' none of that shit, so he stabs him in the gut again! The man falls, spasms a bit and then lays still, bleeding profusely.

Spoiler: Charley Dalarko (click to show/hide)

Akio takes the opportunity to see if he can find info on his target. (6) He doesn't need to even ask around; he spots his target in the middle of the marketplace, with his arm around another woman. Both of them are laughing and smiling. 

Spoiler: Akio Mitsuru (click to show/hide)
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I wanna be a cow boy babey
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Loot his body! And his house. And his horse.
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


  • Bay Watcher
  • All legends are true, few are accurate
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Order the remaining bandits to throw their weapons aside, get on their knees, and put their hands behind their heads.  Pick up my revolver, unjam it, and march the prisoners back to my village.  Threaten to shoot or chase down any prisoner who attempts to escape.
It seems God was watching over me today.  I wonder... is this what it felt like to have fought as a Samurai of old?
Jesus must have been guiding him in living out the way of the samurai.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm a good guy...girl. My horse just eat souls.
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(Read PM, ready.)
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


  • Bay Watcher
  • The sparkles are because I'm fabulous, of course.
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Trail them for a bit.


  • Bay Watcher
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"Chen stands and bows deeply and manage to stutter. "Sir I am sorry sir! I just haven't seen much battle in my time.

He then awaits further orders.


  • Bay Watcher
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Bump, for the ladies and others.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Life is too short for worries
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((Editing for later - sorry TCM! Currently busy IRL!))


  • Bay Watcher
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((Editing for later - sorry TCM! Currently busy IRL!))

Its okay. I can put you on hiatus if you want.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Life is too short for worries
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((Editing for later - sorry TCM! Currently busy IRL!))

Its okay. I can put you on hiatus if you want.
((~4 hours from now ;_; Please no hiatus. Really enjoying this.))


  • Bay Watcher
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((Editing for later - sorry TCM! Currently busy IRL!))

Its okay. I can put you on hiatus if you want.
((~4 hours from now ;_; Please no hiatus. Really enjoying this.))

Okay. Sorry. :3
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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((My bad.))

Nikolai spins the handle of his wooden sword around his fingers, watching the rest of the combatants go at it. "Well, I suppose letting them wear themselves out..."

Saying nothing more, he decides to wait and see.

Wait until there are even fewer combatants, preferentially only two.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Life is too short for worries
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((My bad.))
((Also, calling Skyru in. Sorry!))

Don't want to sleep- by all means?

Leia was puzzled at the Captain's remark - perhaps she had gotten the wording or how he said it wrong? Nevertheless, she didn't get what he was trying to say and pitched her tent anyway.

I want to pitch my tent...therefore I don't want to sleep here? Ok, where was here and-

She looked at the Captain, trying to discern his intentions before talking, and probably sleeping after bidding him a good night.

"I'm content with sleeping among your men, Captain Brimstone Sir, and...probably much better this way." she said with a smile.


  • Bay Watcher
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"General do-naught-gooders and rebel heretics. They believe this—Christianity—thing. Standard flush out would be required, Captain. They're moderately armed."


bay12 lower boards @ #bay12lb
"Oh, they never lie. They dissemble, evade, prevaricate, confoud, confuse, distract, obscure, subtly misrepresent and willfully misunderstand with what often appears to be a positively gleeful relish ... but they never lie" -- Look To Windward


  • Bay Watcher
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Story 10: Manchurian Desert

"Well, I suppose letting them wear themselves out..." Nikolae thinks as he sees more combatants fall. He sticks to the shadows of the ruins to employ his strategy. (Stealth:5) He remains unseen as more men, Chinese and Westerners, fall to the ground. After a few more men fall, this section of the tournament should close.

((It's not down to the last men. The opening bout is between 32 men, and the remaining 16 move on to enter a one-on-one tournament which becomes 8, then 4, and finally 2. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.))

Spoiler: Nikolae Kriegsmacher (click to show/hide)

Chen manages to compose himself. His captain puts a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Why don't you head down to the camp and help round everything up?" The captain motions to the camp, being pillaged and the remaining French being taking captive. Chen can hear the gunfire of some captives being executed.

Spoiler: Chen Yu (Zijin) (click to show/hide)

Leia is confused by the Captain's manner of speech, but pitches her tent anyways. "I'm content with sleeping among your men, Captain Brimstone Sir, and...probably much better this way." He shrugs. "Whatever you wish. Get some good shut eye, you'll be seeing some action tomorrow, I promise. Sleep tight." He bows his head and then walks away back into the tent.

Spoiler: Leia Sano (click to show/hide)

Kenshin grabs his gun and orders the men to surrender, their hands behind their heads. They submit, dropping their knives and pistols. Kenshin leads them out of the cave, back into the forest and looks back on the events. Jesus must have been guiding him in living out the way of the samurai.

Eventually Kenshin runs into the English cavalry from his camp. The horses stop in front of Kenshin and his captives. "Who are these men, Boxers?"

Spoiler: Kenshin Gato (click to show/hide)

"General do-naught-gooders and rebel heretics. They believe this—Christianity—thing. Standard flush out would be required, Captain. They're moderately armed."

Wang's fellow captain strokes his beard. "Are they really Christians? I don't recall about hearing of any Christian Boxers. Oh well, flush them out boys!"

(2 vs. 6) The reinforcement unit fires ineffective shots at the church. (4 vs. 3) The rebels fire back and wound one of the men. (4 vs. 1) Wang's Unit fires into the church. The firing is halted, and the rebels come out, hands in the air. They are quickly rounded up and subdued by the Imperialist forces.

The other captain looks to Wang, "I guess we should rendezvous with the others now."

Wang's Unit: 5 (2 Injured)
Reinforcement Unit: 9 (1 Injured)
Rebels: 4? (True # unknown)

Spoiler: Wang Tsaongpa (click to show/hide)

Charley loots the dead man's body and gets some Yuan. He looks for the horse, but it's long gone. He has no clue where the man's house is, but he has his house-key now also. He probably should get a move on, since he's holding a knife in the middle of a street with a dead body in front of him.

Spoiler: Charley Dalarko (click to show/hide)

Akio purses the couple out of the marketplace. (Stealth: 4+1) He sneaks by them, sticking to the trees as cover. The couple embraces happily, but the woman grows serious. "What if your wife finds out?" The man laughs. "The old hag never leaves her house, she won't find out a thing."

Spoiler: Akio Mitsuru (click to show/hide)

Dingbang Kuo sets out with his company across the Manchurian desert. He had been assigned there as his first duty, to repel the attacks by the ferocious Muslim Kansu Braves.

The captain of the company halts his troops. "We have two situations: The first is that we have information that a Kansu group has rooted themselves in a village to the northwest. Half of you are to march there and drive them out. The other half are to continue on this road for three miles and investigate a mysterious fire ravaging a trading settlement. All of you, decide which task you will take and head on out with your respective lieutenants."

Dingbang now has to decide which mission he will take. He is armed with two American weapons; a Jefferson Repeating Rifle, a gun specializing in mid-range combat, and for close range the American Bowie Knife with good thrusting, slashing and tool utilization. He also has 50 Yuan, his starting paycheck.

Spoiler: Dingbang Kuo (click to show/hide)
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.
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