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Author Topic: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge  (Read 22193 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« on: December 29, 2013, 10:55:43 pm »

unchanged MWDF V.4g
playing dwarves in a young world with all MW-races existing. No FortressDefense races
using a 7 no-caste-dwarves embark on 3x3 flat terrain, no volcano or river, neutral biome, no extreme temperatures, normal embark points
no diseases (i don't feel comfortable playing with them right now, sorry :/)
no secret fun
No regular buildings below groundlevel (constructions, minecarttracks etc may be necessary)
no cage traps and no walling in (neither total wallins nor temporary wallins by drawbridges, doors, hatches or similar abuses)
no other clearly abusive defense measures (atomsmashers, endless trapcorridors, unbeatable doomtraps, walling off mapedges etc)
no dangerrooms, childlabor etc (but i use a 25% childmaximum)
we don't like treehuggers and thus elves have to be killed! All elves! Maybe insulted first and then killed. But none will survive to tell the tale anyway.

- embark
Year 1
- spring
- summer
- autumn
- winter
- final report
Year 2
- spring
- summer
- autumn
- winter
Year 3
- spring/summer
- autumn
- winter
Year 4
- spring/summer
- autumn
- winter
- overview
Year 5
- spring
- summer/autumn
- winter+minor overview
Year 6
- spring
- summer/autumn
- winter
Year 7
- spring
- summer
- autumn/winter+militia overview
Year 8
- spring/summer
- autumn
- winter
- overview
Year 9
- spring/summer
- autumn/conclusion
- overview named militia
- another hero of the fortress

Old post:
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2013, 07:47:32 am »

sadly no responses, but that won't hold me back.
Gonna start this tomorrow, will probably embark with:
2 masons
2 military dwarves
1 farmer
1 miner
1 smith
So those are up for the initial dwarvings. ;)

Also tested some stuff, and i felt a 3x3 embark is more then enough. I can build upwards anytime.
About my questions:
i will powerlevel those first 2, if further dwarves will get the same treatment or if i will just make bigger squads afterwards i will decide depending on the gameflow.
For caverns and magic I have no special plan for now, we will see when we get that far. Ranged combat i will have to experiment, unless i get some expert opinions :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2013, 07:57:35 am »

If you aren't going to wall in I'd suggest rushing for money for clockwork parts and get some turrets up. Maybe web? Maybe set up a few pillar building destroyer traps . You'll need some sort of kill corridor at least.  Maybe a 1 tile dodge trap entrance. A few ballista. Will be interesting to see how your tower/town holds out. I'd like to be dworfed.  Maybe one of those first military dwarfs?


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Re: AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2013, 08:09:14 am »

Any desired weapon?
And i don't want one tile dodge trap or anything like that. Building destroyer traps are also not really necessary, because buildingdestroying is not a threatening ability to an open fortress ^^.
But yeah, i hope to my main entrance road covered by turrets at some point. Also i'm a big fan of ranged dwarves hidden well in some lookouts above the main entrance. It will just need many masons to get everything built.


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Re: V.4g AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2013, 08:40:55 am »

I'm fine with anything. Melee or ranged. Just don't let me get attached to a wooden training weapon haha.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2013, 12:17:27 pm »

A) Looks fine to me. If they level that fast, they are meant to. And as you said, it leads to lopsided skills, which actually hurts leveling other skills in combat (if my shield/weapon is high, I parry so much that my armor skill goes up very slowly)

C) If you don't wall in, you will need both crossbows and melee force.

D) I don't use AoE magic. But Stone / White healers are very good.

Have fun!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2014, 12:54:00 pm »

Somehow lately everything went wrong. First came those guys, asking for a wagon full of weapons and armors. I thought it was the moment of my life, the moment i would earn enough to buy my own little still. Thought they want those weapons for decoration purposes... or so...well, maybe i didn't think at all. Yeah, they robbed the royal distillery afterwards, never got caught... but somehow the officers tracked me down and I didn't know anything, not even the criminals names. They didn't believe me. Prison, 20 years. I thought this was the end. It wasn't.
Financial crisis struck the mountain homes. Booze prices exploded. People are selling their last sock to get something to drink. The kingdom is bankrupt. So they decided to cut spending. Started with us. Said that feeding prisoners is too costly. So they wanted to get rid of us.
Each of us can wish for a small something, then we have to leave the mountainhomes. We are banned from living underground, they said we lost our dwarven rights to settle under the earth. Oh and they will sent yearly inspectors to check everything. We are not allowed to ever close our walls. They said it is so they could keep control over us. I think they just want us dead. Whatever...
We could choose between immediate death and that … 'plan'.
I chose to live. At least for as long as we may last. Six other guys did the same.
So our final day at the mountain homes arrived and the officer asked each of us for our wish. First was Ushrir. Prison didn't do good to him. Said he would not do that. He hates sunlight. Wants to hide underground. So he asked for a pick. He got one.
Next, one dwarf, wants to be called kamikazi, jumped ahead. Not sure what to think of her. She shouted she wants a weapon. Any weapon. Just a real metal weapon. That made me like her, girl has taste of what is important. But i guess the officer didn't like her that much. So he gave kamikazi a copper knuckle duster. She took it like a dwarf. There was no point in argueing. Afterwards everyone was more careful. Nil, who killed someone in a brawl (by accident, he says...), also wanted a weapon. But he asked for a spear explicitly. This went better, as he got one. Kamikazi looked jealous. But that's what you get for being so hotblooded. Now the remaining 4 of us were looking at each other. If each of us would just wish for some murder instrument, we surely would be good at slaughtering things. But would die as fast. Then an elderly dwarf, Cerol, stepped ahead. They say she was in prison for a long time, noone knows what she has done to get there. She said he wants to settle down, has seen enough blood. So she asked for some plants and seeds. Well, at least she may be useful in feeding us. Next, Igbit and Zoden went ahead. They were always seen together. Asked for booze and food. Well... not sure how everyone had forgotten this until now. I'm sure the officers would have laughed their asses off, if we would have left without it. But good, so now this problem was also solved. We actually got a lot of food and booze. I was surprised by that generosity. Now I was the only one left. Everyone stared at me. And i was thinking hard. An anvil maybe? No, not needed immediatly. Some dice to play? I didn't trust my companions. All criminals, they would probably cheat me. I needed some friends in this wilderness. Then I got an idea. I asked for two pairs of drakes. The way my companions looked at me... Not sure if they wanted to kill me or if they were scared. Well... I got my drakes. They would keep me safe.
As soon as we had packed up our new spare belongings we had to leave. Not sure, if I liked my new freedom.
We barely left the gates behind us, we noticed some squeaking in the wagon. Kamikazi grinned. „Took some... just in case... Can eat 'em anytime. And I surely won't leave the mountainhomes with just this“ pointing at his knuckle duster. When we had a closer look we found a couple of moleweasels. Well... Maybe they will be useful. And there was also no need in asking, why kamikazi was in prison. Surprising they didn't hack his hands off.

Some days later we finally arrived at a nice pains, where we decided to settle down. It was fairly warm for that time of the year and there were some water pools scattered around. May we survive here for a while. And thus we founded 'Hexxedgarish'. Not sure what it was supposed to mean. But didn't feel like asking.

Then there was already the first big argument. It was close to turning violent. Kamikazi and Nil argued who should be our militiacaptain. In the end Kamikazi got the title, but Nil was promised a squad as soon as possible. Hope he holds still until then. Once this was settled, it felt like they were done with organizing. I bothered to ask how about our general leadership. Psychatrist, bookkeeping, all that fuss. Well... it was a bad question. Looks like none of them had ever done that. So after some silence... they all pointed at me and now i was responsible for this group of scumbags. Awesome! No... not really. Guess if there is ever some lost soul, that arrives here, i have to talk him into those jobs. But while I have no forge anyway, i may aswell do it.

Criticism, suggestions and dwarvings are always welcome. If you want some special story background on your dwarf, say so. I have left out their roots on purposes, my dwarf barely knows you, he just likes to draw conclusions.
I will update the first post with all infos about available dwarves. 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2014, 03:56:59 pm »

2nd Granite:
Nil didn't get over him being not elected as militia captain. First thing he did was grabbing his spear and chasing 5 jackals. No shouting after him helped, he really wanted to kill those. Why is unknown. Meanwhile Ushrir started digging out a moat to claim our town area. Igbit and Zoden looked slightly frustrated as she was only digging in some dirt, so instead they started destroying our wagon, made themselves some axes and started cutting down the whole area. Cerol immediatly started some farm plots. And i was just looking around and thinking how we would set everything up.

12th Granite:
Nil has finally given up on chasing the jackals. He was way too slow anyway. God knows how, but he actually caught one and murdered it with a few strikes.

No matter how it had happened, it was the first kill here at Hexxedgarish. Maybe that was all Nil wanted. Kamikazi still looked irritated, There was never an order to kill those jackals. Hopefully Nil would follow her orders in future. We also produced some barrels and Cerol tried our new still to make some more alcohol from the plants we brought.

20th Granite:
Nil and kamikazi finally found to each other. They are now sparring like crazy.

5th Slate:
Cerol started shearing our drakes to make some nice armor and helms for our military. Each of them also got a wooden shield. Hope they put it to good use, but their sparring looks promising.
Work on the moat is also progressing. And i still have my drakes. Slowly i feel like we can settle down here.

9th Slate:
I requested my own little wooden hut. Otherwise i can't do all the bookkepping.

21st Felsite:
My hut is finally done. To calm down the others i also ordered a common dormitory to be built.
The moat is almost done. Ushrir is removing the last ramps now, so noone can just walk through it except at the main entrance. It looks like the work did good on him. He is much faster now then in the beginning. As soon as the moat is done we can finally get some real stones to work on a proper town.

1st Hematite:
Summer has started:
I drew a little sketch of our progress so far: (oups, entrance is ofc at the top... misspainted that..)

We are doing well, but living above is still something to get used to. All of us have complained about the rain lately and also the lack of chairs and beds is disturbing. For me those problems are fixed now, but the work on the dormitory and a dining room afterwards have to be pushed forward quickly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2014, 04:59:44 pm »

Loving the story so far.  Thanks for making a nice backstory for each of us.  I certainly was a fool for not specifying what weapon I'd want.  I'll remember this when I ask to be dworfed in other games haha.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2014, 05:50:37 pm »

I'd love one of those early migrants. Just give me someone useful ^_^
Congratulations, you've managed to weaponize air.


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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2014, 06:01:55 pm »

migrant or an embarked dwarf? I would rename them. If an embarked dwarf, you can choose freely which one. Migrants... i wont spoiler them yet.
And i prefer to name useful dwarves anyway, since i usually play with labordescribing customnames and right now i have issues finding my dwarfes without customnames :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2014, 06:05:41 pm »

One o' dem migrants will do just nicely, donchanow.
Congratulations, you've managed to weaponize air.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2014, 07:08:27 pm »

15th Hematite:
Igbit, Zoden and Ushrir are now on break for 2 weeks. Neither the moat nor the dormitory get done that way.

24th Hematite:
Oh my god. Some poor souls just arrived. Looks like the crisis at the mountain homes leads to an highly increased crime rate. When I screened them, results were surprising.
A girl named Ib, she seems to never have done any work. Well... now she got assigned to our masons (and currently woodworkers). Can't do much wrong there.
Secondly a guy called Mosus, said he was an Alchemist. hmm... We may have a need for him later. For now he can do some hauling. That should speed things up. Right now our woodworkers have to bring every piece of wood from where the tree was cut.
Third was a a dwarf by the name of Kosoth. Claimed to be a legionnaire. But at the same time had no combat skills to mention. Probably some rich parents. Whatever... Now he has to live up to it. Or die. But we have to find some metals first to make him at least a weapon. Until that he will be spared.
Then there was Lenz. He said, he was a marksdwarf. And again couldn't show any combatskills worth mentioning. Well, he would now have the same destiny as Kosoth. Prove his worth... or die trying.
Last was an odd one. Asked us to call him moseythepirate. Not sure what to make of it. I assumed he was part of some gang or so. Said he had some diplomatic skill. I didn't wish to hear more and didn't care who he has negotiated with or whatever he had done. Gave him all the paperwork, now he had to run this town. Guy didn't know what happened to him. Well, but that wasn't my problem anymore.

Only downside was, that i had to give my little hut to moseythepirate. Hopefully our public buildings will be done soon. With the much improved dwarfpower i have some hope.

2nd Malachite
The dormitory is done. Next is the dining hall. Now that i have less paperwork to do i spent some time watching Nil and kamikazi sparring. Nil is trying to stab kamikazi but is still too clumsy to hit her. But instead of striking back she is spinning around like a drunken dancer. Calls it roundhouse kick. While it may be aesthetically pleasing, i doubt its combat effectiveness.

6th Malachite
Today we noticed our food supplies running low. While we won't starve on alcohol, our meat supplies are dwindling. Guess we have to make some strawberries into meals.

27th Malachite
Today the moat was finished. Moseythepirate ordered the drakes and mountain tuscox to be pastured at the entrance. Everyone was relieved and we felt a bit safer now. And Ushrir was the happiest of all. Finally she could dig deep into the earth. Ib, Zoden and Igbit also could barely await those soon incoming solid stones. And I was hoping for some mineral veins. Everything would change now.
Oh, and technically our dining hall was also completed. The only problem was the tree growing right where the door was supposed to be. Someone has to cut it. Now! But as usual when something needs to be done urgently, no one feels responsible.

3rd Galena
Ushrir struck Malachite!!! Well, there may be more valuable minerals, but after such a long time without metal, i was already happy about that. I inspected the veins in person to have a better picture. There seems to be a lot of it here. I immediately asked for a smelter and ore processor to be built. Ad i need an anvil. Oh my god, i'm so excited!

4th Galena
Now Ushrir also showed me a few pieces of Meteorite. This feels like heaven! Moseythepirate meanwhile ordered stone blocks. Many of them... Endless stonesblocks. Our masons will be busy.

14th Galena
Now Ushrir also found bituminous coal.

Looks like we have everything here. We just have to get it up. The bottleneck are again the amount of helping hands. Everyone is busy and still it feels like there is way more work then we can handle.
Also moseythepirate ordered a trade depot to be built. I have no idea who he wants to trade with. He explained me, the mountain homes are crumbling under the crisis, and may trade with us. But we have nothing of value to give away. So still no clue where he is going with it. Probably just some of his gang stuff.
But at least finally someone cut the tree blocking our dining hall.

28th Galena
Our city got a tad safer again. At least this is my feeling. We have 4 babydrakes now. Hopefully they grow big fast, so they can defend us well. I'm still not sure what to think of dancing kamikazi and Nil. At least those two became friends now. Hopefully that won't be an issue, if one of them bites the dust...

1st Limestone
Autumn arrived.
I figured out, why our construction work goes so slowly. Igbit and Zoden are mostly busy with each other. At least they are happy. But still... would be nice if they would work more instead of hanging around together all the time.
Inspectors will be here soon. We would like to get some trade goods but right now everyone is so busy...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2014, 01:22:13 am »

Coal and metal thank Armok!  I'm sure my dwarf is sick of spinning in circles kicking and throwing punches with the knuckle duster.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: V.4g Hexxedgarish - AboveGround Dwarf Challenge
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2014, 06:04:27 am »

If stil unclaimed, i really would like to be the marksdwarf  :D
prefered weapon: javelin thrower

and you can call me Lenz
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