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Reader count!  Do you read TLCM?  If so, pick your favorite character below!

Misty Kolnazom, the Greatest Cheesemaker Ever!
Reg Pashmad the Recruit
Gruzzlus Holt the Captain
Plumpy the Plump Helmet Man
Kulet Lokunnomel the Nun
Enir Twigappears the Overseer
Darkerdaffodil the Elf
Maynard the Mule
Iron Owl the Iron Knight

Pages: 1 ... 117 118 [119] 120 121 ... 348

Author Topic: The Littlest Cheesemaker - Updated 12/07/2022  (Read 1842001 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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You know... I kept wondering where people were getting those percentage quotes from... >_<


  • Bay Watcher
  • if (ANNOYED_W_FANS==true) { KILL_CHAR(rand()); }
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I'm gonna post the end of this chapter tonight (midnight). 

Anyone who wants to get dwarfed can enter before then.  Be sure to include a description of your dwarf in your post!


  • Bay Watcher
  • eshimdomnothry (FreedomSlavery)
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Dwarf Me!  I wanna be a mason.  A big, strong guy, but on the lazy side, and has trouble with the concept of family, though not of friendship.
My extended sig
Includes the one and only !!DrunkFortress!! quote anthology.
Also: Bay 12 Archeology!  I bring the word of Bay12.  And the word is despair
I'm back, but I can't be consistant enough for games... Sorry!


  • Bay Watcher
  • if (ANNOYED_W_FANS==true) { KILL_CHAR(rand()); }
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Dwarf Me!  I wanna be a mason.  A big, strong guy, but on the lazy side, and has trouble with the concept of family, though not of friendship.

Alright, it's now a cheese-sculpting/fanart/fanfiction competition. I'm pretty sure this is a terrible idea, but let's give it a shot.

Anyone who submits an entry before midnight Sunday night is eligible.  The readers will vote on the winner.  Winner gets Dwarf'd into the story.


  • Bay Watcher
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Dwarf Me!  I wanna be a mason.  A big, strong guy, but on the lazy side, and has trouble with the concept of family, though not of friendship.

Alright, it's now a cheese-sculpting/fanart/fanfiction competition. I'm pretty sure this is a terrible idea, but let's give it a shot.

Anyone who submits an entry before midnight Sunday night is eligible.  The readers will vote on the winner.  Winner gets Dwarf'd into the story.
To be fair, my knee-jerk reaction was the same as Omeganaut's.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wanted: Dead or with Chives
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Spoiler (click to show/hide)
"Necromancy is sort of like Jaywalking. It's not illegal, just frowned upon."


  • Bay Watcher
  • They/Them Life is weird
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Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Does this count?
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


  • Bay Watcher
  • if (ANNOYED_W_FANS==true) { KILL_CHAR(rand()); }
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  • Bay Watcher
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Spoiler (click to show/hide)
*snickers* And here I'd thought it was the a different Point of View all along. ;D


  • Bay Watcher
  • eshimdomnothry (FreedomSlavery)
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sorry.  the way you said that confused me.  I just forgot about what I had read earlier in my excitement.
My extended sig
Includes the one and only !!DrunkFortress!! quote anthology.
Also: Bay 12 Archeology!  I bring the word of Bay12.  And the word is despair
I'm back, but I can't be consistant enough for games... Sorry!


  • Bay Watcher
  • [CRAZED]
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I'm gonna post the end of this chapter tonight (midnight). 

Anyone who wants to get dwarfed can enter before then.  Be sure to include a description of your dwarf in your post!
You are a terrible person. An hour is too much for my little heart!
My second turn's unnoficial goal was to turn everyone into vampires, and it backfired so bad, I ended up making the fort a more efficient, safer and friendlier place.
Apparently they evolved a taste for everything I love and care about


  • Bay Watcher
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Can i have a cannon fodder dwarf named Bob Sherman, I want to be killed off ASAP if possible (so no need for descriptions!) ;)
The anwser to life, the universe, and everything as we know it is -MAGMA-


  • Bay Watcher
  • the Awe-Inspiring Distraction
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I'm so frustrated, I had to redraw my picture entirely due to a save corruption  :'( As a result it's sketchy as heck.

I hope you like it! If I do get a dwarf I'd love if they were named Enir Twigappears. (Only caveat is I'd prefer a ladydorf!) ((EDIT 2: Though I guess her nickname could be Earwig!  I don't have numbers or anything in my name so it doesn't destroy canon. And everybody loves earwigs.))

UPDATE WITH DESCRIP: Just in case you want more specific stuff; pale skin, long mahogany brown hair with bangs, wears black and/or grey. Loves insects, monkeys, fur trimmed jackets, and copper. Green eyes with some bags under them, like she's Seen Things. Maybe a little creepy/odd, but not impolite. Probably steals things. Can be any profession, be of any personality, any religion, any motive, etc etc. Have fun with her if you make her. :D
« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 01:11:43 am by Earwig »
Like my story of Vanod wandering through Monster Island?

Please vote for it to be included in the Hall of Legends!

And please enjoy my grumpy guest appearance (Enir Twigappears) in the awesome The Littlest Cheesemaker story by evictedSaint!


  • Bay Watcher
  • if (ANNOYED_W_FANS==true) { KILL_CHAR(rand()); }
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Can i have a cannon fodder dwarf named Bob Sherman, I want to be killed off ASAP if possible (so no need for descriptions!) ;)

Alright, it's now a cheese-sculpting/fanart/fanfiction competition. I'm pretty sure this is a terrible idea, but let's give it a shot.

Anyone who submits an entry before midnight Sunday night is eligible.  The readers will vote on the winner.  Winner gets Dwarf'd into the story.

I don't think I was quite clear enough on the rules.  I'll keep that in mind next time.

I'm so frustrated, I had to redraw my picture entirely due to a save corruption  :'( As a result it's sketchy as heck.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I hope you like it! If I do get a dwarf I'd love if they were named Enir Twigappears. (Only caveat is I'd prefer a ladydorf!)

 :o Holy cow, that's amazing!


  • Bay Watcher
  • if (ANNOYED_W_FANS==true) { KILL_CHAR(rand()); }
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"Ah, there we go!  Don't worry little guy, you'll grow up all nice and strong again in a few years."


"Oh, no thank you!  I'm not hungry."

"No, but like, what if the world wasn't made on a giant anvil in space?" Finnberry asks, staring off into the distance.  "Like, what if there's just one guy, like you said, but he's not a dwarf and just some sort of all-knowing, all-loving Force of some kind?  What if we, like, are part of that Force?  Like...whoah..."

"...That sounds...blasphemous," the nun replies with a frown.

"...and then we simply pluck the fruit from the trees, already grown into the shape of a chair, or a shield, or a door, or whatever we need it to be!  So you see, we don't actually need stone, or even the mechanisms you make for a living.  The only metal we even use is mithril for our weapons, like Daffodil's bow, and tin for everything else, like my brooch here!  So, to answer your question, no!  We don't have any engineers like you in the Elven Retreat."


"Typical elves.  Thinking they can just waltz in with their fancy bows and show off.  Keep them away from little Rovod, dear, I don't want them talking to my little baby boy and filling his head with that nonsense religion of theirs."

"Just keep walking, honey, don't make eye contact.  They won't talk to you unless you make eye contact."

"Well, young Misty!  It looks like we've finally made it," Darkerdaffodil says with a smile.  "It feels like it's been nearly nine months since we've left, but it's been barely a day, and even less than that since I've had the pleasure of your company."

You can barely contain your excitement.  You've finally made it.  You've dreamed of this day for years, but now it's here.  You're at Shielddawn, and soon you'll employ your craft as a cheese-maker and show the world just what you can do. 

"I've had my doubts about the Dwarves before, young Misty, but you've assuaged them to no end.  This tenuous peace between our races has been the point of many a discussion amongst our leaders in the Forest Retreat, but I believe that this peace will last.  You've shown me that a friendship between an elf and a dwarf is possible.  For that, I thank you. 

It's here that we must part ways, young Misty, but I wish you the best.  Pursue your dream as a cheese-maker, and, should fortune allow, the next time we meet our trade caravan will be laden heavy with your masterwork cheese wheels. 

May the Force be with you."

You can't believe it.  This...he's the first person, the first one who's ever believed in you.  The first one who's ever told you to follow your dream.  The only one, really.  You've had your doubts before, but for the first time you're 100% sure that you're making the right choice by going to Shielddawn.  You don't know what to say!

You've got a good feeling about all this.

« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 05:00:59 pm by evictedSaint »
Pages: 1 ... 117 118 [119] 120 121 ... 348