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Author Topic: Slingblock: A noob fortress - Free Socks* (Details inside)  (Read 39143 times)


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Re: Slingblock: A noob fortress - Wells are hard.
« Reply #210 on: September 01, 2014, 09:57:31 pm »

My turn is not quite done. In the interest of war ice wolves though, we now have significantly more cage traps placed randomly in the wilderness.
Raising an army of tamed ice wolves sounds pretty sweet, can't wait for that.
Welcome to the forums, August!
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Re: Slingblock: A noob fortress - Wells are hard.
« Reply #211 on: September 02, 2014, 03:21:32 am »

I can't wait to unleash the hounds!
left eye


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Re: Slingblock: A noob fortress - Wells are hard.
« Reply #212 on: September 02, 2014, 02:44:46 pm »

Alright, what've I got t'do d'day... hrmm... socks... new mug... SLINGBLOCK?! Well Armok damn it.

1st Granite 255, early Spring

What. Is. This. Shithole? I've been told the prior overseers were inexperienced, but...
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The aboveground fortress is built out of ice. There is no real defensive structure, just a fat tower without proper fortifications plonked on top of the unroofed structure.
And there are dozens of corpses rotting outside... that refuse shoulda been atomsmashed ages ago.
At least there's all this elf blood to cheer me up.

2nd Granite 255, early Spring

This fortress is doing all right, for a fortress run by COMPLETELY INCOMPETENT NINCOMPOOPS. LOOK AT THIS. LOOK AT IT.
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That is our cistern. It connects directly to the cavern lakes, without any way to shut it off. Through THREE SEPARATE PIPES. Any Forgotten Beast that can swim, or rather, ALL OF THEM, can and will find a way into the fortress through the cistern. As will cave crocodiles. I fucking hate cave crocodiles.
No biggie. We can figure out a way to make the cistern safe without losing water access, I'm sure. It'll take some serious engineering but with perseverence comes victory.

Oh, but then there's this:
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That's right. This fort is completely open to the caverns. With a military consisting of 13 practically untrained dwarves. When I went to talk to the militia commander, I found he had several fractured bones, Armok knows from what, and, in addition, that the fort's three "squads" aren't even training. Indeed, he was hauling junk around when I found him. This will all soon be fixed...

The Objectives and the Plans
3rd Granite 255, early Spring

1: Make the caverns and our water source safe

Looking at the cistern, it is certainly large, but not very defensible AT ALL. Engineering to the max here. Considered options included mass-pumping the water out, but in the end, I opted for a relatively simple cave-in plan to seal off the water input to our cistern. I will then build a completely safe pump-based system that even the most powerful Forgotten Beast could never get through

(OoC: Building destroyers like Forgotten Beasts can't destroy grates from below, while pumps can still suck water through grates. Thus, a pump drawing water through a floor grate is invulnerable to building destroyers in the water source it's drawing from.)

In addition, a large section of the cavern will be walled off immediately, with a single, sealable corridor filled with traps and doors for capturing cavern wildlife. While this is a large undertaking it is fairly straightforward: Simply build a wall from floor level to ceiling level around the future safe-zone.

2: Trap some local wildlife (I hear ice wolves make great war animals...)

I've placed cages at the corners of the fort above ground. Animals seeking the shortest route around will be trapped. Large cross-shaped walls will similarly funnel animals into traps at the centre. These will be built near the edges of the map.


There is a large and well furnished barracks already cut into the ice. That will do for now, Armok knows why the so-called militia wasn't training in it already.
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In addition, many more dwarves will be drafted and the uniforms of the military will be revised. The current uniform is crude and inefficient, to say the least.
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The new standard uniform is optimised for lightness without sacrificing protection. In addition, many slight variations of this uniform are designated so as to ensure that telling a hammerdwarf not to equip himself a sword is easy.
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Spoiler: the new melee uniform (click to show/hide)

These uniforms should ensure that all our soldiers are well protected in battle.
In addition, I have replaced our current incompetent militia commander with August II. August II's swordsdwarf squad will no longer be the fortress guard, but rather our best line of defence against any and all attacks, and the post of Captain of the Guard will be left vacant. I see no crime, and I see no reason for crime

(OoC: It's very important not to make your fortress guard an effective melee unit, as they will use their weapons to administer beatings(=dead legendary smiths). Much better to give them wooden crossbows and no melee training whatsoever, that way beatings are just beatings, rather than grisly executions. Or just don't appoint a captain of the guard, as I've done here, and angry nobles' stupid justice against your most valuable dwarves will never be an issue. /OoC)

In addition, the new training schedule will consist entirely of sparring - no namby-pamby demonstrations! - and the level immediately below the surface defenses is being turned into an archery range for our 20 newly drafted marksdwarves.

Finally, the squads have been reorganised based on weapon specialisation. Not strictly necessary, given that when sparring, it doesn't matter what weapon your opponent is training with, but it makes it easier to allocate skilled migrants quickly to squads, and to see what weapons are under-represented in your military.

Now let's see to our equipment... Wow. That is a lot of iron. All ore smelting operations have been ceased with immediate effect. Steel-making is now the name of the game. A military decked out in steel will crush most things in their way. I have a chat with the manager and tell him to issue orders for 30 bars of pig iron and 60 bars of steel (That's only 30 work orders for steel, each one produces 2 steel bars), and poking around our forges I find that we have a legendary armoursmith and a couple of grand master weaponsmiths. Certainly good enough workers for steel.

I intend to leave this fortress undefeatable after my year's term.


OoC: Holy carp, planning took a LONG TIME. About 4 hours on and off. But outlined above is pretty much all I intend to do in my turn since everything else actually seems ok, and the military reorganisation was where most of my work was (we now have 38 soldiers, with proper training schedules and uniforms, assigned to a barracks and archery range). So, the rest of my year should just be progress reports and such. Expect it done the day after tomorrow, since I'm only getting home at like 10pm tomorrow.
"is it harmful for my dwarves ? I bet it is"
Always a safe default assumption in this game 


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Re: Slingblock: A noob fortress - Wells are hard.
« Reply #213 on: September 02, 2014, 03:16:14 pm »

Good work. That would have been Fun if a FB arrived that we couldn't deal with.
Also, what the fuck are
and where can I get that on a t-shirt?
left eye


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Slingblock: A noob fortress - Wells are hard.
« Reply #214 on: September 02, 2014, 07:35:17 pm »

Awesome first update, Skullsploder!
Awesome to see that our military is getting a boost.
Welcome to the forums, August!
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Re: Slingblock: A noob fortress - Wells are hard.
« Reply #215 on: September 02, 2014, 09:23:26 pm »

This fortress is doing all right, for a fortress run by COMPLETELY INCOMPETENT NINCOMPOOPS. LOOK AT THIS. LOOK AT IT.

Don't know if you guys have ever read the webcomic "The Punchline is Machismo". I edited a piece of it (in MSpaint) for the situation.

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FACT I: Post note art is best art.
FACT II: Dunamisdeos is a forum-certified wordsmith.
FACT III: "All life begins with Post-it notes and ends with Post-it notes. This is the truth! This is my belief!...At least for now."


  • Bay Watcher
  • "No, Urist. You are the Goblins."
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Re: Slingblock: A noob fortress - Wells are hard.
« Reply #216 on: September 03, 2014, 10:36:11 pm »

This fortress is doing all right, for a fortress run by COMPLETELY INCOMPETENT NINCOMPOOPS. LOOK AT THIS. LOOK AT IT.

Don't know if you guys have ever read the webcomic "The Punchline is Machismo". I edited a piece of it (in MSpaint) for the situation.

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I've never read that webcomic before, might have to check it out.
Welcome to the forums, August!
Please leave your sanity on the coat hanger to your left.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Slingblock: A noob fortress - Wells are hard.
« Reply #217 on: September 04, 2014, 05:41:29 pm »

im not dead btw, just busy as hell

by the way, what should our plan be in the event of !!FUN!!? I say we call the fortress dead, however that comes about, and maybe begin another on a more difficult embark in 40.X.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2014, 05:47:04 pm by KingMurdoc »
GM of Trespassers V2.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Slingblock: A noob fortress - Wells are hard.
« Reply #218 on: September 04, 2014, 11:14:39 pm »

im not dead btw, just busy as hell

by the way, what should our plan be in the event of !!FUN!!? I say we call the fortress dead, however that comes about, and maybe begin another on a more difficult embark in 40.X.

Agreed! .40 is plenty stable to play Fort mode in now. I like it very much indeed.
FACT I: Post note art is best art.
FACT II: Dunamisdeos is a forum-certified wordsmith.
FACT III: "All life begins with Post-it notes and ends with Post-it notes. This is the truth! This is my belief!...At least for now."


  • Bay Watcher
  • "No, Urist. You are the Goblins."
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Re: Slingblock: A noob fortress - Wells are hard.
« Reply #219 on: September 05, 2014, 01:38:40 am »

im not dead btw, just busy as hell

by the way, what should our plan be in the event of !!FUN!!? I say we call the fortress dead, however that comes about, and maybe begin another on a more difficult embark in 40.X.

Agreed! .40 is plenty stable to play Fort mode in now. I like it very much indeed.

Sounds good to me!
Let's see if we can get down to that Adamantine Longsword deep underground before the fortress collapses. I think that'd be a great way to end things.
Welcome to the forums, August!
Please leave your sanity on the coat hanger to your left.


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Re: Slingblock: A noob fortress - Wells are hard.
« Reply #220 on: September 05, 2014, 06:50:48 pm »

He lives!

The Reforms Begin
4th Granite 255, early Spring

Cave-ins are designated for the cistern. Because of the... interesting design, I had to figure out a multi-z-level collapse to block off the east pipes, since, for some reason, it was decided that there should be TWO UNSEALED PIPES RIGHT ON TOP OF EACH OTHER.
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Workers have been ordered to move a huge quantity of stone blocks into the caverns for use of our masons in sealing off a large section for dwarven use, so the fort should be relatively secure on that front soon.

And of course, the military is now actually training, thank Armok.
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Unfortunately, the fort seems to be low on high boots (ha, ha), so I'm hoping steel production gets going before I have to resort to drastic measures like allowing the soldiers to wear socks.

11th granite 255, early Spring

The cave in is ready. Just one last bit to designate and then
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Well, fuck.

At least the militia had enough time to grab weapons, even if they are all naked. As soon as I receive word of the beast I scream at August II to get his militia moving into the caverns, flapping bits and all.

But it may be too late. A resounding splash is heard throughout the fortress. Inrus, the enormous, 3-tailed, scaly zebra (that hungers for warm blood), has got scent of the fortress and has begun swimming through the cavern lake!
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13th Granite 255, early Spring

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The first stage of the pipe closure has been completed, despite the imminent attack of a hoofed Forgotten Beast. I quickly order the miners to complete the second stage, since that will force Inrus to face the militia at the muster point on the opposite side of the lake, rather than attacking the for through our cistern.
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For now, Inrus seems content to simply lurk beneath the surface of the lake.

15th Granite 255, early Spring

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Cistern sealed. Great success! Combat with Inrus imminent.

A great ripple is seen on the surface of the lake. Suddenly, the Beast breaks the surface by the entrance to an abandoned access tunnel running round the lake!
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The members of the militia hear the shouts of the mason sent to seal the tunnel. He may make it. He may not. Their job is to stand firm in the muster point regardless. The mason rushes past them, towards the safety of the fortress. He spares them not a word, his eyes crazed with fear. The militia stands silent, no jests are spoken. A striped head appears around the corner.
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Instantly the militia is upon the Beast. It flails madly at them, but the fort is defended by seasoned warriors. New to the fort's own militia they may be, but these dwarves have seen much combat elsewhere, and they spare the enourmous creature of the deep no mercy. The combat is long and painful. Those dwarves unlucky enough to receive a kick from the creature find themselves short on limbs, and the equine teeth of the creature shear straight through the mishmash of iron and copper mail the soldiers are arrayed in.

Soon though, the beast is subdued.

24th Granite 255, early Spring

A swordswarf named Goden Paddledot scored the killing blow on the creature. We have no deaths recorded as yet, but three dwarves are missing limbs and bleeding out rapidly. Even if dwarven medicine saves their lives, these dwarves will remain forever as cripples.

3rd Slate 255, mid-Spring

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Our only master weaponsmith got knocked into the cistern by a giant rat. THIS IS WHY WE BUILD DEFENSES AGAINST THE CAVERNS.
The injured dwarves all look to be making full recoveries. Well, close to full recoveries. They're still missing limbs.

5th Slate 255, mid-Spring

A kid just got possessed. "...and on the umpteenth day Armok said: 'Let there be Useless Crafts,' and behold, there were Useless Crafts."

14th Slate 255, mid-Spring

The kid's begun working on something. Meanwhile, useful work has begun on the safe pump for the cistern. It should be done by month's end.

18th Slate 255, mid-Spring

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How. Useful.
Hold on...
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(OoC: Guys. Necromancer Queen. This is brilliant. WE MUST BECOME THE MOUNTAINHOME AT ALL COSTS.)

27th Slate 255, mid-Spring

Migrants... All of them are now masons. Walling off of our little sheltered bit of cavern proceeds apace.
Also, apparently, screw pumps ignore the u-bend 1z lower pressure rule.
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9th Malachite 255, mid-Summer

A butcher has now withdrawn from society. The cistern-refill pump is now fully safe to use. All external foot access to the northeast quadrant of the caverns has been cut off, air access will soon be prevented as well.

12th Malachite 255, mid-summer

More migrants; more masons, more soldiers. The butcher claimed a craftsdwarf's workshop, and is collecting materials.

24th Malachite 255, mid-Summer

Butcher made a cedar scepter. Cavern walls at layer 2 of 5, construction commencing on level 3.

4th Galena 255, late Summer

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Aww shit. INSIDE. Good thing I put up all those new cage traps, huh?

5th Galena 255, late Summer

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Whelp, looks like Hydras aren't fans of large, serrated iron disks. Did someone say anticlimax?

22nd Galena 255, late Summer

Multiple ambushes. Excellent, needed more armour for military. Plenty of arrow-wounds in our soldiers. 2 lost their lives, as did a couple of civilians caught in the crossfire. Overall a resounding victory, however.
Set up automatic refuse disposal system using existing garbage chute: Built raising bridge at bottom of chute, linked to pressure plate, and made a single stop minecart "route" to get dwarves to chuck all useless refuse down the hole.
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Also noticed no one using wells. Reason being water in buckets was frozen. Demolished wells, moved them down out of glacier layers. Dwarves  having no trouble now.

(Ok, That is half my turn. I'm being far too detailed, I know. I'll finish it in the morning. The military is getting lots of... live training, by the way. They're doin' gud.)
"is it harmful for my dwarves ? I bet it is"
Always a safe default assumption in this game 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Slingblock: A noob fortress - Wells are hard.
« Reply #221 on: September 06, 2014, 12:37:44 am »

Cisterns meeting safety standards? The hell is this?!
My cisterns are a pinnacle of needlessly unsafe and haphazard dwarvenly noobish engineering!

(thanks for fixing it though)
Welcome to the forums, August!
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Re: Slingblock: A noob fortress - Wells are hard.
« Reply #222 on: September 06, 2014, 03:31:52 am »

He lives!
Oh, good. I feared his skull had ... *puts sunglasses on* ... exploded! Yyyyeeeeaaaahhhh!
Ahem, sorry. Anyways, a fucking necromancer queen‽ How did an embark for newbies translate into "all the Fun possible without an evil biome"?
left eye


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Re: Slingblock: A noob fortress - Wells are hard.
« Reply #223 on: September 06, 2014, 08:02:59 am »

He lives!
Oh, good. I feared his skull had ... *puts sunglasses on* ... exploded! Yyyyeeeeaaaahhhh!
Ahem, sorry. Anyways, a fucking necromancer queen‽ How did an embark for newbies translate into "all the Fun possible without an evil biome"?
Were you going to keep her, she would appreciate  her personal quarters by the archery range./prisoner dumping pit :P
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


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Re: Slingblock: A noob fortress - Wells are hard.
« Reply #224 on: September 06, 2014, 08:20:25 am »

Oh we should definitively keep her. These kind of challenges are just as much part of DF as setting up a well is.
If we even get her anyway.
left eye
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