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Author Topic: The Museum II; adventure succession world (game is finished)  (Read 111582 times)


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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #300 on: April 26, 2015, 03:36:18 pm »

So the minotaur is still alive, but missing his horns (and his pride)?

Also, I've added the talking wagon as a museum item, in this case nobody submitted it, the thing apparently arrived on its own.


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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #301 on: April 26, 2015, 04:05:43 pm »

Aye, Thomod could not bring himself to kill Yellfamous, sometimes you spare just one.

The wagon is seems to hang about, only moving position when you aren't around. It actually has a sight radius in sneak mode, as well as attackable body parts, wheels and such.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2015, 05:17:13 pm by Unraveller »
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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #302 on: April 27, 2015, 05:52:34 am »

I can just imagine this will become tradition. Many adventurers will go fight the same minotaur, break off some random body part, and bring it back.
He listed off what sounded like a lot of painful-sounding procedures that needed to be done, then proceeded to immediately throw a party.


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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #303 on: April 27, 2015, 09:33:03 am »

Well Yellfamous is sort of, er, crippled. With that first attack his spine was really messed up. The poor creature can't even stand, and I'm not sure that injury can be healed.

Oh, and I believe the wagon should have a name, so as to not have to refer to it as "Wagon" every time.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 10:16:07 am by Unraveller »
I've lost control of my life.


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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #304 on: April 27, 2015, 11:35:22 am »

if it will be a recurring reliable apeance sure.

but how do we know it wont leave at some point, like....when you install stuff?

I guess if it does not leave right as you start the installation of the submissions you could wall it in but that's n guarantee when we switch back and forth from fort to adventure.
Kids make great meat shields.
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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #305 on: April 27, 2015, 11:50:21 am »

"Fat lot of good this journey's brought us" The words were of Daseb Escubirod, the human archeologist, as she and Thomod lazed about behind the walls of Murderedflags. The two had met sometime during the strongman's trek westward from Throneshields, says she was heading that direction for a survey of the place. Might as well travel together, Thomod already had a run-in with boogeymen and certainly wasn't looking to reprise that encounter.

She breaks the silence again, "This place seems mostly empty, naught but one dwarven soul left on its grounds, and he is truly mad." She spoke of course of Rovod Bidnozimush, the deranged king of Murderedflags. the king of what? A pile of soil surrounded by a shoddy wall.

The dwarf did not wish to speak with them, instead muttering unknown words in foreign tongues. Thomod begged the king to join with him, surely he could not survive out here for long. But to no avail were his efforts. And without another thought the pair left for the museum at Throneshields.

(Somewhat large image.)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"You say a animate wagon spoke to you? Told you to come all the way out here? Just what I need, to be following around another madman." Daseb glared at her partner, as it were, whimsically.

Replying stalwart, Thomod said, "I know exactly what happened, it speaks with an archaic rickety voice. De wagon without a name seems to hold such wisdom."

"For all its wisdom it sure couldn't picked a worse spot, I mean why would it send you to that dump anyway?" the archaeologist responded sarcastically.

With a smirk Thomod ended the conversation with, "Perhaps it had sent me to meet with you."


"By Palath its brilliant!" Daseb said as she and Thomod stood in awe between four great pyramidian structures. "De journey will not be a waste after all" the strongman remarked.

Thomod guided the archaeologist who had become so stimulated, this was likely the discovery of her lifetime, whatever it was. Finally they reached a door into one of the pyramids, the muscled man slowly creaked it open, leading into a dim room with an intricately carved slab, a warning to those who would dare enter. Superstitious nonsense? Could be, although, Thomod had been following the commands of a talking wagon.

They would be on their guard, not entirely sure of what could be found here, though the strongman could not leave Daseb to do this alone, she needed muscle when the goings got tough, and he had plenty.

The pair wandered the dim torch lit halls, smoothed rock engraved with all manner of picture, though nothing they could easily make out, climbing up a staircase finally the dense acrid air had hit them, this was no dwarven mine, it was a tomb!

Corpses line every last bit of the floors, gladly they had all rotted away long ago. Endless rows of skeletons just laid out in every room, on every surface. What there could possibly be a warning for Thomod did not know, but the very thought frightened him. As the pair sift their way through extended rooms and tight passages, they begin to notice numerous piles of arms and armour strewn about, in chests, sacks, and coffers. These containers were guarded by even more numerable traps.

This only begged the question; why had, in death, these beings needed so many weapons of war? The thought chilled them to the bone, they pressed ever onward. Closer and closer to the heart of the tomb, now began endless rows of great statues, hewn from rock and metal. Simple things like humans and animals at first, however the closer they drew to the antechamber the more frightening things had become. Depictions of demons and devils, beasts forgotten by time, things that could not be uttered in the most secret of places. Why so long ago had all this been created? Under whose guidance? Questions the may never know, not that they had a particular desire to truly find out.

At last, Thomod pries open a large sealed door at the end of just another hall. A wave of horrid feeling passes through the two as they enter. An ornate sarcophagus lies in the center of the chamber, mounds of bone and dust scattered all about, something they had began to ignore.

The most terrifying of all? The coffin's lid had been slid away long ago. The container - empty. Graverobbers? Perhaps, although why they had not partaken in the piles of treasure all throughout the tomb was another story. No, this was something more sinister, Thomod could feel it in his bones. In the chamber lie a slab, commemorating whoever's tomb this had been.

This was more than ancient, almost before the beginning of recorded history. Were they the first people to walk these halls in nearly a thousand years? After recording whatever it is that she needed to record Daseb had gestured, three tombs left.

And all three same as the first, only with different layouts and different rulers, yet one thing remained static, empty coffins.

With Daseb's archaeological lust sated, the pair fled as fast as they could, truly some evil had arisen from this site. Where it was now? No one could say. Returning to Throneshields, they met again with the eldritch wagon, where they would receive grim news.

A great beast of flame and death seeks the museum for its new nest, and its hoard. It must be stopped.

Will we ever find the corpse of rulers long ago? Will this dragon obliterate our hero? Find out next time on the daring adventures of Thomod Sinaabo!
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 02:00:12 pm by Unraveller »
I've lost control of my life.

Eric Blank

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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #306 on: April 28, 2015, 07:23:23 pm »

Any idea as to why Oma abandoned you? Companions usually just sit there placidly...
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #307 on: April 28, 2015, 07:33:08 pm »

I've honestly no clue as to why she had left. I thought that I would simply end the contract for adventure with her until I came out of the labyrinth, but she must have wandered off while I was tussling with Yellfamous.

Which reminds me, I've kept this save quite some time past my turn - sorry. And while I'm very sad that by the time I get to play again Thomod will have likely died of old age, I'm happy to see more great stories of heroism.

Here you are 0996395, it is your turn now.

I'll post the end of Thomod's adventures soon. It was fun everyone!
I've lost control of my life.

Eric Blank

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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #308 on: April 28, 2015, 07:39:01 pm »

...You're not supposed to end the agreement, you're supposed to ask them to do something and then tell them to wait. You just told her to fuck off and she went home. :P
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #309 on: April 28, 2015, 08:41:41 pm »

I had no idea, In all my adventures I have ended agreements with people and they seem to stay in the exact spot I leave them. Oh well.
I've lost control of my life.


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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #310 on: May 01, 2015, 02:30:21 am »

I've had companions disappear on me without cancelling any agreement as well, usually when they failed to catch up after crossing a river in adventure mode.
In one case I found my companion back in the tavern in the capital, in the middle of a bloody fight with the rest of the occupants.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #311 on: May 01, 2015, 05:06:32 am »

Hey guys, it's my turn. Can you put me three turns back? I have too much going on to give this the attention that it deserves, but I'll have more time soon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #312 on: May 04, 2015, 01:15:41 pm »

No problem, that makes it Deus Asmoth's turn.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #313 on: May 04, 2015, 04:16:08 pm »

That came up sooner than I expected. I'll report in with tales of my inglorious demise tomorrow.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum II; new adventure succession world
« Reply #314 on: May 04, 2015, 06:51:01 pm »

And I'll stop being lazy and write Thomod's finale soon, so that I don't end up posting it after Deus Asmoth.

A Dragon? A real bonafide Dragon? And the great beast seeks the museum as its next treasure a hoard no less. But who could stop such an immense creature? There was one man for the job, THE MAN, perhaps even the manliest man who ever lived. The lifter of elephants and suplexer of minotaurs - Thomod Sinaabo.

Daseb the archaeologist would surely not join him, no this was something that must be done on his own. With mustache a-twirl in his massive hands, the strongman took what could be his final look upon the settlement of Throneshields.

"Such good people, with warm hearts. Perhaps they would not be so bad to die for." He mused, only having meeting those of the museum so recently.

A short and peaceful walk across the country side had given the man time to think of that which he had accomplished and whether or not he would have done the same given another chance. However answers were unfounded in his mind, soon arriving upon a dank hole in the ground, the smell of brimstone and ash afire in his nostrils. This was it.

Thomod plunged into the dimness of the cave, scattered about are coins and other loot of bygone ages.

As the strongman drew nearer to the apex of the subterranean den, the air thickened and obscured his vision. Barely able to stifle his coughs. At last the cave begins to open from its narrow passages, flaring nostrils break the darkness, the great creature rests upon mountains of minted coins and other assorted treasures, its bloated body incredibly immense in size barely fits in its dark abode, unaware of the muscled man's presence. Thomod wouldn't be having any of that."

"Arise beastie, for I'll be the one to put you back down!" He shouted as he began sprinting towards the now startled creature, rushing past bones charred and picked clean, with incredible force he delivers a punch to the over-sized reptile's gut and continues his could-be final words, "I am Thomod Sinaabo! Remember the name, for it will be your last!"

The blow causes the beast to erupt in flaming vomit that pours out upon the hollow. "We're just getting started." Thomod grins, "Begone fear!"

Akera rears upon his hindlegs and bellows out an ear shattering roar before fruitlessly swiping its massive claws toward our bobbing and weaving hero. One foul step could spell the end. Truly everything had been occurring at breakneck pace, yet for Thomod time had slowed to a crawl, every motion he had made had been with such precision.

Dragonflame licked out of the beast's gaping maw, though the Strongman's incredible sense had led him unharmed by the impossibly hot flames. An opening!

With a superhuman smash to the dragon's chest it begins to wheeze and contort. With only two attacks had the muscle man succeeded in hindering the beast greatly. And with his expertise was he able to deftly avoid and unending salvo of threshing teeth, tearing claws, and searing flame.

The dragon began to tire while Thomod's endurance had seen him prevail. Leaping from a pile of jewels, the strongman landed upon the beast's back. It could do little more than buck and thrash about wildly as Thomod wrapped his arms around its immense neck. With every last bit of his might he squeezed.

A good deal of time had passed as the strongman lay upon the corpse of the fallen. No man should be as lucky as he. "You were a worthy beastie" he spoke in a tired manner. He thought of one more submission to be made to the soon to be great museum.

A mere 5285 Urists, Thomod began to carry the several times his size beast back to Throneshields. They were safe yet another day. Finally arriving upon the hills just south of the settlement, he looked upon the museum with tired eyes as the sun began to set. He found the answer to his question, without a doubt.

Thomod would end up settling in Throneshields, hoping to protect the museum from threats small and large. Along with the ancient Wagon they would aid those who come after him. This is not the end of the Strongman's story, no for in several years he would have another act to play.

« Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 11:10:27 pm by Unraveller »
I've lost control of my life.
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