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Author Topic: Star Brick: Green Swirly Thing IN SPAAAAACE!  (Read 15253 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Star Brick: Green Swirly Thing IN SPAAAAACE!
« Reply #105 on: October 25, 2014, 07:49:06 am »

Conan closes his eyes and sniffs the air

"Violence in the air. Soon now."

Look around for something to use as a weapon in case we get boarded/board. Then see if I can't get the plasma mortar online.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Star Brick: Ragtag Misfits IN SPAAAAACE!
« Reply #106 on: October 31, 2014, 01:02:18 pm »


I take a moment to rest and think over what just happened, trying to figure out what's going on, checking the sensor readings for what might be causing this.


Kit notes the sudden release of DSJ particles, and the coincidental teleportation of the Star Brick. Kit knows that correlation does not equal causation, but also knows that once is a mistake and twice is enemy action, and can see that the hull is slowly beginning to build up another DSJ particle charge.

On a hunch, Kit initiates a scan of the surrounding area for more DSJ particles. Several monitors blink into life, merrily showing DSJ distributions and concentrations for the detectable area. The Aelyrain Patrol Frigate is positively saturated in DSJ particles; based on what Kit knows of DSJ mechanics, the levels detected should be unsustainable over the long term as DSJ degradation should induce a range of side effects including (but not limited to) teleportitis and/or catastrophic explosion for effected areas.

The reason for the DSJ accumulation in the first place is readily apparent. Sensors reveal that a braided stream of DSJ particles are flowing from the anomaly to the Star Brick in much the same way that a stream of Gonwine flows through a littered ZeroG environment into the mouth of a star Gonboozer; that is to say, messily and with many mysterious twists and coils, but also with beauty.

Kit hopes the Gonball metaphor isn't too apropos, since the team Gonboozer usually finishes the match battered, bruised, and belching fire.

Conan closes his eyes and sniffs the air

"Violence in the air. Soon now."

Look around for something to use as a weapon in case we get boarded/board. Then see if I can't get the plasma mortar online.


Conan's barbarian instincts are usually not applicable to his new space-aged lifestyle. However, the danger sense is one gut feeling that Conan has learned never to ignore.

Unfortunately, the Weapon Control room does not seem to have an arsenal of personal weapons. Rather than waste time searching the entire Star Brick for something that can be weaponized, Conan simply grabs a length of steel pipe for his personal face-smashing needs and turns his attention to properly arming the Star Brick itself.

The ship's Plasma Mortar seems to be fully operational, judging by the diagnostics scrolling across the screen. Conan begins tentatively plying the control console, searching for ways to power it. This is not an easy task, since the weapon, the coupling attaching it to the shipboard systems of the Star Brick, and all the available power sources seem to have been made by different alien species with competing standards of systems architecture and weapon design, which is possibly the reason this weapon remains unpowered.


In a stroke of luck, Conan finds a way to connect the weapon to the biggest power source on the ship; the DSJ reactor! The DSJ charge quickly drains into the weapon, providing enough drain for one shot. Conan steps back, confident that the weapon will remain powered even in a protracted fight.

Someone rumbles as she ponders the situation. Only one responsible thing to do now.

Commence aggressive, yet surreptitious docking procedures with the patrol frigate.


Captain Someone is a bit perturbed. On the one hand, the Star Brick appears to be teleporting at irregular, unpredictable intervals. On the other hand, the Aelyrain Patrol Frigate is not. Further, the frigate has not opened fire on the Star Brick, nor has it performed any sort of maneuver. Perhaps it is unmanned?

Someone brings the Star Brick about, preparing to dock with the Aelyrain Patrol Frigate Harmonious Congress. This is not as easy as it sounds; in order to successfully dock, the Star Brick needs to precisely match the orientation and rotation of the docking ring of the Harmonious Congress, an operation that is usually handled by the shipboard AI that the Star Brick does not actually possess. Instead, Someone is doing a lot of minute maneuvering while constantly comparing her posture with that of the Harmonious Congress and correcting as needed. Someone is also cautious of the auto missile turrets which might take exception to this maneuver, though they seem to be busy tracking minute dust particles in the void of space at the moment.

Finally, after a great deal of fiddling and twitching the docking rings align; however, the docking protocol regretfully informs Someone that the causeway cannot be sealed against hard vacuum due to irreconcilable differences in docking protocols between the sips. When Captain Someone queries what those differences might be she only receives the computer equivalent of an indignant huff.

((Hue hue hue, no leaving for us now! That scrap's as good as ours!))

"Alright, shields up, check. Sensors scrambled, check. Method of crossing the void..." Skirri trailed off, glancing at a nearby piece of debris that was very nearly boat-shaped.

"...not check," she reluctantly concluded several seconds later.

Begin searching the ship for some method of getting from this one to that one. Aggressive docking procedures count!

Skirri hops excitedly at the airlock door as the Star Brick pulls in close to the Aelyrai Patrol Frigate. She already has her atomic disassembler at the ready, as well as a good old-fashioned loot sack just begging to be filled with any number of sensitive, expensive, and excitingly alien gadgets, components and doodads. She watches through the exterior viewscreen as the alien hatchway looms closer and closer. She nearly giggles when the docking envelope extends to the alien ship, the boarding causeway creeping up to the opposing hatchway. She waits breathlessly for the airlock light to flash green, and for the hatches on both sides to open.

She waits.

She waits...

Why is the light still red!


Apparently, the docking procedure cannot finish, and the Aelyrain hatch will not open. That's okay. This won't be the first time the Star Brick has scrapped a ship that didn't want to come peaceably. Skirri already has all the tools to deal with this eventuality.

Slipping on a spacesuit, Skirri cycles through the airlock door, leaving her loot sack and atomic disassembler behind for the moment but instead pushing before her a squat device that rather looks like a toaster mounted on a shop vacuum. The docking chamber apparently does not have gravity in addition to not having a breathable atmosphere, but that's fine; Skirri also has an assortment of bungee cords and duraflex cables to securely brace her homebrew docking mechanism. Tipping it on its side, Skirri lines up her shot and flips the switch.

A beam of coruscating red light erupts from her Hull Breach O' Matic, carving into the reinforced duralloy of the Aelyrain hatchway. Even with the enormous power directed against it, the hatchway melts only slightly, giving grudging inches to Skirri's device. Skirri waits as patiently as she can, which is to say not at all.

The Hull Breach O' Matic dies with neither a cough nor a whimper, merely flipping itself off and discharging its spent and fused power cell. Skirri retrieves her atomic disassembler while she waits for the molten Aelyrain hatch to cool. Or rather, the small hole of the Aelyrain hatch, which doesn't even seem to get all the way through. Skirri works her probe inside, wriggling, twisting, looking for the circuit she knows is located exactly... here.


The Aelyrain exterior hatch opens with a sigh, revealing an airlock glowing with dim yellow illumination. Skirri cycles through, quickly finding herself standing in the entry hallway of the Harmonious Congress. The ceiling vaults high overhead, torchlike yellow lights shining up the walls and along the floors. A ship console blinks in the wall near the airlock control. Skirri can see two doorways, one to the left of the airlock and one to the right.

Spoiler: Star Brick Status (click to show/hide)

((Sorry for the delay, I'm moving into a new apartment, so expect some waits for the next week or so.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Star Brick: Green Swirly Thing IN SPAAAAACE!
« Reply #107 on: October 31, 2014, 03:56:59 pm »

((See? Everyone can be Skirri if they try!))

Examine the console, then go left, dancing the jig of happy looters as I do.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Star Brick: Green Swirly Thing IN SPAAAAACE!
« Reply #108 on: November 01, 2014, 02:59:02 am »

Monitor things from my position. Check if those DSJ particles are accumulating on the frigate now as well.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Star Brick: Green Swirly Thing IN SPAAAAACE!
« Reply #109 on: November 01, 2014, 04:34:42 am »

My explorer-selves put on their suits and go to the airlock, cycling through and looking for Skirri.
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
  • Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence
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Re: Star Brick: Green Swirly Thing IN SPAAAAACE!
« Reply #110 on: November 01, 2014, 07:11:39 am »

Assuming I can somehow find out Skirri breached the airlock, go put on a suit and follow into the other ship. Bring the metal bar, just in case something needs a good whacking.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Star Brick: Ragtag Misfits IN SPAAAAACE!
« Reply #111 on: November 10, 2014, 07:46:49 pm »


This episode of Star Brick brought to you by the d20 SRD Dice Bag- Dice Bag! For when you don't know where you packed your d6s

My explorer-selves put on their suits and go to the airlock, cycling through and looking for Skirri.


Kit scrambles to the airlock. To one side is a cabinet full of spacesuits, radiation suits, oxygen gear, and all manner of protective gear. Next to it is a smaller box, which rather resembles a plastic breadbox tipped on one side. It is this box which the many paws of Kit jimmy open, spilling a dozen mismatched kitten-shaped spacesuits onto the floor.

A bewildering flurry of movement begins as 32 fuzzy limbs (40 including tails) begin to wrap one another in a hodgepodge of Synthweave, Glaswool, and refurbished and repurposed gaskets and couplings. They aren't pretty, and they certainly don't allow complete freedom of movement, but they provide serviceable protection from the unforgiving vacuum of space.

Unfortunately, there is a snag. No one is around to open the airlock, and the console is too high for the kittens to jump to.

Fortunately, a solution is nearby.

Assuming I can somehow find out Skirri breached the airlock, go put on a suit and follow into the other ship. Bring the metal bar, just in case something needs a good whacking.


Conan looks around the Weapons Control Room uneasily. He has just heard a distant, but distinct, thoom noise. Off the top of his head, there aren't many good things that go thoom: in fact, though he can envision scenarios where that noise might be produced in the operation of pneumatic mail chutes, cigarette lighters, or overlarge birthday candles, they all involve the incidental firing of a rather inconveniently large plasma cannon. And while it may be possible for a plasma thoom to arise from benign (though admittedly unusual) circumstances, it is far more likely that such thooming would come from a plasma cannon being used for much less happy reasons.

A pair of kittens pop through a ventilation grate, or rather, what looks like a spacesuit's missing glove and boot clumsily tumble through the vent. Stepping closer, Conan can see that the mini spacesuits do indeed contain kittens, and that they come with a message:

Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]

Well, that's straightforward. Probably explains the thoom, as well.

Taking the pipe and the suited kittens through the teleporter with him, Conan finds himself in the airlock bay with half a dozen kittens waiting impatiently at the airlock door. Shrugging into a spacesuit, Conan ushers the kittens through the airlock, out the hatch, and through the causeway to the alien ship. The alien hatch opens alarmingly easily; it doesn't seem to seal properly. Conan and the kittens hurry through the alien airlock to get a proper lock between themselves and the harsh abyss of space.

While the kittens cautiously fumble around, Conan prepares to remove his spacesuit, but stops when he notices a toggle on his helmet's HUD he hadn't been aware of. Carefully poking himself in the face, the little yellow light goes green, rewarding Conan with a quick blast of static followed by... singing?

((See? Everyone can be Skirri if they try!))

Examine the console, then go left, dancing the jig of happy looters as I do.


Skirri takes a brief minute to examine the console, but it turns out to just be a general access terminal; Skirri could get at various low-level ship functions and internal communications and the like, but it's nothing that couldn't be accessed from any given console on the ship. Worse, it doesn't contain any delicate or reusable components that would be more valuable than what they'd get if they shoved the whole ship into the Omnicrush. Boooring.

Skipping down the leftward path, Skirri heads through the door, letting it sigh closed behind her. She appears to be in some sort of armory; the walls are lined with antiquated plasrifles and Aelyrain vibroswords, portable shield generators hang below racks of electrostunners, and crates of plasma cartridges and energy batteries sit in strategic corners. None of that is too terribly interesting; the resell value on this stuff is pretty low since any decent Milspec Fabbery could churn out stuff just as good or better.

The big, plascrete, synthsteel-bounded, keypad-locked, flashing-red-light-adorned, angry-looking-auto-turret-warded hatchway probably holds something cool though.

Skirri hops on tiptoes, checking out the situation from a respectful distance. It looks like a standard setup for military ships like this; input code, get weapons. Input incorrectly, get shot up a bit. The turrets hum menacingly and chain barrels spin warmly, trained on the hatch.

Nothing else moves in the room. Nobody is here.

Monitor things from my position. Check if those DSJ particles are accumulating on the frigate now as well.


Captain Someone notes multiple airlock cyclings; apparently the rest of the crew is heading out to explore the Harmonious Congress. With a series of twitches and good vibrations, Captain Someone initiates further scans of the opposing ship. DSJ particles are abundant on the Aelyrain ship, but remain constant, while they continue to increase on the Star Brick. For good measure, Someone runs a layout scan of the Aelyrain vessel.

Spoiler: Harmonious Congress (click to show/hide)

Curious; power readings indicate a large subsystem or device of some kind on the aft wing of the ship, but energy signatures do not map to a known function. It might just be the weakness of the signal; the Harmonious Congress appears to be running on standby power, nearly as much as the Star Brick can muster in the best of times but much less than the ship class is capable of. In particular, the Aelyrain Engines are completely offline.

Spoiler: Star Brick Status (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Star Brick: Green Swirly Thing IN SPAAAAACE!
« Reply #112 on: November 10, 2014, 08:00:13 pm »

((Skirri in an armory. WHAT COULD GO WRONG?))

Examine feasibility of Immediately begin accessing turret internals.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Everyone cries, the question is what follows it.
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Re: Star Brick: Green Swirly Thing IN SPAAAAACE!
« Reply #113 on: November 10, 2014, 09:24:34 pm »

((woah, it looks like you think all of me are trying to cross. It's important to me for me to stay in the critical rooms of our own ship to keep an eye on them. I only want 4 of me crossing, not all 8. the other four are in: Engine room, Sensor room, Bridge, and near medbay.))

I split up and look for Skirri
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))

Harry Baldman

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Re: Star Brick: Green Swirly Thing IN SPAAAAACE!
« Reply #114 on: November 11, 2014, 07:09:10 am »

Check current accumulation of DSJ particles versus critical accumulation, if the value is actually known.

In any case, watch out for danger from my post.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Star Brick: Green Swirly Thing IN SPAAAAACE!
« Reply #115 on: November 11, 2014, 07:41:57 am »

"Comrade Skirri, I poke little yellow thing on helmet. Now I hear static and singing? This normal?"

Go to the arùoury on this ship and look for suitably barbarian weapons. Then head to this ship's bridge and look around. If there is no-one there, try to see if there are any logs of what happened.
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