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Author Topic: [0.42&0.43] The Earth Strikes Back! v2.15 - It's a mine... it's-a not yours!  (Read 82876 times)


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile

The Earth Strikes Back!

A mod for Dwarf Fortress v0.42 and v0.43.

- Dwarf Fortress v0.42.04 or later
- DFHack 0.42.04r1 or later
- Rubble 8.2.0 or later (for Rubble version only)

Previous version for Dwarf Fortress v0.40 is available here.

This mod includes new creatures, some new high-value gems to balance the risk posed by the new creatures, new workshops to mitigate the risks, exotic new plants as a side-effect of the new creatures' and gems' origins, and graphics for Stonesense, TWBT, and the main interface.

The world is flush with life, anywhere and everywhere we witness an endless variety of living things.  Not only do we see birds in the sky, beasts on the ground and fish in the sea, but ancient trees burrow into the earth itself for sustenance.  Some, such as the Dwarves and Goblins, are aware that life is as boundless below the surface as above it, filling great caverns with fantastic plants and animals and peoples.  Life, it seems, is everywhere.

From where does all of this life come?  Doubtless the gods forged it originally, striking upon the anvil of the world with unimaginable crafts to create the infinite variety of living things we see today.  To those races that have tamed even the simplest metals, it is obvious that the seas and the soil are too soft a foundation upon which to forge anything of consequence... life must have been forged on solid rock.  But we do not need to take this on faith... the Dwarves who mine into solid rock know that this is true.

When the gods forged the first life, their strikes were of such incredible force that even the forgotten embers possessed power beyond mortal comprehension.  These embers, buried deep within the rock, imbue the surrounding stone with the dignity and vigor of a living thing.  Fresh, hot embers are surrounded by Living Stone that can be quite dangerous if awakened by careless mining.  The smaller embers have cooled leaving behind Hidden Gems where they otherwise would not be expected.

Any miner knows that the surest way to prosperity is to strike the earth.  Wise miners know that sometimes the earth strikes back.

Hidden Gems
High-value gems lie hidden within the layer stones, and there is one Hidden Gem type for each of the 24 types of standard layer stone (the 25th and 26th, obsidian and slade, are special enough already).  They resemble common gems, but all are precious due to their special origins.  For example, Hidden Onyx is found within limestone and is much more valuable than common onyx.

Living Stone
Some stone still burns with enough animating force to react when struck by a pick, and this is when an Awakened Stone pulls itself free of the rock to attack the miner.

Awakened Stones
A bewildering hybrid of flesh and stone, an Awakened Stone appears to be a boulder with a face and four long, clawed arms.  The core of this creature is nerve and muscle and bone, but it is covered in a thick layer of stone and has mud running through its veins.  Had it been left in peace, its iridescent eyes would have eventually solidified into Hidden Gems.  A single Awakened Stone is no match for a prepared militia, but these creatures usually turn up deep in the mines where the only protection comes from the miner's pick.

Tributes, Altars and Secrets
Fortunately, Dwarves have learned how to pacify Living Stone so that the Awakened Stones that emerge are tame.  This is accomplished by researching a Secret (like necromancy, but less icky) or building a Tribute workshop from three blocks of that layer stone (or an Altar from a boulder of that stone inside an appropriate temple) and sacrificing a gem.  Each miner that learns the Secret or sacrifices an appropriate gem at the Tribute or Altar will usually be at peace with any Living Stone he or she awakens.  An appropriate sacrifice is expensive: either a large gem or any cut gem of that layer's Hidden Gem.

A Secret or sacrifice is specific to a miner and a layer stone.  A miner who has made Tribute to Limestone will be at peace with any new Awakened Limestones he or she frees from the rock, but would still be considered an enemy by Awakened Granite.  Another miner from the same fortress would anger an Awakened Limestone unless he or she also made an appropriate sacrifice.

Awakened Magma and Incandescent Stones
Living Stone that was unlucky enough to be awakened by magma is similar to an Awakened Stone, except that it is red-hot with heat and anger.  Tributes are of no use pacifying these creatures because they were not awakened by miners.  Living Stone that melts in magma becomes Awakened Magma, while "magma-safe" Living Stone becomes Incandescent Stone.

Embers of creation that have cooled leave Hidden Gems, those that are still warm leave Awakened Stones, and the hottest ones leave an egg that hatches into a fast-growing Wyrm.  Although it hatches about the same size as an Awakened Stone, it will be the size of a dragon within a month.

Unlike Awakened Stones, these embers burn so hot that most of a Wyrm remains organic after it is slain.  Unfortunately, these hot embers are very difficult to pacify with Tribute.  A Dwarf who has made an appropriate Tribute does not calm a Wyrm, but at least the beast won't be berserk when it emerges.  Usually.

Awakened Storms
Embers of creation that fall onto a lake or river simply burn their way through to the rock below, but an Ember that falls into the ocean stays in contact with the water long enough to affect it.  The boiling region rises above the surface to form a swirling mass of clouds and lightning that can be devastating to a coastal settlement.

Gem Seeds and Gem Vines
The boundary between animate Living Stone and inanimate Hidden Gem is not always simple or obvious.  Some Hidden Gems still contain enough force that they can be coaxed back to life.  A dwarf can attempt to extract a Gem Seed from a Hidden Gem at an appropriate Tribute.  If the extraction is successful, the Gem Seed can be planted to produce Gem Vines that can be brewed into alcohol and occasionally produce more Hidden Gems.

Pet Rocks
People often take comfort from talking to their plants or pets, even if there is no obvious response.  Some people have adopted bits of Living Stone as their conversation partners... at least they believe they are talking to Living Stone.  It is very difficult to tell Living Stone apart from regular stone.

DFHack Scripts
The mod includes seven DFHack scripts, more-item-descriptions, tesb-add-pets, tesb-create-unit, tesb-info, tesb-job-monitor, tesb-wake, and tesb-weather.

The tesb-info script print the mod's version number and gives information on how often Living Stone and Hidden Gems appear.

The other scripts are used internally, but they can be entered into the DFHack console if desired.  Use with -help for parameters.

Method A: If you do not use Rubble or the Starter Pack's mod tool.

1. Unzip the file on top of your Dwarf Fortress folder.  Ensure that you will be prompted before overwriting anything.

2. You will be notified that raw/objects/entity_default.txt already exists.  If you use no other mods, accept this overwrite.

3. You will be notified that stonesense/index.txt already exists.  Again, if you use no other mods, accept this overwrite.

4. You will probably be notified that raw/onload.init already exists.  If this happens, copy the contents of this file into the your existing init file.

5. If you do use other mods, copy the contents of raw/objects/entity_default.insert and paste them into raw/objects/entity_default.txt between the [PERMITTED_BUILDING:SCREW_PRESS] and [PERMITTED_REACTION:TAN_A_HIDE] lines.  Then open the stonesense/index.txt file to add the text tesb/index.txt by itself on the last line.

6. If you do not want to use the creature graphics (e.g., want to use ASCII only), delete the file raw/graphics/graphics_TESB_awakenedstone.txt (you can also delete the tesb subfolder if desired).

7. To enable the TWBT overrides, add the contents of data/init/overrides.insert to data/init/overrides.txt (preferably at the end of the file).  Do this after any graphics packs changes you make with a Starter Pack.

8. If you use GemSet, you may wish to search-and-replace [CREATURE_TILE:'W'] with [CREATURE_TILE:'l'] in creature_TESB.txt to use a more Wyrm-like corpse tile.

Method B: If you want to use the Starter Pack's mod tool to manage The Earth Strikes Back.  This method is a bit hackish until I can figure out an elegant solution.

1. Unzip the file into a folder inside the Starter Pack's LNP/Mods folder, such as TESB.

2. Cut the stonesense folder out of this location and paste it into your Dwarf Fortress folder.  You will be notified that stonesense/index.txt already exists.  (Or simply delete this folder if you do not want Stonesense assets.)

3. If you use no other mods with Stonesense content, accept this overwrite.  Otherwise, add tesb/index.txt by itself on the last line.

4. Cut the grahics folder (which is inside the raw folder just extracted) out of this location and paste it into the same spot under LNP/Graphics/<your graphics pack>/raw.  There should be no conflicts.  (Or simply delete this folder if you want to use ASCII graphics.)  If you use GemSet, you may wish to search-and-replace [CREATURE_TILE:'W'] with [CREATURE_TILE:'l'] in creature_TESB.txt to use a more Wyrm-like corpse tile.

5. Cut the data folder out of this location and past into your Dwarf Fortress folder.  To enable the TWBT overrides, add the contents of data/init/overrides.insert to data/init/overrides.txt (preferably at the end of the file).  Do this after any graphics packs changes you make with a Starter Pack.

6. Move the readme_TESB.txt file somewhere convenient if desired.

7. Double-click "The Earth Strikes Back!" to move it from Available to Merged, where it will be highlighted in yellow due to overwriting a vanilla file.  Mix with other mods if desired, then click Install Mods.

Method C: If you want to use Rubble 7.3.1 or later.

1. Acquire the Rubble module from DFFD.

2. Place ZIP file in Rubble's addons folder.  Do not unzip it.

3. Check The Earth Strikes Back!.  It will automatically enable Base if necessary.  This mod is compatible with First Landing.

4. This version of the mod includes several configration variables to customize your experience.
- Creature graphics may toggled be ON or OFF
- Secrets may be toggled ON or OFF
- Gem vines may be toggled ON or OFF
- Pet rocks may be toggled ON or OFF (but who could every toggle off such adorable creatures?)
- Living stone may be set to COMMON, RARE or NEVER
- Hidden gems may be set to COMMON, RARE or NEVER

Setting living stone to NEVER prevents anything from appearing while mining, and disables all of the creatures other than pet rocks.  Setting hidden gems to NEVER has the side-effects of disabling plants and turning Wyrm eyes into common gems.  If living stone and hidden gems are *both* set to NEVER, then Tributes have no function and are disabled.

Stonesense assets are installed if creature graphics are ON.  Note that Stonesense is not save-specific, so it is sufficient to install it once.

5. Generate raws normally.

Future Development Plans:
1. Leverage new DF 0.42/0.43 features.
2. Contribute to research on fixing spawned creature behavior.
3. Make the graphics a little less embarassing.

Hidden Gems
All Hidden Gems are precious (material value 40) and can be used normally for gemcutting and encrusting once mined.  However, when they are still in the ground they are indistinguishable from the layer stone around them even to DFHack tools like prospect and reveal.  A notification such as "You have struck hidden amethyst!" will be generated whenever a Hidden Gem is found.  There are twenty-four types of Hidden Gem, one for each of the main layer stones in the game (the 25th and 26th, obsidian and slade, are special enough on their own).

   Hidden amber opal is found in sandstone.
   Hidden amethyst is found in gabbro.
   Hidden aquamarine is found in schist.
   Hidden beryl is a golden-yellow-colored gem found in marble.
   Hidden black opal is found in dolomite.
   Hidden bone opal is a beige-colored gem found in siltstone.
   Hidden cherry opal is a chestnut-colored gem found in rock salt.
   Hidden emerald is found in granite.
   Hidden fire opal is a scarlet-colored gem found in mudstone.
   Hidden garnet is a blue-colored gem found in gneiss.
   Hidden milk opal is a cream-colored gem found in claystone.
   Hidden onyx is a black and white gem found in limestone.  Like normal onyx, it is colored "black" for game purposes.
   Hidden pinfire opal is a flax-colored gem found in conglomerate.
   Hidden pyrite is a silver-colored gem found in dacite.
   Hidden pyrope is a dark-red-colored gem found in slate.  Like normal black pyrope, it is colored "black" for game purposes.
   Hidden quartz is a cream-colored gem found in andesite.
   Hidden shell opal is an ivory-colored gem found in shale.
   Hidden spinel is a purple-colored gem found in diorite.
   Hidden sunstone is a red gem with yellow flecks found in basalt.  Like normal sunstone, it is colored "pumpkin" for game purposes.
   Hidden tourmaline is an indigo-colored gem found in quartzite.
   Hidden turquoise is found in rhyolite.
   Hidden wax opal is a flax-colored gem found in chert.
   Hidden white opal is found in chalk.
   Hidden zircon is a red-colored gem found in phyllite.

Note that material preferences for Hidden Gems are unrelated to the normal gems with similar names.  That is, a Dwarf with a preference for amethyst will not be impressed by hidden amethyst, and vice versa.  This is due to the same system that makes "gold" and "native gold" unrelated preferences in the vanilla game.

Spoiler: Technical details (click to show/hide)

Living Stone
When a tile of Living Stone is mined, the resulting boulder animates into an Awakened Stone.  Whether that Awakened Stone is friendly or hostile depends on whether the miner performed a sacrifice at an appropriate Tribute.

Spoiler: Technical details (click to show/hide)

Awakened Stones
When Living Stone is disturbed by mining, it attempts to tear itself free of the surrounding rock to move about on its own.  You will receive an announcement like "Urist McMiner has awakened a creature of Living Limestone" if the miner previously made a sacrifice at an appropriate Tribute, and the Awakened Stone will be tame.  Otherwise you will receive an announcement like "Urist McMiner has incurred the wrath of an Awakened Limestone", and the Awakened Stone will be hostile.  There is a one-in-ten chance that a hostile Awakened Stone will be berserk.  If an Awakened Stone is hostile, it will remain hostile even if it later meets a Dwarf who made an appropriate Tribute.

An Awakened Stone appears to be a boulder with a face and four long, clawed arms.  Its surface is made of rock and its blood is mud, but while still animated it has organic fleshy innards with familiar bones and organs.  Upon death, an Awakened Stone reverts quickly to a normal boulder.
Awakened Stone
Urist likes awakened stones for their chiseled features.

In combat, an Awakened Stone is much more likely to bite than it is to use its claws.  Tame specimens can be trained for hunting or war, but they cannot breed.  Awakened Stones have a high running speed (60kph) but accelerate slowly, and they are not slowed down as much as other creatures by climbing or crawling (19kph).  They are also low-level building destroyers (able to destroy archery targets, slabs, statues, windows, wooden doors, and wooden hatches), making it that much harder to slow them down.

The creature tile for an Awakened Stone is â (although this will only be visible if the creature graphics are disabled).  The tile color is brown, dark gray, gray, light gray, or white depending on the stone type.

Spoiler: Technical details (click to show/hide)

Tributes and Altars
A Tribute is a 3x3 workshop constructed from three blocks of a layer stone, while an Altar is a 1x1 workshop constructed from a boulder of a layer stone.  An Altar will only function if it is built inside a temple dedicated to a deity associated with an appropriate Sphere (see Secrets below).

The Masonry labor is required to construct a Tribute or Altar and the Mining labor is required to perform sacrifices or extract Gem Seeds at one.  The sacrifices are very expensive, so it is recommended that a Manager be used to assign a specific miner to the workshop to ensure that the intended Dwarf performs the sacrifice.
 O O   XXX
  ∩    XXX
 O O   XXX

Each Tribute or Altar allows two "sacrifice" reactions, either of which has the same effect upon the Dwarf performing the reaction.  The first reaction (shortcut lowercase-L) consumes a large gem, and the second one (shortcut lowercase-H) consumes a normal cut gem of the Hidden Gem associated with that stone.  For example, the Tribute to Marble allows "Sacrifice large gem (l)" and "Sacrifice hidden beryl (h)".

The Dwarf performing the sacrifice will be permanently affected by a syndrome (e.g., "marble favor") that has two effects.  The first effect is to reduce the hostility of any Awakened Stones or Wyrms that the Dwarf releases from Living Stone.  The second effect is that the Dwarf suffers half-damage from anything made of that stone, including falling onto a floor of that material.  Repeated sacrifices do not further reduce the damage.

The third reaction attempts to extract a Gem Seed from a rough Hidden Gem, with a shortcut key of lowercase-X.  For example, the Tribute to Marble allows "Extract hidden beryl seed (x)".  The attempt always destroys the rough Hidden Gem and produces a usable Gem Seed 50% of the time.

Spoiler: Technical details (click to show/hide)

A person can also gain the "favor" syndrome by learning a divine Secret.  The Secret can be written down and learned by others, but unlike necromancy the holders of these secrets do not build towers.  Learning one of the Secrets does not prevent learning the others, so in principle a migrant can arrive who is already at peace with several types of Living Stone.

Sedimentary stones are in the EARTH and MINERALS Spheres.  Rock salt is also in the SALT Sphere.
Metamorphic stones are in the EARTH and MOUNTAINS Spheres.
Igneous intrusive stones are in the MOUNTAINS and CAVERNS Spheres.
Igneous extrusive stones are in the MOUNTAINS and VOLCANOS Spheres.
Flux stones are in the MINERALS and METALS Spheres.

Spoiler: Technical details (click to show/hide)

Awakened Magma and Incandescent Stones
These creatures were Living Stone awakened by natural causes, and as such there is no opportunity to calm them with Tributes.  In fact, these creatures are perpetually angry and completely untrainable.

They are also as hot as magma and always on fire.  The difference between Awakened Magma and Incandescent Stone is that the former has a molten surface while the latter has a red-hot solid surface of magma-safe stone (Basalt, Chert, Dolomite, Gabbro, Quartzite or Sandstone).  They are at home in subterranean magma formations, but often wander across the land in search of prey.
Awakened Magma
Urist likes awakened magmas for their mesmerizing colors.
Incandescent Stone
Urist likes incandescent stones for their hot tempers.

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A Wyrm resembles a wingless dragon, although it is covered in rock instead of scales.  These fast-growing beasts attack with their bites, claws and tails, and fortunately lack the fiery breath attack of their look-alikes.  Born about the size of an Awakened Stone, a Wyrm quadruples in size each week for four weeks to roughly the size of a dragon.  The initial miner who released the Wyrm will probably have the easiest time killing it.  Any Living Stone hot enough to emerge as a Wyrm will be hostile, but the creture is much less likely to be berserk if the miner had previously made an appropriate Tribute.
Urist likes wyrms for their rapid growth.
These fast-growing beasts attack with their bites, claws and tails, and have special attacks that vary depending on their type:
    Aquifer-bearing stones have a bite that causes all fat tissue to swell up (as it fills with water).
    Igneous extrusive stones can slap the ground with their tail, staggering nearby foes.
    Igneous intrusive stones can spit magma.
    Flux stones have steel for bones, teeth, and their oversized claws.
    The remaining Wyrms spit rocks quite often.

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Awakened Storms
An Awakened Storm is a huge, dense formation of clouds with four swirling arms around a central core.  These arms will batter and lash nearby creatures, but the lightning that surrounds them will strike any creature in the vicinity.  Lightning is far more dangerous to creatures standing in water, and that is likely because it is always raining when an Awakened Storm arrives.

An Awakened Storm does not have any vital organs, so killing it requires disrupting its core.  Once that is accomplished, you will be rewarded with a special Hidden Gem that cannot be acquired through mining.
Awakened Storm
Urist likes awakened storms for their swirling motion.

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Gem Seeds and Gem Vines
If the fortress extracts a Gem Seed from a rough Hidden Gem at a Tribute, that seed can be planted in an underground farm plot to produce a Gem Vine.  Each type of Hidden Gem has its own species of Gem Vine. The growths of this plant, known as "clusters," can be processed at a Still to produce 5 units of alcoholic "spirits" and a 20% chance of recovering a rough Hidden Gem.  For example, an amethyst seed can grow into an amethyst vine which produces amethyst clusters; those clusters can be brought to a Still to produce amethyst spirits and possibly a rough hidden amethyst.

The reaction at the Still is "brew gem cluster (g)" and requires a barrel or pot to hold the spirits.
Gem Vine
Urist likes gem vines for their gem clusters.

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Pet Rocks
These small pets are very low-maintenance because rocks don't eat or drink.  Unfortunately, they will not move unless picked up by a dwarf.  Pet Rocks should be pastured in meeting areas to make them more likely to be adopted, then released from the pasture in case the owner wishes to bring the new pet to work.  If any Pet Rock ever did anything, no one witnessed it.

Pet Rock
Urist likes pet rocks for their inactivity.

Spoiler: Technical details (click to show/hide)

DFHack Scripts
more-item-descriptions adds mod-specific information to the detailed item description screen.

tesb-add-pets adds specific pet castes to the civilizations of a specific entity, making them available at embark.  Here it is used to add Per Rocks associated the layer stones known to that civilization.

tesb-create-unit is version 0.55 of modtools/create-unit.  This mod-specific copy is used if the DFHack version is before 0.43.03-r1.

tesb-info reports the version of the mod and information about the probabilities of striking Living Stone or Hidden Gems while mining.

tesb-job-monitor is used in spawning Hidden Gems, Awakened Stones and some Pet Rocks while mining.  It also monitors the construction of Tributes to ensure they end up as the proper type.  This script is configured from onload.init and running it without arguments in the console will report the grace period.

tesb-wake is discussed in the technical details for Tributes.

tesb-weather is used to force rain when an Awakened Storm is on the map.

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Spoiler: Known bugs (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 18, 2016, 05:27:25 pm by Dirst »
Just got back, updating:
(0.42 & 0.43) The Earth Strikes Back! v2.15 - Pay attention...  It's a mine!  It's-a not yours!
(0.42 & 0.43) Appearance Tweaks v1.03 - Tease those hippies about their pointy ears.
(0.42 & 0.43) Accessibility Utility v1.04 - Console tools to navigate the map


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
[40.xx] The Earth Strikes Back! v1.34 - In this land, aquifer pierce you!
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2014, 02:49:34 pm »

Here is a small gallery of things you'll find in The Earth Strikes Back!


In Stonesense, the appearance of Tributes veries depending on what type of stone is used to build them.


Back row (left to right): Wyrm (basalt), Awakened Storm, Awakened Stone (granite)
Middle row: War-trained Awakened Stone (chalk), Awakened Magma (gneiss), Incandescent Stone (gabbro), Hunter-trained Awakened Stone (sandstone)
Note that the flashing eyes are an artifact of the GIF recorder, but everything else is a good representation of what you see in Stonesense.
Front row: Pet Rocks (marble)

Same creatures in the main DF interface:
« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 01:38:13 am by Dirst »
Just got back, updating:
(0.42 & 0.43) The Earth Strikes Back! v2.15 - Pay attention...  It's a mine!  It's-a not yours!
(0.42 & 0.43) Appearance Tweaks v1.03 - Tease those hippies about their pointy ears.
(0.42 & 0.43) Accessibility Utility v1.04 - Console tools to navigate the map


  • Bay Watcher
  • Caveat Lector.
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Re: The Earth Strikes Back! mod (version 1.00)
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2014, 02:57:07 pm »

You are one clever bastard. I'll try this for sure once my current fort runs its course.
Quote from: Helgoland
Even if you found a suitable opening, I doubt it would prove all too satisfying. And it might leave some nasty wounds, depending on the moral high ground's geology.
Location subject to periodic change.
Baffler likes silver, walnut trees, the color green, tanzanite, and dogs for their loyalty. When possible he prefers to consume beef, iced tea, and cornbread. He absolutely detests ticks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Earth Strikes Back! mod (version 1.00)
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2014, 04:56:45 pm »

Very interested to try this out and to see more of your content develop. Congratulations on getting this far and good luck with future iterations.


  • Bay Watcher
  • empowering ideas
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    • ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫
Re: The Earth Strikes Back! mod (version 1.00)
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2014, 06:06:35 pm »

This is a very creative and well thought content! incrusted with precious gems and menazing with spikes of living stone, nothing could be more dwarfy.
::: Humble Dwarf Fortress Publishing System ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Mods Push Published in DFFD are auto updated in local Players Catalog :::


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Earth Strikes Back! mod (version 1.00)
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2014, 08:53:31 pm »

Thanks for kind words, everyone.  I know I'm not an expert at militias, so I'm curious to see others' experience to see I balanced the creatures right.
Just got back, updating:
(0.42 & 0.43) The Earth Strikes Back! v2.15 - Pay attention...  It's a mine!  It's-a not yours!
(0.42 & 0.43) Appearance Tweaks v1.03 - Tease those hippies about their pointy ears.
(0.42 & 0.43) Accessibility Utility v1.04 - Console tools to navigate the map


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Earth Strikes Back! mod (version 1.02)
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2014, 11:48:36 pm »

I realize that you can only get the interesting bits of the mod if there is Living Stone on your map, but that some players might consider embark-shopping with prospect all to be cheating.

If that is you, I've added a DFHack script that will list any Living Stone types or Hidden Gem types on the map... but it doesn't reveal the amounts or locations of the deposits.  This script will work pre-embark or in a fortress.

[DFHack]# tesb-prospect
===== Living Stones =====
Living Gabbro
Living Granite
Living Marble

====== Hidden Gems ======
Hidden Amethyst
Hidden Aquamarine
Hidden Emerald
Just got back, updating:
(0.42 & 0.43) The Earth Strikes Back! v2.15 - Pay attention...  It's a mine!  It's-a not yours!
(0.42 & 0.43) Appearance Tweaks v1.03 - Tease those hippies about their pointy ears.
(0.42 & 0.43) Accessibility Utility v1.04 - Console tools to navigate the map


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Earth Strikes Back! mod (version 1.10)
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2014, 12:15:10 pm »

Hello everyone, I rounded out the Awakened Stones' ecology a bit.  Specifically: What happens when Living Stone is disturbed by magma rather than a miner?  It depends on whether the stone is magma-safe of not.

If the stone was magma-safe, you end up with a really angry red-hot Awakened Stone.  These are represented in the game as Incandescent Stones.

If the stone was not magma-safe, you end up with a really angry Living Magma.

Both of these can be found deep in subterranean magma formations, and they will wander out onto solid land if given the chance.  If you breach the second cavern layer and find it engulfed in fire, you probably found them :)  Because they occur independent of player actions, they can appear in adventure mode and during worldgen.

I'd appreciate any feedback on the combat-effectiveness of any of the creatures, since I know different people do militias differently (and I am by no means an expert of militia-building).
Just got back, updating:
(0.42 & 0.43) The Earth Strikes Back! v2.15 - Pay attention...  It's a mine!  It's-a not yours!
(0.42 & 0.43) Appearance Tweaks v1.03 - Tease those hippies about their pointy ears.
(0.42 & 0.43) Accessibility Utility v1.04 - Console tools to navigate the map


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist
Re: The Earth Strikes Back! mod (v1.10) - Now even the magma strikes back
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2014, 03:02:14 am »

Posting to follow.

And super bonus for the formatting of your opening post, its very well sorted. :)
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
::: ☼MASTERWORK DF☼ - A comprehensive mod pack now on Patreon - 250.000+ downloads and counting :::
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Earth Strikes Back! mod (v1.12) - Now even the magma strikes back
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2015, 11:46:19 pm »

Version 1.12 is an intermediate update because the next new feature (extracting seeds from gems) is taking longer than I expected.
Just got back, updating:
(0.42 & 0.43) The Earth Strikes Back! v2.15 - Pay attention...  It's a mine!  It's-a not yours!
(0.42 & 0.43) Appearance Tweaks v1.03 - Tease those hippies about their pointy ears.
(0.42 & 0.43) Accessibility Utility v1.04 - Console tools to navigate the map


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Earth Strikes Back! mod (v1.12) - Now even the magma strikes back
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2015, 03:47:47 pm »

The next version of The Earth Strikes Back is coded up and running, but work commitments are preventing me from dedicating sufficient time for testing it.  For people who like watching their computer burst into flames running untested mods, is available at the "backup" site listed in the top post.
Just got back, updating:
(0.42 & 0.43) The Earth Strikes Back! v2.15 - Pay attention...  It's a mine!  It's-a not yours!
(0.42 & 0.43) Appearance Tweaks v1.03 - Tease those hippies about their pointy ears.
(0.42 & 0.43) Accessibility Utility v1.04 - Console tools to navigate the map


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hehehe
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Re: The Earth Strikes Back! mod (v1.12) - Now even the magma strikes back
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2015, 03:53:29 pm »

The next version of The Earth Strikes Back is coded up and running, but work commitments are preventing me from dedicating sufficient time for testing it.  For people who like watching their computer burst into flames running untested mods, is available at the "backup" site listed in the top post.
What was added that's so computer combustingly buggy?
Its a feature. Impregnating booze is a planned tech tree for dwarves and this is a sneak peek at it.
Unless you're past reproductive age. Then you're pretty much an extension of your kids' genitalia


  • Bay Watcher
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What was added that's so computer combustingly buggy?
The new version adds extracting seeds from gems, which then get involved with farming.  Lots of changes to plants in 0.40, so it will be interesting to see if everything works the way it's supposed to.

Edit: Everything seems to be in working order, and no computer combustion issues.  So on to the next version!
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 08:45:33 pm by Dirst »
Just got back, updating:
(0.42 & 0.43) The Earth Strikes Back! v2.15 - Pay attention...  It's a mine!  It's-a not yours!
(0.42 & 0.43) Appearance Tweaks v1.03 - Tease those hippies about their pointy ears.
(0.42 & 0.43) Accessibility Utility v1.04 - Console tools to navigate the map


  • Bay Watcher
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The new version is posted, and it includes a new intermediate state for the embers left over from creation.  Some hidden gems now have enough of a spark left in them that a Tribute can coax them gently back to life, though not into anything as violent as an Awakened Stone.  These delicate gem seeds can be planted into fertile earth to welcome otherworldly plants into your fortress.  These elegant plants occasionally produce hidden gems, but like all useful plants they reliably produce alcohol.
Just got back, updating:
(0.42 & 0.43) The Earth Strikes Back! v2.15 - Pay attention...  It's a mine!  It's-a not yours!
(0.42 & 0.43) Appearance Tweaks v1.03 - Tease those hippies about their pointy ears.
(0.42 & 0.43) Accessibility Utility v1.04 - Console tools to navigate the map


  • Bay Watcher
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Version 1.21 is posted.  Now you on one hand you have some of the stones and some of the magma actively trying to kill your dwarves... but on the other hand you have adorable pet rocks and booze that comes from gems.

Try to catch your pet rocks in the act of... well... anything.
Just got back, updating:
(0.42 & 0.43) The Earth Strikes Back! v2.15 - Pay attention...  It's a mine!  It's-a not yours!
(0.42 & 0.43) Appearance Tweaks v1.03 - Tease those hippies about their pointy ears.
(0.42 & 0.43) Accessibility Utility v1.04 - Console tools to navigate the map
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