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Author Topic: ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Mods Push Published in DFFD are auto updated for local Players  (Read 18947 times)


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    • ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫

Humble Dwarf Fortress Publishing System ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ related places
1. Changelog
2. Git Repository
3. Rubble forum

Download for:
OSX, Every Dwarf Fortress supported platform is supported by ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫, you only need a web browser

Online Rubble
Easy Modding
Base Templates
Lua Scripting
History and Philosophy
Standard Library Templates

1. Common standard library templates
2. Rubble as a tileset applier
3. Tileset addons
4. User templates
5. Content Server

First Landing   
The Earth Strikes Back!   

Under construction, please wait!
This is a work in progress and (as may be assumed reasonably enough) may be highly unstable just yet.

General description, Subsystems Included:
Civilization, Classes, Events example.

♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Index
01.) Updated Catalog of supported Mods      
02.) Frequently Asked Questions FAQ      
03.) Code of Conduct      
04.) Graphs and tutorials about used tools      
05.) A vertical fort,plans, levels screen shots, work flow automation...      
06.) Rules or conventions to make composable Mods      
07.) What is a semantic Delta? How to use Git Extensions with it?      
08.) Using a batch file renaming tool to identify the origin of a file      
09.) How can you rename IDs in all files of a hierarchy of directories?      
10.) Debugging DFHACK lua, actual state?
11.) Rubble based macro system, a short tutorial      
12.) The three testbeds Mods of Vanilla Library: Vanilla, Haiku Vanilla and Haiku Extreme   
13.) My FPS aware Mods:, mostly Milo´s adapted for easy use with QuickFort ;D Humble and Singularity!
14.) Why Lua?            
15.) So what is all this fuss about the semantic Deltas thing?
♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Contract
As a player I have great respect for the time of any other player, that means that I will do all that is at my reach to release Mods or packages that are as bug free as possible, at least from my perceived standpoint, that means that each released mod will pass a semiautomatic process of verification where the different Dwarf Fortress logs will be investigated for problems, the entity checker utility or any similar application will be also used.
As a modder I expect that every user of this project, me included, will adapt his behavior in this forum to the code of conduct of our project.
For someone that likes to support the development of content for Dwarf Fortress universe, the origine, the Tarn Brothers is maybe the most sensible option. for those that additionally want to support the development of DF content out of ToadyOne limits, time or priorities:
1.) Japa Mala is developing a realtime 3D viewer for DF (Armok Vision).
2.) Meph is leading a collaborative initiative to better integrate mods and mechanisms into a fully coherent system (Masterwork Mod).
3.) PeridexisErrant is maintaining and distributing THE more comprehensive package of DF related tools (DF Starter Pack).

♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Purpose
01.) Opening  the process of mods maintenance to all those that love this game.
02.) Investigate ways to facilitate the migrations of Mods between DF versions.
03.) Enable a system of dependencies between Mods: Haiku<Vanilla<Modest<Rest.
04.) Decompose Dark Ages mod into its components mods.
05.) Find creative solutions for the problem of collisions in the mix of mods.
06.) Extract the experience of Df from Scratch to build a minimal DF base>Haiku.
07.) Use Git for version control and as online documentation and tutorials server.
08.) Build a community of maintainers that cares of the DF heritage.
09.) As DFHACK maintain their code base, ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ will do with the raws of Mods.
10.) Apply useful semantic transformations over the declarative DF raws.
♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Disclaimer
All the graphical art in this page is the intellectual property of their original authors.
There are two groups in the art used: Haiku and Dwarf Fortress related.
Those of DF are related to gruesome events that happens naturally in the simulation.
Or the visceral reaction that those events frequently produce in the players.
The artist simply use their freedom of speech or creation to reinterpret them.
They are there to offer an immersive experience in the DF universe.
As each image is randomly linked with a powerful tale in The Hall of Legends
If you think that an image should be retired for any reasons, please ask it!
The mods being adapted to ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ are owned by their authors.
Any loss of functionality in the conversion process is only my fault not theirs.
As they know their works better than me, any insight or help will be appreciated.
Once completed, the final conversion, will be offered to the authors or maintainers.
If somewhat ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ eat your dirty laundry as in the Don Henley Lyrics you alone will be the only responsable if you use it. ;)

♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ TODO list
01.) Finish implementation of nested objects
02.) Implement macro generics for all the categories of DF objects  supported in Rubble {COPY_TAGS_FROM:ID}, {APPLY_VARIATION:ID}, {GO_TO_END} {GO_TO_START}, {SELECT;NESTED:ID}
03.) Re-implement as Rubble categories WORLD_GEN and PROFILE, make shared object for them
04.) Make Vanilla Library and the Haikus automatically generated from the ToadyOne Version instead of manually
05.) Correct the generic materials to use a FOREACH to be migration resistants
06.) More artificial hiveable
07.) Make the rest of generic materials, wood, thread ...
08.) Cornucopia of trees
09.) Fork Rubble into Nibble for a more meaningfull and reusable, basic semantic metadata
nn.) Archived TODO list

♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Features:
1.) Is in spirit a publishing system for (DF) Dwarf Fortress related content using DFFD as file server
2.) Does something similar to what Battle of Wesnoth does with his campaigns, offering to the player a catalogue of mods to download, compose and play.
3.) Use a common system for importing parts of composable mods, in a chain of dependencies, like libraries of raws.
4.) Is usable in all Dwarf Fortress supported platforms (Windows, Linux and OSX) as it relies only in Milo´s Rubble that has support for the three, Lua that also do, and the interface is generic HTML5, same support. No one is forgotten out in the cold.
5.) Have auto update capacity of the mods that is attained exploiting the JSON metadata of the DFFD file-server for each download, to know when a update is available and doing the auto update if the mod is defined as having this characteristic.
6.) Some functional approach to the problem of version control of DFraws is used, this helps in how to decide the correct order of application of required change-sets.
7.) To further reduce the complexity of the problem some rules are applied; first of all Vanilla raws are declared immutable, you only can modify them indirectly (in fact you modify a copy or prototype, but the original object is always accessible ;)) by means of semantic deltas (DIFF) that have some insight of the DF grammar and works in a context of objects and tags instead of file-names and line numbers as normal DIFF do. One short auto example:
-- less fuel required to do a bar of iron
-- A more detailed explanation.
8.) The full Lovechild´s All races playable mod weighs 12.3 kb unpacked in our system and 417.6 kb without. -> less bandwidth needs and easier mod maintenance.
9.) For being able of supporting all that, some support of the DF grammar will be necessary, until now we have support for DF namespaces (called categories in Rubble: creature, material, plants) and DF prototypes (called objects in Rubble: DWARF, IRON, STONE_TEMPLATE, ...) and the generic support for nested objects (castes, noble positions, ...)  is being developed.
Should such a mod publishing system for DF be made sticky in the forum of Mod Releases to give it a good visibility? Please use the top pool to give your opinion. or post any concerns that you could have!
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 05:51:35 am by Abadrausar »
::: Humble Dwarf Fortress Publishing System ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Mods Push Published in DFFD are auto updated in local Players Catalog :::


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♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Updated Catalog
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2016, 12:20:57 pm »

Actual Preview List of working composable mods or addons included in RC1:
Finished but in need of more testing or feedback
________________________________________ _______________________________Composable_Base_or_Total_mods______________________________________
Toady_One___Vanilla   Toady One Vanilla base raw files, rubble porting by Abadrausar, able of fine grained imports.
Abadrausar___Haiku_Extreme   DF in 41 active Vanilla objects with only 6 modified and all the features.
Abadrausar___Haiku_Vanilla   DF in 65 active Vanilla objects without any modification and all the features.
Abadrausar___Singularity   The entire multiverse is collapsing into a single singular world.
Button___Modest   Collection of vital Vanilla bugfixes and tweaks that everyone should be able to use comfortably and without reservation.
Darkflagrance___Fortress_Defense   More concentrated FUN
Dirst___The_earth_strikes_back   Any miner knows that the surest way to prosperity is to strike the earth. Wise miners know that sometimes the earth strikes back.
GM-X___Dark_Age_II   Dark Age has fallen upon the world of Dwarf Fortress.
IndigoFenix___Rise_of_the_Mushroom_Kingdom   Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom
IndigoFenix___Undertale   This mod adds the monsters from the game Undertale as a playable race
Lovechild___All_races_playable   You can play as Vanilla dwarf, elf, human, goblin, kobold, or animalpeople.
Milo___First_Landing   SCI Themed 4x, explore and colonize foreign planets.
Putnam___Sparking   Complete dragonball lore.
Rhenaya___Drow   Drow civilization and lore.
Roses___The_Third_Age   We now live in the Third Age, and new threats abound.
Valikdu___My_Little_Fortress   Attempt at expanding and enhancing the original MLP mod by Nidokoenig.
__________________________________________   ______________________________Not_Composable_Base_or_Total_mods________________________________
Milo___First_Landing_FINAL   Makes First Landing final, incompatible with other bases because it removes candy and anticandy.
____________________________________________   ______________________________Modders_Toolbox________________________________________________
_Porting___Raws_to_Rubble   Adds SHARED_OBJECT tags to non-Rubble raws, semiautomatic only.
Abadrausar_No_more_animalpeople   Removes all animalpeople from active game, they will appears only in engravings and legends.
Abadrausar_No_multicivs   Removes all creatures from subterranean entity except AMPHIBIAN_MAN
Abadrausar___All_year_around_subterranean_crops   Subterranean crops are growable all year around.
Abadrausar___Bigger_containers   A wellbarrow can contain 2 pots, bins or barrels, and a minecart 10, and all of them at least tenfold more than vanilla.
Abadrausar___Circular_kitchen   You can dry low quality meals into flour and recook it again.
Abadrausar___Circular_kitchen2   you can dry low quality meals into flour and recook it again.
Abadrausar___Intensive_sprouting   Subterranean crops as Intensives or Sproutings.
Abadrausar___More_fishables   More ubiquitous fishable artificial hiveables.
Abadrausar___No_more_giants   Removes all giants from active game, they will appears only in engravings and legends.
Abadrausar___No_more_ubiquitous   Removes all ubiquitous vermin from all biomes.
Bisasam___Tileset   A simple addon that installs antialiased 20x20 pure ASCII-like Bisasam&#65533;s tileset.
Dirst___Accessibility   A set of simple commands for the DFHack console to aid in navigating the map. Comments and suggestions are welcome.
IndigoFenix___Mostly_mythical_monsters   Mostly mythical monsters
Kazoo___Silk_eggs   Some Spider egg shells are made of SILK,-> regular farming of silk with nest boxes.
Milo___Cheat_Reactions   A bunch of cheat reactions to allow for fast setup of testing forts.
Milo___Dummy_Reactions   Empty reactions registered to ADDON_HOOK_PLAYABLE.
Milo___Dummy_Workshops   How many dummy workshops should be generated?
Milo___Generic_Materials   Support for the Generic Animal Materials.
Milo___Graphics_Defense   Activate to keep Rubble from nuking your creature graphics.
Milo___Pop_Cap   Allows you to set a population cap that will override the default for this world.
Milo___Rubblize_Raws   Adds SHARED_OBJECT tags to non-Rubble raws, semiautomatic only.
Putnam___Materials_Plus   Adds a bunch of materials to the game.
Uncle_Span___Leathery_Vegetables   Huskshroom and Leather-leaf, plants that gives you skin to tan or leather ready leafs
Uncle_Span___Tileset   Uncle Span tileset.
Wannabehero___Deep_Dwarven_Domestication   Diverse and thematic domestic animals. It also enables generic honey, the use of nail as a kind of horn, chitin as shell and feathers as pearls.
Yobbo___Tileset   A simple addon that installs Yobbo modification of antialiased 20x20 pure ASCII-like Bisasam&#65533;s tileset.
Intensive subterranean sprouting2.   Intensive subterranean sprouting.
Intensive subterranean sprouting3.   Intensive subterranean sprouting.
_____________________________________________   _______________________________Tutorials___________________________________________________
______________________________________________   _______________________________Tests______________________________________________________
Test/ISS   Intensive subterranean sprouting.
Test/ISS2   Intensive subterranean sprouting.
Test/IntensiveSprouting   some testing3.
Test/test01   some testing.
Test/test02   some testing2.
Test/test03   Intensive subterranean sprouting.
Test/test04   some testing 4.
Test/test05   Intensive subterranean sprouting.
Test/test06   test6
Test/test07   test6
Test/test08   test8
Test/test09   test9
Test/test10   test
Test/test11   test
Test/test12   test
Test/test13   test
Test/test14   test
Test/test15   test

The Infinite River [WORLD_GEN] params
Look for the Nile!

Code: [Select]
RC2 adds new separators,CLA graphics and some other mods (3 seasons of DF from scratch,...) but the green and red mods are the same than for RC1
Actual Preview List of working composable mods or addons included in RC2:
Finished but in need of more testing or feedback

« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 06:23:22 pm by Abadrausar »
::: Humble Dwarf Fortress Publishing System ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Mods Push Published in DFFD are auto updated in local Players Catalog :::


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« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2016, 12:21:20 pm »

Frequently Asked Questions: (FAQ)

0. I have downloaded HDFPS and extracted the content with 7zip or any other compatible archiver that supports .7z files, how do I open the rubble main menu in my web browser?
Please read this post! detailed screenshots with the needed steps.
When you look it can be seen that the files of the two mods that you selectted are there clearly identified by their UPPERCASE namespace.
Some people are maintaining a mod created for another DF version by another person that has become inactive in our community, in the meantime some DF tokens have been substituted or deprecated, Milo´s Rubble gives you a warning of those or even of tokens malformed (attention there are some false positives, the system is not complete at this moment but Milo is working furiously), this can be paramount to eradicate errors, that could be at the origine of undefined behavior or instability in your mod, Rubble has even detected one of those bugs long buried in the VANILLA raws.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 06:25:02 pm by Abadrausar »
::: Humble Dwarf Fortress Publishing System ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Mods Push Published in DFFD are auto updated in local Players Catalog :::


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♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Code of Conduct
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2016, 12:21:40 pm »

Code of conduct of HDFPS project:
Every member of our community, from top to bottom, is required to follow the following set of rules:
These are the policies for upholding our community’s standards of conduct. If you feel that a thread needs moderation, please use the Report to moderator link in the right botton of the offensive post. In our context Moderators means ToadyOne, ThreeToe, ...
The enforcement policies listed above apply exclusively to all follow ups of this post. However everyone is free to use it in external posts at their own convenience if they feel it is the sensible thing to do.
Codes of conduct that have inspired this one
1.) Rust Code of Conduct
2.) Redox Code of Conduct

« Last Edit: February 07, 2020, 06:44:35 am by Abadrausar »
::: Humble Dwarf Fortress Publishing System ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Mods Push Published in DFFD are auto updated in local Players Catalog :::


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♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Graphs and tutorials about used tools
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2016, 12:21:59 pm »

Graph and tutorials about tools that helps modders to make DF composable mods:
Bulk Rename Utility

« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 06:32:39 pm by Abadrausar »
::: Humble Dwarf Fortress Publishing System ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Mods Push Published in DFFD are auto updated in local Players Catalog :::


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Descriptions of the Nanofort plans levels (1x1 embark), needs, associated DF macros, screenshots and workflow automatic production of its needs.
An example of the design of a Vertical nanoFort: Kedomgogol "The equivalent Crypt" a colonists site in Milo´s First Landing Mod using Yobbo antialiased 20x20 Tileset.
Spoiler: Surface level (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Level-01 (click to show/hide)
Everyone is given a bath without pressure at the entry to evite those pesky syndromes
Spoiler: Level-02 (click to show/hide)
Your nice waterfall
Spoiler: Level-03 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Level-04 (click to show/hide)
Archery range, barracks, their built furniture and stockpiles
Spoiler: Level-05 (click to show/hide)
The 11 hatchs that fights the chaos, the best place to restraint some elephants, Ever! And the fortifications that use your marksdwarves to greet visitors that pass by the inferior level towars the trade depot
Spoiler: Level-06 (click to show/hide)
Caged Spiral of Doom, used for trade purposes, how said that some arrows are bad for the commerce?
Spoiler: Level-07 (click to show/hide)
Main Stockpile zone
Spoiler: Level-08 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Level-09 (click to show/hide)
Those people really like urban farming, your commons do it in their own personal rooms ::)
Spoiler: Level-10 (click to show/hide)
Heart of Site with tavern, library, temple, hospital, well, communal dormitory and dinning room, royal chambers and some industry.
Spoiler: Level-11 (click to show/hide)
More stockpiles, Industry and noble rooms
Spoiler: Level-12 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Level-13 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Level-14 (click to show/hide)
Water and magma for your powered industry
Spoiler: Level-15 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Level-16 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Level-17 (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Level-18 (click to show/hide)
The entry point of the underworld
Spoiler: Level-19 (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: February 07, 2020, 07:10:46 am by Abadrausar »
::: Humble Dwarf Fortress Publishing System ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Mods Push Published in DFFD are auto updated in local Players Catalog :::


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♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Rules or conventions to make composable Mods
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2016, 12:23:08 pm »

Rules or conventions that a mod must follow in order to be composable with other mods:
DF mods ported to the Rubble system, you can see it in ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫  repo
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

In order to integrate all of those moods into the rubble system I follow some simple directives:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

But... What is all this system good for? Lets see some facts about it:
1) The Toady vanilla raws for DF 42.06 weight 1.55 Mb on disk.
2) Each other mod reuses some or all of the vanilla base files, even the total mods, in the next spoiler you can see the concrete parts of vanilla that are reused By the Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom mod:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
3) The addon that enables us to play Toady vanilla version of DF without ANY modif is composed by two files that mather, one dummy.rbl is empty the other addon.meta have the following content:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
4) So the complete rubble addon directory that enables us to play the original Toady  vanilla DF uses less of 2000 characters.
5) From now on each mod integrated into the rubble system is made compatible with all the others.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 06:37:45 pm by Abadrausar »
::: Humble Dwarf Fortress Publishing System ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Mods Push Published in DFFD are auto updated in local Players Catalog :::


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GitExtensions Tutorial for doing Diff semantic modding in DF with the Delta context system, to do that we are to explain how the All Races Playable Mod has been done with this system.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 06:41:46 pm by Abadrausar »
::: Humble Dwarf Fortress Publishing System ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Mods Push Published in DFFD are auto updated in local Players Catalog :::


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Bulk Rename Utility Tutorial for adding a namespace in each filename of a mod

« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 06:43:05 pm by Abadrausar »
::: Humble Dwarf Fortress Publishing System ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Mods Push Published in DFFD are auto updated in local Players Catalog :::


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Notepad++ Tutorial for adding a mod namespace into the graphics objects IDs to evite clash between mods

« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 06:46:01 pm by Abadrausar »
::: Humble Dwarf Fortress Publishing System ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Mods Push Published in DFFD are auto updated in local Players Catalog :::


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♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Debugging DFHACK lua, actual state?
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2016, 12:24:40 pm »

ZeroBrane Studio Tutorial about developing and debugging short lua fragments DF related...

There are any plans to include support, as a dependency, for Luasocket in DFHACK ?
Apparently it is all that is needed to use most of lua debuggers out there!
ZeroBrane Studio supports windows, linux and OSX platforms, lua versions from 5.1 up to 5.3 and visual studio.
Following this Luasocket presentation in their docs, the total number of lines for the version 2.0 are:
1. 4600 C code
2. 2500 Lua code
3. 4700 man code
With each new DFHACK version more and more external DF utilities use some kind of remote connection with DF to have access to its internal in real time.

The Network support that luasocket brings for the Lua language is object oriented, extensive, standard, documented, tiny (as it does not weigh a lot, as we have seen) and it has interfaces polished over the years.
Should we question what would represent more effort in the long term?
a) Integrating luaSocket once as a dependency and have access to their bug corrections and evolutions.
b) Integrating little by little the regions of functionality that are actually used in DFHACK.

My concern is that if we continue to use the path b) we could lose some corrections or have interfaces slightly differing one of the other for one operation of the same kind, depending of the version of luaSocket taken at the moment of their integration into the DFHACK base, this could be potentially tricky and time consuming for the DFHACK developers, the project will have a reduced functionality (substandard), hardships in the maintenance versus really little reductions in the number of lines integrated into DFHACK...

And we should not forget that the blobs of lines copy-pasted and adapted in a project are maintained as a whole only by this project, however if a project includes another as a dependency and then adds over some adaptations, their responsibility in the maintenance is limited to their own internal adaptation, if they use the interfaces of the depended upon project.

My opinion is that option a) gives more possibilities and requires less developer effort over the long term, but also that it could generate some initial breakage of some utils (specially if some transitory transparent support for the old system is not enabled for a few versions) and worse, it would generate one actual peak of work that maybe no one have the time or interest to do.
There are any other opinions about the convenience or not of opening such an issue in DFHACK?
<quite good analysis of lua sockets status>
Well, resuming the situation! The full support of this desirable characteristic has been staged for years and it do not seems that anyone will step up in the immediate future to finish the unachieved implementation.
Meanwhile the person that have done all the effort in this area is understandably sad to have to trash it by himself, even if not really sure how to finish it or continue in a sound way...
So if you absolutely want Lua Debugging in DFHACK in any visual IDE as Zerobrane Studio, your best option is to open the issue in DFHACK, integrate and compile Luasockets into DFHACK, and enjoy the result. ;)

« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 06:52:08 pm by Abadrausar »
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♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Rubble based macro system, a short tutorial
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2016, 12:25:14 pm »

Unbelievably rough Rubble macro system Short Tutorial, nevertheless usable!
As of now, you can consider it like an analytical index of every usage of Rubble macros in the ???HDFPS??? system
It will be polished at some point to be apt for general use.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 06:53:39 pm by Abadrausar »
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♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ The three testbeds Mods of Vanilla Library
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2016, 12:25:50 pm »

Description of Vanilla Library functionality and its testbed mods:
01. Vanilla Library1st playable Vanilla Library testBed: Contains the complete Vanilla raw files that are used by Rubble as an include or import base library able of fine grained imports and also to serve the needs of all other mods, yes you have it, this is like the unique ring... :P
ATTENTION: In the interface this library appears as ToadyOne Vanilla, This is done to indicate that this mod is the only one that people should select if they want to play vanilla as Toady released it. All the vanilla objects are there but reorganized in files differently to satisfy the needs of the vanilla Library. It is me the responsible of any bugs in this reorganization not Toady. Please inform me of any perceived bug. As vanilla as been made composable you can combine it with any other composable mod to have new shiny tilesets, graphics, completely new and innovative lua subsystems like (Roses collection; Putnam Sparking, Fortbent and SCP or Soul Combat of IndigoFenix), Encyclopaedias of DF like Dark Ages of GM-X, Button Modest fight against vanilla bugs, civilizations, mosters, final mods, or any other valid DF content that you could imagine, if Rubble support it and someone implement it ;D even those whose name can not be pronounced, returned recently from a deep void...
Spoiler: Vanilla Library Haiku (click to show/hide)
      Vanilla Library Imports
      Vanilla Library Changelog
02. Haiku Vanilla2nd playable Vanilla Library testBed: Do you know, that you can play Dwarf Fortress with only 65 active objects, between creatures, inorganics and plants, without losing any mechanism of a functional vanilla and without modifying any of those objets?
Spoiler: Haiku Vanilla (click to show/hide)
      Haiku Vanilla Library Imports
      Haiku Vanilla Changelog
03. Haiku Extreme3rd playable Vanilla Library testBed, 41 active vanilla objects to play with only 6 modified from vanilla. This version 1.0 has been independently developed (yes, I have reinvented the wheel one more time, what can I say... I forgot to have a look at DF from Scratch) but the version 1.1 will make use of the 3 years of cumulated experience that the 3 seasons of the project DF from Scratch has in this domain. "Dwarf Fortress from Scratch" were originally launched  by Halfling. Remark that even if Haiku Extreme is really lightweight it has however ALL the vanilla subsystems, that makes it (or Vanilla Haiku to be more conservative) a very good starting point to base other mods upon, Something similar in spirit to what Essential DF by Deon were in Dwarf Fortress 34.11
When you prune a tree correctly in the good season it gives more fruit, when you prune some of the redundant content in Vanilla DF, the DF tree has the force to give you the best fruits of ToadyOne, you can then have more of his random generated objects: Ruins, Tombs, Lairs, Titans, megabeast, semimegabeast, Bogeyman, vampires,mummies, clowns, ghost, zombies and necros, clowns, Mayor Demons, Gods, magic weather, night creatures... Without suffering a sudden FPS Death.
About "Haiku Vanilla": have you looked at the starting points used by the various editions of the Dwarf Fortress from Scratch project? It's amazing what you can remove if you want...
Thanks for the idea! I am going to integrate cumulated knowledge (SCIENCE!!!) of the 3 successive seasons of Dwarf Fortress from Scratch to make Vanilla Librarys more functional, while I integrate those 3 new mods into HDFPS.
1.  -> Dwarf Fortress from Scratch: The entirely player-made universe succession.
2.  -> Dwarf Fortress from Scratch 0.40.x: Adapted to the new version
3.  -> Dwarf Fortress from Scratch Redux: New depart thrashing a lot of what were already built.
Spoiler: Haiku Extreme (click to show/hide)
Haiku Extreme Library Imports
Haiku Extreme Changelog
Haiku Extreme Deltas

« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 06:54:31 pm by Abadrausar »
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Description of mods
Blazingly fast FPS aware mod (accelerated generic materials) compatible with Joel´s Quickfort utility, as it only adds new reactions to old workshops ;) no new buildings breaking your building plans are needed. What it does in reality is adapt all the original Milo Rubble addons to make their reactions use only vanilla buildings, and include automatically all of those addons without the hassle of having to select them one by one, they are however individually selectable by modders as libraries or with some more work as DEV tools in the Rubble interface. 8)
Spoiler: Humble Mod Haiku (click to show/hide)
      Humble Mod Imports
      Humble Mod Changelog
Contain every mod that is made composable in the ♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ system without any breakage. Imagine Masterwork on steroids.
Spoiler: Singularity Haiku (click to show/hide)
      Singularity Imports
      Singularity Changelog

« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 06:56:47 pm by Abadrausar »
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♫♪♀HDFPS♂♪♫ Why Lua?
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2016, 12:26:30 pm »

Why Lua is the best script language that Dwarf Fortress (DF) can have?
1.) Tiny -> 146 Kb.
2.) It has the same data model of DF raws, key-value tables.
3.) Designed to be an extensible embedded language from the very beginning. -> Very easy C interaction compared to other script languages.
4.) You can have as many performance as you need. (LuaJIT).
5.) Mature ecosystem and libraries, but not so standardized as other languages.
6.) Many programming paradigms are disponibles: imperative, functional (Metalua), prototype, object or class oriented...
7.) Used as primary script in DFHACK but not in DF Structures, >:( a real pity.
8.) Even if Lua has also many quirks, it does so well what it does, that it has less need than other languages of evolution, in order to maintain his quota of utility, as for C this relative stability of the language mean for programmers that learning Lua is a long term investment that they can use for many years.
9.) Easy to learn and read, even when the code is not yours.
10.) Good editors and debuggers like Zerobrane Studio.
11.) It has professional grade database frameworks like Tarantool.
12.) Industry leading Web User Interface as seen in the LuCI MVC-Webframework in the embedded OpenWRT open source router implementation.
13.) Interesting DSLs as Lake, or how to carry around your Build Tool in a pen and use it in any OS platform?

« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 07:01:20 pm by Abadrausar »
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