Indeed! That is indeed an opinion, and I treat it as such. That is why I asked for any contradictory information. Making the most informed choice with my vote is, and has always been, my goal.
I have summarily disqualified Trump; He is quite blatant in his ideologically motivated political rhetoric about exactly what he intends to (attempt) to do. The predictable consequences of those courses of action are.... Not desirable, except perhaps to consummate masochists. Further, like most ideologues, he is big on words, poor on details of implementation. He tends to just restate his intentions a different way when asked the specifics about his rhetorical assertions for policy. He would make a TERRIBLE president.
Hillary, from her debate speeches anyway-- is a big proponent of one-size-fits-all, "top-down" government administration. When she and Mr Sanders were discussing the ACA in the debates, she was genuinely disturbed by the idea of giving individual states the ability to control how healthcare would be managed at the local level, (despite the fact that the ACA was modelled after a state-specific implementation of just such a healthcare reform)-- Little things like this do not instill a sense of confidence in me, and instead instill a sense of dread reminiscient of how that same "top down", one-size-fits-all approach has panned out in the public school system. For uncontrollable reasons, there will always be local variations in the local need for healthcare-- There might be higher than average concentrations of heavy metals in drinking water, for instance-- Would a one-size-fits-all approach really be efficient to combat that, or would a locale specific initiative? Etc. When I say "lots of little things"-- this is exactly what I am referring to.
For much of the reason why I have summarily disqualified Trump, most of the GOP lineup is simmilarly unelectable. It would be downright negligent of me to consider them, for the most part.
That just leaves Bernie. While I am not a fan of pistachio icecream, if it is the choice between that, and things that are clearly not icecream, and told to pick the best flavor of icecream presented-- I am forced to choose it. That's the position I find myself in.