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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 6078446 times)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28200 on: March 09, 2013, 11:04:15 pm »

I have 125 dwarves, which are all pretty happy, plenty of wine and food, lots of money and a small crappy militia. I haven't actually exported anything though, although I did murder an elf caravan and steal all their stuff about a year ago.

Currently I am creating a marksdwarf squad, so I have just started making 10 crossbows and a lot of bolts. Only bad thing that has happened recently was my mayor turning out to be a vampire who murdered someone in the middle of the dining room, unfortunately I have no jail so I haven't done anything about it.

Haven't had much 'fun' yet, but I may well get some soon.



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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28201 on: March 10, 2013, 12:10:22 am »

Cavern fauna are being trapped indiscriminately, in hopes of catching cave crocodiles and giant cave spiders. So far a troop of troglodytes, a troll, a voracious cave crawler and a cave croc have been caught. The trogs will be used for military practice, as well as the troll.

A giant sponge resides in the river down the hill, and plans are being laid to catch it and use it for marksdwarf training.

4 of the starting 7 are finally becoming very skilled with their axes, and a squad of speardwarfs and marksdwarves have been ordered to begin training. Since the only weapon ore present is hematite and layer upon layer of marble exist to be exploited, steel production has begun in earnest, using the bituminous coal brought at embark.

10 sets of steel armor have been crafted, because why not go for broke. Sure, iron would do fine, but since steel is only a little bit more work, and easily done, the whole military (and eventually the fort, if I feel up to it) will be issued steel armor.

Everyone is still sleeping in dorms, since the bedroom level was accidentally carved directly below the little bit of aquifer on the map. No major incidents there, just a minor irritation. Since the dorms are relatively simple, silver statues and furniture are being crafted and placed near the beds, to cheer up anyone who thinks dorms are evil.

The net value of the fort is a little over 700k, and will only go up after the construction of the next artifact, which is using native gold nuggets and some native aluminium in its construction.

EDIT: A gabbro table, worth 100800 goes nicely with the marble throne crafted earlier.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 12:15:49 am by Lich180 »


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28202 on: March 10, 2013, 05:32:03 am »

Guardedseal, outpost of The Torrid Salves, now has a population of 27...and 27 filled coffins. One more corpse and it's officially a necropolis :\

The ambushes here genuinely seem crazy, I've not had this much trouble even in Neutral Evil biomes. However, the last bunch of Goblins got promptly skewered by my wooden stakes, so I'm sort of hoping that the new traps are going to keep the bastards out.

I'm trying to get my metal industry going, but unfortunately setting up a Hospital now means that my only Miner is lounging around in bed all day for his broken hand. I'm tempted to dig down to the Magma Sea soon and just try to get some workshops set up down there, since I'm consuming charcoal like a hungry walrus chows down fish...


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28203 on: March 10, 2013, 07:25:29 am »

Anyway, the first ambush killed the Elven trade party (KARMA!), then killed my entire military (three rookies), then one Axeman managed to get past my drawbridge and killed half of the children in the fort. This horrific massacre was only halted when my Miner decapitated the rampaging Goblin with her pickaxe.
Man, I love this game. It is dynamic.

I started a new fort, nice sedimentary layer, lots of fuel, things like that. Can you guess what the local dwarven government decided to call themselves? No? The Fortification of Infamy. Yeah, that's about right.
Got a legendary stoneworker and a legendary gem cutter from moods (No legendary gem setter though), so one thing my fortification is now infamous for is selling masterful chalk crafts flimsily encrusted with masterfully cut pyrite. Well, whatever.
“See this Payam!” cried the gods, “He deceives us! He cruelly abuses our lustful hearts!”


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28204 on: March 10, 2013, 10:51:19 am »

Today I am sealing the edges of the cavern levels off as I can, and attempting to trap as many cavern fauna as possible. So far I have:

17 crundles, assorted genders
1 gorlak
1 giant rat
1 blind cave ogre
1 voracious cave crawler
1 bugbat
1 troll
many dozens of troglodytes (slaughtered for military training)
1 cave crocodile, male
1 giant cave swallow, female

There are currently 2 trapped entrances into the fort, and after each level is sealed I will construct a small alcove where things can spawn, then wander into traps to be processed. The crundles, cave crocodiles, giant cave swallows and giant cave spiders will be used for meat, egg, silk, and defense, while everything less useful will be tossed to the military.

Oh, and a minotaur and giant are sitting in cages as honored guests. All visitors to the fortress will pass by them, and admire the idiocy of these beasts.

Lost a kid to dehydration after 6 snatchers were detected, he had a broken hand and was never seen to and died in the mayor's bed. A farmer and her baby also died to a blind cave ogre, thankfully the dining rooms and lovely buildings have kept everyone happy.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 10:56:12 am by Lich180 »


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28205 on: March 10, 2013, 11:26:34 am »

A little backstory:  I'm a modder who doesn't like to spend time and resources training a military.  I created a creature that easily replaces any military; I believe whole-heartedly I will be wiped by a dragon (the only creature the almighty buffalot cannot deal with easily) or similarly difficult titan/forgotten beast.  I'm hoping that this will make my dwarves focus on arts and such.  Yes, they'll be wimps, but rich wimps.

And thus begins the chronicles of Geshud Nom, "The Fortress of God."  The dwarven expedition settled (and this was luck on my part, since I didn't really look at the terrain) in a valley at the head of a river.  When they arrived, they were set on by a pack of vicious, wild shaggy badgerdogs (credit to a fellow modder for this awesome creature).  The buffalots swiftly dealt with them.  The dwarves were far too busy breaking open the casks of dwarven ale to butcher the creatures, so the bodies rotted.  The earth was broken, and a rudimentary fortress has been started.
Quote from: Xune
Urist McFred cancels these pants: too sexy.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28206 on: March 10, 2013, 01:06:56 pm »

So far, Guardedseal has been greeted by a Goblin Ambush with every single trade caravan. Didn't even know that was possible.

Anyway, now the Kobolds have started ambushing me too. Again, didn't know that was possible (lol). Thankfully I have some armoured (iron) troops and they were able to put down the Kobold troops after they sidestepped my trapped entrance.

Have now got a Barony and I think finally the fort may have escaped the total anarchy phase of it's least until a Forgotten Beast comes up through the caverns, anyway. I've made a stone stockpile near the cavern entrance so I can hopefully wall it up fast if that's the case...

Mr Space Cat

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28207 on: March 10, 2013, 02:13:22 pm »

Axehole has had a bit of slow time. The militia has been ordered outside of the walls for once to kill some elephants that were wandering by, one has been slain so far, and two more are being chased down.

A migrant wave of 27 has led to a load of useless idlers that's bugging my OCD multitasking mentality. Currently working on furnishing the hospital and building the grand dining hall/food assembly room on the second floor.

We may have a vamp now, there's a dead body in the dorms and despite its rotting stinking miasma no one has found it yet. A useless hauler even slept on the bed next to it and still nothing. I don't know if it's blood-drained or just died of uselessness, but it' there, it's dead, and it stinks.

Oh, and the first FB I've seen in a long time has arrived! Stongun Amxuen Tomsuozob has come! An enormous hairy frog, it has wings of stretched skin and it is ravening. Its brass hair is long and wavy. Beware its fire! I'm fairly certain it can't get in, and it's on the cavern layer that doesn't have the cave crocs, I assume. No risk of it getting in through the trapping hall we're building for catching cave crocs.

EDIT: the elves proved me wrong, we got an ambush of war polar bears. The axedwarves managed to drive them off, killing two so far, and we got a female war polar caged for future breeding of mutha-effing polar bears. One of the axedwarves lost an arm though, and we haven't gotten any soap made there's still a bear chewing on him, that may hinder the healing process a bit.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 02:31:30 pm by Mr Space Cat »
Made a new account that I use instead of this one. Don't message this one, I'm probably not gonna use it.

New account: Spehss _


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28208 on: March 10, 2013, 02:32:53 pm »

Razorfists is humming along - Probably time to do something odd, or mothball and start a new fort.

First goblin siege in a while had some surviving goblins.  A squad opted to not enter the tunnels, and it then skedaddled before a party of dwarves got to it.  The other three squads of goblin cavalry got softened up by the marksdwarf squads and then hit by a mass of melee dwarves (5 squads of four).  This force will be doubled in size soon since the "backup" squads are competent, sparring a lot, and ready to be issued their steel armor and promoted in status.

Due to large agricultural surpluses the fields are being left fallow for half the year.  Consideration is also being given to butchering most, if not all, the alpaca herd since they're multiplying and overrunning the available pasture space.  (The pet drunians started breeding triplets and that led to all drunians getting caged.)  Vermin control has been turned over to a half dozen peregrine falcons - who are now swooping through the halls and outside as well.
Armorer McUrist cancels forge steel mailshirt, interrupted by minecart


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28209 on: March 10, 2013, 03:14:14 pm »

Guardedseal's masons just produced a rather macabre artifact. A spikey metal coffin, emblazoned with two Goblins being killed in tales of legend and named "THE BRUTAL NOOSES."

Also, I love the name of the Forest Titan. Cactusboat? Lol...

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28210 on: March 10, 2013, 04:07:56 pm »

Splashcanyon is doing fine. Food is still plentiful (I've got the stills and kitchens deactivated for all but one season per year, since the stockpiles are overflowing, even when I'm using pots instead of barrels). Everyone is happy or better, with the sole exception of my military who's grumpy because their clothes are worn. Which is odd, since I have plenty of clothes, and odder still since I've got them set to "Replace clothing with armor". But they just won't discard their old clothes, or replace them with new, even if there's plenty of everything (for example, I have 20+ iron glove pairs in stock, but only ONE of my dwarves have them equipped...). Quite frustrating, especially if they were to die fighting because they didn't wear enough armor.

I've completed the tidal wave weapon by using walls to try and "lure" invaders into taking a specific path up the mountain. Still haven't been able to try it though, since I haven't had a siege for more than two years now. Not even an ambush, just the odd thief.
"And Armok said to Urist: I am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beer and the magma."


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28211 on: March 10, 2013, 06:21:51 pm »

Not so much what's going on IN my fortress, but rather in Dwarf Fortress as a whole.

I've just finished adjusting ALL of the biome tokens for EVERY LIVING THING in the masterwork mod.  Because for some absurd reason, that mod has applied the [BIOME:ANY_LAND] token to almost every creature in existence.

I got tired of seeing gnomes in my swamps, unicorns in my deserts, and friggin' hair men everywhere BUT the evil biomes where they belong.

Took about an hour, thank god for notepad++, and Meph, if you see this, I appreciate all of the work you've done for masterwork, it's simply an incredible mod, but lord, adding biome: any_land to everything is just completely shattering my perception of what belongs where.  It's like my early forays into modding, duplicated raws and all, all over again. *shudders at the memory*

I'd consider posting a version that DOESN'T have that token applied to everything, for those people that don't want unicorns up in their dining rooms except when they settle in joyous wilds forests.

EDIT: Keas restricted to tropical forests where they belong.  Those evil, EVIL, foul little things.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 06:39:02 pm by Solon64 »
PS: Seriously, you must have, like, super-getting-lost skills. You could go missing in a straight corridor and impale yourself on flat ground if I don't tell you where to go.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28212 on: March 10, 2013, 06:28:20 pm »

Oh, yes. Finally caught a GCS, and made up a silk farm. Right as the silk farm begins its first batch of silk processing, a clothier goes all secretive and claims the freshly build clothier shop.

Masterwork GCS silk clothing for all!


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28213 on: March 10, 2013, 06:36:31 pm »

Started my first Good aligned Fortress, Lashchasms, doing pretty fine so far, I am admiring all the new things. I just saw my first herd of Unicorns, magnificent as they are, I didn't do anything to/with them, honestly, I was scared.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28214 on: March 10, 2013, 06:41:36 pm »

Started my first Good aligned Fortress, Lashchasms, doing pretty fine so far, I am admiring all the new things. I just saw my first herd of Unicorns, magnificent as they are, I didn't do anything to/with them, honestly, I was scared.

You should be. Evil eye gouging bastards.
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