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Author Topic: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game  (Read 346973 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #1050 on: August 11, 2018, 07:21:57 pm »

"Hello. Quite a fight out there, that first round." He says, not looking at you but simply smiling and staring straight ahead.

Écalir will acknowledge the man with a curt nod, while still walking and keeping his gaze forward.

"It was dissapointment. Little man hide behind wood slab, do nothing. Good idea in real fight, depend situation. Not very good for entertain crowd."


Spoiler:  Écalir Speedwagon (click to show/hide)


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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #1051 on: August 13, 2018, 10:35:15 am »

Start zapping the ants with my drain power to pass the time.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
You sit on the stone floor and spend a half hour or so sucking mana from ants. Several hundred ants later you've gathered enough for 1 mana.  You begin to wonder just how many of these ants there are and how long they'll keep coming if you just keep nuking them.

"It might be possible to improve the situation a bit without amputation, but amputation would provide a more complete solution.  I can probably make the foot work a bit better or hurt less, but it would only somewhat improve the situation, rather than solve things.

Level up Knowledge to +1 with 10 mana.  Examine the foot and ask further questions about the syndrome.  Evaluate some other possible treatments:  Softening some of the ossified material back into fleshy tissue with reverse strengthen, reshaping the foot somewhat with grow or reverse grow spells, or improving range of motion by reinforcing specific tendons or muscles, or combinations thereof.  Come to a consensus on the plan for treatment.

One other possibility is bypassing the amputation by ungrowing the foot so that it's basically a baby foot, and then regrowing it in a more proper shape.  But that'll take two spells for sure, and it might leave things worse off in between if the current foot has any use.

Spoiler: Saeko Hirahara (click to show/hide)
You examine the foot carefully, bringing all the information you learned in your travels to bear against the problem. You come to the conclusion that "Ungrowing" it wouldn't help. The deformity is granted by birth so it would just reform the same way; and probably with the pain of decades of distorted growth condensed into a single experience. Phenomenally unpleasant. You hold your face in one hand and think, probing the limb carefully with the fingers of your other hand. You can tell from the examination that the origin of the problem is bone growth up in the higher part of the foot, near the top of the metatarsals. It would be possible to go in and "shave" the bone growths off before forcing the bones back together in the right formation, then using growth to regrow the muscles and flesh in the correct away. This woman was old enough that her bone growth should have stopped so the aberrant sections shouldn't reform. 

"You have some interesting wares, my good man, but as you can see I'm a rather discerning customer."

Try to get the coin to stop spinning. Try to tell it/will it to go tails. If that fails try to snatch it up before it starts spinning uncontrollably (quickly wrap my hand in some cloth from my coat or whatever to protect my hand a bit).

If that works, apologize for any damage the table suffered. Buy the coin and the book, then inspect that mirror and compass in some more detail (don't buy these yet).

Spoiler: Darwin Zeppeli (click to show/hide)
You look at the coin and will it to go to tails. It doesn't respond. You tell it to go to tails verbally. It also doesn't respond. So you quickly wrap your coat around your hand and then slap the coin down onto the table. It jerks your hand a bit, you can feel the speed of it but it lacks the mass to really over power or damage you. You lift your hand up and the coin is laying still, displaying tails. Huh. You apologize for the small black burn in the man's table and quickly buy the coin before he can ask you to pay for the damages.  Then you scurry off and buy the book as well.  You return to both stalls selling the mirror and the compass next, looking at both closer.

The mirror is about 4 feet tall, 2 wide, with a red wood frame. It has a sort of amateur filigree on it, thin gold wires formed into various mythic or religious figures. They're very detailed but the composition is noticeably crude, maybe done by someone with more faith or ambition than talent or practice. The mirror shows what looks like a mountain top; black stone, white snow, blue-gray skies and harsh sunlight. There are what look like ruins around the area you can see through the mirror as well.  True ruins, not mildly damaged things but low walls of ancient stone, nothing but the bare outlines and foundations of what was.  You lean back and forth and find that you can see further around by doing so, as though it were a window and not a mirror.

The compass is...well its a compass. Brass casing, bone face with scrimshawed and inked letters and lines. You rotate it around and find 3 distinct places it stops to point at.

"Hello. Quite a fight out there, that first round." He says, not looking at you but simply smiling and staring straight ahead.

Écalir will acknowledge the man with a curt nod, while still walking and keeping his gaze forward.

"It was dissapointment. Little man hide behind wood slab, do nothing. Good idea in real fight, depend situation. Not very good for entertain crowd."


Spoiler:  Écalir Speedwagon (click to show/hide)
"Yes quite." The man says quickly, "Tell me, why are you fighting? Is it money?"

"Also, one more thing."

Ask the man what's the fastest way to get to Alkahest.

Spoiler: Randolf Osborn (click to show/hide)

The man looks at you with a combination of confusion and seemingly with a little bit of jealousy and then tells you that the quickest way is a ferry up the river.

Radio Controlled

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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #1052 on: August 13, 2018, 05:25:07 pm »

Try to get a general idea of where the compass is pointing to. Is it pointing in the direction of anything I can identify on the map (such as a landmark)? Can I read the letters on the compass (or are they just the

Try to figure out the location that the magic mirror is depicting. Can I make anything of the figures on the frame? Also, is the mirror actually a portal from what I can see?

If any time left, flip through that now book.

Spoiler: Darwin Zeppeli (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 14, 2018, 04:32:58 am by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #1053 on: August 13, 2018, 05:33:13 pm »

Quote from: from discord
Basically he wants to bribe you to take a fall in a coming round

Écalir stops walking and stares at the old man. His face is passive, but the observant onlooker could spot several veins bulging in his neck.

"You insult Écalir and his ancestors. You are trash, and below Écalirs consideration."

Deck the old man in the face for trying to debase me with such dishonourable drivel. Then go my starting position for the fight.

Spoiler:  Écalir Speedwagon (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 08:32:16 pm by Pancaek »


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Re: Cabal: The Death of Magic
« Reply #1054 on: August 13, 2018, 07:40:27 pm »

Eat some more ants.

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It is good to choose your battles. It is better to choose your wars.

The Lupanian

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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #1055 on: August 14, 2018, 02:02:25 am »

Would I have to make any modifications to my old character to bring them out of the wild? If not, then I’d like to show up somewhere, preferably near another player. I haven’t been keeping up so don’t expect me to know what is going on.
Also, I’m fairly certain I was given Rope as my material, but I’m not positive.
Spoiler: Venandi (click to show/hide)
I only ate a few vampire hearts. Like, three tops. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Go check out Shadow of the Void!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #1056 on: August 14, 2018, 02:40:50 am »

The stat sheets haven't changed in any way, so your character should be compatable with the current situation.


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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #1057 on: August 14, 2018, 06:10:46 am »

Put forward the other possible procedure, but do note that it is still surgery and holds it's own dangers.  It'll be a less effective fix, but it should be safer overall.

Whatever is decided, if they agree for a procedure book the surgery/amputation for two days from now, as I'll need to prepare for surgery of that type.  (acquiring equipment, options for anesthetic.)

Finish up by seeing the sick child last for today.

Spoiler: Saeko Hirahara (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 14, 2018, 06:14:39 am by Devastator »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #1058 on: August 14, 2018, 12:59:27 pm »

"It doesn't matter that I'm beat up. What matters is kids are getting hurt, maybe killed, as we speak. I want to see this through and make sure it stops right now."

Spoiler: Nina (click to show/hide)
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #1059 on: August 14, 2018, 04:58:48 pm »

"But do we actually have a way to fight those creatures?"

Ask the man if the town has any way to contact a group of  demon hunters or exorcists to banish the evil monsters

Spoiler: Randolf Osborn (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 15, 2018, 08:54:59 pm by randomgenericusername »
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #1060 on: August 16, 2018, 12:41:00 pm »

Eat some more ants.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
You manage to suck 1 more mana out of the ants before you hear something. A door closing down the hall and heavy booted feet moving towards your door.

Would I have to make any modifications to my old character to bring them out of the wild? If not, then I’d like to show up somewhere, preferably near another player. I haven’t been keeping up so don’t expect me to know what is going on.
Also, I’m fairly certain I was given Rope as my material, but I’m not positive.
Spoiler: Venandi (click to show/hide)

Ok. Well in terms of places for you to show up

Dev is by Lake Candentis, in Lunare, performing foot surgery.
Pancaek and Radio are in Thion Hudor, fighting in the arena.
Rando and Lenglon are in Mesothorium, getting patched up after losing a fight to demon(?) children.
And Egan is in a stone cell somewhere after ninjas drugged him.

Pick your poison.

Put forward the other possible procedure, but do note that it is still surgery and holds it's own dangers.  It'll be a less effective fix, but it should be safer overall.

Whatever is decided, if they agree for a procedure book the surgery/amputation for two days from now, as I'll need to prepare for surgery of that type.  (acquiring equipment, options for anesthetic.)

Finish up by seeing the sick child last for today.

Spoiler: Saeko Hirahara (click to show/hide)
You explain both procedures in as much detail as you can without being inscrutable or too frightening with all the gory details.  They tell you that they're going to think about which approach they want and let you know when the day comes. Its a tedious approach but you saw it coming so you agree and set up the procedure for two days from now. You become distinctly aware that you don't really have the location to do such a thing. Nor the tools. Up till now you've been just fixing things with magic and taking pointy things OUT of people, not putting them in. You'll need tools, a sterile area, maybe even blood from a suitable donor. Hm.

You think about these things as you go to see the sick child. He has a cold, a bad one that seems to be in his lungs, but his fever is mild and besides some coughing and mucus on top of general malaise he doesn't seem in too bad of shape. You could try a cure with magic but a mild, non-deformity like this would be subtle magic indeed. Honestly better to just keep an eye on him and make sure it doesn't progress into pneumonia or anything like it.

"It doesn't matter that I'm beat up. What matters is kids are getting hurt, maybe killed, as we speak. I want to see this through and make sure it stops right now."

Spoiler: Nina (click to show/hide)
"But do we actually have a way to fight those creatures?"

Ask the man if the town has any way to contact a group of  demon hunters or exorcists to banish the evil monsters

Spoiler: Randolf Osborn (click to show/hide)
The officer listens to you both and thinks.  He eventually says that most Exorcists and Demon Hunters and the like are stationed up in Kaolin, in the mountains. But there are often traveling groups of them that can be found elsewhere, completing other jobs. There are none in town but there may be groups in nearby towns. He tells you that if you wanna help in a non-combat way, you might head up the river towards Alkahest, stopping at the towns along the way and asking about any Exorcists around there. If you're lucky you might snag one.

"If not, there's gotta be someone in Alkahest who can help. Maybe a mage breaker if nothing else."

Quote from: from discord
Basically he wants to bribe you to take a fall in a coming round

Écalir stops walking and stares at the old man. His face is passive, but the observant onlooker could spot several veins bulging in his neck.

"You insult Écalir and his ancestors. You are trash, and below Écalirs consideration."

Deck the old man in the face for trying to debase me with such dishonourable drivel. Then go my starting position for the fight.

Spoiler:  Écalir Speedwagon (click to show/hide)
[6+2 v 8]
You take a swing at the man but either he is a practiced fighter himself or your words gave your intention away. He blocks your punch with both hands and still slides several feet back.  He shakes both hands as though trying to shake the stinging pain of the blow out of the flesh, and straightens his clothing.

"As you wish." He says, apparently unruffled, and walks away. "Good luck!"

You wrinkle your brow up in thought for a moment before banishing such things and turning to focus on the fight. You walk to the gate room and wait a few minutes as everything winds into motion. The announcer calls the name of your opponent, names his defeated rival, and then pauses as the crowd cheers and the man across the arena walks out of his gate. He's a generically broad man, reasonably tall, reasonably strong looking. Maybe a soldier, he carries himself well enough and the weapons seem natural in his grip, though the way he moves the sword in little testing circles of his wrist makes you think he's used to something larger. The announcer says your name, arousing a combination of cheers and laughter. The crowd is larger this time, you can tell. After the introduction the gate opens and you surge out onto the field, arms raised, large sword held in one hand. You gesture to the crowd and do whatever kind of heroic pose you can think of, flexing and looking regal in your armor.  You cross the distance to the center of the ring like this and only stop once you've stepped into place in front of your opponent. Up close you can see his features better; brown hair, stubble, bushy eyebrows, scar across large but undefined muscles of the chest. He takes up a stance with his shield in front and his sword held overhead, point towards you like the stinger of a scorpion. You shift the sword into both hands an hold it out in front of you, angled towards him. You breathe out slowly and the announcer shouts for the match to begin.

Try to get a general idea of where the compass is pointing to. Is it pointing in the direction of anything I can identify on the map (such as a landmark)? Can I read the letters on the compass (or are they just the

Try to figure out the location that the magic mirror is depicting. Can I make anything of the figures on the frame? Also, is the mirror actually a portal from what I can see?

If any time left, flip through that now book.

Spoiler: Darwin Zeppeli (click to show/hide)
The compass is a normal compass in every way other than its odd orientating.  You pull out the glass map and compare the directions the compass points to things marked on the map.  The northeasty sort of direction is pointing towards god knows how many cities and places, including Alkahest. Inconclusive. You try the others. The slightly off south one might be pointing towards Alizarin. The straight East one towards Mesothorium? Or maybe Fearce?

The only snowy mountains with ruins on them you know of are the ruins near Kaolin. The figures would match with the thousand gods worshiped around there, but you don't know any of them specifically. It might be a portal, entirely possible that it is, but you wouldn't know without trying to use it. And it might be single use, or at least one way. Might suck you in as soon as you touched it with the intention to go through at all.

You flip through the book carefully and discover a few things. First, the pages before those historical events you recognized  always stay the same.  But the pages AFTER those change every time you close the book and then reopen it. The illustrations and the number of pages are different each time. Not by much, mind you. A few pages gained or lost, always hovering around 100, and the illustrations are usually about 95% the same with a few small changes in the remaining 5%. You don't see any major shifts in the three or four times you check it over just as many minutes.

The Lupanian

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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #1061 on: August 16, 2018, 01:04:05 pm »

Thion Hudor
Spoiler: char sheet (click to show/hide)
I only ate a few vampire hearts. Like, three tops. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Go check out Shadow of the Void!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #1062 on: August 16, 2018, 01:15:11 pm »

I'm taken aback by the request
"You want to send me to recruit an exorcist?"
I don't want anything to do with exorcists. I don't want to risk them hurting Adam.

Spoiler: Nina (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 01:05:46 pm by Lenglon »
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))

Radio Controlled

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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #1063 on: August 16, 2018, 04:46:54 pm »

Buy compass, leave the mirror. Buy a decent world map (how much?) and draw lines/cones for the three directions the compass points in (idea being that, by using the compass later in another part of the world, we might be able to more exactly pin down 1 or more of the 3 locations it is pointing at).

Start studying the book in more detail. What historical events does the beginning depict? Is there a sort of index anywhere in the book?

Spoiler: Darwin Zeppeli (click to show/hide)

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #1064 on: August 16, 2018, 08:40:38 pm »

"At least we have a plan now... To Alkahest!"

Buy a ferry ticket up the river to Alkahest.

Spoiler: Randolf Osborn (click to show/hide)
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.
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