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Author Topic: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game  (Read 347066 times)


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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2175 on: December 26, 2019, 02:13:41 pm »

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Ask if anyone has a bow for arrows
You manage to talk someone into letting you borrow a bow for your tests.

If it attacks, defend with a strong debuff.  Use a (2 hour duration) Strengthen reverse-Speed spell as a ranged attack to try and force the dragonfly wyrm to be unable to fly anymore, so it will crash into the ground.

If it doesn't attack, I'm in favor of just leaving it be and continuing on the city.

The only real prep to do is to start unlimbering Benedict so he can fight more effectively if necessary.

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You and your followers remain in hiding for about a half hour as the creature slowly drifts about, scanning the area. But eventually it drifts into the darkness and is lost, heading north.  You stay on guard for a while longer but it doesn't return, so you shrug and return to bed; there are no more issues that evening, but when morning comes there is smoke to the northwest, at the edge of the forest; like a large fire is burning out in that direction.

k nice. Since i know my materials now i can break camp. the wisdom and insight into lodestone will be my lodestar ;D
Looks like im the only dwarf who can build a proper zeppelin, and fly it without getting lost. Or a Tokamak fusion reactor  .... just need some mana now (and a lighter to play with the flammable aspect of the ether :3 ...... i need some flint-stone).

After an uncomfortable night, sleeping at the floor and no food, i, Edzul Zestegël, pack my stuff into the bag and stretch my numb limbs. Carefully i sort through my beard. Then i scratch all the bugs out my hair and kill the flames of my campfire, not before lighting my lantern of course.
One step after another, i turn south in direction of the delta, without looking back. On the prowl, not very speedy, but with open senses, i sneak through the brush. The only sound i make is the infrequent scratching of metal on metal by the chain mail, which is as standard size a bit too small for me. my glance meets from time to time the water surface of the nearby river to look out for crocs and huge snakes. i look up to the sky to check the weather, but no chance. the huge trees blocking the view and theres a constant dripping of water from leaves, which could be condensed from the humidity around, or just rained down from the sky or an even bigger tree.
my stomach is grumbling. The tracks in the swampy earth are deep and recognizable. The hunt has begun
Does anyone want to join the hunt? im feeling kinda weak with medium equipment and no mana >.<
can i build some animal traps from foraged materials? how is my craftsdwarfship limited? Do i have to say what prey im looking for? cuz i think im not in the state to hunt dragons or stuff like that.... more like rabbits and maybe a boar. im planning to do my first steps here carefully and patiently and my first goal is to get in possession of some mana of course :3
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So two things:

First, make sure to Bold your actions, ie the actual actions you want your character to take in the game. Its these that I respond to. This is just to separate them from any OOC or RPing.

Second, Make sure to only have one action per turn. If you decide to change it, either edit the first post or go back and cross out the first action and make a new post with the new action. Either way works.

What I'm getting from your big post here is the effective action is you want to hunt for some prey. Well, lets see how that goes
You discover several tracks in the peat moss and mud: Turtles of both giant and regular varieties, crocs, ungulants of some variety, Giant flightless birds, boars, and even the winding paths of snakes. Any of these would make worthy prey, but the larger ones would likely make more...profitable prey.

Doctor route
Alright. So basically what you'll get is a full loadout of the goods of your trade and then be given a route to follow. You'll simply follow that route, moving from town to town, trying to solve any issues anyone has. You are paid by the government each time the round is made; you get a fixed base pay plus bonuses for the number of situations you solved and their difficulty. You are also free, at this point, to make requests for supplies you think you'll need beyond what you get in the kit.  Your food and lodging will be provided free in any town you visit, though they'll likely be restricted by local generosity.

Your kit is the following
1. Medicine backpack: A wooden storage box made into a backpack, containing a vast number of medicines and Curatives. Should have just about anything you need to cure any illness or effect, providing you know what that illness is.

2. The healer's handbook. This contains information on a wide variety of illnesses and effects. Can be used  to look up what illness you're facing if you have the symptoms.

3. Surgeon's Kit. Mundane surgical and medical tools

4. Excorcist's kit. Magical healing tools, sealing systems, containment chambers,etc.

5. Doctor's Cloak. Standard uniform of the doctor's. Red robe/cloak with fur lining on the collar and sleeves.

If there's a route you'd like to take, you can suggest it, but it has to have at least 6 towns.

Yeah, I got nothin'.  Help with unlimbering Benedict if necessary, otherwise just hide.

Since "hiding" really just means "waiting", Ekrov will take that clockwork sword and cast a kno-based spell with "Clockwork" to figure out what it is, how it works, and what it needs.  It's the sword he looted from the wreck, which has a slot in the hilt for something to plug into.

Spoiler: O.o (click to show/hide)
[9+2v1] -1 mana
The sword is a Lightning saber. When properly empowered it will produce not only high heat but electrical discharge that greatly enhances both its cutting power and the damage its blows cause.

It needs a power cell of the right size; which is basically a charged battery.

84 mana for those diamonds then. Seem reasonable?

 I'll of course start applying that same math to all prices and mana conversions from here out, which will probably result in the prices of most goods being lowered. I'll try to stick to historical numbers where I can find them, or convert modern prices where I cannot; though these numbers can vary a good deal. For example, Historical suits of armor are rated as costing "100-166 days worth of wages" or 100-166 gold. Meanwhile a modern full plate suit converted at the 150 dollars to 1 gold rate would give you something like 40 gold.

Of course, whatever you deem fair is what we will take. In fact, keeping an object’s value in gold and thaum the same is what I proposed originally way back when we came up with the gold to thaum conversion factor, remember? This will hopefully make things easy on the space accounting front.

One question I then do have though: how would you see that interacting with the “objects are worth less thaum if a lot of that thing is around” and the “diminishing returns when you convert the same thing too much in a short period of time” mechanics?
Personally, while thinking about and coming up with the paradox snail solution to the problem of high local diamond abundance was fun, I wouldn’t terribly mind of we did away with the mechanic if you think it’ll keep things more straightforward.

Oh, and do you have an idea of how to concretely balance this with the other methods of mana generation? Or would you rather not make an explicit rule for those and just sort of eyeball it?

Anyway, if I may still ask some things pertaining the wizard heist after all that:
- If we need to do manual sneaking, I'm guessing both Ecalir and Darwin would each need to pass a speed check, while for things like noticing guards (senses check I assume) only one of us passing is enough?
- Could we put some black biometal into a keyhole and morph it into the shape of the appropriate key to open up locked doors? And would this require a roll (if yes, which stat?)

Spoiler: Darwin Zeppeli (click to show/hide)
I think I'll only apply the reductions when I think they're really needed, and even then I'll just do an end multiplication of like .9 or .8 depending on the severity. Should be easy enough.

Balancing it with the others is a bit difficult because a lot of them are based on subjective things like "Danger" so I think I'll have to keep eye balling those.

Well, that depends. If you're both sneaking in, you would both have to pass checks for sneaking (unless he's carrying you).  Individuals noticing guards is fine, so long as its reasonable that they could point them out to the other one.

Yes you could do that, and no, for that it would just be a mana expenditure. 1d4 for something that small.


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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2176 on: December 26, 2019, 04:02:44 pm »

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Search for a nonhuman animal and shoot at it with one of the silver arrows


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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2177 on: December 26, 2019, 04:32:51 pm »

Spoiler: shadesmaw (click to show/hide)

Mmm, well, we aren't looking for a fight.  We're looking to steal some treasure.  I suppose we can just mount back up and head to the ruins.

If Ekrov agrees, and we arrive at the ruins, use a temporary (2 hour duration) d6 Strengthen Bird spell on his eyes to give them vastly improved capabilities sufficient to aid him in finding us a good place to begin our investigations of the fallen city.

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Radio Controlled

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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2178 on: December 27, 2019, 11:53:49 am »

Well then, convert the diamonds to 84 thaum. 5 into the flammenwerfer, keep 40, 39 to Ecalir. Speed and senses to +1.

Spend some time staking out the warehouse to get an idea of how many guards there are and if they work in shifts and such, as well as nearby escape routes and the general layout of this part of the city. Do this over the course of at least a week or two though (how much gold for an inn for this period?)

Also try to cook up a batch or two of fast-working anesthetic for knocking out humans with our set of chemicals/plants etc.

Should these things all work out and no big problems occur, start the heist by going to the warehouse deep in the night when the fewest/no guards are around. Before trying to enter, do a temporary viscera-sensing spell to check if there are people in the building, and if so, where and if they are moving.

Spoiler: Darwin Zeppeli (click to show/hide)

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2179 on: December 27, 2019, 08:00:03 pm »

Want to tell me how my magebreaker equipment works?

Spoiler: Zavi (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 29, 2019, 07:50:00 pm by Egan_BW »
It is good to choose your battles. It is better to choose your wars.


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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2180 on: December 27, 2019, 08:11:14 pm »

No preferred route, I'm fine with going whereever I'm needed.
Return the magebreaker's stuff unless they don't want it?
compare my current doctor's kit to theirs.
review the book, compare to my own knowledge.
check if I can access any additional words and/or mana. it'd be foolish not to at least ask.
Meet my supervisor or manager or whoever evaluates and assigns things.
check for training opportunities in things like spirit extraction / channeler actions or abilities, especially since I've never been formally trained. same goes for self-defense training come to think of it.

Spoiler: Nina (click to show/hide)
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2181 on: December 27, 2019, 10:49:16 pm »

ugh boar yumyumyum bacon time :D

im going on boar hunt. If theres a sounder of them, i try to pick an isolated one, or get one isolated.

Since theres so much dangerous wildlife around, it should be not that much of a problem..... just following them and waiting until they scatter upon meeting something else should do the trick. then i just have to trust my legs and sneakiness to get one in range of my weapon

((Say whuut?! Are you saying vibrations propagating through a medium can't do so without a medium? Wowzers! :o ))

ever heard of light waves? those are vibrations of the em-field. and while they can propagate through a medium (which is called electric current), they are propagating in vacuum, too (like the refutation of ether theory shows) i dont want to start with gravitational space-time waves yet, but if u are interested...

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« Last Edit: December 27, 2019, 11:07:01 pm by Shadesmar »


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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2182 on: December 29, 2019, 07:05:20 pm »

Spoiler: @Shadesmar (click to show/hide)

Yeah yeah, accept Saeko's buff, use crazy high senses to locate a good landing location.  Woot woot.

Can I get damage die for the lightning saber, in its unpowered and powered states?  I cast a divination spell to understand it, so knowing its damage seems suitable.

Would "clockwork" function to just create a power cell out of thin air?  Or are batteries considered to be outside the realm of clockwork?

Cast another one of those divination spells on the dead clockwork robot with the intact--but unpowered--clockwork brain.  No more than 1d6 strength, if that's too weak to learn anything, oh well.  My primary goal is to get an idea of whether the robot has any personality or intellect, or if it's more like a really really advanced worker ant.  Secondly, I want to get an idea of what its directives are, what motivations it has, if any.  Why was that ship flying around, what was it doing?

Spoiler: O.o (click to show/hide)


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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2183 on: December 29, 2019, 08:38:02 pm »

Spoiler: @syvarris (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 29, 2019, 09:09:09 pm by Shadesmar »


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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2184 on: December 30, 2019, 12:33:10 pm »

Spoiler: @syvarris (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: @Shadesmar (click to show/hide)
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2185 on: December 30, 2019, 12:54:45 pm »

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Search for a nonhuman animal and shoot at it with one of the silver arrows
You search around and quickly find a pheasant or some sort of similar bird. You crouch in a bush and take aim for a few seconds before letting the arrow fly. It flies true and strikes that bird straight in the back; but rather than penetrating like a normal arrow, the thing seems to phase into the creature and vanish. The bird begins vibrating at high speed much like the arrow before it seems to ring like a tuning fork and then explode in a puff of red mist and feathers.

Spoiler: shadesmaw (click to show/hide)

Mmm, well, we aren't looking for a fight.  We're looking to steal some treasure.  I suppose we can just mount back up and head to the ruins.

If Ekrov agrees, and we arrive at the ruins, use a temporary (2 hour duration) d6 Strengthen Bird spell on his eyes to give them vastly improved capabilities sufficient to aid him in finding us a good place to begin our investigations of the fallen city.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
You reach the ruin site in the mid afternoon and it is...somewhat different than you originally imagined. Rather than a nice confined set of ruins the ancient city of Gravid seems to have been smeared across the desert for miles, as though a city the size of Alkahest was balled up and tossed, coming apart as it impacted and rolled across the sand. Black, gray, and tan structures and individual stones litter the desert but there are larger collections here and there, concentrated masses of masonry.

Ekrov, with his amplified senses figures out a hypothetical path the thing took, using the rubble to estimate how the city broke up from its original whole. The points that he is most interested in are the large sections of semi-intact semi-hemispherical black stone, as he considers this to be the "base" of the city while everything else is the remnants of its buildings. He selects the largest one as the best place to start looking and you guide Benny down to land next to it, settling on a nearby flat stone platform that, judging by the stumps of pillars around its edge, used to be the base of a temple room.

From the ground the shattered black hemisphere resembles a tsunami of black stone, a giant cresting wave with its curving back to the west and its jagged, overhanging face to the east. You can see, along the eastern face, the remnants of rooms and passages, opened up like a bisected ant-hill.

Spoiler: @Shadesmar (click to show/hide)

Yeah yeah, accept Saeko's buff, use crazy high senses to locate a good landing location.  Woot woot.

Can I get damage die for the lightning saber, in its unpowered and powered states?  I cast a divination spell to understand it, so knowing its damage seems suitable.

Would "clockwork" function to just create a power cell out of thin air?  Or are batteries considered to be outside the realm of clockwork?

Cast another one of those divination spells on the dead clockwork robot with the intact--but unpowered--clockwork brain.  No more than 1d6 strength, if that's too weak to learn anything, oh well.  My primary goal is to get an idea of whether the robot has any personality or intellect, or if it's more like a really really advanced worker ant.  Secondly, I want to get an idea of what its directives are, what motivations it has, if any.  Why was that ship flying around, what was it doing?

Spoiler: O.o (click to show/hide)

d6 unpowered, d12 powered. Usage die of dX depending on power cell.

The battery its designed for isn't clockwork in nature. The best powercells, the ones its designed for, are effectively mini reactors, but a standard chemical battery will do as well.  You could brute force something with clockwork due to the association, but it would be quite difficult.
[6v2] -2 mana

The robots are not intelligent, they aren't capable of learning or independent decision making. They are very complex and have a great deal of adaptability thanks to modularity in their decision making and logic matrixes, but in the end they are still nothing more than a vast series of "if, than" statements. As per the reason that balloon was where it is and what they were doing, these bots seem to be what amount to the "Crew" of that ship, in charge of repair and continued operation while the one that Saeko and her friend killed was the captain. They seem to have been lost remnants of the old Mechanist invasion, just patroling around looking for targets.

Want to tell me how my magebreaker equipment works?

Spoiler: Zavi (click to show/hide)
I'd be happy to but you'll need to be more specific. PM me a list of the stuff you want explained and I'll explain it. Faster that way.

No preferred route, I'm fine with going whereever I'm needed.
Return the magebreaker's stuff unless they don't want it?
compare my current doctor's kit to theirs.
review the book, compare to my own knowledge.
check if I can access any additional words and/or mana. it'd be foolish not to at least ask.
Meet my supervisor or manager or whoever evaluates and assigns things.
check for training opportunities in things like spirit extraction / channeler actions or abilities, especially since I've never been formally trained. same goes for self-defense training come to think of it.

Spoiler: Nina (click to show/hide)
Alright. You may have to wait a sec...I can't actually access the map through this dang kindle so I'll need to borrow a computer to create a route.


Ok, rather than try to explain in universe, I'll just show you how the sausage is made, so to speak. You're basically being set up to try out a system of sorts that I've wanted to try for a while now based off of things like Mushishi and Mononoke. Essentially you're going to be put up against mysterious circumstances and need to discover clues about their nature through investigation, which will "unlock" information in the book and eventually tell you what you need to do to solve the issue. Think of it like this: The you get symptoms and then cross reference them with the book to eventually narrow down the exact cause. As such the book, the tool kits, etc basically have nothing concrete in them because they will give you whatever you need.

[2] None this time.

Your auditor is, currently at least, some faceless higherup to whom you submit a log book after each round on the route.

Spoiler: @syvarris (click to show/hide)

I'm not gonna tell you not to talk to other players or how to conduct yourself, but I will say that if you want a private conversation where others cannot cut in, PMs are a better choice than spoilers.

Also sy, Remember Hanlon's Razor. We don't want another GWG incident.

ugh boar yumyumyum bacon time :D

im going on boar hunt. If theres a sounder of them, i try to pick an isolated one, or get one isolated.

Since theres so much dangerous wildlife around, it should be not that much of a problem..... just following them and waiting until they scatter upon meeting something else should do the trick. then i just have to trust my legs and sneakiness to get one in range of my weapon

((Say whuut?! Are you saying vibrations propagating through a medium can't do so without a medium? Wowzers! :o ))

ever heard of light waves? those are vibrations of the em-field. and while they can propagate through a medium (which is called electric current), they are propagating in vacuum, too (like the refutation of ether theory shows) i dont want to start with gravitational space-time waves yet, but if u are interested...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You follow the most distinct set of boar tracks across the swamp for a while until it seems to abruptly end in what looks like a sinkhole lake of sorts. You walk the perimeter, looking for where the tracks start up again, but can find nothing. Its like the critter walked into the lake and never came out.

Well then, convert the diamonds to 84 thaum. 5 into the flammenwerfer, keep 40, 39 to Ecalir. Speed and senses to +1.

Spend some time staking out the warehouse to get an idea of how many guards there are and if they work in shifts and such, as well as nearby escape routes and the general layout of this part of the city. Do this over the course of at least a week or two though (how much gold for an inn for this period?)

Also try to cook up a batch or two of fast-working anesthetic for knocking out humans with our set of chemicals/plants etc.

Should these things all work out and no big problems occur, start the heist by going to the warehouse deep in the night when the fewest/no guards are around. Before trying to enter, do a temporary viscera-sensing spell to check if there are people in the building, and if so, where and if they are moving.

Spoiler: Darwin Zeppeli (click to show/hide)
okie dokie

7 Gold for 2 weeks.

[10v2] Assume you have the knockout juice you need.

As per guards, there are very few. At night there is basically only a single guard inside and a single guard outside.  The inside guard wanders about seemingly at random while the outside guard spends most of his time at the gate in and then patrols the perimeter every now and again. Neither seem terribly professional. Oddly the one inside never seems to enter the office with the lockbox.

On the night of the heist you can tell, even without the spell, that things are just as they always are. The man is outside, slouching against the wall next to the gate, while his compatriot is wandering inside, a lone light visible through the windows and door frames as he walks around.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2186 on: December 30, 2019, 01:09:54 pm »

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Shoot an arrow fire at a boulder to figure out if they only act like this on living things or on any object
« Last Edit: December 30, 2019, 06:06:13 pm by Naturegirl1999 »


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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2187 on: December 30, 2019, 02:09:09 pm »

Sounds good to me, am willing and ready to begin whenever you are.

Spoiler: Nina (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 30, 2019, 05:33:02 pm by Lenglon »
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2188 on: December 30, 2019, 04:48:42 pm »

Shoot an arrow at a tree to figure out if the arrows respond like this to living things in general or just animals

((Are you sure that the arrow is reacting to a living thing rather than just any solid object it strikes? You might want to test on a boulder. That won't teach you if it works on an animate plant, but it will teach you if it works on a clockwork construct, which is IMO more valuable.))
It is good to choose your battles. It is better to choose your wars.


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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2189 on: December 30, 2019, 06:04:41 pm »

Shoot an arrow at a tree to figure out if the arrows respond like this to living things in general or just animals

((Are you sure that the arrow is reacting to a living thing rather than just any solid object it strikes? You might want to test on a boulder. That won't teach you if it works on an animate plant, but it will teach you if it works on a clockwork construct, which is IMO more valuable.))
Fair point
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