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Author Topic: The Rise of a Demon (Number of ritual wedding duels: 1)  (Read 53286 times)


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Re: The Rise of a Demon
« Reply #75 on: January 31, 2019, 10:52:01 pm »

Ah, never-mind my vote, this is better.

Don't kill the priest.

Offer protection in dreams to a few susceptible, ask only that they put the animal blood mark on their door and follow further orders.

Then kill someone in the village without the mark.

Let the mark spread naturally.

Then contact them again and tell them to be truly safe they need to kill the priest and use his blood to put the same mark on the temple.

Better to make them kill the priest out of fear.
+1, assuming we keep killing people without the mark.

Urist Mc Dwarf

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Re: The Rise of a Demon
« Reply #76 on: February 01, 2019, 10:34:52 am »

She runs through the tall grass, leaping over the corpses of her friends without pause, pursued by hideous beasts with twisted limbs and hundreds of razor-sharp teeth. They tore her husband apart, and now they are coming for her. Her breath is heavy, labored. Her limbs burn from exertion, but she keeps running. If she stops, they will kill her too.

She does not see the body until it is too late. It trips her, she falls. They surround her. Suddenly a figure is standing over her, its carapace covered with symbols. Dozens of them, but one repeats again and again.  A straight line with four more branching off from the top, yet somehow crossing four times. The creatures turn and flee from it. It looks down on her, its eyes filled with malice. “Draw my mark, and be saved.” It growls.

She begins to laugh. “What manner of monster are you?” She cries, even as whispers in her head tell her to give in. She keeps laughing, even as the creatures come back. Even as they tear her apart.

She keeps laughing when she awakens. And through the village, dozens of others join her.

This is an unexpected element. Not a single one of those you sent the dream to painted the mark. Most of them actually moved into the temple, and have lent their aid to the priest, who has grown more confident. Your poison works against you, as it makes it easier for him to influence the villagers, convincing them to gather inwards, to tend flocks together, to never go anywhere alone. Such defiance fills you with rage. When you catch a pair of unlucky herdsmen – one broke his leg, and the other went back for help – you torture them so savagely there screams echo for a day and a night, and you leave the shattered bodies, indistinguishable from each other after what you did, in a heap on the steps of the temple.

This makes some people uneasy, and they murmur about old monsters and how it was said nothing could stop them but an angel. They murmur about how no help will come. But they persist in their resistance, and while they still fear you, they are angry now. They will not give in easily.

A week has gone by since the dreams. Your plan has been derailed by the stubbornness of simple village folk. What do you do?
[] Rampage and show them the folly of defiance?
[] Leave and search for easier prey?
[] Try once more to corrupt them
[] Something different

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Re: The Rise of a Demon
« Reply #77 on: February 01, 2019, 10:41:28 am »

Show them why the priest is the wrong person to turn to for help. Break into the Temple one night, murder and mutilate the priest, before and leave his corpse upon the alter.

Ardent Debater

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Re: The Rise of a Demon
« Reply #78 on: February 01, 2019, 10:43:33 am »

Show them why the priest is the wrong person to turn to for help. Break into the Temple one night, murder and mutilate the priest, before and leave his corpse upon the alter.
No, no. Invade his dreams, and leave his psyche shattered, so he is babbling about "HE WHO COMES" before he slits his wrists in a blood sacrifice on the altar.


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Re: The Rise of a Demon
« Reply #79 on: February 01, 2019, 12:58:14 pm »

Hmm it seems we united the village around the priest. I think if we murder the priest now, the village will either scatter in panic or further unite against us.
Killing the priest will no longer be enough, we need to discredit him now.

This one is a very aggressive, extravagant plan. It could easily go wrong, but it would be pretty impressive if we pulled it out.
Idea One: During the night we come and seize the priest and take him to the center of the village. We begin to torture him, asking him to renounce his god(s?). He will probably say no, and each time he does we give him a horrifying mutation. After 3 refusals we overwhelm his mind and force him to claim to serve us. We then offer surrounding villagers the chance to join us. Kill most of those who refuse, keep others for thralls. Have the Boneys surround the village and force others to the center.

This is a more subtle plan to deal with the priest. If we murder him we turn him into a martyr, but if we can show that anyone can be debased, we may salvage a few followers from this. I think already most will only be good for sacrifices or slaves.
Idea Two: Invade the priests mind, break him to our will. Have him order the people into increasingly depraved actions to “ward off the creature”. Culminate in a human sacrifice. We will pick off those who oppose the priest. If we fail to dominate the priest, we will break his mind.
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


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Re: The Rise of a Demon
« Reply #80 on: February 01, 2019, 02:44:36 pm »

Idea Two: Invade the priests mind, break him to our will. Have him order the people into increasingly depraved actions to “ward off the creature”. Culminate in a human sacrifice. We will pick off those who oppose the priest. If we fail to dominate the priest, we will break his mind.

Ardent Debater

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Re: The Rise of a Demon
« Reply #81 on: February 01, 2019, 02:49:54 pm »

Much more elegant and EVIL than my own solution.

Idea Two: Invade the priests mind, break him to our will. Have him order the people into increasingly depraved actions to “ward off the creature”. Culminate in a human sacrifice. We will pick off those who oppose the priest. If we fail to dominate the priest, we will break his mind.


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Re: The Rise of a Demon
« Reply #82 on: February 01, 2019, 03:50:25 pm »

Idea Two: Invade the priests mind, break him to our will. Have him order the people into increasingly depraved actions to “ward off the creature”. Culminate in a human sacrifice. We will pick off those who oppose the priest. If we fail to dominate the priest, we will break his mind.

King Zultan

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Re: The Rise of a Demon(Number of Defiant Peasants: 80ish)
« Reply #83 on: February 01, 2019, 03:58:28 pm »

Idea Two: Invade the priests mind, break him to our will. Have him order the people into increasingly depraved actions to “ward off the creature”. Culminate in a human sacrifice. We will pick off those who oppose the priest. If we fail to dominate the priest, we will break his mind.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?

Urist Mc Dwarf

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Re: The Rise of a Demon(Number of Defiant Peasants: 80ish)
« Reply #84 on: February 01, 2019, 05:59:52 pm »

The priest gathers his congregation around him. Fires burn bright before each of the altars, and silver scrolls hang from the doors. Six men stand watching it in any case, trusting in steel should silver fail. His voice is steady, calming, even as horrid shrieks fill the night. You watch from just outside, standing between two houses, watching the temple. The sheer force of your malevolence is enough to unsettle the man it rests on, although the distance and the holy aura of the temple – which is now stronger than it has ever been – is enough to weaken your fury so that he can continue preaching without more than a vague sense of something wrong.

“And the Lord of Blades stood before the mountain, and at last…” He cuts off suddenly, and finds his mind under attack. He remembers old temple training, and pictures a wall between his thoughts, cutting you off from his thoughts. It’s surprisingly strong, almost as good as some you have seen from archmages.

So you simply go around it, using your greater experience to evade his defenses. And then you simply begin to break things, shattering memories, severing the parts that think from the parts that do, leaving a few tiny, helpless fragments of sanity to keep his hearts breathing and provide a nice background chorus of screaming when you are in control. The priest’s eyes begin to widen in horror, and that is his final conscious act.

The congregants look on, slightly concerned, although it has been less than a second. Through the priest’s mouth you speak. “This telling has reminded me of another tale, one with hidden wisdom in it. A tale of a great hero who needed a weapon to harm foul creatures of evil like the ones that have attacked us. He prayed for twelve days and twelve nights before a sacred, blessed altar, and had a vision. He tore the altar apart, and made its stone into the head of his hammer.”

You make the body smoothly turn, heading to the closest one, and you gesture to the blacksmith.” Let us do the same. Let us make weapons and amulets from the sacred stones.” The people, eager for some way to fight back, shout their acclaim, and swarm over the four altars, cracking fragments of stone off them. The holy aura diminishes around the temple, and something like a smile crosses your face.

Your control of the priest continues for the next week. It is occasionally painful, especially when you outright pray, but such small stings are worth it for the prize, as a faint aura of corruption begins to suffuse the whole village and the power of the temple weakens.

Blood is spilled in “holy” symbols, and people even paint themselves with it, although for now they only use animal blood. Some is even spilled into the well, to “sanctify” it. You and the Boneys continue to make attacks, but you make them seek weak, and easily driven off, although many villagers are wounded, some quite severely.

And so the priest spends long hours consulting his “holy books” until he has found what he claims to be a solution. A minor god of sacrifice and protection…by the name of Klx-Dryklfx. There is a powerful invocation that will make these creatures no longer a threat, he claims. But it requires innocent blood…

Though there is much wailing and sobbing, desperation, your poison, the terror of the past weeks, and the evident success of the previous charms make many of the villagers willing to follow him. A young woman who has refused to partake is chosen, and bound struggling to a huge pyre. Her limbs are broken with chunks of the altars, so that they are twisted and mangled. Andrick, able to walk without pain for the first time in days, eagerly joins in, whispering terrible threats into her ears.

The pyre is lit, and as she screams, your name is chanted. “Klx-Dryklfx! Klx-Dryklfx! Klx-Dryklfx!”They howl, and you fly forth. Your Boneys add their creaking voices as you land in the town, taking the power from your followers and granting them dark pleasure. Their voices reach fever pitch as the girl burns, dying horribly in your name, and granting you another burst of power. While it is no greater than what you had gained from eating, it is far, far sweeter. You throw your head back and howl as well, drowning out the frenzied chants of your new cultists.

What will you do with your new followers? And what will you do next?

You have gained a new trait! While all demons are skilled at corrupting mortals, you have a knack for doing it with nothing but the sounds of your voice and clever manipulations. This skill translates to many of those who follow you as well.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Rise of a Demon(Number of No Longer Defiant Peasants: 80ish)
« Reply #85 on: February 01, 2019, 08:47:42 pm »

That worked out rather well!

1. Winnow out the strong from the weak: Find those among our followers with potential to become worthy bearers of power. Otherwise focus on rebuilding the temple in our image, and simple wall or palisade.
2. Gather information about potential threats and targets nearby.
3. Try to get experience in raising the dead. Kill a few of the less valuable villagers and try to raise them as zombies.

We could try to focus just mutations, but I think having at least some diversity in powers could be valuable.
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


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Re: The Rise of a Demon(Number of No Longer Defiant Peasants: 80ish)
« Reply #86 on: February 01, 2019, 11:51:18 pm »

1. Winnow out the strong from the weak: Find those among our followers with potential to become worthy bearers of power. Otherwise focus on rebuilding the temple in our image, and simple wall or palisade.
2. Gather information about potential threats and targets nearby.
3. Try to get experience in raising the dead. Kill a few of the less valuable villagers and try to raise them as zombies.

+1 & 4, try to find a use for the souls whilst raising dead, perhaps as wisp scouts? if not, just eat them.

Ardent Debater

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Re: The Rise of a Demon(Number of No Longer Defiant Peasants: 80ish)
« Reply #87 on: February 02, 2019, 12:03:54 am »

1. Winnow out the strong from the weak: Find those among our followers with potential to become worthy bearers of power. Otherwise focus on rebuilding the temple in our image, and simple wall or palisade.
2. Gather information about potential threats and targets nearby.
3. Try to get experience in raising the dead. Kill a few of the less valuable villagers and try to raise them as zombies.

+1 & 4, try to find a use for the souls whilst raising dead, perhaps as wisp scouts? if not, just eat them.
+1, I agree, but we should look into knitting two of the burliest villagers into a single, eight limbed, two headed, swollen hulk.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Rise of a Demon(Number of No Longer Defiant Peasants: 80ish)
« Reply #88 on: February 02, 2019, 02:57:47 am »

1. Winnow out the strong from the weak: Find those among our followers with potential to become worthy bearers of power. Otherwise focus on rebuilding the temple in our image, and simple wall or palisade.
2. Gather information about potential threats and targets nearby.
3. Try to get experience in raising the dead. Kill a few of the less valuable villagers and try to raise them as zombies.

+1 & 4, try to find a use for the souls whilst raising dead, perhaps as wisp scouts? if not, just eat them.
Yes to this

+1, I agree, but we should look into knitting two of the burliest villagers into a single, eight limbed, two headed, swollen hulk.
No to this

Ardent Debater

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Re: The Rise of a Demon(Number of No Longer Defiant Peasants: 80ish)
« Reply #89 on: February 02, 2019, 02:59:49 am »

1. Winnow out the strong from the weak: Find those among our followers with potential to become worthy bearers of power. Otherwise focus on rebuilding the temple in our image, and simple wall or palisade.
2. Gather information about potential threats and targets nearby.
3. Try to get experience in raising the dead. Kill a few of the less valuable villagers and try to raise them as zombies.

+1 & 4, try to find a use for the souls whilst raising dead, perhaps as wisp scouts? if not, just eat them.
Yes to this

+1, I agree, but we should look into knitting two of the burliest villagers into a single, eight limbed, two headed, swollen hulk.
No to this
I'm not suggesting we do Twice-Man instead of Undead, just that we experiment a bit. But that's fine, probably something we should reserve for a later time.
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