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Author Topic: MKL21 Grand Prix-S1, R2: Choco Raceway (Turn 5-Mudslide!)  (Read 19361 times)


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Re: MK21 GP-S1/R1.5: Moonlight Highway (Turn 3-Flammable Evil)
« Reply #135 on: October 19, 2021, 12:06:02 pm »



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Re: MK21 GP-S1/R1.5: Moonlight Highway (Turn 4-The Bad Guy Wins)
« Reply #136 on: October 21, 2021, 10:52:00 am »

Moonlight Highway - Turn Four

One racer finds a new sponsor, and the other finds disappointment!

Player Actions
Power Slide between the pow cars. Incoming!
"Victory is Mine!"

Using the generous curve to his advantage, Dick Dastardly swings the Mean Machine into a power slide, aiming to zip right inbetween the two POW cars!


Dick presses another button on his dash and reveals his ultimate trick-the stage hook! Like the vaudevillian he is, Dick reaches out with his long hooked cane, and snatches hold of a nearby lampost! He uses the resulting anchor to alter his vehicles trajectory and maintain high speed into a 90 degree turn! He's a bit worried this could be considered more inventive than cheating...

+2 Momentum and +1 to passing checks! (Now 6 momentum!)

He spots his unworthy opponent riding up his tailpipe-instead of a ram, he's trying to draft!

Waluigi Attempts to draft you! Free Pass Attempt!
[5+6+1=11] vs [4+3=7]

Waluigi gets close, but Muttley waves a giant folding fan from the sidelines that sends the purple plumber reeling!


"Bye-bye poser. This is how a real winner cheats!"


After futilely hammering his controls for more dark star energy, Waluigi decides he'll have to win this race manually! He lines himself up, trying to find the Mean Machines Draft!

Waluigi Attempts to draft Dick Dastardly! Free Pass Attempt!
[5+6+1=11] vs [4+3=7]

Waluigi's plan is ruined when a scruffy looking dog (who must be related to that truck driver he saw earlier) starts waving a huge folding fan from the stands, no doubt trying to cool himself off on this hot summer night. But by sheer coincidence, it produces a hurricane force crosswind that ruins his draft attempt!

Hazard phase
Heavy traffic ahead! Both racers veer to the incoming lane!

Dick Dastardly has set himself up well-his power slide makes it harder for anyone to ram him, and the narrow line of cars are easier to dodge!

[6+3=9]vs Tanker
[6+2=8] vs POW Car
[6+2=8] vs POW Car
(Auto-pass on all!)
The racing master looks puzzled. Are these dice weighted? Wait, where did that scruffy looking dog go...

With dastardly 'skill', Dick weaves past the large truck easily, then shoots through the arguing drivers without a scratch! Unopposed, he hits the small series of dash panels +1 Momentum and coasts to 7 momentum!

Will all races be this easy?
Meanwhile, Muttley adjusts his trucking cap and hits the the tankers flood release, leaving behind a a pool of liquid chocolate-tasty, but slippery!

Waluigi feels he may have been outcheated here...but there's no reason he can't pass this gauntlet of hazards as well! Right?

[4] vs Chocolate
[6+2=7] vs Tanker
[1+1=2] vs [1] POW Car
[1+1=2] vs [6] POW car

Waluigi hops over the chocolate puddle and swerves by a tanker truck being driven another Scruffy dog (Extended family?) and tries to follow Dick Dastardly between the POW cars-their argument seems to have only become more intense!

"Crank only lost because the monkey cheated!"
"Cranky Kong is the only one who isn't cheating!"
"You got a coconut for a head!"
"Your mama wears Goomba boots!"

The cars try to smash into one another with Waluigi in the middle! He barely manages to avoid one-the other clips him with their bumper, sending him flying! -2 Momentum (now 1)

"...Who was that?"
"...Looked like Luigi to me! I dunno, it was dark!"

Movement phase
Waluigi sees a distantly receding rocket shaped Kart in the distance, being followed covertly by a scruffy looking dog on a bicycle.


Dick can see the off ramp ahead! He's not even sure where the other one went. It would seem, that today...

Dick Dastardly wins!

Racers finish!
1st place!!!
Momentum- 7

Waaa! No fair!
Last place...
Momentum- 1

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Waluigi can hear the sirens getting closer as the Mushroom Rangers are hot on his tail! He spends the next few hours driving in a circle around the track until the Mushroom Rangers run out of fuel, then hits the highway and heads home to his lonely, narrow bed. He dreams of scruffy dogs and cheaters with longer mustaches than him.

Dick Dastardly pulls into the Hot & Cold BBQ (right next door to the McChoco's, and a newly opened Burger-Kun) victoriously, finding a sleepy looking Viking with a sword waiting for him with a huge coin in hand. His entrance is only slightly ruined by the fact his kart ran out of gas and Muttley had to pull him into the lot with his bicycle.

"...Huh, didn't think anyone would show! You're Waloogie, ain't ya? Seems ya upgraded your attire! Your hat looks a bit like Olafs pants! Well, just sign there here paper and we can get to plundering! But first, a victory Viking Cola!"

Racer for: Viking Cola
Sign on Bonus: 1 Coins
Win Bonus: 2 coin for a 2nd place win, 6 coins for a 1st place win

Length of Deal: 1 Race (renegotiation guaranteed upon expiration)

« Last Edit: October 22, 2021, 06:47:15 am by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: MK21 GP-S1/R1.5: Moonlight Highway (Turn 4-The Bad Guy Wins) RACE FINISHED!
« Reply #137 on: October 21, 2021, 11:30:43 am »

"Thank you for the complement and drink, but I'm a more experienced version. That cheater couldn't even keep up with my dust, let alone beat me here." He pulls a giant card from out of his hat showcasing his greatest traps and photo finishes. "Dick Dastardly IV, at your service. I'm a new racer to the MKL, but I've had many close finishes at the front of the pack, and my ability to catch up even with cheating is astounding. You won't go wrong with me."

Snrksnrksnrksnrk as Muttley finishes drinking the offered cola. "Muttley, that was mine."

He signs the contract while his sponser(hopefully) isn't looking. (Never know with this guy, it's always the small ones you have to watch out for. Just look at Muttley.)
Racer for: Viking Cola
Sign on Bonus: 1 Coins
Win Bonus: 2 coin for a 2nd place win, 6 coins for a 1st place win

Length of Deal: 1 Race (renegotiation guaranteed upon expiration)

SIGN HERE: [Dick Dastardly IV]
"Rest assured I legally cheated my way into this universe just to have a go after the old Wacky Races Circuit went bankrupt. You can tell by how I have a IV next to my name, legal distinction."



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Re: MK21 GP-S1/R1.5: Moonlight Highway (Turn 4-The Bad Guy Wins) RACE FINISHED!
« Reply #138 on: October 22, 2021, 11:26:03 am »

Dick gains +1 Coin and a bad contract!

"I-v? Well, Iv is a good name for a viking, so I'll just call you that! Welcome to my crew, Iv! Here's to you getting 1st place!" He says, downing a bottle of cola. "Oh, and don't worry about cheating. I'm plenty dishonest myself! Dishonest is different than dishonorable, you know."


Dick Dastardly IV (TricMagic)
Status: Cheating his way in.(And yes, just read the whole Mario Kart. But he has a dastardly plot to pose as Waluigi.)
Points- 0
Fame- 0
Coin- 5-2-3+1=1
Backstory: A man following in his ancestor's footsteps, cheating his way in. "Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat!"

Name: The Mean Machine
Paint Job: Dastardly Purple and dim mustard yellow trim.

Module Installed: Dirty Weapons (Dastardly Duffel), Loot vacuum (Grab-O-Glove), High Acceleration mod (Evil Gramophone)
Module Hiccups: Signal Interference (Dastardly Duffel), Cold Start (Grab-O-Glove), Greased Up (Evil Gramophone)
Permanent Hiccups: None
!!Illegal Mods detected!!
Hacked: Dastardly Duffel

Races: 0

Racing for Viking Cola
"Burn, loot, pillage and plunder!"
Racer for: Viking Cola
Sign on Bonus: 1 Coins (Paid)
Win Bonus: 2 coin for a 2nd place win, 6 coins for a 1st place win

Length of Deal: 1 Race (renegotiation guaranteed upon expiration)

SIGN HERE: [Dick Dastardly IV]
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: MK21 GP-S1/R2: Pre Race [Choco-Island Raceway 1]
« Reply #139 on: October 22, 2021, 02:26:19 pm »

Coins and feathers flew over the week as Sponsors lined up to snag away valuable racers-only Waluigi finding himself completely bereft. As the racers dealt with these and other issues, the final touches on the next track were laid, with some help from a time traveling make their grand entrance to Mushroom Kingdom to ferry racers and fans to far off Choco-Island!

The track itself is practically in the middle of nowhere-there's no fan stands to be seen, just a few hastily erected track buildings for the Lakitus to operate from. The crowd mostly consists of aerial viewers, today. Which is fortunate for them due to the scorching heat which will soon bake the racers-Summers in Choco-land are so hot they're called the 'Syrup Season', as the land is literally melting. There are however, numbers of grimy chocolate miners who've come to watch the festivities! For them, Syrup season is a time when the ground is softest and easiest to tunnel through-allowing them to get to the valuable Dark Chocolate, Soda, Nougat, and Deep Frosting chunks that wait under the surface. All of which fetch an extremely high price in the Mushroom Kingdom. So today is a rare day off.

...Welcome back, Race fans!
We hope you've all had time to put your socks back on, because today we're gonna blow em off again!
That line could use some work! Anyway, coin is flowing, the competition is heating up! Welcome to the Choco Island One Raceway! One of the original MKL tracks!
Granted, it's size has been somewhat expanded since the heyday to account for increased kart speeds-prepare for a long and grueling race! I hope the fans bought a lot of snacks!
Who wouldn't like an order of Saturn Fries, courtesy of BurgerKun! All cloud-barge catering today will feature their original line up, as they're our primary sponsor!
Viking Cola is also available-refresh yourself!
KremKroc has no provided no food or drink, but they have supported the track, and donated money to local charities like, uh... 'Big Legal Boxing' and 'Honest Man Business'?

-2 coin for Viking Cola, Kremkroc and Burger-Kun


This track is pretty straight forward, Jim!
The comeback open is traditionally less complex than other races-just concentrate on getting in first!
I still can't believe they nixed our idea to have giant moles chase the racers!
I wanted the race to take place during a choco-hurricane!

Spoiler: ALL Segments (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: BLUE Segment (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: RED Segment (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: PURPLE Segment (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: GREEN Segment (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: YELLOW Segment (click to show/hide)

Choco-Island universally favors maintaining high speed to avoid becoming bogged down in the mud and dirt of the raceway-high acceleration and speed improving factors are very useful for staying on track! There are none of the usual dash panels, instead racers must use the ramps and bumps to launch themselves over the track. They gain a large (lightning phase) speed boost in the red section, and smaller bonuses throughout the rest of the track.

Items are fairly plentiful for most racers and include more speed boosters than usual-attacks items can seriously ruin someones day, however. Getting knocked off track during the final segments is particularly dangerous!

The sugar does boost your rocket boosts though, which is useful for catching up or getting off to a good start!

The track is one of the longest, clocking in a 5 segments with three laps in all-make sure to take advantage of the pit stop! Remember you gain a rocket start after clearing the pits-this could help you build up valuable speed, especially if you're already trailing in the pack.

Good luck racers!


Mousers don't like chocolate. So they certainly don't like this place. Most of them are safely up in the Cloud Barge, waiting to see what dirty tricks they can pull...
Quote from: Bounty Board
Contract 1 (Banana Pudding): Someone is paying to knock Cranky Kong down a peg! Cash in a black mark (or cause a hiccup to his kart in any other way) and you'll get 2 favor! First come, first serve!

Contract 2 (Melted Icecream): Accepting one contractor-make sure Jack Frost doesn't finish ahead of Bowser, and cash in 4 favor. Fail, and you owe us 4 obligation!
Quote from: Tricks on the Menu
(Call us for more details!)
Rampaging Rhinos: Did you know, Dino-Rhinos are very dangerous reptilian beasts that prowl Choco-land in great numbers? Be a shame if they rampaged onto the track...

Piranha-Food: With the right nourishment, we could make those Piranha Plants a lot bigger and meaner! And maybe give you a way to avoid them...

Underminers: The local chocolate-miners are just honest workmen, you 'dig'? They don't ask questions, and they'll work at night.

Tetris Masters: We've analyzed the multicolored blocks which line the track, they're about 28 years old. With a little heave-ho we could make a useful shortcut for ya to bust through...sure, everyone would follow you, but as long as you use it first...

Chocolate Slush: We could introduce a little more heat to the track, really get things muddy!

Aerial Assault: We're all the way up here! We could drop things on the track! Hey pal, I'm about outta ideas!


The local Chocolate Miners are an energetic lot, well used to managing the sweet terrain. They've offered some help-at a price. Many of their mods can be paid back for if you help collect chocolate bars during the race.

And it's totally legal!

Special Item:
Chocolate barrel (0/10)

Collect chocolate bars to fill the barrel and collect coins after the race. 5 Chocolate bars can be traded for 1 Coin after the race. Leftovers are eaten by your pit crew. The Waffle Drill rolls a D6 when activating, and on a 4 to 6 gains a special resource that the Toads can incorporate into unique mods.

Getting rammed causes you to lose one chocolate bar, which is added to your opponents cache!

If collecting more chocolate than your maximum amount, it's spilled behind you on the track as a muddy hazard.

Quote from: Unique Mods (Can only be bought on this Track-all mods cost 1 coin. They can be used on any track afterwards that qualifies. Each racer can choose one mod, which fits in his special slot, or as many mods as he wishes to make room for.)
Chocotires: No momentum loss on aggressive driving check of 2 and no penalty to going off track during 'cookie crumble' hazards. Works on most dirt tracks. Picks up three chocolate bars over the course of the race.
These skinny, tough tires are designed to dig into the mud of Chocoland without losing any grip. The tires are designed in square shapes, so when they fill up with chocolate, you just scrape em off-easy money!

Choco-Fludd:  Grants immunity to effects of the debuff tag, and comes with a single charge shield tag effect. No cost and refill this charge whenever entering a muddy track segment. Every time you refill, add a Chocolate Bar to your inventory that can be traded after the race!
This modified fluff device is designed to filter clean water from gooey chocolate mud, which it uses to keep your kart clean-it also produces a low quality, yet still tasty, chocolate bar! These can be sold after the race to the miners.
Special Interaction: The Loot Vacuum can also be used to snatch chocolate bars, though this requires a hazard check with no bonus as per picking up item boxes.

Waffle-Drill: Can be attached to the front of your kart to collect Chocolate Bars. On a nat 6 racing check, get a chocolate bar or perhaps something more valuable! Can also be used in frontal rams and defense against items for a +1 bonus, though this use may damage and destroy the drill, unless used to cut through piranha plants-an intent of design.
The standard waffle-cone drill is excellent for drilling through chocolate. While it's effects are somewhat random, the Toads are sure the track contains a lot of valuables...that they haven't been able to get at, since MLK reclaimed the area.

Sugar Frosting Battle Kit: +1 to hazard checks against Dino-Rhinos and Piranha Plants. On a hazard check of 6, gain a 1 chocolate bar bounty and remove that hazard on that segment for yourself for the rest of the race.
One of the miners most potent defense against the native wildlife, cheap frosting cloud bombs confuses the senses of Dino-Rhinos and Piranha plants, whose hunger for sweets knows no limits-a well placed shot can allow you to get close and take them out with a sugar pick, and there's always a reward in that.

Choco-Snake: Successfully ramming an opponent transfers up to 3 chocolate bars from their kart to yours.
Developed with the help of some nice mice!

Peanut-Shell Barrel: No longer lose chocolate when rammed and gain 15 maximum chocolate.
Developed when they realized the Mice were using Choco-Snakes to steal from them.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2021, 08:12:40 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: MK21 GP-S1/R2 [Pre Race!] (Choco Island Raceway 1)
« Reply #140 on: October 22, 2021, 02:59:35 pm »

Muttley is in viking disguise up in the clouds, ready to help. They pass a note to a Mouser.

Quote from: Iv the Viking(Dropping things and other Box Tricks)
I'd appreciate stuffing a few of these many many boxes full of Key's like that Bowser got last race, ya dig? Make them extra magnetic too so the Masks catch up faster. We'll talk favors later, or you can pass a note to my dog Lev.

Meanwhile, the Iv in question is talking with the Miners.
"Hello there, I'm interested in helping out on this race. Could you give me a Choco-Fludd to use this race? Here's the Coin in question for it. No tricks up these sleeves, just victory and a little chaos."

Hehehe, with this I can cause a lot of chaos scot-free. And cheat my way out of tough spots.


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Re: MK21 GP-S1/R2 [Pre Race!] (Choco Island Raceway 1)
« Reply #141 on: October 22, 2021, 07:20:03 pm »

Jack's kart is set up to be a dangerous beast- but only with enough momentum! A certain level of speed is required to brawl to the front of the pack and then break away, while Jack has no particular way to build or maintain that momentum. The muddy track just compounds this problem, making an offensive approach dangerous and onerous. But a certain last-minute modification could turn that complication into more of a benefit...

Buy the Chocotires! They'll do most of pay for themselves over the race anyways!
It is good to choose your battles. It is better to choose your wars.


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Re: MK21 GP-S1/R2 [Pre Race!] (Choco Island Raceway 1)
« Reply #142 on: October 22, 2021, 08:09:59 pm »



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Re: MK21 GP-S1/R2 [Pre Race!] (Choco Island Raceway 1)
« Reply #143 on: October 22, 2021, 08:59:09 pm »

”I bet my son would like it here. Anyway, let’s roll!”

Cracking his knuckles, Bowser buys the chocotires and Choco-fludd


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Re: MKL 21 Grand Prix-S1, R1: Luigis Waterway (Turn 11-Explosive Banana Sundae)
« Reply #144 on: October 24, 2021, 05:18:15 pm »

Crank had gotten the advance notice of the modules on offer for this race, and pored over the list with Boomer.  There were thoughts, ideas, ponderings, and at least one reference to the latest Mario Kart League rules reference, but at the end, they decided against any purchases.  More new toys meant more things that could break, and Crank was already juggling a few Kart issues.  Yes, there was the potential for profit, but... oh well, couldn't let that distract from the racing.

  "Let's get ready, Boomer."

No purchases thank you
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Diddy Kong's hovercraft glides smoothly over the rough chocolate landscape, laden with repair tools, banana milk, and a fondue set. Behind him, Cranky Kong struggles to control the Speedy Pete as the Coconut Spoiler catches air and causes the Kart to lose traction, sliding in the cocoa mud at every bump and fudge ripple! They come to a stop in the Pit Lane, preparing for final adjustments before the big race!

Bah! Diddy, you've got to do something about the handling on this Kart! There's no way I can race under these conditions!
Relax, Pop Pop, I'll take care of it. With the Coin you've been earning, you won't believe how well I can get this old Kart running!
Hmph. Well, you were right back on Luigi's Waterway, so I'll trust you. It's a long race, so I'm going to go hit the little ape's room- you get this Kart in racing trim!
Sure thing, Pop Pop! Diddy looks around the track nervously. Just, keep an eye out for that pesky reporter, will you? She sounded awfully determined to get that interview, and I don't think we've dodged her yet.
Bah! Let her dig around- we're as clean as this Kart! Cranky hesitates, seeing how the drive to the course has encrusted the Kart in chocolate mud. Cleaner, even!

As Cranky Kong stumps off to the restrooms, he doesn't notice the Spooky shawl flutter in the breeze, and the Speedy Pete seems to start cleaning itself. Neither does Diddy, as he heads off to the Chocolate Miner's shop.

Hmmmm... The choco tires would solve that handling problem Pop Pop was complaining about... But Choco-Fludd would go perfectly with my smoothie machine...

Regretfully, Diddy spends their last Coin on the Choco Tires, but as he turns away he sees a familiar mousey fellow in line at the trackside Burger-Kun stand. Thinking for a moment, Diddy pulls out a scrap of paper and scrawls a quick note, then hands it off to his Shy Guy Butler, Shysworth, to deliver to the Perfectly Legitimate Businessman.

Hey, Big Cheese

I need a Choco-Fludd on credit, no questions asked. Bring it to the pit lane, and we'll slide it in before anyone sees.

I can do you a solid in return- Bowser needs to beat Jack, right? I can make that happen, easy as banana pudding!

Sincerely, Little Red


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Re: MK21 GP-S1/R2 [Pre Race!] (Choco Island Raceway 1)
« Reply #146 on: October 25, 2021, 11:26:27 am »

Meanwhile over in Dick Dastardly's workshop.
"Yes, this Choco-Fludd is just what I need. Add a valve to reverse the suction and attach it to the end of my Grab'o'glove. There, now I can trigger a vacuum effect from afar. And this extra valve means I can suck even the thickest of chocolate into my barrel. Nothing like a little dirty money to go with victory."

Grab'o'glove modified: Now the Extendable Choco-Fludd Vacuum. For sucking up item boxes and thick muddy chocolate right off a kart. Though still needs a jingle and a crank.(Mechanical benefits are zilch. But the name sticks to you.)


Muttley in reporters gear is giving a mechanically voiced lowdown on Cranky's location. His dog mask is a cunning disguise.


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Re: MK21 GP-S1/R2 [Pre Race!] (Choco Island Raceway 1)
« Reply #147 on: October 25, 2021, 12:08:31 pm »

Last minute track changes...
BLUE Segment: The pit stop has now been completed and can be entered from this segment! The Miners have finished installing chocolate siphons for each racer-when you pit stop, you can bank your stored chocolate (and your coin) safely til the end of the race! Rules do not necessarily prohibit the use of the siphon in other ways...

The pit is entered straight from the starting line, avoiding the first curve-this has the effect of also missing the items, unfortunately!

RED Segment: The Chocoramps have been adjusted with mini-zippers.  Stunting is now a free action that can be done alongside other actions, akin to picking a track route.


MKL's struggle to fill the roster today have been solved with the introduction of the Track Boss!

This unique racer simply exists to challenge themselves-they don't compete coins, fame, position, or points-only for victory! As a racer, your only goal is to beat them-any racer who defeats the boss will get rewarded!

Track Boss: Tricky the Triceratops
Victory Reward: +1 Fame
Bio: Tricky is the uncontested Racing King of the Dino Domain, a location on Timbers Island-both the principal locations of the now defunct Diddy Kart League. The island still holds amateur races to this day, as it has in the past, and Tricky's always proud of his position as '1st boss', the one who challenges rookie racers to race him for access to the next tracks. On Vacation in Chocoland (Dinosaurs LOVE chocolate) he was naturally inclined to follow the sound of engines and pounded his way onto the track. It's entirely possible they were afraid to not let him join.

Tricky's Unfair Stats
Triceratops Charge/+2 to hazard checks vs frontal attacks, traps, and rams
Actually a Dinosaur/Upgrades spinout to squash (-4 momentum), if the opponent fails their racing check on a ram recovery.
Locomotive/Max speed set at 8. Ignores most track hazards not relating to driving.
Thick Skin/+1 armor against all forms of momentum loss.
Hmm. Upgrades./Can still benefit from track items due to cybernetic shoulder mounted rocket launchers he pillaged from Turok Dinosaur Hunter.

Must Go faster/Tricky prioritizes his ram target on the turn before he attacks. A racer can choose to let him pass them! Be careful if your opponent being targeted uses a free pass on you-Tricky will squash the racer in front of him regardless.
Big Draft/Gain +1 momentum on a 4 or higher then drafting Tricky. Automatic success if you have the Aerodynamic bonus. Any drafting based hiccups can be ignored when drafting Tricky.
Slow Shift/Drops to 1 speed on pulling ahead. Can only gain 3 positive momentum a turn.
Not a kart/Doesn't benefit from track bonuses that provide momentum.
Reptilian Thinking/Tricky cannot use the same action twice in a row.

Racing Style
Tricky's racing style is not complex-preferring to use his massive size and speed to ram and aggressive drive his way to the front of the pack. He's somewhat predictable in this manner. Slow him down, or he'll flatten you!

Spoiler: New Items (click to show/hide)


Meanwhile over in Dick Dastardly's workshop.
"Yes, this Choco-Fludd is just what I need. Add a valve to reverse the suction and attach it to the end of my Grab'o'glove. There, now I can trigger a vacuum effect from afar. And this extra valve means I can suck even the thickest of chocolate into my barrel. Nothing like a little dirty money to go with victory."

Grab'o'glove modified: Now the Extendable Choco-Fludd Vacuum. For sucking up item boxes and thick muddy chocolate right off a kart. Though still needs a jingle and a crank.(Mechanical benefits are zilch. But the name sticks to you.)

Dick Dastardlys whacky engineering has interesting side effects...

Hiccup: 2 Low Loot

It seems his Grab'o'Glove has evolved a coin slot which consumes the luck sparks coming from his kart as payment for its 'services'. Of course it would turn into a mercenary...he couldn't be more proud!

Jack's kart is set up to be a dangerous beast- but only with enough momentum! A certain level of speed is required to brawl to the front of the pack and then break away, while Jack has no particular way to build or maintain that momentum. The muddy track just compounds this problem, making an offensive approach dangerous and onerous. But a certain last-minute modification could turn that complication into more of a benefit...

Buy the Chocotires! They'll do most of pay for themselves over the race anyways!

Hiccup: 2 Low Loot

Jacks tires seem to be bad luck. He keeps running into potholes and dropping things! The Miners says it's just a side effect of his being an ice cream bar in chocoland. It's way too much sugar for one meal!


Hiccup: 16 Engine Cough

Waluigi's team has trouble installing the drill around all the extremely legal and honest additions Waluigi recently made, and the result is his kart seems to developed a persistent hacking cough, like a supervillain on a respirator. Thankfully there's no dash panels on this track, so it's not a total loss...

”I bet my son would like it here. Anyway, let’s roll!”

Cracking his knuckles, Bowser buys the chocotires and Choco-fludd

Hiccup: 6 Sticky Wheel
Hiccup: 3 Slow

Bowser thinks they might have sold him some bum stock! His tire seems to stick when he takes a hard turn, and his choco-fludd seems a bit...heavier than it should be...

Well, hopefully he can collect enough chocolate to pay off this junk!

It's almost like someone is trying to sabotage him.

Regretfully, Diddy spends their last Coin on the Choco Tires, but as he turns away he sees a familiar mousey fellow in line at the trackside Burger-Kun stand. Thinking for a moment, Diddy pulls out a scrap of paper and scrawls a quick note, then hands it off to his Shy Guy Butler, Shysworth, to deliver to the Perfectly Legitimate Businessman.

Hey, Big Cheese

I need a Choco-Fludd on credit, no questions asked. Bring it to the pit lane, and we'll slide it in before anyone sees.

I can do you a solid in return- Bowser needs to beat Jack, right? I can make that happen, easy as banana pudding!

Sincerely, Little Red

Hiccup: 9 Poor Handling
Hiccup: 12 Faulty Weapons

Diddy's buys the most rickety pair of chocotires he can afford, reasoning that the kart already handles so poorly that Cranky probably won't even notice!

The Choco-Fludd (which seems to have been upgraded with various illegal munitions) delivered to his pit, however, is a bit odd. It seems that they half designed it to work on command with Crankys new battle cane, but abandoned the job midway. Note it still has an oddly aggressive effect on his weapon just doesn't seem anyone can really control it.

Whats really impressive is the nose art, which shows Cranky with a headband and a coconut gun.


Reminder, you can pick and choose which items you install before the race!
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
  • "Lest he be compelled to labor."
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Re: MK21 GP-S1/R2 [Pre Race!] (Choco Island Raceway 1)
« Reply #148 on: October 25, 2021, 12:33:31 pm »

All mods are good to go! Nothing too debilitating, which is probably where all of Jack's luck went, hee ho!
It is good to choose your battles. It is better to choose your wars.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: MK21 GP-S1/R2 [Pre Race!] (Choco Island Raceway 1)
« Reply #149 on: October 25, 2021, 02:15:18 pm »

”This fludd seems a bit heavy. Can I take it off and get a different Choco Fludd?
« Last Edit: October 25, 2021, 02:37:18 pm by SuperDino85 »
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