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Author Topic: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom  (Read 46512 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom
« on: October 20, 2022, 09:42:11 pm »

Awhile back I began this world with a certain plan in mind:

The Project
Achieve an Age of Fairy Tales or something similar as resulting from purging the world of all wondrous creatures. It will be a world for humanity and familiar earthly species alone.

I wanted to share the highlights of the adventures though and my experimenting with play styles. New adventurer and story made if the old one dies or completes his goal.

What is Adventure Mode?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Current Age

We live in what is known by many as the "Golden Age". The name implies a happy time when various races populate the world in relative equality and harmony. After surviving three apocalyptic events though the age is one of chaos as various powers seek to fill voids and people fight to determine the future of the world.

Previous Eras (with stats)
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Current Player Character
In the wake of the massive power vacuums that led to the Golden Age a time of intense uncertainty and need led to the calling together and creation of a squad. Members who, regardless of willingness, would face the great remaining threats of this world. (Each member is designed and led by a different player)

Burt Yonalilimili(King Zultan) :
A deer person hailing from elven forests. This deer man is covered head to shin with bronze armor. Which makes him look eerily similar to the bronze colossus that one tyrannized the entire world. He is incredibly friendly, but can also be easily angered. He was drawn to the squad by a desire to both explore the reaches of the world and defeat it's many challenges.

Egem Tosidamem(TeaKing) :
An eagle man hailing from the Craterous Gazes like Grugni. He was a long time hunter in dwarven lands with his love of nature only rivaled by his love of acquiring wealth. It was both of these desires that drew him to join this squad. He is incredibly sociable and loves making friends.

Sir Galtran III(Salemuk) : Galtran the Third was a human born into complete poverty after his mother, previously married to the King, was banished from the eastern empires. Galtran was taught from an early age of his royal heritage and this had a great impact on his behavior, turning him into a precocious brat of sorts, obsessed with the appearances and posturing of nobility, yet with none of the associate wealth.
Galtran trained himself in the art of swordfighting and archery, but seeing as he had no other upstart peasants to train with, could only practice against the various makeshift training dummies he had constructed in the nearby forests. Thus Galtran was a great shot, and could thrust a blade through plate mail, yet found himself completely lacking in defensive maneuvers or understanding of practical matters, like how to make a living while also spending most of your day hitting sticks together.
Galtran never really grew up and, after the untimely death of his mother and loss of their property to "inalienable rights of the noble lord", now searches for some kind of adventuring party or caravan to attach himself to, in order to make a name for himself.
Galtran is generally annoying and ignorant, but looks the part of the noble warrior, and so manages to insert himself into situations he is completely unprepared for.

Hal Bristletrade(AvolitionBrit) :
A kiwi man from the Notched Union. He was a chef in the Union's capital when the call for the squad was made. He is joyful and quite happy to help others, especially with the making of good food for them! When asked why he would join the squad he simply said "People got to eat"

Grugni Dedukzalad(Maloy) :
A dwarven criminal living in exile for continuing his family's tradition of plumbing the depths of the earth for riches and monsters to fight. He was caught when he came to the surface to resupply. The anti-social dwarf has been promised freedom in exchange for service. Grugni passed away on this very same adventure! First taking an injury that removed one arm and left the other limp he realized that he could never realistically return to cavern exploration and instead sought to die in battle against his peoples enemies. He succeeded and bought time for the party to kill a vicious Cold Hunter named Ral Ivoryink

Glorg Lazitanefethi(Salemuk) :
A strange barbarian hailing from a life of isolation in desert caves. This human has a strange penchant for both the acquisition and the liberal application of spears. The opportunity to both gain new spears and use them has drawn him from his cave dwelling. Glorg dueled Ral Ivoryink who had s legendary spear and supernatural powers. They fought fast as lightning and he did significant damage before the dwarf beheaded him. Her injuries were severe enough for Burt, Hal and Egem to finish the job Glorg started.

Previous Player Character
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Kanil Inchwhip's Story
Chapter 1: Cutting Teeth
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Entry 4
Entry 5
Entry 6
Entry 7

Chapter 2: No gods no masters
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3

Itha Feciciyaba's Story
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3

Kivish Abbeymysteries The Auburn Deity
The Auburn Deity
Entry 1

The Squad:
The Party Sets Forth!
Side Quest 1 PT1
Side Quest 1 PT2
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Entry 4
Entry 5
Side Quest 2 Intro
Side Quest 2 PT1
Side Quest 2 PT2
Side Quest 2 PT3
Side Quest 2 PT4
Spear King
Stubborn Kanil
Journey to the Lost Dwarven City
Forgotten Terror
To Oarpassionate!
City Life
He Doesn't Need a Army
Finding the Vault of War
Treasures of the War God
Broken by the Angels
Coming Storm
Final Mission 1
Final Mission 2
Final Mission 3
The End
Epilogue: Burt

Cleaning up with Kanil
Ruins of Obliteration

The Curtain Call of the Dwarves
An Amnesiac White Stork Awakens
First Blood
Answers Denied
Christmas Special
The Dead March
Full Speed
Mob Mentality
Dream Versus Nightmare: The End of Clappedseared
Brief Update
The Last Alliance of Goblin and Dwarf
Dual Last Stands
A Hateful End

Lore and World Building
Lore of Necromancers
Dwarfdoom: Bendtaupe and the Famines of Twinkling
Cor the Goddess of Youth
The Tribes of the Forest of Plunges
The Age of Deception
Can Love Bloom in Undeath?
Chronicles of the War against Cor - The Craterous Glazes
The Great Devourer
The First Necromancer
Clappedsear: The Loosing and Losing of Peace
« Last Edit: May 27, 2024, 04:32:55 pm by Maloy »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2022, 09:45:08 pm »

Kanil's purpose is to defeat the two great evils of the East and West freeing the world from the goblins and the living dead through sheer force of strength and will.

Here's to the adventures of Kanil! May he survive all duels and ambushes.

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2022, 03:50:22 am »

Sounds like an exciting adventure is about to unfold.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2022, 11:00:10 am »

Interesting it's something I've tried to do before. Not sure if adventure mode does the age check like fortress mod does at the start of the year. But best of luck, if you need an adventurer to do some slog work clearing goblin pits. Down to take this save.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2022, 10:40:25 pm »

So (According to the Wiki) that would require mundane civilized creatures- so basically just humans- to make up between %90 and %99.9999999... percent of the civilized population, but not %100. Given that humans are currently the second least populous species in your world, you have your work cut out for you. You'll also have to kill that Swamp Titan of course.
Unity! Duty! Destiny!

Does the walker chose the path, or the path the walker?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2022, 01:19:07 pm »

Appreciate it guys!

Interesting it's something I've tried to do before. Not sure if adventure mode does the age check like fortress mod does at the start of the year. But best of luck, if you need an adventurer to do some slog work clearing goblin pits. Down to take this save.

I may take you up on it at some point! There's only a few thousand goblins which is small to me. Humanity only has a few hundred members
I know Age changes only happen at the beginning of the year so we'd be waiting a long time to hear of it so I might do age checks by using a fortress(and then kill those dwarves later)

So (According to the Wiki) that would require mundane civilized creatures- so basically just humans- to make up between %90 and %99.9999999... percent of the civilized population, but not %100. Given that humans are currently the second least populous species in your world, you have your work cut out for you. You'll also have to kill that Swamp Titan of course.

For sure! I wanna approach it in Arcs. Goblin purging is the name of the game for Kanil. The swamp titan I will go after at the end of Kanil's adventure(if he survives that long) as a sort of final boss.
I'm less worried about the titan than I am the amount of goblins to go get


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2022, 08:00:23 am »

Chapter 1: Cutting Teeth

Smuntsu the goblin hated the woods. Trees, grass and disgusting critters everywhere.
He had no desire to ever go near them and usually never had to. He was one of the two guards for the overlord of the nearby hillocks. The backwater village provided him a free source of wine, but here he was... in the woods.

The fort to the west had him and the other guard join a search party. Someone was out in the woods coming out in the dead of night to kill goblins and so they were to ambush him. They had formed a circle over the area and followed his trail. As he attempted to run from them the circle would tighten like a noose and he would be surrounded by them.
Smuntsu enjoyed a good ambush and a good killing and that almost outweighed the disgusting presence of nature around him.
As he stalked through the woods he saw a bootprint, human sized, and kneeled down to inspect it further.

Before he could even finish he buckled and fell onto his face. Searing pain in the back of his leg and he acted upon his most base instincts "Please don't kill me! I yield I yield!"
He was kicked hard and rolled over to his back and looked his assailant in the eyes. A massive vicious looking human coated in mud and blood with a tattered cape flowing behind him. He bore a massive sword bigger than the poor goblin itself. "I surre-" Smuntsu attempted to yell again before blade came down and split his skull.

The noose had been snipped. Kanil went through and picked off each individual hunter that had come after him. Pamud crushed one goblins torso open. He was satisfied to have angered the goblins so. He usually spent the day time resting while he hunted them near their fort at night, but parties like this made him adjust his schedule.
He decided to head north into the dwarf village to see about information or if the dwarves might even have warriors to fight the goblins. That would be a faster resolution than him picking off a hundred goblins on his lonesome.


The village had few dwellings, but had a relatively bustling population. Better than all the abandoned zombie filled hillocks between here and home.
At the drinking mound he found the local friendly and enjoyable in company. Many complained and grumbled about the tyranny of the goblins, but when asked none of them had any interest in doing anything. Preferring to be left to their crafts and follow the proper order of things: If the Dwarven King wanted them free he would send soldiers.
Kanil found this reverence for law to be disgusting.
He went to the administrative mound to look for other dwarves and found a delightful sight: The Overlord

A scrawny goblin without any armor speaking with a local dwarf. His guards were gone, likely the ones Kanil left in the forest, and here he was.
The goblin turned in time to see Kanil's weapon out "What this about?" and Kanil cut his leg clean off.
Screaming and attempting to scramble away Kanil quickly decapitated the creature while the dwarf that was previously next to him ran in terror.

He brought the head to the tavern and threw it on the ground shouting his deeds. The crowd reacted in horror. Calling him murderer, rebel, trouble-maker, villain, and more. One dwarf attacked him with a knife. He parried each strike trying to calm the bearded creature. Pamud had no such patience and drove his tusk through the dwarf's brain instantly killing him.
Full-scale panic broke out and Kanil saw a riot forming. He quickly mounted Pamud and fled the town.

He would then avoid the dwarven villages in the area: Inhabited either by the undead or mad-dwarves. He continued to pick off the fort.
It was designed by mad creatures clearly. It's base was a normal square fort design, but the goblins had built their shoddy towers and trenches all around it. The gates were buried under soil to make room for it. Kanil found an entrance in a tower that was jutting out the side of the fort wall he would climb into and come out in the middle of the fort. Nightly he would slip in, cut throats on sleeping warriors, and duel a few that were awake before retreating. He left Pamud outside the fort every time. The elephant reacted sporadically and if they were swarmed he needed to make a quick getaway.

The goblins feared going out after him for not only was Kanil a terror, but the forest apparently had a giant grizzly bear, giant black bear and a sasquatch in the area killing travelers.

Finally, there were only three people left. Two humans and a goblin. He waited for a time to listen to their talk. Talk of him usually or the terrors in the forest that dissuaded them from attempting to flee. Kanil started to doze as he sat outside and then he heard a crash. The two humans were fighting. The lasher was clearly winning against the swordsman. Seeing his chance Kanil sprinted in and fought with them both. A brief clash and the last goblin alive who didn't join the battle sought to negotiate. "Look I just wanna leave here"
"Are there other forces nearby?"
"Don't know. Don't care. You're no threat to them anyway."
Kanil killed the creature.

When he left the fort Pamud was gone. No trail either. He hunted the area nearby. Found the giant grizzly and killed it.

Explored south following another trail and ran into trouble. Dwarves. A whole army of them, and they had him surrounded.
AI Artwork

Those dwarves at the hillocks really reported me! I'm gonna get more trouble from dwarves in this playthrough than I am goblins!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2022, 05:59:46 am »

Source: Plump Helmet Man from the Regions of Ruin game. Which I strongly recommend playing! It's directly dwarf fortress inspired. Set in a world-gen world where goblins and orcs have wiped out most surfaces races and dwarves are few in number. You embark as a lone dwarf to set things right and build a new dwarven settlement as well

All around Kanil were dwarves, but they weren't moving. they were just sitting and watching. Then suddenly out of their ranks sprinted a purple blur, and then before him stood a giant purple mushroom woman. It began swinging at him with it's fists.
Kanil had no issue with the dwarves, even being a bandit, and didn't want to have them as an enemy. Also the mushroom man was kind of cute to look at and he felt bad fighting it.
He asked for peace, but the creature seemed to ignore him all together!

Finally, after dodging enough, knowing that all it needed to do was to get a good grip and pin him and the others could easily kill him he did what he had to do. He killed the purple woman. Whether this was the leader or more likely a mascot the death of this woman set the dwarves to frenzy! They bemoaned her death and all began to converge on his position suddenly while shooting at Kanil.

Kanil escaped only to be ambushed by the same army again two hours later. He tried to fight, but unlike goblins who hunted him in small poorly armed groups each dwarf here was armored head to toe leaving no gaps for his blade and they worked together in groups.
Kanil wasn't swinging or stabbing at the dwarves he was outright beating them with his sword, and eventually broke through their line by slamming his sword into the leg of one bow dwarf and the lower back of a spear dwarf slowing them for his escape.

He ran back to the fort. Pamud was still not there. His heart was heavy for Pamud was the only true friend he had. He found another trail that led north-west and followed it. It led to the Giant Black Bear the goblins mentioned. It was easier prey than the grizzly was and so he killed it swiftly.

Finally, he decided to chance going home. Pamud probably knew the way home and was waiting for him while comfortably feeding and resting by the river.
It was a two-day journey back past the forests and into the savannah. Most of these formerly dwarven lands were now tainted. Nothing grew here and the hillocks were filled with the undead. No one told Kanil on his first trip and so he raided one hillocks with Pamud and got his current supply of dried plump helmets that some noble dwarf likely hid for others passing through.

Kanil crested the hill that led down to his home. He had built a small wooden settlement sometime ago next to the river. He had slain a vicious night-monster on his first quest from the chief and she had kept the corpse of a dwarf imprisoned in her cave. Kanil heard legends that dwarves didn't rest in the afterlife if they weren't buried and so this place was originally founded to bury the dwarf as well as Kanil's dog that died in the battle. Now it had a tavern with three beds though and a few dwarf friends he had made took up residence.

As he crested he noticed a caravan leaving. A trader with his guards and what appeared to be some sort of monk.


As he approached them on his way down the trader spoke "Ho there traveler! If you're looking for the home of Kanil the Warrior you've found it, but he is away!"
"That is fine, for I am Kanil and I am returning home"
"That's what I hoped you'd say, lad"
The monk next to the dwarf launched a blow at Kanil that sent him reeling backwards. This being some sort of signal two crossbow dwarves behind him began firing while the "trader" drew his weapon and the monk swung again.
"If dwarves invested this much time to fighting goblins and the undead as they did to hunting those who kill their oppressors this world would be a lot better place!" Kanil thought to himself

The melee went on for awhile. A speardwarf had run down to help the trader and monk. Despite Kanil outmatching all three both in physical ability and martial prowess little headway was made. They had virtually no gaps in their armor and he was essentially just beating them with his sword. The monk was repeatedly trying to pin him and that would be the end if he succeeded. After his last blow to the trader's helmet the dwarf was enraged and swinging relentlessly at Kanil. Three blows for every one Kanil gave. Finally, in a moment of graceful chance Kanil's sword fit through the gap of the speardwarf's helmet. With full force it went in and killed the dwarf instantly.

Seeing this the dwarves on the hill immediately ran away calling for retreat. the trader still in a blind rage kept swinging and the monk stayed to assist him. Kanil wanted these two dead, but even as beaten as they were he could still find no holes and so when the trader calmed down the monk began dragging him away and the trader called "This isn't over, manling! When I collect the bounty on you I'll be sure to give your head to Urist's family for this!"

Kanil was sweaty, but not tired. His dwarf-friends in the tavern didn't see the fight and Kanil was mainly relieved they hadn't been killed for association with him.
The three warriors were upset at themselves for not seeing through, but Kanil was more upset to not see Pamud here at home.
He left immediately for Cursewax again to see if he had missed something.

On the way back the first dwarf army had ambushed him again and he was not having it. He had begun to be practiced at fighting armored dwarves. He found the gaps in two dwarves armor. One lost his leg and then his throat, and the other a sword through the eye-hole and and instant death. The rest of the dwarves fled again.

He tracked north near Cursewax and found the Sasquatch the goblins had feared and ended it. He had unintentionally cleared the area of it's wildlife threats while seeking his best friend. Finally, he returned to Cursewax itself. He could work out his anger by butchering some goblins if any new ones had arrived

As he entered the tavern filled with dead bodies he left there stood the most amazing thing. Pamud. The elephant had squeezed it's frame inside! It was covered head to toe with scars as usual, but now his trunk was missing and his right tusk was fractured.
Kanil ran to embrace the elephant
"Where have you been? Oh, what's been done to you my friend? Let's go home you need a rest"

OOC stuff
So I realize on my quest for fairy tales I'm gonna have to kill all the Plump Helmet people and this likely will eat at my conscience severely, but I shall press on

Cursewax still isn't officially cleared for my quest with the chief, but from what I understand it might take multiple in-game days for the game to register it as cleared?
Poor Pamud. If there were any creature I'd use the full-heal dfhack on it would be him

Do you guys play DnD much? I DM a campaign and I was thinking about how different each campaign can be. Most people I know play very board game intensive with miniatures and such, but our group generally enjoys having maps, artwork and well-placed music to let imagination go to the maximum
« Last Edit: December 25, 2022, 08:00:09 pm by Maloy »


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2022, 06:09:32 am »

We spent some days around our small town Helmedfragrances. It was less than an hour from the fort which suited him. They worked on the temple to Kanil's god Buh, patron of festivals and songs, although this temple was little more than a pavilion.

Being a large brutish and simple man most of his fellows were shocked at his choice of Buh as a patron, especially since most simply didn't have a god. Kanil himself hated merriment and partying, but he felt like a child whenever he listened to or read the works of passing artists or got to speak with the ones they were holding hostage for ransom. So he practiced poetry and was horrible at it, but Buh was always there to listen to it.

The day after the Pavilion finished he pulled out his map marking the fort. It was time to finish the goblins in the area that were putting pressure on his tribe. Scouts came out of these two locations

He first hunted all the scouts around the northern one. Foolishly the goblins chose to always go out and track alone, which made them easy if not tedious to hunt down.
The dark pit itself was quiet for the most part. Very little traffic until he got into it's network of tunnels underneath. He found a few trolls and a couple of goblins and killed them, but his real treasure was two stray beakdogs wandering the funerary pits. He took them both as his, and they took well. Either because of their shared love of violence or because Kanil was just good with animals. After that things were quiet there

Until he ran into a dwarf. It was like some sort of broken thing sprinting across the place yelling "identify yourself" and even if Kanil did so it would leave and come back later asking the same.

It was one of the hunters from the east, that much he could tell, and he knew they were pretty ferocious with their powers. Perhaps it was left to guard the place from goblins, but if so it did a horrible job and was unable to recognize him either as an invader.

He heard it shouting its alarm like warning again as it ran back into view to pass the tunnel near him. As it crossed he swung for it's neck. It was faster than Kanil could ever hope to be. In the time it took Kanil to swing it drew it's weapon. Activated its power and stabbed its own weapon into its chest, but it miscalculated

With this pit clear he took his new pets and Pamud to the southern one. This one was stuffed with goblins although not a single one was warriors. After slaying one they went into a panic and ran, but this played out favorably. The beak dogs chased the hapless goblins down the tunnels and eventually led them right back to Kanil. As each goblin ran past him he beheaded them and lined the tunnel with little green bodies.
After that was done he went to the main part of the underground pits where goblins tended to gather. The room had plenty of them, but they were too spread out to see one another, and so he would kill one after another and the others had no clue as he worked his way towards them.
One goblin metalcrafter held it's own against Kanil. Not with blade, but words.
"You think any of this matters man-filth? More will come. The Elder Hell is more powerful than you could ever hope to be"
"I'll break your hell on my blade"
"Yes, think you're strong don't you? Wanna be the master of these lands?"
He raised his blade "No, power is oppression of others. It's a worthless thing."
The goblin was unphased by the blade or the coat of blood covering Kanil "Is it? You're powerful or you wouldn't have gotten this far. Power is all that matters it shapes the world around us and that is why you are able to stand"
"All I want is to protect the life me and my people have now"
"And you'll need power to do that, yes. We use numbers, but you use those muscles and iron. We're the same just with different resources"
Kanil rested his blade " a lot to consider, but I have no wish to control others"
"Power doesn't control. People meld themselves around power. Take those dwarves, They try to avoid these places because theirs power here they wanna avoid."
"Did want to avoid. I've been harassed non-stop by bearded regiments"
"Then you need more power, yes? To make them stay away so that you can be free to do as you please?"
"I...see. I will spare you for your wisdom, little one." Kanil's value of power has changed.

From there they rested, explored and found a vault, but did not go in. One of the beak dogs earned a name chasing down and feeding on a goblin. Kanil decided on Duquehan or "nurturedglories". We ended up exploring all the dark pits, because after this one every other one was completely abandoned. This piqued his curiosity. Where was this army invading his homeland? He took a risk and decided to head for the black tower in the west.

Kanil knew little history, but this black fortress was an intimidating sight that he stayed away from, but here now climbing down the endless trenchworks. This place seemed long abandoned too. Most of the trenches were worn and fading and the towers around the dark one were crumbling. He reached the fortress itself and walked in. When he strained his ears he could hear movement from somewhere around him, but it was very little.
The ceilings of each room went higher than he could see and with the walls being made of slade it seemed he was walking in total darkness.
With virtually no sounds or life this was disconcerting. He passed statues some of goblins and others of fantastic beasts. He wondered if these creatures had been real or were the products of a twisted imagination.

After ascending in silence for so long he finally, reached the top. The "master" was scrawnier than almost any other goblin he had run into. Gray-skinned tiny and withdrawn.
At this point Kanil settled on a false name and title to blend in with the inner-workings here.

"What do you mean there's no plan? Aren't you the master? What about conquering the east?"
The master seemed shy "Well, I don't know what dark pit you've been hiding at, cousin, but...well. The Plagues of Forking really hasn't been the same since those dwarves got here."
Kanil was confused by the name and looked at the Master's pin.
"who rules here?"
"Uh... well, my wife actually. Funny thing is that my title is really ceremonial. Most of us live as bandits now. Sometimes the dwarves come out of their mountain to make sure we're really all dead so we have to hide in the tunnels. There's only a handful of us here"
This wasn't the empire that Kanil had been fighting. He assumed the goblins had come from the pits to the west, but these hailed from an entirely different land.
This fellow seemed entirely kind and wanting to stay out of the way. Kanil loved violence, but really had very little hate in his heart so he left the master. The master never realized how close he was to death that day thinking he had reunited with some cousin of his own people.

This was a lot for Kanil to consider as he left the site. Goblins from far away places, and apparently the dwarves were a problem for everyone in this area and not just him. What should he do? What did he want to do? Fight more, but these gray ones were a tribe like his own.
As he continued to walk a goblin from one of the tunnels sprinted out and greeted him and without thinking he replied "I am kanil Inchwhips"
He froze immediately. The goblin seemed nervous now as Kanil was well known.
Kanil's beakdog made a croaking hiss at it sensed the goblin's fear and Kanil's hostility building.
The beakdog pounced and pinned the goblin who punched feebly at it's head. It began mauling the goblin before Kanil came over and inserted Cloudfought into it's brain. It was time to leave. There was too much to consider.


So that's that. A lot to consider on my part. The Elder Hell is actually from the far arctic north and is the only goblin civilization that has any success in this world and is occupying the pits of their dead cousins, but I also cleared them from the area.

So for Kanil would he be more interested in killing the dwarves who are pressing in from the north or the undead hordes to the east that do not expand, but represent an ever present threat?

I also discovered that in real life if an elephant loses it's trunk it starves to death, fortunately I doubt dwarf fortress will simulate that.

Also the Master Azstrog. According to legends his three year old son was executed by the dwarves when they last invaded the place and that is who he is saying he misses in the dialogue.

Do you guys find the history of df world's interesting? I'm deep diving this one's and might expand on it


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2022, 07:56:34 pm »

I love DF's worldgen and emergent storytelling. I've written several stories set in DF worlds, roleplayed in succession forts, and gone on adventure missions of my own. I once ran a three year long tabletop campaign with several friends that was set in a DF world. I've started a second campaign fairly recently! I'm looking forward to reading more of your tale.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2022, 08:17:13 am »

I love DF's worldgen and emergent storytelling. I've written several stories set in DF worlds, roleplayed in succession forts, and gone on adventure missions of my own. I once ran a three year long tabletop campaign with several friends that was set in a DF world. I've started a second campaign fairly recently! I'm looking forward to reading more of your tale.

I appreciate it! This one is really really interesting to me and I'm fighting my urge to spoil things in order to release it as an actual story

I've debated doing a d&d campaign in a dwarf fortress world! I have to slow myself down though. My group is still on Act 1 of Rise of Tiamat and as dm it's easy to get excited and plan 5 campaigns in the future when that is like 10 years from now lol


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2022, 05:10:42 am »


Whispersletter was a fort a short walk west from his own tribe's, and thus the first stop on his way back home. Pamud, Dequahan and the otehr beakdog waited outside. He decided to drop by the tavern to spend time processing and hearing information. The tavern was actually the sleeping area. In a world of undead, night-terrors, and invasions it paid to keep everyone close together as much as possible. Drink wise Kanil had to satisfy himself with water.
There was barely enough food in the land so what little farming happened did not prioritize alcohol and dwarves didn't come south to trade anymore since the Entangled Plains were just an anarchic bowl of bandit clans like Kanil's own. Supposedly dwarves living here kept stashes of alcohol for themselves, but they'd never dare drink it in public where it could be fought over or spilled.
Whispersletters was almost entirely made up of dwarves and goblins, unlike his home which was pretty mixed

The rumors passing around gravitated around were the same. They spoke of evils to the north. The great swamp titan that kept settlers out of the north-west. Kanil had no interest in that.
They spoke of the necromancer tower and horrors to the east, and of many missing treasures. Pieces of armor and several weapons all lodged at Inkyrouts. A dwarf ranger called out to him "Hail, human I am Udil! Praise death!"
"That's a weird thing to praise considering the hordes of the dead on our doorstep. Talk like that could get one killed."
"Bah! I've been here longer than the rest the dwarves here wouldn't let anyone hurt a greybeard like me! Do you know why so many dwarves live in these little wooden forts?"
"I don't see how that is my problem"
"Well, it should be. You are Kanil Inchwhip. Oh, yes I know you and so do most others. Even if you work for that snake Uja most people know it's you who is going to decide what happens in these lands."
Kanil reached for his blade at the slight of his beloved chieftess "I've had a lot of bad luck with dwarves recently and you really shouldn't push it"
The graying ranger didn't seem fazed "Calm your breeches, boy" Udil reached for his flask and offered Kanil a swig. A fair trade for time
"Now where was I? Dwarves. We started coming to this land decades ago, know why?" Kanil began to open his mouth to respond before the dwarf waved a knobby fist "Don't interrupt me, boy! We came here for freedom. When those necromancers started cropping up with their armies all over people started getting real nervous about those of us who worshipped the goddess of death, The Spry. She ain't evil. She plays an important role making sure everyone passes on to their rightful afterlife and makes sure not a single soul goes awry or that too many new ones enter this world! But the mountainhome didn't believe us. We were necromancers who just hadn't found our powers yet. So many of us fled here south to this mess called the Entangled Plains.
Then later even more came. Refugees from the war in the mountains..."

Kanil piped in after that "What war in the mountains?"
"We don't talk about that even in non-dwarf company. It was bad. Dwarves saved the world, you know? But as it happened many fled here to escape it, and many stayed on after. Now we even got some coming south to escape the stifling control of the mountainhome. There's a lot of us here now even with those walking dead. Look here lad: I understand that you're not trying to start your own gang, but I'm still hedging my bets that you're the one whose gonna say how things go round here. Me and a couple of my boys wanna help, before we all get eaten and turned into zombies or civilized by our homeland. When you're ready to go just say the word"

With that Kanil had a few followers. He took them a short walk to his home which he built between the two forts.

He still wasn't sure what to do, but he left his new team there at his own tavern and gave them some work. They could easily flit between here and their home without much time. Ingiz, an adventurer from the mountains was already there and asked to join Kanil for a bit. They ventured to see Uja, but that went nowhere. She had no work for him right now. Apparently they had just dealt with an insurrection and she was still cleaning up.
Rumor with his friends there was that she was planning to send Kanil to the far north, past the mountains. Kanil had never been that far and it was on none of his maps. What in the world could she possibly want done out there with goblins, dwarves and the dead on our doorstep? He couldn't figure her out.
He did notice that while most everyone was still in the fort like last time all the human guards he knew were gone. There were only goblins guarding the fort now, which he knew all of them, but still where did all of his fellows go off to?

For now Kanil decided to go south. On the way he caught Ingiz up with his trouble with his fellow dwarves, Ingiz being a dwarf's dwarf and a celebrity back home. Kanil received an earful the whole walk south


This one was mostly world building and story stuff. I did really spend a ton of time socializing and learning at this point, and I've done more since, but I looked at this and it was getting too long to fit everything.
The irony that I am considering wiping out the entire mountainhome when the majority of people who join up with me are dwarves.

Uja really does try to keep sending Kanil as far away from the fort as possible. At this point all her jobs are in totally separate lands that have nothing to do with this one.

Oh also about dealing with the undead. I got my work cut out for me:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

fortunately undead creatures don't calculate in age considerations otherwise we'd be in the age of the dwarf or the undead dwarf *shrug*


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2022, 06:06:54 am »

Well, I’m pretty sure the current Museum game went back an age thanks to the reanimated feathers of a Roc, but that’s a megabeast, so that’s something to consider… Might as well take care of the necromancers themselves at any rate… Assuming you can figure out some way to get to them with all the inevitable lag from all those zombies…
Unity! Duty! Destiny!

Does the walker chose the path, or the path the walker?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2022, 06:39:54 am »

Fortunately all those guys are actually at the hillocks that neighbors the tower, and as far as my reading has suggested all necromancers with this band seem to live at the tower

I do wonder though...I had HEARD that for sites that aren't fortresses or dark fortresses that the entire population is rarely loaded and that to wipe them out you have to come back multiple times and wait for them to load in the next group

Idk if that is true, but if so I could approach the hillocks still


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Adventure Mode Story
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2022, 08:42:46 am »

That huge number of zombie dwarves is from some kind of bug... the Museum was hit with the same bug and someone fixed it. I don't remember how they did it.
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