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Author Topic: Dominions 6 Release Day Playthrough [Singleplayer, EA Yomi]  (Read 4594 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Dominions 6 Release Day Playthrough [Singleplayer, EA Yomi]
« on: January 17, 2024, 06:05:54 pm »

Illwinter's strategy game Dominions 6 released today. Frankly, it wasn't on my radar at all, but it was a pleasant surprise given all the fun I've had in the past with Dominions 5. To celebrate, I thought I would put out a playthrough, mainly for those curious about what has changed and the state of the game on release.

This will be written primarily as a comparison to Dom5 (it's a complicated game, and I'll have to assume a broad familiarity with Dominions from the reader to avoid getting bogged down with every detail).

This first post is mostly going to be very boring setup.

Right off the bat, the game title screen looks basically the same. The ugly as sin 3D background, the same loading screen, same UI, etc. I'm not complaining; I'd expect nothing less! Or nothing more, I should say.

However, the map creation immediately piques my interest:

Spoiler: Map creation (click to show/hide)

What's this? Not only are there new options for the shape of a random world, there's this "Underground Layout" business. I'm aware that Illwinter has another strategy game ("Conquest of Elysium" I think it's called) which has additional planes that the main terrestrial map connects to (though I've never played it). It seems they've added this feature to Dominions as well, at least for a new underground plane (which is welcome given how terrible the randomly generated cave terrain tended to be in Dom5).

For this game, I selected the donut world and the third underground layout from the right.

For the AI player selection, I go with 5 random land nations and 2 random water nations. For myself, I select EA Yomi:

Spoiler: Yomi (click to show/hide)

This is probably the nation I played the most in Dom5 (I also played it in the most recent Bay12 MP match), so it seemed a natural choice for my first try in Dom6. It's also something of a "cave" nation, which seems appropriate given the new plane. Nothing much seems to have changed, except that temples are now 300g for Yomi to build (I seem to remember them being 200g).

There are a few ways to play Yomi, but I'll base my strategy this game around one of its powerful "thug" units, the Dai Oni:

Spoiler: Dai Oni (click to show/hide)

In dom5, with the right bless these cute little guys are perfectly capable of clearing an independent province on their own, offering a very "greedy" expansion strategy that's high-risk (but can potentially acquire many provinces with zero losses and relatively little long-term expense). I'd like to get at least two of them going as quickly as possible to do this, though I immediately notice that the gold cost has been increased relative to dom5 (which concerns me given Yomi's general poverty). Later they can cast powerful supporting spells if need be, but are mainly useful in melee. For actual armies, I'll probably rely primarily on the zero-upkeep oni Yomi gets gets for "free" from building temples, but the tiny little goblins with pikes are also surprisingly good (though they'll be weaker in this version due the the unit size changes, as now only 5 can fit in a square instead of 6 in Dom5).

Between the Dai Oni gold cost, temple gold cost, and goblin size change it seems Yomi has gotten somewhat weaker in Dom6, but maybe that's a premature judgement.

Next, pretender god creation! But before even looking at the options for the pretender god itself, I'm much more curious about what's changed with the 'bless' mechanics (a buff applied to a nation's special 'sacred' troops, in my case just the Dai Oni and weaker Oni Sugo commander).

The mechanics for bless creation have changed significantly. Instead of having the bless points themselves be tied to a specific magic path, they're all in one pool now (and it seems all magic paths above 1 contribute bless points). For example, Fire x4 + Air x2 would give you (3+1=4) bless points, and all 4 points could be used for any fire or air effect that you otherwise meet the path requirements for. This means it's now possible to take more bless effects from the same category than before, by taking bless points from other paths to "subsidize" it (like if you really wanted a ton of water blesses or something, you could take other cheaper paths and use their points on water blesses).

There have also been a few changes to the bless effects themselves (most notably a new set for the new "glamour" magic path). The major/minor elemental resistances have been condensed into one effect, some effects have been shuffled around, and a few new effects added.

Spoiler: New bless effects (click to show/hide)

With that infodump out of the way, here's my pretender:

A boring 'rainbow' enchantress, but I want to see if there are new magic sites, craftable items, etc. Awe is the most important part of the bless, which happily also means taking the new glamour path. These effects are all defensive, but a Dai Oni is hardly lacking in the "offense" department.

IIRC my taking 'Drain' scales as Yomi raised some eyebrows in the last Bay12 MP game. I think it works well, provided we can still craft owl quills and skull mentors (the awake god will research our way to Construction 4 while we basically recruit nothing but Dai Oni at first).

One notable change over Dom5 is that I'm limited to +/-2 in all scales (except 'Turmoil', due to Yomi getting +1 to maximum turmoil indicated on a prior screen). The Oni Kunshu pretender gives +1 to turmoil limit as well, but this is tragically pointless as it remains capped at 3.

Finally, we're ready to start playing the game. Well, except for the game settings screen:

"Diplomacy is binding"? Interesting! We'll see how the AI handles this.

"Artifact yearning"? What? No clue on this one. It says it triggers at Construction 9, maybe we'll push for that.

"Legendary spell research" apparently means that all level 9 spells need to be researched individually, instead of getting all of them at once.

I dump a bunch of thrones in, maybe we'll see something new. And with that, setup is complete...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dominions 6 Release Day Playthrough [Singleplayer, EA Yomi]
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2024, 07:51:06 pm »

Posting to watch!
Looking forward to seeing how this goes.
Dominions is a series I find fascinating, and then I try to play it, and get such analysis paralysis. And yet now that 6 is out I'm tempted to purchase it. My magpie brain can't resist the shiny new objects. :P 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dominions 6 Release Day Playthrough [Singleplayer, EA Yomi]
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2024, 09:05:18 pm »

Posting to watch!
Looking forward to seeing how this goes.
Dominions is a series I find fascinating, and then I try to play it, and get such analysis paralysis. And yet now that 6 is out I'm tempted to purchase it. My magpie brain can't resist the shiny new objects. :P

"Analysis paralysis" is a good word for it.

Thankfully, for these first few turns that isn't much of an issue. It would be pretty difficult for us to make a major mistake on turn 1, for instance. Right? Right.


Turn 1

First, an overview of the world. I said the GUI was the same as Dominions 5, but the first view of the map shows me wrong:

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)

Unexplored provinces are no longer visible! Interesting, though only really applicable for these randomly generated maps. There are also a bunch of icons in the top right; these buttons correspond to things that would have been in the sidebar on the right in Dom5. It's honestly a bit more inconvenient, but at least it's getting me to use the hotkeys more.

So far as our starting position goes, we lucked into having farmland next door. Also, it doesn't look like it, but our capital does have mountainous terrain (giving Yomi a discount on recruiting our goblins in that province).

Thankfully, we also start with a ton of money (600g), meaning we'll be able to very comfortably afford a Dai Oni next turn (I was worried that the increased cost of mages in dom6 would derail this particular strategy by at least an extra turn). I go ahead and recruit a Namanari, a cheap nature/death mage for researching (though really I want to start searching for nature sites with them immediately).

I don't recruit any troops, because I wouldn't have anyone to lead them anyway (the goblins have such bad morale they practically require our excellent "Demon General" commander, and even then are only reliable with morale boosting items as well) and we need to save every penny for the Dai Oni. I will probably never recruit a bandit.

The plan is to research with our pretender until we can craft research boosters, to overcome our crappy drain scales and minimize the number of mages we need to recruit (we're going to be very starved for the cash needed to build labs and recruit/pay mages). Naturally I take a look at construction magic, to see if anything has changed...

Spoiler: Sure enough... (click to show/hide)

Ok, so now construction magic is significantly more expensive to research. We need to get to level 3 before owl quills (if they even exist) and level 5(!) before skull mentors. Ouch. We need this researched anyway, as certain gear items are going to be important to get the most out of our Dai Oni and low morale troops.

For research, I set this plan:

Spoiler: Initial research (click to show/hide)

Alteration 1 gets us 'skeletal body' (grants piercing damage resistance, useful against independents) and alteration 2 gets us stoneskin (Dai Oni have high natural protection, but in Dom5 at least they lose all their intrinsic natural protection and armor in ghost form, making stoneskin a useful safety measure to avoid getting brained by a random rock as a retreating ghost).

A quick glance at the thrones:

Largely looks the same as Dom5. Maybe Throne of Time is new?

Also on the map, we see these caves dotted around the place (undoubtedly entrances to the spicy new underworld):

Spoiler: Caves (click to show/hide)



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dominions 6 Release Day Playthrough [Singleplayer, EA Yomi]
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2024, 09:14:50 pm »

How does scrying and teleporting works with fog of war? Looks like in EA you wouldn't be able to scry on someplace that you didn't, pretty much, already had scout in.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dominions 6 Release Day Playthrough [Singleplayer, EA Yomi]
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2024, 09:30:34 pm »

How does scrying and teleporting works with fog of war? Looks like in EA you wouldn't be able to scry on someplace that you didn't, pretty much, already had scout in.

I'm assuming you just have to get a scout to border the province once, and then the terrain itself will remain visible forever. Scouting is an extravagance we may not be able to afford for a while here, though...

Turn 2

We immediately get a new event!

Spoiler: Event (click to show/hide)

I guess our God-senses started tingling. All the thrones are now revealed:

Spoiler: Our gross new map (click to show/hide)

I'm guessing it happened because we started with an awake pretender. Perhaps a sleeping one wouldn't see this.

In the previous post, we showed a rich farmland province next to us. The preliminary scouting shows some chumps who couldn't *possibly* pose us any threat (you know the sort I mean). Naturally I move in to attack...

Spoiler: The new army GUI (click to show/hide)

Eeh. They changed the mouse buttons for clicking/moving units, but otherwise it's basically the same. I script the archers in the front, while the Oni Sugo throws a couple javilins/fireballs before running in (hopefully timed to coincide with the undisciplined ko-oni reaching the front, who cannot be scripted):

Spoiler: The script (click to show/hide)

Incidentally, we started with quite a few more troops than in Dom 5. I suspect they wanted to help the AI break out earlier.

Thankfully we have enough to start recruiting the first Dai Oni (in the MP I got a terrible event on turn 1 that derailed this):

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

-- and I also spy a Death scale on one of our nearby thrones:

Spoiler: Deadly throne (click to show/hide)

If the death scale is from the throne, it'd have to be Throne of Pestilence (but that looks like quite the beefy force defending a level 1 throne). Maybe it's just some other hidden site. Hopefully.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dominions 6 Release Day Playthrough [Singleplayer, EA Yomi]
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2024, 10:04:37 pm »

Turn 3

Here's the first battle:

Spoiler: Battle (click to show/hide)

Easy enough.

Spoiler: Ko-oni doing work (click to show/hide)

The beautiful thing about ko-oni is that not only do the enemies need to kill a swarm of tiny units, they need to kill them twice (and the second form is ethereal). In Dom5, 6 of these little gremlins could fit in one square, requiring 12 killing blows to clear it (but sadly now only 5 ko-oni fit in a square).

The less beautiful thing about ko-oni is that they're undisciplined rabble with terrible morale, and as you may have noticed in the previous post our the ko-oni squad under our Oni Sugo had a -2 morale penalty on top of that.

Spoiler: Victory? (click to show/hide)

Despite winning easily, the ko-oni retreat. Quite annoying. But what's this...?

Spoiler: Oh no (click to show/hide)

Our Oni Sugo, also terrified of all this winning, runs after them. I don't seem to recall this happening in Dom5. (Maybe commanders "go down with their squads" more?)

Spoiler: The retreat (click to show/hide)

Perhaps appointing your "generals" based on how much they can bench at the gym wasn't the best choice...

Thankfully, the bandits under poor, stupid Baka (our prophet) clean up easily, but this unfortunately stalls the advance at the first province.

Incidentally, I don't know if you noticed, but we weren't alone on that battlefield...

Spoiler: A new contender...? (click to show/hide)

Glad this 3381 year-old amphibious rock has forest survival. I just hope it doesn't show off that 2 combat speed (it's not time for nightmares yet). Was this in Dom5 and I just never noticed...?

E. Albright

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Re: Dominions 6 Release Day Playthrough [Singleplayer, EA Yomi]
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2024, 10:13:15 pm »

Stats for scenery is new. As is spells to animate scenery.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dominions 6 Release Day Playthrough [Singleplayer, EA Yomi]
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2024, 11:34:48 pm »

Stats for scenery is new. As is spells to animate scenery.

Sure enough, Alteration 3 has an "Animate tree" spell (with a battlefield-wide version at Alteration 9, which has to be a joke). Given that Animate Tree can be cast without gems by any nature 1 mage,  it's honestly probably better than what most of my gemless nature mages usually end up doing.

Turn 4

After the last retreat, I decided it was a mistake to recruit the Namanari on turn 1 and that I really ought to have recruited a Demon General instead. The Dai Oni needs another turn to finish (then the Demon general will need a turn after that), so the prophet builds our first new temple while the Oni Sugo researches (badly). After the temple is done, the bandits will regroup in Yomi with the Demon General and attack a neighboring barbarian province. The temple will produce free Oni forever once built, although a temple built in mountains or caves would produce better Oni (but fewer of them).

Spoiler: The barbarian province (click to show/hide)

Barbarians mince lone Dai Oni, so what I tell myself is that an army was going to be needed for that province anyway.

Turn 5

After reading my comment about the cowardly Oni Sugo spending too much time in the gym, this naturally happens:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Oni Sugo is a fairly good unit on the whole, but I probably won't recruit many of them. Level 2 death is enough to cast Alteration 6's "Soul Vortex" with the aid of a gem and their random elemental path is usually useful, but Dai Oni are just much better.

Speaking of which, the first Dai Oni is ready to go. It thankfully has enough map move to skip over our recently conquered province to a plains province in the south (adjacent to a rich "city" farmland):

Spoiler: The province (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The script (click to show/hide)

Meanwhile, first contact with one of rivals:

Spoiler: Fishbreath (click to show/hide)

There's now a diplomatic menu... I could actually propose a non-aggression pact with the AI.



  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Dominions 6 Release Day Playthrough [Singleplayer, EA Yomi]
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2024, 12:53:41 am »

*Sees Water Foe*


*Kappa Time!*  8)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dominions 6 Release Day Playthrough [Singleplayer, EA Yomi]
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2024, 10:04:52 am »

I can't say I'm sanguine about my chances here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dominions 6 Release Day Playthrough [Singleplayer, EA Yomi]
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2024, 10:42:06 am »

*Sees Water Foe*


*Kappa Time!*  8)

God, I wish. Maybe we'll be able to summon a few, but I think we'll have to rely mainly on Dai Oni. Hopefully I get the scuba gear in construction 3 quickly enough to nab that ocean province next to the capital (I suspect it may have water mages...)

I can't say I'm sanguine about my chances here.

Hey, don't worry, I sent a non-aggression pact request and everything (just to try it out, really). What happens next rests in your slimy fins, fishbreath.

Turn 6

First, the battle:

Effortless! UwU took 10 damage (685 pounds of gold isn't enough to cover the cost of a helmet) and never got more than a -1 defense harassment penalty (thanks to Awe +3 and Unsurroundable +2). The Dai Oni's "Fear" attribute meanwhile helps encourage an early retreat. "Awe" forces units to pass a morale check before attacking (which might have synergy with "Fear" reducing morale, I'm not sure), while "Unsurroundable" increases the number of successful attacks for the target to start accumulating harassment penalties. It's quite the combo, but mindless units like skeletons and elementals will ignore our Awe and pose a much greater threat.

The ridiculously wealthy "city" province next door has heavy cavalry, but it should be no problem:

Spoiler: Movement (click to show/hide)

Meanwhile, we got some crappy events this turn (par the course for high Turmoil):

Spoiler: Events (click to show/hide)

The wolves kind of freak me out a bit. I up province defense and send the jarhead Oni Shugo to defend it, in case this is a prelude to werewolves attacking or something:

Spoiler: Movement (click to show/hide)

Meanwhile, our Demon General brings some goblins, bandits, and Oni to attack the barbarians. Here's his description:

Spoiler: Demon General (click to show/hide)

As we've established, Oni are quite stupid and sometimes pursue the enemy in the wrong direction after winning. Our undisciplined Oni and goblins get a whopping +1 morale under a Demon General, compared to -2 under an Oni Shugo or Dai Oni. This frankly isn't enough, and we'll need construction items to boost that further. Still, there aren't *that* many barbarians to fight, so I'm sure they'll be fine. (Also, just realized after all this time that there's an 'h' in Oni Shugo. I even checked Dom5 to see if the spelling changed, and nope, I just never noticed the 'h'. Shows what I know!)



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dominions 6 Release Day Playthrough [Singleplayer, EA Yomi]
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2024, 02:34:08 pm »

Turn 7 - Disaster!

First, the good news. The battles went fine.

Well, except one of them. Remember the wolves?

Spoiler: Hah, just as expected! (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Oh no (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Oh *no* (click to show/hide)

I expected a few big dumb animals, maybe led by one or two werewolves. 34 Werewolves though? Oh god.

Almost as if to make up for his less-than-satisfactory leadership decisions at this same province earlier, uwu fights to the end. Well, after trying and failing to retreat. In addition to liberating himself of any stain on his character (and liberating me of his upkeep), he also liberated me of some ignorance I've carried over from Dom5 about Oni spirit forms.

Spoiler: Ghost oni description (click to show/hide)

There are a few important changes here. One is that Oni Shugo (and presumably Dai Oni) commanders lose all their equipment slots in ghost form (except the two misc items). The next is that the "spirit form" attribute now negates most useful self-buffs they can cast, leaving them locked at 0 protection with no resistances. The third is that their "phantasmal weapon" (that they are now stuck with exclusively due to having no equipment slots) appears to be completely useless (rather than mostly useless in Dom5) due to dealing the new glamour-focused "false damage".

The description of "false damage" implies it vanishes when you no longer have a glamour mage on the battlefield. Most of the units that deal this are summoned by glamour mages (phantasmal wolves/warriors/etc), so this makes sense. But Yomi has no glamour mages. Amazing!

I'll need to pour over the detailed combat logs later to see if "false damage" works as the description implies, but for now it appears that spirit form Oni are now both nearly completely defenseless and incapable of dealing damage under ordinary circumstances.

Granted, if a Dai Oni or Oni Shugo reached spirit form in Dom5 it was usually doomed anyway, so this isn't necessarily a big deal.

While we're looking over new mechanics, the battle with the cavalry independents also revealed some things about the new mount system in Dominions 6.

The mounted commander can now equip boots, and their horse also has a "barding" equipment slot (which is indeed a new magical item category to craft, though I can't see any "trinket" level examples).

In the fight itself, the Dai Oni often killed the rider (causing the horse to immediately run away in this case) or sometimes killed the mount (leaving a foot soldier behind to continue fighting). A nice change.

Back to our disaster with the wolves...

We lost the 300g temple we just built there, a 90g Namanari site-searching (they found a basic nature site before dying at least) and an Oni Shugo with a nominal value of 275g (not that I'll likely pay that, this is the one we started with). All this is a cruel reminder that it's often worse to half-ass something than do nothing at all.

Because Strong Port provided our only land connection to our two provinces in the south, we also effectively lost the income from our 3 best provinces outside the capital, leaving us at turn 7 with just two provinces generating income (the capital and our new forest).

Spoiler: Map overview (click to show/hide)

This is needless to say a total disaster, and there are basically two ways to address it. One would be to try to retake Strong Port, either by moving our army back from the Grey Mirks or with the Dai Oni in the south. The other would be to push through the undead-infested provinces to the west and reconnect our most valuable provinces that way.

At first I thought the first option was the "safe" choice and the latter the "greedy" option, but reflecting more on it I actually have no confidence that any of our forces could fight those wolves. A big enough blob of goblins could take it, but would take very heavy losses and could easily retreat prematurely without morale-boosters.

Spoiler: Werewolf description (click to show/hide)

These things have regeneration, 20 hp, 3 attacks per turn, and invulnerability 15 (protection against mundane attacks). Two can fit in a square vs 5 goblins. With a big enough blob of goblins we could win by enveloping and flanking them, but I don't think we have the morale for it. A few Dai Oni with better self-buffs and equipment could do it, but even with top-tier stuff I wouldn't chance it with just one (not that we'll have those spells or equipment for a while yet).

So, despite the apparent greediness of setting up a gross 1 province-wide snake empire, I actually think it's the safer move than trying to fight the wolves right now.

To complicate things further, the provinces we need to clear are all full of undead, which is a no-go for a lone Dai Oni at this stage. The Dai Oni will thus have to clear out other garbage that we won't immediately benefit from while the army clears a path through the undead.

And speaking of undead, we get our first access to the underground plane!

Spoiler: The underworld (click to show/hide)

Our access through the Grey Mirks is guarded by yet more undead (figures). I'd like to set up shop there quickly; it's prime real estate for our temples (caves and mountains generate the best types of Oni in Dom5, and the underground should be safe from coastal harassment). I'm also assuming we're likely to find some lucrative magic sites, complemented by Yomi's "gold bonus" from cave forts. Expansion through this particular province may end up being blocked by that throne, however.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dominions 6 Release Day Playthrough [Singleplayer, EA Yomi]
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2024, 03:59:42 pm »

Won't be picking this one up for a few months, but watching eagerly. Poor Yomi
This sentence contains exactly threee erors.

Il Palazzo

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Re: Dominions 6 Release Day Playthrough [Singleplayer, EA Yomi]
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2024, 04:41:57 pm »

Myself, I'm not seeing myself picking it up at all. The price tag is more nuts than I remember (you truly are a wealthy radish). And I might have been burned out on Dominions anyway.
But being able to read up on how differently it plays in this much detail is much appreciated. Ta.

I understand the big selling point this version is the extraplanar activity? Plus some minor tweaks.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Dominions 6 Release Day Playthrough [Singleplayer, EA Yomi]
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2024, 06:39:21 pm »

Myself, I'm not seeing myself picking it up at all. The price tag is more nuts than I remember (you truly are a wealthy radish). And I might have been burned out on Dominions anyway.
But being able to read up on how differently it plays in this much detail is much appreciated. Ta.

I understand the big selling point this version is the extraplanar activity? Plus some minor tweaks.
Hm, maybe it's a currency thing.
I see it regular price $44.99
On sale for $38.24
In US dollars

Fairly sure I paid more than that for Dominions 3, just to play multiplayer with on this forum.  I think it was like $45? It's always been mad expensive, but it hasn't gotten more expensive, unlike literally everything else.
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