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Author Topic: (SG) Penal Governor  (Read 9613 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Penal Governor
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2024, 08:24:55 pm »

We should fire at the enemy ship with our own torpedoes, while we still have the initiative from tanking their last attack. While doing that, order Jasper on the Trumpet of Revelation to stand prepared for a continued attack just incase we somehow miss the enemy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Penal Governor
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2024, 09:45:04 pm »

We should fire at the enemy ship with our own torpedoes, while we still have the initiative from tanking their last attack. While doing that, order Jasper on the Trumpet of Revelation to stand prepared for a continued attack just incase we somehow miss the enemy.


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Re: (SG) Penal Governor
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2024, 11:19:10 pm »

We should fire at the enemy ship with our own torpedoes, while we still have the initiative from tanking their last attack. While doing that, order Jasper on the Trumpet of Revelation to stand prepared for a continued attack just incase we somehow miss the enemy.

Sounds sensible to me.
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


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Re: (SG) Penal Governor
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2024, 12:18:19 am »

We should fire at the enemy ship with our own torpedoes, while we still have the initiative from tanking their last attack. While doing that, order Jasper on the Trumpet of Revelation to stand prepared for a continued attack just incase we somehow miss the enemy.

"Captain Hellfire, set torpedoes to manual, and target the stealth anomaly with tubes 8 and 9. Helmsman, adjust our heading so that our next salvo can be a full six tube broadside."

"Affirmative." "Yes sir!"

"Oi! Big man," chimes in a snarky bridge officer that you don't recognize and is probably one of your chrono-sirens in disguise, "manual mode be ta big blue button! Try not ta squish it with your big meaty fingers!"

Captain Hellfire glares at the officer and growls before returning to his console. Several seconds later your display is updated to include the image of two torpedoes in flight. Thirty seven seconds to impact.

"Hail the trumpet and request an attack run on the target. Send them the data we have if their scanners can't pick up the baddie..." You pause for a moment. Remotely walking another ships bridge into attacking a target they cannot see is a tall order. Best you put a transhuman mind up to it. "If I have a Chrono-Siren on deck, I would prefer she be the one to make the call."

"You got it, boss." The guise of the snarky bridge officer melts away, revealing the paradoxically gaunt and muscular frame of your friend and confidant Sister Shelly. Shelly strides over to the coms table, pinches the collar of some poor officer between her thumb and forefinger, and launches him a good fifteen yards across the bridge before taking his seat for herself.

"Eight seconds to torpedo impact... Seven... Six... Five... Four... Three... Two... O-"

The torpedoes vanish from your display a fraction of a second before they ought to have. The enemy must have deployed laser or projectile based countermeasures. You can't help but chuckle. It seems the enemy has again misunderstood your capabilities; Prematurely detonating an explosive torpedo might prevent it from harming a ship, but your EMP warheads will have likely at least fried something if detonated that close to the enemy.

"Status report."

"Enemy stealth capability disabled. Pulling up visual on the main display now boss..."

The image that appears causes the whole bridge to burst into uproarious laughter. The enemy ship comically flies quickly in an uncontrolled tight circle as it tries to accelerate without a functional portside thruster.

"Jasper can see em now." Shelly muses. "The Trumpet is closing in for the kill. Standby for ta gubmint funded fireworks."

The Judgement Department's heavy use of the Testament class cruiser as a pirate hunter was always the main reason you stuck to smuggling. Very few ships can outrun it at sub light speeds, or survive more than a couple salvos of literal polished and rounded asteroids from the heavy Mason Catapults once it catches up. The Trumpet of Revelation closes the distance to firing range within 40 seconds. The first shot tears through the bridge, snuffing out every life sign on the control deck in an instant. Three more shots, and the entire ship is rendered lifeless, doomed to spin out on its single thruster until it runs out of fuel.

Five minutes later, you are again talking to the Hologram of Jasper in a small and relatively private office just off the bridge. "I think the rowdy patrons blessed us, as that battle couldn't have gone much better than that. Probably mistook you for a cargo transport, and figured they could take the teeth out of the tithing opperation by destroying my carrying capacity without actually having to engage the warship. I doubt they realized their mistake until you shut them down! ...But speaking of cargo, I'm going to soothe everyone in the system who my initial broadcast may have frightened, before collecting tribute from a thankful public. Since its your ship that will be carrying most of the goods, and your reign as governor that will be making use of them, I'll let you decide what sort of things you want me to collect. Think on it for a bit and let me know."

As soon as you dismiss the hologram, you ponder you next moves, both in terms of Jasper's tithe collection and other... less official business. Chrono-Siren illusion magic is powerful enough to completely conceal a shuttle. You could send out the girls to visit with your family or the black market fungus guild if you had reason to reach out to them behind Jasper's back.

How do you proceed?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Penal Governor
« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2024, 02:29:16 am »

That went well!

I think it'd be good to send a delegate to our family, amd let them know about our (mis)fortune of becoming a planetary governor. Hopefully they're willing to support us.

Meanwhile, I suggest focusing on additional colonists and construction material/equipment so we can get our base of operations set up quickly. If there happens to be some Adventuring parties willing to delve into a load of ancient temples for us, that's be great too.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Penal Governor
« Reply #20 on: April 14, 2024, 02:56:39 am »

+1 to the above.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Penal Governor
« Reply #21 on: April 14, 2024, 04:03:04 am »

Sounds good, consider me onboard with a +1
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: (SG) Penal Governor
« Reply #22 on: April 14, 2024, 03:42:03 pm »

That went well!

I think it'd be good to send a delegate to our family, amd let them know about our (mis)fortune of becoming a planetary governor. Hopefully they're willing to support us.

Meanwhile, I suggest focusing on additional colonists and construction material/equipment so we can get our base of operations set up quickly. If there happens to be some Adventuring parties willing to delve into a load of ancient temples for us, that's be great too.

You pace the corridors around the bridge, partially to meditate on what sort of goods you will ask Jasper to acquire for you, but mainly you are waiting. The command deck is one of several places on the Solo where you know every face, and thus you can easily pick out one of the Chrono-Sirens by spotting someone who doesn't belong. The sirens are nosey and highly curious beings; There is almost always at least one of them posted on the surveillance equipment, and if they see you loitering in an area where they know you can spot them, one will usually come and check if their services are needed.

It takes about thirty five minutes, but eventually a deck officer you've never seen before walks by and greets you with a "Howdy Boss". The Siren doesn't bother to conceal her natural voice, so you are able to definitively identify her through the disguise.

"Sister Maya! How good to see you. Would you be a dear and gather up some of the girls for a discrete shuttle deployment? My paternal family keeps several estates on Imperial Acres, and I would like to appraise them of my current circumstances. I think there is a good chance the Zurgsts will want to mend fences when they find out I have the blood of Imperial Nobility on my mother's side."

The Siren flashes a grin. "Sounds like a good time! I'll head up the voyage meself, yeah? Does ya have coordinates?"

You nod. "If you log into the shipwide network with me or dad's credentials, the exact locations should be on the recreational properties spreadsheet in the family assets folder."

"Gotcha boss. Consider it done."


Tithe collection takes a Terran week and change. The Solo takes on alot of passengers during this time. About 2/3rds of these are expendable slaves from Imperial Acres. Most of the rest are fungus farmers from Blackshaft. In addition to these unwashed masses, three smaller groups have answered your call to adventure.

The first group consists of several dozen bored young rich folk from Imperial Acres. They bring with them the equipment and skill required to delve into ancient abandoned temples, and count among their ranks four Golden Elk, high quality small batch Transhumans from the Cauldron of Prayers who specialize in serving as bodyguards and hunting companions to the Idle Rich of the Acres. At ten feet tall with bulky wide armor, these super soldiers can't even fit through many of the Solo's corridors. They make the Silver Anchors nervous, and even the Chrono-Sirens seem to have a healthy respect for them. This impressive quartet of Transhumans is in the direct service of the leader of the wealthy adventurers, Lady Autumn Mercury; a young bombastic huntress of twenty three years who like you bears noble blood of the old empire. The Sirens seem to dislike her, warning that her noble status legally enables her to serve as a planetary governor, thus making Autumn a potential rival.

The second group of adventurers consists of guards, biologists, and engineers from Pink Goop Intersolar: one of the fungi conglomerates that operates on Blackshaft. They aim to explore temple basements and caves as potential origin points for industrialized growth tunnels. Should they find anything promising, they will likely offer you a contract offering to build the facilities and feed your colonists in exchange for the right to export any excess. They are lead by a well built older gentleman called Chief Engineer Straton.

Last, and most strange, is a group of fifteen ant-like aliens who claim to be a group of scholars and warriors researching the process of planetary colonization on behalf of their single-world species. They had hitched a ride on a confederation merchant ship traveling from their world to Distant Diamond, with the hopes of delving deeper into human territory in search of libraries and universities to study at, but couldn't pass up the opportunity to witness the early days of a human colony first hand. The group claims no true leader, but one of the smaller individuals, who the crew of the Solo have taken to calling Chippy as his true name cannot be produced by human tounges, has been elected to speak on their behalf.

In addition to colonists, you also recieve construction supplies; Predominantly in the form of 250 Mark IV Modular Tread Vehicles. Nearly six thousand years old, the design of the MTVMK4 has stood the test of time. On its own, it is little more than a cabin, robust atomic engine, and set of heavy treads, but operators can easily install and switch modular loadouts allowing the hardy vehicle to serve a wide variety of construction, transportation, and even military roles. The vast majority of the Solo's cargo space is filled with modules and spare parts that should allow you to maintain a hearty and flexible fleet of construction vehicles. For less peaceful situations, you have also been given 100 Jerusalem Class medium laser tank Modules, and 50 Salt Lake Class long range projectile artillery modules.


Shortly before you are scheduled to make the final jump to Silence IX, you are summoned to the sanctum of the Sirens: a good sized chamber concealed by the sorcery of the Chrono-Sirens from all except those they choose to invite. The place is designed to unverve mere mortals. It is decorated with the bones of the tens of thousands of people the sirens have aged away to nothing in their decades of serving your family, and smells of sex and incense. The Sirens themselves tend to hang out in their true form, and while a handful resemble otherwise normal looking gaunt and muscular woman, most have strange features such as talons, beaks, and extra breasts, mouths, and inert reproductive bits. You are perfectly comfortable here, however; while the Sirens see most mortals as little more than prey and amusement, the ones aboard the Solo helped raised you as a son and little brother. You learned to walk, how to calculate hyperspace jumps, took your first life, and lost your virginity in this room.

As you settle into a rocking chair made from human bones, you note that the Sirens present are all clothed, and some with more distressing natural forms are in disguise. You quickly ascertain that the reason why is the presence of guests: Two nervous young women with curly red hair and pointy noses are brought before you.

Sister Shelly is one of the sirens with whom you are closest. A true big sister figure. It is she who briefs you. "Nobody important in ya family were at any of the three estates on the planet, brother, but the servants pointed us ta another site. Tis a private Zurgst family gene bank that we missed because it was on the R&D Properties spreadsheet rather than the recreational un. One of yer distant cousins ran ta facility, and although he wasn't qualified to make the decision to let ya back in the family fold, he could return what belongs ta you."

Shelly gestures to the two women. "Turns out, when yer mum told ol' Gunther that she wasn't gun have any more kids after you, and wasn't comfortable growing 'er offspring in an artificial or surrogate womb, dear ol' dad contacted the gene bank to make some spares. These ladies here are yer half sisters. Batch o' five. The other three are already serving ta family elsewhere. Ol' Gunther didn't give the bank any information on who their mother might be aside from a sample of her genetic material, but I think we can guess, no?"

The hair and noses of your newfound sisters make them dead ringers for Helmswoman Maria Schatt, who steered the Solo since well before you were born and only retired two Sols ago to help your mother run your distribution warehouses in the Applepot System.

"These fine ladies are at yer disposal. Ta man who runs the gene bank says that the Zurgst family be more likely to consider the interests of your colony if members of ya family with noble blood are being raised there. Elke here," Shelly pinches one of the girls, who offers a frightened wince, "was brought up to work at the gene bank. She can screen seed for defects and operate ta artificial womb. If ya make her a wife or concubine, she can give ya the sort of pure blooded children nobility value without ta genetic risk or awkward bedplay typical of such relationships. Sergent Lina Zurgst," the Siren pats the other girl on the shoulder, "has trained hard as a soldier and athlete. It is her wish ta go into cyrosleep in a few years, before exiting her physical prime, in hopes that someday she may get ta opportunity ta serve her family for many centuries as a transhuman. Were ta secret to making Chrono-Sirens not lost, we'd gladly adopt her as one of our own."

Sister Shelly's logic is mostly on point. Noble blood is valuable to your family. It will allow furture generations to contend for planetary governorship across the confederation and beyond. As long as said noble blood is tied up on a dangerous frontier planet, the Zurgst family will likely devote resources to protecting that planet. An incestious union might raise your children's stock in the eyes of some noble houses, but neither of these sisters possess your mother's apparent noble blood so you doubt it would amount to too much added value. Shelly is likely encouraging the union because the Sirens themselves revel in disgusting, subversive, and secretive behavior; The more messed up your children's origin, the more the fickle transhumans are likely to take a liking to them.


The convoy of two ships complete their last jump. It is a long one; pushing the absolute max range of the Trumpet and even putting some strain on the Solo's impressive warp drive. Out here, you are alone. Reinforcements and resupply from your smuggling empire are at least six terran months out on smaller, slower, ships.

You look down at the planet below you. Silence IX. It is a strange planet to look at. The seas are sparse and shallow, and the continents are a strange patchwork of different colored rock seemingly ripped from different planets and stitched together. Scans show the biosphere is young, artificial, and fragile in most places. But there are three impressive clumps of green you can see from space. You make a request of Jasper, and soon receive intel on each of these verdant places.

They are each centered around a temple. The one such temple the Confederation understands is dedicated to Bambi, an old Terran patron, but not one of the rowdy ones worshiped by your own Sparrowite faith. Bambi is patron to those who would preserve nature and wildlife, and the woodland surrounding her temple matches the biodiversity of old terra. Religious scholars speculate that the two unknown temples that center forests must also be dedicated to beings of life and nature.

A few minutes later, Jasper himself holo-projects onto your bridge. "Greetings, Conrad. The time has come for you to shed the title of soon-to-be governor. I propose waiting a few days, clearing some ground, landing colonists, and making your pardon and ascension a grand ceremony. But I could perform the rites right now via holo-projection if you prefer. Speaking of, where would you like your headquarters constructed? There are four readily habitable sites on the world. We will send colonists to each of them, but you really only need one office and residence at this point in the planet's development."

Data on each potential landing site flashes on your screen.

Headquarters Locations:
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Where do you settle, and how do you proceed?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Penal Governor
« Reply #23 on: April 14, 2024, 04:09:15 pm »

The lush or guilded temples are my preferences on landing site. I have a suspicion of which of the two the sirens may prefer however, and given I'm of the mind to avoid a hapsburg situation, the Lush Temple's my choice, if at least to keep the sirens on side. And I'd suspect keeping an eye on the chemical industries that would sprout up in the region would be a wise idea; Those compounds would be valuable enough that keeping a tight reign on their production and the subsequent profits from them would be a great boon.

Jasper's advice is also sound; A whole ceremony would make for good PR and ensure some formal recognition for our governorship. How else we proceed with settlement is... well, I have no idea that come to mind on that part.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: (SG) Penal Governor
« Reply #24 on: April 15, 2024, 01:10:05 am »

No objections here to the Lush Temple District.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Penal Governor
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2024, 04:42:18 am »

+1 to Taricus' plan.


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Re: (SG) Penal Governor
« Reply #26 on: April 16, 2024, 12:23:36 am »

Yo. Didn't have time to write a full turn this evening. Perhaps this breakdown of your assets will give you some more ideas for things to do as you plan the early stages of your colony and   await the preparations for your ceremony. Cheers!

Silence IX - Confederation Penal Colony
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King Zultan

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Re: (SG) Penal Governor
« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2024, 02:19:07 am »

I also vote for the Lush temple district.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Penal Governor
« Reply #28 on: April 17, 2024, 01:02:15 am »

Lush seems like the best, yeah.

In terms of logistics, we've got:

25000 Max Pop in Bambi District (Terran-like)
13000 Max Pop in Lush District (cozy and soft)
9000 Max Pop in Guilded District (hardcore and metallic)
5000 Max Pop in Terraforming District (shadow of the monolith)

20000 Slaves
10000 Fungus Farmers
50000 Cryo Criminals

That's 52,000 total population capacity and 30,000 current colonists, with 80,000 max. Presumably we'll want to max out our current population totals and thaw out more penal colonists as the terraformer opens up more space.
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A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Penal Governor
« Reply #29 on: April 17, 2024, 01:43:47 pm »

So I guess with that capacity and such, who are we throwing and where? And what the pecking order is between the slaves and the transported convicts.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll
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