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How many outfits are we going to have (in the name of Science)?

1: NC
2: NC and TR
3: NC, TR and Vanu

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Author Topic: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.  (Read 1089502 times)


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Re: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.
« Reply #10950 on: July 29, 2014, 10:05:08 pm »

noscope 360
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.

Jim Groovester

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Re: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.
« Reply #10951 on: July 30, 2014, 12:36:32 am »

I've been playing infiltrator more.

I've been using the heavy scout rifle. I think it's the best mid-range gun, bar none. It hits hard and drops people in two headshots at any range. Notably, this is the same number of headshots for the semi-auto sniper rifles, except that it isn't completely awful to shoot like the semi-auto sniper rifles. The only thing I don't like about it is the CoF bloom per shot. It increases by .3 (!) per shot, so good luck hitting anything at max ROF.

The motion sensor is pretty good, especially fully upgraded. It makes the recon darts seem bad in comparison, even though recon darts can be spammed and fired to remote locations. Getting those arrows on the minimap is way more useful than a dot.

It's kind of silly how much you can get away with cloak in heavy population fights. Enemies don't seem to notice the cloaking sounds with everything else going on. Also it helps that most zerglings are totally clueless, and the ones who are alert usually don't fire for fear of teamkilling. At some point I should probably go completely cheeseball and drop claymores in these situations like every other cheesy infiltrator.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.
« Reply #10952 on: July 30, 2014, 12:53:41 am »

noscope 360

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

VS got kicked around by NC and TR pretty good tonight despite their nightly population advantage. They had over 50% population on Hossin for a long time and couldn't lock it. I earned tons of resupply and max repair exps as we farmed VS at a biolab for a long time at 60%+ experience bonus, no membership or personal boosts. A few NC outfits redeployed to Hossin finally after a big argument in Leaderchat, with people argueing with Wisdomcube because it's Wisdomcube even if he's right a lot of the time despite the way he goes about it. Those NC pushed out of the warpgate and consolidated with the biolab defenders. It must have caught the VS by surprise; I think a lot of them were up north folding up the TR as NC only had the biolab left when the NC outfits showed up. They were only 5% away from lock at one point. A lot of them left for other continents after that happened. I logged out a few minutes ago and they have 37ish% on all 3 unlocked continents but TR still has Esamir locked.

No shame in that VS, I've seen it happen to NC too with that little to go, though perhaps without such a large population advantage.

It's kind of silly how much you can get away with cloak in heavy population fights. Enemies don't seem to notice the cloaking sounds with everything else going on. Also it helps that most zerglings are totally clueless, and the ones who are alert usually don't fire for fear of teamkilling. At some point I should probably go completely cheeseball and drop claymores in these situations like every other cheesy infiltrator.

It's because people who have to use low graphics can't see you. They can only see you if you are being damaged and your shields are flashing. It's not some people noticing you while others are less alert; it's that some of them really can't see you at all while others can see you from ten or twenty meters away. I'd like to be able to see infiltrators like people on medium can but that will cost me a ton of frames per second to turn it up even that far. I can get about 35 fps when not turning with it on low in a big fight; that's low enough to not be able to track the common .75 ads movement speed guns when they strafe back and forth as going ADS lowers fps even farther for a half second. If I turn it to medium it goes down to 20-25fps in big fights and that's enough to not be able to track the .50 ads movement speed guns. I'd rather increase my chance to lose to infiltrators than all the classes.


Check it out, the VS pistol was changed on Test

That 6 shot burst is interesting, it does slightly over a thousand damage. I wonder how accurate it is. I like the concept. It could be really good for charging and then turning a corner with if you have the timing down, or even easier if you can hold the charge. I hope you can't hold the charge. If it's accurate at mid range it'll be very deadly; if it has some recoil you would have to wait until they are about to go around the corner which seems about right to me.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 04:07:58 am by Duuvian »
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Re: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.
« Reply #10953 on: July 30, 2014, 05:58:11 am »

I hope the Vanu will stop complaining about their pistols, now. They won't, but one can hope, right?
Yah, it sounds like minecraft with content, you have obviously missed the point, people dont like content, they like different coloured blocks.
Seems to work fine with my copy. As soon as I loaded the human caravan came by and the world burst into fire.


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Re: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.
« Reply #10954 on: July 30, 2014, 08:24:19 am »

I'm on the test server now. Directives appear to be broke as I ran over a few vanu with a turbo flash and gained no progress. I shot a few with the renegade and that didn't register either.

Also I'm going to have to pick up the renegade on live, it meshes surprisingly well with how I use my turbo flash. The fury is nice at mid range when I catch someone who hasn't noticed me, but at close range it's splash smites me and my flash too. The shotgun will be nice for that.

I tried out the NC shotgun pistol and it seems weak as heck. I would have done better with the Rebel but I also was playing without an edited useroptions. Frames per second was much higher on test than on live but that's likely due to low server load. I'm going to try the various pistols with my live useroptions settings and see how I do.
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Sort of finished and awaiting remix due to loss of most recent song file before addition of drums: <-zguit


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Re: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.
« Reply #10955 on: July 30, 2014, 08:50:42 am »

Try relogging into Test if it was your first time playing with directives, they wouldn't update for me until I logged out then back in.

If you can't hit 60 FPS it may be a good idea to simply lock your max FPS at 30 so that it will be a smooth 30 instead of jumping all over the place., The reason youtube videos look so good is because they are 30 fps, if you actually played the game at 30 fps it wouldn't feel or look as good as it would at 60fps

Some people may not even notice that there is a difference between all the cloaker sounds, I know that I had never noticed it until somebody had actually pointed it out to me. I forget if I mentioned this but the sound design in Planetside 2 is pretty damn good, and that's not something people usually appreciate as much as they appreciate pretty graphics.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 08:54:06 am by OzyTheSage »


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Re: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.
« Reply #10956 on: July 30, 2014, 01:38:03 pm »

I checked out all the pistols. I used them all in VR and used the NC and TR pistols as a stalker in actual fighting before I was distracted by flash turbo. I actually have no experience with stalker cloak so I probably wasn't the best to try them out.

NC: The weakest of the three by far, it shoots slow, has a ton of recoil and can't plink at long range. It has a cool reload animation though. It also can't fit a silencer. I'm not sure if I even got a kill with it or not. Actually I remember ambushing a few TR as they floated off the lift pad. I got a few kills with it. One must have been damaged already because he died in one shot while he was floating upwards.

TR: The best pistol hands down. Sounds cool, simple to use as it's fully auto, can be suppressed, and gets kills up close really easy and can also reach out farther than the NC pistol. I got a number of kills with it while using the stalker cloak in the biolab by waiting for people to run past me. I also killed an NC on the ledge that's barely walkable around the landing pad before he could react and he was looking right at me at point blank.

VS: Could be the best pistol when used by a group. I didn't test this in a real fight but I shot it a decent amount in VR. It has a cool firing sound. It's charge can be held indefinitely, which means if you use this pistol you can hold the charge while camping a door for someone to run through. It kills really, really fast with charge and then click spams. The charge has a pretty big recoil, but it can be compensated for easily, at least in the VR. It has really quick damage dropoff so it's less useful at range but if you catch someone with the charge at close range they will probably go down. It won't be hard to do that either as you can hold the charge indefinitely. The downside is you walk slower with the charge but it's a camping weapon for sure so it doesn't really matter. It's probably not a good stalker cloak weapon but it will be great for people who need a weapon to back up a long range primary indoors because if you land a burst at close range it kills as fast as a primary weapon. Basically the charge does what the NC's shotgun pistol does with a big burst of damage and then it has the two shot burst mode too. While the damage dropoff is severe, it still felt better at range than the NC shotgun pistol when you unleash the charge and then spam the bursts as fast as you can. The non-charged bursts have big gap between them which lowers the rate of fire a lot but you can't have the best of everything, just don't tell that to the VS guy complaining in the VR room about how it's non charge mode is not better than the commissioner. Some people just can't be satisfied short of a ZOEquivalent.

IF anyone was wondering, turbo flash is still terrible but fun. If only it could be decent for the NC team effort and still fun, I'd drive it even more of my playtime on live with the new resource thingy. .42 KDR, my poor little test server session score. I chain pulled flashes almost the whole time and went infantry hunting. It was around a biolab which is both good and yet mostly bad for flash; mostly bad because most of the squishy infantry are above you and the vehicles that prey on your kind are on your level looking for targets. It has potential to be good too though because the infantry spawn at the ground and for a few seconds they are very vulnerable to being roadkilled as they make their way towards the float pad. I hope the devs who were in that zone took note how terrible I did with my turbo flash. While it wasn't a great base for it, I actually drive it more than anyone else I know on Emerald and I wasn't failing on purpose because I was trying for flash directives. Maybe I can convince them turbo should be innate in the flash by giving them honest combat usage data that shows it needs some fixing up.

I also noticed that hit detection is a bit off for the flash. I drove through several enemy pedestrians without getting bonus points. My video game knowledge clearly tells me this is not working as intended. This is especially unfortunate as my flash seems to find it's way into the back of whatever poor fellow on my team that I pass within ten feet of, leaving me to spam V8 in the hope that it will forestall any potential vendetta against myself that would leave me being shot off my noble steed if I happen to stick around long enough for that friendly roadkill to be resurrected by a nearby medical personnel.

I even did a perfect backflip right over a magrider who was gunning for me and landed behind him. It's too bad I had the shotgun at the time or I would have put a dent in his rear armor before he turned around and one shot me. The magrider pilot was duly impressed, filled with the camaraderie that is refreshing about the test server. It would be cool if flashes had a secondary weapon option that was like a TOW missile. You'd only get one per flash but it would do a good chunk of damage if you shot it at a tank's butt. As much as an MBT AP round? If turbo was innate it could go in the vehicle slot turbo, wraith and scout radar currently exclude each other from... A man can dream...
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 02:46:55 pm by Duuvian »
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Re: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.
« Reply #10957 on: July 30, 2014, 05:54:54 pm »

I'm actually convinced that somewhere there's an IF statement thats been accidentally reversed for checking if someone hit by a vehicle is a friendly and if they are reduce damage.

Jim Groovester

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Re: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.
« Reply #10958 on: July 30, 2014, 06:08:42 pm »

Roadkills are calculated by the victim, which is why running people over is so wonky. You might run them over, but on their side, they might be narrowly missed by you.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.
« Reply #10959 on: July 30, 2014, 06:10:58 pm »

Something that's great fun to do with harassers and lightnings is to plant C4 on them just as they're whizzing by.


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Re: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.
« Reply #10960 on: July 30, 2014, 09:32:49 pm »

Roadkills are calculated by the victim

I thought they were calculated by the server? Either way, you have to lead your target when you roadkill... and when you try to dodge friendlies, you often end up accidentally leading them -- in many cases, driving directly over where they are on your screen is the least likely way to kill them, hence friendlies being easier to roadkill than enemies.

As for the Flash, while Turbo Flash definitely sucks, Wraith Flash is completely fine as-is and needs no buff. Innate turbo would combine the two, and would be a bit ridiculous. Admittedly the Flash is probably too fragile for it to ever reach the levels of ridiculous that various other vehicles have had, but I really don't feel they need it.
Yah, it sounds like minecraft with content, you have obviously missed the point, people dont like content, they like different coloured blocks.
Seems to work fine with my copy. As soon as I loaded the human caravan came by and the world burst into fire.


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Re: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.
« Reply #10961 on: July 30, 2014, 09:37:58 pm »

What about breaking Turbo/Wraith into its own slot?  Would Wraith with scout radar really be that gamebreaking, since you'd have to stay in it anyway?
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.
« Reply #10962 on: July 30, 2014, 11:41:03 pm »

That sounds fine. I just think the mobility afforded by turbo combined with being able to cloak would be... again, I don't want to say OP, because it'll be so fragile, but it'd be really powerful. As an example; Turbo/Wraith/Fury could one clip a Harasser, without it being able to see it coming, and without it being able to run away.

Although I suppose there aren't a lot of battle Flash pilots around, so even if it was OP, people might never notice. I did run into one yesterday, though... quite literally. We were both cloaked and had a head on collision, took me a moment to figure out what happened.
Yah, it sounds like minecraft with content, you have obviously missed the point, people dont like content, they like different coloured blocks.
Seems to work fine with my copy. As soon as I loaded the human caravan came by and the world burst into fire.

Knight of Fools

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Re: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.
« Reply #10963 on: July 31, 2014, 01:02:19 am »

So I've found that mid-range sniping is boss. Get the bolt action rifle with the fastest chamber time, the x4 scope, and the straight bolt and you've got yourself a venerable killing machine. I went from struggling to get a 2.0 K/D ratio with my infiltrator to easily maintaining a 3.0+.

I think I've found my new favorite class.
Proud Member of the Zombie Horse Executioner Squad. "This Horse ain't quite dead yet."

I don't have a British accent, but I still did a YouTube.


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Re: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.
« Reply #10964 on: July 31, 2014, 08:05:00 am »

I've enjoyed nearly every short-mid rifle infil run I've had.  Headshots at 50m when the target's looking at you are much more satisfying than plinking newbies at 300m who are standing around waiting to be shot.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.
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