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Author Topic: Looter's Delight: Considering Revival  (Read 265770 times)


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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Awesome Loot is Awesome!
« Reply #960 on: March 03, 2013, 07:40:11 pm »

Just alerting Wwolin that I changed my action.
Even if he hadn't brought the server down in a ball of flaming, slow-mo gibbing corgis


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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Awesome Loot is Awesome!
« Reply #961 on: March 05, 2013, 01:31:56 am »

I got about halfway through the turn tonight, and then remembered that it is both the ACT exam and my friend's birthday tomorrow (Too broke to buy a decent gift, so instead I wrote her music. Nine damn songs worth of music. The things I do when Bay12 is down...), so I need to sleep.
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Awesome Loot is Awesome!
« Reply #962 on: March 05, 2013, 01:33:31 am »

G' night.
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Awesome Loot is Awesome!
« Reply #963 on: March 05, 2013, 01:43:38 am »

Can I get on the waitlist?
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Awesome Loot is Awesome!
« Reply #964 on: March 05, 2013, 01:46:01 am »

Y'see, when I saw this game on the top I was like "Yipee! Maybe its an upda- Oh. He needs sleep. Well, shucks.." Then I went back to doing nothing.
Even if he hadn't brought the server down in a ball of flaming, slow-mo gibbing corgis


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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Awesome Loot is Awesome!
« Reply #965 on: March 05, 2013, 08:26:32 am »

Goodnight, Wwolin. Sweet dreams and
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Guineapig!
« Reply #966 on: March 06, 2013, 01:00:08 am »

"It was a fair fight, you dishonourable cowards! You prey on me while I'm weakened? You will deserve this death then!"

Smash them with my hammer.
A bow? This makes half-naming the guy for an elf worth it and a little prophetic. (Of course, something which gives me feline characteristics and/or magic would have fit better, but beggars and choosers, you know.)

"Greetings, Sir Knight, Lucky, et all. Here's hoping we find glory, wealth, et cetera in this fine forest."

Shoot Min Max.
Good idea. Maybe we should make a spear too... Actually, just make that third shovel like a spear! I feel at home with a spear.

Fire a volley of lasers at Min Max.
"So we're not teaming up with him? Oh well. You heard him Lilia. We got our selves a new target. Show him what that new cape can do!"
((Damn, I was hoping that maybe we could tie or something, and join up.))
Min Max notices Sir. Badassitude and Lucky. Also, try to figure out what my hammer does, other than smash stuff..
"Hey! You're the guy who tried to kill me earlier, what was that for? And who's that next to you?"
"Whoever said that I was trying to murder you? I wasn't going to lose The Rock's by not having fighting whatever he was fighting. I had to follow his orders because he was much stronger than I could handle with my current equipment, and I didn't want him to think I was betraying him. Yes of course I planned to stab him in the back if he was still alive."
Badassitude points to the person next to him.
"That's Lucky. His guardian angel Lilia Will easily decimate any attacker that comes within 50 feet of him. You have chosen a bad time to stand there, friend."
Sir Badassitude readies the scythe in his hands
"Unfortunately you have taken the pleasure away from me to destroy the Rock, so I think we'll have to come to a peace agreement after I slice your throat open."
Let us break Minmax, shall we? (Raised defense Dex, try not to debuff endurance if possible) And before I forget, sick the rat on him.
(Minmax dex: 4+6)
(Blodgreen dex: 5+3)
(Vodka dex: 4+2)
(Lilia aff: 2+2) for timestop, +2 to all dex rolls this turn
(Lilia dex: 2+2+2)
(Badassitude dex: 6+1)

(Minmax autotargeting: 5) The cannon chooses its own target. And it chooses Lucky!
(Cannon dex: 3+6)
(Lucky dex: 6-1)
(Lilia dex: 5+2+2)
(Lilia end: 3+2)
(Lilia bad: 4+2)

(Minmax dex: 5+6)
(Badassitude dex: 6+1+2)
(Minmax str: 4+6)
(Badassitude end: 3+2-4)

(Blodgreen dex: 2+3)
(Minmax dex: 4+6)

(Vodka dex: 6+2) You're not at shotgun range this time, so you have to do a dex roll
(Vodka aff: 5+1)
(Minmax dex: 6+6)

(Lilia dex: 6+2+2)
(Minmax dex: 1+6)
(Lilia str: 5+6+4)
(Minmax end: 1-6)

As everyone prepares for the clusterfuck that is to come, Minmax's mancannon suddenly develops a mind of its own and points itself straight towards Lucky before firing a machine-gun burst of metal shards. Lucky is completely oblivious to the metal storm hurtling towards him, but Lilia spots it and slows down time, not fast enough to make a portal, but fast enough to jump directly in the way of the projectiles. She takes the full brunt of the assault, several of the shards embedding themselves in her arms and wings, but she seems mostly unhurt. As everyone is distracted by the cannon's sudden assault, Minmax seizes the opportunity to sprint up to Badassitude and smash him into a bloody pulp with the hammer, before dodging out of the way of one of Blodgreen's arrows and sidestepping a silvery beam of light from Vodka. Finally, the he turns to Lilia, who has recovered from her wounds enough to charge at him. Minmax stands at the ready with his hammer, but at the last second, the angel twirls her cape in his face, distracting him for just long enough for her to land a blow. What happens next is difficult to describe in words. Lilia tilts her body, swinging her right wing like a punch towards Minmax. Time seems to stand still as the blow connects, although nobody can tell for sure whether this is from the cape or something greater. Suddenly, the entire area that Lilia and Minmax were standing in is replaced with a perfect mushroom cloud of dust, as cracks as thick as a man's arm race across the ground. There's a strong gust, and as the dust clears, a lone figure can be seen standing where there were once two. Lucky's heart rises in anticipation before dropping to his stomach when he sees the silhouette of a gigantic cannon above the figure's shoulder. "LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" The figure darts forwards from the dust straight towards Lucky, and he stumbles and falls to the ground as he tries to get away. "This can't be happening! No. No, it can. I can't live without Lilia. Just kill me now, and try to be quick about it."
"Lucky? Lucky, are you okay? Lucky, what's wrong?"

(Lucky luk: 5+6+2+3)

As Lucky looks up in surprise at Lilia and her new chain mounted cannon, he is shocked to hear a deafening clang behind him. Both he and Lilia look at this new item, which is an enormous spiked tower shield made of dark wood reinforced with bands of green and orange metal. While there are a few runes on it, the majority of its surface is covered in containers which look like wine bottles, filled with liquids of different shades and temperaments, and corked with the same wood that the shield is made of. Picking it up, Lucky finds it surprisingly light, and almost tosses it into the air before he realizes how fragile the bottles are. Anything more than a slight tap could shatter one open, spilling its contents everywhere.

Oh jeez, sorry about holding this up. Playing DDA. I also have no idea of who is where, too.
"Shure, Mister guy. Letsh build!"

Help whats-his-face with construction. If someone attacks any of us, Muffinsh will open a portal directly by their head. Rock will fly out, go through brain. Easy.

EDIT: Saw other post, changed action.
"You can't change 'im back. Aw, well, don't worry about; I have no great love for his kind. Sure, they honor contracts just fine, but only because they have to, not because they possess any bone of honorability in them, and they'll exploit any loophole they can to fulfill their own agendas.

"Anyways, ma'am, I believe your transmutative abilities could come in handy in helping us make some proper fortifications here. If I could ask for your help, I'll go look for some leaves among the trees that I can fashion into the shape of a shovel head, and a sturdy handle to mount it on- actually, you sir, would you and your skeleton friend be willing to help me? If so, I will acquire enough leaves to make three shovel heads and handles for each of them. Then you, ma'am, can turn those leaves into proper shovel heads, and we can pile up this dirt into walls, which you, ma'am, can then turn into metal, which should prove adequate protection against an assault. Are y'all willing to help me enact this plan? If so, I'll round up the materials for the shovels."

If they agree to the plan, Kordos will gather up leaves and fashion them into the shape of shovel heads and sturdy sticks to mount them on, asking Watermelon Vodka to transform them into shovels. If someone approaches our encampment this turn with hostile intent, Kordos will fire upon them with the cannon.

((So it seems Kordos is a bit racist (specist?) against abominations (or whatever Giordano and Moretti were.)))
"What the plane of death does this do?"

Fire it in the Wooden spear guy direction(G.C.)
(Mittensh dex: 1)
(Kordos dex: 4+5)
(Shadow dex: 5+6)

(Shadow dex: 3+6)
(Shadow aff: 3+4)
(Kordos dex: 6+5)
(Kordos bad: 4+3)

(Kordos dex: 6+5)
(Shadow dex: 1+6)
(Shadow aff: 4+4)

(Mittensh aff: 5+2)
(Shadow dex: 5+6)

As Kordos looks around for a few large leaves, he feels as if he is being stalked, and tries to slowly make his way back towards his gun. As he exits the jungle into the lakebed, he spots a bright orange glow in the undergrowth, and realizes that some sort of living shadow is pointing a gun at him. He turns to the side just before a stream of white hot molten liquid passes by him, which seems to radiate with a sickly greenish glow, and it hardens into a glowing grey lump as it hits the ground. As the nuclear symbol on Shadow's weapon flickers slightly, Kordos seizes the opportunity to turn his cannon towards his foe and pull the oversize dual triggers. A cannon ball larger than a man's head erupts from the barrels with a deafening roar, and strikes the dark figure square in the chest, but merely passes through as if he were a normal shadow. The shadow raises his weapon to fire again, but is interrupted as a portal opens right behind his head, and he is forced to duck as a handful of rocks burst from the opening, flying past where his head once was.

(Bob luk: 1+6)

Bob's waiver immediately becomes a plain looking, with an emblem of some sort of bird on the wooden stock in bronze. As he picks it up, a pair of bone wings sprout from his back before his entire body catches fire, but to his surprise, it doesn't hurt him at all.

(Osborn luk: -3-6) This is kind of an experiment on handling negative luck better. +!!scientist!!+, you are now my +!!guineapig!!+

Osborn's waiver grows rapidly in thickness, until it becomes a heavy book, bound in supple red leather. In fact, calling it heavy is an understatement. It's impractically huge, to the point where it would be difficult to defend oneself while carrying it. As Osmond approaches the gigantic tome, a gigantic iron lock appears on it, sealing it shut, while a key made of pure coal hangs form a chain on its side.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I meant we'd start stabbing the walls and floor for points and not just for science.


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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Guineapigs!
« Reply #967 on: March 06, 2013, 01:08:19 am »

Team? I might be able to protect you while you deal with that book.
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Guineapigs!
« Reply #968 on: March 06, 2013, 01:19:23 am »

Hooray three ultra fail turns in a roll with a generic death! :D

I was getting tired of Badassitude anyways, oh well new character.

Name: Yukkuri Yukamo

Looks: Some 1000 year old woman with golden hair with a hat that looks like a trash bag. She is a famous troll in her realm and fights by throwing various garbage and trains a people. And trains. And enchanted fox tails. And trains.

Str: -6 Dafuq needs weapons when you have an umbrella.
End: +3 It is part of a healthy diet to resists punches to the face every once and a while.
Dex: -1 Moving is for athletes and shikigamis.
Aff: +6 Trains.
Luk: -6 Sometimes you get something better than you might think. Kihihihihihihihi....
Badassery(What the hell would the abbreviation be anyways?): +4 Strikes fear into even the biggest enemies due to her shenanigans.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 06:55:23 pm by stefmor90 »


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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Guineapigs!
« Reply #969 on: March 06, 2013, 01:20:48 am »

Name: Village Idiot
Looks: Village Idiot has a stupid grin on his face permanently, even when in extreme pain. Some say that a witch cursed him with that smile, but he is actually so stupid that he can't feel pain, or even fear. He likes to wear a dunce cap whenever possible.
Strength: ++++++ He needs this strength to injure himself with.
Endurance: ++++++ He seems physically unable to feel pain.
Dexterity: --- He's got a bit of a clubfoot, unfortunately for hims audience.
Affinity: ------ His simple mind can't ever seem to comprehend magic.
Luck: ------ Everything seems to go wrong for Village Idiot, often to a hilarious extent.
Badassery: +++ His smile still stays on even in the face of the scariest things.



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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Guineapigs!
« Reply #970 on: March 06, 2013, 01:31:42 am »

((Question, is Lilia's mancannon fused with her or is she holding it?))
"Come oooooon, a little insanity never hurt anyone.... Well except for that one guy, but never mind him." -superBlast

I gots a new livestream! Check it out here at


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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Guineapigs!
« Reply #971 on: March 06, 2013, 01:46:40 am »

((Question, is Lilia's mancannon fused with her or is she holding it?))
((Fused, judging by her last standing (c wat i did thar) fusion with the leg-fan.))


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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Guineapigs!
« Reply #972 on: March 06, 2013, 01:48:03 am »

(Also, behold Borno's character - Grubson 2.0.
...I can really see us benefiting from a partnership.)
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Guineapigs!
« Reply #973 on: March 06, 2013, 01:55:22 am »

((Fused, judging by her last standing (c wat i did thar) fusion with the leg-fan.))

((That's what I think too though I'm not sure with the way he said it... but I wanna know for sure since Lucky's reaction will be different depending if it is or not.

Btw I'm plan on trying to team up with you 3 (by three I mean the cowboy, eye girl, and skeleton guy)))
"Come oooooon, a little insanity never hurt anyone.... Well except for that one guy, but never mind him." -superBlast

I gots a new livestream! Check it out here at


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Re: Looter's Delight: A Deathmatch with Treasure! Guineapigs!
« Reply #974 on: March 06, 2013, 01:57:31 am »

(Also, behold Borno's character - Grubson 2.0.
...I can really see us benefiting from a partnership.)
((Yes. I actually thought about Grubson when picking my abilities, and decided to make it -3 to dexterity instead of  -6  :P
And yeah, he's dumb enough to ally with anyone if directed to do so, even that
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attacking him.))
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