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Author Topic: Xarit's experiments on wormhole habitation for frigates (EVE Online stuff)  (Read 22411 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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i invested in the extended "liberty" accelerator from the Federation Grand Prix event in order to speed things up. ended being able to finish armor completely along with the missing lvls in Navigation skills, currently adding the last lvl of Target Management for alphas.

this means im almost there in terms of completion. a bit over 3,5 million SP and counting which is nice because it means the other 500K should cover what is missing from Engineering and probably the missing points in EWAR (which is part of the Scorpion fit). the only thing im left wondering is Gunnery and Drones, but im sure they can be covered with the last 1 million SP.

as far as corp stuff goes, i made a new recruitment AD and we have got some newcomers but there's not enough active numbers to do anything significant. i tried to organize a PvP gang for weekends but no one showed up this time.

im already past rank 350 in Project Discovery, but seeing that i've been out of the game in some days i have some accumulated ranks to fill before reaching rank 400. still its some progress, i just hope i can finish this before the end of the year. not sure when will CCP change the thing again and i'll be left without the last reward. the Exoplanets Hunters collection is almost finished, there's a total of like 40 skins (roughly 10 ships missing from each empire), not to mention that for some reason, there doesnt seem to be a way to get the Exoplanets Hunter skin for the Marshal.

time will tell i guess.



  • Bay Watcher
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one of the members abandoned corp in order to join goons, but turns out he doesnt have a microphone at home so they didnt accept him. his daughter which was also from our corp left Darkness due to the situation with the cloaky campers.

she set up a new corp and reached to mee to see if we could merge operations. her father will become the new CEO of that corp while she returns to null sec or something. in the meantime they will provide a Raitaru which they want to move somewhere else in high sec. current plan is that both corps move their structures into one of the few .5 systems that are still low on structure proliferation.

its sad to say goodbye to the C2 system but we lasted a long time living in wormhole space and the low amount of active players wouldnt ensure any kind of fun in the long run. its not like we couldnt make home there (i did after all) but there wasnt enough amount of people ready to go on a roaming gang or with the proper ships to take against any moving gang.

so for the time being the corp will stay in high sec. i would still consider doing expeditions into wormhole space but for the most part the operations would be done in empire space in conjunction with the other corp.

another possible thing in the list is getting more partners and doing some kind of unofficial Alliance as there's no way to found one with the current accounts and resources. was thinking on something like making a group large enough to try and occupy a small spot in Drone Regions, the problem is that there doesnt seem to be any kind of NPC null systems near those parts of the cluster.

there's always the option of low sec but there's the issue of finding a backwater system that doesnt get too much attention so we can operate without getting dunked by a roaming gang or something like that. i would like it tho, seeing that im versed a bit in lowsec PvP.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2018, 07:48:34 pm by xaritscin »


  • Bay Watcher
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most of the stuff happening this week has been logistical stuff like waiting for members to evac or check on the things with the previously mentioned partner corp. im going to go in depth on whats happening next some paragraphs later.

first, im gonna go with the typical daily stuff. i finished Powergrid Management V and im currently finishing with CPU Management V. so im closing on that las vital part before going into something else. i think im gonna end choosing Drones for the last 1 mill SP pull because of how impactfull they are when flying larger vessels.

im also trying to pull on finishing the Project Discovery run. just reached rank 450 today. im also getting close to finish my collection but i havent got much of the wanted skins, not to mention that it seems i'll be short of 1 last skin which is the "Marshal Exoplanets Hunter SKIN". it seems that shit is unavaliable or i'll never know if it will be released ever.

corp has grown a bit and its reaching its second number limit so it seems i'll have to stop checking for recruitment again unless the new CEO gets a new lvl in corp management. i think we're fine at this number of people anyways. we dont need so much paperwork.

now, this is the real meat of this post.

well turns out that the partner corp is actually disbanding, as it seems they didnt have many active numbers atm and once our old ex-members move onto DARKNESS. that corp will be left to die or something like that. they will however, try and leave the Raitaru to us. i have saved enough money to buy all the structure by myself with some leftover.

there's still less than 24 hours before the Raitaru unanchors and before our Athanor unanchors too so it will be a busy sunday for both of us. if things go right then my corp will have 2 structures avaliable allthought i wish they could have just moved the structure and keep it with that corp. but can understand if there's no more interest to stay on an unactive corp.

the little plan was the kickstart for something entirely different now. and im now fleshing out the direction i want to go with this corp, we fulfilled the dream of living in wormhole space for a while, even if it wasnt the complete package. there's a new initiative that i want to fulfill and i hope it pans out for something bigger in the future. if i can keep playing of course.

the new directive now is to form a Conglomerate. im not gonna use the specific definition for this but it goes basically on grouping with other corps and do stuff together for the benefit of each corp involved. kinda like making an Alliance but not actually forming one as we dont have the resources and manpower to create on and all the upkeep it requires.

there's already some aspects covered atm regarding the Conglomerate. my corp for example has the infrastructure for Moon Mining ops at a basic lvl whereas our partner in the C1 has the infrastructure to support PI thanks to us helping to settle up those POCOs.

so yeah, my corp is moving to High Sec but this is only one step into making a much bigger project. im not sure if it will pan out later on but i can at least try and see what happens. i hope this brings some kind of good content in the long run, not just for me but for everyone involved.

with those news i finish this daily/weekly post. but i'd like to leave an important announcement too:


my corp is spanish speaking only but our partner in C1 manages an english speaking corp. im not sure how many spanish speaking ones would join the conglomerate but i doubt its many so im going to allow english speaking corps to join into the project.

if any of you is interested just send a message ingame to my character, Villiam Kaardanen.


  • Bay Watcher
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the plans to unanchor the Athanor went to the drain when a trio of ABCs reinforced the structure early on sunday. we were out doing an FW lowsec roam with a member's contact so we couldnt arrive in time to defend anything.

after loosing a full week of waiting due to the assholes i was going to leave the thing to die there. however, a guy reached to me via diplo channel. he came asking about the Conglomerate initiative so i filled him in on the project. he linked me to an industrial corp that got interested in habitating the C2.

the concession is in process but looks promising. they will bring some people to defend the structure once the reinforcement finishes and will keep a non agression deal with us, along with some mutual activities. im gonna leave the Athanor anchored there and refit it again as outpost for our corp, so the C2 will stay as an annex inside corp operations until we get evicted (nothing is eternal in this game).

our wormhole partners will put structures of their own after this, only two it seems. i dont expect the system to cope out with that amount of people but i guess i can get control of the Planetary side of things. will have to save up money to buy some gantrys and the materials required to replace every POCO in the C2.

from the high sec side i ended buying the other corp's Raitaru + some fuel that was inside of it. it seems the new CEO has some attachment to the corp but he wants to release too, so im going to see if we can come up with a solution.

our HQ was moved and got an office installed in the new 0.5 system for corp. it turns out there's some other structures in the system, not a spamfest like in the neighbouring systems but still annoying enough. i anchored the Raitaru and expect it to get functional tomorrow at a proper hour, dont expect it to get attacked the 15 mins after anchoring but one has to keep an eye anyways.

im going to just fit it with the manufacturing module as i would have to buy a full fit for it. the rest of the equipment belongs to the Athanor which will be in dire need of defenses and all for the operation there.

overall it will be more or less the same fuel costs we had before, with the difference that we may be able to fuel both structures properly thanks to less consumption from the Raitaru's side. time will tell i guess.

as for the C1. i made a grave mistake while checking on the entrance with an alt, i didnt check the static which was already scanned before and the hole collapsed right after i jumped to high sec. now i have to wait if our partner there gives me a response on Discord or if i have to wait for an unactive member to scan the entrance for me (if he ever returns to the game).

in terms of personal stuff i finished the rush to get rank 500 in Project Discovery on sunday. most of my leftover money was lost buying the last skins for the collection (Fenrir and Nidhoggur Exoplanet Skins are fucking expensivei n Jita, seriously WTF).

the only Exoplanets Hunter SKIN left is the one for the Marshal which i've been trying to track down but it seems its not avaliable in the end. i'll have to keep an eye on that in the future but im more or less happy to have all the rewards.

thus i came back to my usual assignments of grinding standing with the corporations holding the trade hubs. still not close to 3 with Federation Navy but im getting there. now the issue is thinking what im going to do with Minmatar. i've tried asking in the Spanish chat but no one answered about which trade hub has more stuff going on, ¿Rens or Hek? that is the ultimate question i need to get covered soon.

now that i dont have the massive influx of income from Project Discovery im gonna have to find something else to build up from my current wallet. one possible option is the L4 distribution agent that lives in the HQ. it should give a more or less decent influx of isk and LP from missions allthought im not sure how valuable the Ammatar faction items are,so  i hope they at least have some Ammar navy hulls floating around for exchange.

i made the moon survey of the system too, the best Arkonor moon has been taken but there's still 2 more moons containing that one. i've already marked one but im worried about the densities, unless that doesnt really have an impact (which should be illogical BTW). we're not moving the Athanor anyway so i dont see the point but i'd like to have it as reference just in case.

and well, that's all for this new week.

im still receiving corps or partners for the Conglomerate

i may have to reach to the Forums and Reddit too. let's see what happens.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2018, 12:53:43 am by xaritscin »


  • Bay Watcher
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due to some stuff IRL i had to abandon my role as corp leader. all my assets were sent to corp hangar save for some stuff i've been carrying throught the years. it was nice collection of stuff but, i want to start clean this time.

so i biomassed all my characters and made a new Khanid persona which is set to be the end character (i hope) for the rest of my capsuleer career. im currently focusing on getting Navigation up to date along with social and spaceship command in order to focus on a simple goal which is getting top standing with Hedion University.

nothing less, nothing more, just run distribution for them until i get to the top which is something i can invest on with only a few hours in the day. with some Project Discovery in the side (rank 60 atm) for those moments where i have to wait the 4 hour timer before declining the next bad mission.

i chose Hedion because its the starting path after finishing/skipping the tutorial. it didnt take long to get enough money to buy a cheap fit Magnate (les than 2 million or so full fit, including rigs). something i can loose to a gank and replace.

long term situation is to finish all the support skills before jumping into combat stuff, i only need a civilian gatling pulse laser to get rid of mission rats in L1s then everything else is hauling which means i dont have to skill in weaponry at all. if i can reach rank 500 without spending much money then i'll see if i can buy PLEX and activate Omega for 1 month in order to speed up the skill plan.

i wouldnt like to loose all my money that way tho. there's a lot i could do with whatever amount of money i make from that minigame (currently 130 million and counting). for now i'll just run missions. the good part is that thanks to the way standings are managed with the NPE you can start completely blank if you skip tutorial. so i have exactl 0.0 with all NPC factions. better to be totally neutral than having grudges with factions i'd like to work.

this means i wont be able to do any ratting outside of Wormholes and Rogue Drones. im not gonna touch pirates at all, perhaps hack their relic/data sites, but not bounties from them. if everything goes fine with the hauling for the starting corp, then i'll consider making a dive into NPC null. the main problem is trying to bring a ship there and not loose it in first place.

a cheap fit magnate only needs a few modifications to be able to go there and run L1-L2 but im not sure if the pay is enough, would have to compare. a Sigil can get a good align time while still getting enough cargo for L3s and some passive shield tank to try and rush for the gate in case i have to, but im not sure if i'll be able to even reach the entrance to null before getting shot down.

the Bestower could handle L4s but there's the same issue as the Sigil, with the inclusion that it has a 9 second align, and it cant run a MWD due to fitting. well this with the cheap fits i've formulated in the simulator of course, but it may still be too slow to do anything unless i bling it with T2.

i'll have to look at them once i've maxed out the skills. for now im just taking it easy while grinding to standing 1 (0,54 atm).



  • Bay Watcher
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not much to report with the new run but that's more or less expected taking in account i wont be having much time to play the following months. that doesnt mean i cant play a few hours and so however.

i farmed enough standing manually by doing some L1 distribution missions in Aridia, then move out to Amarr in order to buy the next upgrade which was a cheap fitted Sigil for L2 and L3 runs. there are only L2 agents for Hedion in high sec so i went for one that was less surrounded by lowsec just for  caution.

i bought and injected all the social skills avaliable for Alpha clones with the exception of the mission specific books (Security, Mining and Distribution connections). i put them to max in the queue and kept farming LP for the first +3 implant (intelligence), i also used the main remap in order to go full on INT + MEM so i can speed up the process with the big 3 skills (Engineering, Armor and Shield), that attribute combo also works on some others that may come in handy later on. im also close to finish with Navigation and maxed Spaceship Command so im more or less ready to train spaceships. i dont have a need for maxing Amarr Frigate so for now its still at lvl I. im gonna focus on the support skills for now, then i'll go for Lasers, if there's still plenty of LP avaliable i'll also go for Drones. but right now i want to cover stuff that can help me optimize my hauling ships.

since i started with a blank character with no tutorial, i have 0.0 with all factions, this upped to 1.2 global thanks to the social skills so im more or less on good terms with all the NPCs in the game. i dont really feel compelled to attack anyone and fuck up my standings. so the only feasible ratting i can envision is Sleeper mostly a hauler now so the only combat i see is the usual neutral rat from some mission chains like the one about the dolls. those dont inccur in any standing loss allthought they do give some increments in security standings.

i jumped from standing 2 to 3 overnight and im already running L3s with one of the 3 agents avaliable which are all in lowsec. no dangers for now but one can never be sure. i got enough LP to buy the +3 memory implant so i can now focus on stacking for the last 3. the jump from 3 to 5 will take a while but i get good increments with this agent so it shouldnt take more than a few days. then will come the challenge of buying up and fitting the L4 Bestower in order to either move with the only L4 agent in lowsec or with any of the L4 agents in high sec. it seems the rewards just increase 1 tier depending on the security lvl. so for example a L1 mission gets L2 payouts in lowsec, im not sure if its an exact jump but the payout in the current staging rounds around 300K ISK and 300-400 LP. i think that was the average payout of an L4 in high sec, but i dont really look too much into it.

this however means that Null sec will have some juicy rewards. i hope i can settle up properly there. just the L2 rewards must be high enough to compensate not being able to bring anything bigger. time will tell.

as for Project Discovery. i ranked up to 110 today, i hope to do at least the daily 10 ranks to get this finished next month or so. rushing to 100 in a few days was doable but im not sure if i'll be able to do that crunching the next weekends, so for now 10 ranks or so should be the average.


  • Bay Watcher
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current run shenanigans:

-reached rank 150 in Project Discovery

-finished with the Navigation skills

-currently filling up Engineering by skilling the low time ones, then it will be more or less 2 skills per week until pulling the big ones

-the +3 Charisma implant is the last one left for pluggin in

-reached over rank 4 with Hedion, need to take some time to grind the last pull in order to move on to the L4 agent

will make a better report once something interesting happens, for now the only action packed stuff was an Orthrus camping on the station undock. he could barely dent the Sigil's shield (even with such shitty skills) so i just docked in again and returned hours later.



  • Bay Watcher
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i was out of the loop due to RL stuff but i was able to do some stuff:

1. i leveled to 3 some of the short engineering skills, i'll finish Capacitor Management tomorrow then start with Powergrid. there's not much skills missing there but it takes a lot of time to finish them so August will probably be eaten mostly by that group and the rest of the month will be eaten by the short armor skills. September will probably be finish armor then go for shield and so on, moving down on the columns until i've reached targetting and electronic stuff, perhaps rigging, and of course, weapon skills.

2. i'll probably just stay on the road of an Amarr OTP and thus focus on leveling lasers and drones instead of crosstraining to other racial weapons. there's not much difficult to do it once you master the general skills of those groups, and since they're already learned i dont have to invest much on it, just put them on queue. im not a combat character atm anyways so i dont look much into it but if im gonna explore wormholes later on for extra income (in the case nullsec distribution missions cant be done) then i'll have to either be good with the Punisher or use a Tormentor with good drone backup.

3. i got to finish reaching standing 5 with Hedion today, went to Amarr in order to buy the Bestower but the ship got blown up 1 jump from the L4 lowsec agent. i dont think i'll be able to run L4s in Aridia due to the Lowsechnaya guys camping around so i returned to the capital and replaced the ship for running the 2 L4 agents in high sec (which are both on the same station and system). so far the gains are decent because the system is 0.6 thus giving higher rewards compared to the lowsec L3 missions with the Sigil. roughly 300-400K isk and close to 800 LP per missions, it would have probably been 400-500K and 900-1000 LP in low sec, but since there's only that agent, i dont have other options but do high sec runs. it shouldnt take too much to reach 10 now seeing that each mission also gives 0.050 or slighly higher in standing. the only downside is that there's a chance for lowsec locations so there will be interruptions in the sessions.

4. Project Discovery was left unattended due to RL stuff and focusing on the standing grind. however, i was able to reach rank 160, hopefully now that im at the top with Hedion agents i'll have time to do the daily 10 ranks without having to worry about ganks or the like. of course, if RL stuff doesnt get in the way. i should expect rank 200 or a bit more for next week. now that i finished farming the implants im ready to start stacking up LP and money, and thus recover the losses of the bestower and the money invested on the implants, something like 40+ millions missed from the current wallet values. i should be getting close to 500 million liquid isk soon if not due to spending on vital stuff.



  • Bay Watcher
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been busy this week with other stuff (also i returned to play Terraria so was distracted from EVE for a while) but i decided to play a bit this weekend:

1. i decided to invest a bit into getting Distribution Connections for extra LP profits (just had to pay 10 million and some LP i saved that can be easily recovered, nothing hard). it only took a single night to complete it so it didnt halt me much from finishing the next week long skill. im getting close with Engineering which makes me happy, allthought i have to buy 2 skills from there, the one for Smartbombs and the one for Energy Transer modules (including neuts/vamps). the rest is already waiting for the last point.

2. i was thinking on doing some combat for those days where i dont want to run missions. taking in account im at 1.2 standing with all the factions in the game (and that i dont give a fuck about making money the typical way) i decided to do Rogue Drone sites. there's a problem im trying to figure out however, with the Into the Abyss expansion CCP added a Rogue Drone faction to the standing lists. im fearing that attacking rogue drones in missions or anomalies will cause a standing loss with those so i asked in the forums, only got 1 response so far which says this only applies to rogue drones in Abyssal Deadspace so im gonna try and see with a regular high sec drone site. hopefully nothing will happen  :-[

3. i also thought on getting into the whole Khanid roleply a bit and figured out this "LML Punisher" fit (its for PvP but i could totally see it changed for PvE with just swapping the mids)

[Punisher, Khanid Punisher]

IFFA Compact Damage Control
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Adaptive Nano Plating II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

5MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Initiated Compact Warp Disruptor

Civilian Light Missile Launcher
Civilian Light Missile Launcher
Civilian Light Missile Launcher
Civilian Light Missile Launcher

Small Warhead Calefaction Catalyst I
Small Semiconductor Memory Cell I
Small Semiconductor Memory Cell I

Caldari Navy Mjolnir Light Missile x160

the sad part is that you cant look at the stats of the launcher in the fitting menu, Pyfa throws 625 volley at full Vs so i guess its something like 500 or so at alpha clone skills if maxing for missiles. perhaps you'll ask "but why the Punisher if the Magnate can use missiles too" well first of all, the Magnate only has 2 missile hardpoints, whereas the Punisher can fit 4 launchers (Civilian tho). the Magnate is fundamentally an exploration ship so it has less healthpoints compared to the Punisher who run high resistances without much investment and still have spare lows for something else like nanos or some buffer if you really want to gimp your speed for more tank.

the total DPS of the CLML Punisher at all V is 30 DPS with a 625 damage volley, doesnt sounds too bad for a long range vessel even when using civilian stuff (allthought i wish the support skills applied to the module even if they dont have specific skill requirements to use). the Magnate can get close to the 100 DPS mark with either weapon system but most of that DPS comes from Drones, not the launchers and the volley damage isnt as high as the Punisher.

so yeah, i basically plan to use the equivalent of a "poor man's Vengeance" for shit and giggles. i hope it actually can kill something, i saw someone use a CLML Merlin in one guy's stream clip and thought it was hilarious if i could get a kill with this thing too. but first i want to test the ship against NPCs.

at the larger size that doesnt mess much because the Dragoon and Arbitrator could be easily converted into proper missile boats but they are fundamentally droneboats so not sure on the performance. this is just for fun anyways not a main income source so lets see what happenes.

BTW the Meta4 DC is because i cannot scrap enough CPU to put TII on it with that fit, but this may not apply for the PvE version so i could totally see a DCII there for extra tankiness, and i could swap the cap rigs for a second missile damage rig (those do apply for damage calculations seeing that they apply to the ammunition, not the launcher) and use the free mid for a battery (if the fit allows it or use a web/TP to have some control over the rats).

im gonna keep with my curren plan while waiting on that, see you in the next update.



  • Bay Watcher
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rank 220 in Project Discovery atm. spent a few iskies in buying some important skills, mostly the armor and shield ones but i also decided to invest into missiles since i need them in order to properly apply the Punisher fit.

speaking of that fit, it turns out that with current skills you can also go with an oversized AB (doesnt really need to change anything apart of the propmod) which is huge change because you can still more or less keep range from the oponent even when webbed. may come handy against certain brawling boats allthought the agility looks pretty shitty (those 2000+ km/s tho).

the PvE fit can go fine too. you cant run hardeners with the fit so have to be creative, being able to upgrade the DC to T2, bring an armor rep, keep a nanoplating and add a reactive hardener (in case you really need to boost further the resistance profile, i guess it makes sense for anomalies, not so much for missions which i could just use a regular laser punisher) while still being able to carry a nanofiber. you can also use the free mid for a T2 small cap battery which is more than enough to cover your cap (something something 6 minutes but it must be more since i dont have my armor skills ready). in addition to this i could then scrap the cap rigs and add a second missile damage rig to upp the DPS a bit.

i should be able to test that fit with basic ammunition in the next 3 days, again, this is just a little side project while i keep training the important stuff. the missile skills may come in handy but so far i dont want to invest on a weapon system until i had maxed out the ship skills. so will keep using the Punisher on its most basic profile, then, once i've finished with Engineering, Armor, Shield (and perhaps Targetting) then i will start training on maxing out missiles and the Amarr Frigate skill to improve the damage output and tank, and if possible to test the ship in a PvP scenario (will probably die, but i'd like to try).

if there's still enough SP to do a second weapon system then i'll go for Drones. that combination sounds too typical for PvE scenarios but i need the drones for any ship i want to fly. the missiles are again for part of the roleplaying side and perhaps in the case that i truly get the chance to fly a real Khanid vessel. there's also the possibility that i may end training for Caldari ships too where it will come handy to have maxed missiles.

if there's still skillpoints to scrap at that moment then i'll surely train for turrets, more specifically for Lasers so i can also get the chance to fly Sansha. but well that's distant ideas, i still have to focus on getting standing 10 with Hedion and finishing Project Discovery. im currently sitting at like 5,5 Standing atm. i've barely reached the lvl due to being AFK from the game for awhile, i'll see how much i can advanced before getting busy or play something else to evade burnout.


  • Bay Watcher
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rank 230 in Project Discovery. 600 million saved so far (allthought it should be bigger by now, close to 700 but oh well).

the plan for the Khanid Punisher blew up. turns out no one in the cluster has sell orders for the Civilian Light Missile Launcher, i stayed in Jita for awhile but nothing came up from spamming in the chat. tried looking in career agent system but people didnt provide any offers. the only contracts with the module were also full with some filler items i didnt want so the only option left would have been to create Caldari alts and run the combat career agent to get a single unit of the module.

that would be a waste of time so i had to sadly scrap the idea and sintead created a regular laser punisher:

[Punisher, Punisher PvE]

Damage Control II
Small Armor Repairer II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Heat Sink II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier

Gatling Modulated Energy Beam I
Gatling Modulated Energy Beam I
Gatling Modulated Energy Beam I
Gatling Modulated Energy Beam I

Small Energy Collision Accelerator I
Small Semiconductor Memory Cell I
Small Semiconductor Memory Cell I

will eventually replace the meta 4 modules with T2 or something once i can, perhaps if the CPU allows it i could change the nanofibber for a second heatsink. i like machine gun style weapons so i chose  the gatling pulse laser as turret choice. the cap rigs are to ensure i can get a good amount of reps while keeping web and propulsion up, even when using Multifreq.

the only advantage i could mention from this is that i can swap nanoplating for nanomembrane which adds further to the resistance profile and opens space for a heatsink instead of a reactive hardener. seeing that im gonna just hunt drones this is usefully because i dont think i'll get thrown against kinetic or explosive damage profiles or in very few cases and i should be able to repair that kind of nuissances.

with this fit i could very well try and do some higher drone sites but i dont want to risk it yet, as i still need to master hull upgrades to activate the resistance modules. and of course, i'll have to take time and specialize in turrets later on, which may come handy when using most Amarr ships and perhaps have a base for hybrid weapons when using Caldari ships.

the biggest letdown today however was getting podded by CODE when travelling to Jita. the assholes even tried to convo me telling about the mining permit bullshit, i dont eve do mining work, at this point this people should be banned from the game. i can get behind getting podded because i had a weapons timer or because i was flying in something blingy or with priced cargo. but killing a capsule is pure griefer behavior and shouldnt be tolerated.

so i lost my learning implants and will have to buy a new set, which will halt my LP farming again. i waint paying extra for those in the market, i'd rather do some missions taking in account i still have a long way before standing 10 with the corp.

im gonna wait for the skill to train then see what Drone anoms i can find, there have been some in the scanner from what i've seen while hauling so i expect to have some stuff avaliable when not doing distributio nmissions.



  • Bay Watcher
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Damn you got podded? That sucks. Have always managed to avoid CODE, but they're the absolute worst.

Were you auto-warping in your pod? That sounds like a recipe for disaster!

Rince Wind

  • Bay Watcher
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Depending on the loyalty store buying implants on the market and using the LP for something that earns you more money might be a better choice.

CODE pretend to want the other players to be more active, so autopiloting are legitimate targets in their view, because you should manually pilot.


  • Bay Watcher
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i dont autopilot. had just entered Niarja (which is a system i've visited fairly regularly in the past) and setup warp to the next system when suddenly i got the death notification. literally no time for anything, when in theory a capsule should be able to enter warp instantly.

that people was supposed to harass miners not pedestrians. that should be worth a ban or something, i can stand behind non consensual when there's a real reason for the aggresion but i was just passing by.


  • Bay Watcher
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i dont autopilot. had just entered Niarja (which is a system i've visited fairly regularly in the past) and setup warp to the next system when suddenly i got the death notification. literally no time for anything, when in theory a capsule should be able to enter warp instantly.

that people was supposed to harass miners not pedestrians. that should be worth a ban or something, i can stand behind non consensual when there's a real reason for the aggresion but i was just passing by.

My understanding of Niarja is its a classic gate camp spot for many as it's the only way to travel between amarr and jita without hitting lowsec. I imagine a few get bored waiting for the giant freighters to pass through and a single pod is probably easy pickings for someone looking to pad their killboard. Look at the dozens of losses and isk lost even just yesterday.
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