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Author Topic: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU  (Read 35257 times)


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Re: The Fortress of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #60 on: May 11, 2022, 01:50:52 pm »

I’m guessing it’s my turn? Groovy.

Firstly, does anyone mind if I post Phoebus screenshots? Everybody else posted ASCII, but every time I tried playing with ASCII, I got a splitting headache in a few hours. Obviously, I’ll sanitize the save before I’m uploading it; that’s just basic decency.
No problem. You are not required to post any screenshots, so any type of screenshot is more than nothing.

Secondly, we have a 40 dwarf popcap; this is probably way too low, especially since we already have 11 children on the map. SmallHands pulled it off, but SmallHands occupied 2 embark squares, not 16. On the other hand, over 50 dorfs and we need to deal with a dumbass mayor… (EDIT: for some fricking reason, we do have a mayor, Moldath Mengteskom. How this happened with less than 40 morons, I cannot tell you).
Only thing I'm worried about is FPS death. As long that is avoided we can have more dwarves.

Thirdly, I intend to use a bunch of weapon traps for clearing thinning the zombies in the second cave. Weapon traps are poorly regarded sometimes, as making things too easy. Just wanna make sure nobody thinks I’m cheesing too hard. On the other hand, there’s already that bridge corridor trap thing on level 157, so I’m pretty sure that ship has sailed.
We only have one rule here, which is to avoid FPS death :). I intended to use the bridge trap to clear the 3rd cavern of zombies but it performed poorly. Some Draltha corpses were ¿too big? to fall down and the bridges got destroyed. Later the tunnel was used to trap some forgotten beasts.

And lastly, are you ok with some DF commands? This one’s not saved in the main play-trough, but this is what it would do:

We should avoid memory corruption. Personally I always try to play vanilla as much as possible as to avoid running into memory corruption, which happened to me when playing with dfhack. If a safe file runs into memory corruption, we'll have to go back in time to a safe file that runs without problems.

We have a really compressed map; about 80 levels from the top of the volcano to the deepest pit of hell. The surface goes as high as 169, cave 1 is from 131 to 128, cave 2 119 to 115 (and connected to cave 1 with a passage), and cave 3 is from 113 to 108.
Damn I didn't know 1 and 2 were connected.

We have so many items strewn around, most of them forbidden (which bodes ill about how they got strewn in the first place). We have so many corpses, and parts of corpses, just laying around.
Not good for FPS I assume.

Our military ‘forces’ consist of 3 mace-dwarves, one of whom is practically unusable due to having a stress of 94,500! Combined with the Legendary+5 skill, that gal is a TPK waiting to happen; she’ll be removed from her squad, and left to do some relaxing task, such as weaving.
We used to have a full adamantine squad. Their former possessions are probably littered around on the surface.

Cave 2 is open, flooded, and absolutely wallpapered in zombies. For the sake of FPS they need to be dealt with.
I agree.

Cave 3 was walled off (with one small water-based exception at the upper-left corner), and seems to be the main hub of the fort. It still requires a bit of cleanup.

Props to XKCD for walling off the caves; I know from experience that it can be ridiculously tedious.
3rd cavern used to be sealed off but the door to hell was opened again probably for a potential water reactor. I sealed off the 1st cavern while NordicNooob did so mostly with the 3rd layer.


PTW, maybe take a turn
Ok, you are on the list after StrikaAmaru.


I'm happy this fortress attracts some willing overseers. If you have suggestions how we can improve the play, please let me know.


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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #61 on: May 11, 2022, 02:14:01 pm »

Ok. I'll increase popcap to 75, and skip the dead-units commands; I've used it exactly once before, so I have no idea if it causes any problems.

Some of those adamantine clad warriors have been turned to eerie mist zombies, and have spent the past however-many-years fighting one another (or slapping each other, given the utter lack of damage)

The vertical passage is visible between 119 to 125. Curiously, it doesn't have a visible exit in cave 1 although it definitely should... probably blocked by a tree. If it's not visible, there's no need to open it and floor it over.

About FPS and lots of items, no definite answer. I used to think that people and path-finding were the big factor, except I had a fort running pretty much the same at 170 and 260 dorfs. And on the flip side, performance slowly degraded with ~170 dwarves while item numbers crept up to around 100,000. I'll err on the side of caution and assume everything causes lag (we have ~30,000 items on the map at the moment).

[EDIT] RIP Legendary mace-lord, she's a were-tortoise now, the first (and hopefully last) of her kind:

This happened in the same day my turn started (208-09-11). I'll check if it's part of the old save, or if it happened in my play-though and I missed it.

== 1-day report ==

In hindsight, the cursing had to have happened before my turn; it was already in the Legends export that I made with the starting save -- that's how I know she's a were-tortoise.

I've played about 2 months in-game; I'm desperately waiting for some migrants, or even for the 3 eleven-year old kids to grow up. Playing a fort with so few adults is mind-numbingly slow, wholly independent of any FPS issues. At any one point there are ~5 dwarves doing anything that I actually want them to; the rest of the time, they're either eating, drinking, sleeping, socializing, reading, etc. Fucking around, basically.

I've inherited 27 dwarves, about whom I'll carefully avoid any adjectives. I've immediately drafted 12 of them in 4 separate squads -- axes (because one dude had skill), crossbows (all 3 of them that have any experience) and 2 hammer squads led by the other 2 guys in the old hammer squad. They're not allowed to train, they just equipped and are now my rapid-response force. One of the unskilled hammer-dwarves has been killed on the surface; bad luck really, he went to get some piece of armor, and ran into a walking dead. That aside, they've been doing pretty well. A single yak cow rose within the fort; she got dog-piled by everybody, and didn't rise again.

Madam Iden the sometimes-tortoise is the only member of the old hammer squad. She was successfully sealed from the fort, by the simple expedient of kicking her outside and locking the door after her (then walling it up for good measure). We don't need anything from the outside or the trade depot yet, so she can stick around as the only outdoor dwarf in FriendlyTreason. She was also given several stockpiles to fill with random outdoor junk -- food and corpses, for now. Whenever the full moon approaches, she gets locked in one of the rooms to the left of the depot, just in case somebody important (what a strange thing to call migrants) comes around.

With the outside and the inside isolated from one another, the entire map could be reclaimed, and dwarves left to handle things to their best judgement. We're still in the stage of "butcher any corpses we can grab", and we even slaughtered 5 of our living bugbats without incident. I intend to slaughter all of them, gradually, and replace them with more useful fauna; such as the ducks which our breeding pair can spawn. Duck breeding can be controlled much easier than that of a mammal, and in unfortunate circumstances a zombie duck has got to be less of a hassle than a zombie bugbat.

At this point, I have 26 adult dwarves, of which only 22 are reliable -- 3 are borderline-unusable for mood-related reasons, and their ceaseless bitching is practically blocking the mayor from doing anything too. Which is a bit of a problem, 'cause our mayor is a level 20 mason. I think I'll let them rest in Obsidian; it might improve their performance if they just get all their time-wasting out of their system.

Other than this, the waiting continues.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2022, 11:26:56 am by StrikaAmaru »
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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #62 on: May 17, 2022, 05:51:12 am »

While the next report is being compiled, have a few large pictures of FriendlyTreason:

The entire world, as seen in fort-mode civilization menu. It’s interesting in the Chinese curse sense:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The embark site, from the top down (and with multilevel 15).
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The eerie mist, descending upon the western forest; a single magma crab was in the way, and it was not affected:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I'm tentatively assuming this mist has different syndromes if it's inhaled or smeared on -- inhaling it does close to nothing, while smearing it on means death. BattleFailed was like that, in DF2012 -- mist caused brief nausea if inhaled, but if it was mixed with the neighboring biome's foul muck, it rotted you alive from the inside out over the next 2 weeks. Now remember we have that bitter sludge biome next to the mist...

Two samples of the first cavern; when I say the place is wallpapered in webs, I mean the place is WALLPAPERED in webs:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

By overseeral decree, there will not be any cats in FriendlyTreason; those little bastards will happily ignore creepy crawlies in the food pile, and instead come to munch on cave spiders. I've had forts where cats completely annihilated the cave spider population.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2022, 06:46:53 am by StrikaAmaru »
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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #63 on: May 17, 2022, 09:14:54 am »

Days 2-3 -- 208-11-18 to 209-12-28

TL;DR, Population increased to 61, second cavern partially de-zombified and made into the fort’s farming & plant processing zone, third cavern fully sealed while keeping the water source; available corpses butchered and/or atom-smashed. Trading is a complete failure.

Soon after Obsidian began, Madam Iden stopped being useful. She no longer equips her clothes or weapons, and ignores commands; she didn’t completely break yet, but she alternates between depression and ‘attending a meeting’ all by herself. Compounding the problem, she started doing this after I had let her out for garbage gathering, so now there’s a completely naked, thoroughly depressed, unresponsive were-tortoise wandering at random on the surface.

Speaking of the surface:

Another dwarf was ruthlessly murdered. By me. Tosid the BEEstMaster was nearing 50k stress, and was constantly either tantrumming, or yelling at the mayor. He got locked in the mayor’s dining room, and died of thirst. Then he rose as a zombie; when I got some free population (so in 210), he was caged and atom-smashed, cage and all. His slab was built already, he’s no longer a problem.

Also on the subject of happiness, the fort has two unhappy dwarves with stress around 13,000, hopefully making them salvageable: one’s a random civilian, and the other is Sibrek, one of my 2 skilled hammer-dwarves. They were removed from hauling jobs, and assigned masonry & bone crafting; both these jobs are in high demand currently.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. The last month of 208 saw everybody removed from jobs, except for food hauling and lever pulling… and everybody proceeded to store food in stockpiles for the next 2-3 weeks. Wow, that might have been my best idea, and I didn’t even know.

Migrants have arrived… all the way towards the end of spring, on the 24th of Slate. They’ve successfully navigated the berserker were-tortoise and all made it into the fort, with the help of one hastily-defined meeting zone, some strategic door locking and unlocking, and some helpful dark gnome zombies who distracted were-Iden until they all made it in.

The fort’s been enriched with eight adults and 2 more children. Between them and the two children who grew up, the summer of 209 begins with 34 working adults and 11 children (and one were-tortoise).

Meanwhile, in the third cavern, the problem of the one open tile was resolved without destroying the water source. It’s going to require a temp save with clean all and autodump used, because there’s just that much crap obscuring the poor thing. But to sum up: the water source tile had a fortification built in it. A temporary wall was built to stem the flow and allow me to work (the grey andesite wall standing out among the white granite). Two floodgates control the water channel, one here at the start and the other (not pictured here) all the way at the eastern end of the drain.

Their controlling levers are built beneath the tavern, and named appropriately. Also in this picture, the tavern’s underground storage area for booze and prepared meals.

On the upper level, the screw pump was moved one tile to the East, an unavoidable process seeing as I just built a wall in its former input tile (actually, this pump might be pretty useless now that we have the floodgates).

I’m just gonna say this change increased FPS from 9 to 11, despite the bump in population.

Onwards: given all the corpses, I made a slaughter area in the third cavern. There were already bugbats pastured near it; I added a refuse stockpile restricted to corpses, an atom smasher right by it, and 2 rooms in the above levels: one for bone-crafting, and the other for fat and meat cooking:

And just to make the lever for the atom-smasher very obvious:

Summer doesn’t bring a human caravan. What a bummer, who’s going to buy all our bone crafts?

And speaking of bone crafts… the civilian wisely stuck to bone-carving for the past half-year, and was in the clear by this time, with 12 levels acquired. Hammer-dwarf Sibrek has spent some time cutting blocks, then cooking food, then making some crafts, and not improving his mood at all. He’s at 16k stress; this is the point where I kicked him out of the army and put him on crafts permanently. Spoilers from the future, his mood did improve, but very slowly. The next summer finds him as a legendary bone-carver, and at 11k stress despite mass-producing masterworks by now. Really, some people are just curmudgeons.

Mid-summer, on the 19th, we've been visited by a were-chameleon. It got into a fight with our resident were-tortoise, and beat the snot out of her. All this is were-tortoise blood:

Summer migrants arrived 2 weeks after that; another 8 adults, and no babies.

Autumn arrives, and with it the caravan and outpost liaison. The caravan reaches all the way to the depot, then turns right around and fecks off. There were no messages in the announcements or reports, but a missing wagon in the units list points out the cause anyway.

There are some forbidden ‘wagon logs’ in the depot itself, so I’m assuming the stupid thing made it in then just kinda exploded (they couldn’t be from before, I reclaimed everything in the room when the caravan arrived). What I don’t know is the actual cause, because there were no undead around, and, as said previously, there were no combat logs involving a wagon, or anyone else for that matter. I can only shrug, deconstruct the old depot, and build it anew a few tiles indoors.

The outpost liaison receives orders to bring certain birds. Turns out I was wrong about one thing after all: we don’t have breeding pairs of birds, we have a bunch of females without males, or a bunch of ganders without geese. After he leaves, I remember I should have asked for iron ore as well, but now it’s too late.

Seven migrants arrive in the autumn. We now have 51 adult dwarves in FriendlyTreason, and they all have plenty of work.

In the second cave, there are 2 big projects underway: a plant processing area with all the bells and whistles, and a safe(ish) zombie grinder.

The zombie grinder is a simple winding corridor, with some cage & weapon traps in it, and sealed off with 2 bridges. The levers for the bridges are 2 levels above, in the newly-minted farmer’s guild. A separate corridor allows archers to shoot incoming zombies. The whole assembly is kinda temporary; once the surrounding cave is marginally safe, it will be deconstructed and rebuilt right next to the next large pile of zombies.

A miner opened the corridor in late autumn; every on-land zombie in a 40-tile radius shuffled towards it. The traps were very effective, therefore the whole thing ended up kinda underwhelming; less than 1/3rd of traps were even tripped. Still, there are several zombies stuck in trees, and even more in the water; none of them have budged when the corridor opened. The area is far from safe.

The crossbow squad has failed to shoot anything, and upon closer inspection, I find out they don’t have any quivers and therefore no bolts. I did look at their uniform and their military equipment, and each of them has a crossbow assigned and equipped. I still don’t know why they’re not picking up their gear.

The plant processing area is mostly done right above the farm itself; there was a large room already excavated there, for flooding the farm below. I even manage to build a dedicated stair from the middle of the farm to the middle of the room; this requires me to rebuild the farm plots themselves, turning the nine 3x3 farms to four 4x5 ones.

I built a still, a farmer’s workshop and a loom in it, and added stockpiles for all plants (minus dye plants) and an empty barrel pile. This is where brewing, leaf bagging, plant processing, and plant weaving gets done.

Next to it is the cloth and tailoring area; it only includes actual cloth, since thread is processed wherever it’s made - plant thread in the loom next door, and silk in the cavern where it’s picked. The remaining space gets filled with dyeing infrastructure. Dye plants have a stockpile off to the side, where the quern-stone and the empty bag stockpile is; the fort’s only dye workshop sits by it.

In winter, the were-chameleon returns, and makes the mistake of lingering until his transformation ends:

Iden is thankfully accepting commands at this point; she’s ordered to kill Stukos, and does so. He’ll raise later as a zombie, but that’s fine. Zombies are much easier to kill than were-chameleons.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2022, 09:37:31 am by StrikaAmaru »
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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #64 on: May 17, 2022, 12:01:46 pm »

Amazing! Thanks so much for the screenshots!! Gives new insights into this world and map. I love community games. Finally 3rd cavern is sealed again, wohoo! Amazing work done.

One question, Iden seemed to have been beaten by a were-chameleon but later you write she was still outside killing the same/or other were-chameleon?
« Last Edit: May 17, 2022, 12:04:27 pm by xkcd1963 »


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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #65 on: May 18, 2022, 01:55:43 am »

She was beaten, but not killed. And any wounds he has got wiped when she transformed, as they usually do. She also didn't go insane yet; I'm honestly surprised about that. She's spent, by now, two years with stress 100k.
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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #66 on: May 21, 2022, 07:44:46 am »

… Wait, the turn was one week not two? Fiddlesticks, I thought I was still playing until Wednesday. Ok, I’ll wrap up a few projects and post the save. Meanwhile, I’m also splitting 210 in 2 parts, because there’s plenty to tell.

Year 210 (part 1)

Population has slowly increased to 75, 67 of which are adults. One miner died, during events which will get expanded upon. Iden still lives locked up in her tiny room, and 3 eerie mist zombies are still beating the crap out of each other. The second cavern is ruled by zombies; some interesting game behavior has been noticed, and this too will get expanded upon.

But first, all the projects that have used up some of that dwarf power.

First and foremost, I wanted to use strategic cave-ins to rid the fortress of its most dangerous denizens. The first and easiest targets were two undead feathers:

A single cubic plug was carefully detached from the rock above, and left to drop on top of the abominations:

This is where the miner died: I expected to not have any major problems, so made the plug to drop via channeling one last floor tile. But no, that was enough to slam the poor miner on the ground and kill him. He was immediately atom-smashed before rising (actually, I think he was mangled enough that he could have been buried; but better safe than sorry).


Look. Normally, when a solid stone plug falls on something, that something should stop existing. Atomized into non-existence. Well not these two assholes; they are dead, and therefore cannot die. When I foolishly dug out the stone plug to expand the neighboring smithy, I found them both untouched:

Animated Feathers: 
Inanimate Feathers:

Thinking little of them, I ordered them dumped, and forgot about it. No problem, they reminded me pretty quickly, when the stupid Forgotten Beast Feather rose again (regrettably, I didn’t screenshot Usbu’s feather running amok though the bone carving area; it was very clear that I needed to ditch that save)

It can’t harm any military dwarves, although civilians are a different matter; conversely, military dwarves can’t harm it.

(the jabberer feather was mangled, and mercifully stayed dead).

We now return to your regularly-scheduled program.

The next target was the forgotten beast locked in the bridge corridor. This one’s a bit trickier, because it can move around. However, after one year of careful observation, I noticed that it’s only walking back and forth in about 10-15 tiles.

I chose 10 where it’s usually found, and dug out a plug in that shape. This time, I learned from Minkot’s death; I built a support and connected it to a distant lever.

Then, when everyone was clear, the deed was done:

There are still two undead titans imprisoned in FriendlyTreason; there’s technically the possibility of dropping a plug on them both, with care, but it will be a bit trickier because this will have to dig outside in order to disconnect the plug. That, or we can unlock that southern door and hope they’ll both choose to shuffle forward underneath the mountain:

Frankly, they’re nowhere near as big of a problem than the second cavern.

In the second cavern, one more trap corridor was used, in the north-eastern corridor.

Once again, the undead stuck in water refuse to budge, even when they’re one short hop away from dry land, and from the waiting cage traps:

The process revealed yet more lake trees with loads and loads of undead stuck on them. The total number of non-fortress critters has reached 310; if the last unrevealed corner of C2 has about the same concentration of undead, then there should be around 350-400 total.

Cage corridors do clear the land, which is nice, but it’s nowhere near enough.

Most of the undead are staying up on 3 trees connected to the map’s edge. Unless the bastards can climb, I really don’t think there’s any solution besides obsidianizing all of the lakes in the cavern. And if you think undead make lag, you should see what happens when you dump magma on top of water.

(Apocrypha #2)

And yes, the undead are indeed to blame for the lag we’re experiencing. For the sake of science, I did an ‘alternate timeline’ which started with running exterminate undead. Several things immediately happened:

- FPS jumped from the current 8 to 35. Then it immediately started to drop because…
- about 25-30 previously-placid corpses have suddenly risen as undead, and…
- 40+ cavern critters, most of them crundles, have spawned on the edge and…
- the new arrivals and newly-risen corpses have started fighting, and…
- one previously-invisible Forgotten Beast has started murdering all of the above.

I say invisible, because it didn’t spawn then -- I’d have gotten a message. Nor was it in the unit lists -- I looked for FBs, the only “official” FB we had was the one I dropped a literal bridge on, and nothing but undead afterwards.

And more importantly, because that FB had officially arrived two months prior to the experiment; then it just vanished from the unit list, and re-appeared after the undead had been magically annihilated:

Both the initial spawn and the post-extermination location were in this tree:

All of the above makes me think the game does have mechanisms in place to keep zombie-splosions under some form of control -- suppressing new spawns, suppressing new reanimations, outright pokemon-ing an entire FB?!? It’s just that the game also considers very low FPS to be perfectly playable.

(End apocrypha).
« Last Edit: May 21, 2022, 08:50:15 am by StrikaAmaru »
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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #67 on: May 21, 2022, 11:21:22 am »

Nice. I also thought that the only solution might be filling the 2nd cavern with magma. It kills the zombies and obsidians the water neatly. Maybe in segments as to have an easier time closing off the edges.

EDIT: There is no turn RL or game time-limit but it would be good to coordinate with potential overseers.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2022, 02:58:53 pm by xkcd1963 »


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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #68 on: May 21, 2022, 03:26:48 pm »

I am down to take another turn, do want to kill those forgotten beasts corpses and enter a golden age or whatever age the world will become once they are gone
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #69 on: May 22, 2022, 03:34:55 am »

HAHAHAHAHAHA!  O Ûsbu, you wicked thing.  Even 16 years later, you still massacre all who come near.

I suppose you can leave the note there.  You know, this one:

(Edit: using different image source; if you read this, i did a history preservation for YOU!)
« Last Edit: September 30, 2023, 03:27:58 am by Mobbstar »


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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #70 on: May 23, 2022, 02:46:20 am »

I am down to take another turn, do want to kill those forgotten beasts corpses and enter a golden age or whatever age the world will become once they are gone

Ah, more meat for the meat grinder. I’ll take this opportunity to put my name down for a re-overseering, by the way. This should make me third, after Chaotic skies and AvolitionBrit.

How is the next overseer, by the way? I can have an upload done by this evening (~12-14h), but I’m tempted to keep playing just a bit longer, if no-one else can pick it up soon.

Also, don’t get your hopes up about changing the age; we might pass from Myth to Legends, if we aren’t there already, but if Legends run out too, we’ll go into the Age of the Goblin. There are almost 25,000 of these little pricks in the world (and around 600 each of elves, dwarves, and humans).

Back to FriendlyTreason: the big problem with this fort right now is that we really can’t do shit until the second cavern is dealt with (literally can’t, the lag will make any other projects into a torture). Which means we might have to somehow coordinate a massive obsidianization campaign, across multiple overseers.

I’ve only done one lake obsidianizing before, and it was much smaller and easier - only 2 lakes, less than 1/6th of the surface we have here, magma was much closer, and most of the cave was under control, unlike here. It still took around 4 years (though granted, I was not in a hurry).

I really hope the fort is still playable on everyone’s PCs; personally, I’m using my work laptop to run DF; this is technically a breach of contract. It’s a decent laptop, about three years old, and it’s only running DF at 7-8 FPS by year 211. Granted, it was also running at 8-9 FPS in year 208 before dealing with the flowing water in cave 3, so I can at least say I didn’t make things notably worse.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!  O Ûsbu, you wicked thing.  Even 16 years later, you still massacre all who come near.

I suppose you can leave the note there.  You know, this one:

Hey, that’s a good idea! I wish I could engrave words on walls, or at least on slabs, but dwarves don’t roll that way. I’ll just have to pretend the note is actually carved in stone.

(I’ll also try to dump the damned feather into a nearby magma channel, before it rises. That should destroy it without the delays involved in atom-smashing. If it doesn’t work, you’ll know because I’ll ditch the save, and the Sealed Evil in a Can Rock will be there untouched).
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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #71 on: May 28, 2022, 12:19:21 pm »

Ok, here’s the save, and it’s also linked at the bottom of this post. If I keep doing “one more thing”, I’m going to end up playing until I conquer the entire world.

Year 210 (part 2)

Firstly, the military.

Unfortunately, very few citizens have any pre-existing military skill; tactically, we have 2 armchair generals (one skilled leader and one novice tactician with no other military skills); they’re currently unused, but if this fort ever gets to raid its enemies, they might come in handy.

The only skilled hammerers are those that we already had; so, Kib who’s Legendary +5, and whining little Sibrek at level 8; Sibrek was only drafted in late autumn, after he had finally crafted enough masterworks to drop below 10k stress. I’m not counting poor Iden, because she’s no longer picking up a hammer, despite definitely having access to one.

A full hammer squad, made from these two alongside 8 complete n00bs, have been allowed to train since spring 210. Except they didn’t; they did sometimes do individual training, and have acquired a tiny bit of experience, but the desired cyan S never appeared. Most of the hammer-dwarf skill that exists was acquired by executing caged zombies.

In the ‘other weapons’ department, the fort has a level 5 axe-dwarf who I drafted in his own squad as emergency troubleshooter when I got the fort. Later on, he was left to train 2 months of the year just to keep up his skills. Besides him, we have three novice hammerers, one novice sword-dwarf, and one talented spear-dwarf (aka, level 6). All of them are unused, and live as civilians.

The crossbow squad is doing better, having gone up to 7 members with the addition of 3 new recruits. They used to have a problem, where they didn’t pick up quivers and bolts; the problem went away after deleting and recreating the squad (literally nothing else was changed). Then, they were stationed in cave 2, near specially-carved fortifications facing the zombies in trees. They really suck at hitting anything, but they manage to kill a crundle… eventually. At least they’re getting XP.

More concerningly, they’re not hitting the forgotten beast sitting up in a tree. I presume they can’t see it, with all the trunks and branches in the way.

The melee squads all have barracks prepared next to the fort’s main exit; only hammers and axe are assigned:

Some time in late 209, every dwarf was allowed weaving, the first cavern was mass-forbidden, then spammed with looms; since then, I’ve gradually unforbid the webs nearest to the looms:

As of spring 211, I considered I have enough silk; there are 1000+ silk bolts, and that’s with multiple ‘do silk x’ jobs firing occasionally. Only 2 weavers are now allowed in FriendlyTreason; they can just barely keep up with random web spawns. We’ve barely made a dent in the existing webs, and most of the cavern is still forbidden.

Part of the reason why I’m focusing on the cavern silk is that I’m trying to not massively increase the number of items in the fort. Growing pig tails would add new items (be it plant, thread, cloth, or finished clothing item), but the silk already exists. It will get transformed, not created.

We may still have a problem with all the webs suspended in trees, since they’re both unreachable and still count as items. There’s not much we can do about them, besides maybe clear-cutting trees and waiting for new trees to destroy them, by growing over the suspended webs. That, or build massive floors in the cave. Or, y’know, use autodump & atom-smash them, which is arguably cheating.

In related news, the number of items reported by cleanowned has gone from 38,000 to 40,000; which isn’t all that much for 2 years of play, and I’m willing to bet most of that increase is from blocks and bars.

Back up on the surface; when migrants arrived, I took the chance to do some cleanup. The depot finally got a bridge to close it off; its lever is by the tavern.

I don’t let dwarves walk outside unrestricted, due to pools of eerie mist. I’ve only found one of them, but that's about one too many. So, I made a new burrow, named ‘Outside Access’, and included a small area in front of the depot. Dwarves were allowed to access only the general underground burrow and that little outdoor area.

This is how the depot was reconstructed, the bridge built and linked, and a few of the nearer corpses moved to the third cavern for processing.

Whichever one of you dug out this massive room: firstly, I appreciate your dedication. Secondly, WHY?!? Thirdly, I'm going to wall out most of it. The only things of any use are the native copper chunks, and arguably the gems.
Spoiler: A massive room (click to show/hide)

Autumn comes and goes, without any sign of the dwarven caravan. Well that’s unpleasant…

Well, might as well build more trap corridors; this is when the second trap corridor was built in the NE, and cleared that speck of land too. Then the third, near the second and planned to open above the zombies in the tree.

The levers to control it are in the tavern; they're properly labeled, so you'll know them when you see them. There's also a third unused lever there, by the way, if you need it.

Turns out the guys do indeed climb, and fast at that. This trap corridor might actually be underpowered, while the other two were overpowered. But it’s not all good news: as soon as a zombie dies, it’s replaced by one (or more) from the corpses existing in the cave.

Year 211

There is no longer any doubt: the only solution to the second cavern is to obsidianize the entire place. Trying to reduce numbers with traps has proven to be outright counter-productive - for every zombie we cage or kill, at least one more takes its place, and usually several. The third trap corridor has run three times, and every time the population count has gone up, not down.

I’m not saying trap corridors are completely useless: the land in cave 2 is mostly clear, and when we’ll build walls around the former lake, we could definitely use traps to clear the pockets of water and undead hiding under trees. But until then, the corridors are decommissioned: the outer bridge was raised, and all traps were deconstructed - the cage traps for being useless, and the weapon traps to free the weapons within. I’ve already killed off all the caged zombies, I’m not letting them pile up. Even so, we’re at 330 ‘others’ on the map, literally all of them zombies.

For the purposes of future obsidianization, I’ve set up mason’s and mechanic’s workshops in the giant dug-out space of level 159. Here, the existing stone will be used to craft mechanisms, floodgates, hatches, and blocks. Basalt and alunite are magma-safe; they’ll be the main materials for the above, and for a few grates just in case. Diorite and gneiss will be used exclusively for blocks, since they’re not magma-safe. I’ve also ordered 20 nether-cap corkscrews and pipe sections; this should be enough for any magma pumps we may need. The plan so far is to use level 120, right above C2, for all the magma works.

Also among my (mostly ineffectual) attempts to increase FPS, are restricting access, and reducing travel times. A whole bunch of walls, with doors in them just in case, were built in the wider spaces of the fort, including the massive open space by the fort’s main entry and in the caverns.

The tavern is really nice, but it’s also really far away. It’s about 100 tiles from the stairway, never mind any other places where a dwarf might need to go. To alleviate the problem, I’ve built a ‘subsidiary’ in the first cave - a room with food and drink, that’s also part of the tavern. Hopefully, dwarves will use it to fill their needs without going all the way to the main tavern.

And after all of that was completed, I’ve spent half of spring and summer doing one thing I said I’ll never do: letting dwarves roam outside unrestricted. With all the essential tasks accomplished and without any great hopes of completing any major projects, the only time waster I can approach is cleaning the surface. It’s also the kind of task I can leave running in the background while I’m actually doing my dayjob.

Then, when I can actually focus on this puppy, I embark on a last and very dangerous task: digging out the deadly feather’s tomb, and dumping it in magma (before it rises again to pester the fort).


Lastly: there is a new Forgotten Beast in the second cavern:

Curiously, it’s not engaging any of the neighboring zombies or the hidden FB that’s arrived in 209. It’s just sitting there, in its happy little tree.

I wanted to play until autumn, when the dwarven caravan may or may not arrive. Regrettably, it didn’t arrive; apparently, the mountainhome still likes us enough to send migrants, but the outpost liaison wrote us all off.

And that’s about it. I’m leaving you in the late autumn of 211, with decently usable dwarves. There are no active dump zones, clothing and booze industries run on their own, more or less. We even have a safe amount of wool thread & cloth; I’ve managed to shear our 4 wooly critters with some help from the military. Cooking and butchering still require micro-managing, but I left a sizable amount of lavish meals laying around. The mayor occasionally mandates figurines; that’s perfectly doable, we have a really nice bone stockpile on level 109.

Also, there are only 74 dwarves; one of these guys succumbed to infection in late spring. There’s a strange symmetry, where I lost one dwarf in every year: in 208 Iden got were’d, in 209 I locked the Beestmaster to die of thirst, in 210 I stupidly killed Minkot the miner, and now in 211 Stakud finally rolled a 1 on his ‘survive infection’ check.

Once again, the save.
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
[Sigtext. Contains links to mods, LPs and an index of all the things I wrote on this forum. Does not contain a viable sig.]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #72 on: May 28, 2022, 01:43:25 pm »

Awesome, a lot of work done in short time!
So the non-magma safe blocks that can be used to contain the magma don't melt?
I think it's AvolitionBrits' turn now, chaotic skies has not mentioned taking his turn as of recently.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Funk to Funky
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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #73 on: May 28, 2022, 07:00:19 pm »

I shall pick this up tomorrow. :)
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


  • Bay Watcher
  • Funk to Funky
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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #74 on: May 30, 2022, 02:19:24 pm »

I just love how long after this fort has died that hammer 05 and hammer 08 will still continue their eternal battle. Whilst Hammer 04 just watches them.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar
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