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Author Topic: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU  (Read 35343 times)


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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #90 on: July 04, 2022, 08:04:22 am »

Down to take a turn

Cool. I'll hand over the save in at most 24h, I'm in summer 218 now and I'd like to play until autumn. Still dreaming of trade caravans...
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #91 on: July 04, 2022, 05:53:07 pm »

Play til start of next year shall wait
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #92 on: July 06, 2022, 03:39:00 am »

Much appreciated! That means I'll make two updates: one for 217-218 Autumn (where I am now), and another one for the remaining half of the year.
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #93 on: July 06, 2022, 05:19:16 am »

Part 3 (217 Autumn - 218 Autumn)

The smithy has been completed. Some of the bars have been moved underground, thus decluttering smelters, and allowing them to process some badly-needed copper at a faster rate.

While the peasants are hauling, miners have moved above the second cave, carving out new magma channels all across the northern map edge. This revealed the North-West corner of the map where I once feared another zombie tree. There was no such tree, in fact there have been no zombies whatsoever. Because that map corner contains this monstrosity:

It has been annihilating every creature unfortunate enough to cross its path, living or dead:

I was really worried it might cause me issues, and was also low-key hoping it would sit in the way of magma so it would either melt, or become encased in obsidian - a sure death for any creature. But it did neither; instead, it swam away, along the western edge, and stayed out of view for the rest of my turn.

(I never got the bastard’s name. ‘The Bismuth Monster’ will have to do).

And speaking of pouring obsidian: the results of half a year of digging, constructing, and pumping:

Walling up around the tree was a lot more of a pain than I expected, and took several save-scums to figure out how to deal with the stupid 15 zombies still stuck on it. The rest of the walls were a breeze, but this thing is the curse that keeps on giving.

My first idea was to station the army at its bottom, and hope the zombies will jump down on the new obsidian floor, to their deaths. Instead, they stayed up on their little perch and attacked down towards the dwarves, who were in turn attacking up. There were casualties on both sides, and it just took so damn long… After three failed runs I ditched the idea.

My second and much better idea was to channel above the tree, let zombies walk into the fort, and use the now venerable cage trap corridor to thin the horde. Military can handle what survives the traps; three jabberers, specifically. This was a great success, with one complication: the dwarf who went to dig the channel chose to jump down among the zombies, thus ensuring he died like a moron, and that the horde was delayed while killing him.

With the tree finally clean, it’s time to start constructing. It went reasonably alright, excluding the odd zombie resurrecting or spawning on the edge. Not to say only undead spawned, we also had one gorlak, a flock of bugbats who are still flying around, and a few crundles who didn’t live very long.

Far more infuriatingly were the five dwarven deaths, including the idiot miner. Notably, none of them were from the military, all were civilians, and a disproportionate 4 of them were miners. For some reason, miners just love to rush towards danger, despite being practically popcorn when it comes to surviving damage. For crying out loud, you’re civilians, act like it!

Before operations were shut down, the lower level was fully sealed, while the upper level had floors built and was half-sealed. We ran into some slight issues with the tree itself, and the estimated 180-200 items blocking 5 tiles of the edge.

I decided this problem is best solved with magma.

One unexpected benefit is that the tree itself seems to whittle down from having magma poured directly on top of it; considering the stupid thing can’t be cut, that’s good news.

Anyway, while the tree and the garbage around it were burning, all but 8 dwarves were enlisted in the military. The exceptions were five miners, one woodcutter, one child and one very unhappy dwarf who will be kept away from any dangerous implements.

They were allowed to pick up armor while the magma evaporated. Then walling operations have begun again, this time with far less of a hassle. There still were two deaths, in the tiny exit off to the right of the main operation: a miner (of course) went and picked a fight with an undead giant cave toad who’d climbed on the obsidian from the surrounding lake. Equally of course, he got swiftly murdered.

Then a stupid draftee somehow ended up in the lake, and drowned long before the remaining 4 miners have even started to dig a ramp so he can climb out. This wasn’t the result of any combat by the way; the scene was peaceful, the dead miner had been re-killed weeks ago, and all the edge sealing up was very nearly done. He was left in the lake where he fell, and the island of obsidian was walled up away from the rest of the fort. He can be undead all he wants, as long as it doesn’t bother anyone.

On the other end of the northern edge, an undead giant olm keeps things complicated:

It’s close enough to keep dwarves from building a floor, but not so close as to aggro on dwarves and come over to this side, where hammerdwarves can kill it. With only one month left until autumn, the whole area was left as it is.

Meanwhile, in the rest of the fort:

The caged eerie mist zombie was atom-smashed; this produced a specific death message:

The little airlocks have proven their value: two separate FBs have spawned in the first cave, while I was fiddling with walls, floors, and zombies in the second cave:

They promptly got in a fight, which Sarek won quickly, although it got seriously banged up in turn:

Other than those two horrors, the first cavern airlock has produced nothing in its entire existence.

AvolitionBrit’s dwarf had a strange mood, and crafted a crown. If he weren’t a named dwarf (the only named dwarf still surviving in this shithole, actually), nobody would have cared. But since he is…

In the summer of 218, we received some excellent news: a human caravan has arrived in these blighted lands! Joy! This is why I wanted to extend my turn until autumn, by the way: to finish the trade depot, and to trade with the dwarven caravan, if any.

Unfortunately, we still haven’t traded for shit.

The first run (because yes, a bit of savescumming was involved), I’ve received the message “Their wagons bypassed your inaccessible site”. Excuse me, what the fuck? The trade depot in the center of the map, the one I built from platinum blocks, has been graced by caravans before (ok, it was one caravan, and the only wagon that reached it scuttled itself in the doorway); are you telling me it suddenly doesn’t have a path to the map edge?

Yep. There is no path from the depot to any map edges. How fascinating and infuriating. There’s an overabundance of boulders hidden under the muck, and they’re very good at making the surface impassable for wagons. You can see them if you look from above, every thicker dot is the top of a boulder:

My last save was on 218-03-15, so I can still salvage this. I hope.

My depot has been torn down, and the one built by AvolitionBrit has been rebuilt in its old place, at level 156. There are paths in place for a safe, sealed entry for caravans, and it’s about time it’s getting completed. The path is capped off with a bridge, and the bridge is linked to a lever in the tavern, next to the other lever that controls the inner bridge; the old ‘depot access’ bridges got renamed to ‘center exit’:

Spoiler: Large pic of level 156 (click to show/hide)

(the top-left lever is labeled ‘stairway-gate’, and I have no idea where it goes. Maybe one of the internal bridges)?

Unfortunately, the linkage job was picked by one of the slowest dwarves in the fort, and the bridge was still down when the caravan spawned. On the opposite end of the map. It followed a ridiculously circuitous route, turning every single tile to bypass all the boulders blocking its path, and it almost seemed like it would make it.

Then both yaks driving the wagons decided the best path possible is on top of a tree:

Both wagons scuttled, merely 20 tiles away from the entrance:

(The humans were also attacked by a peregrine falcon corpse, but that's after trade was aborted)

Between this mess and the end of summer, the final walling of the northern edge was done. Not without pain and anger, and coercion from me: there is a new burrow covering select bits of the second cavern, that was active for most of summer and which illustrates my feelings on the matter:

Then dwarves returned to the fort, to discover that animal taming does not, in fact, pass down through generations as a heritable trait. Most of the second generation crundles have gone semi-wild, despite having a tame set of parents. Making matters worse, the feral crundles prevent animal tamers from working with the still-tame ones:

Eventually, I gave up on them and stationed a hammer squad in the animal zone. Six crundles survived, of the nearly 30 that we used to have.

Two things worry me about this fort: there are no migrants, and FPS didn’t increase.

I’ve started with 48 dwarves. Building the airlock in the third cave brought me down to 45. Then 3 very unhappy dwarves got killed by me due to lack of improvement and constant disruptions. From summer 217 until spring 218, the fort had 42 dwarves, under the limit of 45 dwarves that I have set out in d_init, and no migrants have arrived. Sealing the cave then dropped the population at 35. The civilization is still active, so that’s not it. We just don’t get migrants…

As for FPS, there is no change I can see, despite the slaughter in the second cave. In 216, there were 359 other units (all of them undead critters) and 286 dead/missing. Now in autumn 218, there are 266 others, including 22 living, and 613 dead. A good haul, but without payoff.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2022, 05:39:11 am by StrikaAmaru »
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #94 on: July 06, 2022, 07:30:06 pm »

Noise, I added "The Bismuth Monster" to the oversight on page 1 not sure if this roundup justifies anything.


"build fukken walls" xd


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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #95 on: July 08, 2022, 08:46:45 am »

 Here's the save file, linked, as usual, at the top and bottom of the last post.

Part 4 (218 Autumn - 219 Spring)

Behold! The dwarven caravan!

They spawned outside, again, because I was impatient. The outer bridge had a slight flaw: there was no floor right on top of the bridge. This meant an invader could crawl between the bridge and the constructed roof (I should know, it happened to me).

So, I dropped the bridge and had dwarves build one layer of floor/roof on top of it. This went reasonably well, and completed until the 7th. Then I called dwarves in, and decided to wait a few days before sealing the fort back up. And the caravan arrived on the 10th; mere seconds after I ordered the lever pulled, in fact. I quickly canceled the command, and hoped they would all make it inside without any difficulties. Then I pulled the lever, and this time it stuck.

They brought only two wagons, and no liaison joined them. I’ve traded for weapons and armor (almost everything they had from bronze, bismuth bronze and steel) and two animals: a gander and a rooster.

There was a single book available, in something like 7-8 different editions; I bought two of the cheaper ones.

While these indubitably good things were going down, the crundle fiasco kept getting bigger. The dead crundles have risen en masse, and killed the remaining living crundles, despite the army being stationed right in the room with them. Considering all the weirdness around crundle ranching, that’s probably for the best.

Crundle ranching is… odd. When crundles hatched from eggs all the way back in 217, they weren’t listed as babies; they were listed directly as adults.Their weight was insignificant; 30 to 60 grams, with all values in between in increments of 5. Their parents had weights around 10,000, for comparison. And the females immediately started laying eggs (which were fertile; ick). One year later, at the time of their demise, they were weighing between 500 and 600 grams, about as much as a kitten. If that’s their usual growth rate, then it’s not worth bothering.

The undead crundles also killed the two old birds that were in the same room; not those I bought, those were still up in the depot.

In the middle of the season, we were visited by a third Forgotten Beast. It joined the other two in the first cavern, and as is tradition, it got in a fight with the only living one:

It killed the previous champ, suffered grievous injuries, then quickly died itself. Both of them rose again. The biggest gain here is that half the cages got webbed, and webbed cages trap ANYTHING.

(Or they should; really hope they didn’t change that…)

After trade completed, I took the chance to order loose clothes to be hauled at the depot; I don’t necessarily intend to sell them, but it’s pretty much the only way to gather them from all the random places where dwarves ditch discarded clothes.

This took until the caravan packed, at which point any remaining orders were canceled. Dwarves were then tasked with outside cleanup, over the remaining two months of autumn. The long list of ‘Store item in Hospital’ tasks has finally been whittled down to about 15, from the ~40 that they used to be.

I've floored over a bit of the volcano, to minimize the risk of dwarves walking next to lava, and getting pushed in at the slightest attack. Something else I noticed here: if the Cleaning job is left active, dwarves will cheerily clean all artificial floors, and any stockpiles. Good to know in general, bad for letting dorfs outside.

The first half of winter passes with rest and relaxation. Only a bit of work got done, while everybody mostly relaxed. The miners were called to duty, to dig the future magma channels to the west side. The four unhappy dwarves were removed from their normal squads and placed into a special squad, named The Sad Sacks; they get armor, but no weapons. One pump operator has worked to fully extend the obsidian island on the eastern side of the lake. And lastly, a handful of dwarves have finally walled the little spot to the north that used to be infested by an undead giant olm (the olm had finally moved into the neighboring land, and was killed by hammerdwarves).

This lets dwarven eyes see new lands, and find new horrors: the Bismuth Monster has re-emerged. Its name is Baktur, and it’s barely even scuffed from all its fights:

It stopped on a land strip that used to be hidden; it seems to be doing nothing, so far.

Zombies in general have been moving; giant toads, giant olms, and crocodiles that used to sit underwater have moved on land, including on the large flat land dominating the east of the cavern (I suspect it’s because of the poor bugbats: they were flying all around the cavern, and they drew the attention of submerged zombies). This gives me an idea: I rebuild some weapon traps in the previously unused corridor:

Just like the last time, any zombie that had a land path to the corridor has begun moving towards it. Around 30 have arrived, and only one survived the traps; it made it to the top of the corridor’s dedicated stair, just to get annihilated by the stationed hammer squad. This left the eastern side zombie-free; we still needed to wait one more month to wall up that edge, due to magma making the obsidian island impassable.

Meanwhile, dwarves are hauling all the corpses for butchering. A second meat stockpile was created right next to the butchery; by the end it’s nearly overflowing, and there still are some corpses left to butcher. A good thing, as long as you don’t think about where the meat comes from.

And, la piece de resistance: the western edge has been partially flooded with magma. Knowing what critters are sitting around in the trees, I didn’t dare punch open ways into the fort (though I did plan a few), and only relied on fully-sealed corridors for this: two stairways were brought to above water level, then one tile fortifications carved towards the zombies.

My advice for magma channels: opening > constructed fortification > floodgate to control the flow. This way, even if a forgotten best or another building destroyer gets in, they can’t do any damage.

The magma flood was a thing of beauty.

In terms of results, I’m ending the year with 151 others and 883 dead. The mess with the crundles has fouled up the flow of numbers, but before magma was pumped, I was at 256/719. So merely obsidianizing the water, and setting trees on fire, has killed off 164 critters, of which 59 were replaced and 105 stayed dead/absent.

At least one living jabberer has spawned between magma floodings, and was immediately killed by still-extant undead fauna. Then it rose, and then it burned away in a second, more targeted magma flood. Lol.

Burning things with magma is far less of a sure-fire (heh) destruction method than I expected. Some flammable things catch fire as it’s reasonable, and others are just sitting there in a pool of magma, without giving any signs of decay.

In the last month of Obsidian, Baktur the Bismuth Monster has fallen.

Its killer is yet another metal FB:

Amas has been in the fort for a while, it just didn’t do anything until now. Even now, it’s loitering on the western side of the map, bothering no-one except zombies.

At around mid-winter, there’s been a dwarven murder: Kol the very unhappy axe-dwarf killed one Stinthad, crossbow-dwarf. There is no report in the justice system, nor has one appeared over the ensuing months, so it seems like Kol gets away with it. There is a slab in the works for Stinthad, but nobody got to it yet. At least they managed to dump and atom-smash Stinthad's corpse before he rose.

My turn is approaching its end, and there is one last risk I’m going to take: walling up the eastern edge.

Work could only start in the last week of Obsidian. Some spots were still inaccessible due to unevaporated magma, but they can be dealt with later. There are 3 levels to cover, there’s plenty to do!

Work then stopped abruptly after the first week of 219; Amas is coming!

Actually, Amas has been loitering to the North; I may have been overly-cautious in calling all the dwarves back in. But it did make its way to the land mass, so maybe I was exactly as cautious as I should.

Eastern edge progress:

Dwarves then spent the next week… mostly Storing Owned Items? Bullshit. You’re all wearing armor. Don’t tell me you actually need some spider silk left glove. And actually, do tell me why you didn’t do this one month ago, when you had nothing else to do? Hmmm?

Dwarf AI is weird. News at 11. Here is the save, made on 219.01.14th.

Random garbage time:

One dwarf of the four Sad Sacks has crossed below 10,000 stress, and was reinstated in the hammerdwarf squad. Finally, the silk gathering and weaving therapy is paying off. Of the other three, Kol seems increasingly like a lost cause, and the other two are slowly improving. I recommend they’re left to it, until they get better or die.

The dominant goblin civ is shaped uncannily like a scorpion:

Aban the eerie mist zombie, at the end of summer 218; he did show up in Therapist a few times, but not in Obsidian, so this is the most recent screenshot:

Despite my murder spree, FPS still hasn’t improved. I’m getting worried, to be honest.

I am definitely going to poke at the fort in Legends mode; if I find anything interesting, I’ll let you know.
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #96 on: July 08, 2022, 09:01:28 am »

picking it up, seems ive got a bit to catch up on
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #97 on: July 08, 2022, 06:58:07 pm »

dear lord the fps has become awful, liquid is the cause but the corpses aren't helping. Gonna try and see what i can do to solve it. Should get better once your magma tunnels settle as its alot of flowing magma currently.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2022, 07:01:17 pm by AvolitionBrit »
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #98 on: July 09, 2022, 07:02:42 am »

22nd Granite 219

Some migrants have arrived, a diagnoser, spinner and a bone carver. This is good news, they managed to get inside safely.

7th Slate 219

Dwarves have reported seeing a gray shape moving under the cavern waters. It was first spotted by a dwarven child who was taking about a moving stalagmite. It appears to be another forgotten beast akin to our tin scorpion.

It got instantly swarmed by corpses, the rotten corpse of Quula doing most of the heavy lifting. Thank god they cannot reach us. Truely a bloodbath to behold.

19th Slate 219

Another forgotten beast has been sighted, seems to be some kind of beetle making this creepy belches and croaks. Seems like these things attract eachover. It has been captured.

5th Felsite 219

We have a new artifact, a legendary midnight blue pig tail cloak. Truly the one of the greatest pieces of dwaven fashion of the 3rd century.

12th Malachite 219

New migrants today, a fish disector, a bone doctor and a gem cutter.

« Last Edit: July 09, 2022, 06:55:54 pm by AvolitionBrit »
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #99 on: July 10, 2022, 05:32:39 pm »

Nothing of note but trading. Guess which fortress just got 7 copies of Dellreigned and The Universe.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar


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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #100 on: July 12, 2022, 10:47:35 am »

Apocryphal note: I ran exterminate undead on my local copy of the fort; FPS immediately jumped at my set maximum, 50. Magma and water flow are almost negligible for processor usage; the real resource hog is whatever those undead are doing in the water. (Probably an endless, fruitless loop of pathing calculations).

Also, running that command will kill all undead, including the two endless dancers. It doesn't touch any caged zombies, so the ettin is still alive. (edit: for varying values of 'alive').

I've gotten 2 FBs in close succession too; one in the second cave and one web-spewer in the first cave airlock. That's how I learned that webbed cages catch almost anything -- web throwing FBs are immune to webs regardless of origin  :( >:(

I've sent the crap hammer squad to raid the goblin civ that we're at war with; gobbos retaliated with a measly 10-person 'attack', unsupported by any war beasts. I really regretted not having the dancers around anymore; I'd have just dropped the outer bridge, and let goblins come to them. They probably would have, goblin sieges have this amazing habit of attacking any undead on the surface; they already wiped a pack of undead chinchillas on the way to the gate.

In somewhat related news, the army of FriendlyTreason can win against Amas the tin monster; they need to have armor to protect them from blows, and all of them should be stationed in a single spot, so they can all dogpile on the FB, and keep unconscious dwarves from getting attacked. It takes a long, long time to chip away at Amas, and it's a good thing it doesn't really have an attack that can go through armor.

The second cavern has 5 Forgotten Beasts total, including one composed of fire which was a great help in annihilating any undead that spawned in its vicinity. Then there's Amas who's running all over the place, one FB composed of mud that's sitting in a tree, and two others who died pretty fast.

For shits and giggles, I tried to reclaim the retired fort (I made a copy before exporting Legends). The first attempt crashed DF :D The second attempt worked though, and produced a fort that's completely lacking in any zombies or corpses, but still runs at around 10 FPS. Can't explain the difference. Oh, and and a bunch of rodent people and cave fish people have suddenly spawned in caves.

As always when unretiring a fort, a bunch of merchants and their animals have 'arrived' and are now residents of the fort; the Unretired FriendlyTreason has almost doubled its population because of them. But they're a bit bugged, and they don't show up in Dwarf Fortress proper. They can still be controlled from Dorf Therapist perfectly fine, and all of them ended up drafted.

Most Forgotten Beasts were in the same pre-retirement location, but one zombified FB neck from the first cave airlock was teleported to the surface, where it started killing merchants and their yaks. It scored some 6 dwarven deaths, and near-total annihilation amongst the animals; only 2 survived when the fort was sealed. That's about the time I decided I don't want to play the unretired fort, because I'd have to deal with at least two seasons of cleanup and hauling, and multiple bugs (most annoying: old fort armor isn't 'seen' by dwarves; there are entire suits that are just not reserved by anyone). Reclaimed forts are a mess.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2022, 11:00:21 am by StrikaAmaru »
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #101 on: July 12, 2022, 02:03:46 pm »

Noise, I added "The Bismuth Monster" to the oversight on page 1 not sure if this roundup justifies anything.


"build fukken walls" xd

I really like this comic.

Friendlytreason seems like just the sort of unreasonably messy and complex kind of place bay12 loves to generate lol, replete with captured invaders and strange liquid pipes.

also that is a LOT of forgotten beasts to just be.. hanging out. playing cards?


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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #102 on: July 13, 2022, 01:47:35 am »

I really like this comic.

FriendlyTreason seems like just the sort of unreasonably messy and complex kind of place bay12 loves to generate lol, replete with captured invaders and strange liquid pipes.

also that is a LOT of forgotten beasts to just be.. hanging out. playing cards?

The fort's been around for around 30 years, so 5 FB in an open cavern layer isn't all that much, tbh. Plus the sheer zombie numbers are causing FBs to act strange; they're mostly placid, while usually they'd be fighting everything in sight.

That's gradually changing as more zombies die -- case in point, Amas who used to be one of the tree zombies but has switched to moving around in my turn. It even had to pass through magma or fire to get out, which left bits of it melted.

The most interesting thing about this is the conclusion that Dwarf Fortress has different AIs for different game situations (or maybe it doesn't and their current behavior is just a side effect of a failed instantiation somewhere :D).

And yeah, that comic is downright adorable. I like the style the faces are made in, because they somehow manage to be both very detailed and sketch-like; and the zombie bird flying above them is just hilarious, for reasons I can't explain, despite being basically 2 lines and a bunch of dots. I'm assuming that's the peregrine falcon corpse that attacked the humans while they were leaving.
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #103 on: July 14, 2022, 07:30:28 am »

I really like this comic.

And yeah, that comic is downright adorable. I like the style the faces are made in, because they somehow manage to be both very detailed and sketch-like; and the zombie bird flying above them is just hilarious, for reasons I can't explain, despite being basically 2 lines and a bunch of dots. I'm assuming that's the peregrine falcon corpse that attacked the humans while they were leaving.

Thanks :> I had started a strip for Smallhands too but it just took me too long, so I decided if I was to create a new one it must be easy and simple enough to be finishable.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2022, 07:33:19 am by xkcd1963 »


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Re: The Fortress Of Friendlytreason | OVERSEERS WE NEED YOU
« Reply #104 on: July 15, 2022, 08:26:15 pm »

I got curious on how the plain of boulders would look like and did some screenshots through Armok Vision:
- upper fortress at daylight with boulders visible link
- upper fortress at night link
- fortress entrance link
- 3rd cavern layer tavern link
- dormitories link
- forgotten beast in relative size link
- seen from above: upper fortress link
- seen from above: the "we need more space" endeavour link
- seen from above: 1st cavern layer link
- seen from above: 2nd cavern layer obsidian casting work #1 link
- seen from above: 2nd cavern layer obsidian casting work #2 (for some reason water is purple) link
- seen from above: 3rd cavern layer link
- seen from above: looks like we have plenty of adamantine link
- seen from above: layout for potential conquisition of the circus link
- forgotten beast in relative size near obsidian casting link
- obsidian casting at work link
- trapped Draltha zombie with what looks like a Molemarian link
« Last Edit: July 15, 2022, 08:43:51 pm by xkcd1963 »
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