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Author Topic: Sandy Fjord  (Read 92812 times)


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #180 on: November 29, 2008, 01:57:07 am »

I've been getting the eye from a gal in Sports and Outdoorsmanship.  Gonna go ahead and encourage it.  Who knows, might be fun.  I have no idea about her personality, but her roommate's a sweetheart and they seem to get along quite well.

Go get her! You can do it!

Coincidentally, we seem to be in quite similar situations. I'm 18 years old, and I avoid drugs and alcohol just about as much as you do. It can sometimes be difficult finding friends who don't want try and get me into them...

I've also had literally no experience with women. Like, none. The closest I've been to one is a brief hug. I know how that is, and it sucks, doesn't it?


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #181 on: November 29, 2008, 10:53:05 am »

Last night, I watched Kung Fu Panda.  It was better than expected.  Since then, I have eaten a bag of Inka corn snacks and one strip of organic fruit leather.  I have also played a solo game of billiard, which ended in a flailing and pathetic fashion (although the early game was downright impressive).  I have listened to the entire Pink Floyd album "The Wall", and doodled around on an out-of-tune guitar.  The time is eight minutes over four-thirty, and it is as black as midnight outside.  Oh, and it's raining.

What a pointless weekend.  Here's hoping that tomorrow is more interesting.

On the bright side, my roommate is nowhere to be found.  I've got the room to myself.  On the downside, there's not really a whole lot I can do with it.

Most of the interesting people are either out boozing themselves to oblivion or sleeping.  I have a slight craving to play Survival Crisis Z, but I don't have a computer.  Everyone else is sitting in the rec room and knitting.

Everyone's just bundled up into one big group, which would be a nice opportunity were it not for a couple individuals.

One, X is sitting there.  Two, sex-idol school helper is sitting there.

The problem with sitting in the group as Mr. Idol is that all attention will be centered around him, whether he likes it or not.  He's never really encouraged his image, he just sort of sits around and plays board games.  This earned him the nickname of "Gameboy" at the girl/boy party.

Also, since I'm not exactly the greatest Norwegian conversationalist (a bit difficult when you can't even follow what people are saying.  I've always been bad with big talking groups, and it's even harder with a language you're not comfortable with), I usually try to find something else to do so that I'm not just sitting there.  That activity is almost always playing guitar.  Well, Gameboy happens to be significantly more proficient in that area than I am, so even that position is taken up.

Since I have nothing (and no one) better to do, I think I'll try and find the tabs to Tristram.


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #182 on: November 29, 2008, 03:07:20 pm »

9:00.  Nothing is happening.  Even the knitting club has stopped knitting and is now watching TV.  Interesting people still missing.  Some went to cabin for drinks and sex.  Wasn't invited.

Sweet 'n' spicy pecans weren't that good.  Out of Inka corn.  Have breath mints and fruit leather left.  Still feel like playing SCZ.

I know three people with gaming consoles here.  One of them isn't here, another is (probably) sleeping, and the last one is most likely using his to play Singstar.  Either that, or he's playing FIFA with the guy that X has fallen for.

Weekends aren't supposed boring, dammit.

Can't bring myself to go to sleep yet.  Don't know what else to do.  Meh.


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #183 on: November 30, 2008, 11:17:23 am »

If all else fails, use fire, unleash the pyromaniac inside of you!


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #184 on: November 30, 2008, 11:27:25 am »

Uggh, memories...

Anyways, not much to report.  The tab I got for Tristram is faulty, and I watched the Norwegian version of "The Aristocats" around noon (Sundays always have a Disney movie playing at twelve, another peculiarity of this school).  Other than that, nothing has happened.

Supposedly going to be some sort of party at midnight tonight, on school grounds.  I might attend, seeing as I actually managed to get some sleep last night due to an early bedtime.

Just dug up the old SCZ thread here.  Bad idea.  Now I really feel like playing it.

I can't even get the other PC gamer here to download it and try it out.  Know why?  Because he's busy reading a book! 

A book!  It's not even a strategy guide for Crysis' sake!  The man's a disgrace to our breed.

On top of that, it's Eragon.  That twerp hasn't got a clue about writing stories.

But, hey, what can I expect from someone who divides his gaming time between Final Fantasy and World of Warcraft?  Shame, shame.


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #185 on: December 03, 2008, 11:57:33 am »

Glory be, we're having a Secret Santa event.

Except for the fact that traditional Norwegian folklore was never really edged out by the more Christian Santa.  As such, we are not secret "Santa"s, we are secret "Nissefar/mor"s (a "Nisse" is essentially a type of beneficial gnome.  So we're gnomefather/mothers, about as close to a fairy godmother as is likely to be found around here).

We pick a name from the pile, and that person is then our charge.  We are then supposed to do little things for them over the following weeks.  Stuff like tidying up the room, leaving sweets for them to find, and hiding fanciful rhymes under their pillows.  Y'know, stuff like that.

All this is supposed to be done without leaving any trace as to who the person's gnome is.  However, since it is naturally difficult for us mundane humans to come into a locked room, it is perfectly acceptable to ally yourself with their roommate if you need to get in.

I think this is going to run for a couple weeks or so.  Afterwards, there's going to be a little gift-giving party where we reveal our true selves by giving a present to our charge.

Naturally, I got assigned someone that I have almost no clue about.  I haven't got the foggiest clue what I'm going to do for her present. 

As for gnomish things, I'm gonna take the easy street and just pluck out the chocolates in the Christmas calendar I got and stuff them in a little pouch or something that I'll tape to the door.  I didn't particularly care for the chocolates that were in that thing, so I may as well give them to someone else.

Otherwise, the day has been relatively uneventful.  Had a couple interesting glances exchanged with the girl I mentioned before, but nothing that would exactly be counted as particularly important.  But it is fun watching the reactions of people you catch looking at you.

Wednesday today.  Downs Disco has been cancelled for some reason.  Quite possibly for a combination of the dangerous snow/ice, and the fact that theater class has taken over the gymnasium (where we normally hold the thing) with lots and lots of props and sets for the Jungle Book play they're practicing.

Which reminds me, they've been practicing like mad for a couple weeks now.  They spend almost all their off-time in organized practice sessions, and are even excused from otherwise mandatory things in order to practice.

That play had better be damn near spectacular.  I mean, hell, we spent three evenings practicing for our play, and people loved it. 

Oh well.

Anyways, still working on our film project.  Speaking of which, we've had a change of plans.  Instead of doing a zombie film, we're going to do a psychological/fantasy thriller involving the nightmares of a man whose wife killed herself after a heated fight.  Through the nightmares he discovers that his wife had a secret torment that was what really drove her to suicide, as a spectral version of his beloved attempts to communicate with him through the nightmare world.

But there are darker things that lurk in the land of spirits...  Namely me.

Progress has been...  Well, not really worth calling "progress".  We're struggling to fill in the details of this 'ere story, not to mention the logistics and cast preparations.

We're also trying to work out the soundtrack.  Naturally, something like this requires music that lies between melancholic and haunting.  If anyone has some gentle, sad-but-also-kinda-creepy music they'd like to recommend, please do.

One of the group members is looking through the soundtracks of "Carnivale" and "The Village" to find something appropriate.  We'll probably find something passable, but it's always nice to have a wide selection.


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #186 on: December 03, 2008, 02:25:22 pm »

I don't know about sad-but-also-kinda-creepy music, but Polymorphia by Krystof Penderecki from The Shining is probably the creepiest song I have ever heard.

Works wonders for creating a haunting atmosphere into a movie. I used it in a film project with my friends that was inspired by Steven Spielberg's "Duel".


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #187 on: December 04, 2008, 12:04:07 pm »

Ooh, that's good.  Thanks mate, I think we may just end up using that.

We had morning-gathering today, showing off the outtakes that had been edited into a more pleasing sequence just the night before.  Turned out to be a smash hit, with the whole school bellowing with laughter loud enough to drown out the yells coming from the clips.

After that was done with, we attempted to sing the shortest song in the songbook (we've been getting pestered about having songs for morning collective, and we never really feel like singing anything), a song aptly named "this song isn't that long". 

Unfortunately, we had no idea how it went.  Neither did anyone else.  If you haven't got a clue what the melody is, it's a bit difficult to sing something. 

It actually worked out quite well, with us just reading the absurd little thing out loud.  Managed to garner a few laughs, seeing as the second verse is "tra la la la, la la la, la la la la".  Especially funny when you read that little continued tone (no idea what it's really called. 'la - a') out loud with absolutely no feeling.

So, that went well.  Then we got around to planning out a significant amount of the film we're gonna make, which is good.  We've made a lot of progress, but we're still quite behind the other groups.

Speaking of which, fate decided to give me a real kick in the nuts that I just can't help but laugh at.  It's just so goddamned coincidental.

The group that got stuck with Drops is making what is essentially a pretty basic ghost story.  Without going into details, I shall simply say that the film's climax is where the great-great-niece of some woman kisses a boy who has been possessed by the ghost of the man who fell in love with the great-great-aunt when she was a teenager (and he a middle-aged man).

What's so nut-kicking about this?  The possessed boy will be played by Drops.  The great-great-niece will be played by X. 

The girl I am infatuated with will kiss the most annoying, mean, selfish, and stupid person I know.  And it will be filmed.   And eventually shown to the rest of the school.  Now that's just funny.

I finally got around to doing something gnomish for my charge.  Bleggh, I'm not good at this stuff.  Luckily, her roommate is an almost absurdly cute gal who is a lot of fun to conspire with. 

Speaking of which, I still haven't received anything.  There's apparently quite the lethargy epidemic among the fae-folk this season, as quite a few other people have gone without so much as a "good day" notice on their door.

My roommate, naturally, received a cookie and handmade note on the first day.  Wonder who it is who plucked him from the bag.


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #188 on: December 05, 2008, 10:52:28 am »

Damn me and my memory, I forgot one rather interesting piece of information.  Last night was John Smith's first night back at school.

A few members of "the group" drove out to pick him up, while everyone else and their friend packed into his room.  There really wasn't any space left.  Cramming 25 people into a room that's 12x12' on a good day does not equate a lot of leftover space, when you factor in the beds, closets, tables, and all other accoutrements of one of the rooms here.

So we're huddled in there, big "welcome home" poster on the wall, a platter of his favorite candy put on display (his enjoyment of this particular treat has earned him something of a reputation), and with candles providing the only lighting.

We receive a heads up from the group members who went out to pick him up, and everyone goes quiet.  John Smith opens up the door to his old room, still with all his decorations on it, and is greeted by a cheer from the mass of people inside.  We then use his sound system to play his theme song for the evening ("Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats).

The poor sod actually started crying.

Well, good to have him back, and it's obviously good for him to be back.  He's been in exceptionally high spirits all day.  He even got up early, which is astounding.  Today was actually the first time he had ever eaten from the breakfast board here at school, and he seemed quite proud of himself. 

I was feeling quite groggy with myself, but that's a different matter.

Friday today, so I've got the morning off (except for assemblance, naturally).  For film-study in the afternoon we watched Pink Floyd: The Wall, which is actually the first time I've seen the whole thing.  The film teacher stated that he would be very impressed if anyone managed to figure out what the hell any of it meant.  Having listened to the album several times (while wholly sober, I might add), I already had certain theories about what was going on.

Uggh, speaking of morning collective, I helped out the guy who had it today...  The original idea was to play some of the sound from some Christmas-time TV specials, and have two teams try to guess what it was.

Unfortunately, his computer developed a sudden inability to produce sound.  This was troublesome.

Eventually we just maximized the screen size and showed them the video.  Whole thing fell flat on its face.  That was horrid.  Especially after the masterpiece of an assemblance that was the day before (outtakes and shortest song in the world).

Also, I put on a very Norwegian sweater for today, which I think is the first time I've ever really used it.  I managed to get ketchup on it.  Which is especially bothersome, since I just washed my coloured clothes this morning, and this sweater doesn't count as white (except for the area where the ketchup hit, naturally).

Oh yeah, and I got a card from my gnomeparent.  It includes not one, not two, but three sketches depicting me as a squat, big-headed gremlin of a thing with a psychotic and slightly blank smile stretched across its massively wide head.  The resemblance is decidedly canny.

It also has a couple clues that lead me to believe I've got a gnomefather, rather than a gnomemother.  Pity. 

These clues include two things:  1)  A short rhyme about how the gnomeparent really thinks we click, but doesn't want to see my dick (this is an obvious sign, as I am most certainly the secret burning passion of every girl here at school).  2) A tiny little drawing off to the left that depicts a pelican eating a pigeon.  This undoubtedly relates back to when we were planning our side of the boy/girl party, where I showed a very tasteful video to the assembled lads.

I can't recall bringing that thing up anywhere else, so unless there was a spy hidden in that room, that means that it's a dude who picked me.  I might even know who it is, too.  I'll have to examine the drawings again.

Meh, all I can think of to say right now.  Can't be arsed to do another gnomish thing for my charge until tomorrow.  I think a routine of every other day should work out alright, saves me from having to think up a new horrible rhyme every damned day.


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #189 on: December 06, 2008, 04:16:48 pm »

Well, just as this Saturday was turning out to be another massively dull weekend, I was reminded that Outdoorsmanship and Sports was holding their student night this evening.

Now, these poor buggers had a lot on their plate.  After all, they were the first ones up to bat after our obviously godlike performance, and so they were still under our far-reaching shadow of awesomeness.

All things considered, it went smashingly.

We were treated to a parody sketch wherein most of the girls from Outdoorsmanship played all the guys in Film and TV.  It doesn't matter how much they poke fun at you, if you are important enough to be parodied, it's a compliment.  They even managed to loan the jacket that our teacher always wears, and I must say the girl who played him did a smashing rendition of one of his psychotic rampages.

Then we moved over to some scenes (and, in fact, movies) wherein they showed us how Skiringssal would be if it didn't practice the freedom of belief it does (most schools of this type are highly Christian).  Quite the performance, I must say.  But then again, I happen to like jokes like that.

There was also a delightful little sketch where the kitchen chief was parodied in a rather amusing fashion.  One rather psychotic lad from Outdoorsmanship played the part, but with a special twist.  He put socks and shoes on his hands and stood his new makeshift feet on the table that was to be used for the performance.  An accomplice stuck his/her hands through the sleeves of the shirt the frontman was wearing, and served as the hands of a now very size-challenged kitchen chief.

Naturally, the person serving as the hands was blind to all goings-on in front.  This, of course, had to be milked for all it was worth.  After carefully mixing together the various cleaning agents required for a thorough wash into the water bucket (and, of course, mixing it all together with a spoon), our dearest kitchen chief took a little break for some food.  Namely, some whipped cream from one of those pressurized cans, a jelly sandwich, and some cola (shaken, not stirred).

There were many other sketches, scenes, and other fine productions, but it's getting a bit late and I suspect I might get kicked out of here if I linger too long.   Toodles.

Parting words:  a truly splendid student night, quite a nice end to the day. 

Oh, and I've got a glorious Sunday on the horizon.  Namely, a seminar at eleven and cleaning the shitter.


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #190 on: December 08, 2008, 10:32:06 am »

And, of course, by "seminar", I mean play games for three hours.

Behold the "games" seminar.  From 11:00 to 12:00, we played "Fantasi", a game where you have to mime several things on a card, and your team is supposed to guess what you're getting at.  More things they guess, more points you get.

After that, we had a quick pause and then went on to more traditional games.  This introduced "the newspaper game", "the orange game", "sheriff", and "the shoe game".  My team, I am proud to say, won absolutely none of these competitions.

If anyone wants to know more about these exciting pastimes, simply leave a note and I'll get back to you sometime. 

So, that was the seminar.  And as for scrubbing the johns, my theater-inclined roommate managed to wriggle out an agreement with his teacher, since he had a very important performance that night (they all did, actually.  It was a trial run of the school's Jungle Book show).  As such, no doo-doo duty.  Heck, I even got to watch the show.  Not a bad arrangement, I must say.

Today has been pretty average.  We've got a new co-teacher who's going to be on call just in case our standard teacher gets a call from his highly pregnant wife who needs him for some reason or another (such as, say, the childbirth which is expected sometime this month).

The fastest-moving group has filmed and halfway-edited another scene, and the next group in line is just about ready to start some filming of their own.  I took a peek at their script, and I have to say that that thing is solid gold comedy.

Unfortunately, they're making a thriller.

Then it falls back to the wee little group in the back.  We're still trying to figure out what happens in the story.  However, even though we're the slowest of the three groups, we're cooking up quite a production.  If we can manage to keep the footage quality high enough to give justice to the story, we're gonna have a very impressive work of film coming out.

A work of film that will most definitely be over the ten-minute maximum we were assigned.  But we've gotten the go-ahead from our standard teacher to make it as long as we want, if we really feel the need. 

Aaand, that's just about it.   Nothing else newsworthy is popping to mind right now, so I'll let it sit until I do something else interesting. 



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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #191 on: December 11, 2008, 08:15:01 am »

Bored.  To.  Tears.

We've finally managed to work out a very basic story from beginning to end.  It's got holes in it, but it's what we managed.  The way was laid clear for us to begin with the interesting stuff, after some almost assuredly minor logistics considerations.

And now it's Thursday.  One member of the group is off taking an exam, another is in bed sick, and I'm stuck trying to write up a footage plan, something that I do not only not know how to do, but that is so boring I feel my life getting sucked out straight out of my bones.

In other news, outdoorswoman seems to have taken an interest in one of my classmates, who also happens to be very keen on her.  They've been spending a very great deal of time together, and my classmate is putting what few moves he has on her at every available opportunity.

Watched "Across the Universe" last night with a few other folks.  It's one of the musicals that I am least annoyed by.  I would rather have slept, but a movie has got to be really bad for me to walk out on it halfway through.

Regarding the gnomefather business, things haven't been going as smoothly as might be hoped for.  Coming up with silly rhymes is one thing, coming up with silly rhymes in another language is entirely another.

Furthermore, my charge's roommate (a gal whose innocent and playful nature is so geared towards a secret gift-giving event it's not even funny) had not received so much as a single card from her gnomeparent.

Feeling somewhat sad for her (after all, this is exactly the kind of thing that she would get a kick out of), I decided to take her on as a "niece", planting little secret goodies for her as well.  Of course, since she knows who's doing it for her roommate, I'd have to use other methods when dealing with her so that she wouldn't find out.  So I bought a couple Christmas cards.

Unfortunately, these Christmas cards are blank.  And I happen to have truly awful handwriting.  In order to supplement the card, I would have to have some sort of candy to stuff into the envelope, a candy that was of course different from the one being provided to her roomie. 

Well, I don't have any other candy.

After some asking around, I managed to semi-arrange some candy for her.  But then I found out that she had just received a card from her (real) gnomeparent.

And to think, those two cards cost me about eight bucks.  So much for Christmas cheer.

Gonna go check out the other guys in FTV, see what they're doing.  If I bump into our substitute teacher, I'll ask him about the finer points of making a film plan. 

Oh, speaking about the other guys, the group that caught Drops found a rather unusual way of getting him out of their hair during the filmmaking process.

They asked him to write the script.

That made me feel a hell of a lot better about the other two guys.  I was astonished that they could write such drivel.  Turns out they didn't.

This, my friends, is no ordinary stack of paper.  The contents of this paper can melt your brain even if you don't inhale.

I'll see if I can get my hands on it at some point and translate it for y'all.  The important thing to remember is that he was dead serious all throughout the writing of it.


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #192 on: December 12, 2008, 12:57:31 am »

On top of that, it's Eragon.  That twerp hasn't got a clue about writing stories.

But, hey, what can I expect from someone who divides his gaming time between Final Fantasy and World of Warcraft?  Shame, shame.

Hey! Eragon wasn't a bad book. Just predictible to the extreme. That's an acceptable viewpoint, but insulting FF in the same post?!

Shame, Shame.
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #193 on: December 12, 2008, 01:16:52 am »

On top of that, it's Eragon.  That twerp hasn't got a clue about writing stories.

But, hey, what can I expect from someone who divides his gaming time between Final Fantasy and World of Warcraft?  Shame, shame.

Hey! Eragon wasn't a bad book. Just predictible to the extreme. That's an acceptable viewpoint, but insulting FF in the same post?!

Shame, Shame.

Yeah, we agree to attack the eveeeeeels that is WoW, but you shall not stack FF in the same post!


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Re: Sandy Fjord
« Reply #194 on: December 12, 2008, 01:20:32 am »

Mind you, I'm probably going tl=o ask a girl on a date after reading about Kagus's life. It's an inspiration.
Even the avatars expire eventually.
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