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Author Topic: New Weapons, and a few other suggestions...  (Read 5537 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New Weapons, and a few other suggestions...
« Reply #75 on: April 15, 2009, 08:47:38 pm »

The Cuban revolution had a few weapons smuggled in from the USA, mostly ancient lever-action rifles, old school .38 revolvers and bolt-action deer rifles and other weapons with that 1950's flavor that was the vast majority of the USA domestic civilian market back in the day. Not like today's domestic market with it's AR-15s and FN FALS, and a vast assortment of military and police-styled weaponry.

Castro's homeboys mostly rolled out with machetes and stuff they snagged from Cuban armories.
I seem to have read about the 26th of July Movement being armed with large numbers of M1917 Enfield and M1941 Johnson rifles. I know that Brigade 2506 was equipped with the latter, but I'm pretty sure the communists had them first.

Too bad about the Bay of Pigs. I think most Cubans and everyone else around today would be much happier seeing Mr. Immortal Castro in the ground decades ago. I remember the Cubans in Orlando dancing in the street when it was announced Castro was sick with whatever disease he has.
I wonder if he ain't already dead, or if he's not being kept "alive" by machinery like Franco supposedly was during his last days.
I put the blame firmly on Jack Kennedy. Socialist bastard.   ;)
I blame the Mafia. Bunch of dunderheads needed to get out of the and let the professionals handle the gunboat diplomacy.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2009, 08:56:45 pm by Ciarog »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New Weapons, and a few other suggestions...
« Reply #76 on: April 15, 2009, 08:49:24 pm »

Bay of Pigs was doomed to fail.
Blizzard is managed by dark sorcerers, and probably have enough money to bail-out the federal government.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Monkey Wrench Gangster
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Re: New Weapons, and a few other suggestions...
« Reply #77 on: April 15, 2009, 09:06:34 pm »

Bay of Pigs was doomed to fail.
Pretty much.

Jonathan S. Fox

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Re: New Weapons, and a few other suggestions...
« Reply #78 on: April 15, 2009, 10:38:12 pm »

The nations I listed have first pick of military surplus and access to more advanced military technology because they are either NATO members or formally listed as Major Non-NATO Allies. Countries not on that list that purchase weapons from the US military do not get the same access to advanced military technology as those ones do.

@Jonathan S. Fox: So the US is handing over or selling to other governments technology that is in every way equal to what the current US army uses?  Even 'under the hood' technology?

Yea... hard to convince me of that... as a dominant power, you want to stay that way.  Which means keeping certain things out of the hands of others.  Knowledge is power.

It depends on the technology. But no, the US will generally keep some aspects of some technologies secret, or more advanced versions private while earlier versions are sold. This has little to do with xenophobia or efforts at hegemony. Limiting access to the details of in-house technologies helps to prevent leaks which would give unfriendly nations copies of or ways to defeat advanced military technology, and ensures that in the extremely unlikely event that the US finds itself at war with a former major ally, it will still have a slight technological advantage.

This isn't a "maintain dominance by limiting the military strength of our allies" mentality however; that isn't present to any substantial degree in the US populace, government, or military. It's just being pragmatic. Americans tend to like being on top, but that's so that they can bully countries they don't like, not so they can bully their friends.

(Though, it seems that more worldly/political/whatever debating gets done on this forum then anything else.)

A question for the general debating populace:  You/we/whatever are trying to make LCS realistic or something?  (Just so I am sorta clear on what sort of ideas/suggestions/whatever would fit, if any.)

Yes, this forum is often full of off-topic political debates. I have found that what happens is that when there's no releases or development updates for awhile, threads begin to derail into political discussions, while if there's active development and new releases, most threads stay on topic. The way I see it, if discussing politics in between discussing LCS keeps people interested, that beats trying to chase everyone off. Besides -- this subforum isn't active enough to necessitate a hard line on shutting down off-topic threads, although it's certainly a lot more hopping than it was a year or two ago!

All other things being equal, most people feel realistic is slightly better than unrealistic. But personally, my goal is not to make LCS more realistic, just more fun. I don't mind breaks in realism at all where they make the game more fun -- that's a good trade -- but if they become large distractions from the political theme of the game, or will leave players thinking "what the heck?" when they come across the breaks in believability, that's where realism becomes important. Discussions of what is realistic with regard to LCS are fine, but they won't be a major factor in swaying what I think is best for the game.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New Weapons, and a few other suggestions...
« Reply #79 on: April 16, 2009, 07:44:23 pm »


This isn't a "maintain dominance by limiting the military strength of our allies" mentality however; that isn't present to any substantial degree in the US populace, government, or military. It's just being pragmatic. Americans tend to like being on top, but that's so that they can bully countries they don't like, not so they can bully their friends.

Its not about limiting the military strength of our allies.  It doesn't limit the military strength of our allies in anyway when noone else but 'us' have it. 
Its about having 'Aces' and 'Jokers' up the sleeve.  The less people who know about it, the better.  Even if they are 'friends' or allies, they don't need to know a thing about it.

Seriously, this is how I would want military tech to be handled if I was in the position to make such decisions.  Screw my 'friends' and allies.  They'll only get whatever 'unique' technology they 'need' and/or help to upgrade to 'standard' tech.
('need' being you don't need jack)

Edit: I'm an arse and probably made this a 'hostile' thread to post in with my opinion.  But yea, this is my view.  Alliances are not rosy things.  If you think even half the things conducted are in the interest of 'both' sides in mind... you have another thing coming.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 04:13:10 pm by Zangi »
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