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Author Topic: Reclaiming Battlefailed  (Read 98029 times)


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Re: Reclaiming Battlefailed
« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2011, 03:19:16 pm »

You don't actually have to put the donkeys close to each other to make them breed. They just have to not be in cages.
So we got monsters above, monsters below, dwarves in the middle and a party in the dining hall. Sounds good to me.
If all else fails, remember one thing:  kittens are delicious, nutritious little goblin-baiters, cavern explorers, and ambush-finders.

Bryan Derksen

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Re: Reclaiming Battlefailed
« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2011, 09:18:47 pm »

Quite true. However, in this particular instance I want to keep the breeding chambers as small as practical for other reasons. I'm manually checking every tile of the walls and floor for signs of contaminants on a fairly regular basis, and the room I picked is one of the few that didn't either get flooded at some point or have dwarves tromping back and forth through it during the earlier phases of the reclamation operation.

It's getting close to the end of 521 though, and I think I'll be able to start easing off on the paranoia soon. I still need to write it up but as a sneak preview I'll mention that Battlefailed now has two naked dwarf children, a mule, and a newborn donkey foal residing in apparent safety down in lower Battlefailed. Long-term survival may indeed be possible here. :)


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Re: Reclaiming Battlefailed
« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2011, 10:32:57 pm »

Well done, good sir.


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Re: Reclaiming Battlefailed
« Reply #33 on: February 01, 2011, 10:41:04 pm »

It's getting close to the end of 521 though, and I think I'll be able to start easing off on the paranoia soon. I still need to write it up but as a sneak preview I'll mention that Battlefailed now has two naked dwarf children, a mule, and a newborn donkey foal residing in apparent safety down in lower Battlefailed. Long-term survival may indeed be possible here. :)

You cleaned Battlefailed's front yard.  Anything is possible.

Urist Imiknorris

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Re: Reclaiming Battlefailed
« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2011, 12:43:50 am »

Also, you survived the forgotten beasts that claimed the original fort. Anything else is possible.
Quote from: LordSlowpoke
I don't know how it works. It does.
Quote from: Jim Groovester

Quote from: Cheeetar
If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!


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Re: Reclaiming Battlefailed
« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2011, 11:03:12 pm »

Yeah, the Cleaning of the Yard is your most legendary feat (the thriving metropolis inside the toxic death pit is a close second however).  The surface of Battlefailed was covered in something like twenty years of massacred caravans and thousands of skanimal bones. 
He he he.  Yeah, it almost looks done...  alas...  those who are in your teens, hold on until your twenties...  those in your twenties, your thirties...  others, cling to life as you are able...It should be pretty fun though.


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Re: Reclaiming Battlefailed
« Reply #36 on: February 03, 2011, 01:06:19 am »

Nice work man.

Bryan Derksen

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Re: Reclaiming Battlefailed
« Reply #37 on: February 03, 2011, 02:09:56 am »

Seem to be in a slightly boring stretch now, no threats have pressed Battlefailed's defenses of late. Next year may see more - I will do the first attempt at Operation Changing Shoes then, which could lead to an actual proper armor-clad military force. Which will inevitably lead to Operation Retake The Caverns, which could be... messy.

I'll get some savegames posted later tonight for anyone who wants to take a tour of what I've uncovered so far. Except for that mysterious water-filled staircase, of course. I'll find out what secrets it holds next time. :)

Year 521

The past year has been a relatively uneventful one, with much that progressed entirely according to plan and therefore little that bears recording herein.

There was a brief period of excitement and anticipation as I put into motion the equipment to drain the last three flooded chambers of Upper Battlefailed. What treasures remained undisturbed under the fetid blue ocean waters down there? According to the records I had uncovered, those chambers were flooded well before Battlefailed finally fell - they could contain lost relics of that earlier time. As the pumps drained the uppermost of the three rooms we found only more of the usual carnage - a tangle of old skeletons, woven together by sea life and surging waves into a gruesome mat covering the floor. There were a few Forgotten Beast skeletons among them, which suggested to me that this place had been a deliberate dumping ground. Wonderful - we'd found one of old Battlefailed's garbage middens.

But there were chambers below that one that looked more promising. After the holes in the seaside wall were sealed, a new pump was built and a hole punctured in the floor. Now that we no longer had to contend with a constant inflow of sea water the draining went much more quickly. Aha! A chamber containing statuary!

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Well, a disappointment to be sure, but at least we opened up a bit more sorely needed storage space. We filled these rooms with garbage too.

Speaking of garbage, I suspended Operation Spring Cleaning II after just a few months. It was painfully obvious that as quick as it had been gathering up all the trash from outside the fort, hauling it all down piece by piece to the magma chamber far below was going to take far too long. I had to come up with a more efficient alternative.

I considered building a compactor on the surface, near the current location of the heap of trash, to crush the junk into a more manageable state. But that didn't seem a suitable fate for such rubbish. I wanted it to burn. Retreating to Lower Battlefailed, I went alone to the richly-engraved throne room to study the maps that we had pieced together of the geology of this place. For hours I overlaid them, compared their scales and carefully aligned them top to bottom. At last I had found the perfect spot. I summoned our chief miner, Tekkud.

"There," I pointed to a spot a short distance beyond the end of a mined-out limonite vein that ran just under the ocean's floor. "Exactly there. I want you to gather a mining team and sink a shaft."

"How far down?" Tekkud asked dubiously. I could tell he didn't like the thought of digging so close to a source of water; I expected him to complain every step of the way until he got back down into the drier depths where the ceiling wouldn't drip so ominously. It would be tedious cajoling him to continue.

"All the way down." I flipped through the maps. "This one spot passes directly down through a column of rock in all three cavern layers. There will be no risk of Forgotten Beasts or other dangers, just a straight drop all the way to the bottom of the magma sea. It will be a very short walk from the surface court to the top of the shaft; dig a passage wide enough for two dwarves to pass each other easily and the cleanup operation will be over extremely quickly."

Tekkud nodded, obviously pleased that he'd no longer be asked to walk up and down a hundred levels of spiral ramp all day long carrying trash. But he still seemed uncertain about the logistics of my plan. "It seems like we're going to be excavating an awful lot of rock for this. Won't that be just as much of a hauling ordeal?"

I shook my head, grinning. "No, that's the best part. You're digging a garbage-disposal shaft, right? So just let the rock you excavate fall into the shaft as you dig it out. Garbage disposed of, no need to haul it anywhere."

Tekkud blinked and then mirrored my grin with a manic glint. "Of course. Dwarven thinking!"

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When the shaft reached bottom I directed that a two-level-tall hallway be carved, so that it would only be half-filled with magma and thus the engineering more visible. I wasn't sure why I was concerned with improving the appearance of the site - I was sure that no visitor would ever come down there. At least, I was sure until I had the fortified magma inlet carved and heard report of the structure of the surrounding magma sea.

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Such a nice formation - a single isolated stalagmite of diggable rock descending all the way down to the depths. I'm sure I'll find some interesting use for the space down there at some point. Until then, though, the garbage-dumping resumes at a much faster pace. By the end of 521 most of the surface trash has been disposed of, with the remainder that was worth salvaging being brought below as the stockpiles in the deeps get their own scouring of low-quality crap to make room for it.

Meanwhile, there is more good news to report about Lower Battlefailed. The baby Stukos Mengbecor, daughter of the engraver Goden Zuntarsanreb, learned to walk. Goden and Stukos were immediately assigned to the designated "safe" zone, and unlike poor Deler they were close enough to make it there without Stukos stepping in anything unfortunate along the way. Stukos has now been living down there happily for over half a year. I believe this confirms that the dining hall, food stockpile, living quarters, and kitchens are all safe (Goden was assigned kitchen duty as well, so that she would have something to do once she'd finished smoothing the Safe Zone). More recently, Urist Shematak began to walk on her own - the daughter of Meng, who tragically lost her first child Rovod to my ill-conceived "cleaning troughs" (which I have since renamed "death troughs"). Urist and Stukos seem to be getting along well together, playing as children do. A donkey foal joined them, the first live animal birth in Battlefailed. The foal has been remaining close to its mother, who is still roped up in the quarantined clean room, but the mule I had released earlier is also still alive and staying in the dining hall so it may also survive once it matures to wander a bit farther afield.

I have had the cows unpacked from storage and roped up in the clean room next. It will be nice to get some fresh beef on the tables - we've subsisted on little other than Ancient-Corpse-Tallow Roasts and Poisoned-Forgotten-Beast meat for far too long.

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There have been no further goblin sieges, and the suicidal kobolds appear to have ceased coming as well - perhaps leaving in despair at the sight of the clean sandy fields outside of Battlefailed. We did receive a few minor goblin ambushers, however, and the marksdwarves' perch in the sprinkler head of FAILCANNON has proven to be an excellent sniping position indeed - especially when facing foes with no ranged weapons of their own. One particularly brutal example ensued, a goblin ambusher who was caught between the arrow-traps below and marksdwarves above:

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The wretched creature had no fewer than fifteen projectiles lodged in various parts of his body and still he kept twitching and crawling when bouts of consciousness returned to him. In the end, the marksdwarf Zon Evudkol felt enough pity for the thing that she climbed down from her perch and put it out of its misery with a single blow to the head.

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Well, either that or she just ran out of bolts to fire, or perhaps body parts to stick them through. I choose not to think about it further. Zon's scary.

Provided we remain vigilant it would seem that we're safe from surface attack for now. Though an Elven caravan and a pair of migrants were not so lucky, being caught in the open before reaching the safety of our poisonous gates.

As the year wore on I realized that my clothing was beginning to approach a "tattered" state. I would soon be retreating to the safe zone myself for a while, along with my fellow founding members, and there was one remaining mystery of Old Battlefailed that I wanted to get a look at before I faced the incredibly risky process of changing into a new suit of clothing. In Upper Battlefailed is a series of rough rooms carved from a magnetite deposit that appeared to have never been used for anything before being abandoned and flooded. At the end of a hallway there is a staircase leading down, which is still flooded. The staircase goes a long way down, in fact - too far to see even though the water is quite clear. Draining it will be a matter of digging a drainage passage to it far in the depths. I estimated where it likely passed near the Boneyards and had a passage carefully carved to meet it.

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Note the care I took to avoid disastrous floods in the event that the staircase had a reservoir above - by digging into the damp rock at an angle the pressure of the water's weight is defused, and the door serves as a further blockade. The Boneyards do have drainage via grates covering the remains of the old pump stack on the first cavern layer, but best not to rely on that if it's not needed.

And it wasn't needed. The brief glimpse the miner got when he breached the staircase revealed that we weren't close to our goal just yet. The staircase descended yet further down, around a landing, and to a mysterious chamber and hallway leading into darkness.

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I have planned out a route for digging out a deeper drainage tunnel all the way down to this mystery chamber. It's a race between my failing shoes and the miners now to see what secrets will be revealed before I have to retire.

Oh, and I shall end the year on another fortuitous note. The armorer Mafol Akrulsanreb got a secretive air about him, seized some bars of steel and other components, and produced an artifact set of steel greaves. The first thing I've commissioned from our new prodigy is a set of poison-proof steel high boots. Here's hoping I'll be able to get into them without touching the tatters of my old shoes in the process.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 05:22:59 pm by Bryan Derksen »

Bryan Derksen

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Re: Reclaiming Battlefailed
« Reply #38 on: February 03, 2011, 05:20:33 am »

Here's some saves. - Spring of 517, one year in, Upper Battlefailed is secure (if still a bit sparse) and Lower Battlefailed is accessible but untouched. The surface is still walled off. - Spring of 522, where my current narrative leaves off (actually, I haven't _quite_ breached that stairwell yet in this save - that happened just days into 522 and I decided to include it in 521's log to end on a nice cliffhanger. :) ) Everything's under control except for the cavern layers, which are mostly walled off. There's a couple of goblins on the surface, left over from an ambush that wiped out the most recent elven caravan. I'll be cleaning that up as soon as the stragglers leave. Mustn't let the place get cluttered again now that it's so tidy.


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Re: Reclaiming Battlefailed
« Reply #39 on: February 03, 2011, 11:31:39 am »


Urist Imiknorris

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Re: Reclaiming Battlefailed
« Reply #40 on: February 03, 2011, 11:54:31 am »

Quote from: LordSlowpoke
I don't know how it works. It does.
Quote from: Jim Groovester

Quote from: Cheeetar
If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!

Bryan Derksen

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Re: Reclaiming Battlefailed
« Reply #41 on: February 04, 2011, 10:40:36 pm »

Year 522

From the journal of Deler Cerolgim, bookkeeper

So, Tekkud and the other Founders have retreated to the "safe zone" for now, in anticipation of their protective clothing reaching its best-by date. The task falls to me to breach the mysterious flooded chamber that's been discovered underneath Upper Battlefailed. I'm not a very experienced miner but Kikrost assures me the plan is very simple and pretty much foolproof. Looking it over I have to agree; dig a staircase straight down from the Boneyards so that it passes near the flooded chamber, continuing down another floor and then out the side to drain into the giant lake filling the first cavern layer. A stoneworker accompanied me to help carve only a narrow Beast-proof drainage slot at the end of this tunnel. Then, once that's all done, strike the wall and as soon as the water starts flowing climb up a level to remain clear of it.

Ral Iddeduk, a bowyer who was a passing acquaintance of mine, told me this morning that he'd had a vision that night. He'd been peculiarly secretive about it and as I'd headed down here to dig he'd gone off to the workshops muttering under his breath. I wondered if he'd somehow known something about what I might find.

As I passed near the chamber's location the stone became damp, groaning quietly and sweating under the great pressure of the water. The flooded staircase leading down here was almost fifty flights tall so there was a lot of weight bearing down on it. But the path Kikrost had marked on the maps was indeed safe. I dug past it and soon enough the stoneworker and I were down in dry rock putting the finishing touches on the drain. I paused for a moment once it was done, peering out through the narrow fortification into the first cavern level. A steady low moan echoed through the vast space and at first I chalked it up to wind. But then the moan paused and I swore I could hear Aci draw a breath somewhere out there before it resumed. I shuddered and went back up to the part of the shaft with moistened walls to finish my work.

The oozing water had been filtered through several meters of porous rock and yet it still reeked, the fresh-hewn walls already showing unwholesome stains and streaks. I shook my head and grimaced. This wasn't going to be glamorous. I struck, my trusty pick biting into the rock and flaking away rough chunks. Eventually the wet sheen became beads, actively dripping, and then thin high-pressure sprays began trickling through cracks. Almost there...

The final blow sank the pick's head unexpectedly deep, and then it was immediately blasted back out of the divot it had made by the jet of dark water. The jet was mixed with gravel as it clawed at the edges of the hole. I scrambled backward and hurried up the stairs, exactly as I'd rehearsed over and over in my mind, and managed to beat the flood. I was drenched in the foul-smelling stuff but unlike Tekkud my clothing held firm; after surviving the poisons of Battlefailed a little stink wasn't going to bother me.

The torrent blasted through for some time as the stairwells above drained. Technically, my job here was done; there were masons up there who'd been waiting for that to start happening and were no doubt already following the water down bearing blocks of stone to patch up the exploratory shafts that had been dug earlier. But I waited for the initial surge to subside, the staircase's water column emptied and the immense pressure gone with it, and peered back down through the hole once an airspace finally appeared at the ceiling. I had to admit it; Kikrost's regret at not being able to be present for this discovery had piqued my own curiousity in no small measure.

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The passage beyond looked strange. Its walls were carved by tools, clearly, but it meandered in an aimless curving way that seemed unplanned. A mineshaft that had followed a vein of minerals, perhaps? No, from what I could see of the floor and ceiling there were no traces of minerals - just ordinary granite. Very strange.

The water was foul. Now that the stairs were empty the water was draining from the farther recesses of the twisty passage, and it bore with it the stench of decay. I was used to it, though - this would be far from the first flooded chamber packed with old corpses that I'd encountered here in Battlefailed. I started wading against the flow to get a better look around some of the corners, ready to flee if any skeletons roused themselves like that one terrible time in the magma works.

But there were no skeletons, no traces of any bodies. Just an oily sheen of rotten fat and pus on the surface of the water. I grimaced and forged ahead. What had died down here? Finally I spotted it. A huge, looming form half-submerged at the end of the twisty passage, curled up as if it had hidden itself away. It was some sort of giant lizard-like creature, and although it looked emaciated and its skin was glistening with rot it seemed basically intact. The great depth and stillness of the water must have preserved it somehow. I wrinkled my nose, hoping the butchers and cooks didn't get any ideas.

The water was deep and still no longer. The corpse shifted. I froze. Had it just been nudged by the flow? No. My heart started hammering harder as it stretched, rolling over onto its rotten paws. Disgusting fluids oozed from the network of scars that covered every part of its body. This was no corpse even though it looked more than halfway to that state. It was alive. It turned its eyeless head toward me and emitted a shuddering huff. A hurricane of dust blasted through the cavern's air.

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I, of course, ran screaming for the stairway. The creature followed in hot pursuit.

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"Forgotten Beast! Seal the Boneyards! Seal the Boneyards!" The Boneyards were the old marble mines, a series of regularly spaced narrow passages below Upper Battlefailed that served as a common frontier when dealing with threats like this. The masons were already hard at work on the task and frantically put the finishing touches on their barricades as I ran past. One of them, I couldn't remember his name, worked so quickly that he accidentally sealed himself into the stairwell with me. That meant that the only way out for us was the flooded stairway's original entrance, in the magnetite halls of Upper Battlefailed.

It was a long stairway and my mind was racing as fast as my feet. The beast had been down here all along while we'd been exploring and refurbishing Battlefailed, with free access to the fort at any time. The only thing that had kept it quiescent had been the enormous weight of water flooding the staircase. Had the previous inhabitants of Battlefailed trapped it there that way? Was that the reason why the magnetite halls had apparently been abandoned before they'd even been furnished?

Every provision had been made in Kikrost's plan to allow this chamber to drain safely. No provision had been made to stop it from draining.

As we approached the top of the stairway the mason and I began to falter. The beast behind us was tireless. This near the original surface of the water there had been some life in it, a scum of biofilm on the rocks, and it made the stairs slippery; the mason slipped and fell in a puddle. I grabbed his arm and helped him up. "We need to seal the stair behind us!"

"Can't... can't..." the mason panted. "It's too wide, and there's no raw stone nearby. No time!"

"Then we keep running. Upper Battlefailed has been lost before, maybe we can survive losing it again." I wasn't sure I really believed that; I knew that Upper Battlefailed would be relatively easy to seal off from Lower Battlefailed, but not from the surface. And once this creature was out there, how could it possibly be contained? We'd be trapped below.

We made it up to the magnetite hall and I grimaced. So appropriately, the useless space had been converted into yet another refuse stockpile; bones and skeletons were stacked everywhere. The huffing blasts of dust were coming right on my heels now and I knew my only hope was that it would pause to destroy some of the doors we'd installed for no reason other than a sense of neatness.

Then the creature stepped in the same puddle that the mason had slipped in.

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Whatever had happened to the beast in the lost history of Battlefailed had left terrible wounds, but only now did it falter. The poisons of Battlefailed seeped in easily through the skin of its ruined feet. By the time it reached the top of the stairs its legs were barely working at all and it began crawling through the mounds of refuse, the splintered bones tearing at its glistening skin and rupturing the blood-filled blisters swelling in it.

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Finally, the creature shuddered to a halt. Its breathing stilled, its dust settled, and it joined the rest of the corpses piled throughout the magnetite hall.

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Later, as I shakily returned to Lower Battlefailed for a much-needed drink, I heard a shout of triumph from the workshops. I detoured by to see the crowd of dwarves clustered around the bowyer's bench.

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Perhaps Armok is indeed telling us something.

From the journal of Kikrost Duralkosoth

We drained the upper part of the mystery chamber. There was a bit of excitement with some creature that had been lurking but Battlefailed poisoned it when it came out. Disappointingly, it seems to be just a random rough-hewn passage. There is a yet lower chamber that's still flooded, however, down a short flight of stairs. I've ordered a drainage pump built to see if there's anything more down there but I'm not expecting much at this point - perhaps this was just some sort of unfinished project started by one of the managers of Old Battlefailed.

Speaking of projects, I think the cleanup operations are in a very satisfying spot now - all of Lower Battlefailed is safe from poison and the clutter is being sorted and dumped efficiently. It's time for a few renovations to help settle us in here for good and assert our control over the caverns and surface beyond our walls. If this is where we're going to live, it's going to not just be livable, it's going to be nice.

Firstly, I'm going to have the magma works overhauled. There's floorspace down there for a lot more magma workshops than are currently installed, but the magma ducts will need to be re-dug to support them. For efficiency of operations we'll also need stockpile space down there for raw ore and other materials. For stockpiles, I'm directing that a second level be dug out directly above the forges; they'll be accessed by a series of nickel stairways directly between the workshops.

I've also had the fort go on a major door-installation push. Many doors had to be dismounted during the draining of Battlefailed, and many seem to have never been installed in the first place, but the masons have been busy and they'll be good for further compartmentalization of Battlefailed in the case of future disasters or flooding.

Many of the statues and workshops left over from old Battlefailed have items of trash (or even perhaps items of value) that the flowing floodwaters have wedged in to inaccessible locations. I'm having them removed and rebuilt.

We're in need of wood. While going over the maps planning out the drainage for the mystery chamber I noticed that the mystery bunker out on the northern beach has a ramp that leads directly down to the first cavern level. This should allow wood harvesting without risking exposing the fortress to the beasts that might be lurking elsewhere on that level. I've ordered that the bunker be refurbished with a drawbridge and roof to allow it to be sealed off completely as needed.

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Armok damn it! This thing showed up right where I was going to cut down trees, just minutes after I finished designating them all. Fortunately I'd already had a hatch cover built on the ramp in that bunker years ago, before I'd known where it led - because I didn't know where it led. So this beast will be locked underground while the bunker is properly finished up and sealed to prevent surface vandals from accidentally unleashing it.

Instead I'll have wood harvested from the northeastern corner of the third cavern layer. There are a couple of Forgotten Beasts lurking down on that layer too, but they're all non-flying living creatures so if they're disturbed they should die easily enough when they enter the stairway of death. Hopefully we won't lose many woodcutters or haulers in such a circumstance.

I've determined that there's just three ramp segments between the safe zone and the magma works that are still contaminated, I've ordered them rebuilt with fresh stone to expedite cleaning them. Then Safe Zone workers should be able to work the forges and furnaces too.

Meanwhile, digging out the new "attic" for the magmaworks has run into some odd difficulties. It seems that the stone in this area has an interesting history behind it. The miners reported discovering a tiny water-filled cavity in the obsidian with a full-grown still-living black-cap tree sealed inside. Another contained a goblin-cap. Elsewhere they encountered inexplicably warm walls. It seems that this area was at some point covered in magma and then doused with water to harden it, leaving pockets behind. How peculiar.

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Well, there are no visible connections to the magma sea or any other fluid sources, so these pockets shouldn't be all that big. I ordered an exploratory hole poked in one, as far from the stairs down as possible to give any flow time to dissipate.

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It looks like there was an old magma channel at the former ground level that got sealed over by the flooding. That's not so bad. In fact, the magma is doing some good up there - when the trees were dug out the spilled water washed some contaminants off of the miners and spread it around a little. This magma is cleaning some of it up. To get the rest I ordered the next section of the magmaduct to be breached as well.

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Damnit! What kind of engineering were those old Battlefaileders up to here, was this a magmaduct or an aqueduct? This unexpected deluge spread quite a bit of contaminant around. Ah well, the miners finished lancing the magma pockets and the rest of the mess can be cleaned up later once the magma fades away.

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That stairway at the north end of the last exposed section leads down into solid rock. Most peculiar.

Surprisingly, although the magma cleaned the poisons it flowed over, I have discovered that Longland flour and several other common substances are magma-safe. Who knew?

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Winter still remains of the year 522, but I don't anticipate much excitement now. The mysteries have been delved into, now all that remains is rearranging the furniture. New projects will be planned at the turn of 523.

Urist Imiknorris

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Re: Reclaiming Battlefailed
« Reply #42 on: February 05, 2011, 12:36:06 am »

Quote from: LordSlowpoke
I don't know how it works. It does.
Quote from: Jim Groovester

Quote from: Cheeetar
If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!

Bryan Derksen

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Re: Reclaiming Battlefailed
« Reply #43 on: February 05, 2011, 04:02:26 pm »

Year 522 - Winter

A few minor occurrences of note occurred in winter of 522:

A Forgotten Beast composed of mud appeared  right in the middle of the patch of trees we were harvesting on the third cavern level. Mud seems unlikely to be affected by Battlefailed's poison, so I ordered the lumberjacks back into Battlefailed and sealed the hatch in the Stairway of Death until such time as the beast moves somewhere else. We're now blocked from access to any cavern level.

The last chamber down the long flight of stairs from Upper Battlefailed has been pumped dry. As expected, there was nothing in it aside from rubble.

More kobold corpses appeared in the gatehouse. This could presage an attack.

The bottom of the old magmaduct uncovered by the digging in the magmaworks' "attic" had a lining of ashes. A burned silk mitten, pig tail hood, pig tail cloak, and an iron battleaxe was recovered. It seems likely that one of old Battlefailed's dwarves died here, but of course his or her name is lost to time. I've ordered a blank memorial slab erected on the location.

Another child began walking. He was halfway up the main spiral ramp at the time but successfully made it down to the "safe zone". Now that the safe zone's population is expanding with multiple mature dwarves along with the children, it's been expanded to encompass all of Lower Battlefailed - the workshops, the stockpiles, everything. Battlefailed is still a bit muddy but the poisons are now largely the exclusive domain of the surface (where rain washes it off of haulers and where the main gatehouse is awash in pools of the stuff from dead invaders), low-traffic parts of Upper Battlefailed, and the Stairway of Death entrance to the third cavern level (now blocked off).

I ordered that the now-unoccupied windmill platforms be removed from FAILCANNON, along with some of the extraneous staircases clinging to its sides. I've also had some pumps powered by a temporary windmill constructed to reclaim the short flooded passageway beneath FAILCANNON's base - if FAILCANNON is ever rebuilt to spray seawater again it should be done in a less haphazard manner, at least. These are just leftover bits of housekeeping for now, but I feel that next year may involve renovations to the surface facilities.

In the final days of 522 a goblin siege force arrived on the surface. Little activity was going on outside the gates so they were sealed out forthwith, along with the bunker on the north shore. They do not appear to have brought any bowgoblins or crossbowgoblins with them so next year's journal should open with a lovely rout of their forces by marksdwarves in the Sprinkler Head - already Stukos and Mistem have driven off a squad of swordsgoblins with their sniping, killing three and crippling four more. I've had the gate temporarily reopened to lure more goblin forces into crossbow range but the new year will come before they get close enough.

Now that Lower Battlefailed appears to be safe it's high time to get a full proper military force equipped; I'm consolidating all of the weapon and armor stockpiles down there to allow safe changing. This should take a few months of hauling so it won't have anything to do with the current siege, however.

Another bit of housekeeping for next year; the water level in Lower Battlefailed's well has been slowly dropping over time, indicating that whatever reservoir it's connected to is either finite or is filling more slowly than it's being used. I've not bothered exploring this much before but now that more dwarves are depending on it as their sole backup drinking source (the only other well is in Upper Battlefailed, supplied by an aquifer but in unsafe territory) it's time to look into this. There appears to be a manually-operated pump stack in the western edge of Lower Battlefailed that supplies this reservoir but I have a plan that goes beyond simply refilling the existing reservoir. More on this next year.

Our population is now 160 dwarves. I've designated a new level of apartments to be dug out directly above the existing apartment stacks, furnishing these will be one of next year's tasks. Temporary dorm space has been designated in the old arena.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Reclaiming Battlefailed
« Reply #44 on: February 05, 2011, 04:09:06 pm »

How exactly did the FB look like? I'm in a drawing mood right now^^
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