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Author Topic: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)  (Read 427446 times)

Tyrant Leviathan

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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #3345 on: September 15, 2018, 09:03:20 pm »

Well October is around the corner meaning Halloween. I decided to share five monster plots to kick things off prior to the holiday.

1: Id: The Rising: It’s a multi player rp where God has casted judgement on the world and as remaining humans in a city your changed. As forces of Chaos, Order, and surviving humanity. The players for some reason can tap into super natural power becoming akin to Devil Man, but many more options.

2: Pillar People: Here at dawn of humanity a small community of people were changed forever in contact with a strange alien Pillar. They are imaging and gain other super natural powers as they exist through the centuries blending in until now. Any time in time line can be scenes, currently some of them came up with a plan to rule the Humans with politics.
( can be multi or single player style with voting.)

3: Inhuman, The Hunger:  Here be a human being mutated by mystery dust when a earyhquake launched that stuff into the air. Now your a shape shifting monster that has to feed on fresh flesh on occasion ( dubbed meat sickness) the best bet, is another human being as it recovers the blood for longest time (as your human so genomes bond longer) sure can eat other stuff, but in more amounts for some weird reason, and have Evolution based powers. ( single player with suggestion votes.)

4: Fathoms: Here you thought you were normal, but your not. Your related to the primordial. Creatures that walked land and swam in the water. Humanity’s aquatic origin path and now the sea is calling you home. ( most likely like 3.)

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #3346 on: October 28, 2018, 06:08:28 am »

Toying with a You are Mad Scientists game inspired by Girl Genius and whatnot. Players take on the role of mad geniuses with the Spark of Creation, seeking to impose their will upon a world threatened by the excesses of mad science. Will you be a bulwark against chaos and war, or the visionary who gives civilization that final push into the darkness? A scientist seeking ways to new worlds or a conqueror bent on subjugating the dim masses under their enlightened rule? Will you serve, or be served?

I'm using some unholy amalgamation of the RTD rules and Blades in the Dark's system for this. This is still a bit under construction, but anyway. The RTD system is perfect for the volatile and dangerous nature of Mad Science! - indeed, I ran an RTD on that same premise way back in 2010 here. Without going into the specifics, the system leans towards success in actions, usually a success with consequences. Mad Science! is not a clean and reliable method, after all. Your inventions and unholy creations are largely abstracted, governed by their Potency and their Tags - descriptors which help me adjudicate actions when relevant. You could have the Tag of Fire for your scorch gun and have greater effect when burning down a wooden clockwork army, for example. They're just there to help, and I might play in any logical effects from your inventions even if they're not represented by a defined Tag, too. Living creations additionally have a Loyalty and Intellect stat.

Based on their creation, inventions may also get various Quirks and Flaws, so they may not end up just as you intended them. Your death ray might become a death sword instead, or your coal-chugging monstrosity ends up powered by thoughts. The Overshot result inherent to the RTD system ensures that things can go horribly right, as well - perhaps you conjure up a doom machine to destroy a rude small town, but it becomes powerful enough to destroy the entire valley instead! Or maybe your new robotic servant proves so intelligent it takes over your lab and completely supplants you!

Your Genius gets a few traits in character creation: Strong Spark, increasing Potency across the board, Radiant Spark, helping you gain minions and increasing Loyalty, Volatile Spark, making the Flaws of your creations even worse, Unique Spark, ensuring your creations cannot be replicated or mass produced, and so forth.

The setting is our own, but with a point of divergence somewhere in the 1600s - resulting in a much changed world by the game's time of the 1800s. It's not quite as broken and dangerous as the one in Girl Genius, mind, with plenty of old states still recognizable and existing... for now, at least. Powerful states offer a new Genius funding, materials and support, so there's plenty of incentive to go into their service... but, then again, don't you deserve a mad empire of your own that'll finally show those fools at the university the true heights of your genius? And they called you mad! Mad!

Thoughts, interest?
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #3347 on: October 28, 2018, 06:36:06 am »

Would it lean more towards roleplay, or more towards rolls and actions?
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Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #3348 on: October 28, 2018, 07:11:12 am »

Would it lean more towards roleplay, or more towards rolls and actions?

I mean, ideally, a mix of both - but this isn't a freeform RP or anything, rolls and actions play a central role. There might be long RP parts where you simply interact with one another or the world (gloat to NPC prisoners, hatch plans of world domination together, that sort of thing), but there'll be a framework of mechanical Months/Turns and specific actions that you can take beside that. I'm not going to force anyone to RP if they simply want to roll inventions and see what kind of destruction they can unleash, but it is encouraged.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #3349 on: October 28, 2018, 06:04:09 pm »

I'm always down for showing those fools at the academy where true greatness lies.

Not as fond of mundane alt history, but I'm sure interesting things can be done with it.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

Tyrant Leviathan

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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #3350 on: October 28, 2018, 07:17:13 pm »

Been thinking back on my comic book/manga idea as there is a game of video game creating. Either comics or manga, money stuff, actions and stat skills/perks for the characters. And yes die roll results. Along with actual genres to chooose from.

( Either as one big SG or multiplayer.)

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #3351 on: October 29, 2018, 06:25:52 am »

Not as fond of mundane alt history, but I'm sure interesting things can be done with it.

What would you prefer, out of curiosity? What’s lacking in ’mundane’ alt history? I sorta question the term in this case, since we’re talking two centuries of Mad Science! in the mix.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #3352 on: October 29, 2018, 10:51:00 am »

Excuse me, but 'mundane' alt history is best :V

Persians with thunderviziers! Ottomans with steamguns! Polish with Mechahussars! British with bomber-baloons! Let's go wiiiild~
Quote from: Draignean@Spamkingdom+
Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
Quote from: mightymushroom@Spamkingdom#
Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #3353 on: October 29, 2018, 04:12:18 pm »

Not as fond of mundane alt history, but I'm sure interesting things can be done with it.

What would you prefer, out of curiosity? What’s lacking in ’mundane’ alt history? I sorta question the term in this case, since we’re talking two centuries of Mad Science! in the mix.
Magitech and vile sorcery, for the most part.

I'm sure alt history is great if you've got really specific views on 1600s France and its associated evil clone, but otherwise it just feels like using a poorly thought out setting instead of inventing a more appropriate one. The 'mundane' part comes from my other gripe, which is the implication that the world was perfectly mundane until Otto von Machtvalt's revolutionary invention of inventing things while insane in 1602, which saw widespread replacement of standard cavalry charges with shock-staff equipped pangolinmen air drops.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

Tyrant Leviathan

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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #3354 on: October 29, 2018, 04:50:21 pm »

I love the idea of animal/human shock Tripp’s wielding sci fi Weapons. ( just not annoying kawaii cat girls though.$


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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #3355 on: October 29, 2018, 07:27:31 pm »

I suppose it's relative, but I also agree that I wouldn't consider Girl Genius "mundane" alt-hist at all.  It's utterly fantastical alt-hist, and unabashedly proud of it: the undersea ruins of Great Britain in a giant crater that used to be England ruled by an Undying Queen; the free city of Paris ruled by Voltaire, the last-living and once-youngest contemporary of the legendary Valois Storm King; the Polar Lords of Scandinavia riding ice-wyverns into battle; a lost land of Amazons also once ruled by an Undying Queen; the Pax Transylvania, an iron empire ruled by a Baron who aspires to no higher rank and whose unofficial ruling style boils down to "Don't make me come over there"; and of course, the mad Heterodynes of a not-so-small castle in Transylvania.  For mundane alt-hist, I'd expect it to be more rooted in the real world we know.


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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #3356 on: October 29, 2018, 07:29:54 pm »

Hey. Got a game. It definitely has room for improvement, what would you suggest?

Tyrant Leviathan

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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #3357 on: November 05, 2018, 06:22:26 pm »

Well I am in a strategy war game now, and doing game making rpg.

Anyone feel up to comic book/manga game? Where we are creative company making this stuff? Ah hell just might post it anyway.


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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #3358 on: November 13, 2018, 03:14:14 pm »

I have an idea for a game where you are the head of government.
The small African nation of X, a place so remote, people struggle to find it with a map and both hands.
So important that it's not even a foot note in history, and so your ignored by the world at large.
Some where next to Nambia, south of Zangaro , and north of the twin warring states of the Republic of bongo, and the People' Democratic Republic of Bongo.
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

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Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #3359 on: November 15, 2018, 08:47:54 pm »

aaaaa why did i not keep any notes aaaaa IB12WAF5 is going to be delayed by a long time thanks to this and I might forget it again like a moron aaaaa why is this game so complex so many variables aaaaa help me aaaaa
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