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A new drunken world is imminent. Should we try a modded world?

I am small and neutral, like Switzerland

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Author Topic: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! [We Hath Become Death, the Destroyers of Worlds]  (Read 1208227 times)


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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!![Brave New World: Hey Urist, Watch This!]
« Reply #1800 on: July 19, 2013, 04:22:10 pm »

now gimma the daeve!


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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!![Brave New World: Hey Urist, Watch This!]
« Reply #1801 on: July 19, 2013, 04:24:10 pm »

ack just noticed scruffy, maybe he's the reason i cant get this to work

Danm veterans...
Yes, just blame the poor ol' Scruff'  ;)

btw scruffy, if you from amsterdam, we need to drink more beer! :)
I have quite enough. 10l of homewine  but it has not matured yet and 25l canister of strawberry wine nearly ready for aging a few months.

quotesa are hard, but is this drink iaround ? i mean where is it and stuff. ( not lookijnhgat the screen whikletyping help i think)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!![Brave New World: Hey Urist, Watch This!]
« Reply #1802 on: July 19, 2013, 04:27:59 pm »

and case tour turn migh be conde soon , i stil havent managed to get this to work , so i might be druk afterall
(so typos seem to indicate so evn to myself)
(already starting to ytpe to motepad i think for monrnig greatsuccespost, hopefully sowhatlegibily


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!![Brave New World: Hey Urist, Watch This!]
« Reply #1803 on: July 19, 2013, 04:29:44 pm »

case i'm gonna have a turn i'm using this (with spelling correction) fro reference of people to dwarf)

i think i got the old garde names here gonna look a fex pages back for recent dwarf
(recent might get preverence if i feel like it!)
Clover Magic

recent posters:

dolwin (isnt he olg gaurd?)

LIFE!!! (he's here now, mervy on his beard!)
scrufffy tooo
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 05:22:19 pm by bragos »


  • Bay Watcher
  • !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! Come smell the ashes
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!![Brave New World: Hey Urist, Watch This!]
« Reply #1804 on: July 19, 2013, 04:47:36 pm »

Oh, I think that I will be finished in a bit over an hour so you can start your turn if you are still up
The weredwarf Urist McUrist has come! A bearded drunkard twisted into minute form. It is crazed for booze and socks. Its unwashed beard is tangled. It needs alcohol to get through the working day and has gone without a drink for far too long. Now you will know why you fear the mines.

Et tu, Urist


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!![Brave New World: Hey Urist, Watch This!]
« Reply #1805 on: July 19, 2013, 04:51:14 pm »

that should hopefully work if i dont fall asleep.
(havent got the save to work yet anyway)
(is it an actual save?)

will take one or two more drinks in the mean time (not as drunk as my typing suggests). (typing without backspace is horrible for my) (doing that in notepad not here for efficiencies sake)
(and because i think i'm not thatdrunk yet (debatable)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!![Brave New World: Hey Urist, Watch This!]
« Reply #1806 on: July 19, 2013, 05:04:26 pm »

if there is anyone sober out there, plz elaborate how to get the save working (i was expecting copy the folder into /data/saves/whatever-the-fort-is-callled byt this doesnt seem to work (on the version from page 119 form sineflora)


  • Bay Watcher
  • !!DRUNK FORTRESS!! Come smell the ashes
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!![Brave New World: Hey Urist, Watch This!]
« Reply #1807 on: July 19, 2013, 05:12:27 pm »

if there is anyone sober out there, plz elaborate how to get the save working (i was expecting copy the folder into /data/saves/whatever-the-fort-is-callled byt this doesnt seem to work (on the version from page 119 form sineflora)
1,Download the asave
2. Unpack it. Take the folder folder containing hte files (some programs create an extra folder with the name of the .rar)
place it in the saves

The weredwarf Urist McUrist has come! A bearded drunkard twisted into minute form. It is crazed for booze and socks. Its unwashed beard is tangled. It needs alcohol to get through the working day and has gone without a drink for far too long. Now you will know why you fear the mines.

Et tu, Urist


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!![Brave New World: Hey Urist, Watch This!]
« Reply #1808 on: July 19, 2013, 05:16:15 pm »

What the balls.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!![Brave New World: Hey Urist, Watch This!]
« Reply #1809 on: July 19, 2013, 05:19:38 pm »

if there is anyone sober out there, plz elaborate how to get the save working (i was expecting copy the folder into /data/saves/whatever-the-fort-is-callled byt this doesnt seem to work (on the version from page 119 form sineflora)
1,Download the asave
2. Unpack it. Take the folder folder containing hte files (some programs create an extra folder with the name of the .rar)
place it in the saves



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!![Brave New World: Hey Urist, Watch This!]
« Reply #1810 on: July 19, 2013, 05:21:08 pm »

What the balls.

we have live life? guest! i will at you to to list if unforntunatlyes (dwarfs)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!![Brave New World: Hey Urist, Watch This!]
« Reply #1811 on: July 19, 2013, 05:24:20 pm »

C&P from notepad:
(backgorund musci should be waiting for the miracel by leonard cohen, or ofcourse the futuere (i have seen the future baby , it is murcder)

ok fro this here document i will stop correcting my spellung(i didnt even look at the creen for this one!)
art, trying to get a dowload working but i think bo nove a dong a tunr sio lets startn with introduction stuff in hopes of geetiggn a trun.

(btm is quite hard not to correct spelling since  i cant type for shite even when sobe,r (ececpt for when i type that i cant type it seems,,,,,(


m,e bragos,

i tink siqou told me about this game mayny yeats ago but not sure (i should do s drunk fff with him imho, but thin should happen anyway tha (tha is not a bvord i maind and) siqyuo is on holiday so lets see how this goed.

(My spelling is looks much worst dhen i think in currently drink(

(looking at hus htyping am doing it is very hard not do tuse backspance( ecteremeyly hard))(damn i,n nit really this drunk (imho)(many clising patentisis))(()__()((()))))) (bloodu keyboards)/

anyway on to what u was trinking....
its now 23:39 local time and i';,,m pretty sure i dint start sr drinking befiro 17:59 so i cant have had tom amy beers yet (again nopt auitocorrecting... i mean spelling is hard...)...
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

(thos looks so much more drunk then i think a am. ) anyway prolly 10 berr (juplier --<-- damn ho do i indicate mistakes in typ[ing...?

--- afterwrok:
beer: grosch (Grolschl) i mean Grolsch. this is the best dutch beer i think (or one of any way). o thik about 3 art work.
then pub at corner from work paid 20 eur byt wes bore then needded soe -- ie tup etc so is guess 5 'vaasje' maybe 6 jupiler pils. a(also good puisener beer). then beerpub and there 50eur for 'gollem blond' + chees but for 3.
so i recon 4 maybe b5 gollem blonkd.
(again i look much mrire000---striketrough--- drunjk then i rthink i actualy am so more drinks must by consumed,

(chcecking Bay12 becasue scruffy uis stealing by turn)
At this pont it seems like i have one hour (scruffies plan) before i can get a trun.
so the drinks ahead....
not sore if i can somehww how* get a picture but ut will bprolly be mostely sttrong liqyoutr.
i know i have about one unti of balvenie double eoal *aok **oak wich i will go fisnish now (berb)

made a picture, not sure if it will get uplaoded (dunno how atm) but the stock is shown.
i have very little whisky *Whiskey& left (about 1 unti it seems). plenty of rum (including 20year old cuban wich i shoulldnt drin now)(bot 1l 3year havana club expecial should fix any troubles with insufficient alcohol) (thos i prolly go --- nm,)...

i remember agian wi i hate shoval *shivas ... thiey got sone stupid kid lico system wich m,akes the bottle very hard to operate as a drunk
(damn soper peopelE) (why are the sober people on the marketing os a whiskley brand anayway)>?

abotu this time i just made the list of dorfs which are fro *for myh part complete enoug of peaple the be dwadrfed. scruffie is stull on his trin *tunr **turn so the only thing i can do atm is drink and plan,...

drinking: lest bits of chivas and balvenie/.
plannnign: catterfalls.....
or something...
 ibeleve it will be nesccary to show out common folk the lesseons of gravinty and floors. so i intend to construck a daeae--- dwarfen* liveingroom with widows.
thiese windos willolsource be underground and/but have the wie of a very common floor. this floor hsould however be separated with many z levels of falling goblin etc..

evry falling cgopblin shoould at to the co-- * decorum wich shoall be named * -the persistence of goblin(-guts)- *
(damn use backspace etc dthere (so harn not to do that)

go sccrugguie go!
« Last Edit: July 20, 2013, 06:01:37 am by bragos »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!![Brave New World: Hey Urist, Watch This!]
« Reply #1812 on: July 19, 2013, 05:25:35 pm »



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Re: !!DRUNK FORTRESS!![Brave New World: Hey Urist, Watch This!]
« Reply #1813 on: July 19, 2013, 05:29:16 pm »

"take the only tree that left... " (preferably sell it to elfs)

and when they said repent..
i wondered what they meant
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