Nope, you were right DarkDXZ. Done in REXPaint. (Creating an image like this in the original game would've taken forever by comparison.) The only thing you see that REXPaint can't do is two different font sizes--I could've implemented it, but it might've been confusing, and not altogether that useful anyway. For this image I just created two different .xp files using different fonts, one for the map and the other for the UI, and combined the exports in Photoshop.
I noticed a few days back that you were using REXPaint for your forum games since you linked to the blog. That's a really nice idea; hopefully it catches on
With the friendlies/allies, would they be autonomous or are your plans for all to move together, (like a squad)?
Itching to build a mass of pests and just set them free to explore a level and engage everything they find.
You'll be happy to know that is exactly what I'm thinking. They'll be autonomous and you issue instructions like "follow me," "defend this area," "attack my target," "collect parts and bring them to me," "escort X," "move to X and wait," "excavate here," "build a wall here"... Obviously available instructions depend on what they're capable of actually doing.
It will be difficult to build up a large number of allies since the greater your presence and impact on the area, the more enemies you'll attract and easier it will be to find you. We'll see how it balances out.
Can't wait to try this new version of Cogmind.
Since I haven't started yet (and it's being written from scratch again), it'll be a while. (Not an "X@COM while" mind you--a more reasonable while than that.)