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fire emblem: waifu roulette
- 2 (16.7%)
fire emblem: fates except with even more weird gimmicks
- 5 (41.7%)
fire emblem: who even knows
- 5 (41.7%)

Total Members Voted: 12

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Author Topic: Fire Emblem: Watch the Fire Emblem Direct for old game annoucements!  (Read 98376 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fire Emblem: Watch the Fire Emblem Direct for old game annoucements!
« Reply #1020 on: May 21, 2017, 12:29:26 pm »

Hold up, the new one's out?

...fugging Gamestop didn't call me despite my pre-order.
I mean
Gamestop is notorious for being crap about pre-orders.
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
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<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Watch the Fire Emblem Direct for old game annoucements!
« Reply #1021 on: May 21, 2017, 06:41:54 pm »

Holy crap is there just so much more effort placed into the level design in Conquest's Lunatic Mode than Birthright's. There's chapters in BR that are not even noticeably changed, except maybe for slightly tougher enemies; whereas in Conquest there's both more and better enemies with skills that completely change the nature of encounters. They mix in units that are counters to your counters so strats that worked on Hard are just so much more difficult, the AI is just better in subtle ways and makes better decisions which actually trips me up because I'm so often expecting the AI to brainlessly attack but it actually uses strategies. I mean, the AI still does some incomprehensible shit that just makes me go "B... But why?..." but it's definitely better. I'm disappointed that they didn't program more advanced techniques for the AI, like pairing or unpairing units as the need arises, or trading items or transferring paired units, but if they did and the AI suddenly whipped out a sick transfer strat to surprise me with a heavy hit from downtown, well I'd probably shit my pants.

I just got going again on Conquest after finally grinding love points to get Effie married and change her into a Spear Fighter. That let me sidestep a guy with a hammer who'd have otherwise wrecked my shit. Man is EFfie just the best, her speed stat just skyrocketed after class changing, and she stomped the penultimate room of chapter 11 by dodge-tanking the heavy hitters in that room. I was prepared to burn a rescue staff usage and everything but nope Effie's like "I got dis." The humiliation curbstomp on Hinoka's butt buddies was just icing on the cake.

Then Macarath, which is one of the few gimmick maps I actually kinda like. This is a great example of the designers changing the level to make it more difficult. There's more and differently arranged pots, and they moved the dragon vein so now it's in a REALLY compromising position. First try I wasted so much time trying to figure out how to tackle Ryoma's pillow fort that I lost by time out. Second try I knew how so I was hauling ass across the map, but then it was a matter of trying to both beat Ryoma and get the chests, which led to one of those rare, awesome FE moments that will stick with me forever: I had Ryoma cornered, Effie was just solo beating the shit out of him, but I was getting cornered myself by the backup archers and I needed to grab the chests and end the stage. Everything was really awkwardly arranged however, in that there was a new poison pot blocking the room that the chest was in. Now, all the pots' effects are set, so they can be memorized, but I naturally never destroyed this one before so I don't know what was in it. There was a hurried shuffling of my units to get them all arranged so I could grab the chests and then immediately kill Ryoma, so I had nearly all my units gathered around it thinking "Ehhhh how bad could it be?" and it turns out: really bad. The pot froze Felicia, who as holding Kaze, who I needed to open the chest, and not the room was open and ninjas would be pouring out to fuck my shit up on the next turn so I needed to end it that turn. I had to stop and just stare at the screen for like 10 minutes to see if there was a way to somehow salvage my plan, and the best I could come up with was to unpair kaze, dance him, get him over to get the chest (containing an armorslayer), and then leave the killing of Ryoma to Odin, now a samurai, to throw an umbrella at him to finish off his last 3 hp. I was extremely apprehensively about it, since vantage would activate and Ryoma could one shot Odin, so it all bowled down to Odin's evasion. Lo and behold, Odin dodges the fateful dodge, throws a cross-court three pointer, and wins the game. I'm so apt to cut Odin from the team when I need to, but you know what Odin? You're on the team buddy.

I complain about the game alot, but this is definitely the love part of the love-hate relationship.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fire Emblem: Watch the Fire Emblem Direct for old game annoucements!
« Reply #1022 on: May 21, 2017, 10:38:11 pm »

If anyone here plays Crusader Kings, you might be interested in knowing that someone is making a Fire Emblem 7 mod for CKII.
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Re: Fire Emblem: Watch the Fire Emblem Direct for old game annoucements!
« Reply #1023 on: May 22, 2017, 10:51:13 am »

If anyone here plays Crusader Kings, you might be interested in knowing that someone is making a Fire Emblem 7 mod for CKII.
Crystalline (SG)
Quote from: RedKing
It's known as the Oppai-Kaiju effect. The islands of Japan generate a sort anti-gravity field, which allows breasts to behave as if in microgravity. It's also what allows Godzilla and friends to become 50 stories tall, and lets ninjas run up the side of a skyscraper.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Watch the Fire Emblem Direct for old game annoucements!
« Reply #1024 on: May 28, 2017, 06:10:34 pm »

All right, I just got into Act 4 of Shadows of Valentia and I'm back to leave some commentary. There's a decent amount of text, but it gets harder to read when spoilered, so I'm just gonna leave it unless somebody is opposed.

Within the following comments are maybe some really minor support conversation and map spoilers that don't matter much. Read at your own (extremely low) risk.

Act 3 was a mixed bag. There were some really awesome maps, one in particular with a time-limit aspect that forced me to be really aggressive. It got super intense near the end, and the close victory I earned was definitely one of the sweetest I've experienced in any Fire Emblem game.

Like I mentioned though, mixed. Some of the maps in Act 3 were painful, I'm not gonna lie. Mainly because sand. When most of your units move on foot and the ones that don't are relatively vulnerable, sand is just AWFUL. It led to some really slow, really annoying maps that I would rather not play again.

It's not all bad, though. Most of the maps without sand operate just fine, though none are particularly memorable. Act 3 also has its fair share of new characters, and every single one that joins you is a treat. Again, voice acting REALLY makes the difference in this game. Without it, I might have been vaguely interested in the story, but thanks to continuously stellar voice work, I've found I'm still totally invested.

Which brings me to support conversations. With very few exceptions, they're all excellent. Shorter, but fully voiced, and just... good. You know how in a lot of previous Fire Emblem games, most notably the trope-overloaded Awakening and Fates, characters felt pretty flat and support conversations were basically just two characters throwing their stereotypes at each other? Yeah, no more of that. The characters in SoV actually feel like people, and the support conversations actually feel like they're developing real relationships. I especially love the tension between Gray and Tobin as they both pine after Clair, who has her own great conversations with Gray as he (for the most part unsuccessfully) pursues her.

Also, this game has voiced post-battle mourning quotes if characters with strong relationships die. And they're heartbreaking. Just gonna throw that out there.
Yes, I listened to them all, and yes, I am in great amounts of emotional pain.

To close, I'd like to discuss Mila's Turnwheel (also known as the rewinding mechanic) and how I cannot overstate how wonderful it is. Instead of having to restart a whole battle because I screwed up at some point in the middle or end, I can now rewind time a turn or two to rethink my strategy. A lot of hardcore fans out there might disagree with its inclusion, but as someone who really hates the insane amount of time that can be wasted on a single fatal mistake in Fire Emblem, the turnwheel is an absolute godsend. Literally. Like, Mila is a goddess and it's her turnwheel. Haha. Me funny.

tl;dr - Despite some annoyances, I'm having a good time.

I'll probably leave another comment when I finish the game to address the things I didn't cover here, like weapon forging and combat arts.

Or maybe I'll forget to talk about those things and just come back to fanboy about my favorite characters.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Watch the Fire Emblem Direct for old game annoucements!
« Reply #1025 on: May 28, 2017, 09:04:13 pm »

Use Mila's Turnwheel at your own risk, however. I have noticed that it seems to re-seed the RNG when you roll back, which can lead to actions you take working out radically differently than they did the first time around. I've had attacks that previously hit miss, or attacks that crit suddenly not crit (and thus leave an extra enemy alive for me to deal with).

Luckily for the player, if you use up your rewinds and still find yourself in a dire situation, you usually have the option to retreat mid-battle (except in a dungeon). Retreating allows your characters to keep the experience they gained up to that point, and when you come back to try again most (all?) of the enemies you killed previously will still be gone. Reinforcements on the world map are a thing that happens, however, so you probably don't want to rely on that too much.

A note to anyone who hasn't started yet: play on Hard. Aside from the occasional tactical retreat, I really haven't had that much trouble with the story battles at all.
Except for Arcanists. Those guys can go jump off a cliff. But for the most part Hard mode is quite doable even for those who aren't super-great at tactics in general or Fire Emblem in particular.
Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

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Re: Fire Emblem: Watch the Fire Emblem Direct for old game annoucements!
« Reply #1026 on: June 03, 2017, 09:07:24 am »

Finally got through chapter 20 and 21 in conquest lunatic. 20 was a BITCH. I didn't count but I was probably over two dozen attempts when I finally beat it. The gimmick makes planning ahead so hard it's nuts. I did pretty much every paralogue I could just to avoid the chapter as long as possible.

An interesting thing is I paired swordmaster Odin with azure and got Ophelia and Shigure with astra. They're both monsters I love'em.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Watch the Fire Emblem Direct for old game annoucements!
« Reply #1027 on: June 08, 2017, 04:39:42 pm »

I'm back, having finally gotten around to finishing Shadows of Valentia. This post will mainly be overall thoughts on the game and its unique(ish) mechanics rather than a focus on the last act.


Dunno how much anyone cares about a second opinion from some random guy on forums (considering we have how many review sources nowadays?) but for what it's worth, the game was overall very enjoyable. Again (and it feels like I've said it about a hundred times at this point) the fantastic voice acting really hammers it home. If this game was just text with voice clips thrown in like the last two games (I consider Fates one game) I would probably think it was just an okay experience.

The story WAS predictable, not to mention very straightforward. But eh. It still felt pretty epic to me; it was more like a brief part of the history of a continent that you get to play through than a story that you read to be surprised by the twists and turns. The fun characters made it worth the while... except Celica. Dunno. Maybe others will like her, but I sure as heck felt like she was boring. Alm is similarly straightforward and possesses all the heroic archetypes you'd expect of a main character, but he has this whole ex-farmboy thing combined with a headstrong attitude that makes him a bit more interesting than Celica and her "save Mila, save the world, sacrifice myself for the greater good" shtick.

I've heard some people complain about Weapon Arts being useless except for particular ones like Double Lion (an Alm-only art that allows him to double attack automatically with the brave effect). Granted, Double Lion is a very powerful art that I used a lot, but I used the other ones often, too. Most arts have a low enough HP cost that it's worth using them for the extra damage and accuracy to finish off enemies with a single strike.

Forging is... okay. It's really cool to upgrade your favorite weapons, and the system is well-implemented, but you'll never be able to forge everything you want to by the time the game's main campaign is over unless you're prepared to grind for ages. Grinding gold marks, while it is possible, takes too damn long without the game's DLC, which bothers me immensely. The silver lining is you won't really need to max forge things to be able to beat the game, given you're decent at strategy, so the DLC feels more like, "Hey, if you really want to make everything and everybody crazy overpowered, this is for you. Otherwise, just play like a normal person and you'll be fine."

The maps in this game were definitely lackluster compared to a lot of the maps in more recent titles. Sand is awful. Mass-spawning enemies are pretty annoying. Swamps are annoying. But I do feel like the game generally gives you the tools you need to get through these maps (pegasus knights, archers, warp), so it's not like you're expected to do the impossible.

Also, I love warp. What a wonderful movement option and another great way for clerics to support the party. Dropping a glass cannon directly on top of a zombie-summoning boss to oneshot him and disintegrate all his zombies is awesome. I hope this spell makes a return in future games.





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Re: Fire Emblem: Watch the Fire Emblem Direct for old game annoucements!
« Reply #1028 on: June 17, 2017, 08:54:47 pm »

Just finished Act One of Shadows of Valentia. Liking it so far.

Spoiler: Unsolicited Opinions (click to show/hide)
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Re: Fire Emblem: Watch the Fire Emblem Direct for old game annoucements!
« Reply #1029 on: June 17, 2017, 09:48:06 pm »

"Destrier" has nothing to do with SoIaF  :-\
It's an old term for a particular style of warhorse, the kind that armored knights would ride in battle in the Middle Ages.

Can't speak as to "man grown", that's a new one for me.
Quote from: Max White
And lo! Sirus did drive his mighty party truck unto Vegas, and it was good.

Star Wars: Age of Rebellion OOC Thread

Shadow of the Demon Lord - OOC Thread - IC Thread


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Re: Fire Emblem: Watch the Fire Emblem Direct for old game annoucements!
« Reply #1030 on: June 18, 2017, 12:47:11 pm »

On Act III now. Scratch my entire last paragraph :P
"Destrier" has nothing to do with SoIaF  :-\
It's an old term for a particular style of warhorse, the kind that armored knights would ride in battle in the Middle Ages.

Can't speak as to "man grown", that's a new one for me.
I know what "destrier" means, of course; rather, the diction and choice of words here and there, particularly among the noble characters, just reminds me of GoT. Might just be the constant references to "the Mother" that made me think of it in the first place :P
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Re: Fire Emblem: Watch the Fire Emblem Direct for old game annoucements!
« Reply #1031 on: June 18, 2017, 07:23:11 pm »

In other news, Fates!Anna killed Inigo's father. Prepare to die.
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Re: Fire Emblem: Watch the Fire Emblem Direct for old game annoucements!
« Reply #1032 on: June 18, 2017, 07:27:48 pm »

the entire top half of her pointer finger is nail and this is what you point out
Black lives matter.


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Re: Fire Emblem: Watch the Fire Emblem Direct for old game annoucements!
« Reply #1033 on: June 22, 2017, 05:10:35 pm »

If any of you guys are interested, Kyle McCarley and Erica Lindbeck, the voices of Alm and Celica respectively, are streaming Echoes at 10 PM EST tonight.
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Re: Fire Emblem: Watch the Fire Emblem Direct for old game annoucements!
« Reply #1034 on: November 04, 2017, 11:52:45 pm »

Bumping the topic to wonder if anyone else picked up Fire Emblem Warriors. I got it about a week ago, finished it the other day, and am now working on History Mode in bursts.

Spoiler: Review of sorts (click to show/hide)
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