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Author Topic: Tribulations in Magic: The cavalry is... still preparing.  (Read 317870 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Because science wasn't mad enough. YET.
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: We are back!
« Reply #1470 on: September 05, 2014, 11:38:08 pm »

Huzzah! I can now create Intelligence out of thin air! Internet HERE I COME!

"It's ok my planky fellow, welcome to life! Of all the places to come into being and be self aware this... isn't the best, but you can come along with me if you like! I have died less than others I've seen!"

If Planky wishes to join me on my adventures, find a way to grab him, or nudge him up against a nearby wall or something. Carefully.

"YO! PEOPLE! Anyone have the word for a humanoid shape? I'm willing to trade. Considering I know all words on red page (but two only ID'd as "hostile forms", otherwise good) perhaps it might be worth your while... :D"

But screw it nobody tames a murderbear without taking risks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: We are back!
« Reply #1471 on: September 06, 2014, 02:09:30 am »

Yay for experiments.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
  • They see me rollin' they savin'~
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: We are back!
« Reply #1472 on: September 07, 2014, 02:20:51 pm »

Further testing is required.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Telepath bunnies! Talking planks!
« Reply #1473 on: September 08, 2014, 08:25:36 am »

Turn 064

There goes the neighborhood.

"We seem to be making no progress!"

Hammer.  Knee.  Snap crackle pop.

"Lets try something slightly different."

Something Different

[Systar spd:1]
[Zolond spd:5-1=4]

The dark mage decides to mash up both combat and science, and so he says a random word:

Something flies off towards the general direction you were facing, which happened to be place where Systar was. It didn't really seem as something corporeal, though, as if nothingness itself had been affected, but only that. Now you only need to combine it with fire, and you may have a weapon.

Systar, on the other hand, didn't realize what was happening and so just cursed at whoever deity was supposed to take care of him and specifically not let his skin get charred, and then charged the mage:

[Systar dex:1+1+1=3]
[Zolond dex:4-1=3]

But he missed again. Zolond grins, licks his lower lip and stares at you for a brief time, but it is enough for Systar to realize his evil plan. He wouldn't dare, no. Zolond speaks, it is too late now:



Of course I end up hurting myself with what I presumed to be the less dangerous of the two...
Continue the Science! (hopefully, with less injuring myself)

Well, that last science session was informative, let's see what happens now:

A mass of a golden, semi transparent substance pops in front of you, and begins to push the air away from it. It is floating, and upon an attempt to touch it, you notice that you have to make a great effort to even reach it, even less doing it with some kind of force. The substance disappears after some time, banishing out of the air.

A thick golden line appears and draws a big creature, a stocky humanoid. It is an orc. and it is trying to punch you. PLEASE DON'T KILL MEEEEE Oh, what? Hehe, it went through you instead of colliding with you. And then it disappeared.


A dark fog materializes in front of you. it seems to be staring at you, analysing you. It floats towards you, and you can't do anything but feel how it envelops your head. it wasn't something out of you, and now it seems to have it. You feel that your magic capabilities are diminishing, and soon something you don't have them any more.

[Enveloping Darkness:Blocked pool.1]

((And for some reason, this still hasn't shown any other kind of the possible outcomes.))

Further testing is required.

Yes, your theory may be correct!

You get a vision. There is a big chamber carved out of the earth itself. The center is occupied by a giant bulging beast, its abdomen constantly moving, seemingly pumping something out of it. You are carrying something. Sustenance. Sustenance for the queen. You can't really see, but your antennae are enough for you to move around with ease. You come closer to the queen and deposit your bounty. Here, another one of your kind grabs it with its pincer-like mouth. But you don't stay to watch it, as you have to go back, there is a long trip, and long line ahead.

And the vision ends. That was odd.

You find yourself in a dream land, unicorns flying around leaving a rainbow trail carrying dog-sized gummy bears in their backs. A chocolate rabbit comes out of a chocolate hole in the ground and begins nibbling in some kind of plant made of lollipops, and then the vision ends.

Thanks god, Zentol and Chuck Norris that that ended.

You feel how the nothingness itself is shot away in the exact opposite of the direction you are facing.

The nothingness to your right just moves and rearranges itself. Hmm.

And, maybe your theory isn't as good. Yet. Some partial discoveries were made, though!

Yay for experiments.

A golden line appears and draws a big Rabbit. With a flash of light, it materializes into green glass.

"Sniff"- You hear in your mind, as the thing tries to sniff the ground. "Sniff, sniff, no food, move"- You hear again, as it begins jumping away, looking for something to eat, despite not needing to do so. The sound of its paws hitting the ground is not exactly the most pleasant one either.

You get a vision of ancient ruins, seemingly alien, yet somewhat historically accurate. Below the ruins, intricate mazes, filled with an eerie fog, extend as far as you can tell. Unknown symbols are carved in the walls,a language long forgotten, or maybe something that never reached the light of the day. At a remote location of the labyrinth, there is some people. Cloaked in dark clothes bearing similar runes than those carved in the walls, reading a tablet made of clay, speaking in an alien tongue. The vision ends here.

Meanwhile, the rabbit is still telepathically communicating to you what action it is currently performing. Damn, where is the reaper when someone needs it?

Darn it, Derm.

Wesh, lesht shee ish I can shpeack well wish halsh a shaw:

A golden line appears and draws a flail.

Now a thick golden line appears and draws a big mace.

You get a pile of sticks and planks.

Another thick line, this time drawing a big eagle.

Now you get a pair of nunchucks.

Now you get a spiky morningstar.

You are also annoyed by the thoughts of that rabbit.

Oh shush, it's just a head wound, you can fix that easy.

Let's not do that one again 0_0'

More dangerous science while I'm near my team mates!

A huge sharks is drawn from a golden line and tries to bite you. You stare at it as it goes through you while trying to look as badass as possible. You achieve a crippled veteran level of badassery.

Nothing happens! This means you didn't kill anybody!

You catch a glimpse of a back substance materializing in front of you, as you feel a slight pull towards it. It didn't last enough time for you to know what the hell was, but maybe you can use the awesome power of deduction to figure it out.


A rift opens, and now a silver light comes out of it. You can't see much, but, what you can see is...predictable? Everything seems to be so ordered, the geometrical shapes that compose the environment there just forms a perfect pattern. But they suddenly rearrange smoothly, and now they seem to be facing Derm.

Oh, crap, not again.

Derm's forehead now has a glowing rune, this time silvery, looking like a Sierpinski carpet. Not Derm looks at its surroundings, then decides about its next target: that diamond gut there, yes. He runs up to him and says a word, in an impossible to understand high pitched tone:

[Derm pot:1+1=2]
But the same result as before ensues, a slight pull is the only effect that can be appreciated.

The rune fades away, and Derm gets a similar feeling than what happened a turn ago.

Damn it guys, the RNG is strong on your side.

Huzzah! I can now create Intelligence out of thin air! Internet HERE I COME!

"It's ok my planky fellow, welcome to life! Of all the places to come into being and be self aware this... isn't the best, but you can come along with me if you like! I have died less than others I've seen!"

If Planky wishes to join me on my adventures, find a way to grab him, or nudge him up against a nearby wall or something. Carefully.


"You sound funny!"
Your voice still sounds either like a malfunctioning bike horn or the sounds a devilish clown would be making. Planky seems to like it, so it is fine.
"But I guess that I can go with you. I can't do anything besides talking it seems"

You then move him towards the diamond wall and begin doing some science:

A golden line appears and draws a battle axe. With a flash of light, it materializes into iron. Upon close inspection you can conclude that it is lighter than normal iron.

"How do you do that?" Planky asks."You made that iron axe weight less than normal iron, but it looks like iron. How is that possible?"

A chunk of silver appears and falls to the ground.

"Fall, crash, lie"- You hear that in your mind as the metal thing did exactly that.

"Hey, did you hear that?" Planky speaks again. "Does it have something to do with the glass bunny?"

You notice the bunny jumping around near you. It seems that it came from the other side of the diamond wall. You haven't been paying too much attention to what the others have been doing there.

"Jump" You hear in your mind as it comes closer. Yeah, this is going to give you a headache.

Character sheets
Spoiler: Dermonster (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Bigf00t (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Beirus (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Toaster (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Roguearchivist (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Elephant Parade (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Lost in Nowhere (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Rolepgeek (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Telepathic bunnies! Talking planks!
« Reply #1474 on: September 08, 2014, 08:54:25 am »

Quick, Derm, put those two together with fullbody!  Surely nothing bad will happen!

"That's my line!  You're just jealous of the hammer."

Why are his legs not broken yet?
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.

Elephant Parade

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Telepathic bunnies! Talking planks!
« Reply #1475 on: September 08, 2014, 11:21:54 am »

Darn it, Derm.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Telepath bunnies! Talking planks!
« Reply #1476 on: September 08, 2014, 11:40:35 am »

"Oh. Well this is just getting annoying."
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Telepath bunnies! Talking planks!
« Reply #1477 on: September 08, 2014, 04:53:14 pm »

Because I like my legs.

Lost in Nowhere

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Telepath bunnies! Talking planks!
« Reply #1478 on: September 08, 2014, 09:37:11 pm »

Does "blocked pool" mean that I have 1 less pool than normal, or that I only have 1 pool? Probably the first, but just wondering.
And so I strike, like an unseen dodge ball in an echoing gymnasium!
Another book entitled Start Your Day with Extinction.
Must be the next book in the series after Start Your Day with Death.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Telepath bunnies! Talking planks!
« Reply #1479 on: September 09, 2014, 05:32:07 am »

Does "blocked pool" mean that I have 1 less pool than normal, or that I only have 1 pool? Probably the first, but just wondering.
It means no pool regeneration, so you are at 0 pool for this turn. After that, you will revert to full pool for the next one


Slight change to the turn

Robert's vision about vodoo rituals is now this:

You get a vision of ancient ruins, seemingly alien, yet somewhat historically accurate. Below the ruins, intricate mazes, filled with an eerie fog, extend as far as you can tell. Unknown symbols are carved in the walls,a language long forgotten, or maybe something that never reached the light of the day. At a remote location of the labyrinth, there is some people. Cloaked in dark clothes bearing similar runes than those carved in the walls, reading a tablet made of clay, speaking in an alien tongue. The vision ends here.

The reason of the correction was that I wanted to change the word for another one, but as somenone else already used this word, I can't retroactively change that turn.

The word for vodoo will eventually get added, once you unlock it.

Lost in Nowhere

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Telepath bunnies! Talking planks!
« Reply #1480 on: September 09, 2014, 09:01:45 am »

Well, in that case...
Wait for pool to regenerate! Poke the air skull if it's still there. Focus potency.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2014, 03:57:30 pm by Lost in Nowhere »
And so I strike, like an unseen dodge ball in an echoing gymnasium!
Another book entitled Start Your Day with Extinction.
Must be the next book in the series after Start Your Day with Death.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Telepath bunnies! Talking planks!
« Reply #1481 on: September 09, 2014, 09:08:02 am »

Well, in that case...
Wait for pool to regenerate! Poke the air skull if it's still there.
It is!

But, generally, a convenient action would be to either Dodge or Focus a specific stat.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Telepath bunnies! Talking planks!
« Reply #1482 on: September 12, 2014, 06:41:53 pm »

Huh, thought I did something here already.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
  • They see me rollin' they savin'~
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Telepath bunnies! Talking planks!
« Reply #1483 on: September 12, 2014, 06:42:28 pm »

Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Because science wasn't mad enough. YET.
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Telepath bunnies! Talking planks!
« Reply #1484 on: September 13, 2014, 01:42:49 am »

TURN it around!
But screw it nobody tames a murderbear without taking risks.
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