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Author Topic: Tribulations in Magic: The cavalry is... still preparing.  (Read 318881 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Space ninja attacks!
« Reply #2250 on: April 09, 2015, 06:16:26 pm »

And then let it run around with my body for the next few turns? No thanks.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Space ninja attacks!
« Reply #2251 on: April 09, 2015, 08:56:44 pm »

Hm... Has anyone tried to mentally control their summons yet?

Yes.  No worky.  They're even usually hostile to the summoner.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Tribulations in Magic: Space ninja dies! Dammit Derm.
« Reply #2252 on: April 10, 2015, 09:10:54 am »

Turn 110

Quote from: EP

Now you have decided what to do with your magic potential: science!

A golden line appears, then splits into four different lines, each of them drawing an arrow.

A thick line appears, and draws a big boomerang.

Now a slingshot is drawn by yet another golden line.

Nothing happens. How odd.

Yet another line appears, and then draws a slender humanoid with pointy ears. Wait. FILTHY TREE-HUGGER, COME BACK HERE! Sadly, it disappears before you can punch it to death with a sock. Maybe making him a magma bath for the next time would be better? Or perhaps lots of undead mussels could do the job. A pity that the bridge over the bottomless pit is not a draw-bridge, otherwise you could smash it with it too. Hmm. You got too distracted in your thoughts here.

Another line appears, this one pretty thick. It draws a long tail, fit for a raptor or another small dinosaur.

It seems that you are getting better at magic-drawing!

"Now for Space Pants! to match."

Space Pants!

More protection for you!

A thick golden line appears, and then begins to draw a pair of greaves. With a flash of light, their exterior materializes into smooth, shiny steel. Upon examination, the interior is soft biometal, just as you wanted. You put them on: they are a bit cumbersome, but fortunately the biometal is so light that it offsets the fact that they don't really fit your legs.

Big steel-biometal greaves:
[Smooth surface]

For a Space Wizard, you are looking more like a knight now.

Quote from: endlessblaze


You emit a little light for a brief time. And that's all that happened.

Oh, right, give the +bolts+ to Derm. They are crafted with the power of love. :P

Damn it! I need some WORKING equipment! (this is turntext)

You give the bolts to Derm, who seems to be preparing to do something. Huh.

You also try a lot of mental tricks. Nothing works. Or rather, nothing seems to affect the actual world. You shrug and do science:

A dancing line shows you that you have failed.

Well, now, random science:

A golden lien appears and draws a person, much like you! Or, rather, a person like how you used to be. You are not sure what are you right now. In fact, you haven't even tried to repair your leg yet.

The nothingness is disturbed. Somewhere. Yeah. You are outta luck, bro!

*Broken robot noises*

You try to repair your leg:

Something glows, or seems to emit some kind of light, somewhere. It was definitely not your leg.

Okay, time for the preparation montage!

A montage that is pretty boring, as you are just seen repeatedly using a crank, and some sparks coming from your axe. After a tiring session of physical exertion (not because it was that difficult, but because you are a pussy), a nice arc of electricity forms between the Tesla thingies.

Axe is now 3/4 charged!

"Oh, shit, wait, is there another miniboss over there? Dammit we don't need these distractions!"

Oh my god it's a ninja demon! Avaunt!

[Derm spd:4+1=5]
[Doris spd:6-1=5]
[Zealot spd:6+1-1=6]

Both Derm and Doris hear from the SW hallway, how the Zealot seems to be crying with pain, and after poking to see, a small pool of magma is now over the floor, and the Zealot's injured leg is being painfully cauterized inside of it.


Derm and Doris looked at each other:

Spd tie!

[Derm spd:5+1=6]
[Doris spd:4-1=3]

Derm reacts first, by casting a spell at the other side of the room. He looks at the floor at the opposite side, and says his words:

[Zealot str:2-1=1]

The floor emits a strong golden glow, then flashes with light, revealing that now it is an expansing mass of that void-like matter. It exerts a noticeable force, even for those who are on the opposite side of the room. The Zealot could not resist the pull, and instead tried to desperately reach for the floor. The arcane beams of his gloves made everything it tried to grab explode, his gloved hands finding no spot to grab, and just sinking into the small amounts of magma there. The magma cooled as the crystal gloves absorbed the heat, filling with them with a red color, but all of this lasted a couple seconds, as the Zealot was easily pulled towards the expansing void.


And upon head-first contact with the void, the zealot stopped emitting any kind of sound, his whole head and half his torso dissolved after getting in contact with it, and the only thing that was left was a lower torso attached to a healthy leg, and a burned half-leg. Silvery liquid oozed from the open wound, as white smoke came out of it, towards Derm.

The Sealot has been slain! Derm gains three stat points!

And Doris frowned. She wanted that kill!

Quote from: Beirus


[Robert spd:4+1+1=6]
[DK spd:4]

Robert manages to cast his transfomation spell before the Knight charges at him:

He glows and quickly flashes, the magic having converted him into a porcelain dragon with a silver core, just as he desired. The silver was a little heavier than he thought, though. He could feel unholy energies cooking inside him.

Small porcelain dragon with silver core:
[Naturally sharp]

And the DK begins his charge towards Robert, now grasping his axe with two hands!

[DK dex:4+1+1+1-1=6]
[Robert dex:2+1=3]

[DK str:1+2+1=4]

And the demonic axe finds one of Robert's front legs, the strike totally obliterating the out-most porcelain and hacking almost the whole leg. The Knight managed to pull the axe out before Robert could do something about it and jumped backwards:

"Again with the porcelain?" He laughs sarcastically "I almost chopped your leg there. You are in no position to mock me."

Robert's right front leg is [Mauled]

Character sheets

Spoiler: Bigf00t (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Beirus (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Elephant Parade (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Dermonster (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Dorsidwarf (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: NAV (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: endlessblaze (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Toaster (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Space ninja dies! Dammit Derm.
« Reply #2253 on: April 10, 2015, 09:28:20 am »

Are the Zealot's gloves still around?

Edit: Also, Derm, look at the title.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 09:38:50 am by ATHATH »
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Space ninja dies! Dammit Derm.
« Reply #2254 on: April 10, 2015, 09:30:39 am »

Are the Zealot's gloves still around?
No, they were consumed, along his upper torso, by the void.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Space ninja dies! Dammit Derm.
« Reply #2255 on: April 10, 2015, 09:39:12 am »

Are the Zealot's gloves still around?
No, they were consumed, along his upper torso, by the void.
Dangit, Derm!
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Space ninja dies! Dammit Derm.
« Reply #2256 on: April 10, 2015, 09:49:59 am »

Flee kill stealing motherfucker.
Quote from: Rodney Ootkins
Everything is going to be alright


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Space ninja dies! Dammit Derm.
« Reply #2257 on: April 10, 2015, 10:48:57 am »


That is Space Wizard!
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Space ninja dies! Dammit Derm.
« Reply #2258 on: April 10, 2015, 10:49:59 am »

I wonder what happens if you do transform-demonic word-target? If you aced the will save, could you become a demon (and hopefully still be in control of your own actions)? I wonder what stat bonuses that would give (the purple sheep turned its arm into a dragon's head, although that's probably a normal spell (which sheep (at least summoned ones) can't normally cast, so it might boost pool)). Someone should test that (or ask their guide if it has already been tested) on someone with a good will stat (hint hint nudge nudge). The same thing could be tested with Inertia.

Speaking of stat bonuses, is there anything in the game that increases pot or pool yet?

I have a sneaking suspicion that Inertia represents law and the demonic word represents chaos.

Someone should also see if the silver blood is magical, and check out the hole in the ceiling.

Also the runes seem to have been mostly left alone. Someone should science them. Edit: Wait, that's a different Perplexicon.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 11:17:27 am by ATHATH »
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Space ninja dies! Dammit Derm.
« Reply #2259 on: April 10, 2015, 11:47:30 am »

"Guess who's back? Back again. Derm is back. FTW."

1 to strength, 1 to will, 1 to pool.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Space ninja dies! Dammit Derm.
« Reply #2260 on: April 10, 2015, 12:06:03 pm »

Speaking of stat bonuses, is there anything in the game that increases pot or pool yet?
There are no words that just increase a stat. The closest thing to that are heavy and light modifiers, that just exchange one thing for another.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Inertia represents law and the demonic word represents chaos.

I have already mentioned that there is no order and chaos. The forces are not a dychotomy.

Also, the other force is definitely not demonic.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Space ninja dies! Dammit Derm.
« Reply #2261 on: April 10, 2015, 01:49:53 pm »

try agian
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Space ninja dies! Dammit Derm.
« Reply #2262 on: April 10, 2015, 02:13:10 pm »

There are no words that just increase a stat. The closest thing to that are heavy and light modifiers, that just exchange one thing for another.
I figured that it traded sanity for pool or pot.

Also, the other force is definitely not demonic.
For lack of a better word, I'm calling it that. Also, the boss dodged the question when asked what was the opposing force.
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Space ninja dies! Dammit Derm.
« Reply #2263 on: April 10, 2015, 02:21:07 pm »

Hey, I focused pot last turn and had a +1. That should be a four.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Tribulations in Magic: Space ninja dies! Dammit Derm.
« Reply #2264 on: April 10, 2015, 02:23:39 pm »

Hey, I focused pot last turn and had a +1. That should be a four.

True, I forgot. I'm correcting it.
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