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What is the next generic goal ?

Set up a contraband workshop for money
- 2 (15.4%)
Increase scouting coverage with zeppelins
- 6 (46.2%)
Raid a mansion
- 5 (38.5%)

Total Members Voted: 13

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Author Topic: X-PirateZ, Gal get punched in the face  (Read 164585 times)

Darkening Kaos

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Re: X-piratez, flintlocks and laser guns
« Reply #60 on: July 19, 2015, 11:10:42 pm »

     After a few missions using the Boarding Gun, I would come to the conclusion that it is not that effective at any range but 2-3 steps.  If we haven't left for the pogrom yet, change my main weapon to an assault laser/rifle, or hunting rifle if you've bought any.
    If I have carrying capacity to spare, acid, or a captured grenade of some sort.

So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


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Re: X-piratez, flintlocks and laser guns
« Reply #61 on: July 19, 2015, 11:14:27 pm »

I'd like a pirate please. Call 'er Angel, give her medicy stuff, and arm her with the best weapons she can handle.
There's about 25 of the fuckers and the three sarge killed were at point blank range - it's got to be zombies or a bunch of really dumb terrorists with knives.
My full sig


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Re: X-piratez, flintlocks and laser guns
« Reply #62 on: July 19, 2015, 11:41:56 pm »

Sign Fatima-ann up for some acid.
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


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Re: X-piratez, flintlocks and laser guns
« Reply #63 on: July 20, 2015, 12:22:59 am »

Since we're all requesting gear, gimme as much explosive/acid as I can reasonable carry with useful armor. Preferred tactic; run entire base out of ordnance in one battle.
Muh FG--OOC Thread
Quote from: smirk
Quote from: Shadowlord
Is there a word that combines comedy with tragedy and farce?
Heiterverzweiflung. Not a legit German word so much as something a friend and I made up in German class once. "Carefree despair". When life is so fucked that you can't stop laughing.


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Re: X-piratez, flintlocks and laser guns
« Reply #64 on: July 20, 2015, 08:20:34 am »

I always get a CTD when facing Cyberdiscs.  Hm, I better check my install...

I had a lot of CTD initially too but the trick is to use a vanilla, completely unpatched version of UFO. I think the particular version of OXC used here applies the patch at runtime. (at least we can confirm that the deifficulty bug isn't here, I could shoot cyberdisks on easy).
« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 11:55:34 am by Boltgun »


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Re: X-piratez, flintlocks and laser guns
« Reply #65 on: July 20, 2015, 04:41:43 pm »

My character will take a laser if we have one.

I always get a CTD when facing Cyberdiscs.  Hm, I better check my install...

I had a lot of CTD initially too but the trick is to use a vanilla, completely unpatched version of UFO. I think the particular version of OXC used here applies the patch at runtime. (at least we can confirm that the deifficulty bug isn't here, I could shoot cyberdisks on easy).

Ironically, I had a lot less CTD issues once I reported it.


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Re: X-piratez, flintlocks and laser guns
« Reply #66 on: July 20, 2015, 05:19:53 pm »

My character will take a laser if we have one.
You are going to like it then...

Pogrom #2 - Abyss, aka "BOOM BOOM BOOM !!!1"

To the abyss !

This a no quarter fight and everyone got dressed to kill. The crew felt confident knowing that Athath returned to fight some more, not realizing that they are in fact accompanied by the late pirate twin sister who joined them in a quest for revenge.

The Bonaventura approached the area at ramming speed landed brutally in the middle of a surprised enemy squad.

Deployment was fast and deadly, the gals jumped from the ‘ventura en masse, from the ramp, the bottom trap door, even the side hubbles. In mere seconds the enemies around were torn apart by explosions or blades. Two gals got caught in the spare shots that were fired. Hat hat’s was out of breath at the sight of the dying mutants and she started running towards the enemies, more than eager to stop the pogrom.

After running through a guard with her blade, Rince Wind rummaged through the body’s possessions.

There was a dangerous looking ball thingy, a laserey pistol and alcohol! Truly a great day.

Also another guy had a weird gun the gals could not figure out. As for angel, she grabbed a military shotgun and a bottle of vodka for herself. Euchre Jane got herself a laser gun. It’s time for tea, ladies!

With this corner of town safe, Darkening Kaos, Amperzand and a third gal stormed the warehouse. They saw one commando run inside, panicked by the assault.

Flasks of acid flew in the air at the dudes and dudettes who took position at the warehouse doors and proved to be quite disappointing, none of the gal tossed her bottle in the right direction, and unlike bombs, there is no blast to excuse the incompetence. Speaking of incompetence, one of the enemies blew herself up handling explosives. It’s a good thing because that would have otherwise killed quite a few of our pirates.

The trio inside the warehouse witnessed the murder the cowardly soldier committed and so they gave him a dose of courage, and lead. The other gals progressed more or less in a line through the garderns outside. There were so many of these military dudes popping out of the houses, shouting and waving their arms in an attempt to communicate between each other. They shot back from time to time, but thankfully the armor cushioned the shots fairly well. Eve Jobs-sama still claimed that the warrior suit made them look like rotten fruits afterwards.

Hopefully there were no shortage of black power bombs and those were very quickly turned into red paste. That no other mutant were caught in the explosion was incredible.

A pirate next to Angel took a shot to the leg and was unable to stop the bleeding. It was the time for the medical inclined girl to accomplish a miracle. She grabbed the vodka bottle she looted earlier, popped the lid…

And used it to clean her friends wounds. The mutant constitution of her patient then kicked in, the blood coagulating quickly and the bleeding stopped. This could be done such a prompt manner that Angel, hearing a door open behind her, turned around and blasted a soldier with her shotgun. A bomb was thrown afterwards to make sure that nothing was left alive over there. She then took a pose. Big gun in one hand, vodka in the other, the perfect mutant medic.

Meanwhile, Aperzand kept spreading anarchy and chaos to the west, sending soldiers flying in pieces along with pieces of concrete.

On her way towards the other gals, she picked a little white bomb on the one of her victim and primed it, to zero of course. A swabbie in front of her was busy shooting at a poor commando trying to take cover. She was eager to see what would happen with this little bomb so she threw it.

The man disappeared in a blinding flash, nothing was left but a burnt berret.

Nearby, Hat-hat sprinted through the bushes, axe in hand, screaming…

Her axe struck the guy in the head, jamming the skull and tearing the brain and all that fuss. In fact the weapon was stuck so deep in the body that she spent the remainder of this battle trying to take it out.

And with this, one side of the street was cleared. Now the gals had to cross the road and finish the job. Easier said than done.

Of course a panicked mutant had to get in the way. Get out, you!

One last woman remained on the other way, trying to kill unarmed mutants by herself. Euchre Jane showed her what happens to those who cross her way. She put a knee on the ground, looked through the laser rifle sight… and fired in automatic mode. The last foe fell to the ground with more holes than a confederate security system. The pirate girl made a little victory dance afterwards.

Silence fell upon the street. Mutants left and right were crying at the loss of their family members and Hat Hat was now clenching the remains of a snaek woman, crying.

The other gals patrolled left and right, they owned this place for a little while and gave a much better demonstration of their strength this time. For the first time of their life, they really felt that they were doing something important, something worth dying for.

The local tended to the pirates wounds, most of them were only grazed but the pain relief was welcomed. After searching the soldiers bodies and putting all the equipment in the Bonaventura, the team waved goodbye to the populace and flew off into the sunset.

Angel was promoted Boss Gal, for she is the best at handling alcohol and shotguns.

In the base, Eve Jobs-sama had one of her rare serious discussion with the brainers. Those dudes were different from the other dudes who fly the UFOs, and obviously the only constant is how much flammable clothing they like to cover themselves with. She needed to know more of each one of these guys, what they wanted, what they did not wanted, and the position of their vital organs. In short, she needed to learn more about the people she is terrorizing, so she can terrorize them even more!

On the other side of the world, word was spreading about this clan of superwomen who kicked ass and took name.


Those soldiers were sure easier to handle, them being into melee range in the first turn and facing away helped for sure. Really, I dropped a scout, turned her around and wondered if it was pinata day.

The loot :
There was a full range of laser weapons among these soldiers, ranging from pistol to heavy. Not a lot of clips however as the gals used the weapons right away, but still we can line up three loaded rifles for one mission if the next terror is in the northern hemisphere, where I suppose we will be against carapace armored soldiers. There were also shotguns (military and sawed off) and a magnum. There were misc stuff from the spartans (that must be the name of this group of soldiers). The pirates also found a gun almanac, all of this available for study.

The lessons learned:
Acid bottles are not good, not there anyway. The damage was minimal and it barely hit. I would guess that I’d better use them if I’m against better armored enemies before hitting them with other weapons, it’s up to me to learn what region spawns what and pick up the right guns because I dropped the panzerfrausts when I realized that there were no cyberdisk there. In anticipation, I am manufacturing a few poisoned daggers to complete the toolbox.

Looting enemies mid fight was a great idea.

Black powder bombs are my favorite weapons. They’re cheap and kills a lot of enemies. Almost all the kills were bombs.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 05:58:39 pm by Boltgun »


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Re: X-piratez, flintlocks and laser guns
« Reply #67 on: July 20, 2015, 05:53:26 pm »

So basically give me more explosives, then.  :D
Muh FG--OOC Thread
Quote from: smirk
Quote from: Shadowlord
Is there a word that combines comedy with tragedy and farce?
Heiterverzweiflung. Not a legit German word so much as something a friend and I made up in German class once. "Carefree despair". When life is so fucked that you can't stop laughing.


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Re: X-piratez, flintlocks and laser guns
« Reply #68 on: July 20, 2015, 06:11:55 pm »

Yeah, acid flasks are best when you're closer... and with piratez who know how to aim. They aren't killing weapons, but after a half-dozen turns emptying laser after laser into a power-armoured human steamrolling through your forces you learn to appreciate the ability to damage armour.
Old and cringe account. Disregard.


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Re: X-piratez, flintlocks and laser guns
« Reply #69 on: July 20, 2015, 08:22:58 pm »

Yay Lazer!  Lazer Squaddee EuchreJane!


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Re: X-piratez, flintlocks and laser guns
« Reply #70 on: July 22, 2015, 02:27:22 am »

Okay, I am writing up the next update and I am reaching a step where I have a ton of different options and little to resources to spend so I added a poll to let you chose what is the next objective.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2015, 02:30:53 am by Boltgun »

Rince Wind

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Re: X-piratez, flintlocks and laser guns (poll added)
« Reply #71 on: July 22, 2015, 11:40:37 am »

You disassembled Sam? *cries
Goodbye my friend, may you rest in peace. Or rather, quite literally, in pieces.

Seems I am the only one who wants more satellite cove...better radars. But science is always good as well, maybe some advanced bullets to punch bigger holes in our enemies?


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Re: X-piratez, flintlocks and laser guns (poll added)
« Reply #72 on: July 22, 2015, 12:44:35 pm »

3, Mar 2601

Eve Jobs needed cash and knowledge. But mostly cash. The brainers are writing down the properties of their loot while searching for better money opportunity.

5, Mar 2601

Speaking of opportunities, a supply landed nearby. Loot is better when fresh and not burnt!

This time the gals distributed the fisticuffs to each other, maybe this time they’ll bring living, bipedal loot on board. Perhaps they have three arms like suggested on that magazine.

Landing #1

The Bonaventura landed quickly near the ship, and the gals quickly deployed near a forest, gun in hand in case the passengers do something funny.

Euchre Jane took a laser rifle, that’s a waste of the best ammo but no one dared to question that when she escaped from an explosion without a scratch before hitting the ship’s guard right in the head. She give another guard further south a similar fate.

The fight went pretty well from there. The guards inside the ufo were either overpowered or suicided themselves with a grenade and the warrior armor did a really good job at keeping everyone alive, if wounded. The pirates got themselves a complete UFO to plunder, and it had a full tank of nuclear fuel, hooray. Big guns also were found on board, a CAWS, an imposing machine gun, a harpoon gun whose tranquilizer bolts will prove handy in capturing more prisoners and.. a flamethrower!

The three captured men and women were thrown in holding cell and received food, because Eve Jobs-sama ir a murderous pirate, not a monster. She will decide their fate at a later date.

9, Mar 2601

Another one…

Landing #2

The Bonaventura took off and followed the ship to its landing area and engaged the occupants. The fight was unremarkable, besides an academician who got clubbed unconscious by reaction hits so here is the result. The gals found a grenade launcher, a canister launcher, more machine guns, an autocannon and other interesting stuff.

Both assaults on the landeing site provided the hideout with quite a lot of resources. Another scout was spotted a few days later but it did not want to land, such a tiny ship would not be carrying gold anyway.

14, Mar 2601

The brainers had a look at all that fuel the gals brought home.

Good thing we followed that instruction already.

17, Mar 2601

The gals took an academician out of her cell and brought her to Eve Jobs-sama. Several of the Big Boss interrogation techniques proved to be quite effective, especially when the three brainers joined in, and soon enough the hostage told all she knew to the mutants.

So the pureblood were keeping an eye on them, right? It looked like their new friend was on a mission to monitor what the star gods accomplished on Earth. They did not work for the empire directly but still their survey would be of interest in a bigger scale. After all, the mutants, and by extension the pirates, are the result of this superior specie in altering evolution…

Or at least that was the brainers discussed about, Eve Jobs-wanted to know where were the big techy guns. But there were more to the picture to consider.

There is governments on Earth. That did not take long to figure. But what’s important is that they are paying protection money to Eve Jobs-sama, so it would be logical to not pick on them. If the pirates would not honor their end of the bargain, they can kiss their paycheck goodbye. Eve Jobs-sama figured that a one time seizing of goods was not worth losing what is essentially keeping the base afloat so she asked the gals to not attack ships with red and blue lights.

The brainers suggested contacting mutants in settlements around the world so they can give a little of information. Who knows what terrible choices they can avoid by at least identifying who they are shooting?

To thank the academician for her information, Eve Jobs had her escorted back on the continent. Of course the Big Boss took all her guest's belongings and sent her off in her underwear but the hostage was thankful to leave this asylum in one piece.

21, Mar 2601

The brainers looked at the bloodstained clothes of the Spartans the pirates brought back from the previous pogrom.

They have no idea why they had a picture of a guy with a mustache looking into a piece of plastasteel.

23, Mar 2601

A new brainer stepped in the base, how she could find the hideout was a mystery, but she is a brainer and therefore beyond everyone else in term of thinking the price she asked for working was outrageous but knowledge is power, or big guns, Eve Jobs-sama could not remember. This brings the number of researchers to four.

25, Mar 2601

It’s that time of the month again. The Bonaventura took off with angry guns and angrier gals on board to stop this.


I got a new brain in the base, and will probably stop at 5 because I'd reach an upkeep of 1 million. I am afraid that getting a sixth means bankruptcy.

If the next pogrom goes well, I'll be going faster and skip minor fights in order to progress faster, unless one of you die or something crazy happens. That way we can all take a better look research and base construction.

For info, there has been a lot of activity in South Africa, and North America.

Okay research now. Smoke ops is on the way and here are the next option. This is a long, long list :
* Protection (camo, gym suit, night ops)
* Guns (advanced weap. rumors, lasgun and variants, assault rifle and variants, machine gun, clockwork, gun almanach)
* Ammo (rifle bullet, acidic ammo)
* Ship parts (slave ai, engine)
* Misc (explosive, minecraft, dynamite)
* Interrogation (academician, engineer, guard)
* Documentation (scout, runabout)
* Lore (who is who?)

You disassembled Sam? *cries
Goodbye my friend, may you rest in peace. Or rather, quite literally, in pieces.

Seems I am the only one who wants more satellite cove...better radars. But science is always good as well, maybe some advanced bullets to punch bigger holes in our enemies?

Don't cry! Here, have a lasgun.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2015, 12:46:32 pm by Boltgun »


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Re: X-piratez, flintlocks and laser guns (poll added)
« Reply #73 on: July 22, 2015, 01:15:33 pm »

Minecraft is clearly the most important option here.
Old and cringe account. Disregard.

Rince Wind

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Re: X-piratez, flintlocks and laser guns (poll added)
« Reply #74 on: July 22, 2015, 05:27:22 pm »

Minecraft, I agree. I forgot what it was for, but that is not very important anyway.

Then the gun almanach, because it gives you info on a weapon without disassembling one, which is nice. If it happens to be not the almanach about assault rifles, then those and rifle bullets.


Rince Wind has been happy lately, she admired own completely sublime lasgun lately. She lost a friend to tragedy recently. She took joy in slaughter.
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