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Author Topic: Wikipedia Article Warfare Revive x3.5 (Estimated)  (Read 9068 times)


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Re: Wikipedia Article Warfare Revive x3.5 (Estimated)
« Reply #90 on: September 12, 2015, 08:52:41 pm »

((...I marvel at the stupidity of my team...))

New plan, we will move Chris to our SWAT vehicle outside where Albert will search for guns and I will attempt to wake Chris.  Say a prayer for guns in the squad car
« Last Edit: September 13, 2015, 10:19:26 am by fillipk »
Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.


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Re: Wikipedia Article Warfare Revive x3.5 (Estimated)
« Reply #91 on: September 12, 2015, 09:06:01 pm »

Stop dancing by negotiating a cease dance with my limbs, while showing off my muscles, then if I succeed, head to the PA system, and hit the mute button, if there is no mute button, hit the speaker really hard with my catalog of books, while negotiating with the metal so that it breaks more easily!


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Re: Wikipedia Article Warfare Revive x3.5 (Estimated)
« Reply #92 on: September 13, 2015, 02:02:35 am »

As Twinwolf left without responding: "Hmph, how rude.  You have committed a crime against an arbiter of Art, and must be punished."

Cycle towards Twinwolf and shoot them while acting like Pickett in his charge during the very political American civil war.  Consider while doing so how killing them will reduce their carbon footprint immensely and is good for the environment.  Then, hit or miss, cycle far away from the police.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2015, 02:09:19 am by Nunzillor »


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Re: Wikipedia Article Warfare Revive x3.5 (Estimated)
« Reply #93 on: September 14, 2015, 11:45:02 am »

Run damn it!
Please don't let textbooks invade Bay12.
The Conquistadors only have the faintest idea of what the modern world is like when they are greeted by two hostile WWI Veterans riding on a giant potato; Welcome to 2016.


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Re: Wikipedia Article Warfare Revive x3.5 (Estimated)
« Reply #94 on: September 14, 2015, 03:03:59 pm »

Keep the music going. The mob should be keeping the others occupied, so rest my voice. Check the cameras for a back exit to the prison.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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Re: Wikipedia Article Warfare Revive x3.5 (Estimated)
« Reply #95 on: September 17, 2015, 10:01:23 pm »

I've got 75% of this next turn written.  I'll update this sometime tomorrow.  NAV still has time to submit an action if he's quick enough.
Due to Real Life reasons, I have to disappear for awhile.  Take me out of all games that I'm participating in.  Sorry.


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Re: Wikipedia Article Warfare Revive x3.5 (Estimated)
« Reply #96 on: September 18, 2015, 07:15:43 pm »

Mo' Kills, Mo' Problems!
Roll Fourteen

At the bank, Nunziller stews with resentment as he watches Twinwolf walk out of the bank.  How dare she so casually reject his offer of world domination!  Nunziller pursues her (6), and barely manages to keep up with her.  As he exits the bank, he sees eight cops holding back a crowd of people.  Twinwolf is near the edge of the crowd, signing autographs.  Yet, not one of them seems to even notice Nunziller.  He's shocked.  He's supposed to be the star, not her!  As his resentment is compounded by jealousy, a reckless plan forms in Nunziller's mind.  He gets on his bike and starts cycling toward Twinwolf.  While cycling, he takes on the political role of George Pickett and raises his stolen gun.  For the sake of the environment, Nunziller fires his gun at Twinwolf (1+3+3+3+2+1vs9+2), and the bullet hits her in the shoulder!  Seeing that his plan has failed, Nunziller tries to flee on his bike (3+3) and succeeds after running over several people.  Having seen Nunziller's violent actions (5), five cops get in their cop cars and begin pursuing Nunziller!  Nunziller is far ahead of the police right now, but he can't outrun them forever.  He'll need to act fast to escape them!

Back at the prison, Beirus watches the action from his control room.  After making sure the music stays on, he focuses on resting his voice ( 8 ), and feels quite a bit better!  His voice is still a bit sore, but not too bad now.  Beirus watches as his mob of followers (5+1+1) split up into two groups and start dancing aggressively toward their targets.  The two mobs rush after (1=fillipk,2=Hiddenleafguy,3=NAV,1,2) fillipk and Hiddenleafguy!  As the mob chase them, Beirus switches camera feeds and looks around for a back exit (3), and manages to find one, but unfortunately it's locked.  Beirus will either have to find the key or break the door down in order to escape through it.  Disappointed, Beirus switches his cameras back to the fight.  Though fillipk manages to avoid the mob, Beirus smiles with glee as he sees Hiddenleafguy get trampled to death!  Yep, another one bites the dust.  Beirus leans forward and clasps his hands together in front of his mouth.  Yes, it's all going according to plan.  None of them will be able to stop him!  Beirus begins laughing, but stops himself immediately.  He didn't like that laugh.  It didn't sound evil enough.  Beirus takes a deep breath, adjusts the position of his mouth, and visualizes how his perfect laugh should look.  He then lets out a truly maniacal laugh!  Even with his raspy voice, it's flawless!  Beirus has discovered his talent for acting and villainy!

Outside the gun shop, Person realizes that he has to escape the fearsome Andres.  With every last ounce of strength that he has remaining, he tries to run away (6-3), but unfortunately that doesn't work.  He only managed to crawl several meters away.  To his horror, Andres walks up to Person with his knife drawn.  Andres swings the knife towards Person's neck!  Knowing that this is his last chance, Person tries to dodge (3-3-2vs10-2), but to no avail!  The knife makes contact and slices through half of Person's neck!  With no chance of survival left, Person finally gives in to the pain.  Moments later, Person is dead.

Meanwhile, at the bank, Twinwolf realizes that she doesn't want to die to heart failure.  She searches her pockets for her heart medication (5), but finds nothing.  However, her heart trouble has vanished so it seems she'll be okay after all.  Feeling much calmer, Twinwolf leaves the bank (9), pleased to discover that a crowd of cheering people is standing outside!  She also sees that there are ( 8 ) eight cops keeping the crowd under control.  As Twinwolf tries to move past the crowd, she's pleasantly surprised to see people asking for her autograph.  The people consider her a hero!  As she's signing autographs for her adoring fans, she hears something behind her (9), and immediately turns around.  It's Nunziller!  He's riding a bike toward her and has his gun raised!  That traitor!  Shooting people is a criminal act!  Seeing the incoming threat, Twinwolf readies herself and tries to athletically dodge the gunfire (9+2vs1+3+3+3+2+1), but isn't quite fast enough.  The bullet pierces her in the shoulder!  As she grasps her bleeding shoulder in pain, five of the police officers immediately give chase to the fleeing Nunziller.  Twinwolf is safe from that traitor for now, but she knows she'll have to treat the wound soon.  As she considers what to do next, she overhears one of the police officers talking on his phone.  It sounds like something bad is happening at the airport....

At the prison, NAV continues dancing zealously for Beirus.  His thoughts are dominated by the urge to please his master.  NAV begins dancing aggressively toward (1=fillipk,2=Hiddenleafguy,3=self,1) fillipk!  Just as fillipk finishes dodging Beirus' other followers, NAV suddenly rushes toward him (6+2vs1) and pushes him to the ground.  NAV immediately starts dancing on top of the fallen fillipk!  As fillipk struggles to survive the assault, NAV is suddenly attacked by one of the other SWAT men! (3+2-1vs6) NAV evades the man's knife attacks, but is forced to stop his attack in order to retreat!  As NAV plots his next attack, he notices an odd pain in his chest. (NAV will die of heart failure if he doesn't post an action by the next turn.)

Seeing the chaos before him, fillipk comes up with a plan.  As he orders his teammate Albert to drag the unconscious SWAT man outside to their vehicle, he is suddenly surrounded!  It's Beirus' cult!  They've come for him!  Seeing the danger, fillipk tries to evade the mob (8vs1+1), and easily escapes them!  However, as he is about to exit the building with his team, he is unexpectedly attacked by a dancing NAV!  Fillipk tries to evade (1vs6+2), but NAV's incredible dance moves are too much for him!  He is pushed over and danced upon!  As he lays there helpless, he does the only thing he can do and pray (6+3).  After his prayer, he remembers that there are several SMGs and rifles stored in the SWAT vehicle.  All he'll have to do is go grab them.  But now, it's too late.  Unable to endure the pain of NAV rhythmically stomping his feet on his vital organs, fillipk gives in to unconsciousness.  However, before NAV can finish him off, fillipk's ally Albert rushes to his aid.  Albert takes out his combat knife and attacks NAV (6vs3+2-1), successfully forcing NAV to stop the assault and flee!  Seeing that fillipk is in bad shape, Albert tries dragging his two squad mates to their SWAT vehicle (5), and barely manages to get out of the building.  However, their vehicle is still a distance away from them.  The other swat member Chris stirs (6), and wakes up from his nap.  He's still kind of drowsy though.  Chris and Albert contemplate what to do with the dying fillipk.

Outside the gun shop, Andres prepares to end his fight with Person.  After Person makes another poor attempt at escaping, Andres walks over to him with his dull knife ready.  He brings the knife down upon the panicking Person's neck (10-2vs3-3-2), and the battle is over.  Person's neck has been cut opened.  Seconds later, Person is dead.  With his violent urges satisfied, Andres proudly walks into the gun shop.  However, before he can approach the front desk, a woman asks to see some ID.  She'll have to deny him entry if he doesn't provide proper identification.  Having forgotten his wallet, Andres instead resorts to flirting with her to gain entry.  She is surprised by Andres' suave words.  After Andres finishes telling some hilarious jokes, the employee is left blushing and giggling.  She grants him entry and secretly slips him a piece of paper with her phone number written on it.  Andres has discovered his talent for romance and comedy!

Back at the prison, Hiddenleafguy comes up with a plan to regain full control of himself.  However, before he can negotiate or flex his muscles, he is suddenly attacked by Beirus' mob!  Caught completely offguard, Hiddenleafguy is surrounded by the cult members (1vs10+1), and is unable to escape.  Hiddenleafguy has been trampled to death by Beirus' dancing crusaders!

Standing across the street from the local gun shop, high tyrol watches in horror as his best friend Person is slaughtered before his own eyes.  He and Person had plans to compare moth collections and discuss genetics, but now...that's no longer possible.  He stares with intense hatred as Andres enters the shop.  Thoughts of revenge enter his mind.  High tyrol has joined the battle!

At the local airport, a jet descends onto the runway.  As airport staff come to investigate, a man wearing a hockey mask exits the plane.  The staff members gaze upon him in horror and begin to flee.  Their nightmares have come true.  The dreaded serial killer, only known as The Moonlight Shadow, has finally arrived.  Now all will know true terror.  The Moonlight Shadow has joined the battle!
(The Moonlight Shadow has withdrawn from the game, so...)

As people flee the airport to escape the terrifying murderer, a lone hero walks toward the killer known as The Moonlight Shadow.  He won't let the killer escape once again.  As the hero makes eye contact with the killer, he raises his pistol and takes aim.  It ends here.  However, before the hero can even act, he is pierced by the killer's blade!  In the hero's dying moments, the killer removes his mask and reveals his true identity.  The serial killer was pikorge all along!  Pikorge has joined the battle!

Spoiler: Andres (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nunzillor (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Beirus (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: NAV (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Twinwolf (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: fillipk (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: high tyrol (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: pikorge (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: *Events* (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: *Notes* (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: *Speed Rolls* (click to show/hide)
Due to Real Life reasons, I have to disappear for awhile.  Take me out of all games that I'm participating in.  Sorry.


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Re: Wikipedia Article Warfare Revive x3.5 (Estimated)
« Reply #97 on: September 18, 2015, 07:19:20 pm »

Go find a doctor, obviously. Ask for help with the whole being shot thing.
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: Wikipedia Article Warfare Revive x3.5 (Estimated)
« Reply #98 on: September 18, 2015, 07:32:09 pm »

Buy some body armour, a pistol, and three magazines of ammo. Buy a combat knife and a whetstone if they also sell them. Take the woman's number, if only to be polite. Afterwards, go to the art class.
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.


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Re: Wikipedia Article Warfare Revive x3.5 (Estimated)
« Reply #99 on: September 18, 2015, 08:06:45 pm »

First, try for one more long range shot!

Then, act like Lance Armstrong, known for both his speed and evil, and weave in and out of narrow alleyways that the cops can't possibly fit through in their larger vehicles.  The environment will surely thank me for preventing the use of those CO2 spewing cars.

Make sure to head mostly towards the local community university.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2015, 08:13:29 pm by Nunzillor »


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Re: Wikipedia Article Warfare Revive x3.5 (Estimated)
« Reply #100 on: September 18, 2015, 09:44:09 pm »

So the obvious thing for albert to do is to put both Chris and me in the van and rush to the nearest hospital, since I am not awake to counteract this saying it would be dishonorable he will do this.
Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.


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Re: Wikipedia Article Warfare Revive x3.5 (Estimated)
« Reply #101 on: September 18, 2015, 11:19:52 pm »

Move my spirit to another body, in other words rewaitlist.


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Re: Wikipedia Article Warfare Revive x3.5 (Estimated)
« Reply #102 on: September 19, 2015, 02:17:11 am »

Get in my jet and check how much fuel I got. If it's not enough then look for some fuel while acting like I'm sokka from avatar the last airbender. If someone attacks me, use my gaming skills to fight  and stab them hard.
WOOO! I'm in the game!
Edit: If I got enough feul, fly to the closest player and shoot the heck out of them!
« Last Edit: September 19, 2015, 04:29:59 am by pikorge »
Re: You are the evo ape.


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Re: Wikipedia Article Warfare Revive x3.5 (Estimated)
« Reply #103 on: September 19, 2015, 12:17:47 pm »

It was inevitable. Those events seem like a neat concept though. Ah well. Watlist me again.
Please don't let textbooks invade Bay12.
The Conquistadors only have the faintest idea of what the modern world is like when they are greeted by two hostile WWI Veterans riding on a giant potato; Welcome to 2016.


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Re: Wikipedia Article Warfare Revive x3.5 (Estimated)
« Reply #104 on: September 19, 2015, 02:09:06 pm »

It was inevitable. Those events seem like a neat concept though. Ah well. Watlist me again.
Move my spirit to another body, in other words rewaitlist.
Well, for the sake of this round actually being able to end, I had added a rule that each player can only join each round once.  The plan was that this round would end when only one player remained, and a new round would start after that.  However, I could instead allow people to rejoin and give this round a different win condition.  Perhaps something simple, like the first person to get 5 kills wins.  Or perhaps the round could end after Roll 20, and the player with the most kills by that point wins.  Hmm...I'm not sure, what do you guys think?
« Last Edit: September 19, 2015, 02:15:18 pm by Megggas »
Due to Real Life reasons, I have to disappear for awhile.  Take me out of all games that I'm participating in.  Sorry.
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