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Author Topic: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom - Turn 1.5 (Year 0)  (Read 11599 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom - (Year 0)
« Reply #75 on: May 12, 2018, 09:36:54 pm »

I was thinking it would be really cool if both forces went!
I didn't want to intrude on idv gameplay styles (more than I tend to do) but a mineralvore mobile prospecting unit is hella cool and will add a new dimension to every new area!
And with this much force yall might even have enough umf to take another zone afterwards. XD

(EDIT: Question: its says the metalvores assimilate what they eat. What does that mean? Do you get bonuses?
Is it from material or does the actual thing count too?
If you eat an enchanted sword what might you get from it? Basically, at what level of production should we give you the item?)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2018, 09:47:40 pm by Jbehler64 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom - (Year 0)
« Reply #76 on: May 13, 2018, 03:23:36 am »

Turn 0.3 : Year 0 of the Zethean Calendar

~Half of the 1st Month of the Year 0 (Mission Time)~

Azarian left for the Parabes Mountains to gather information.
Hope remained in Tartarus to coordinate various efforts.
Eversor, Talin and Rusty left to the Latze Plains with the intent of taking care of the Bartoros.

Azarian the Thoughtbeast - (Dustan Hache)
-Scouting: Parabes Mountain Range-

Parabes Mountain Range:
Azarian was the first to reach his destination. The Parabes Mountain Ridge.

Unlike the Tartarus and the mountains surrounding it, the Parabes Mountains were covered with deep green coniferous forests. The few peaks that pierced the clouds were gray and sharp. As soon as they arrived, Azarian's forces started deploying a surveillance network.

Scouting: Psychic Sensitivity
Harpies Good Vision: [5]
Floating Oculi Great Vision: [5]

Combining the Floating Oculi's powerful vision and the Harpies mobility with his psychic powers, Azarian managed to obtain detailed information about the Parabes Mountains' inhabitants and unusual locations.

Dominant Groups discovered:
-Parabes Stonewings: massive birds of prey living in the highest places of the Parabes Mountains. Their feathers appear to be made of rock. There were a few sightings of Crystalwings.
-Dalith Crusters: hermit crab like crustaceans creating their own shell. Scouts have reported seeing shells made of rock, minerals and/or crystals.
-Kragoliuths: headless giants made of earth and rock, they have a large mouth in the middle of their belly. They have been sighted eating earth, trees and living beings.

Special Locations discovered:
-Underground Tunnels
-Parabes Crystal Quarry

The Crusters and the Stonewings are neutral to the whole deal with Zethe, content with going on with their daily survival. The Kragoliuths though are fighting with the Ogres for control, and are the hostile group you heard of. It seems they dominated the Ogres and exploited them, and the Ogres "change" of allegiance was perceived as a rebellion of some sort.

Spoiler: Parabes Mountain Ridge (click to show/hide)

With this information in hand, Azarian prepared his next move.

Hope the Shadow Elemental - (Jbehler64)
-Internal Affairs: Mt Tartarus-

Capital, Mt Tartarus:
As the only Zethean Lord left in Tartarus, Hope had a lot of work on his hands. During the weeks he spent in the Capital, he worked on several projects.

Internal Affairs (Border Patrol/Internal Policing Unit): Sociable Shade
[1] Over the first days, Hope assembled two internal security units: a border force and an internal security force. This task would prove to be a greater headache than Hope expected...

Hope's first criteria when creating the unit was to match monsters whose abilities complemented, but he unfortunately overlooked personality compatibility when forming the squads. That was the original source of the arguments that exploded into violent brawls, which forced himself and the Forgotten Guards to intervene.

Then the situation started degenerating a bit as more clashs and incidents occured at the borders within the very border patrol. The distance from Tartarus prevented the Guards from settling the issues, and actually led to unrest growing in the kingdom. Rumors are that less savory monsters and hard to content citizens have started settling at the edge of the border, where security is more lax.

Border Patrol: unruly, internal conflict.
The Capital's unrest has grown

These issues managed to escape Hope's attention, as he was focused on another matter.

Talent Spotting: Sociable Shade
[1] Thanks to his sociable demeanor, Hope managed to gather together more monsters interested in metallurgy, agriculture and alchemy. Unfortunately, several problems sprouted. First he did the same mistake as with the security units, not taking personalities into account among others. It didn't blow over as much as the former though, but still caused these "thinking tanks" to see a drop in productivity. The new manpower that joined in the Metallurgy and Agriculture groups have caused them to lose coordination and a sense of direction.

[4] The alchemy group was fortunately more successful. As few monsters were interested in it, the small group seemed to work fine by itself.

Metallurgy and Agriculture groups size increased
Alchemy group formed

Growing issues within Metallurgy and Agriculture groups

Moth technique introduction:
[6] The Moths technique of "forging lanterns" garnered a lot of interest among the Metallurgy group. It gave them a common direction to work toward, but there was a problem with the Moths technique. Everyone found the concept of these metal lanterns interesting and inspiring, but how to create a metal lantern without the aforementioned metal-making lantern? And what of glass? Nonetheless, the Metallurgy group started working on finding a way to work metals.

The Metallurgy group naturally split as a result, with members sharing the same affinity forming different groups. While it resolved the growing issues, there was also the problem that these groups refused to communicate with the others.

Metallurgy group issues somewhat solved
Metallurgy group split into several smaller groups. There is no cooperation nor communication between these.

The Alchemists were given directions, and started working on helping with Food production...

Talin, Eversor and Rusty - (Imic, Hawk132 and crazyabe)
-Various missions: Latze Plains-

Latze Plains:
Talin, Eversor and Rusty left together to the Latze Plains. The three of them soon arrived to their destination, vast vibrant plains expanding as far as the horizon. The swaying motion of the grass fields gave these lands the appearance of a relaxed sea of green.
[4] Before leaving, Talin managed to gather 50 units of Food for the expedition.

They initially went on separate ways, Talin heading with Eversor to meet the Bartoros, while Rusty headed out to prospect the plains ore. In time, he would reunite with them.


Diplomacy: Civilized Monster
[1] Talin was the first to meet the Bartoros. Mammoth-sized horned quadrupedal monsters, extremely sturdy plating covers their heads and some parts of their body. Their head also harbor a dozen of majestic horns, some of them large enough to skewer Giants. Talin introduced himself in a gentlemanly manner, as befitting a foreign diplomat. His introduction was instantly cut short by a violent tremor caused by the stomping of the Bartoros that came to met him.

The Bartoros didn't even give his name, and only mocked and threatened Talin for its small stature.

[Instinct 3] Talin had a hunch the negotiations would go awry, and fortunately had informed Eversor to be ready to act as a backup.

A Battle is going to start!


Before leaving the Capital, Eversor reassigned Soluan as his tactician, and Pertes as the Leader of the Skeletal Warriors. Surrounded with a small combat unit to protect him, he would lead them into battle.

As Eversor had expected, and maybe hoped, the Bartoros didn't heed Talin's call for diplomacy. His troops already ready for the fight, he started advancing to protect Talin's group.

Battle: First Skirmish of the Latze Plains
Eversor's Forces and Talin's Scouting Unit against a Bartoros Herd


---Battlefield Characteristics---
Name: Latze Plains
Land Type: Grassland
Description: a flat expanse of land covered with grass. There are no terrain anomalies to be seen.
Points of Interest: None
Special: None

Battle Preparations:
Before the battle will start proper, the Commander of the Army may give out orders to his troops. What formation should the Corps adopt? What should their priority during battle be?

Involved Armies:
Eversor's Army:
-Corps: 4
-Total Units: 90
-Average CR: 26.8

Talin's Army:
-Corps: 1
-Total Units: 20
-Average CR: 1

Bartoros's Army:
-Corps: 2
-Total Units: 40
-Average CR: 45

Spoiler: Eversor's Army (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Talin's Army (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Bartoros Army (click to show/hide)

The Bartoros will have the land advantage and the first strike.


Meanwhile, Rusty had headed for another part of the plains to search for ore.

Exploration (Ore Prospection): Hungry Prospector, Gourmet Explorer
[5] Amidst the grassy scent carried by the plains, Rusty picked up a distinct mineral scent. A complex one, meaning the plains land carried many minerals. Scouring the lands and managing to avoid hostiles during his search, he managed to determine the ores of the Latze Plains, and even located rich deposits. He found a curious field of red grass during his search for ore.

In addition, Rusty suspected the soil of the Latze Plains to be very fertile. Additionally, Rusty traveled far enough to come across another region, and met some monsters willing to share information (and others not so willing).

Resource discovered: Rich Ore Deposits (Iron and Copper), Rich Soil
Curious Location discovered: Redsang Grass Fields
Unnamed Wasteland info updated

Spoiler: Foltor Wasteland (click to show/hide)

[2] Rusty met results similar to Talin. He met a Bartoros Herd on his way back, and attempted to deal with them peacefully. Though they were already hostile and wary toward him and his Materivors, their hostile behavior took a sharp increase as soon as the Bartoros learnt you came from Zethe.

[Instinct 2] Rusty managed to feel the change in behavior, and left the herd before the situation would become disadvantageous.
[Strength 2] Wary of Rusty's strength, the Bartoros played it safely and didn't attack right away unlike with Talin.

Depending on Rusty's next actions, a battle may or may not start.


(Hope) [5] In face of the unacceptable behavior of the Border Patrol and the Security Force, some citizens took matters in hand and bashed some sense in the unruly security force by forming an unofficial vigilante force. With public opinion backing them and the executives seeing no apparent problem with this, several members of this makeshift vigilante force became an official security unit.

Combining the foundations set by Hope and the diligence and efficiency of the new corps, the new Border Patrol was formed.

The Border Patrol got reformed into a better security unit. Capital Unrest gone, and Security increased.

(Azarian) [3] Some Stonewings have contacted Azarian through the Harpies. They reaffirmed their overall neutrality, though they don't seem to like the brutal Kragoliuths.

---------------------LIST OF KNOWN REGIONS---------------------

Spoiler: Capital Location (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Distance 0 Regions (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Distance 1 Regions (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Distance 2 Regions (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Distance 3+ Regions (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2018, 04:55:02 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom - (Year 0)
« Reply #77 on: May 13, 2018, 03:24:12 am »

---------------------PLAYERS DATA---------------------

Hope the Shadow Elemental (Jbehler64)
Spoiler: Hope (click to show/hide)

Eversor the Animated Armor (Hawk132)
Spoiler: Eversor (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Eversor's Pale Beasts (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Eversor's Bonecrushers (click to show/hide)

Talin the Humanoid Bug (Imic)

Spoiler: Talin (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Talin's Bug Folks (click to show/hide)

Azarian the Thoughtbeast (Dustan Hache)

Spoiler: Azarian (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Azarian's Harpies (click to show/hide)

Rusty the Materivor (crazyabe)

Spoiler: Rusty (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Rusty's Materivors (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom - (Year 0)
« Reply #78 on: May 13, 2018, 03:29:52 am »

Mmh, this turn took a bit more than 2h to write. I will keep seeing how it goes, though currently the probability of adding further players is low.

Also finally updated the turn list.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2018, 03:32:57 am by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom - Turn 0.3 (Year 0)
« Reply #79 on: May 13, 2018, 04:41:21 am »

T.T Lots o ones. And a six. Chaotic luck XD
Also the border patrol and police were meant as a single force with one purpose, I'll try to be clearer in my mass of text, though it looks like it turned out the same! XD.
Sorry we made you write a book! Hope it helps to know that this one has been very excited to read it!!

Are we still in mission phase?
If so
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Typed from phone, apologies for the grammar


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom - Turn 0.3 (Year 0)
« Reply #80 on: May 13, 2018, 07:41:08 am »

We will take a defensive position. Preferably a hill or uneven terrain, unsuitable for charging I actually took a look at the terrain description, so I guess I don't have the luxury of defensive terrain. If we have ranged capability, our army will slowly backpedal to gain some additional time before the Bartoros close in to melee.

Skeletal Warriors are to use spears and the like to intercept the Bartoros charge. If they have bows, use these as well to strike the herd as they approach.

Once the enemy closed in, the Bonecrushers will enter melee as well, making advantage of their armor to relieve some of the pressure from the Warriors.

At this time, the Pale Beasts are to swoop in from the sides and complete a pincer attack.

Eversor and the Guards will hunt down the opponent's leaders in the confusion.

Ask Soluan of his thoughts on the battle plan.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2018, 07:45:38 am by Hawk132 »
Perplexicon: A New Arena - Abandoned, but feel free to give it a read.

Dustan Hache

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom - Turn 0.3 (Year 0)
« Reply #81 on: May 13, 2018, 08:16:21 am »

have my scouts go and attempt to gather information on the kragoliuth forces, while I go to meet the other two groups and attempt to draw them to zethe's cause. Make sure to note to them that assisting against the kragoliuths is optional.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2018, 01:50:14 pm by Dustan Hache »
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom - Turn 0.3 (Year 0)
« Reply #82 on: May 13, 2018, 11:11:44 am »

I spend time trying to look for other inhabitants of these plains, the Herds can't be the only ones out here, and since they are so Violent, if there are other inhabitants, they are likely equally hostile to them, or able to tell me why they are so hostile if nothing else.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom - Turn 0.3 (Year 0)
« Reply #83 on: May 13, 2018, 11:27:29 am »

Spoiler:  OOC (click to show/hide)
I shall scout the area, going with my troops to find where the Kragoliuths are as of the current moment, and to try and find weak spots in whatever crude formation they have taken. Any information found is to be sent back immediately, and if there are too much, I would suggest we fall back.
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
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Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom - Turn 0.4 (Year 0)
« Reply #84 on: May 15, 2018, 08:22:03 am »

Turn 0.4 : Year 0 of the Zethean Calendar

~Half of the 1st Month of the Year 0 (Mission Time 2)~

Hope continued working in Tartarus, while the other finished their business.

Hope the Shadow Elemental - (Jbehler64)
-Internal Affairs: Mt Tartarus-

Capital, Mt Tartarus:
Internal Affairs (Border Patrol Leadership): Sociable Shade
[3] Hope worked on helping strengthen the Border Patrol's cohesion and purpose. To that end, he guided them in the selection of a Leader, and instructed them to focus on building housing and defenses. Everything worked mildly fine, a new and respectable leader was chosen, and the Border Patrol started working on a series of surveillance posts at critical points around the Tartarus. (only if Hope agreed, naturally)

Internal Affairs (Agriculture and Metallurgy Divisions Leadership): Sociable Shade
[1] [Instinct 2] Hope attempted to solve the problems with the Agriculture and Metallurgy Divisions, but his attempts at rallying them only helped fuel the mistrust between groups. Sensing something wrong would definitely happen if he delved further into it, he backed out before the situation became irreversible. Hopefully, these issues will be solved in the future.

The Agriculture and Metallurgy Divisions have split into several groups! The results will be unpredictable.

((Tough luck with the 1s!))

Eversor the Animated Armor (Hawk132), and Talin for a small part

Latze Plains:
Eversor is savoring the cool wind that precedes the battle.

Battle Preparation (Soluan Opinion): Experienced Tactician
[4] "A fine battle plan, Lord Eversor. Though I think we could improve this side of the formation, you see..."
Soluan agreed with your plan, and the two of you fine-tuned the troops formation and movements.
Battle Effect: +25% CR

Battle: First Skirmish of the Latze Plains
Eversor's Forces and Talin's Scouting Unit against a Bartoros Herd


---Battlefield Characteristics---
Name: Latze Plains
Land Type: Grassland
Description: a flat expanse of land covered with grass. There are no terrain anomalies to be seen.
Points of Interest: None
Special: None

-First Phase-

Retreat (Talin's Army): Tiny
[3] Fortunately, Talin's Army managed to retreat and hide behind Eversor's forces before the Bartoros were onto them. One can imagine how terribly it would have went if they had been caught!

The initial confrontation was devastating for the Skeletal Warriors.
Bartoros: [4] The Bartoros Morale is going strong.
SK: [5] Despite the defeat, the Skeletal Warriors didn't lose Morale.

Immediately thereafter, the Bonecrushers engaged the Bartoros. And at the same time, the Pale Beasts flanked the Bartoros for a devastating effect!
Bartoros: [6] Out of revenge, the Bartoros Morale increased! The odds they will stop fighting have lowered though.
Eversor Corps: [3] Morale unchanged

Eversor: [5] Strength 3 Inspiring Warlord
Leading the Forgotten Guards against the Bartoros Elite unit, Eversor by himself killed the Bartoros Champion and the seven all of the remaining Bartoros. Standing atop the pile of dead Bartoros, Eversor held the head of the Bartoros Champion to the view of all.
Inspired by the prowess of their Commander, Eversor's Army Morale is now Invincible
Terrified by Eversor, the remaining Bartoros Morale is now Low

Spoiler: Phase Summary (click to show/hide)

-Second Phase-

Bartoros Morale:
[5] The Bartoros will fight to the last!

The remaining Bartoros fought to the last, but got annihilated by Eversor's army.

[5] Pertes and Soluan earned a lot of valuable battle experience...(Will be updated in Conclusion Phase)
Powerful individuals are appearing in the Pale Beasts and Bonecrushers... (Will be updated in Conclusion Phase)

-Battle Over-

Spoiler: Battle Summary (click to show/hide)

Strength 3 The few surviving Bartoros are unable to fight, and no longer have the will for it. Having witnessed Zethe's strength through Eversor and his Armies, they promised to help him subjugate the other Bartoros without further fights.

Azarian the Thoughtbeast (Dustan Hache)

Parabes Mountain Ridge:
Azarian continued his information gathering mission.

Scouting: Great Vision/Good Vision
[3] A detailed observation of the Kragoliuth has revealed more about their battle capabilities. Very strong individually, they rarely fight together.

Average Unit Count: 2
Estimated CR: 80-100
Noticeable Traits:
-Rock Skin
-Hyper Omnivores

Parabes Stonewings: [2]
The Stonewings were unwilling to join Zethe's cause. The talks were short and a bit tense.
Tension with Stonewings slightly increased

Dalith Crusters: [6]
The Crusters were willing to join Zethe's cause, on the condition that you prove your worth to them.
Intelligence 2 You suspect that a gift of Nigredine or/and Albedine could convince them. Or simply vanquishing the Kragoliuths as they asked.

Talin the Humanoid Bug (Imic)

Having failed his diplomacy attempt in the Latze Plains, Talin left for the Parabes Mountain Ridge guided by his intuition...

Parabes Mountain Ridge:
Talin finally arrived in the Parabes Mountain Ridge. Thanks to the proximity to Tartarus, no Food was consummed for the journey.

Scouting: Adventurous Scavenger, Scouts
[5] As he arrived, he was spotted by Azarian's scouts. They greeted him and updated him to the situation. To Talin's dismay, it seemed Azarian already managed to gather detailed information about the Kragoliuths. Wishing to support the operations nonetheless, he lent his assistance in scouting missions.

Taking advantage of the Bug Folks affinity with the caves, they were able to explore the Underground Tunnels, which remained too risky to explore for the Harpies. They found some interesting things there. The Dalith Crusters nests, several lakes and streams amidst the expansive cave network, and finally the "Mountain Core", a curious location at the center of a mountain where one can find a strange and unbreakable rock (by Bug Folks standards).

Underground Tunnels data updated

Rusty the Materivor (crazyabe)

[4] Rusty managed to find several of the other monstrous inhabitants of the plains. There are numerous other species living in these plains, most of them being beast-type monsters. The great majority of them don't care about the Bartoros, as they are not a problem as long as one avoid them. You learnt the Bartoros are extremely territorial and prideful. And despite being violent even among themselves, they actually have a strong sense of camaraderie and have been known to unite to face outside threats.

You also heard a rumor from several monsters. It seems several Bartoros Herd Leaders mysteriously died recently, leading to much turmoil.
[Instinct 2]You get the vague feeling it could be related to their hostility to Zethe. Just a hunch.[/color]

Several individuals you met were interested in joining Zethe.


(Eversor) [2] It seems the Bartoros have somehow heard of Eversor's victory against one of the strongest herds, and according to the Bartoros following him, there is a very high chance they will mount another assault against his army.

(Rusty) [6] Word have spread that Rusty managed to convince some monsters of the Latze Plains to join Zethe's cause. It has caused more monsters to join, but also caused the Bartoros hostility to increase.

(Talin) [2] Talin's forces got lost in the labyrinthine cave network. They ended up successfully getting out, but at the cost of a lot of energy.
Talin's forces Fatigue is now Low

---------------------LIST OF KNOWN REGIONS---------------------

Spoiler: Capital Location (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Distance 0 Regions (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Distance 1 Regions (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Distance 2 Regions (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Distance 3+ Regions (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom - Turn 0.4 (Year 0)
« Reply #85 on: May 15, 2018, 08:34:57 am »

---------------------PLAYERS DATA---------------------

Hope the Shadow Elemental (Jbehler64)
Spoiler: Hope (click to show/hide)

Eversor the Animated Armor (Hawk132)
Spoiler: Eversor (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Officers (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Eversor's Pale Beasts (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Eversor's Bonecrushers (click to show/hide)

Talin the Humanoid Bug (Imic)

Spoiler: Talin (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Talin's Bug Folks (click to show/hide)

Azarian the Thoughtbeast (Dustan Hache)

Spoiler: Azarian (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Azarian's Harpies (click to show/hide)

Rusty the Materivor (crazyabe)

Spoiler: Rusty (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Rusty's Materivors (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2018, 03:32:26 pm by Nakéen »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom - Turn 0.4 (Year 0)
« Reply #86 on: May 15, 2018, 02:03:12 pm »

I think I put in the wrong name of the thing I wanted to attack, I meant to scout out the things that were attacking me crap.
Give me a second,
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.

Dustan Hache

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom - Turn 0.4 (Year 0)
« Reply #87 on: May 15, 2018, 02:28:55 pm »

Respect the stonewings' decision, and inquire as to why they refused. There is no harm in letting them be, since they are not causing trouble for any of the others, as far as we are aware.

As for our current opponent, Begin formulating a plan to bypass the kragoliuths' stony skin, taking advantage of their slow speed and larger-than-average size. Perhaps hit and run tactics?
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom - Turn 0.4 (Year 0)
« Reply #88 on: May 15, 2018, 02:50:49 pm »

I think I put in the wrong name of the thing I wanted to attack, I meant to scout out the things that were attacking me crap.
Give me a second,
Noproblem, that can be retconned


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Monstrous Kingdom - Turn 0.4 (Year 0)
« Reply #89 on: May 15, 2018, 02:54:55 pm »

I think I put in the wrong name of the thing I wanted to attack, I meant to scout out the things that were attacking me crap.
Give me a second,
Noproblem, that can be retconned
No, it's there now, I can work with this.
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.
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