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Author Topic: MKL21 Grand Prix-S1, R2: Choco Raceway (Turn 5-Mudslide!)  (Read 19326 times)


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Dampe, always cautious, Defensively Drives


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Everyone entering PURPLE!
Spoiler: PURPLE Segment (click to show/hide) <--Track Mood Music
Lightning Phase
Everyone hits the first of the Chocoramps, gaining a small dash boost of +1 momentum!

Player Action Phase
Dampe, always cautious, Defensively Drives
Dampe remains patient, a wary eye on the nippers crowding the edges of track-concentrates on maintaining speed and staying on track! Defensive Driving: +1 to hazard, pass and grab checks!

Foul start.  It's a wonder Crank managed to keep his place in the pack; Waluigi was hot on his tail and certainly not backing off.  He'd have to keep up the heat, and take all the chances.
Aggressive driving!  Hit the stunt!
"Thanks for the hot tip Boomer!"

Crank knows he can't expect his pit crew to pull a miracle every turn of the track-he decides to take a risky and aggressive line to build up speed!

Crank hits the gas... [1] and finds his kart skidding again, the treacherous ramps causing him to veer back and forth, his kart taking the first choco-hill badly! The Nippers chomp in anticipation! (-1 momentum) (Now 2)

[5] Crank's canny eye spots Dampes straight groove cut through the track (the fellow doesn't seem interested in theatrics) and motors his kart into line with it-he hits his high acceleration for all it's worth, and times his hop to get some serious airtime! (+2 momentum) (Now 4) which helpfully keeps him going fast enough to avoid getting nipped.

Crank isn't really theatrical either. He simply tucks his squat body into his kart and rolls three times in mid-air, before coming down on the other side-the resulting speed boost is known better in the business as an air-turbo, which requires a certain speed and flair to perform the delicate tricks needed to gun your kart while not touching the ground. Flexing while doing so is not necessary, but encouraged.

Crank reckons his speed has improved, though not by a great amount. It could have been a lot worse isn't much to go on, though...


Waluigi gains another +2 momentum (Now 8!) as his Dark Star flares out, it's energy expended-the super dense core, however, remains...

Waluigi decides to use this moment to gain the most possible speed! [6] WAAAAA ULTRA TURBO!
+3 momentum (Now 11!)

The purple plumbers kart gains incredible speed and momentum as the Dark Star flares once more as he aims for the ramps to pull ultra Waluigi stunt time!

[1] Unfortunately 'Waluigi Stunt Time' is a montage of his kart erratically bouncing over the track like an pinball SHOT from one of the launchers on his old Casino course! Who needs control when you have this much SPEEEEED!-1 momentum (Now 10!)

Waluigi is BLAZING!

Vaguely remembering the words of the creepy guy with the masks and feeling particularly daring Bowser chooses the Phanto puzzlebox and continues driving aggressively trying to continue booking it in preparation for the chase and secretly hoping it’s not a stupid boo being a buttwipe.

Bowser opts to not join the others in their crazy stunts, though he's been known for pretty acrobatic moves in his time...

He instead concentrates on building up as much speed as he can!

[6]+3 momentum (Now 8!)

Bowser doesn't need any lame dark stars to show everyone who the REAL track boss is! He's the only reptile king on this track! He manages to cut and scrape forward, staying low to the ground and timing his mini-hops perfectly-his Kart finally begins to build REAL speed! Given he spent most of the last race at minimum...the wind blowing in his new hair, the rumble of the kart as it beats the track into submission...feels quite nice!

Meanwhile, Bowsers item has arrived-it looks made of the same metal of the phanto key was, which is to say, pretty heavy and cheap. Otherwise it just looks like a standard cube with 6 sides, like a rolling die. Instead of number pips, however, the face of each side of the box is covered in a mural of Phanto Mask-each face has a different expression. Angry, Sad, Happy, Disgusted, Afraid and one he considers Inscrutable-it seems to completely neutral in demeanor.

He hears a giggle from inside it.

Considering the item in his claw, he hears one of his Koopaling minions screaming on the radio.
"Hey boss, whatever you do, don't open that box!"

Bowser is BLAZING!

Pick up the triple banana and carefully lay it on top of the dynamite, using it to frame-perfect negate the explosion damage! Oh, and slip on my shades and hit the detonator on mine. Cool guys don't look at explosions!
Also do a stunt!
"Cheaters never prosper." Jack says, both prophet and fool.

Jack Frost decides he better deal with the dynamite before anything else.

Sacrificing his banana peels, he attempts to use them to cover the dynamite-using their rubbery yellow hides to absorb the boom! Hopefully it'll work, though it might also hide his cheating hand from the authorities...

Bonus Gained: Dick Dastardly takes a -1 penalty to activating the next black mark attack, but his range of triggering suspicion is lowered to 2 or less.

Jack Frost angles for the ramp, wanting to be as high in the air as possible when he/Dick/the both of them explode. The ice cream can fly! Jack feels the ground beneath his kart give way! Time for the finale! Mid-air, he slips on a pair of sunglasses from a mysterious package a scruffy dog delivered him before the race, and hits his detonator in an awesome slo-mo shot! Stunt time! [6]+2 momentum (Now 4!)

Activating Black Mark vs Dick Dastardly [3]
Jack Frost suffers a point of suspicion!

...Jack rattles his detonator and mashes the button a few more times. He was expecting a kart shattering kaboom. Why was there no kart shattering kaboom?

Speaking of that...

Black Mark Activating against you 5-1=4]

He looks at the front of his kart, noticing the banana bunch hasn't even exploded! Was that even real dynamite? He's (very) briefly puzzled, until he looks at the box the sunglasses came in. Where DID he get those anyway?

The first thing inside the box is a small note written in a fiendish cursive ink.

You've got mud on your face!

The other, is one his own bombs. He's pretty sure it's the bomb he just activated. The timer ticks over and his own pre-recorded voice plays.

[Hi ho time to blow! Hi ho time to blow! Hi ho time to blow!]

Well played.

[18] Kart Hiccup: Grounded (Gives a +2 bonus to anyone attacking your Kart with items that have the projectile tag. Also makes it harder to access certain secret routes.)

The bomb hops into the air and sends a heavy explosive concussion down upon him! Jack's kart takes a heavy blast that rattles it down to the nuts and bolts-he feels his whole kart flatten out (more ice cream bar than cone now) and feels his ability to maneuver vertically is going to be somewhat limited...he's nearly stuck to the track!

A flyer flutters out of the sky to land on his face, now with a blast of 'comical' black explosion dust, reading 'Big Disgrace'.

Hi ho, someones making Jack Angry.

Dick Dastardly is about to pull a Stunt. Making use of the chocodash ramps and the rotors he prepped before the race, he's going to jump over the railing blocks and mushroom his way ahead offroad. Aggressive Driving engage!


Black Mark cashed in.


"You shroom some, you slip sum." Great job Muttley, just what I needed.

Dick needs to grab some air too, but why join the commoners in their fancy 'chocoramps'? Royalty deserves to fly FIRST CLASS!

Tossing his red mushroom into the Mean Machines furnace (which is naturally shaped like a gargoyles mouth) causes his kart to immediately increase in speed! +2 momentum (Now 5!)

Eschewing the obvious forward path, he instead aims to use his momentum to carry him over the multi-colored blocks and cutting ahead of the rest of the racers!

Dick Dastardly turns his kart at an angle to catch the ramp, launching himself over the nipper field! He casually takes the time to activate his trusty helicopter rotors! Ah, reminds him of the good old days...

Oh, and can't forget the ice cream's time to dust a little frosting before his luxury flight.

Black Mark Activating against Jack Frost [5-1=4] Success!

Black Mark Activating against you[3]
Ding! Ah, Dastardly pre-flight popcorn is prepared!

Oh dear, where did that other bomb go? Hehehehe...

Hazard Check to boost over wall!
Modifier: +0
Cost: 1 Momentum
Reward: Faceplant (advanced to next track segment in first)
Penalty: Fall into nippers (hazard check) and Delay
Requirement: Speed Boost Item

[6] (-1 momentum) (Now 4)

Enthused by the explosion behind him, Dick Dastardly easily clears the wall and copters over the nippers! Granted he loses altitude midway, but he spots the chocolate colored bullseye trampoline Muttley snuck onto the track! His kart falls into it, and springs over the chocolate rubble, landing back on the track ahead of the other racers!

Dick Dastardly advances to 1st!

What a diabolical turn of events!

Now he's pretty sure he told Muttley to remove the trampoline afterwards, right?

Tricky tirelessly pounds down the track!

"Such a nice day for a run! Here come the ramps-time to build up some speed and get in this race!"

Action: Tricky is charging aggressively!

[2] Tricky is too busy enjoying the track to build up speed!

Reptilian Thinking: Tricky cannot Aggressive Drive next turn!
Cranky isn't paying much attention to Diddy, however, as he slides into Tricky's massive wake for a Draft! Rather than risking a tricky stunt, he instead uses a charge off his Golden Shroom!
Mr. Cranky, what are you doing! My viewers did not tune in to watch a big dinosaur butthole for 15 turns!
You're one to talk- I'm the one who's downwind of it! But thanks to this Golden Shroom, I won't be here for long!
Uh, Pop Pop, I've been meaning to tell you something about that aerodynamic shawl on your Kart...

Cranky figures he'll never get a good draft as this! Granted the smell could be improved...

Cranky immediately feels his aerodynamic kart gain a wind boost as he positions to draft in the dinosaurs huge wake! +1 Momentum (Now 3)

Free Pass Attempt vs Tricky
[3+1=4] vs [5+3+1=9]

Cranky easily slides by without losing any momentum! He takes 7th!

Feeling confident his luck is about to turn, he reaches for his golden shroom and finds...nothing? That's when a familiar looking spirit rises his aerodynamic shawl and begins to berate him while waving a broom in her other hand. He watches in dismay as the ghost disposes of his Golden Shroom in a Ghostly Wastepaper basket.

...Cranky you slob I can't believe you're leaving these gaudy golden mushrooms just lying on the floor of the living room it's not even a proper banana it's some sort of weird fungus that red fellow is addicted too I had enough of picking up your slippers and cleaning up chemical spills when I was alive, now I hear they're bad for you really I care about your health so I've disposed of it and given you something better and more 'heart healthy' I'm in no hurry for you to join me in the afterlife in fact you should slow down and let the nice horned gentleman pass you again stay safe at the back of the pack where no one can hit you with any of those horrible shells I'll dispose of those too if I find them...

As always, this tirade can be tiring...
-1 momentum! (Now 2)

Cranky got bamboozled! Golden Mushroom replaced with Tofu Banana!
Quote from: Tofu Banana
Cranky isn't sure what this is. All he knows is its taking up space. Maybe that will mean Wrinkly will leave him alone while he has it?
Movement Phase
Tricky isn't catching up to anyone!

Cranky is being pestered by his ghost wife and in no position to catch up to Jack!

Jack notes dimly, that of the two racers ahead, one of them (Dick) flew off the track, activated helicopter mode, and hit a trampoline of some sort and other (Bowser) is burning up road at an alarming rate. He certainly can't catch up to them for now.

Bowser grunts-he's fast, but the guy ahead is even faster! He can't make a move despite his speed-what bum luck!

Waluigi is even more INVINCIBLE! In fact, he cannot mathematically fail now!

Waluigi auto-passes Crank and takes 3rd! -1 momentum (Now 9)

Waluigi burns by Crank without difficulty! No tricks this time! He sets his sights on the next one-the stumpy fellow who drives in a straight line! He notices a deadly red shell whirling on the back of Stumpys kart...

[1+9=10] vs [2+5+1=8]

Even driving bad, Waluigi is still going fast enough to dust this loser! Waa-haa! See you and your unerringly accurate red shell later!

Waluigi passes Dample and takes 2nd! -1 momentum (Now 8 )

Waluigi was sure he would be in first after all that, but he's hardly surprised to see his cheating fake sneak with the stupid hat has cheated his way over the track to take 1st place! Not for long!

[6+8=14] vs [3+4=7]

Waluigi passes Dick Dastardly and takes 1st place! -1 momentum (Now 7)


Time to pull ahead and put some distance on these cheaters! Waluigi feels his cheating devices are working better now-that nasty constrictor plate was really holding him back!


By the very barest margins, Waluigi DOES NOT pull ahead, on account of hitting a set of orange roadcones someone placed in the track. He can see a scruffy dog in a yellow hardhat on the side of the track, whistling innocently. Waluigi will complain about late construction work on the track later!

Cleanup Phase
Some of the racers feel the harsh chocolate winds begin to cut down their speed!

Bowsers kart slows to 5!

Waluigis kart rumbles oddly as his fake starheat vents refuse their usual function of dumping dangerous excess heat, and instead build up heat pressure in his star-engine! Wahaha! More speed!
Waluigis kart bravely refuses to climb down to loser speed! Unfortunately, something also explodes.

[1 Kart Hiccup: Featherweight (Gives a -1 penalty to rams.)

Waluigi watches as his kart begins to shed weight as the mousers begin using parts of his kart as makeshift lifeboats to begin leaping off onto the track.


"Everyone wait your turn! We've got to work out this next part and we'll use it slide off the kart to safety! But there's only enough for half..."

"For the love of cheese, we've got women and children down here!"

"Order! Order I say! Stay back or I'll pop a cork in each and every one of you!"

Small violins play sadly.


Waluigi suffers another point of suspicion!

Racing Order!
1st place!!!
Momentum- 7
Items-[Dragged][Fake Item Box] (0 turns to Poison Shroom!)
Chocolate Tank (1/10): Bottle of Bubble Soda (Standard Material)
Momentum- 4
Momentum- 5
Items-[Dragged][Red Shell]
Momentum- 4
Momentum- 5
Items-[Special][Phanto Puzzlebox]
Momentum- 4
Momentum- 2
Items-[Reserve][Tofu Banana]
Momentum- 1

Spoiler: Racer Info (click to show/hide)

"...Well that was exciting. 'Good Job' Waluigi!"
"Yes, 'good job', air quotes! We're sure this display of completely honest racing will live forever in our audiences hearts!"
"...MLK has also flagged Waluigi and Jack for potential violations. They're gonna have some questions to answer after the race!"
"Jacks much too cute to be a cheater! I'm sure the video the scruffy dog delivered us just now was edited to make him look bad!"
"...Right, but the race has barely begun. We're heading into the widest turn on choco-raceway and our first set of chocobumpers!"
"Aggressive and careful drivers can build up speed from here out! Enjoy the oxymoron!"
"MKL has also noted a trampoline left on track by accident now counts as an official shortcut for all racers-feel free to use Dick Dastardlys own tricks against him!"
"Yes-MKL has ruled that Jack blowing himself up with his own potentially illegal explosive device cannot be marked against Dick Dastardly. What a tricky dick!"

Changing Track Conditions
Dick Dastardly has opened a new shortcut in RED

Dicks Nipper Bounce
Modifier: +0
Cost: 1 Momentum
Reward: Faceplant (advanced to next track segment in first ahead of any who didn't take the shortcut)
Penalty: Fall into nippers (hazard check) and Delay
Requirement: Speed Boost Item
Special: Replaces your ordinary stunt roll. Requires a shortcut action.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2021, 02:12:08 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Waluigi also feels his waffle drill collected a lot of road mud this time around! As far as he understands, it's supposed to sift through and find valuable 'yumaterials' for collection...

1/1x Chocolate
2/2x Chocolate
3/3x Chocolate
4/Poor Material (Upgrades a mod with one perk, comes with two hiccups)
5/Standard Material (Upgrades mod with one perk, adds one hiccup)
6/Super Rare Material (Upgrades mod with one perk, adds no hiccup)

Waluigi gets bottle of Bubble Soda! Added to his chocolate tank.
No matter how tempted Waluigi might be, this is way too expensive to drink. Also in its pure unflattened form, it'll make you explode. He figures they'll be able to upgrade one of his modules with this after the race, at the cost of some instability...
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Tricky hops in the air with a shuddering crash, and begins to slide across the wide curve on his rear!


Action: Tricky power slides!
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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"As to be expected of this Faker. It's time you get your comeupance. After I take your speed for myself!"
Dick is Drafting Waluigi. He's brought out his Extendable Choco-Fludd Vacuum to steal even more speed(and chocolate/bubble soda). What a dastard.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2021, 01:57:35 pm by TricMagic »


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”I’ll take your word for it!”

Powerslide. If I happen to pass the cave goomba, throw the puzzlebox into his kart, otherwise toss the puzzlebox in his direction
« Last Edit: October 30, 2021, 06:16:20 pm by SuperDino85 »


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Re: MKL 21 Grand Prix-S1, R1: Luigis Waterway (Turn 11-Explosive Banana Sundae)
« Reply #187 on: October 30, 2021, 05:09:38 pm »

  Crank grumbles something that shouldn't be played on the commentary track.  He owed himself a hundred dirt track laps before the next race; this was inexcusable.  Maybe he should have gotten those tires.  At least he was doing well when not in contact with the track... but how would sliding do on this dirt?

HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Cranky Kong finds himself in an unexpected (if not unprecedented) situation- he can't get a word in edgewise over the nagging of his undead wife, Wrinkly Kong! He sighs, knowing there's only one way to get her off his case, at least for a little while- eating the "healthy" tofu banana. He's not sure if he has the nerve, though- from experience, he knows the damn thing isn't even banana-flavored tofu!

Full of trepidation, he begins unpeeling the unappealing minimeal. To distract himself from the coming horror, Cranky focuses on throwing the Speedy Pete in to a Powerslide, hoping to keep pace with the pack!


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rrr... Dampe grumbles after being passed by both Dick and Waluigi
 Ram Dick and throw red shell at Waluigi if able to pass


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Re: MKL21 Grand Prix-S1, R2: Choco Raceway (Turn 4-Fun Choco Parade!)
« Reply #190 on: November 03, 2021, 12:09:51 pm »

Everyone entering GREEN!
Spoiler: GREEN Segment (click to show/hide) <--Track Mood Music
Lightning Phase

Player Action Phase


Waluigis immense speed and skill does him no favors on the wide, easy to handle turn-while he avoids doing anything harmful to his kart, his wild seesawing across the track means he gains no momentum either!

He hears an annoying sound behind-the cheater is trying to use Waluigis own displaced air against him! And Waluigi thought his jokes were bad.

Dick Dastardly drafts you! Free pass attempt!
Dick/[1+4=5] vs Waluigi/[2+7=9]

Waluigi has some tricks of his own, not that he'd need them to deal with this cheater! Waluigi hits the dirt release on his Waffle drill and sends a shower of chocolate rocks into his draft zone, giving the one who stole the viking cola sponsorship from him a decent drubbing!

But, Waluigi isn't done yet...!

The pusillanimous plumber, now emboldened, deliberately slows his kart down so as to make Dick Dastardly crash his explosive fake item box and lose even more speed! That's the sort of low down dirty move that gets controllers unplugged. Unfortunately, the cheater cheatingly drives off track, rather than face the awesome power of his explosive box!

He watches with glee as Dick Dastardly struggles to get back on track, only to be smacked upside the head by a shovel wielded by the toothy fellow! Truly revenge is meted to all villains, Waluigi thinks, as Dampe breaks past Dick Dastardly and abruptly fires a homing red shell at him.

Dampe fires a red shell at you!
Waluigi/[5] vs Dampe/[3+3=6]

Waluigi's kart is pretty fast, so he hits the gas and tries to outrun the projectile, which is following him unerreingly! Unfortunately for him, the Mouser driving the shell is on a desperate mission and won't be deterred...

Red Shelled: -2 Momentum (Now 5)

The Shell hits waluigis Kart with a mighty clang, leaving a large chunk stuck inside! It almost looks like a pilot cabin. Whatever! Waluigi still #1!

In the depths of Waluigis Kart

A bashed up mouser driver emerged from the wreckage of his red shell, his goggles smoking and his long red scarf smoldering. The other mini-mousers crowded around in awe.

"...Monterey Jack!"
"He's here to save us!"
"I said I'd be here, didn't I? The mafia rats aren't going to keep me in the stands when people need saving."
"...But the kart is going down Jack. We're about to explode! What are we going to do?"
"Don't worry Kid, I got an idea...just trust me."

"As to be expected of this Faker. It's time you get your comeupance. After I take your speed for myself!"
Dick is Drafting Waluigi. He's brought out his Extendable Choco-Fludd Vacuum to steal even more speed(and chocolate/bubble soda). What a dastard.

With a red shell spinning behind, Dick takes a long shot gamble to get ahead by trying to draft Waluigi!

You draft Waluigi! Free pass attempt!
Dick [1+4=5] vs Waluigi/[2+7=9]

Dick Dastardly tries to line up in Waluigis wind-zone, only to find the Faker prepared a trick of his own-he finds the space behind Waluigis kart filled with a thick cloud of chocolate dust!

Dirt Track Penalty (Pass Fail): -1 Momentum (Now 3)

Coughing, Dick squints and looks ahead (his goggles might very well be part of the hat), only to see the perilous plumber has literally slowed down his kart-in an attempt to make Dick rear end him, right into an explosive fake item box!


Dick is used to such tricks, though this one feels a bit more personal than he's used to-to avoid the box, he cleverly drives his Kart off track!

Off Track Penalty: -1 Momentum (Now 2)

Taking a shortcut through the crumbled cookies slows him down even more, but at least he didn't give Waluigi the satisfaction of nailing him!

Dick Dastardly rolls back onto the raceway with a smug satisfaction that can only come from dropping ones guard right before something terrible happens.

He hears a growling noise.


Dampe rams you! Free pass attempt!
Dick/[6+2=8] vs Dampe/[5+5+2=12]


Dick is whacked upside the head by a shovel wielded by Dampe as the Gravediggers kart blows by him-small versions of Muttley circle his head in a diadem as he drifts off track again.

Rammed: -2 Momentum (Now 0)
Off Track Penalty: -1 Momentum (Now -1)
Position Lost!

Stunned, Dick can only watch as a succession of racers power slide right by him! Muttley is lazing in the stands, drinking a huge soft drink with the label 'Extreme Orange' on it!

Double drat or triple drat? How many drats is that now?

The humiliation ends (really, he almost got sent to the back of the pack!) as he finally rambles onto track-noting that directly behind him, is Jack Frost. Who drove so lamely this turn that he actually saved Dick from falling back even further.

It's funny how these things work out.
Dampe grumbles after being passed by both Dick and Waluigi
 Ram Dick and throw red shell at Waluigi if able to pass
rrr... Dampe doesn't take getting passed easily.

Raising his mighty shovel, he advances on Dick-the villain is veering all over the track after his failed move, and easy prey!

Dampe rams Dick! Free pass attempt!
[6+2=8] vs [5+5+2=12]
Pass Cost: -1 Momentum (Now 4)
Gained 2nd place!

Dampe gives his opponent a pounding, a satisfying bong ringing out as he sends Dastardly spinning off track again! Rrrrrr!

He wastes no time in launching his red shell as soon as Waluigi is lit up in his karts target lock!

Dampe fires a red shell at Waluigi!
[5] vs [3+3=6]

Dampe watches with satisfaction as he lays another racer out flat! That should keep him close until Dampe gets in shovel range...

  Crank grumbles something that shouldn't be played on the commentary track.  He owed himself a hundred dirt track laps before the next race; this was inexcusable.  Maybe he should have gotten those tires.  At least he was doing well when not in contact with the track... but how would sliding do on this dirt?


Grumbling at his poor skill on the dirt track (Crank wishes he was on the familiar wet slick cave floor of his homeland in the Gloomba Grotto), the Gloomba Racer attempts to hit a power slide-hoping the wide track is somewhat more forgiving than the previous sections.

Super Critical Powerslide Success: +2 Momentum (Now 6)
+1 to Pass Checks and Free Pass Attempt!

Here we go! Crank immediately feels the difference-cutting into the dirt at a slide is far easier than attempting to fight the track directly, as it cuts through the rough and crumbly terrain easier. He's pretty sure power slides are just generally safer on this track, with less chance of being sent off course than through aggressive driving or pass attempts. He pours on judicious and well timed mini-boosts, rapidly increasing his speed!

He notes ahead Dick Dastardly has spunout on the corner...Crank pours all his speed into the next turn.

Power slide success! Free pass attempt vs Dick Dastardly!
Dick/[3+-1=2] vs Crank/[4+6+1=11]

There's really no question of this particular outcome.

Pass Cost: -1 Momentum (Now 5)
Gained 3rd place!

Crank hears a whistling noise from behind as the Koopa King Bowser tosses something at him! It doesn't sound like a traditional weapon, but...

Bowser/[2] vs Crank/[1]


It seems Bowser has tossed him a strange looking object which he recognizes from the pre-race briefing as a Phanto's Puzzlebox. It looks like a standard 6 sided box, except each of the faces is a phanto mask showing a different emotion...he's pretty sure you were supposed to solve it and get some sort of prize. Maybe Bowser was too dumb to figure out the puzzles?

Powerslide. If I happen to pass the cave goomba, throw the puzzlebox into his kart, otherwise toss the puzzlebox in his direction
”I’ll take your word for it!”

Seeing he has no chance to pass Crank, Bowser hucks his Phanto Puzzlebox forward as the Cave Goomba accelerates forward!

Bowser/[2] vs Crank/[1]

Nailed him!

Feeling successful, Bowser grinds into the turn-he's always had good luck on these power slides!

Critical Powerslide Success: +1 Momentum (Now 6)
+1 to Pass Checks and Free Pass Attempt!

Bowser notes a sad looking Dick Dastardly sitting on the side of the track.

Power slide success! Free pass attempt vs Dick Dastardly!
Dick/[5+-1=4] vs Bowser/[2+6+1=9]

Bowser no longer notes the presence of a sad looking Dick Dastardly. Bwahahaha!

Pass Cost: -1 Momentum (Now 5)
Gained 4th place!

Defensive drive the heck outta this track!
Jack isn't feeling the mood, and drives pretty carefully. +1 to passes, grabs, and hazards!

His slow driving at least keeps him from suffering any more setbacks-unfortunately, he misses a chance to join the parade passing by a wiped out Dick Dastardly, who rambles onto track right in front of him.

Oh well. Hee ho, life brings people back together...

Cranky Kong finds himself in an unexpected (if not unprecedented) situation- he can't get a word in edgewise over the nagging of his undead wife, Wrinkly Kong! He sighs, knowing there's only one way to get her off his case, at least for a little while- eating the "healthy" tofu banana. He's not sure if he has the nerve, though- from experience, he knows the damn thing isn't even banana-flavored tofu!

Full of trepidation, he begins unpeeling the unappealing minimeal. To distract himself from the coming horror, Cranky focuses on throwing the Speedy Pete in to a Powerslide, hoping to keep pace with the pack!

Bracing himself for a terrible tofu banana, Cranky veers into a...

Successful powerslide!
+1 to Pass Checks!

Crankys usual modus operandi was to extend the time between unpeeling the 'banana' and actually raising it and taking a bite to ridiculous lengths, in the hope Wrinkly would get distracted by some sort of domestic emergency-once she left he could safely dispose of it.

Now that she's undead he's not sure if the trick will work, since as an immortal spirit, she'll never get distracted...

He notes in his rearview mirror, a huge dinosaur sliding on his rear at an alarming speed.

Tricky Power slide success! Free pass attempt vs you!
Tricky/[5+3+1=9] vs Cranky/[3+2+1=6]

Tricky slides past him, sending dirt flying all over the kart! Worrying developments...

Wrinkly nods warmly, assuming Cranky has taken her advice about falling 'safely' to the back of the pack and begins to attend to the recent mud shower with a ghostly mop.

Position lost!

Action: Tricky is power sliding!

Super Critical Powerslide Success: +2 Momentum (Now 3)
+1 to Pass Checks and Free Pass Attempt!

Tricky jumps on his rear and slides along in the nice clear path left by the other racers-though, he substantially widens it. Picking up speed, the Triceratops begins to approach Cranky at a reptilian drift!

Power slide success! Free pass attempt vs Cranky Kong!
Tricky/[5+3+1=9] vs Cranky/[3+2+1=6]
Pass Cost: -1 Momentum Armor up! Reduce Momentum loss by 1! (Final Result: No change! Now 3)
Gained 7th place!

Reptilian Thinking: Tricky cannot power slide next turn!
Hazard Phase
Everybody but Tricky, Jack, and Dick pick up speed on the Choco-bumpers! +1 Momentum!


Movement Phase
Cranky can only unpeel the banana so slowly...this is a delicate operation...he gains a bit of speed on the choco-bumpers, but it's not enough to get track position...

Tricky can't catch up to Jack, but he's glad his 'armor' is less a physical thing and more a sort of omni-protective force that protects him from everything, even losing momentum on passes. He's pretty sure this is fairly balanced!

Jack seems unusually lifeless and misses a perfect opportunity to pass Dick Dastardly, as he is defensive driving!

Dick is getting pretty suspicious, as he's sure Jack Frost could have passed him if he had wanted to. The only reason for someone not to try and pass you is if they want bloody revenge! Egads! There's a psychopath on the loose!

Bowser is neck and neck with the Gloomber Crank and just barely can't pass him. Maybe it's time to test those new ramming rules...right in time for the PITS!

Crank guns his momentum as he finishes the turn, and realizes he's got a potential pass on the toothy guy, Dampe-he's got the speed and the angle to squeeze by. Just have to watch out for that shovel...

Crank tries to pass Dampe!
Crank/[2+6+1=9] vs Dampe/[2+5=7]

Crank squirts by Dampe, ducking low into his kart-his classic move-to avoid a rattling backhand blow as the shovels flat blade flies right over where his stumpy head would have been. But like any Rookie, Dampe doesn't account for his momentary lack of control-driving with one hand isn't so easy. But try driving with NO hands! Some people say Crank drives with his feet, but he's always left it as a mystery to the fans...

The subtle drift from Dampe is enough for Crank to barely get by him!

Pass Cost: -1 Momentum (Now 5)
Gained 2nd place!

Dampe blinks in astonishment as a blue Magic Mushroom driving a kart snaps by him, evading his retaliatory shovel easily! He can't catch up to regain his spot! Where did that one come from?

Waluigi recovers from his kart flip and tries to pick up speed-he's pretty sure he wants to clear this section of the track without the other racers bothering him!

He feels strange rumbles in his engine...


Something explodes and flies off his kart-it looks like some sort of canister with a tiny parachute on it? Ah, well, it didn't seem important. But his kart reached enough speed to pull ahead!

Now all Waluigi has to do is traverse the next area without issue!


Well, it's a lot easier said than done! Waluigis high speed combined with the slippery mud quickly results in him plowing into the hugest, gooiest pool of Chocolate in the entirety of choco-land. It splatters all over his kart! Someone help Waluigi!

*gloop gloop gloop*

Hey, what's that ominous bubbling sound?

Waluigi hits the gas desperately and veers back onto track, his tires sloughing off the sticky stuff, but just as much clings to his kart-this stuff is worse than or as bad as blooper ink! Waaaa!
-1 Debuff and -1 Momentum!

Waluigi hits the hazard and does not pull ahead! (though he's still #1!)

He hasn't gained nearly as much ground as he should have!

Waaaaa! Mushroom Man is hot behind him!

Cleanup Phase
All the racers feel the mud beneath their karts grow thick and soupy...

Bowsers kart rolls down to 5 momentum safely!

Waluigiss Kart rumbles dangerously-but then settles down. Apparently high speeds are really dangerous for his kart!

A frantic voice is heard from Waluigis radio-he thinks it's Walouise!

"Hey boss, I got a rat here show says they can help, but uh can you uh, turn off that thing that is making your ah-kart explode? That totally legal thing? ...What do you mean, he can't turn it off? Waaaaaa!"


Dick Dastardly puts on Mozart- Requiem, K. 626: Kyrie to get his busted kart back in the mood to race! He spins back up to 2 momentum due to high acceleration!

Racing Order!
1st place!!!
Momentum- 5
Items-[Dragged][Fake Item Box] (0 turns to Poison Shroom!)
Chocolate Tank (1/10): Bottle of Bubble Soda (Standard Material)
Momentum- 5
Items-[Special][Phanto Puzzlebox]
Momentum- 5
Momentum- 5
Momentum- 2
Momentum- 4
Momentum- 3
Momentum- 3
Items-[Reserve][Tofu Banana]

Spoiler: Racer Info (click to show/hide)

"...Dick Dastardly has suffered a near disaster!"
"Very near! He was spared by the kindly Jack Frost-otherwise he may very have ended up sharing that oddly unappetizing looking banana with Cranky!"
"Crank the Gloomba, meanwhile, seems to have recovered from his earlier setbacks and looks clear to the front of the line."
"While Dampe is still in the running, he's bashing away trying to reclaim first! Bowser is also enjoying a front end position-can he capitalize on it?"
"Our racers have now equalized in speed-the perfect place for us to enter the green segment..."
"...THE MUD PITS! Racers will have to be very careful here! The mud pits are extremely treacherous! Once you go in-you may never come out!"
"All racers should watch out for Tricky-he's not bothered by a bit of mud, and once he builds up speed, he may be impossible to stop!"
"But the glimmer of the second set of item boxes can be seen in the distance-a powerful advantage going into the final turn!"

Before the race...
A pair of passingly familiar track lakitus deploy their lakitu lines (with podobos on the end) to swish over the track.

"So we're gonna melt this section of the track down more, see? The racing master think it'll be more fun if there's more mud."
"Fun to watch I guess. Why did we get this shift, anyway? This sucks, and it's already hot! And these podobos aren't doing any favors-they like to cuddle!"
"Cause we both lost all our money betting on Cranky Kong to lose, remember? I can't believe that Old Kong managed to win! I don't know about you, but I gotta earn some coin or the missus will take away the keys to the cloud..."
"Ah well. I just took out some loans, I put everything on Cranky Kong to lose again! See, it's like mathematics right. He wins one, so now he has to lose one. Life comes down to a coinflip, you know! Really, all our choices are meaningless in the face of chaos."
"How deep! Anyway, how deep do you think these pits really are? The miners said they don't really know and..."
"...and they said it's too dangerous to check. Do you really think there's a Choco-Blargg like they said?"
"Choco-Blargg? Those are usually in lava and stuff. I think it's just a myth. Scare the little miners to bed at night."
"...Yeah, I'm gonna stay up here at maximum distance just in case."
"Me too. Not because I'm scared or anything, mind you..."

*gloop gloop gloop*
« Last Edit: November 03, 2021, 02:00:02 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MKL21 Grand Prix-S1, R2: Choco Raceway (Turn 4-Fun Choco Parade!)
« Reply #191 on: November 03, 2021, 12:35:51 pm »

"Clearly he wants to mess with me. Well no more, time to cheat!"

Dick Dastardly puts on the breaks next to the chocopits, and takes out a long long pipe from his Double Deuce.

All other Racers auto-pass him unless Delayed.

"Time to hit paydirt." Begin filtering the chocolate into my tank, I'll fill it up and drop it off at the pitstop. And spread the refuse all over the track too. This place is going to be even more treacherous to cross next two laps, perfect for bogging them down. And if I understand the sparks, I'll just skip this part of the track next go round.

Once his dirty work is done(with dirty weapons added to make things even worse for those who get bogged down suspicion free[including him])


  • Bay Watcher
  • Such ‼Socks‼ Much Fun
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« Last Edit: November 04, 2021, 08:42:11 pm by Fluffe9911 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: MKL21 Grand Prix-S1, R2: Choco Raceway (Turn 4-Fun Choco Parade!)
« Reply #193 on: November 04, 2021, 09:34:34 am »

Ram the old guy with the shovel
(And if I succeed, put a “kick me” sticker on his kart)
« Last Edit: November 04, 2021, 09:46:25 am by SuperDino85 »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sorry, I AM a coyote
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Re: MKL 21' Grand Prix-S1, R1: Luigis Waterway (Turn 5-Waaa Boosters Activated!)
« Reply #194 on: November 04, 2021, 10:46:24 am »

Unfortunately for Cranky, there's no more time to stall. He has a date with destiny, and that destiny is shaped like a tofu-flavored tofu banana.

Fortunately for Cranky, at that very moment a rampaging triceratops sprays the Speedy Pete (and Cranky, and the "banana") with mud! Chocolate mud! Acting quickly before Wrinkly can swap out the killer tofu, Cranky jams the tofu banana in his mouth!

BLAH! It tastes like chocolate-covered gym socks!

Coughing and wheezing, Cranky rolls into the wake of Tricky Triceratops, once again Drafting behind him in an attempt to climb the ranks!
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