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Author Topic: New steam succession: Mebanugath "Streambelch"  (Read 11918 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New steam succession: Mebanugath "Streambelch"
« Reply #90 on: March 29, 2023, 03:18:22 am »

I'll have a look through the save to see if it's *completely* hopeless, but my vote is carry on and clean up the werelemur threat.


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Re: New steam succession: Mebanugath "Streambelch"
« Reply #91 on: March 29, 2023, 04:45:08 am »

I think if we know who exactly is and isn't a werelemur, we could deal with this. Are there any miners amongst survivors? Or we order the werebeasts to go to the caves and live there, they're still dwarves most of the time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New steam succession: Mebanugath "Streambelch"
« Reply #92 on: March 29, 2023, 05:42:10 am »

The inner dwarves *SHOULD* be completely clean. So, those that are within the tavern-room-food storage complex, or that red outlined area. All the doors are locked.

Those safely inside this area have already survived a full moon, killing the final were-transformation by the mass application of pickaxes, without bites or scratches.

It would be fairly easy to recover since you can now simply expel the infected dwarves.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Be aware they can later reappear in migrant waves in other fortresses, which can be really really nasty.

also... this is a good time to use DFhack to help with cleanup. the amount of bodies and bits left over might take three years to clean at a normal rate, and refuse chambers are already at like %60 capacity. up to other players of course, but I think it's a good idea in the interest of keeping things interesting and less of a chore.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New steam succession: Mebanugath "Streambelch"
« Reply #93 on: March 29, 2023, 05:53:22 am »

I don't want to expel them mostly because I don't want to unleash a dozen werelemurs onto the world. One of them did this to our beautiful fortress, imagine what a whole squad can do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New steam succession: Mebanugath "Streambelch"
« Reply #94 on: April 05, 2023, 09:46:38 am »

Year 8
Zon "Parzival II" Anuzaban's diary – property of Zon Anuzaban
25th obsidian, Late Winter, year 214

To say it's been a disaster is frankly an understatement. The halls are once again littered with bones, blood and the stink of death. We're down to 22 dwarves and in the heat of battle it's unclear who exactly was bitten and who was unscathed. Worst of all, it's the 25th of obsidian and in three days there will be another full moon.

We make some thorough but urgent checks to see who has suspicious looking injuries, or has been dwelling on violent memories. It's not good news. There's only 9 out of 22 citizens we believe to be safe from the werelemur curse. Who knows how bad it is amongst the visitors.

Those of us who are safe hold a huddled meeting, and agree that the suspected infected dwarves will be holed up in the infirmary, for their own 'protection' while we lock ourselves up in the angry Eel. We only have to survive until the end of the full moon, then we can find a more permanent solution to the curse. To keep people from panicking we won't let the others know that their bunker is actually a prison. We have to move fast though to get everyone to where they need to be in the short amount of time we have.

It almost worked. Most of the infected made it to the hospital before we had to shut the doors, however one dwarf was too slow after he stopped to pick up food on the way. There's a few of us who also hadn't quite made it to the inn in time either, and we could hear the fighting echoing down the hall, through the locked doors.


After the full moon clears and the sound of fighting clears, our 9 safe dwarves has dwindled down to 6. 1 less than we started with, however we have food and drink stocks to last us a long time. Some of the Werelemur problem has solved itself, as they tore into one another in the hospital, and none of the dwarves trapped in the corridors with the werelemurs survived. We now have a month to deal with the remaining, before the next full moon.

6 uncursed Dwarves:
Zon "Parzival II" Anuzaban (Mayor)
Ral Egdothurist (Animal Dissector)
Vabok Taroneshtan (cook)
Mosus Sazirzefon (cook)
Vutok Dodokansreb (child)
Dodok Dumatagesh (Dancer)

OOC: Let me know if you want to get any of the surviving dwarves named after you.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2023, 12:05:29 pm by Parzival1 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New steam succession: Mebanugath "Streambelch"
« Reply #95 on: April 05, 2023, 03:10:38 pm »

I'll take a re-dwarfed "Salmeuk II" . good luck with this one - DEATH awaits even the most simple of mistakes


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New steam succession: Mebanugath "Streambelch"
« Reply #96 on: April 06, 2023, 03:27:08 am »

I would like to be redwarfed!

Did many of the werelemurs survive? Is it like one or two, or do we still have around ten?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New steam succession: Mebanugath "Streambelch"
« Reply #97 on: April 06, 2023, 05:01:48 am »

7 werelemurs left, some killed each other but also someone else was bitten and survived.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New steam succession: Mebanugath "Streambelch"
« Reply #98 on: April 08, 2023, 04:29:39 pm »

Year 8
Zon "Parzival II" Anuzaban's diary – property of Zon Anuzaban
1st Slate, Early Spring, year 214

With the limited time we had before the next full moon we debated how best to deal with the remaining infected. Mosus suggested we replicate an old dwarven design, called an atom smasher, to permanently fix the problem, however this was dropped partly due to squeamishness, but mostly due o the fact that our limited numbers meant we may not be able to build it in time.
I put forward a far simpler solution. Since Noagga's untimely demise we had a beautifully decorated suite sitting empty. We told the infected dwarves that they'd earnt an extended holiday to relax and de-stress, and we'd let them out once the werelemur threat has been dealt with. Were beasts don't need food or water as their hunger gets healed with every moon, so it's all very humane.

My mother always said the answer to any of life's problems is to simply lock it up away somewhere and forget about it.

The only regret is that a damn stray cat slipped in before we could brick up the entrance.

Now that that's solved we have the rather dull task or sorting out the fortress, cleaning up bodies and carving epitaphs for the few ghosts that have already started popping up. Hopefully this won't have scarred of any new migrants from the mountain home.

14th Slate, Early Spring, year 214

By the wings of Akil Towermountains! It's about time that luck rolled in our favour. There was an absolute stampede of migrants teeming into the fortress in spring. I asked around and clearly word hadn't yet reached back home yet of our troubles. Our number have swelled now from 6 to 29 (plus the 5 on 'extended vacation'), and we've immediately set them to work hauling piles of bones and werelemur corpses. Most were horrified by the stink of death, however I noticed one suspiciously pale dwarf roaming corridors completely unaffected. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New steam succession: Mebanugath "Streambelch"
« Reply #99 on: April 08, 2023, 04:51:34 pm »

I asked around and clearly word hadn't yet reached back home yet of our troubles. Our number have swelled now from 6 to 29 (plus the 5 on 'extended vacation'), and we've immediately set them to work hauling piles of bones and werelemur corpses.

imagine showing up to 100+ dead dwarf and monkey corpses when you expected some kind of riverside paradise. and then being told it was Haulin' Time!

ooooh we got ourselves a grim one


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New steam succession: Mebanugath "Streambelch"
« Reply #100 on: April 08, 2023, 06:16:19 pm »

Year 8
Zon "Parzival II" Anuzaban's diary – property of Zon Anuzaban
15th Galena, Late summer, year 215

Some of the new migrants have been asking about strange scratching noises they're hearing late at night, coming through the walls. We tell told them it's probably just a rat infestation, nothing to concern themselves with.

Project corpse hauling has wrapped up, with most of the bodies moved to a mass grave.

While it's regrettable that our migrants' first couple of months at the fort was spent hauling corpses that had been savagely torn to shreds, on the plus side pretty much everyone is completely desensitized to the sight of death.

In the spirit of hiding away our problems and forgetting about them I've ordered work start on a deep pit which we can throw our trash into, whether that be threadbare clothes or goblin intruders.

Otherwise the year is progressing quietly, with a few more migrants arriving in the summer, and a caravan from the humans.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New steam succession: Mebanugath "Streambelch"
« Reply #101 on: April 09, 2023, 08:19:21 am »

If that pit goes into the caverns you might want to cover it up with hatches lest someone nasty flies up. Dwarves can throw trash even through forbidden hatches.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New steam succession: Mebanugath "Streambelch"
« Reply #102 on: April 12, 2023, 04:31:53 pm »

Year 8
Zon "Parzival II" Anuzaban's diary – property of Zon Anuzaban
28th Timber, Late Autumn, year 215

The clean up continues apace, helped by our swelling numbers. We've managed to clean all the corridors, and re-assigned nobles and admin to help run the place. We've even begun training of a new guard, led by Salmeuk II.

Speaking of Salmeuk II...

They created an incredible figurine of Vadi Blushmouth the goatman carved out of hematite and decorated with white jade, onyxes, hazel wood and yak bone. It's now locked up safe in the vault with our other artifacts.

There's a massive gold lined chamber on the lower floor of the main fort that has me intrigued, however I'm unwilling to make use of it just yet. I'm not sure what my predecessors were planning. There's also what looks like the beginning of a magma forge which I've not yet touched.

22nd Moonstone, Early Winter, year 215

Our cistern trap is currently out of operation unfortunately, so I quickly called for the main gate to be raised and the trap corridor to open, with dwarves at the ready to deal with any that made it through. There appeared to be about 10 goblins, including some child snatchers. After our were-beast scourge it was frankly a little pitiful, with four walking straight into our waiting cage traps.

The rest quickly fled like cowards. Hopefully they'll be back with a real challenge next time.

This does give us an opportunity to test out our newly built pit however. (OOC lets see if I can remember how this works)

The goblin Ewe Momoyaba briefly feels relieved at being released from their cage. I imagine they were feeling less relieved as they were led to the pit.

Well crap, turns out I didn't remember how to do this.

I didn't strip the goblin of their armour first, meaning that they survived the fall with only bruises.
There isn't a way out for them, but our pit is now filled with an armed and pissed of goblin. We can deal with it though, as I had the foresight to order the construction of a trash compactor, it's just not the gore explosion I was expecting.

Let's see if I can do a better job with Ewe's comrades...

Tosid damn it I'm really rusty at this. Instructions got a little confused and Nish the dwarven child ended up just dumping the whole cage down into the pit with goblin inside by accident. To be fair Nish is only 2 years old.
The goblin already down there managed to spot it coming and dogged out of the way at the last minute, so now there's two live goblins in our pit.

I took a while ordering certain items un-forbidden and dumped, and I think the dwarves finally understood how to strip our captives.

(OOC I had a moment of panic when the sprite was still an armoured goblin with a crossbow, but luckily his only items are the tears in his eyes)

There's a few thuds echoing up the pit from the remaining successful executions. Ewe and the caged goblin watch in horror as the bodies of their comrades come hurtling down the pit towards them, before splattering over the walls.

Their horror only grows with the whirring of machinery, as the trash compactor closes.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New steam succession: Mebanugath "Streambelch"
« Reply #103 on: April 12, 2023, 05:05:40 pm »

taking out the trash, with difficulties...

how's the FPS overall? and cleanliness?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New steam succession: Mebanugath "Streambelch"
« Reply #104 on: April 12, 2023, 05:35:18 pm »

Year 8
Zon "Parzival II" Anuzaban's diary – property of Zon Anuzaban
28th obsidian, Late Winter, year 215

The year is coming to a close, and we've successfully managed to stabilise the fortress. Our number are now up to 54, plus two remaining dwarves on permanent vacation:

Dwarves are surprisingly happy, with only a five less than medium. We've been carving lots of bone crafts and totems out of our piles of skeletons which has satisfied their urge to craft, and we're well stocked up on booze and lavish meals.

The only other interesting thing this winter was another forgotten beast arrived and kicked the snot out of the one who was lurking around the caverns.

I leave this fort to my successor, better than I found it.

OOC: FPS is fine on my PC. Pretty much everything is cleaned up now.

Save for end of year 8 is here:

I don't think we're going to hear from HelloThere4579 (unless they reply to this letting us know you're ready for a turn), in which case I believe Baprr is next?

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