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Author Topic: Neverwinter Nights 1  (Read 4647 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Neverwinter Nights 1
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2009, 10:07:33 am »

Nah, only epic online battle when you ride your powerful mount screaming words of power at the face of fleeing enemy with your comrades aside... Only there you can feel the true power of NwN 1.
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Re: Neverwinter Nights 1
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2009, 10:37:21 am »

Well, the reasons I actually bought it are ...
first of all, I never played D&D and I always wanted to dick around with the ruleset a bit.
secondly, what got me interested the most is this dungeon master client thingy. that sounds as if they adapted a pen&paper rpg into something that can comfortably be played over the internet without the usual slow pace.

In fact I was hoping we can get a nice party together (order of the stick style) and a dungeon master and just have some fun. In fact, I thought I remembered there actually WAS a bay12 nwn1 community already.

But I just took a quick peek into the game, created a halfling rogue and ran around a bit. I have no clue yet, how everything works, and what the dmclient actually can do. Right now I'm sick and cant concentrate properly because of all the slime coming out of my air intakes, so I'm having a hard time actually finding it out.

 Also I need to transform that friggin game into english, because, sadly, they managed to sell me a localized version. Part 2 is English, but part 1 is german, and the voice acting is HORRIBLE. I kid you not. But, lucky for me, you can download the english game resources for the linux install thingy. I believe I can just grab the english voice.bif thingies and need to rename them accordingly. But I rather be a bit careful and first I need to find out which files I actually need.

Also I dont know whether the expansions have seperate language files, and more importantly... where to get them.
So if anybody could upload the xp1_sounds.bif (I guess thats the one) as well as xp2.bif, that would be dandy.
I think those are the only files for the expansions that are localized, the rest of those dont have suspicious filenames.
(the two I mentioned are called xp1_sounds_ge.bif and xp2_german.bif in my install, so I think I want to replace those ;) )
« Last Edit: April 08, 2009, 10:40:17 am by Puck »


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Re: Neverwinter Nights 1
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2009, 02:34:52 pm »

You've got the game and all the keys therefore you have a legit reason to download the whole game and get rid of the german, as i belive its easier to just grab a torrent than to find the audio files


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Neverwinter Nights 1
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2009, 02:37:19 pm »

Neverwinter Nights? Hell yeah. Too bad i don't have the expansions, which means i can only join 0.2% of all the servers that exist.
We all have problems. Some people just have more awesome problems than others.
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Re: Neverwinter Nights 1
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2009, 02:41:48 pm »

You've got the game and all the keys therefore you have a legit reason to download the whole game and get rid of the german, as i belive its easier to just grab a torrent than to find the audio files
Yeah, probably, but I rather download 300mb than one and a half gig.

In the meantime I got the vanilla part 1 to english. I just wasnt able to find the english voicefiles for the expansion packs.


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Re: Neverwinter Nights 1
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2009, 02:49:22 pm »

I'm not sure which files have the expansions' sounds and voices but I'd be happy to install my English copy and upload them for you. I'll peek around the folders a bit.


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Re: Neverwinter Nights 1
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2009, 03:20:13 pm »

That is pretty nice of you, but I'm actually starting to think about the torrent idea more and more... because....

There was this one thing with the character creation, when you can select your voice... about half of them were german still... on the other hand maybe that's exactly the problem with the expansion packs. Maybe half those voices have been added later, and those come from the files I'm missing.

I believe I'm looking for \installdirectory\data\xp1_sounds.bif and xp2_sounds.bif


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Re: Neverwinter Nights 1
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2009, 03:23:53 pm »

You lucky sod. Torrenting is outta the question for me. A recent law in sweden prohibits downloading of protected files (as long as you upload as well, which torrent programs does.)
We all have problems. Some people just have more awesome problems than others.
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Re: Neverwinter Nights 1
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2009, 03:43:17 pm »

I remember being very disappointed with NWN.  But then again, I was expecting Baldur's Gate with enhanced graphics.  That's not an easy order to fill.

And, yeah...  The first section of the campaign is hell on a stick (a friggin' backtracking FETCH QUEST?  I hate you).  It gets a little bit better after you get out of the city, but it still doesn't do much more than the bare necessity of providing you with a carrot.

But then I started playing the "real" game.  Namely, the toolset.  I have to say, I've have undeniably spent far more hours working in the editor than I have actually playing.  I *loved* that thing.  Carnally.

So much freedom...  Sure, you couldn't change the fact that people ran like they had poles wedged in their nethers and fought with the grace of a one-legged duck, but you could at least change the ridiculous outfits!  And put them in cities that you could actually explore!  And give them magical items that were more than just the standard +1 dreck, and that had REAL BACKSTORIES.

Yes, I admit to being an editor junkie.  But when you have the ability to put a single relatively unremarkable door in the doorway to some random house in a city, and have that door lead to a secret area that looked like a small rural clearing with a huge beam coming down from the sky, and lots of green aliens wandering around?  And have that beam be the entryway into a flying saucer with stolen ultra-rare specimens in pens?  Including Sean Connery?

If anyone's wondering, yes.  I did this.  I have a penchant for secret areas that are stupidly hard to find, but give big payoffs (okay, so poking Sean Connery with a stick isn't a big payoff for everyone, but that was only one secret of many.  Besides, you get to beat up aliens).

I also made animated suits of armor that actually LOOKED LIKE ANIMATED SUITS OF ARMOR.  Not these funky pseudo-golem hovering bastards that NWN uses...

I basically spent a metric shitload of time "fixing" the game.  I don't think I ever really finished any of my big projects, but I managed to get some very nice preview areas (and I try to use as little premade content as possible.  I remake everything to better suit my interests, even if it's just an appearance tweak).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Neverwinter Nights 1
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2009, 06:09:56 pm »


I just found both expansion packs for download in the apple store. Now there is this slight chance this wont do me any good. But there also is the chance it will just... work. 30 minutes download, 10 minutes dicking around with some files, and maybe, just maybe I can play the game like it's supposed to be.

I mean, seriously. Why the eff are they even bothering with localized speech, when they cant even find a half decent voice actor. Because the german thing is really really really bad. I already said that, did I? but I can say it again, its THAT bad. You can hear the actors .... acting. there is NOTHING natural about their voices, they wrangle the words through their throats, you can almost feel the pain.

I can see why they are localizing games. Everytime I go to the store and browse the budget box, I can hear the kiddies complain about "but this isnt in german". fuckin brats, you learn that friggin language in school, and you should be grateful for every opportunity to train those skills so you have an easier time, but hey, if you want to suffer and actually study instead of learning by playing, go right ahead. Oh wait, no, their kind leaves more money in the store, and thats why the shops decide to only stock up the unholy translated versions, gettin ME to suffer. And so the circle of bitching goes on. If the devs just decided to keep the VOICES original and localize the text, it would be easier for ALL of us. bastards.

And in the end, I sit here, in the middle of the night, going all frankenstein on my (legit) game install, swapping parts on the fly, praying it won't fall apart into a stinking pile of memory allocation errors.

I jinxed it :( the mac versions seems to handle the .bifs differently, it's just one big bif in that data folder, and I dont have the slightest clue how to tickle the language and voice files out of there. Maybe I should just turn off the voices... oh wait, there is still the horribad translation of the text. I could give you some examples, but let me just say, it starts in the options screen.
They looked up the according german words in a dictionary, and picked the first they found, regardless of actual meaning :( well, at least I got rid of THAT.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2009, 06:47:26 pm by Puck »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Neverwinter Nights 1
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2009, 06:53:45 pm »

Ah yes, the delightful joy that comes from dub actors...  I had a bit of the same deal when dealing with Diggles (or Wiggles, as it seems to be called over there).  Text that is garbled into gibberish or that forms sentences of such absurdity that it would be hilarious if you weren't really in need of finding out what the bloody hell they're talking about.

And then, of course, the voice actors.  Yeah.  You know.

Thing is, the original version isn't that much of an option for me, seeing as I haven't had any experience with German aside from nein, sauerkraut, Deutschland, scheiße, and the occasional jawöhl (do you spell that with the umlaut?).  Although I can speak certain highly entertaining phrases with this linguistic arsenal, it does not aid me much in understanding a fully German-language game.  Placing a building was a major gamble because I not only was unaware of what materials were asked for in the construction, I also had no idea what the damn thing was supposed to do.

Damn I made a lot of carpenter's workshops...


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Re: Neverwinter Nights 1
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2009, 07:19:48 pm »

Sure, you couldn't change the fact that people ran like they had poles wedged in their nethers and fought with the grace of a one-legged duck
You're wrong, sir. All servers I was playing on have improved animation and bodyparts (i.e. better faces and hands with fingers) and better effects, however NWN beaty is not in graphics but in the character building system.
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Neverwinter Nights 1
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2009, 08:38:14 pm »


I found my discs and keys, so I'm installing it. I'll upload any bits you're missing. I'm not certain, but maybe the translation can be changed by replacing the dialog.tlk? Or wait- I bet most of the campaign text is stored in the actual .mod. Crap.

NWN comes with a bunch of editor utilitys (in /util I think) -- maybe there's something to change the contents of a .bif?


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Re: Neverwinter Nights 1
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2009, 08:48:14 pm »

I already got the english dialog.tlk, from the bioware site. Then I got myself the (voice) resources from the linux install. So the vanilla game is pretty much english right now. Altough I'm not completely sure it works properly, it seems a bit as if the lines and the speech is a bit out of synch.


I'm still missing the english resources for the both expansion packs. But sadly I dont know for sure, what I need exactly.

aaaaannd (and this is much worse)

it seems the latest german version is 1.688 while the latest english version is 1.69. I can't patch the german to 1.69 (with or without all those english files cramped in, both ways wont work), and i cant connect to most servers because of that.... which would actually be a reason to return the friggin thing to the store, wouldnt it?

But I started trying to explore ... ummm.... other means of aquiring the necessary files. So for now, dont bother with uploading those .bifs, but I really do appreciate that you would have helped. I hope I wont need to, but I still might take you up on that offer  ;)
« Last Edit: April 08, 2009, 08:54:16 pm by Puck »


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Re: Neverwinter Nights 1
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2009, 11:54:04 pm »

Sure! If I don't post, send a PM, that will get my attention.
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