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Author Topic: Cavebrands  (Read 66568 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #120 on: April 20, 2010, 03:05:00 pm »

I am not letting this ultimate piece of dwarfhood go away without at least a small, decent story. Not even Toady could stop me from getting one made, even if I had to pierce Hell and find a monkey demon with poisonous breath to write it for me.


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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #121 on: April 20, 2010, 08:46:53 pm »

I'll write it.  Send me what you have so far, post up the save, and I'll get on it and my turn ASAP.


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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #122 on: April 22, 2010, 03:36:04 pm »

Okay, my turn is officially done. The save won't be disclosed until Seth writes his part, but Kagus, you can go on and write (finished) near my part.


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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #123 on: April 22, 2010, 06:33:48 pm »

Done and done.  I eagerly await the records of this eventful turn.


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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #124 on: April 23, 2010, 01:47:37 am »

Got the save, I should have the previous turn narrated by this time tomorrow, and hopefully I'll be done with my own turn the night after.


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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #125 on: April 23, 2010, 03:27:40 pm »

4th Granite, 592
Journal of Creiyd Lulldiamonds

It was the fifth of Timber when I left for the outpost Cavebrands, a small fort far to the northwest, at the foot of the Renowned Beak.

Cavebrands is the only dwarven outpost left in the world, and the only one far from the Mountainhome.  The idea was to establish a new foothold for dwarfkind, so that our fate was not bound to a single kingdom.  Unfortunately, no one has heard from the outpost in some time.  It is my duty to take control of the outpost, find out what has been going on, and report back to the Mountainhome within the year.

It was a long journey, fraught with peril, but thanks to my trusty donkey Shelia, I made it to Cavebrands without injury, after only three months and a day.  When I got there, I immediately felt that something was wrong.  There was an unnatural red tinge to the water here.  Perhaps it was stricken with a strange disease.

By the gods... what happened here?

As I stood there dumbfounded, I was greeted by a cheery dwarf nicknamed Kagus, who was Chief Medical Dwarf and the founding overseer.  "Welcome to Cavebrands," he said kindly, extending his hand for me to shake.  I looked at it.  It was covered in a mixture of dirt, soot, and blood so blackened it was impossible to differentiate between them.  Very slowly, I accepted the handshake.

"I'm Creiyd," I said in a monotone.  "I'm, I'm the new... overseer..."  I trailed off.  On the journey here, I had prepared a lengthy introduction for myself, but faced with this stunning display of mortality, it didn't seem fitting.

On the way there, we passed through the barracks.  As a doctor of many years, I couldn't help being appalled by the filthy conditions in this supposed infirmary.  The unmistakable odor of rotten flesh issued forth from the room.  One dwarf moaned on his bed, twisting in agony, wrapped in mud-stained cloth.  Two others lay in the room, quiet and still.  I believe they were dead.  I looked sideways at Kagus.  How could the Chief Medical Dwarf allow this?  Does he not know better?

Not soon enough, Kagus and I stepped through Slowpoke's office, which was so barren it lacked even a door.  Slowpoke was a pale dwarf who looked like someone who barely ever got good rest, and he didn't seem to notice as we entered, so preoccupied was he with the ledgers on the table before him.

"Lord Slowpoke?" I said.  "I am Creiyd Uvardoren.  I'm here to take control of this outpost in the name of Queen Matobok and all The Lancer of Trenches."

He looked up.  His eyes were glazed, and he spoke in a raspy voice, "You've finally arrived.  How many do you have with you?"

How many?  "How many what?" I asked.  "I've come with my personal belongings and only my donkey for company.."

"Ah... well... right," he said, muttering toward the end.  "We'd sent out a ranger, you see.  Requesting help.  I don't think he made it."  Saying this seemed to trigger some bleakness within him, and he sunk back into his chair, gripping the wood of it tightly as though he should fall off.

"Please, sit down," he said suddenly, motioning at the rock-laden floor in front of his table.  I looked over at Kagus, who grinned sheepishly at me.

"I will stand, thank you," I said in reply.  "Pray tell me what has happened here.  It looks like Death Herself stalks this place."

Lord Slowpoke lifted a flask to his lips and drank deeply.  "I became the esteemed overseer of Cavebrands about one year ago.  Before my reign, a previous ruler had unearthed a wondrous underground cavern..."

"I know this," I interrupted.  "I've read all the  earlier reports, outdated as they were.  But the deaths, sir.  Please explain all the death."

"Goblins," he said, and his face contorted into a mixture of hate and abject terror.  "These days, in this land, there is a new breed of goblin.  They are not frail or cowardly as a goblin ought to be.  They are swift, merciless, and cunning.  Entire squadrons of dwarfs fall upon their weapons.

I stared at him and said, "My good dwarf, do you really mean to tell me that goblins are solely responsible for the carnage here?"

"They're invictible!  Invictible, I say!

"You mean invincible?" I offered.

"I mean invictible," he replied.  "It took ten of our greatest champions to bring down four of the monsters after they had been heavily wounded by the troops they had slaughtered."

"Gods..." I think I said, and I wondered if these goblins were truly so mighty, or if perhaps our military might was less so.

We sat in silence for a while.  Hellish screams spilled out from the depths of the fortress and echoed throughout the halls.

"What in the stone?" I whispered.

"Draltha," said the overseer, looking up with a worried expression.  Kagus left the room in a hurry.  Slowpoke continued, "They flooded in from the underground.  At least seven of them were ravaging the fort at any given time, slaying whoever stood in the way of their rampage."

"Even now?" I asked in alarm.

"Yes, I can't stop them!" Slowpoke screamed.  For a second he seemed to blank out of consciousness, but then awareness returned to his eyes and he said, "Kagus will organize the military.  Hopefully this will be the last trouble for a while."

"How often have you said that?" I wondered aloud.

"Too often," he admitted, just as a dwarf roared banefully over the din.  A crashing sound was heard, followed by a piteous weeping.

We finished our conversation shortly thereafter, our dialogue punctuated by the shrieks of draltha, dwarf and dog alike.  I tried desperately to ignore them.

"One more thing," he said as he gathered his papers and tablets.  "Remember to disarm the lever in the main entrance.  Somebody was an idiot and left it connected to... Well, I don't even know to what, but hopefully it's connected to the drawbridges."

And then he stepped out of the office, leaving me with more questions than answers.  I looked down on the table, and saw a most noteworthy signet ring.

"Adamantine!" I shouted, appealing to the sky in laughter.  "Always in the most hellish places!"

I spent some time in the office, thumbing through Slowpoke's notes.  It seems there had been an ill-fated plan to construct a gigantic pump to a vast ocean of magma that lay far below the earth.  The magma would be dredged up to above the ground, where it could be directed to necessary areas of the fort, and deployed as a trap, or a weapon.  Sadly, the project was never completed.  A pity, really.  It would have been nice to have a accessible lava pit to dump all this refuse into.

There is a room filled with the remains of countless animals and several dwarves.  Eerily, there is no smell.

It seems that Slowpoke suffered from chronic nightmares (which he kept logged), in which he would see Cavebrands ruined in a variety of ways.  Most seemed to involve goblins, insanity, and flooding, but a few times, magma was the culprit.  A few of them were so dizzyingly horrifying I cannot rightly describe them.  He counted with painstaking detail the hundreds of times he has watched his friends die while in the reaches of sleep.  He has my pity.

Most of the other records were more mundane.  During the summer, Slowpoke seized the alcohol from some humans who had come to trade.  I hope that doesn't haunt us later.

The dining room is littered with rotting corpses.  I... I don't know what to do.

These dwarves... I cannot imagine how these dwarves have endured these conditions for so long.  I have always heard the awful stories of outpost life, but this?  Nothing could have prepared me for this.

Well, the first thing I'm going to order as the new administrator is door construction.  There are hardly any doors in this place.

*     *     *

More to come.  That's about it for now.  Hope this is what you were looking for, LS.  It looks like my turn may take a bit longer to get through than tomorrow night, but I can promise detailed and frequent updates as I play.

Also, I loaded and saved with 31.03 -- just to get that out there for the next person.  Everything seems to be working alright and I haven't encountered any real glitches yet, but then, I haven't played all that much either.  Stay tuned.

LordSlowpoke's report (spoilers spoilers spoilers)
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #126 on: April 23, 2010, 03:42:33 pm »


****ing EPIC.

But...  Draltha?  Draltha?  We're being overrun by sodding cave cows?  That's just sad.  What exactly is our military doing?  And why are the wounded folks getting lumped into the barracks instead of the hospital?

Speaking of which, WHY AM I NOT DOING ANYTHING?  Geez, talk about neglecting my duties...  And here I thought I'd be getting around to doing all sorts of fun procedures to patch people up, and instead I'm just...  Well, what exactly *am* I doing?

Anyways, I'd just like to congratulate Slowpoke on a massacre well done, and thank him for his truly superdwarven endurance in pushing this thing through to the end.  Let's give 'im a hand, eh?

Also, kudos to SethCreiyd for typing that all up, and for the illustrations.  I like your style.

Ahh...  Such glorious carnage.  This place is looking up!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #127 on: April 23, 2010, 03:48:22 pm »

Welcome to fucking Cavebrands, my friend. Hope you like Draltha.
There is no insta-kill mechanism, but I knew you wouldn't take it as granted that a DF player wouldn't make one. Now, would you?
And in the name of everything that's batshit insane do not dig in the place marked "dig here" unless you're ready for Goblins 2.0.

And Kagus, thank you. It's been really fun ruining this thing all over, and it was even more fun actually making it work. It's the best succession game I ever played, hope you let me on the list once again someday. ;) Oh, and the military's dead if I remember properly, and any attempts at creating one were killed by the said cave cows, as you named them.

Edit: I'd also like to note that the artifact ring was made by Kagus, or somebody else if the former CMD died already. Hopefully, it's Kagus, I didn't really bother writing down who's still alive anymore.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2010, 04:02:29 pm by LordSlowpoke »


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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #128 on: April 24, 2010, 04:55:48 pm »

I am persuaded that there are more corpses than dwarves here.  Cavebrands is a tomb that has yet to be sealed.  Blood is everywhere.  I slept on a bed last night that contained a skeleton, which I didn't discover until sitting on it.  I miss the Mountainhome already.

There's much solace to be found in the local artwork.

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So what does Cavebrands have that is worth staying around for?  Wealth.  Unbelievable wealth.

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I've ordered some new sections to be mined out.  There are no bedrooms in Cavebrands.  Everyone sleeps in a crowded barracks ridden with fleas and miasma, and our stockpiles are spilling out of the fort.  This must change soon, that we may quit inviting every two-bit plunderer within a thousand miles.  All the food is sitting outside, exposed to the elements. I have ordered all the food brought inside where it will be safer.
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This one dwarf keeps complaining that her baby is too insane to clean itself.  I've tried to assure her that insanity is a normal state of mind for a one-year-old, but I don't think she was listening.

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While cleaning today, I found this anonymous note from a previous overseer, who was clearly a psychopath:

I must admit, the name is appropriate.

It's not the only sight.  By the North wall there were a number of dogs, most of them pups.  They were frolicking in a greasy slick of old blood that ran for many yards from a pond outside the wall, stretching across the frozen surface of the brook.  A sole kitten lay among the dogs, lapping at the mess hungrily.  I wish I could forget it.
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As I stared at them, contemplating life and death, a peasant ran over to me with unfortunate news.  Bornsinks the draltha had struck again, this time having killed one of our journeyman miners.

This tears it.  We're going to deal with these oversize cows once and for all.

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Haika bravely led the charge unarmed.  "Army of Cavebrands, FOLLOW ME!  We have draltha steak tonight!"

Unfortunately, the initial exchange did not go well.  The great beast charged him the ground and stepped down on his hand, crushing it with a loud pop.

The other draltha, Splashcontained, was driven into another corner of the fort.

Eztuzt and Shem rushed in to assist Haika, whose unconscious face had become a swollen baloon of purple beneath the animal's merciless blows.

Shem arrived...

...and was the first to fall.

Eztuzt succeeds in driving Bornsinks off of Haika, but the beast is no less dangerous in its weariness.   Then, without warning:

o_o.  Haika suffocated soon afterward.  Bornsinks killed two other soldiers with little effort, then lumbered off to the west end of the passage.  Meanwhile, Splashcontained slaughtered the dwarf who cornered him.

All is not lost.  I've ordered the beasts walled off in their respective tunnels.  If we cannot slay the fell beasts, we can at least remove them from the rest of the world.

We may all breathe a sigh of relief, for at the moment, we are safe.

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Eztuzt climbed down a ladder to the very depths of the earth to claim a mysterious magma forge situated at the mouth of a great magma lake.  One may only wonder what dark forces from the deep have compelled him.

What a month.


A giant eagle attacked me earlier today.  I have since adopted several dogs to ensure my safety.

It seems the dwarves of Cavebrands don't believe in division of labor.  When I asked Cheddarius why he was planting seeds instead of mining, he shrugged and said, "Someone has to do it."  I told him to take his pick and get back to digging.  When I checked with the farmers, they were too drunk to stand.  I've ordered their rations quartered for this and set them on burial duty for the rest of the month.

It was a pleasant surprise to see migrants heading here.  I imagine their surprise will be less pleasant when they realize what kind of place they've come to.  It was about the time they crossed the brook that their expressions started to change.  We must have at least twenty more mouths to feed.

Wonderful!  Bentpillars would be thrilled to learn of his immortalizion.  Eztuzt is now a legend among us, and he's made up for the dishonor of abandoning Haika.  He is now charged with the important task of producing adamantine weapons and armor.

  Hard work is happy work.  This one dwarf Barbarossa is the happiest dwarf I have seen here.

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Nobody has seen Lord Slowpoke in a while.  He is presumed dead, and we shall all miss him.  He had been wandering the fortress for a month with the worst depression I have ever seen.  Tears streamed from his eyes constantly and he couldn't speak without bawling openly.  It was heart-wrenching to see.  Kagus believes he wandered into the underground, but we may never know for sure.

Goblin ambushers 10 yards away.  Don't know how many.  Dogs all dead.  Haven't seen me, but I can't leave without being caught.

*   *   *

These draltha are ridiculous.  One of the wrestlers he killed was a pretty skilled fighter.

Also, Kagus is doing his job.  The hospital is being used properly.  As far as I can tell, those bodies in the barracks were killed in their sleep by the marauding draltha.  Due to a lack of graveyard stockpiles, it took some time for the bodies to get moved.

Edit:  Spoilers added to some of the pics.

The turn is coming along.  It ain't pretty.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2010, 09:44:16 pm by SethCreiyd »

Heron TSG

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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #129 on: April 24, 2010, 06:10:10 pm »

Yay! I'm a happy panda!

Est Sularus Oth Mithas
The Artist Formerly Known as Barbarossa TSG


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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #130 on: April 24, 2010, 08:40:21 pm »

Don't you all love my timing?
In August of 1943, while serving as skipper of the PT-109, John F. Kennedy's boat was ripped in two by the Japanese destroyer Amagiri. Kennedy and his crew were tossed into the water and surrounded by flames. Kennedy, despite a chronic back injury and an even more chronic boning-induced-exhaustion, managed to swim four hours to safety while towing an injured crewman by the life jacket strap with his teeth. His fucking teeth!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #131 on: April 24, 2010, 11:02:02 pm »

This is all just fabulous.  I could never have hoped for a more ludicrously bloody and horrifying fortress! 

Silent cave cow assassins!  Goblins with the strength of a hundred men!  Blood carpets!  Medical malpractice!  A giant poison-spewing sandworm attack!

It's...  It's just so beautiful.  Shame about Lord Slowpoke though, I guess those alternate-reality nightmares and bleeding eyes finally brought him down.  Also, dying of thirst?  What a horrible way for a dwarf to go.  He shall be remembered.

...if current trends are any indication, we should probably get to work building some coffins.  Like, lots and lots of coffins.  Also, what happened to the old residential block?  The one that I set up so that it was far enough away from the workshops, and also not directly underneath the entrance where the magma moat was supposed to go?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #132 on: April 24, 2010, 11:20:51 pm »

Also, dying of thirst?  What a horrible way for a dwarf to go.
How true.


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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #133 on: April 25, 2010, 03:39:19 am »

Also, what happened to the old residential block?  The one that I set up so that it was far enough away from the workshops, and also not directly underneath the entrance where the magma moat was supposed to go?
Flooded during a botched waterfall creation attempt, and now when the brook is dried, it's full of mud. Literally filled to the brim with it.

And Seth, for the love of Armok, hide. Hide. You're taking first-hand experience here, hide and stay down there for as long as you can.
There's a small booze stockpile inside, and near the kitchens there's some food. It should help you survive.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 03:45:51 am by LordSlowpoke »


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Re: Cavebrands
« Reply #134 on: April 25, 2010, 10:06:25 am »

*Cracks knuckles* This sounds like a huge undertaking. I'll try and stabilize it all on my turn...hopefully.
In August of 1943, while serving as skipper of the PT-109, John F. Kennedy's boat was ripped in two by the Japanese destroyer Amagiri. Kennedy and his crew were tossed into the water and surrounded by flames. Kennedy, despite a chronic back injury and an even more chronic boning-induced-exhaustion, managed to swim four hours to safety while towing an injured crewman by the life jacket strap with his teeth. His fucking teeth!
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