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Author Topic: Minimalist Halloween thing 2: Revenge of the Electric Boogaloo: Its dead Jim.  (Read 98248 times)


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Re: Minimalist Halloween thing 2: Revenge of the Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #720 on: June 02, 2020, 07:38:05 am »

Advance and search for the crew.
GG, Ziizo. May my spirit live on in your boobs.


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Re: Minimalist Halloween thing 2: Revenge of the Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #721 on: June 02, 2020, 09:47:04 am »

Continue fun vacation shenanigans!

The Canadian kitten

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Re: Minimalist Halloween thing 2: Revenge of the Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #722 on: June 02, 2020, 12:49:57 pm »

Drop a few couple hundred humans on the world and sail off to the nearest stellar civilization.


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Re: Minimalist Halloween thing 2: Revenge of the Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #723 on: June 03, 2020, 08:44:07 am »

Meditate for more control over my power.

Have the dinos get harvesting america for more seeds and growths to plant.

Have the weather machine start spreading it's control over the world.


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Re: Minimalist Halloween thing 2: Revenge of the Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #724 on: June 04, 2020, 11:51:45 pm »


Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: Minimalist Halloween thing 2: Revenge of the Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #725 on: June 05, 2020, 01:01:34 am »

Restore the oceans, the forests, and the other live on Earth. Restore Europe as well, but under the control of FUNK.
HAU: Carefully study the spaceships' schematics and systems, then repair them. The people can leave the bunkers now.
FSA: Colonize and convert Southeast Asia and Oceania to Funkist faith.
Pounded in the Butt by my own Government... oh wait, that's real life.

Much less active than I used to be on these forums, but I still visit them on occasion. Will probably resume my activity in full once Dwarf Fortress will be released on Steam.

King Zultan

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Re: Minimalist Halloween thing 2: Revenge of the Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #726 on: June 09, 2020, 08:06:53 am »

The evil sorceress is dead, but even though she's dead her army will continue to fight.
With the power of FUNK the Earth has been restored to what it was before the sandification happened, and all plants and animals have been brought back to life.

November 1, 10:30 PM
It is dark.
Its raining.
The town the game started in has been destroyed.
Smoke Mirrors didn't post for the third time so random action.
Enemy post didn't post so random action.

open Break as many doors as possible so the mimics can get further in the fortress
Continue the mana draining spell
Continue attacking the sorceress
While in the air, ast a spell on the floor in the room the sorceress is in that will cause the floor to be sticky to her
Cast spells on the mimics and friendly demons to make them immune to the stickiness of the floor

(Braking doors so mimics can spread around = 4) You quickly cast a spell that causes all the doors in the fortress to explode.
(Mimics spreading around = 5) And that allows all of the mimics to spread around and go everywhere.
(Draining the sorceress's mana = 6) You manage to drain all most all of the sorceress's mana, but you accidentally drain part of your own as well.
(Attacking the sorceress = 6) You then attack the sorceress and beat her quite badly, but you don't get out unharmed as she manages to cut you with a hidden knife.
(Casing spell on the floor to make the sorceress stick to it = 2) You try to cast the spell but you realize that you don't know any spell like that.
(Casting spell on mimics and friendly demons so they don't stick to the floor = 2) You don't bother since you can't cast the spell to make this matter.
(Friendly demons attacking the sorceress = 3) They only manage to get one hit on her before she runs away.
(Mimics attacking the sorceress = 6) They dog pile her and damage her quite a bit, but she does manage to kill a few of them before they finally manage to kill her.
(Human followers fighting = 3) They only manage to kill a few of the little monsters.

Advance and search for the crew.
(2+1 For having several people with you) It takes a bit of searching but one of your people notices someone heading towards the bridge and after you follow that person you find the enemy crew has barricaded themselves in the ship's bridge.

Continue fun vacation shenanigans!
(3) But you are unsure of what shenanigans you want to do so you get a few more drinks and stagger out of the bar in search of excitement, then you stumble over a curb and fall over.

Drop a few couple hundred humans on the world and sail off to the nearest stellar civilization.
(Getting humans = 5) Using a computer deep withing the Death Star you print up a bunch of humans.
(Dropping them on the planet = 3) You then immediately dump them onto the planet, but most of them die as you gave them no form of protection, the people on the planet seem very confused by this.
(Sailing towards the nearest civilization = 5) You then sail away from the planet to a different one this time with a space faring race on it and since they don't immediately attack you, you get the feeling that they're at least somewhat friendly.

Meditate for more control over my power.

Have the dinos get harvesting america for more seeds and growths to plant.

Have the weather machine start spreading it's control over the world.

(Meditating for more power = 3) You only get slightly stronger this time around.
(Dinos harvesting seeds for more seeds = 6) They go out and gather as many seeds as possible, but some of them get injured one various things during their work.
(Weather machine spreading its weather all over the world = 5) Then the machine spreads its influence all over the planet.


(Asking if buddy knows how portals work = 2) He says he has no idea how they work.
(Brainstorming on how to get back to Earth = 5) You think hard about the problem as you walk, and you come to the conclusion that smoking more Hell-Weed could work or it could take you somewhere worse, then you think you could use a premade portal but you don't have any idea of where you could find one, then you think you could ask a wizard.
(Finding settlements = 4) And after a bit of walking you find yourself at a small group of buildings all linked together by makeshift walkways, and no one seems to mind when you and your buddy go inside.
(Finding Weird Hell-Wizards = 5) After some asking around you are eventually lead into a room with an older looking creature, and he tells you that he is indeed the Hell-Wizard that you seek.
(Do they help = 3) So you tell him your problem and after thinking about the problem for a bit he says that he can help, but only in exchange for any valuable supplies you might be willing to trade.

Restore the oceans, the forests, and the other live on Earth. Restore Europe as well, but under the control of FUNK.
HAU: Carefully study the spaceships' schematics and systems, then repair them. The people can leave the bunkers now.
FSA: Colonize and convert Southeast Asia and Oceania to Funkist faith.

(Restoring the oceans, forests, and life one Earth = 5) Using the powers of FUNK you change the sand back to dirt and you bring all the plants and animals back to life, you would return the oceans but someone beat you to it.
(Fixing Europe but with FUNK = 6) You then use your powers to fix Europe and when you finish you find that everything that was destroyed is now standing again.
(HAU Studying the space ships = 3) After some digging they manage to find a repair manual, but they have yet to figure out where it talks about fixing the things the ships have broken on them.
(HAU Leaving the bunkers = 5) They all quickly leave the bunkers and are greeted by the lands being restored to what they were before.
(FSA Colonizing and converting Southeast Asia = 3) They only manage to colonize part of Indonesia, and they find no people to convert there.
(FSA Colonizing and converting Oceania = 2) They are to excited to colonize because of the land being restored.

Quote from: Enemy post
Take down my booth and go back to my studio and paint all the money I just made.
(Going home = 4) Your walk home happens with out incident.
(Painting all your money = 5) You then paint an amazing looking painting of your money, its so amazing in fact that you might be able to use the painting as actual money.

Quote from: Smoke Mirrors
Keep desanding the Earth.
(3) You use your powers to start desanding the Earth, but you only just start when suddenly someone else fixes it.

Quote from: Dustan Hache
Expand my search area there have to be some survivors out there.
(2) You search and search but still you find no one, maybe with all the crap that's happened in America ever survivor is dead now.

Quote from: Outsider The Ascetic monk
Continue fighting.
(Everyone fighting = 4) They kill loads of the monsters.
(Everyone fighting = 1) They get eaten by the monsters.
(Everyone fighting = 4) They kill a bunch of the monsters.
(You fighting = 4) You kill loads of the demons.

Quote from: evil sorceress
Teleport myself out into the battle so my minions can protect me, while the mutants, demons, and monsters continue to defend.
(Teleporting out into the battle field = 4-2 For reduced mana) You try to teleport away but your magic fails you and you get swarmed by mimics and you die.
(Demons defending = 6) They manage to kill loads of the attackers, but they also loos a few of their own guys.
(Small monsters  defending = 4) They kill quite a few of the attackers.

Quote from: WyrdByrd
Keep gathering people for the army because I need a massive army to defeat the one that removed the FUNK.
(6) You continue to gather troops and after a bit you feel that your army is massive enough to fight whoever destroyed the FUNK.

Quote from: Giant Pumpkin Zombie Hippy commune 344,693,647
That's not enough we need more!
(1) OH FUCK, someone smoke all of it and the seeds.

Places in space:
-Percent of Ziizo's Animal City destroyed: 0%
-Percent of The Canadian kitten's Moon DISCO BALL Base destroyed: 0%

Percent of America destroyed: 48.64%
-Percent of Dustan Hache's fief destroyed: 0%
-Percent of Outsider's monastery destroyed: 0%
-Percent of Evil sorceress's fortress destroyed: 40.32%
-Percent of Spacenoid base destroyed: 0%

Percent of Canada Earth destroyed 49.32%
-Percent of Pumpkin Hippy commune destroyed 0%

Percent of Europe destroyed: 0%
Percent of Middle East destroyed: 50.32%
Percent of The Holy African Union destroyed: 48.13%
Percent of The Funky States of Australia destroyed: 0%
Percent of Indonesia destroyed: 0%

The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Minimalist Halloween thing 2: Revenge of the Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #727 on: June 09, 2020, 08:19:42 am »

Look for where the monsters are coming from and destroy them
((My thinking is maybe the sorceress’s spell made a room spawn them, so destroying the room would stop making them, ever played Gauntlet? In Gauntlet there are spawners that will continue us to make enemies until destroyed))
Whether or not that works, attempt to turn all remaining monsters into plants
Cast a spell to bring all hostile demons to a parallel universe where the sorceress won, so they no longer are in this universe and they think they won so they won’t try to make their way back
« Last Edit: June 10, 2020, 07:28:55 am by Naturegirl1999 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Minimalist Halloween thing 2: Revenge of the Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #728 on: June 09, 2020, 08:26:03 am »

Violently destroy the barricade so we can start "peaceful" negotiations
GG, Ziizo. May my spirit live on in your boobs.

Enemy post

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Re: Minimalist Halloween thing 2: Revenge of the Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #729 on: June 09, 2020, 09:08:31 am »

(Whoops, I thought I’d posted already.)

Add a skeleton to that painting. Wouldn’t want anyone to use it for anything illegal, after all.
My mods and forum games.
Enemy post has claimed the title of Dragonsong the Harmonic of Melodious Exaltion!

King Zultan

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Re: Minimalist Halloween thing 2: Revenge of the Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #730 on: June 10, 2020, 07:27:04 am »

((My thinking is maybe the sorceress’s spell made a room spawn them, so destroying the room would stop making them, ever played Gauntlet? In Gauntlet there are spawners that will continue us to make enemies until destroyed))
(There is a finite number of the monsters, so far the game hasn't had any creatures that were infinite, also I've never played Gauntlet but I do know what spawners are.)
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Minimalist Halloween thing 2: Revenge of the Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #731 on: June 13, 2020, 03:55:03 am »

Heal myself with the energy of FUNK, then teleport to the ruins of France and sit atop the destroy Eiffel Tower, waiting for something major threat to appear on the planet.
HAU: Read the manual thoroughly, then use the acquired knowledge to repair the spaceships.
FSA: Continue colonizing Southeast Asia and Oceania.
Pounded in the Butt by my own Government... oh wait, that's real life.

Much less active than I used to be on these forums, but I still visit them on occasion. Will probably resume my activity in full once Dwarf Fortress will be released on Steam.


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Re: Minimalist Halloween thing 2: Revenge of the Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #732 on: June 13, 2020, 07:40:49 am »

Use the Candy Apple and my power to remove the energy that somehow returned. Then extend my own power over the world as it's goddess fairy.

Given the world has turned back to normal, have the Dinos set up a space station in America.

As well, have the Dino 5 come to this side to boost me in extending my reach over the world. [The Five Children that went through an adventure to free me from imprisonment using the 5 Aspects of Halloween.]


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Re: Minimalist Halloween thing 2: Revenge of the Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #733 on: June 15, 2020, 11:18:51 am »

Ugh, I the drunk. Check the status of that stupid planet thing I was posted on before vacation. Has everything died now?

King Zultan

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Re: Minimalist Halloween thing 2: Revenge of the Electric Boogaloo
« Reply #734 on: June 16, 2020, 06:11:55 am »

The Evil Sorceress's army has been defeated!
The FUNK has been removed again.

November 1, 11:00 PM
It is dark.
Its raining.
The town the game started in has been destroyed.
Smoke Mirrors didn't post for the forth time so random action.
The Canadian kitten didn't post so random action.
Yoink didn't post so random action.

Look for where the monsters are coming from and destroy them
((My thinking is maybe the sorceress’s spell made a room spawn them, so destroying the room would stop making them, ever played Gauntlet? In Gauntlet there are spawners that will continue us to make enemies until destroyed))
Whether or not that works, attempt to turn all remaining monsters into plants
Cast a spell to bring all hostile demons to a parallel universe where the sorceress won, so they no longer are in this universe and they think they won so they won’t try to make their way back
(Finding and destroying the monsters = 2) You try to find the monsters but after searching for several minutes you don't find any, it appears they're all outside.
(Turning remaining monsters into plants = 4) Since you can't find them you decide to use your magic to remove the threat by turning them into plants, and while you get a lot of them you don't get them all.
(Sending the hostile demons to a parallel universe where they won = 5) You then teleport all the remaining demons to an alternate timeline where they won, so they have no reason to come after you.
(Friendly demons fighting = 2) Before they can even begin combat the monsters turn into plants.
(Mimics fighting = 1+1 For defense spell) They try to attack the demons but the demons disappear.
(Human followers fighting = 4) They kill loads of the remaining monsters.

Violently destroy the barricade so we can start "peaceful" negotiations
(Destroying the barricade = 5) You and your crew quickly tear the barricade down.
("Peaceful" negotiations = 4) You and your crew then rush in to 'negotiate' with the enemy crew where you use your 'words' to 'negotiate' for them to 'lay down and go to sleep for a long time' and after more 'negotiations' you 'convince them to take a walk outside the ship in space', your glad that you managed to resolve the situation 'peacefully' with 'no' death.

(Whoops, I thought I’d posted already.)

Add a skeleton to that painting. Wouldn’t want anyone to use it for anything illegal, after all.
(5) Seeing that someone could use the painting for something illegal you quickly paint a skeleton in the background, it's standing over the money holding two assault rifles while more money rains from above it, for some reason you feel the need to call this skeleton piecewise.

Heal myself with the energy of FUNK, then teleport to the ruins of France and sit atop the destroy Eiffel Tower, waiting for something major threat to appear on the planet.
HAU: Read the manual thoroughly, then use the acquired knowledge to repair the spaceships.
FSA: Continue colonizing Southeast Asia and Oceania.

(Healing yourself with FUNK energy = 3+1 For being one with the FUNK) You use the FUNKY energy flowing everywhere to heal all your wounds.
(Teleporting to the ruins of France and sitting on the ruins of the Eiffel Tower = 5) You then teleport to the ruins of Paris France and sit on whats left of the Eiffel Tower.
(Does a major threat appear = 3+1 For TricMagic's thing) It doesn't take long for a threat to appear as someone does something and the FUNK disappears again.
(HAU Reading the manual and using the knowledge within to fix the spaceships = 5) With the help of the manuals they fix the spaceships back to new condition.
(FSA Continuing to colonize Southeast Asia = 4) After quite a bit of work they manage to take over all of Southeast Asia.
(FSA Continuing to colonize Oceania = 3) Then only manage to colonize New Zealand.

Use the Candy Apple and my power to remove the energy that somehow returned. Then extend my own power over the world as it's goddess fairy.

Given the world has turned back to normal, have the Dinos set up a space station in America.

As well, have the Dino 5 come to this side to boost me in extending my reach over the world. [The Five Children that went through an adventure to free me from imprisonment using the 5 Aspects of Halloween.]

(Removing the returned energy = 4) Using another one of those candy gem apples remove the FUNK from the world.
(Extending your power all over the world = 1+1 For power) You then try to spread your power all over the world, but you can't seem to be able to do it.
(Setting up a space station in America = 4) Your dinos quickly build the different sections needed for the space station, now they just need to get it into space.
(5 Dinos boosting your reach over the world = 1) You try to have them come to aid you in your quest, but it seems you've forgotten how long ago that happened and you find that they've all died of old age.

Ugh, I the drunk. Check the status of that stupid planet thing I was posted on before vacation. Has everything died now?
(3) You quickly pull out your mini personal computer and after several minutes of drunken fumbling you manage to see that something has happened to the planet but your not sure, but you accidentally turn it off before you can get a clear picture.

Quote from: The Canadian kitten
Scan this new planet and see what's there, and try to communicate with the aliens.
(Scanning the new planet = 6) You quickly scan the planet and you find it to have many cities and towns, but your scanning is seen as hostile by the aliens.
(Communicating with the aliens = 6)You then try to communicate with them and during the conversation something you say is taken the wrong way and they tell you that your seen as a hostile entity and you have thirty minutes to leave the planet or they'll attack your Death Star. (One turn to leave the planet behind before they attack you.)

Quote from: Yoink
(2) He tells you that he's looking for any items that might aid his group and help it to become self sufficient.

Quote from: Smoke Mirrors
Find where this new source of FUNK came from.
(4) You search around and find that it came from somewhere in Europe, then as soon as you find the source of the FUNK it suddenly disappears.

Quote from: Dustan Hache
Return to the fief and tell them the news.
(5) You return to the fief as quickly as possible and tell them that no matter where you search there are no more survivors to find and you worry that you and your fief might be all that's left of the world.

Quote from: Outsider The Ascetic monk
Continue fighting we've almost won!
(Everyone fighting = 6) They kill loads of the monsters, but they also lose some of their guys.
(Everyone fighting = 2) They get to the fight to late and find everything is already dead.
(Everyone fighting = 2) They also arrive to late.
(You fighting = 5) You kill loads of the monsters as well.

Quote from: evil sorceress's army
Demons and monsters will continue to fight.
(Demons defending = 1) Before they can even start to fight they get teleported to another timeline where they find the sorceress has won the war.
(Small monsters  defending = 2) They get slaughtered.

Quote from: WyrdByrd
Open a portal back to Earth and lead my army towards the one that destroyed the FUNK there.
(5) You quickly open a portal to Earth and lead your army through to find the FUNK has returned, but as soon as your army finishes going through the portal the FUNK suddenly disappears again.

Quote from: Giant Pumpkin Zombie Hippy commune 344,693,647
Oh god the group is collapsing, try to keep it together!
(6) You manage to get the group to stay together but you become to controlling and some of your people split off anyway.

Places in space:
-Percent of Ziizo's Animal City destroyed: 0%
-Percent of The Canadian kitten's Moon DISCO BALL Base destroyed: 0%

Percent of America destroyed: 48.64%
-Percent of Dustan Hache's fief destroyed: 0%
-Percent of Outsider's monastery destroyed: 0%
-Percent of Evil sorceress's fortress destroyed: 40.32%
-Percent of Spacenoid base destroyed: 0%
-Percent of TricMagic's base destroyed: 0%

Percent of Canada Earth destroyed 49.32%
-Percent of Pumpkin Hippy commune destroyed 0%

Percent of Europe destroyed: 0%
Percent of Middle East destroyed: 50.32%
Percent of The Holy African Union destroyed: 48.13%
Percent of The Funky States of Australia destroyed: 0%
Percent of Southeast Asia destroyed: 0%
Percent of New Zealand destroyed: 0%

The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?
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