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Author Topic: You are a Suburban Supervillain  (Read 59830 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Suburban Supervillain
« Reply #165 on: October 12, 2012, 09:19:56 pm »

How much crime does not rely on one's ability to stay out of the public's eyesight, at least some? Crooks are the best people to talk to about that.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: You are a Suburban Supervillain
« Reply #166 on: October 12, 2012, 09:54:31 pm »

How much crime does not rely on one's ability to stay out of the public's eyesight, at least some? Crooks are the best people to talk to about that.
Exactly.  While we don't want to get arrested, we should ally ourselves with criminals.  For instance, Stan and Clara.  Clara we know about her crime.  She seems to know a lot about phones, maybe she knows how to do the same with computers?
And Stan seems to know more about physical science, like lasers.  We really need to get to know the two of them better.  Bringing 'Bert, though.  We don't want to be a third wheel or anything.

I think the slaughter part is what made them angry.
OOC: Dachshundofdoom: This is how the world ends, not with a bang but with goddamn VUVUZELAS.
Those hookers aren't getting out any time soon, no matter how many fancy gadgets they have :v


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Suburban Supervillain
« Reply #167 on: October 13, 2012, 12:25:06 am »

But criminals are as much a liability as anyone else, if not more so. Not saying that we shouldn't do anything, just be careful about who knows you personally as someone who is associated with villainy...
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Suburban Supervillain
« Reply #168 on: October 13, 2012, 03:46:02 am »

We should try to find some get-together, maybe just with Sam.

He could end up being really useful.

Agreed. Stan is both a probable criminal, or at least some kind of good contact for a villain, and makes lasers for fun. He is a great asset.

We really need to get to know the two of them better.  Bringing 'Bert, though.  We don't want to be a third wheel or anything.

On another note,we should check the area for any cheap homes for sell.

You do some searches for cheap investment properties, but nothing really catches your eye. It might be like your property manager, Michael, cheap enough to buy for cash with only a couple tens of thousands of dollars migth be relatively infrequent. Or it could just be that you're having a difficult time focusing.

You keep thinking about Stan.

You're not entirely sure why, either. Yes, it was implied that his lasers were a sort of semi-secret, but it obviously can't be too much of a secret since Gilbert made a point of calling attention to it, and nobody reprimanded him or anything. Yes, he apparently "has ties" to Clara who is obviously comfortable engaging in criminal activities...but you don't feel as much need to know about her even though she's definitely hiding from the feds. Maybe it's just that you dislike not knowing his secret? Or maybe it's just that lasers are awesome. You're not entirely sure, but you decide that you're going to find out what the deal is with Stan's lasers.

But how?

Hmm. Well, you might try just asking Gilvert said as much. But despite having spent time with him socially twice, you don't quite feel comfortable just calling him up and asking. In fact, now that you think about it you don't even have his phone number yet anyway. You could post to his facebook account, you do have that. But maybe a more subtle approach would be helpful?

What would give you a reasonable excuse to get the four of you together again? You're pretty sure the Tustin swapmeet lasts all weekend. You could propose that you all go gain tomorrow. But that seems tacky. What about...oh...yes. You have just the thing.

You call Bloomingdales and ask for the women's hygiene department. ($-1600)

Around 11:30 the following morning, a box arrives for you shipped via first class next day air ($-80). You give Gilbert a call.

You: "Hey Gilbert, let's get the gang together. I've got some toys for us to play with. Stan and Clara have to see this."

Gilbert: "Sure. What it is?"

You: "It's a surprise."

Gilbert: "...uhh, ok. It's barely noon though. Stan's probably up, but I think Clara hit a rave last night so there's no way I'm calling her this early. How about I give them a call and set up something for early evening? How about the bowling alley off Marguerite? Food is cheap, and they have a DDR machine for Clara.

You: "Yeah, that works."

Bowling is about your least favorite thing is the world, but it's just a place to meet. You're not planning to bowl. You spend the next few hours giddy with excitement, but eventually Gilbert calls you back to let you know the meeting is on. You borrow your mothers car and head to the bowling alley. Stan and Gilbert are already there munching on cheese fries when you arrive, and Clara sneaks up on you and gives you a stealth hug from behind right as you're about to say hello. You smile, and pull out four small boxes from your backpack and proceed to open one on the table.

For a few moments nobody says anything.

Stan: "TRIA? Never heard of it. What is that?"

Clara: "Dude. It's a vibrator. That's awesome. Gimmee!"

Clara pulls the device from the box and holds it up against Gilbert's face and makes buzzing noises.

Gilbert: "Gah! Quit that. I don't think it's a vibrator anyway. My guess is replica Sonic Screwdriver."

Stan: "Yeah...maybe it's a Sonic Screw...driver."

Clara: "Ok, it's a Sonic vibrator. GIMMEE!"

Clara starts opening another one of the boxes.

Stan: "Whoa girl, easy there. One should be enough."

Stan reaches out a hand and Clara glares at him and bites the air near his hand. He pulls it back and just laughs.

Stan: "Ok, Clara...I think there's a little too much personal information being conveyed here. Just relax. Nobody's going to take your toy from you."

Clara: "Damn right you're not. And I'm going to take yours and have two...OMG! Two vibrators at once is going to be so totally...wait. What the fuck is this?"

(By now Gilbert has opened the manual and is reading through it)

Gilbert: "Proper care and maintenance of your TRIA laser hair removal laser?"

Stan: "...what?"

Clara: "Fuck it. That's still awesome and I'm still taking two."

You: "If it's that important to you, you can have mine. I actually got these because of Stan, but I figured you two both like gadgets anyway, so I got one for each of us."

Stan: "You bought me a hair removal laser? Umm...why, exactly?"

You: "Well, I know you're into lasers, and Gilbert used to build them too, and I just figured...why not? It's a laser. You guys are the techno-wizards, I figured you'd come up with something you could use them for."

Clara: "Yeah I can think of some things. Oh, dear...look at the time. Gotta go!"

With a laser in each hand, Clara makes a mad dash for the exit.

Stan: "Yeah, sometimes I don't know about that girl."

Gilbert: "You're the one who dated her."

Stan: "...yeah...we don't talk about that. So anyway, Bob...seriously, you got these for me? Gilbert's the gadget freak here, not me."

Gilbert: "This is a bit different than what I'm used to, but I wouldn't mind playing with a few of these."

Stan: *shrug* "You can have mine. I'm not going to do anything with it. Unless you want to return them? They look expensive."

Bob: "No, that's ok. Go ahead. But Stan...what's the deal with you and those lasers if you're not into lasers? You carry two with you everywhere you go, right?"

Stan looks at you blankly for a moment, then shrugs and pulls out one of his Arctic Spyders, and lights it up on the table.

Stan: "I aim them at cameras."

Bob: "Cameras? Why?"

Stan: "The light is bright enough that all the camera sees is a blur of blue. Nothing useful gets recorded."

By now Stan has moved one of the empty boxes near to him and is burning a hole in it with his laser.

Stan: "Set it up on a stand and you can walk through the field of view no problem. Any security on duty just sees that a camera is broken. Sometimes they make a maintenance call that takes hours for anyone to respond to, or make a note in their log for somebody else to make the call the following day. Other times they'll go check, but if you take care of the alarms and everything too, they generally assume it's just an equipment malfunction and take their time. But then, sometimes you want the guard to leave his desk, so that can work out too.

Gilbert continues munching on cheese fries. Stan leans a little closer to the table and you see that he's not just burning a hole in the box, but carving out his initials in it.

Stan: "Most security is pretty bad. It's not like you see in movies. If you're patient and move slowly enough you can walk right through a motion detector. Or if you're in a hurry, you can hold a sheet in front of you."

Gilbert: "Mythbusters actually did an episode on that."

Stan: "Yeah, I saw that episode. They did some things right, but they kind of missed the point on some other things. All the stuff they came up with to get through the ventilation shafts was just silly. There's no need to build anything or use gadgets. You can climb through a ventilation shaft pretty easily and tennis shoes are a lot quieter than the crazy stuff they came up with."

Gilbert: "Like you said, I'm the gadgets guy, not you."

Stan turns off his laser.

Stan: "Yeah. Anyway, it's not like I'm a thief. I mostly just do it for the lulz, and to get back at corporations. My dad wasted most of his life working for Pacific Bell, and I always kind of resented how they treated him and wanted a way to get back. That was actually how I met Clara. We were both diving in the same dumpster one night looking for freebies."

Bob: "In a dumpster?"

Stan: "Yeah, all kinds of things you can find. Not as much now. Used to be dumpsters were a goldmine of employee manuals, security policies, emergency phone numbers...all sorts of useful stuff."

Bob: "Isn't all the sensitive data kept on computers?"

Stan: "Not as much as you'd think. Corporate America is still living in the dark ages in a lot of ways. Some people just prefer paper. And even if they do, they still sometimes throw out old broken computers, phones, printers, fax machines...all the stuff they're supposed to recycle, but don't. Most fax machines keep logs of every number they dial, and some keep logs of everything they send. Phones can have autodial lists. Computers...even a broken hard drive can be salvaged for data."

Bob: "What do you do with it?"

Stan: "The informational stuff I mine for anything to use to help with social engineering. As for the hardware itself...not much, honestly. It's more about the getting it than what to do with it. It's kind of like digging for treasure. It's fun, even if the treasure turns out to be antiques rather than gold."

Bob: "That's kind of cool."

Stan: "Heh...thanks. You're alright, Bob. We should hang out more often. Clara thinks so too. She doesn't sneak up and hug just anybody."

You laugh.

Bob: " that the rite of passage around here?"

Stan: "Nah, nothing like that. When Gilbert told me about you I kind of figured we'd all four end up hanging out together."

At that moment, Stan's cellphone rings.

Stan: "Hey Clara, what's up?"

He jerks his head away from the cellphone and winces in pain.

Stan: "...yeah, ok. I got it. Right. Yeah. Ok...just...not so loud...seriously. (pause) Uh-huh. Ok. Sure. Yeah I'll tell him. Yeah. Ok. See you later."

With his cellphone out anyway, you both exchange numbers. He also gives you Clara's number and asks you to send her a text message with yours.

Bob: "So that's what she wanted to say? To give me her number? Why the yelling?"

Stan: "...uhh...well, she just said they she tried out her new toys, and they didn't work out so well for what she had mind. And that it hurt a lot."

January 14, 2013

Current status

What do you do?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Suburban Supervillain
« Reply #169 on: October 13, 2012, 09:31:55 am »

First off, I'd like to say: Clara is hilarious. I'm glad you're playing her this way.

Second off...well, we need some sort of plan. To make a plan, we need to know what we have, what we want, and what will be in our way. Let's work on the second.

Goal One: Profit. No, wait, safety, then profit.
Goal Three: Evil.
Actually, given the difficulty of what we're planning, maybe safety should go between profit and evil so we get stuff done. you think we know Stan ans the others enough to ask them about previous...legality-impaired operations?
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Suburban Supervillain
« Reply #170 on: October 13, 2012, 10:26:52 am »

Why don't we show an interest in what he's doing?  Thievery is thievery, maybe we could ask if it would be okay if we joined him on one his trips?  Staying out of the building, of course.
Also, Clara has a one track mind, doesn't she?

I think the slaughter part is what made them angry.
OOC: Dachshundofdoom: This is how the world ends, not with a bang but with goddamn VUVUZELAS.
Those hookers aren't getting out any time soon, no matter how many fancy gadgets they have :v


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Suburban Supervillain
« Reply #171 on: October 13, 2012, 03:47:56 pm »

For all my wacky shitposting, this is one of the better threads in forums games/roleplaying I've seen. Nice OP.

And +1 to Thecard, we should ask about going with Stan.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Suburban Supervillain
« Reply #172 on: October 13, 2012, 03:56:37 pm »

I believe we had a plan. However, we now have possibly willing acomplisces. Stan hates corperations. We find a corperate target for the original bomb cart plan, I bet he'll help us out if we minimise risk. Same thing. Yes, it's My First League of Socialist Villany, but baby steps. We start with, angry, disaffected young people.

Mr Wrex, please do not eat my liver.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Suburban Supervillain
« Reply #173 on: October 13, 2012, 05:36:54 pm »

I believe we had a plan. However, we now have possibly willing acomplisces. Stan hates corperations. We find a corperate target for the original bomb cart plan, I bet he'll help us out if we minimise risk. Same thing. Yes, it's My First League of Socialist Villany, but baby steps. We start with, angry, disaffected young people.
So it's like LCS, just less 'is that an ak-47 or are you just happy to see me?' going on. 
We should start with no casualties planned though, that'll turn Robin Hood off real fast.  Just explain it to him as a way to get back at the corporations.  Maybe invent a story about how we were wronged too!  We only want what's best for the people!  Then we shift him gradually to darker and more super-villainous crime.  Maybe get Clara in on the plan, to do some sort of hacking.  Maybe we could get something out of this than mere terror?  Say, attack a science-y plant?  Steal experimental laser designs or something while the guards are distracted by an exploding golf cart?

Because then we could have 'Bert wire up the cart, Stan could disable the security, Clara could steal the info, and we could wring our hands maniacally.

I think the slaughter part is what made them angry.
OOC: Dachshundofdoom: This is how the world ends, not with a bang but with goddamn VUVUZELAS.
Those hookers aren't getting out any time soon, no matter how many fancy gadgets they have :v


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Suburban Supervillain
« Reply #174 on: October 14, 2012, 03:11:29 am »

I bet he'll help us out if we minimise risk. We start with, angry, disaffected young people.

ask if it would be okay if we joined him on one his trips?

And +1 to Thecard, we should ask about going with Stan.

This ended up being a lot longer than expected.

Part 1

Gilbert orders another box of cheese fries, and you continue the discussion.

You: So, Stan...mind if I come along on one of your trips? This sounds interesting.

Stan shrugs

Stan: Sure. I don't have anything going on tonight. We could make an adventure out of it.

You: What about you, Gilbert? Want to come with?

Gilbert: "No, thanks. Not my kind of thing. You get caught you go to jail. Not interested. Plus, I'm not a fast runner. If anything went wrong, I'd be the one to get caught."

You frown at that. You're not fat or anything, but you're not the most physically competent person in the world and the last time you ran was your senior year in high school. You best mile time was 8 minutes and something. Stan, on the other hand, is very obviously an athlete. And from Clara's general build, you're guessing she can probably outrun you too.

You: "We won't actually have to run or anything, will we?"

Stan: "We might. For that matter...can you hop a chainlink fence?"

You: "...umm...never tried."

Stan: "What about barbed wire?"

You: "Barbed wire?"

Stan: "Yes. Both standard and razor wire. Actually, the razor is more common in this area. You'll need to know how to get over it."

You: "Razor wire? What's that?"

Stan looks thoughtful for a moment.

Stan: "Ok, I guess if we're going to do this we need to first train you on some basics. (He smirks and puts on a fake accent.) Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to put together a ninja outfit, and meet us at the high school at midnight. Don't park in the parking lot. Park in the residential area across the street and walk over. Also, let's synchronize your watch to mine. I'm already in sync with Clara."

Gilbert: "Ha ha! This is so Mission Impossible, it's hilarious. I am so tempted to come along just to watch you guys."

Stan: "You're welcome to come along. The security guard is on a 15 minute patrol route, so risk is minimal."

Gilbert: "Ha. No thanks."

He continues to munch on his cheese fries, while you synchronize your watch with Stan's.

So that went better than expected. "A mission." You're not entirely sure what he meant by that. It also occurs to you that you were planning to be the one giving out missions, but you do want to see where this goes. And putting together some black clothes seems simple enough. You stop by the mall and buy some black shoes (-$70), black socks (-$10), black sweatpants (-$20), a black t-shirt (-$10) and a black hoodie (-$30).

At 11:50 you pull into the residential are Stan mentioned and park in front of somebody's house. You're early, and you're feeling nervous. You wait around for a few minutes, watching as people's driveway lights occasionally turn on for no obvious reason. At 11:55, you get out and start walking.

You're surprised at well lit everything is. Apparently they leave most of the lights on overnight. Presumably to prevent people from doing what you're about to do. Or...this being a high school, maybe because they know high school kids do this kind of thing and the administration would rather they didn't get hurt in the process. You're not sure which. As you walk through the parking lot, you get the strange feeling that you're being watched. Turning around suddenly you see Stan and Clara walking about 20 feet behind from you. You never heard them coming. Upon seeing you turn, Clara comes running up and gives you a great big hug, twirling your body in nearly a full circle from the impact.

Clara: "Boo! Did we scare you?"

You: "...heh, yeah a liittle bit. Where did you two come from?"

Stan: "We were waiting behind the sign. Decent hiding spot. Obscures the view from the parking lot. The guard last rolled through here about 10 minutes ago, so we should probably get under cover. His route is bout 15 minutes, but it's not like they rigidly time these things."

You follow the two of them towards the field, while Stan explains some things.

Stan: "Ok, first a few rules. First, no names. Lots of places have cameras, and every now and then those cameras will record audio. For our excursion tonight, I'm Tom, the lady is Bee, and...what do you want to be called?"

You: "...uhhh...I haven't actually thought of a name. It's something I've been meaning to get around to, but..."

Stan: "Doesn't matter, it's not like it's set in stone."

Clara: "Elf. Your name is Elf."

Stan: "Ok, Elf it is."

You frown at that. "Elf?" Why Elf? Clara sees you frowning and sticks her tongue out at you while Stan continues talking.

Stan: "Second rule, no wallets and no cellphones. And I don't even mean turn it off. No cellphones. If you brought yours with you, we go back to your car right now."

You: "...I actually did bring it, but why isn't turning it off good enough?"

Clara: "Silly boy, they're trackable and identifiable. No secret government stuff here, it's just how they work. For your cellphone to work, it has to talk to a tower that transmits data to another location. And speaking of cellphone towers, there's an antenna right over there.

(She points to a totally innocuous-looking device on a nearby building:)

Clara: "If you open up your cellphone you'll see an indicator for signal strength. I imagine it's pretty good right now, and the fact that you have an indicator means that you're talking to the network right now. No need to actually call anyone. Your cellphone is broadcasting it's unique identifier to that antenna and it's letting your cellphone know it sees you. Anyone at your phone company can identify where you are to within probably 50 meters. Some models will send out periodic network locator pings even when they're turned off. And all these things are logged, so if tomorrow somebody reports that something naughty happened here tonight it's trivial for the police to requisition the cellphone records for this tower to see which cellphone users were nearby and at what times. Cellphones are bad. But don't worry. I won't turn you in. :P "

(You're a bit shaken by this realization that's fairly obvious now that it's been pointed out to you. The three of you head back to your where you leave your phone and wallet. You're mildly disappointed that while you're on edge and ready to hide behind the bushes at every car that drives by, Stan and Clara appear totally at ease.)

Bob: "How can you two relax like this? My cellphone has already been logged by that tower and here we are dressed up in all black just waiting for the police to come pick us up."

Clara: "A hundred people will drive past that tower tonight. Your name will be just be another one of them. And it's not like we're going to leave any suspicious ransom notes or anything."
Stan: "Also, sometimes the best hiding is done in plain sight. None of us have a criminal record. We're not doing anything illegal. We're all over 18, so-"

Clara: "I'm not! I'm sexy young jailbait, hear me rawwr!"

Stan: "Like I said, we're all over 18, so there's no problem here. "

Clara "...awww, can't I be underage? I know you guys like that kind of thing. How does 15 sound? Or is that too old for you pedobears?"

You: "You're a junior at our college. I'm pretty sure that makes you a year older than I am."

Clara: "Oh, gee...thanks. That's exactly what I wanted to hear."

With that Clara goes off to sulk. You're not sure, but you think you hear her muttering something about stupid boys. But within minutes, all is forgotten and the three of you are heading back to the field, where awaits your first trial.

Stan: "Ok, here we go. Basic chain link fence."



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Suburban Supervillain
« Reply #175 on: October 14, 2012, 03:11:57 am »

Part 2

Clara makes a happy noise and vaults over it so quickly that you're don't even see quite how she did it. It kind of looked like she just put her hands on it and flung herself over.

Clara: "Ha ha! Can't catch me!"

Stan does it a bit more slowly, while explaining.

Stan: "It helps if you get a bit of a run first. Jump up with one foot and land with both hands on the top of the fence at the same time as your foot lands. It will give you a bit of a bounce, so pull with your hands as you push off with your foot like a trampoline, and throw yourself over. Tuck with your arms and stomach to make the trampoline bounce rotate you over the fence rather than push you away from it. Do it fast and it becomes one motion: jump/bounce and over."

Then he does it. It looks pretty effortless.

Meanwhile, you continue to stare at the fence. Clara, as if to taunt you further, nonchalantly reaches over to the top of the fence with one hand, then kicks the fence with a jump and hurls herself over...continues to hold onto the top bar of the fence with both hands, causing her to flip completely over in the air then pushes off and lets go once she's completely upside down...sails through the air and lands next to you, dropping to both feet to absorb the impact. Then she stands and smiles at you.

Clara: "It's easy!"

Stand: "Ignore her. She did gymnastics. Also, to be fair, we've been doing this for years. But it's really not as difficult as it looks. Pretty much everyone I used to hang out with in high school could do this one way or another. She's just doing the flip to show off, but I knew a guy who used to get over fences by jumping up and landing with his stomach on top, then gripping the far side with his hands and using them to pull while doing a reverse situp to flip himself over. I never did get that down, but there are lots of ways to get over a fence.

To demonstrate, Stan comes back over the fence using a different technique. This time he hops up and lands with his arms straight and hands griping the top bar of the fence. He pauses for a moment for emphasis, then with a second hop springs his legs over while holding on with just one hand, then letting go and landing next to you.

Stan: "You can do it fast or slow. Try it with a bit of a run first. It will help."

Contrary to his advice, you decide to walk over and look at the fence, then try it getting over via the second method he demonstrated. You reach out and grab the top bar and try to pull yourself up, but as soon as you put any weight on your hands the fence digs into them painfully.

You "Ow."

Stan: "Oh, yeah. Always check the barbs. Easy fence like this has pretty harmless ones, but some fences have nasty razors and things. Razorwire you have to pull yourself up and over slowly, but with practice you should be able to get over a fence like this one at a full run and barely slow down. You might get cut the first few times, but your hands will toughen up soon enough."

Determined at this point, you put a foot on the fence and try to climb...but the soles of your shoes are wet from walking across the grassy field earlier, and slide over the metal links. Trying again, you put the toe of your shoe in one of the holes in the fence and stand up. That works. You're now in the same basic position Stan got in when he hopped back over, but pushing on the fence with your feet just makes you bend at the waist and you don't see any way to "trampoline" over like they're describing. Instead you try to lift one leg over, but doing that shifts all your weight on your hands, which dig more deeply in the barbs, forcing you to hunch your chest over the top of the fence.

Stan: "That works. Now you can just let go with one hand and swing yourself over."

He says that so casually...but you're in pain here and "just letting go" doesn't really seem like a good idea. After some shifting and sliding though, you do eventually manage to get one leg over while carefully supporting your weight with both hands to keep from impaling your crotch on the barbs.

Clara: "Oh, yeah baby! Ride that fence! Woooo! Give it to it! Give it to it!"

You're not entirely sure how to proceed, but with some experimenting you manage to hook your other foot on the top of the fence and use that to leverage the rest of your body over, at which point it's just a matter of pushing off and letting gravity-

You: "URK!"

Unfortuantely the hood of your sweatshirt gets caught in one of the barbs on top the fence, and your head gets jolted back before the hood tears and you fall to the ground.

Stan: "Good. You did it."

Clara: "Yeah, I was hoping for more pain and suffering. He did it in like 40 seconds tops. We need to get Gilbert out here to try this. He'd be way more entertaining."

You stand up, missing some flesh on your palms and in slight pain...but elated at your success. Stan checks his watch.

Stan: "Well, now that you can do it, the hard part's over. Patrol should be coming by again soon. So come back over and we'll head to our primary objective."

The two of them turn and start walking away, leaving you staring at the fence between you.

Ten minutes later, you're in a dumpster.

Or at least trying to get into one. Stan and Clara are each in their own dumpsters, and this is yours. It smells.

You: "Guys? What are we supposed to be finding in here? All I see is trash. Which doesn't surprise me, since this is a trash."

Clara: "Look for briefcases full of hundred dollar bills!"

Stan: "Anything really. Books, manuals, computers, phones, tools, whatever."

Clara: "Unicorns! Look for unicorns!"

Stan: "This being a high school we're not likely to find much, but every now and then you get lucky."

Clara: "Ooh! I found a slightly used slupry. Om nom nom."

You: "...she's not really drinking that is she?"

Clara: "Yes."

Stan: "No, she's just messing with you."

Clara: "I am totally drinking this used slurpy! Here I am drinking it! SLUURRRP goes the slurpy!"

Stan: "Anyway, just dig around and see what you find."

Clara: "Damn it. You guys are no fun."

After 20 minutes the three of you are walking back to your car with your booty: a freshman geography textbook, and a nickel."

You: "Is it always this bad?"

Stan: "Nah, you get used to it.

You: "No, I mean the rewards. We came away with nothing."

Stan: "Well, what did you expect? We were digging through a high school dumpster. This was mostly a training exercise, not a resources acquisition mission. To find anything good you have to look in more dangerous places. "

Clara: "Yeah. Just think of that fence. Imagine if it had razorwire instead of puny twists of metal at the top, and dogs and guards with stun batons were waiting on the other side to rape you."

Stan: "And even then you're not guaranteed to get anything. It takes time."

You: "...ok, but even after all that...when does the cool stuff happen?"

They look at you then each other and shrug.

Stan: "This is the cool part. This was supposed to be fun. There was no real danger, but you got your adrenaline pumping didn't you? This was an adventure wasn't it?"

You nod. It was kind of fun.

Stan: "Sure...yeah, I sometimes go places and find cool toys. Gilbert has a hard drive in his computer that I pulled out of computer I found in a dumpster. I paid for one of my spyders with about a hundred pounds of copper wire I took from a construction site and recycled.

Clara: "I had a voice mailbox on an 800 number for a couple years that I got the password for from a manual somebody ran through a shredder and I taped together by hand."

Stan: "If you're looking to do this specifically to make money, then check out hobby stores for stuff to sell on ebay. It's a lot easier, and I knew a guy who made a couple hundred dollars per month that way."

Clara: "I knew a girl once who found a delicious slurpy in a dumpster and sold it for millions. She was hot, too."

Stan: "Sure, if you're brave you can go into warehouses and offices and things. The prizes are better, but if you get caught doing that, it's all over. And yeah, maybe I've done that kind of thing a few times. And maybe it was pretty cool. But honestly I'd be scared to get too comfortable doing it. I'm halfway through college and when I'm done I'd like to still be able to get a job and have a life rather than wake up every day next to some guy named Bubba."

Clara: "Yeah, that's no fun. Anyway, Elf looks like he needs his beauty sleep, and this evening looks like it's winding down, so I'm going to head out. Goodnight you two. "

You stop for gas (-$40) and manage to get home at 3:30am. No doubt you'll be sleeping in late tomorrow, and you have a lot to think about. It seems that Stan is not quite the hardened criminal you imagined him to be, but it also seems that he and Clara both have some skills you hadn't realized. Though you're not sure how far "crazy fast chainlink fence hopping" will take you. In any case, it's given you a lot to think about, and you'll have to consider carefully how to best make use of these developments.

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What do you do?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Suburban Supervillain
« Reply #176 on: October 14, 2012, 09:35:38 am »

Alright,who else here agrees we need to start exercising,is there a track closeby where we could run?We should probably start looking around the internet for different cell phone towers and other devices that could track us.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 10:22:02 am by Dracken »
Hang on, you want us to be nice to the people??  You do realize that this is the bay12 forums, right?

GENERATION 10: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Suburban Supervillain
« Reply #177 on: October 14, 2012, 01:37:59 pm »

For all my wacky shitposting, this is one of the better threads in forums games/roleplaying I've seen. Nice OP.
I thought so at first, got disappointed for a little, but now I agree. It's getting good now that we're (kinda) getting into villainy and have some (sorta, okay-not-really) minions.

It's slightly...surprising? disturbing? unnerving? unexpected? how detailed this all is. LordBucket, do you have practical experience? [/80-90% sarcasm]

Exercise sounds good. It's healthy, legal, and lets us train skills we need.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Suburban Supervillain
« Reply #178 on: October 14, 2012, 01:46:44 pm »

So, in terms of LCS, we have
Because Clara could be a love-slave.  She probably doesn't want to be a super-villian, just to be evil, but she'd probably do it for the fun.
Gilbert we've known for a while, he's sort of a sleeper.  A sleeper in the university district, but still.
Stan is just a thief we could recruit, basically.  Extremely useful, but not very enthusiastic about the cause.

It just makes sense to me to think about this in terms of Liberal Crime Squad.  But, Evil Crime Squad.

I think the slaughter part is what made them angry.
OOC: Dachshundofdoom: This is how the world ends, not with a bang but with goddamn VUVUZELAS.
Those hookers aren't getting out any time soon, no matter how many fancy gadgets they have :v


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are a Suburban Supervillain
« Reply #179 on: October 14, 2012, 03:42:32 pm »

Yeah, We should start exercising.  Probably running and Some sort of Upper-Body Strength thing would be good.
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