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Author Topic: Demongate: Wrapping up the Loose Ends.  (Read 680895 times)


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Re: Demongate: Main Character Deaths Make Good Storylines!
« Reply #1635 on: July 08, 2014, 08:18:05 pm »

Danman, Flame can't do shamanic magic. And I didn't take your soul gems, only your book of forgotten beasts.
Well give it back you have no use for its dark information and fine I will do something about my soul gem... What forgotten beasts are still around?


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Re: Demongate: Main Character Deaths Make Good Storylines!
« Reply #1636 on: July 08, 2014, 08:25:55 pm »

I'll be writing up something about the demons at some point during the next few days. Expect a neat tie-in with Steelhold's lore.

Ideally, we'd hold off until some testing's been done on these 'divine material' thingies. With any luck, we'll be able to duplicate the properties and either grant them directly to the bloodkin or give them reactions to forge similar weapons for themselves (gifts from the Old Gods or something?).

On the subject of the Bloodkin, if we do end up doing another Steelhold spinoff, would it be ok with people if we just make the bloodkin more dangerous directly rather than letting them convert dwarves? It just doesn't seem to tie in with the aims of any of their leaders at the moment; Shank wants to use dwarves as food, so making more bloodkin is counterproductive if they're nearly immortal anyway, Asmoth doesn't give a damn what they get up to, and Corley's doing whatever it is Corley's doing. None of them seem concerned with swelling the ranks of their armies all that much. Plus, a creature that uses magic to turn a dwarf into on of them every now and again just doesn't seem as frightening to me as a creature that uses magic to turn into a ten foot tall muderbeast.

I'm all for making them more dangerous, though I'm not sure how we'd justify another spinoff. Yet another continent, perhaps?

Also, glad to see I have you confused about Shank's motives, Asmoth. :)
Of course, he may have simply crushed the forgotten beasts with his massive testicles.

Forget a spouse, he needs a full time gonad wrangler.


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Re: Demongate: Main Character Deaths Make Good Storylines!
« Reply #1637 on: July 08, 2014, 08:31:10 pm »

Also, while Flame was sleeping, FallenAngel III stole the book of forgotten beasts and hid it in the fortress, and then hid a slab showing how to find said book.
Said book is in an ancient kobold language.
FallenAngel was a kobold before.


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Re: Demongate: Main Character Deaths Make Good Storylines!
« Reply #1638 on: July 08, 2014, 09:47:22 pm »

I'll be writing up something about the demons at some point during the next few days. Expect a neat tie-in with Steelhold's lore.

Ideally, we'd hold off until some testing's been done on these 'divine material' thingies. With any luck, we'll be able to duplicate the properties and either grant them directly to the bloodkin or give them reactions to forge similar weapons for themselves (gifts from the Old Gods or something?).

On the subject of the Bloodkin, if we do end up doing another Steelhold spinoff, would it be ok with people if we just make the bloodkin more dangerous directly rather than letting them convert dwarves? It just doesn't seem to tie in with the aims of any of their leaders at the moment; Shank wants to use dwarves as food, so making more bloodkin is counterproductive if they're nearly immortal anyway, Asmoth doesn't give a damn what they get up to, and Corley's doing whatever it is Corley's doing. None of them seem concerned with swelling the ranks of their armies all that much. Plus, a creature that uses magic to turn a dwarf into on of them every now and again just doesn't seem as frightening to me as a creature that uses magic to turn into a ten foot tall muderbeast.

I'm all for making them more dangerous, though I'm not sure how we'd justify another spinoff. Yet another continent, perhaps?
We could just make another 33 x 33 world and call it an island, as we did with Steelhold.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate: Main Character Deaths Make Good Storylines!
« Reply #1639 on: July 09, 2014, 02:44:44 am »

Danman, Flame can't do shamanic magic. And I didn't take your soul gems, only your book of forgotten beasts.
Well give it back you have no use for its dark information and fine I will do something about my soul gem... What forgotten beasts are still around?
None. I've killed them all. I'm thourough.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate: Main Character Deaths Make Good Storylines!
« Reply #1640 on: July 09, 2014, 05:09:24 pm »

"The preparations are continuing, but many would say that it would have been safer to not break the back of our military clearing out the caves when you thought the humans were planning on invading," Brenzen said.
Thane absent-mindedly touched the scar on her right hand from where a serpent man- or more accurately, a rotten serpent man's corpse- had tried to rip her hand off with his teeth. She'd caved his skull in with Ob Kat, killing him again, but Cornelius had kept her in the hospital for weeks, fearing an infection. "Would you really feel safe with that castle of corpses beneath us while we fought the headbangers?" she asked. "They were nearly our undoing when the goblins attacked as well. They must be guided by something, so they were more of a threat than anything the mortal world could bring against us."
"Even so, were the caves really worth so much death and injury?"
Thane barely glanced at the memorial to Lor in the corner of the office. "It doesn't matter whether they were a good deal, it's what we bought for the price we paid. And we are going to keep them."

The office door crashed open and Artyom burst inside, panting.
"Quick," he gasped. "It's Talonis... he..."
"He's hurt?" Thane asked.
"No, he-"
"Dead?" Brenzen cut in, glaring at Thane.
"No... worse."

The dining hall had been rapidly converted into a courtroom. Vladamir sat behind a long table, Thane on his right and Brenzen on his left. Before them stood Talonis Wolf, chained and smirking. Those who had wanted to attend sat in a ring of seats around the hall, some watching silently, others muttering their own opinions.
"Vitnesses say zat you started screaming about ze madness in this fortress, then attacked Medtob Obeybridged while she lay injured in the hospital, killink her. Until recently, we haf been unable to find proof against you on this matter, but two vitnesses have come forward to tell of your latest crime. Step forward, Erib and Torvald."
Of the two, Erib seemed the more nervous. Torvald didn't seem worried by the attention, but his smile was long gone.
"Is zis ze man you saw killing the cook, Id Erithsokan?"
Erib nodded shakily. Torvald said, "They seemed to be just talking, then out of nowhere, he just started punching the guy. Then he just... he looked at us like he thought nothing could touch him."
"You can't," Talonis grinned. "In case you've forgotten, I'm the captain of the guard here. Justice is my domain."
Vladamir nodded slowly. "He's right. Well, I guess there's only one thing to do..." Talonis' smile widened. "Talonis Wolf, I hereby strip you of your titles and powers in ze fortress of Demongate, by ze power of Vladamir Uristovitch, duke of Demongate and ze surrounding lands. I appoint Artyom Barkov as our new captain of the guard. For ze murder of Id Erithsokan, I sentence you to two hundred days in prison... and fifty hammerstrikes."
"You idiot!" Talonis screamed. "I fought for this hellhole for years! Why should I listen to that crazy wench just because you want to come in unto her? I lost my wife, my only son, and you think you can just take even more from me?"
"You lost your wife and son, and now your daughters will lose their father," Thane shrugged, her voice full of all the emotion of a gravestone. "Such is justice."

The guards dragged Talonis from the hall. Thane picked up her hammer and silently followed him out, a chorus of whispers following her in turn. Some would claim she was smiling as she went to do her duty, others that she wept. Perhaps it was both.

Note: Talonis actually did kill those people, I'm not just trying to kill off absolutely everyone that got dwarfed.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2014, 02:22:01 pm by Deus Asmoth »
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Demongate: Main Character Deaths Make Good Storylines!
« Reply #1641 on: July 09, 2014, 05:14:28 pm »

Just a side note, Talonis also killed FallenAngel I's wife, after a production order (that was never announced) was missed.
She was a FARMER.
The production order couldn't have been to harvest crops.
Something tells me Vlad likes Mercury vapors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demongate: Main Character Deaths Make Good Storylines!
« Reply #1642 on: July 09, 2014, 05:40:00 pm »

How much longer do you have in your turn? When you are finished, who is next?
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: Demongate: Main Character Deaths Make Good Storylines!
« Reply #1643 on: July 10, 2014, 04:48:30 am »

Letter from Torvald to his Father
Letter to Father #1
Dear Father,

Gnora, your dear girl and my sister, is no longer of this world. I just missed her, actually; it seems that she died shortly before I arrived. Such a pity, but we mustn’t mourn for too long. Our tears won’t bring her back and she would want us to move on with our lives and plans.

I figured that you would want to know about what she was doing in her days at Demongate, so I did some scavenging and found her old journal. It seems as if Thane, the current overseer of the fortress, was once a lot more level-headed than she is now. Now she seems to have lost all empathy and grasp on the life around her. Pity, really.

That’s all that I have to say for now. I’ll keep in touch and tell you all about life and things here in the fort.

Sincerely yours,

Torvald’s Journal
The Trial
I never really expected to take part in a full-blown trial, and especially not so soon after arriving in a new fortress. Apparently the old captain of the guard, Talonis Wolf, has been acting violent lately and murdered some unfortunate passer-by. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Being an older, better established member of the fortress, it seems that he doubted that his acts would have repercussions, even with corroborating eye-witness accounts. But the duke of this fortress doesn’t play that game, it seems.

He was stripped of his rank, and they sentenced him to two hundred days in prison and fifty hammer-strikes. The former is mostly a formality; fifty strikes is more than enough to kill even a dwarf of his build. The overseer herself administered the punishment, and that can’t have been any better for her brain. Is everyone that steps inside this fort doomed to go mad? Well, I’ll be sure to include such an interesting story as this in my next letter to father.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate: Main Character Deaths Make Good Storylines!
« Reply #1644 on: July 10, 2014, 05:55:55 am »

Turn will be done by Sunday. After that, Dan's up if he wants the turn, otherwise Gnorm gets control of this madness.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Demongate: Main Character Deaths Make Good Storylines!
« Reply #1645 on: July 11, 2014, 04:26:29 pm »

"Any news of the prisoner?" Thane asked. Artyom shuffled uneasily.
"I think we trained our dogs too well... His pets try to give him comfort, but he lashes out against them. No matter how much he hits them, they won't fight back or leave his side. Why are we leaving someone like that alive?"
Thane shrugged. "Vladamir says that he has to serve his sentence first to have an opportunity for redemption." For a moment, it looked as if she was relieved at not having to execute someone she'd known for years, but then the mask of indifference was back in place.
"You might be glad to know Vladamir has agreed to start wearing clothes again," she continued.
Artyom smiled tightly. Of all the problems he had expected from becoming the captain of the guard, complaints about the streaking duke hadn't been one of them.
"I'm not letting this go. What if he survives the beating?"
"Then he will survive the beating," Thane said. "Why are you so against it?"
"Because whatever he once was, the man's an animal who fights for the sake of it. How can you not be appalled by him?" Artyom growled.
"We all have our ways of making it through the world," answered Thane quietly. "Now, if you don't mind, I have other things to do."
The door slammed closed behind Artyom, leaving a crack in the wall.

* * *

Time passed slowly in the prison. How long had it been since his last water visit? Days, surely? Talonis uncurled painfully from his sleeping position, stretched and waited for another long day of absolutely nothing. One of his dogs whined at him. Talonis reached out to grab it by the scruff of the neck, but the damn thing backed away, still whining. He reached out further, knowing that the ropes would pull him up short, but to his surprise he grabbed the hound. The ropes felt slack as well... A feeling of elation swept over him as he realised someone had cut the ropes while he slept. Dropping the dog, Wolf stood up and stretched properly. First, he was going to get a drink, and then... well, then there would be a reckoning.

The stairs from the prison to the food stockpile were an ordeal for his cramping legs, but he forced himself there, ignoring the surprise and fear on the faces of those he passed. Some would run off to tell their precious duke, but he wouldn't get caught by surprise this time. He grabbed a barrel of wine and began quaffing from it.
"Think you can escape, do you?" came a voice. Talonis turned smirking, ready to knock some sense into this heroic fool. Artyom stood in front of him, fists clenched, weaponless. Talonis rushed at him, stumbling at a sudden light headed feeling.
"Full barrel of wine on an empty stomach? Not such a good idea," taunted Artyom as he dodged aside, his fist crashing into Talonis' left side. Talonis roared in pain, charging again. Artyom's knee came up, hitting the convict in the stomach. He collapsed to the ground, retching and swearing. Artyom picked up the barrel he had been drinking from, weighed it in his hands a moment and then brought it down on Talonis' head. Talonis didn't try to get up. The captain of the guard wrapped his hands around the prisoner's neck. There was a snap. The captain's report would say justice had been done.

Not entirely sure what happened. I was making sure we had all the materials for a strange mood, then I got an announcement that Talonis had suffocated. My theory is that the deconstructed his chain in a tantrum, because it's not there any more, but I'm not sure why Artyom would attack him when he wasn't scheduled for a beating.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Demongate: Main Character Deaths Make Good Storylines!
« Reply #1646 on: July 11, 2014, 04:50:32 pm »

From the engravings of FallenAngel III, Legendary+1 Bodysurfer

I went down to the prisons today to smack Talonis for killing the wife of the first person I was here at Demongate, but all I found was a broken chain and some sad, slightly injured dogs. The dogs were surprisingly friendly, and readily accepted my comfort. I assume these were Talonis Wolf's dogs. Asking around, I managed to find my way to the exact coffin they buried the fiend in. Sure, it caused some suspicion, but it's a thing I've always wanted to do. If anyone asks why Talonis's body is full of new fractures, it was me. He had this whole thing coming, too. I just never got the chance to beat the guy up while he was alive.


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Re: Demongate: Main Character Deaths Make Good Storylines!
« Reply #1647 on: July 11, 2014, 09:14:56 pm »

Guys I'm back and i'm drunk and also I'm really glad you guys have tcarried the foryt so far.
Als oclad thqt vlad has condtinued to be such qa badass. Streaking duke. Hilarious .
Talonis was  a wolf cultist, so was kiund of a religious nut. I'd feel more bad if he'd been mor active in the thread. O h well.
Hoope the new verison getsts stable soon so ;i can download it an dbring it back to north carnada wehere I'm marooned. Nothing to do u[p her, no internet, only substance abuses. It's depressing as shit e /
Plkease donb't quote this.


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Re: Demongate: Main Character Deaths Make Good Storylines!
« Reply #1648 on: July 11, 2014, 09:23:23 pm »

MDF, you've had too much to drink.
Or too little, I forgot how it is with you.


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Re: Demongate: Main Character Deaths Make Good Storylines!
« Reply #1649 on: July 11, 2014, 09:34:18 pm »

I don't think hes drunk, I think he is perfectly fine.
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