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Author Topic: New release !!SCIENCE!!  (Read 38320 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New release !!SCIENCE!!
« Reply #150 on: December 11, 2017, 01:33:49 pm »

You know, that thing with the forgotten beast might actually end up being a boon in disguise. I imagine your next Goblin Siege will have a lot less survivors, if the Beast gets annoyed at them
Īlul Thuveg-Ellest
Rete Sano-Pima
Tormuk Dul-Orax
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Re: New release !!SCIENCE!!
« Reply #151 on: December 11, 2017, 03:59:35 pm »

Okay, so here's something I've noticed: megabeasts, semi-megabeasts, titans, forgotten beasts, and the like, don't path into the fortress anymore. They just hang around near where they entered the map and defend that area. I beat a two-headed ettin by sending my conscripted marksdwarves in to pepper it with bolts repeatedly, then run away once they were out of ammo. The Ettin would only chase them a short distance before running back to its favorite spot. This cycle must have repeated nearly half a dozen times before I managed to forge some metal bolts and finish it off. Every monster that's come to my fortresses in the new version has behaved the same way.

I suspect this is a bug, but it has forced me to alter my usual tactics of hiding behind layers of traps. It's also created some interesting stories, like the time a titan showed up and killed some of my civilians that wandered too close to its territory. My other civilians then went in to try and retrieve their fallen friends so they could bury them, but this only lured them within reach of the titan, who would then kill the newcomer. The more dwarves it killed, the more bait it had to lure in more dwarves to kill.

Same for me. They just hang around near where they spawn and don't do much. Werebeasts still path to the fort v quickly. It makes forgotten beasts very easy to handle, except when they are fire breathing and in a forrest.


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Re: New release !!SCIENCE!!
« Reply #152 on: December 11, 2017, 04:02:23 pm »

I thought I read somewhere that books can't be assigned to cases or pedestals? Which is a shame, as that would provide a much easier way to manage original texts.

Do museums provide any viewing benefits, a-la tastefully-arranged statues in statue gardens? Otherwise, it seems to me that the primary utility to them at the moment would be in terms of artefact management.

From a roleplaying perspective, possessed artefacts often seem to be created under the influence of deities (I once had an ardent worshiper of a deity of stars produce a ring with an image of stars on it during a possessed mood), so it would make sense to put them in their associated temples. Same with artefact figurines of deities. Weapons and armor in temples to gods of war and fortresses, etc. Artefact goblets and musical instruments in taverns? And artefacts depicting historical events in libraries.

You can put books on pedestals. I don't know how that effects copying and scholarship though, so I am avoiding putting them in my museum atm. Everything else seems to be ok for the museum, including heirlooms and other artefacts.


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Re: New release !!SCIENCE!!
« Reply #153 on: December 11, 2017, 04:23:57 pm »

I've done some !SCIENCE! with setting out raids. I've found two bugs so far- if your dwarf gives birth whilst travelling, the baby is left somewhere out there. The mother will then constantly cancel tasks to seek infant, followed by cancelling seeking the infant because its inaccessible. Eventually they die of thirst or starvation. Another unique bug is that some dwarfs can get stuck travelling long after their other squamates return. You can replace them in the military screen (normal way), despite supposedly not being allowed to remove travelling dwarfs from squads. If they do return, I suspect its causing my fort to crash (grr). Same with captured members, they are no longer 'on the squad', but I suspect that they get placed back on when they are returned to the fort (but my game crashes in that scenario too).

I've found the same bug as other people, where squads trying to find artefacts just go off the map for a day or two and return without doing anything (and without any entries on the log). For raids on other civs, I've found my military squad will often get books from even small settlements (of ~50-100). They can return with 5 books per raid sometimes. When the squad returns, they will just dump the book outside and it will require another dwarf to haul it to my library. As for getting more artefacts, my current world has been hamstrung by the inability to travel over water. Sadly the artefact screen doesn't organise known artefacts by proximity, which along with the inability to search, makes it a nightmare to raid nearby. I'm creating a new large island for !SCIENCE! to see what happens with raids. I would like some more mission types than just raids and scouting. I would like to send out a group of dwarfs to start a new settlement, to dispose of migrants/ unwanted dwarfs.

As for other stuff, I've found that I can only create 3 squads max and its possible for raids and other !FUN! to happen whilst all the military is out travelling. I don't know if there is a way to get around it atm, but its frustrating when an ambush happens and I don't have a military to respond (or the option to create a new squad). I've also found that with the missing member bug (where one squad member is still travelling), it stops the entire squad from being given regular orders (station, attack etc), although they will still train and carry out their schedule. This is unless you replace the missing member, but I suspect its caused crashes. I would test further, but I'm getting FPS death in my current save, so I'm pinning my hopes on this new world to do more !SCIENCE!. I hope this helps people though.


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Re: New release !!SCIENCE!!
« Reply #154 on: December 11, 2017, 04:46:26 pm »

What do you mean you can only create three squads max? Do you mean you can have only three raiding at a time?
If you want to create new squads while the military is away, just don't send the milia commander. In fact, don't ever send him off, as if he is captured you will never be able to get more squads.
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
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A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


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Re: New release !!SCIENCE!!
« Reply #155 on: December 12, 2017, 06:23:27 am »

Looks like dwarves sent out on missions relinquish possession of any rooms designated to them. I like to give my military their own room and tomb, both of which were no longer in the possession of the troops sent out on a mission.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New release !!SCIENCE!!
« Reply #156 on: December 12, 2017, 10:26:29 am »

Post on Release Science
WTF!!! I was sending all my guys out to raid, when I got the message that my fortress had withered.
I figured they had simply all gotten killed.
So I reclaimed the fortress.
The guys I sent out are still there.
But they have no body.
They don't seem to count as ghosts, though.
They don't say 'ghostly' on them, though they are stated to be hostile. They seem to not actually be hostile, though.
And their pikachus are also bodiless. And I apparently own them.
Okay, I just found one of their corpses. They still aren't stated to be undead, or ghosts.
Are they actually ghosts, but they aren't mentioned as such because they aren't part of my civ?
Okay, I just got the message "Rem Halitpolio has".
And I just pastured one ghost pikachu.
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New release !!SCIENCE!!
« Reply #157 on: December 12, 2017, 10:41:28 am »

Someone else finally got this bug with "ghostly" dead dwarves on reclaim?    :D
There was no animals, though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New release !!SCIENCE!!
« Reply #158 on: December 12, 2017, 11:50:45 am »

It was my Militia Commander who was having the missing infant bug. It seems like it also breaks their ability to start new squads. The raids removing members is causing problems for everyone it seems. I've started a new world, but I'm currently getting a really high number of crashes in the current version. Without DF hack, its making it slow going (as I have to quit the fort to save except for seasonally). I think my fortress can't cope with the same people 'arriving' multiple times in the same season. So I'm going to limit myself to one raid per squad per season. In my new world, I've deliberty created an FPS friendly fort (no river, haven't breached caverns yet, keeping animal pops low and avoiding massive projects), despite which I'm still on only 32FPS, rising to about 40FPS and I'm having constant crashes.
I've created an expedition to see what happens when you send 10 dwarfs on a suicide mission and how the game handles it if all raid members die. Details:
So I've started the fort Fealtymasions on a large 500 year old island world, with the hope that I could get more artefacts and !FUN! with raids. And I've sent 10 of my sacrificial lucky dwarfs on an adventure of a lifetime. They are out to seek Ringpurged, an artefact steel crossbow. And what a journey it will be.

This is the journey:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
It will take them 12 days to get there, traveling from our mountain holdout, across a band of elf fortresses, Human towns and dwarf mountain-homes to wade through an evil infested goblin hellhole, to reach the location of Ringpurged. This is the location of Ringpurged:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The crossbow Ringpurged requires traveling deep into my worlds Antarctic circle, across an evil glacier containing a dark elven fortress called Tormentstaves (the purple dresser), which is surrounded by a circle of 4 dark goblin pits (the grey cloth). Once those are passed, its only up a mountain range and onto its frozen icecap, the tallest place on my world and then to recover Ringpurged. After its recovery, its only a matter of going through it all again to get back to Feltymasions.

I equipped my squad with the finest copper armour I could forge, except for those dwarfs who refused to part with their leather cloaks etc, and copper weapons, the Brilliant Razors were set off at the end of Autumn and the hight of winter. Checking my stockpiles, only 5 carried their copper helms and most left their weapons at home. As they are a new squad (and my only squad), they will survive untrained and untested on their journey, relying on whatever skills they came here with. They have yet to return. May Amok have mercy upon them.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2017, 05:32:43 pm by LexJackle »

Urist Dimplebooks

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Re: New release !!SCIENCE!!
« Reply #159 on: December 13, 2017, 06:19:47 pm »

The tanner claimed a leatherwork, then continued to get leater, a rock, 2 blocks, a rock and now just continues to get a plant cloth and a wool cloth. He's got over 30 each at this time and seems content to continue getting more.

If the workshop is in a hospital zone, you should try removing the zone.

No zones, nothing else.

Sounds like a new bug, then. You could upload your save to DFFD and create an issue on the bugtracker if you're feeling helpful.

Quick update:
Since the leatherworks in question is in an unfinished area of the fortress and will need to be removed soon AND he was blocking other artifacts from being created, I decided after a year to cut of his supply and sacrifice him.
I didn't see the message of him being struck by melancholy.
The surprising news: He's made a complete recovery. Only thing is, that he's unhappy with not having been able to practice crafts, wander, acquire something and so on. In other words: Failing to create an artifact doesn't lead to certain death anymore.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New release !!SCIENCE!!
« Reply #160 on: December 14, 2017, 12:04:02 pm »

The tanner claimed a leatherwork, then continued to get leater, a rock, 2 blocks, a rock and now just continues to get a plant cloth and a wool cloth. He's got over 30 each at this time and seems content to continue getting more.

If the workshop is in a hospital zone, you should try removing the zone.

No zones, nothing else.

Sounds like a new bug, then. You could upload your save to DFFD and create an issue on the bugtracker if you're feeling helpful.

Quick update:
Since the leatherworks in question is in an unfinished area of the fortress and will need to be removed soon AND he was blocking other artifacts from being created, I decided after a year to cut of his supply and sacrifice him.
I didn't see the message of him being struck by melancholy.
The surprising news: He's made a complete recovery. Only thing is, that he's unhappy with not having been able to practice crafts, wander, acquire something and so on. In other words: Failing to create an artifact doesn't lead to certain death anymore.
strange, failing to complete a strange mood will always lead to insanity because it maxes out the dwarf's stress and will never lower it. this is a glitch causing a glitch. if you have any saves before and after, do you mind sharing them so some !!SCIENCE!! can be done on why this happened.
Someone hands you a basketful of Jeses.
Cheerful with a side of wink wink nudge nudge I bet this guy's spine would look great mounted on my wall.
You ever get so mad you fuck a donkey?

Urist Dimplebooks

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Re: New release !!SCIENCE!!
« Reply #161 on: December 14, 2017, 12:49:19 pm »

The tanner claimed a leatherwork, then continued to get leater, a rock, 2 blocks, a rock and now just continues to get a plant cloth and a wool cloth. He's got over 30 each at this time and seems content to continue getting more.

If the workshop is in a hospital zone, you should try removing the zone.

No zones, nothing else.

Sounds like a new bug, then. You could upload your save to DFFD and create an issue on the bugtracker if you're feeling helpful.

Quick update:
Since the leatherworks in question is in an unfinished area of the fortress and will need to be removed soon AND he was blocking other artifacts from being created, I decided after a year to cut of his supply and sacrifice him.
I didn't see the message of him being struck by melancholy.
The surprising news: He's made a complete recovery. Only thing is, that he's unhappy with not having been able to practice crafts, wander, acquire something and so on. In other words: Failing to create an artifact doesn't lead to certain death anymore.
strange, failing to complete a strange mood will always lead to insanity because it maxes out the dwarf's stress and will never lower it. this is a glitch causing a glitch. if you have any saves before and after, do you mind sharing them so some !!SCIENCE!! can be done on why this happened.

I see what you mean. I just saw,  I checked on the wrong dwarf... The other macedwarf militia captain. The real one totally just died of dehydration. My bad.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New release !!SCIENCE!!
« Reply #162 on: December 14, 2017, 12:53:36 pm »

The tanner claimed a leatherwork, then continued to get leater, a rock, 2 blocks, a rock and now just continues to get a plant cloth and a wool cloth. He's got over 30 each at this time and seems content to continue getting more.

If the workshop is in a hospital zone, you should try removing the zone.

No zones, nothing else.

Sounds like a new bug, then. You could upload your save to DFFD and create an issue on the bugtracker if you're feeling helpful.

Quick update:
Since the leatherworks in question is in an unfinished area of the fortress and will need to be removed soon AND he was blocking other artifacts from being created, I decided after a year to cut of his supply and sacrifice him.
I didn't see the message of him being struck by melancholy.
The surprising news: He's made a complete recovery. Only thing is, that he's unhappy with not having been able to practice crafts, wander, acquire something and so on. In other words: Failing to create an artifact doesn't lead to certain death anymore.
strange, failing to complete a strange mood will always lead to insanity because it maxes out the dwarf's stress and will never lower it. this is a glitch causing a glitch. if you have any saves before and after, do you mind sharing them so some !!SCIENCE!! can be done on why this happened.

I see what you mean. I just saw,  I checked on the wrong dwarf... The other macedwarf militia captain. The real one totally just died of dehydration. My bad.
you're fine, it was a simple mistake.
Someone hands you a basketful of Jeses.
Cheerful with a side of wink wink nudge nudge I bet this guy's spine would look great mounted on my wall.
You ever get so mad you fuck a donkey?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: New release !!SCIENCE!!
« Reply #163 on: December 14, 2017, 03:21:25 pm »

Player: "Someone made a healthy recovery and is living a normal life!"
Player: "Actually he just died in one of the most agonizing ways known to man"
Community: "Oh, whatever then. Throw him in with the others"

Man, this place is wack yo.
Īlul Thuveg-Ellest
Rete Sano-Pima
Tormuk Dul-Orax
Kar Pum-Sisha


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Re: New release !!SCIENCE!!
« Reply #164 on: December 14, 2017, 03:22:34 pm »

Player: "Someone made a healthy recovery and is living a normal life!"
Player: "Actually he just died in one of the most agonizing ways known to man"
Community: "Oh, whatever then. Throw him in with the others"

Man, this place is wack yo.
welcome to dwarf fortress, enjoy your stay
Someone hands you a basketful of Jeses.
Cheerful with a side of wink wink nudge nudge I bet this guy's spine would look great mounted on my wall.
You ever get so mad you fuck a donkey?
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