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Author Topic: [47.05] Lands of Duality - A Good/Evil Biome Revamp  (Read 57779 times)


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Re: [44.10] Lands of Duality - A Good/Evil Biome Revamp [WIP]
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2018, 08:47:07 am »

mmmm this looks like just what the doctor ordered. Im super hyped. Good and Evil biomes needed so much more stuff. Unicorns and feather trees just arent enough to make it distinctive.
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Re: [44.10] Lands of Duality - A Good/Evil Biome Revamp [WIP]
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2018, 05:17:40 pm »

Update - fixed some of the bugs with existing creatures, plus I've added three new creature sets, for the rocky wastelands, sandy deserts and badlands.

Rocky wastelands, or the "Charred Land", are mostly inhabited by warped, frenzied elementals, as well as the corrupted, savage remnants of two races that once lived in the area - the Flammorians, stone-skinned fire worshippers, and the Aerusians, bird-like wind worshippers.
Both fought together against the forces of the Torch Princes, but were eventually conquered from the inside as their high priests and allied elementals were driven insane by more cunning demons, and unleashed a whirlwind of flame that scorched the land and destroyed their kingdoms. The otherworldly invaders responsible for their state, as well as the wasteland being charred, now roam the desert, and mutate the local wildlife into violent, demonic hybrids.

Sandy deserts, the "Ravaged Wastes", are the home of four tribal races that once lived at peace - the Barbusians, Scorpus, Serpensians and Varanians.
Manipulated into warring with each other by demonic agents, they have degenerated into little more than roving, violent bands. The Pestilent Barons and their Blightdevil servants still remain within the area, siphoning it of magical energies.

Badlands, the "Chaotic Wasteland", are permeated by the essence of a powerful eldritch being, that, to put it in human terms, is in a vegetative state. It once helped a power-hungry warlord on his campaigns, binding its essence to him and granting incredible power. The aging conqueror eventually began feeling remorse for his past actions, and, perhaps seeking some form of redemption, plunged a dagger within his own heart. As he was still bound to the unnatural being, the act also harmed its soul.
The resulting expulsion of incomprehensible forces warped the entire area, mutating many of its inhabitants, both wildlife and those civilized - those that were not altered soon found they could not escape the wasteland - no matter how far they'd venture, they'd always come across the same landmarks and areas - they'd eventually lose all traces of sanity as the realization that they were doomed to wander forever set in.
The worst threats are by far those whose lives were full of certain strong emotions; their minds are now utterly consumed by them, and their mutations are also seemingly guided by the same feelings, making their forms even more abhorrent, and their abilities even more dangerous.
Some of the other beings that appear in the wastes are seemingly the spawn of the elder beings damaged mind - their forms a freakish jumble of various parts seamlessly merged together.
The otherworldly, eldritch stewards, responsible for the corruption of the swamps and marshes, have sent surveyors into the area to fully assess its state - called the Timelost, they are long-limbed, gangly yet nimble beings that are loosely connected to time itself - even possessing the power to slow or hasten its flow, or regenerate their own injuries by "rewinding" their physical bodies.

That's it for now - the next update will come out once I'm done with the next creature set, which is gonna include tundra, taiga and glacier creatures. In the meantime I'll also post albums showcasing the shared good biome creatures.


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Re: [44.10] Lands of Duality - A Good/Evil Biome Revamp [WIP]
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2018, 05:37:38 pm »

Dis gon' be good when it's finished.


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Re: [44.10] Lands of Duality - A Good/Evil Biome Revamp [WIP]
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2018, 06:57:24 am »

I've finished the albums showcasing the shared good biome creatures, split into categories for the angelic beings, as well as the servants of nature. Aside from showcasing their abilities and what they do, it also includes some "lore" to make sense of everything.
Some of the descriptions reflect changes I've done to them recently - they'll be included in the next update, once I'm finished with the evil taiga creatures.


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Re: [44.10] Lands of Duality - A Good/Evil Biome Revamp [WIP]
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2018, 03:33:35 pm »

Alright, I'm done with three more creature sets, this time for the arctic regions - glaciers, tundras and taigas. Also updated the previous creatures with some minor fixes and changes - many of the playable races didn't have the "slinger" names for blowgun usage (for compatibility with my other packs) and some of the semi-sapient beings now have pet tokens, so races with access to good/evil animals should use them more often.

I've also added a vermin type to the evil jungles - called Hell Mosquitos. Might want to have cats or other vermin hunters around - when they bite a dwarf, they can cause swelling, a fever, or blood-coughing - there is, however, a low (10% - can be resisted as well) chance the bite will inflict vampirism upon the dwarf, for 2 in-game weeks.

The glaciers, the "End of the World", were a font of great magical power - the eldritch stewards, seeking to harness it, unintentionally opened a rift to the space between worlds. The very sky of the area has become completely black - while the light of the sun and the moon still grant visibility, neither are visible at any time of the day as long as one remains within the glacier.
To make matters worse, the entropic beings of the rift now freely wander, siphoning the magical energies of the glacier and attacking any living beings to drain their life force. Appearing as living shadows, lacking depth no matter which direction they're perceived from, they are completely mindless in their assaults.
The stewards and the animals from their home dimension themselves still remain, trying to fix the chaos they've wrought - ignored by the beings of the rift, they nonetheless drive out any intruders who would interrupt them in their rituals.
The otherworldly energies of the area have a strange effect on the bodies of the dead, mutating them into horrid abominations that attack any living beings they see.

The tundras, the "Cold Death", have been corrupted by otherworldly, undead beings. Even before their corruption, these lands were completely inhospitable - many wanderers would often freeze in the snow, or get torn apart by wild beasts. Now, their frostbitten corpses wander the land, possessed by malicious, vengeful spirits. More powerful wraiths are even capable of mutating the bodies of their hosts, to better serve as weapons against the living.
Some of the eldritch stewards wander the area, surveying the extent of the damage done by the otherworldly undead, their mortal foes - they often prefer to avoid other beings, but will nonetheless attempt to kill any who witness their presence.
The local animals are similarly affected - many are horribly diseased, often rotting alive, yet not dying from their infections. While they do not mindlessly attack the living, they are nonetheless a danger to any who would settle here.
Some of the undead plantlife brought over by the Timeless Corruptors from their homeworld has also began to spread, parasitizing various mutilated bodies and using them for sustenance - the plants themselves often ambush unwary travellers, hiding within the bodies until their prey draws close.

The taigas, the "Frozen Woods", are a relatively untainted area - they are, however, inhabited by many vicious beings that do not take kindly to any outsiders - the tribal Lupusians, the powerful yet grotesque Icebound Colossi, the tree-like Frozen Watchers, the malicious Coldheart Nymphs and the cruel Bleak Faeries.
The eldritch stewards have sent emissaries to the area, warning the inhabitants of the undead threat and proposing an alliance - they now work together in fighting not only against any undead invaders, but also any outsiders who would settle the taiga.
The wildlife itself, while untainted, is incredibly vicious and foul-tempered. Any travellers would be wise to give the fauna a wide berth - in particular the elephant-like Ice Tusks, who are known for charging with little or no provocation.

That's it for now - a lot of the creatures I added to this set have sounds that they make, atleast in adventure mode - should make exploring those areas a lot more atmospheric.
The next update might take a bit longer - it's gonna finish off the evil sets. In total, I have four more proper biome sets (temperate forest, mountain, savannas, hills) and then the water bodies which have smaller creature lists (river/pool, lake, ocean), then lastly the shared evil biome creatures. That update should also have the weather types plus plants for evil biomes - the very last update after that should just be me slightly expanding the selection of shared good biome creatures, plus adding some vermin and plants for both good/evil biomes.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2018, 03:49:49 pm by ZM5 »


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Re: [44.10] Lands of Duality - A Good/Evil Biome Revamp [WIP]
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2018, 04:58:18 pm »

As this mod gets closer and closer to completion, I can only say this.



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Re: [44.10] Lands of Duality - A Good/Evil Biome Revamp [WIP]
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2018, 06:43:24 am »

Releasing a quick hotfix - there was apparently a duplicate body plan I didn't notice (thanks to squamous for reporting it) that could have caused crashes - so that's gone now. No new creatures, though I'm done with temperate forest ones - doing mountains now.

Eric Blank

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Re: [44.10] Lands of Duality - A Good/Evil Biome Revamp [WIP]
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2018, 05:36:16 pm »

First of all, i hope youre proud of the huge red penis your girlfriend put right in the middle of your thread banner for you. :v

And the mod looks like loads of fun to mess with. Gotta explore all of it of course.
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Re: [44.10] Lands of Duality - A Good/Evil Biome Revamp [WIP]
« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2018, 05:55:10 pm »

We both wondered if maybe it looked a bit too phallic but, eh, decided to go with it anyway. Technically its supposed to be spires of ice mixed with frostbitten flesh - not in-game yet though, but should be fairly soonish (and by that probably sometime next week) - finished savanna creatures today, so I only have the hill, ocean, lake and shared ones left to do, after which I'll focus on the plants.


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Re: [44.10] Lands of Duality - A Good/Evil Biome Revamp [WIP]
« Reply #25 on: June 16, 2018, 01:11:15 pm »

All of this sounds great, I really love all that flavour you are putting in it. By the way, just wanted to ask if this mod will be incorporated in main pack upon it's release. Or, at least, will there be a possibility to merge them?


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Re: [44.10] Lands of Duality - A Good/Evil Biome Revamp [WIP]
« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2018, 02:51:05 pm »

Nah, this one is going to be a separate pack from the main one. Though, I may do a release that has the cave pack plus the races/creatures I've made for my main pack that aren't crossover stuff merged with this, since they're all supposed to be part of the same setting.


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Re: [44.10] Lands of Duality - A Good/Evil Biome Revamp
« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2018, 12:46:50 pm »

Major update - added the remaining evil biome creatures, completed the set of evil plants, and also added a few new good biome plants and creatures - with this, the pack is pretty much finished.

I've also took pics of all the creature descriptions - while I haven't been able to write proper lore stuff for them, as well as gameplay functions, you should be able to tell from the descriptions what they are capable of doing.

Hope you guys enjoy the mod in its completed state - I've had fun making it, even if it was really time-consuming!

I'm going to take a bit of a break from modding for now, then I'm gonna update the Halloween pack - hopefully I'll be able to get some work on it done in the next two weeks. I don't know if I'll get a release out by then, as I'll be off for vacation for a bit after that. Once that's done, I was thinking of working on an Ars Goetia demon pack.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2018, 12:52:53 pm by ZM5 »


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Re: [44.10] Lands of Duality - A Good/Evil Biome Revamp
« Reply #28 on: June 23, 2018, 03:25:11 pm »

Hahahaha, of course 44.11 has to come out so soon after I release this update. Updated the main packs to 44.11 - nothing else besides that.
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